<p><b>laura@ucar.edu</b> 2012-02-29 12:33:08 -0700 (Wed, 29 Feb 2012)</p><p>added the call to physics_update (that call was moved from mpas_atm_mpas_core.F). made corrections to the call to driver_radiation_lw in order to save the CAM arrays abstot,absnxt, and emstot to restarts. modified mpas_atmphys_driver_radiation_lw accordingly<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/atmos_physics/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_driver.F
--- branches/atmos_physics/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_driver.F        2012-02-29 19:28:22 UTC (rev 1551)
+++ branches/atmos_physics/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_driver.F        2012-02-29 19:33:08 UTC (rev 1552)
@@ -80,16 +80,17 @@
!call to long wave radiation scheme:
if(l_radtlw) then
call allocate_radiation_lw(xtime_s)
- call driver_radiation_lw(itimestep,block%mesh,block%state%time_levs(1)%state, &
- block%diag_physics,block%sfc_input,block%tend_physics, &
- xtime_s)
+ call driver_radiation_lw(xtime_s,block%mesh,block%state%time_levs(1)%state, &
+ block%diag_physics,block%sfc_input,block%tend_physics)
+ if(l_camlw .and. config_radt_lw_scheme .eq. 'cam_lw') &
+ call radiation_camlw_to_MPAS(block%diag_physics)
!deallocate all radiation arrays:
if(config_radt_sw_scheme.ne.'off' .or. config_radt_lw_scheme.ne.'off') &
call deallocate_cloudiness
if(config_radt_sw_scheme.ne.'off') call deallocate_radiation_sw
- if(config_radt_lw_scheme.ne.'off') call deallocate_radiation_lw(xtime_s)
+ if(config_radt_lw_scheme.ne.'off') call deallocate_radiation_lw
!call to surface-layer scheme:
if(config_sfclayer_scheme .ne. 'off') then
@@ -118,6 +119,9 @@
call driver_convection_deep(itimestep,block%mesh,block%sfc_input,block%diag_physics, &
call deallocate_convection_deep
+ !update diagnostics:
+ call update_convection_deep(config_bucket_rainc,block%mesh,block%diag_physics)
!deallocate arrays shared by all physics parameterizations:
Modified: branches/atmos_physics/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_driver_radiation_lw.F
--- branches/atmos_physics/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_driver_radiation_lw.F        2012-02-29 19:28:22 UTC (rev 1551)
+++ branches/atmos_physics/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_driver_radiation_lw.F        2012-02-29 19:33:08 UTC (rev 1552)
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
public:: allocate_radiation_lw, &
deallocate_radiation_lw, &
driver_radiation_lw, &
- init_radiation_lw
+ init_radiation_lw, &
+ radiation_camlw_to_MPAS
integer,private:: i,j,k,n
@@ -101,17 +102,11 @@
!allocate these arrays on the first time step, only:
if(xtime_s .lt. 1.e-12) then
- write(0,*)
- write(0,*) '--- end subroutine allocate_radiation_lw:'
- write(0,*) '--- allocate emstot_p,abstot_p,absnxt_p'
if(.not.allocated(emstot_p) ) allocate(emstot_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
if(.not.allocated(abstot_p) ) &
allocate(abstot_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,cam_abs_dim2,jms:jme) )
if(.not.allocated(absnxt_p) ) &
allocate(absnxt_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,cam_abs_dim1,jms:jme) )
case default
@@ -121,14 +116,9 @@
end subroutine allocate_radiation_lw
- subroutine deallocate_radiation_lw(xtime_s)
+ subroutine deallocate_radiation_lw
-!input arguments:
- real(kind=RKIND),intent(in):: xtime_s
if(allocated(f_ice) ) deallocate(f_ice )
if(allocated(f_rain) ) deallocate(f_rain )
if(allocated(sfc_emiss_p) ) deallocate(sfc_emiss_p )
@@ -196,7 +186,7 @@
end subroutine deallocate_radiation_lw
- subroutine radiation_lw_from_MPAS(mesh,state,diag_physics,sfc_input,xtime_s)
+ subroutine radiation_lw_from_MPAS(xtime_s,mesh,state,diag_physics,sfc_input)
!input arguments:
@@ -301,30 +291,30 @@
+ !On the first time-step of each model run, the local arrays absnxt_p, absnst_p,
+ !and emstot_p are filled with the MPAS arrays abstot, absnxt, and emstot. If it
+ !is a new run, these three arrays will be initialized to zero;If a restart run,
+ !these three arrays will be filled with the restart values.
call mpas_timer_start("CAM lw: fill arrays for infrared absorption")
if(xtime_s .lt. 1.e-12) then
- write(0,*)
- write(0,*) '--- radiation_lw_from_MPAS:'
- write(0,*) '--- initialize emstot_p,abstot_p,absnxt_p'
- !infrared absorption:
do j = jts,jte
do n = 1,cam_abs_dim1
do k = kts,kte
do i = its,ite
- absnxt_p(i,k,n,j) = 0.
+ absnxt_p(i,k,n,j) = diag_physics % absnxt % array(k,n,i)
do n = 1,cam_abs_dim2
do k = kts,kte+1
do i = its,ite
- abstot_p(i,k,n,j) = 0.
+ abstot_p(i,k,n,j) = diag_physics % abstot % array(k,n,i)
do k = kts,kte+1
do i = its,ite
- emstot_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ emstot_p(i,k,j) = diag_physics % emstot % array(k,i)
@@ -377,40 +367,29 @@
end subroutine radiation_lw_from_MPAS
- subroutine radiation_lw_to_MPAS(diag_physics,tend_physics,xtime_s)
+ subroutine radiation_lw_to_MPAS(diag_physics,tend_physics)
!input arguments:
type(diag_physics_type),intent(inout):: diag_physics
type(tend_physics_type),intent(inout):: tend_physics
- real(kind=RKIND),intent(in):: xtime_s
do j = jts,jte
do i = its,ite
- diag_physics % glw % array(i) = glw_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % lwcf % array(i) = lwcf_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % lwdnb % array(i) = lwdnb_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % lwdnbc % array(i) = lwdnbc_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % lwdnt % array(i) = lwdnt_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % lwdntc % array(i) = lwdntc_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % lwupb % array(i) = lwupb_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % lwupbc % array(i) = lwupbc_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % lwupt % array(i) = lwupt_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % lwuptc % array(i) = lwuptc_p(i,j)
- diag_physics % olrtoa % array(i) = olrtoa_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % glw % array(i) = glw_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % lwcf % array(i) = lwcf_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % lwdnb % array(i) = lwdnb_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % lwdnbc % array(i) = lwdnbc_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % lwdnt % array(i) = lwdnt_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % lwdntc % array(i) = lwdntc_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % lwupb % array(i) = lwupb_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % lwupbc % array(i) = lwupbc_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % lwupt % array(i) = lwupt_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % lwuptc % array(i) = lwuptc_p(i,j)
+ diag_physics % olrtoa % array(i) = olrtoa_p(i,j)
-!not needed:
-!do k = kts,kte+2
-!do i = its,ite
-! diag_physics % lwdnflx % array(k,i) = lwdnflx_p(i,k,j)
-! diag_physics % lwdnflxc % array(k,i) = lwdnflxc_p(i,k,j)
-! diag_physics % lwupflx % array(k,i) = lwupflx_p(i,k,j)
-! diag_physics % lwupflxc % array(k,i) = lwupflxc_p(i,k,j)
do k = kts,kte
do i = its,ite
@@ -419,13 +398,45 @@
- 101 format(i3,2i6,12(1x,e15.8))
- 102 format(i6,12(1x,e15.8))
+!end select radiation_lw_select
end subroutine radiation_lw_to_MPAS
+ subroutine radiation_camlw_to_MPAS(diag_physics)
+!input arguments:
+ type(diag_physics_type),intent(inout):: diag_physics
+ write(0,*) '--- writing absnxt,abstot,and emstot to restart =', l_camlw
+ do j = jts,jte
+ do n = 1,cam_abs_dim1
+ do k = kts,kte
+ do i = its,ite
+ diag_physics % absnxt % array(k,n,i) = absnxt_p(i,k,n,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do n = 1,cam_abs_dim2
+ do k = kts,kte+1
+ do i = its,ite
+ diag_physics % abstot % array(k,n,i) = abstot_p(i,k,n,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do k = kts,kte+1
+ do i = its,ite
+ diag_physics % emstot % array(k,i) = emstot_p(i,k,j)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine radiation_camlw_to_MPAS
subroutine init_radiation_lw(dminfo,mesh,state_1,state_2)
@@ -460,12 +471,10 @@
end subroutine init_radiation_lw
- subroutine driver_radiation_lw(itimestep,mesh,state,diag_physics,sfc_input, &
- tend_physics,xtime_s)
+ subroutine driver_radiation_lw(xtime_s,mesh,state,diag_physics,sfc_input,tend_physics)
!input arguments:
- integer,intent(in):: itimestep
type(mesh_type),intent(in) :: mesh
real(kind=RKIND),intent(in):: xtime_s
@@ -480,14 +489,14 @@
call mpas_timer_start("radiation_lw")
- write(0,100) itimestep
+ write(0,100)
100 format(/,' --- enter subroutine driver_radiation_lw: ',i6)
101 format(i8,12(1x,e15.8))
!copy all MPAS arrays to rectangular grid:
- call radiation_lw_from_MPAS(mesh,state,diag_physics,sfc_input,xtime_s)
+ call radiation_lw_from_MPAS(xtime_s,mesh,state,diag_physics,sfc_input)
!call to longwave radiation scheme:
radiation_lw_select: select case (trim(radt_lw_scheme))
@@ -594,7 +603,7 @@
end select radiation_lw_select
!copy all arrays back to MPAS geodesic grid:
- call radiation_lw_to_MPAS(diag_physics,tend_physics,xtime_s)
+ call radiation_lw_to_MPAS(diag_physics,tend_physics)
write(0,*) '--- end subroutine driver_radiation_lw'
call mpas_timer_stop("radiation_lw")