<p><b>fanglin.yang@noaa.gov</b> 2012-05-11 15:47:11 -0600 (Fri, 11 May 2012)</p><p>add input_list.txt<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/Makefile.jet
--- branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/Makefile.jet        2012-05-11 21:26:05 UTC (rev 1901)
+++ branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/Makefile.jet        2012-05-11 21:47:11 UTC (rev 1902)
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
- FINCS = -I /scratch2/portfolios/NCEPDEV/global/save/Shrinivas.Moorthi/para/lib/incmod/esmf_3_1_0rp2
- FINCM = -I /scratch2/portfolios/NCEPDEV/global/save/Shrinivas.Moorthi/para/lib/nwprod/incmod/w3lib-2.0_d
+# FINCS = -I /scratch2/portfolios/NCEPDEV/global/save/Shrinivas.Moorthi/para/lib/incmod/esmf_3_1_0rp2
+# FINCM = -I /scratch2/portfolios/NCEPDEV/global/save/Shrinivas.Moorthi/para/lib/nwprod/incmod/w3lib-2.0_d
Added: branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/input_list.txt
--- branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/input_list.txt         (rev 0)
+++ branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/input_list.txt        2012-05-11 21:47:11 UTC (rev 1902)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+1. surface variables
+name layers description
+tsea 1 skin temperature (K)
+smc 4 soil volumetric water content,(fraction)
+sheleg 1 water equivalent snow depth (mm)
+stc 4 soil temperature (K)
+tg3 1 deep soil temperature (K)
+zorl 1 roughness (cm)
+cv 1 convective cloud cover (fraction, 0-1)
+cvb 1 convective cloud bottom (kPa)
+cvt 1 convective cloud top (kPa)
+alvsf 1 albedo for visible scattered shortwave radiation (0-1)
+alvwf 1 albedo for visible direct beam shortwave radiation (0-1)
+alnsf 1 albedo for near-IR scattered shortwave radiation (0-1)
+alnwf 1 albedo for near-IR beam shortwave radiation (0-1)
+slmsk 1 sea-land-ice mask (0-sea, 1-land, 2-ice)
+vfrac 1 vegetation fraction (0-1)
+canopy 1 canopy water (m)
+f10m 1 stability-related coefficients used for obtaining 10-m winds
+vtype 1 vegetation type (integer 1-13)
+stype 1 soil type (integer 1-9)
+facsf 1 fractional coverage with strong cosz dependen
+facwf 1 fractional coverage with weak cosz dependency
+uustar 1 boundary layer sqrt(CM)*U, U is wind speed at 1st layer
+ffmm 1 stability parameter in PBL for momentum
+ffhh 1 stability parameter in PBL for heat
+hice 1 sea ice thickness (m)
+fice 1 sea ice fraction (0-1)
+tprcp 1 total precipitation (kg/m/s)
+srflag 1 snow/rain flag
+snwdph 1 actual snow depth (mm) over land/sea ice
+slc 4 liquid content soil moisture
+shdmin 1 min fractional coverage of green veg
+shdmax 1 max fractional coverage of green veg
+slope 1 surface slope type for land-surface model
+snoalb 1 max snow albedo over land (for deep snow)
+orog 1 orography (m)
+t2m 1 t2m (K)
+q2m 1 q2m (kg/kg)
+tisfc 1 ice temperature (K)
+1. atmospheric variables
+name layers description
+pi levs model interface level pressure in pasca
+pl levs model integer layer pressure in pasca
+u levs model layer zonal wind m/s
+v levs model layer meridional wind m/s
+w levs model layer vertical velocity in pasca/sec
+t levs model layer temperature in K
+q levs model layer specific humidity in gm/gm, ntrace=1
+tr levs model layer tracer (ozne and cloud water) mass mixing ratio
Modified: branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/makefile.sh_ibm
--- branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/makefile.sh_ibm        2012-05-11 21:26:05 UTC (rev 1901)
+++ branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/makefile.sh_ibm        2012-05-11 21:47:11 UTC (rev 1902)
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
cd $make_dir || exit 99
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 8
+ cp $sorc_dir/* .
+ cp $sorc_gfs/* .
rm $make_dir/*.o
rm $make_dir/*.mod
- cp $sorc_dir/*.f .
- cp $sorc_gfs/*.f .
export EXEC="$exec_dir/global_fcst"
Modified: branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/makefile.sh_jet
--- branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/makefile.sh_jet        2012-05-11 21:26:05 UTC (rev 1901)
+++ branches/atmos_physics_gfs/src/core_atmos_physics_gfs/makefile.sh_jet        2012-05-11 21:47:11 UTC (rev 1902)
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
cd $make_dir || exit 99
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 8
+ cp -p $sorc_dir/* .
+ cp -p $sorc_gfs/* .
rm $make_dir/*.o
rm $make_dir/*.mod
- cp $sorc_dir/*.f .
- cp $sorc_gfs/*.f .
export EXEC="$exec_dir/global_fcst"