<p><b>laura@ucar.edu</b> 2012-02-29 12:17:44 -0700 (Wed, 29 Feb 2012)</p><p>corrected the calculation of the sea-ice fraction when SST and XICE fields are read from an auxillary file that does not contain information on the sea ice fraction<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/atmos_physics/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_initialize_real.F
--- branches/atmos_physics/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_initialize_real.F        2012-02-29 16:54:38 UTC (rev 1549)
+++ branches/atmos_physics/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_initialize_real.F        2012-02-29 19:17:44 UTC (rev 1550)
@@ -60,14 +60,16 @@
!scan through all the fields in the file:
call read_next_met_field(field,istatus)
do while (istatus == 0)
- write(0,*) field % field
- if(index(field % field,'SST' ) /= 0 .or. &
- index(field % field,'SEAICE') /= 0 .or. &
- index(field % field,'ALBEDO') /= 0 .or. &
- index(field % field,'VEGFRA') /= 0 ) then
- write(0,*) field % field
+ !initialization of the sea-surface temperature (SST) and sea-ice fraction (XICE) arrays,
+ !prior to reading the input data:
+ fg % sst % array (1:mesh%nCells) = 0.0_RKIND
+ fg % xice % array (1:mesh%nCells) = 0.0_RKIND
+ if(index(field % field,'SKINTEMP') /= 0 .or. &
+ index(field % field,'SST' ) /= 0 .or. &
+ index(field % field,'SEAICE' ) /= 0 ) then
!Interpolation routines use real(kind=RKIND), so copy from default real array
allocate(slab_r8(field % nx, field % ny))
do j=1,field % ny
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@
lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &
lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
end if
!Interpolate field to each MPAS grid cell:
do iCell=1,mesh % nCells
lat = mesh % latCell % array(iCell) * DEG_PER_RAD
@@ -124,7 +126,7 @@
lon = lon - 360.0
call latlon_to_ij(proj, lat, lon, x, y)
end if
if(index(field % field,'SST') /= 0) then
fg % sst % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x,y,1,slab_r8,1,field%nx, &
@@ -139,9 +141,7 @@
! exit
end if
call read_next_met_field(field,istatus)
- write(0,*) '--- end subroutine physics_initialize_sst:'
end subroutine physics_initialize_sst
@@ -202,16 +202,28 @@
if(config_input_sst) then
call physics_initialize_sst(mesh,fg)
+ if(maxval(xice(1:nCellsSolve)) == 0._RKIND .and. minval(xice(1:nCellsSolve)) == 0._RKIND) then
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,*) "The input file does not contain sea-ice data. We freeze the really cold ocean instead"
+ do iCell = 1, nCellsSolve
+ if(landmask(iCell).eq.0 .and. sst(iCell).lt.271._RKIND) xice(iCell) = 1._RKIND
+ enddo
+ endif
+ write(0,*) 'max sst =',maxval(fg % sst % array(1:mesh%nCells))
+ write(0,*) 'min sst =',minval(fg % sst % array(1:mesh%nCells))
+ write(0,*) 'max xice =',maxval(fg % xice % array(1:mesh%nCells))
+ write(0,*) 'min xice =',minval(fg % xice % array(1:mesh%nCells))
do iCell = 1, nCellsSolve
!recalculate the sea-ice flag:
- if(xice(iCell) .gt. 0.) then
- seaice(iCell) = 1
+ if(xice(iCell) .gt. 0._RKIND) then
+ seaice(iCell) = 1._RKIND
- seaice(iCell) = 0
+ seaice(iCell) = 0._RKIND
!set the skin temperature to the sea-surface temperature over the oceans:
- if(landmask(iCell).eq.0 .and. sst(iCell).gt.170. .and. sst(iCell).lt.400.) &
+ if(landmask(iCell).eq.0 .and. sst(iCell).gt.170._RKIND .and. sst(iCell).lt.400._RKIND) &
skintemp(iCell) = sst(iCell)
@@ -222,8 +234,8 @@
call monthly_interp_to_date(nCellsSolve,initial_date,albedo12m,sfc_albbck)
do iCell = 1, nCellsSolve
- sfc_albbck(iCell) = sfc_albbck(iCell) / 100.
- if(landmask(iCell) .eq. 0) sfc_albbck(iCell) = 0.08
+ sfc_albbck(iCell) = sfc_albbck(iCell) / 100._RKIND
+ if(landmask(iCell) .eq. 0) sfc_albbck(iCell) = 0.08_RKIND
!initialization of the green-ness (vegetation) fraction: interpolation of the monthly values to
@@ -237,10 +249,10 @@
!limit the annual maximum snow albedo to 0.08 over open-ocean and to 0.75 over sea-ice cells::
do iCell = 1, nCellsSolve
- if(landmask(iCell) .eq. 0 .and. seaice(iCell) .eq. 0.) then
- snoalb(iCell) = 0.08
- elseif(landmask(iCell) .eq. 0 .and. seaice(iCell) .eq. 1.) then
- snoalb(iCell) = 0.75
+ if(landmask(iCell) .eq. 0 .and. seaice(iCell) .eq. 0._RKIND) then
+ snoalb(iCell) = 0.08_RKIND
+ elseif(landmask(iCell) .eq. 0 .and. seaice(iCell) .eq. 1._RKIND) then
+ snoalb(iCell) = 0.75_RKIND
@@ -248,12 +260,12 @@
!(m) as functions of the input snow water content (kg/m2). we use a 5:1 ratio from liquid
!water equivalent to snow depth:
do iCell = 1, nCellsSolve
- if(snow(iCell) .ge. 10.) then
- snowc(iCell) = 1.
+ if(snow(iCell) .ge. 10._RKIND) then
+ snowc(iCell) = 1._RKIND
- snowc(iCell) = 0.
+ snowc(iCell) = 0._RKIND
- snowh(iCell) = snow(iCell) * 5.0 / 1000.
+ snowh(iCell) = snow(iCell) * 5.0_RKIND / 1000._RKIND
!initialization of soil layers properties:
@@ -264,10 +276,10 @@
!define xland over land and ocean:
do iCell = 1, nCellsSolve
- if(landmask(iCell) .eq. 1 .or. (landmask(iCell).eq.0 .and. seaice(iCell).eq.1.)) then
- xland(iCell) = 1.
+ if(landmask(iCell) .eq. 1 .or. (landmask(iCell).eq.0 .and. seaice(iCell).eq.1._RKIND)) then
+ xland(iCell) = 1._RKIND
elseif(landmask(iCell) .eq. 0) then
- xland(iCell) = 2.
+ xland(iCell) = 2._RKIND