module mpas_timer use mpas_kind_types use mpas_grid_types implicit none save #ifdef _PAPI include 'f90papi.h' #endif type timer_node character (len=StrKIND) :: timer_name logical :: running, printable integer :: levels, calls real (kind=RKIND) :: start_time, end_time, total_time real (kind=RKIND) :: max_time, min_time, avg_time real (kind=RKIND) :: efficiency type (timer_node), pointer :: next end type timer_node type (timer_node), pointer :: all_timers integer :: levels, synced type (dm_info), pointer :: domain_info public :: mpas_timer_start, & mpas_timer_stop, & mpas_timer_write, & mpas_timer_init contains subroutine mpas_timer_start(timer_name, clear_timer, timer_ptr)!{{{ # ifdef _MPI use mpi # endif character (len=*), intent (in) :: timer_name !< Input: name of timer, stored as name of timer logical, optional, intent(in) :: clear_timer !< Input: flag to clear timer type (timer_node), optional, pointer :: timer_ptr !< Output: pointer to store timer in module logical :: timer_added, timer_found, string_equal, check_flag type (timer_node), pointer :: current, temp integer :: clock, hz, usecs #ifdef MPAS_TAU call tau_start(timer_name) #endif timer_added = .false. timer_found = .false. if(.not.associated(all_timers)) then timer_added = .true. allocate(all_timers) allocate(all_timers%next) levels = 0 all_timers%timer_name = '' current => all_timers%next nullify(current%next) else current => all_timers%next timer_search: do while ((.not.timer_found) .and. associated(current)) string_equal = (trim(current%timer_name) == trim(timer_name)) if(string_equal) then timer_found = .true. else current => current%next endif end do timer_search endif if(present(timer_ptr)) then timer_found = .true. if(.not.associated(timer_ptr)) then current => all_timers find_end_ptr: do while((.not.timer_added) .and. (associated(current%next))) current => current%next end do find_end_ptr allocate(timer_ptr) current%next => timer_ptr current => timer_ptr nullify(timer_ptr%next) current%levels = levels current%timer_name = timer_name current%running = .false. current%total_time = 0.0 current%max_time = 0.0 current%min_time = 100000000.0 current%avg_time = 0.0 current%calls = 0 current%efficiency = 0.0 else current => timer_ptr endif endif if(.not.timer_found) then current => all_timers find_end: do while((.not.timer_added) .and. (associated(current%next))) current => current%next end do find_end allocate(current%next) current => current%next nullify(current%next) timer_added = .true. endif if(timer_added .and. (.not.timer_found)) then current%levels = levels current%timer_name = timer_name current%running = .false. current%total_time = 0.0 current%max_time = 0.0 current%min_time = 100000000.0 current%avg_time = 0.0 current%calls = 0 current%efficiency = 0.0 endif if((timer_added .or. timer_found) .and. (.not.current%running)) then current%running = .true. levels = levels + 1 #ifdef _PAPI call PAPIF_get_real_usec(usecs, check_flag) current%start_time = usecs/1.0e6 #elif _MPI current%start_time = MPI_Wtime() #else call system_clock (count=clock) call system_clock (count_rate=hz) current%start_time = real(clock,kind=RKIND)/real(hz,kind=RKIND) #endif endif if(present(clear_timer)) then if(clear_timer) then current%start_time = 0.0 current%end_time = 0.0 current%total_time = 0.0 current%max_time = 0.0 current%min_time = 0.0 current%avg_time = 0.0 current%calls = 0 current%running = .false. endif endif if(present(timer_ptr)) then timer_ptr => current endif end subroutine mpas_timer_start!}}} subroutine mpas_timer_stop(timer_name, timer_ptr)!{{{ # ifdef _MPI use mpi # endif character (len=*), intent(in) :: timer_name !< Input: name of timer to stop type (timer_node), pointer, optional :: timer_ptr !< Input: pointer to timer, for stopping type (timer_node), pointer :: current real (kind=RKIND) :: time_temp logical :: timer_found, string_equal, check_flag integer :: clock, hz, usecs #ifdef MPAS_TAU call tau_stop(timer_name) #endif timer_found = .false. if(present(timer_ptr)) then timer_found = .true. current => timer_ptr endif if(.not.associated(all_timers)) then print *,' timer_stop :: timer_stop called with no timers initialized' else if(.not. timer_found) then current => all_timers timer_find: do while(.not.timer_found .and. associated(current)) string_equal = (trim(current%timer_name) == trim(timer_name)) if(string_equal) then timer_found = .true. else current => current%next endif end do timer_find endif if(.not.timer_found) then print *,' timer_stop :: timer_stop called with timer_name =', timer_name,' when timer has not been started.' stop endif if(current%running) then current%running = .false. levels = levels - 1 #ifdef _PAPI call PAPIF_get_real_usec(usecs, check_flag) current%end_time = usecs/1.0e6 #elif _MPI current%end_time = MPI_Wtime() #else call system_clock(count=clock) call system_clock(count_rate=hz) current%end_time = real(clock,kind=RKIND)/real(hz,kind=RKIND) #endif time_temp = current%end_time - current%start_time current%total_time = current%total_time + time_temp if(time_temp > current%max_time) then current%max_time = time_temp endif if(time_temp < current%min_time) then current%min_time = time_temp endif current%avg_time = current%avg_time + time_temp current%calls = current%calls + 1 endif end subroutine mpas_timer_stop!}}} recursive subroutine mpas_timer_write(timer_ptr, total_ptr)!{{{ type (timer_node), pointer, optional :: timer_ptr type (timer_node), pointer, optional :: total_ptr character (len=StrKIND) :: tname logical :: total_found, string_equals type (timer_node), pointer :: current, total real (kind=RKIND) :: percent integer :: i total_found = .false. if(associated(domain_info) .and. synced == 0) then call mpas_timer_sync() endif if(present(timer_ptr) .and. (.not.present(total_ptr))) then print *,'timer_write :: timer_ptr valid, but total_ptr is not assigned.' stop else if(present(timer_ptr)) then tname = '' do i=0,timer_ptr%levels+2 tname = tname//' ' end do if(timer_ptr%total_time == 0.0d0) then timer_ptr%min_time = 0.0d0 timer_ptr%max_time = 0.0d0 timer_ptr%avg_time = 0.0d0 percent = 0.0d0 else timer_ptr%avg_time = timer_ptr%avg_time/timer_ptr%calls percent = timer_ptr%total_time/total_ptr%total_time endif write(*,'(i2, 1x, a35, f15.5, i10, 3f15.5, 2f8.2)') timer_ptr%levels, tname(1:timer_ptr%levels)//timer_ptr%timer_name, timer_ptr%total_time, timer_ptr%calls, timer_ptr%min_time, timer_ptr%max_time, timer_ptr%avg_time, percent, timer_ptr%efficiency return endif total => all_timers find_total: do while((.not.total_found) .and. associated(total)) string_equals = (trim(total%timer_name) == trim("total time")) if(string_equals) then total_found = .true. else total => total%next endif end do find_total if(.not.total_found) then print *,' timer_write :: no timer named "total time" found.' stop end if write(*,'(3x, a10, 24x, a15, a10, a13, a15, a15, a12, a12)') 'timer_name', 'total', 'calls', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'percent', 'efficiency' write(*,'(i2, 1x, a35, f15.5, i10, 3f15.5)') total%levels, total%timer_name, total%total_time, total%calls, total%min_time, total%max_time, total%avg_time current => all_timers print_timers: do while(associated(current)) string_equals = (trim(current%timer_name) == trim("total time")) string_equals = string_equals .or. (trim(current%timer_name) == trim(" ")) if(.not.string_equals) then call mpas_timer_write(current, total) current => current%next else current => current%next endif end do print_timers end subroutine mpas_timer_write!}}} subroutine mpas_timer_init(domain)!{{{ type (domain_type), intent(in), optional :: domain if( present(domain) ) then domain_info => domain % dminfo endif synced = 0 end subroutine mpas_timer_init!}}} subroutine mpas_timer_sync()!{{{ use mpas_dmpar type (timer_node), pointer :: current real (kind=RKIND) :: all_total_time, all_max_time, all_min_time, all_ave_time current => all_timers sync_timers: do while(associated(current)) all_total_time = 0.0 all_ave_time = 0.0 all_max_time = 0.0 all_min_time = 0.0 call mpas_dmpar_max_real(domain_info, current % total_time, all_total_time) call mpas_dmpar_sum_real(domain_info, current % total_time, all_ave_time) all_ave_time = all_ave_time / domain_info % nprocs current % total_time = all_total_time #ifdef _MPI current % efficiency = all_ave_time / all_total_time #else current % efficiency = 1.0 #endif current % avg_time = current % total_time / current % calls call mpas_dmpar_max_real(domain_info, current % max_time, all_max_time) current % max_time = all_max_time call mpas_dmpar_min_real(domain_info, current % min_time, all_min_time) current % min_time = all_min_time current => current % next end do sync_timers synced = 1 end subroutine mpas_timer_sync!}}} end module mpas_timer ! vim: foldmethod=marker et ts=2