<p><b>mpetersen@lanl.gov</b> 2012-10-17 11:34:51 -0600 (Wed, 17 Oct 2012)</p><p>branch commit, partial_bottom_cells: Change namelist variables so that sigma coordinates may be used.<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/ocean_projects/partial_bottom_cells/namelist.input.ocean
--- branches/ocean_projects/partial_bottom_cells/namelist.input.ocean        2012-10-17 14:57:04 UTC (rev 2216)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/partial_bottom_cells/namelist.input.ocean        2012-10-17 17:34:51 UTC (rev 2217)
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@
config_rho0 = 1014.65
- config_alter_ICs_for_pbc = .false.
+ config_alter_ICs_for_pbcs = 'no'
config_min_pbc_fraction = 0.10
+ config_check_zlevel_consistency = .false.
config_n_ts_iter = 2
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/partial_bottom_cells/src/core_ocean/Registry
--- branches/ocean_projects/partial_bottom_cells/src/core_ocean/Registry        2012-10-17 14:57:04 UTC (rev 2216)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/partial_bottom_cells/src/core_ocean/Registry        2012-10-17 17:34:51 UTC (rev 2217)
@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@
namelist character grid config_pressure_type pressure
namelist real grid config_rho0 1028
namelist logical grid config_enforce_zstar_at_restart false
-namelist logical partial_bottom_cells config_alter_ICs_for_pbc false
+namelist character partial_bottom_cells config_alter_ICs_for_pbcs no
namelist real partial_bottom_cells config_min_pbc_fraction 0.10
+namelist logical partial_bottom_cells config_check_zlevel_consistency true
namelist integer split_explicit_ts config_n_ts_iter 2
namelist integer split_explicit_ts config_n_bcl_iter_beg 2
namelist integer split_explicit_ts config_n_bcl_iter_mid 2
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/partial_bottom_cells/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_mpas_core.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/partial_bottom_cells/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_mpas_core.F        2012-10-17 14:57:04 UTC (rev 2216)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/partial_bottom_cells/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_mpas_core.F        2012-10-17 17:34:51 UTC (rev 2217)
@@ -540,6 +540,7 @@
implicit none
type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+ type (dm_info) :: dminfo
integer :: i, iCell, iEdge, iVertex, k, nCells, num_tracers
type (block_type), pointer :: block
@@ -615,14 +616,18 @@
! Initial condition files (ocean.nc, produced by basin) include a realistic
! bottomDepth variable and h,T,S variables for full thickness cells.
- ! If running with pbcs, set config_alter_ICs_for_pbc=.true. Then thin pbc cells
+ ! If running with pbcs, set config_alter_ICs_for_pbc='zlevel_pbcs_on'. Then thin pbc cells
! will be changed, and h,T,S will be altered to match the pbcs.
- ! If running without pbcs, set config_alter_ICs_for_pbc=.false. Then
+ ! If running without pbcs, set config_alter_ICs_for_pbc='zlevel_pbcs_off'. Then
! bottomDepth will be altered so it is full cells everywhere.
! If your input file does not include bottomDepth, the false option will
! initialize bottomDepth correctly for a non-pbc run.
- if (config_alter_ICs_for_pbc.and..not.config_do_restart) then
+ if (.not.config_do_restart) then
+ if (config_alter_ICs_for_pbcs.eq.'zlevel_pbcs_on') then
write (0,'(a)') ' Altering bottomDepth to avoid very thin cells.'
write (0,'(a)') ' Altering h and tracer initial conditions to conform with partial bottom cells.'
@@ -643,10 +648,6 @@
do iCell=1,nCells
k = maxLevelCell(iCell)
-! original. delete soon. This version always rounds down.
-! ! For pbcs, bottom depth must be altered to prevent very thin cells.
-! bottomDepth(iCell) = max(bottomDepth(iCell),minBottomDepth(k))
if (bottomDepth(iCell).lt.minBottomDepthMid(k)) then
! Round up to cell above
maxLevelCell(iCell) = maxLevelCell(iCell) - 1
@@ -674,25 +675,27 @@
- elseif (.not.config_alter_ICs_for_pbc.and..not.config_do_restart) then
+ elseif (config_alter_ICs_for_pbcs.eq.'zlevel_pbcs_off') then
do iCell = 1,nCells
bottomDepth(iCell) = refBottomDepth(maxLevelCell(iCell))
+ elseif (config_alter_ICs_for_pbcs.eq.'no') then
+ ! No action taken. This is for isopycnal or sigma coordinates,
+ ! or if ICs were already altered upon start-up.
+ else
+ write (0,*) ' Incorrect choice of config_alter_ICs_for_pbcs.'
+ call mpas_dmpar_abort(dminfo)
+ endif
- if (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'zlevel'.or. &
- config_vert_grid_type.eq.'zstar'.or. &
- config_vert_grid_type.eq.'zstarweights') then
+ if (config_check_zlevel_consistency) then
do iCell = 1,nCells
- ! mrp, for debugging.
- !write (0,'(a,2i5,10f10.3)') ' iCell, maxLevelCell, bdepth, refb, reft, sumh-bottomDepth: ', &
- ! iCell, maxLevelCell(iCell), bottomDepth(iCell), &
- ! refBottomDepth(maxLevelCell(iCell)), refBottomDepthTopOfCell(maxLevelCell(iCell)), &
- ! sum(h(1:maxLevelCell(iCell),iCell))-bottomDepth(iCell)
! Check if abs(ssh)>2m. If so, print warning.
if (abs(sum(h(1:maxLevelCell(iCell),iCell))-bottomDepth(iCell))>2.0) then
write (0,*) ' Warning: abs(sum(h)-bottomDepth)>2m. Most likely, initial h does not match bottomDepth.'
@@ -701,7 +704,7 @@
hZLevel(maxLevelCell(iCell)), h(maxLevelCell(iCell),iCell)
- ! Check that bottomDepth and maxLevelCell match forSome older grids do not have the bottomDepth variable.
+ ! Check that bottomDepth and maxLevelCell match. Some older grids do not have the bottomDepth variable.
if (bottomDepth(iCell) > refBottomDepth(maxLevelCell(iCell)).or. &
bottomDepth(iCell) < refBottomDepthTopOfCell(maxLevelCell(iCell))) then
write (0,'(a)') ' fatal error: bottomDepth and maxLevelCell do not match:'
@@ -709,7 +712,7 @@
iCell, maxLevelCell(iCell), bottomDepth(iCell)
write (0,'(a,10f10.2)') ' refBottomDepth(maxLevelCell(iCell)), refBottomDepthTopOfCell(maxLevelCell(iCell)): ', &
refBottomDepth(maxLevelCell(iCell)), refBottomDepthTopOfCell(maxLevelCell(iCell))
- call mpas_dmpar_finalize(domain % dminfo)
+ call mpas_dmpar_abort(dminfo)