<p><b>mpetersen@lanl.gov</b> 2012-02-02 11:17:51 -0700 (Thu, 02 Feb 2012)</p><p>Changed some spacing to improve indentation<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/ocean_projects/ale_split_exp/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_time_integration_split.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/ale_split_exp/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_time_integration_split.F        2012-02-02 18:01:18 UTC (rev 1452)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/ale_split_exp/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_time_integration_split.F        2012-02-02 18:17:51 UTC (rev 1453)
@@ -111,44 +111,43 @@
block => domain % blocklist
do while (associated(block))
- do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
- ! The baroclinic velocity needs be recomputed at the beginning of a
- ! timestep because the implicit vertical mixing is conducted on the
- ! total u. We keep uBtr from the previous timestep.
- block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBcl % array(:,iEdge) &
- = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % u % array(:,iEdge) &
- - block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBtr % array(iEdge)
+ ! The baroclinic velocity needs be recomputed at the beginning of a
+ ! timestep because the implicit vertical mixing is conducted on the
+ ! total u. We keep uBtr from the previous timestep.
+ block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBcl % array(:,iEdge) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % u % array(:,iEdge) &
+ - block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBtr % array( iEdge)
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(:,iEdge) &
- = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % u % array(:,iEdge)
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(:,iEdge) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % u % array(:,iEdge)
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(:,iEdge) &
- = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBcl % array(:,iEdge)
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(:,iEdge) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBcl % array(:,iEdge)
- enddo ! iEdge
+ enddo ! iEdge
- ! Initialize * variables that are used to compute baroclinic tendencies below.
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % ssh % array(:) &
- = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % ssh % array(:)
+ ! Initialize * variables that are used to compute baroclinic tendencies below.
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % ssh % array(:) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % ssh % array(:)
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h % array(:,:) &
- = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(:,:)
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h % array(:,:) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(:,:)
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(:,:) &
- = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h_edge % array(:,:)
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(:,:) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h_edge % array(:,:)
- do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells ! couple tracers to h
- ! change to maxLevelCell % array(iCell) ?
- do k=1,block % mesh % nVertLevels
+ do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells ! couple tracers to h
+ ! change to maxLevelCell % array(iCell) ?
+ do k=1,block % mesh % nVertLevels
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % tracers % array(:,k,iCell) &
- = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % tracers % array(:,k,iCell)
- end do
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % tracers % array(:,k,iCell) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % tracers % array(:,k,iCell)
+ end do
+ end do
- end do
- block => block % next
+ block => block % next
end do
call mpas_timer_stop("se prep", timer_prep)
@@ -160,166 +159,171 @@
n_bcl_iter(config_n_ts_iter) = config_n_bcl_iter_end
do split_explicit_step = 1, config_n_ts_iter
- ! --- update halos for diagnostic variables
+ ! --- update halos for diagnostic variables
- call mpas_timer_start("se halo diag", .false., timer_halo_diagnostic)
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
+ call mpas_timer_start("se halo diag", .false., timer_halo_diagnostic)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, block % state % time_levs(2) % state % pv_edge % array(:,:), &
- block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nEdges, &
- block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, &
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % pv_edge % array(:,:), &
+ block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nEdges, &
+ block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
- if (config_h_mom_eddy_visc4 > 0.0) then
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, block % state % time_levs(2) % state % divergence % array(:,:), &
- block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nCells, &
- block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, block % state % time_levs(2) % state % vorticity % array(:,:), &
- block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nVertices, &
- block % parinfo % verticesToSend, block % parinfo % verticesToRecv)
- end if
+ if (config_h_mom_eddy_visc4 > 0.0) then
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, &
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % divergence % array(:,:), &
+ block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nCells, &
+ block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, &
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % vorticity % array(:,:), &
+ block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nVertices, &
+ block % parinfo % verticesToSend, block % parinfo % verticesToRecv)
+ end if
- block => block % next
- end do
- call mpas_timer_stop("se halo diag", timer_halo_diagnostic)
+ block => block % next
+ end do
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se halo diag", timer_halo_diagnostic)
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !
- ! Stage 1: Baroclinic velocity (3D) prediction, explicit with long timestep
- !
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ !
+ ! Stage 1: Baroclinic velocity (3D) prediction, explicit with long timestep
+ !
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! compute velocity tendencies, T(u*,w*,p*)
- call mpas_timer_start("se bcl vel", .false., timer_bcl_vel)
+ ! compute velocity tendencies, T(u*,w*,p*)
+ call mpas_timer_start("se bcl vel", .false., timer_bcl_vel)
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- if (.not.config_implicit_vertical_mix) then
- call ocn_vmix_coefs(block % mesh, block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % diagnostics, err)
- end if
- call ocn_tend_u(block % tend, block % state % time_levs(2) % state , block % diagnostics, block % mesh)
- block => block % next
- end do
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ if (.not.config_implicit_vertical_mix) then
+ call ocn_vmix_coefs(block % mesh, block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % diagnostics, err)
+ end if
+ call ocn_tend_u(block % tend, block % state % time_levs(2) % state , block % diagnostics, block % mesh)
+ block => block % next
+ end do
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! BEGIN baroclinic iterations on linear Coriolis term
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- do j=1,n_bcl_iter(split_explicit_step)
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! BEGIN baroclinic iterations on linear Coriolis term
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ do j=1,n_bcl_iter(split_explicit_step)
- ! Use this G coefficient to avoid an if statement within the iEdge loop.
- if (trim(config_time_integration) == 'unsplit_explicit') then
- split = 0
- elseif (trim(config_time_integration) == 'split_explicit') then
- split = 1
- endif
+ ! Use this G coefficient to avoid an if statement within the iEdge loop.
+ if (trim(config_time_integration) == 'unsplit_explicit') then
+ split = 0
+ elseif (trim(config_time_integration) == 'split_explicit') then
+ split = 1
+ endif
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- allocate(uTemp(block % mesh % nVertLevels))
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ allocate(uTemp(block % mesh % nVertLevels))
- ! Put f*uBcl^{perp} in uNew as a work variable
- call ocn_fuperp(block % state % time_levs(2) % state , block % mesh)
+ ! Put f*uBcl^{perp} in uNew as a work variable
+ call ocn_fuperp(block % state % time_levs(2) % state , block % mesh)
- do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
- cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
- cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
+ do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
+ cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
- uTemp = 0.0 ! could put this after with uTemp(maxleveledgetop+1:nvertlevels)=0
- do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
+ uTemp = 0.0 ! could put this after with uTemp(maxleveledgetop+1:nvertlevels)=0
+ do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
- ! uBclNew = uBclOld + dt*(-f*uBclPerp + T(u*,w*,p*) + g*grad(SSH*) )
- ! Here uNew is a work variable containing -fEdge(iEdge)*uBclPerp(k,iEdge)
- uTemp(k) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBcl % array(k,iEdge) &
+ ! uBclNew = uBclOld + dt*(-f*uBclPerp + T(u*,w*,p*) + g*grad(SSH*) )
+ ! Here uNew is a work variable containing -fEdge(iEdge)*uBclPerp(k,iEdge)
+ uTemp(k) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBcl % array(k,iEdge) &
+ dt * (block % tend % u % array (k,iEdge) &
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array (k,iEdge) & ! this is f*uBcl^{perp}
+ split * gravity * ( block % state % time_levs(2) % state % ssh % array(cell2) &
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % ssh % array(cell1) ) &
/block % mesh % dcEdge % array(iEdge) )
- enddo
+ enddo
- uhSum = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(1,iEdge) * uTemp(1)
- hSum = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(1,iEdge)
+ uhSum = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(1,iEdge) * uTemp(1)
+ hSum = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(1,iEdge)
- do k=2,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
- uhSum = uhSum + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(k,iEdge) * uTemp(k)
- hSum = hSum + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(k,iEdge)
- enddo
- block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(iEdge) = split*uhSum/hSum/dt
+ do k=2,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
+ uhSum = uhSum + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(k,iEdge) * uTemp(k)
+ hSum = hSum + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(k,iEdge)
+ enddo
+ block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(iEdge) = split*uhSum/hSum/dt
- do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
- ! These two steps are together here:
- !{\bf u}'_{k,n+1} = {\bf u}'_{k,n} - \Delta t {\overline {\bf G}}
- !{\bf u}'_{k,n+1/2} = \frac{1}{2}\left({\bf u}^{'}_{k,n} +{\bf u}'_{k,n+1}\right)
- ! so that uBclNew is at time n+1/2
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(k,iEdge) = 0.5*( &
- block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBcl % array(k,iEdge) &
- + uTemp(k) - dt * block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(iEdge))
- enddo
+ do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
+ ! These two steps are together here:
+ !{\bf u}'_{k,n+1} = {\bf u}'_{k,n} - \Delta t {\overline {\bf G}}
+ !{\bf u}'_{k,n+1/2} = \frac{1}{2}\left({\bf u}^{'}_{k,n} +{\bf u}'_{k,n+1}\right)
+ ! so that uBclNew is at time n+1/2
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(k,iEdge) &
+ = 0.5*( &
+ block % state % time_levs(1) % state % uBcl % array(k,iEdge) &
+ + uTemp(k) - dt * block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(iEdge))
+ enddo
+ enddo ! iEdge
- enddo ! iEdge
+ deallocate(uTemp)
- deallocate(uTemp)
+ block => block % next
+ end do
- block => block % next
- end do
+ call mpas_timer_start("se halo ubcl", .false., timer_halo_ubcl)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, &
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(:,:), &
+ block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nEdges, &
+ block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
+ block => block % next
+ end do
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ubcl", timer_halo_ubcl)
- call mpas_timer_start("se halo ubcl", .false., timer_halo_ubcl)
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(:,:), &
- block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nEdges, &
- block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
+ end do ! do j=1,config_n_bcl_iter
- block => block % next
- end do
- call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ubcl", timer_halo_ubcl)
- enddo ! do j=1,config_n_bcl_iter
- call mpas_timer_stop("se bcl vel", timer_bcl_vel)
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! END baroclinic iterations on linear Coriolis term
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se bcl vel", timer_bcl_vel)
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! END baroclinic iterations on linear Coriolis term
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !
- ! Stage 2: Barotropic velocity (2D) prediction, explicitly subcycled
- !
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ !
+ ! Stage 2: Barotropic velocity (2D) prediction, explicitly subcycled
+ !
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- call mpas_timer_start("se btr vel", .false., timer_btr_vel)
+ call mpas_timer_start("se btr vel", .false., timer_btr_vel)
- oldBtrSubcycleTime = 1
- newBtrSubcycleTime = 2
+ oldBtrSubcycleTime = 1
+ newBtrSubcycleTime = 2
- if (trim(config_time_integration) == 'unsplit_explicit') then
+ if (trim(config_time_integration) == 'unsplit_explicit') then
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
- ! For Split_Explicit unsplit, simply set uBtrNew=0, uBtrSubcycle=0, and uNew=uBclNew
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(:) = 0.0
+ ! For Split_Explicit unsplit, simply set uBtrNew=0, uBtrSubcycle=0, and uNew=uBclNew
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(:) = 0.0
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(:,:) = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(:,:)
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(:,:) = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(:,:)
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
- elseif (trim(config_time_integration) == 'split_explicit') then
+ elseif (trim(config_time_integration) == 'split_explicit') then
- ! Initialize variables for barotropic subcycling
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
+ ! Initialize variables for barotropic subcycling
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
- if (config_filter_btr_mode) then
- block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(:) = 0.0
+ if (config_filter_btr_mode) then
+ block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(:) = 0.0
do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells
- ! sshSubcycleOld = sshOld
- block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % ssh % array(iCell)
+ ! sshSubcycleOld = sshOld
+ block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % ssh % array(iCell)
do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
@@ -334,447 +338,453 @@
block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) = 0.0
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! BEGIN Barotropic subcycle loop
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- do j=1,config_n_btr_subcycles*config_btr_subcycle_loop_factor
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! BEGIN Barotropic subcycle loop
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ do j=1,config_n_btr_subcycles*config_btr_subcycle_loop_factor
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Barotropic subcycle: initial solve for velecity
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- if (config_btr_gam1_uWt1>1.0e-12) then ! only do this part if it is needed in next SSH solve
- uPerpTime = oldBtrSubcycleTime
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! Barotropic subcycle: initial solve for velecity
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ if (config_btr_gam1_uWt1>1.0e-12) then ! only do this part if it is needed in next SSH solve
+ uPerpTime = oldBtrSubcycleTime
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
- do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
- cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
- cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
+ cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
+ cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
- ! Compute -f*uPerp
- uPerp = 0.0
- do i = 1,block % mesh % nEdgesOnEdge % array(iEdge)
- eoe = block % mesh % edgesOnEdge % array(i,iEdge)
- uPerp = uPerp + block % mesh % weightsOnEdge % array(i,iEdge) &
- * block % state % time_levs(uPerpTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(eoe) &
- * block % mesh % fEdge % array(eoe)
- end do
+ ! Compute -f*uPerp
+ uPerp = 0.0
+ do i = 1,block % mesh % nEdgesOnEdge % array(iEdge)
+ eoe = block % mesh % edgesOnEdge % array(i,iEdge)
+ uPerp = uPerp + block % mesh % weightsOnEdge % array(i,iEdge) &
+ * block % state % time_levs(uPerpTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(eoe) &
+ * block % mesh % fEdge % array(eoe)
+ end do
- ! uBtrNew = uBtrOld + dt*(-f*uBtroldPerp - g*grad(SSH) + G)
- block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- = (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- + dt / config_n_btr_subcycles * (uPerp - gravity &
- * (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2) &
- - block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1) ) &
- / block % mesh % dcEdge % array(iEdge) &
- + block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(iEdge))) * block % mesh % edgeMask % array(1, iEdge)
- end do
+ ! uBtrNew = uBtrOld + dt*(-f*uBtroldPerp - g*grad(SSH) + G)
+ block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ = (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ + dt / config_n_btr_subcycles * (uPerp - gravity &
+ * (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2) &
+ - block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1) ) &
+ / block % mesh % dcEdge % array(iEdge) &
+ + block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(iEdge))) * block % mesh % edgeMask % array(1, iEdge)
+ end do
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
- ! boundary update on uBtrNew
- call mpas_timer_start("se halo ubtr", .false., timer_halo_ubtr)
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
+ ! boundary update on uBtrNew
+ call mpas_timer_start("se halo ubtr", .false., timer_halo_ubtr)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
- block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(:), &
- block % mesh % nEdges, block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
+ block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(:), &
+ block % mesh % nEdges, block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
- call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ubtr", timer_halo_ubtr)
- endif ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1>1.0e-12
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ubtr", timer_halo_ubtr)
+ endif ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1>1.0e-12
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Barotropic subcycle: Compute thickness flux and new SSH: PREDICTOR
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! Barotropic subcycle: Compute thickness flux and new SSH: PREDICTOR
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
- block % tend % ssh % array(:) = 0.0
+ block % tend % ssh % array(:) = 0.0
- if (config_btr_solve_SSH2) then
- ! If config_btr_solve_SSH2=.true., then do NOT accumulate FBtr in this SSH predictor
- ! section, because it will be accumulated in the SSH corrector section.
- FBtr_coeff = 0.0
- else
- ! otherwise, DO accumulate FBtr in this SSH predictor section
- FBtr_coeff = 1.0
- endif
+ if (config_btr_solve_SSH2) then
+ ! If config_btr_solve_SSH2=.true., then do NOT accumulate FBtr in this SSH predictor
+ ! section, because it will be accumulated in the SSH corrector section.
+ FBtr_coeff = 0.0
+ else
+ ! otherwise, DO accumulate FBtr in this SSH predictor section
+ FBtr_coeff = 1.0
+ endif
- ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1 sets the forward weighting of velocity in the SSH computation
- ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1= 1 flux = uBtrNew*H
- ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1=0.5 flux = 1/2*(uBtrNew+uBtrOld)*H
- ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1= 0 flux = uBtrOld*H
- ! mrp 120201 efficiency: could we combine the following edge and cell loops?
- do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
- cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
- cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
+ ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1 sets the forward weighting of velocity in the SSH computation
+ ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1= 1 flux = uBtrNew*H
+ ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1=0.5 flux = 1/2*(uBtrNew+uBtrOld)*H
+ ! config_btr_gam1_uWt1= 0 flux = uBtrOld*H
+ ! mrp 120201 efficiency: could we combine the following edge and cell loops?
+ do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
+ cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
- sshEdge = 0.5 * (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1) &
- + block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2) )
- hSum = sum(block % mesh % hZLevel % array (1:block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)))
+ sshEdge = 0.5 * (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1) &
+ + block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2) )
+ hSum = sum(block % mesh % hZLevel % array (1:block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)))
- flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam1_uWt1) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- + config_btr_gam1_uWt1 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge)) * (sshEdge + hSum)
+ flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam1_uWt1) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ + config_btr_gam1_uWt1 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge)) * (sshEdge + hSum)
- block % tend % ssh % array(cell1) = block % tend % ssh % array(cell1) - flux * block % mesh % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
- block % tend % ssh % array(cell2) = block % tend % ssh % array(cell2) + flux * block % mesh % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
+ block % tend % ssh % array(cell1) = block % tend % ssh % array(cell1) - flux * block % mesh % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
+ block % tend % ssh % array(cell2) = block % tend % ssh % array(cell2) + flux * block % mesh % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
- block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) &
- + FBtr_coeff*flux
- end do
+ block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) &
+ + FBtr_coeff*flux
+ end do
- ! SSHnew = SSHold + dt/J*(-div(Flux))
- do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells
+ ! SSHnew = SSHold + dt/J*(-div(Flux))
+ do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells
- block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) &
- = block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) &
- + dt/config_n_btr_subcycles * block % tend % ssh % array(iCell) / block % mesh % areaCell % array (iCell)
+ block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) &
+ + dt/config_n_btr_subcycles * block % tend % ssh % array(iCell) / block % mesh % areaCell % array (iCell)
- end do
+ end do
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
- ! boundary update on SSHnew
- call mpas_timer_start("se halo ssh", .false., timer_halo_ssh)
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- ! block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(:), &
+ ! boundary update on SSHnew
+ call mpas_timer_start("se halo ssh", .false., timer_halo_ssh)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ ! block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(:), &
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
- block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(:), &
- block % mesh % nCells, block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
+ block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(:), &
+ block % mesh % nCells, block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
- call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ssh", timer_halo_ssh)
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ssh", timer_halo_ssh)
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Barotropic subcycle: Final solve for velocity. Iterate for Coriolis term.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- do BtrCorIter=1,config_n_btr_cor_iter
- uPerpTime = newBtrSubcycleTime
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! Barotropic subcycle: Final solve for velocity. Iterate for Coriolis term.
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ do BtrCorIter=1,config_n_btr_cor_iter
+ uPerpTime = newBtrSubcycleTime
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
- cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
- cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
+ cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
- ! Compute -f*uPerp
- uPerp = 0.0
- do i = 1,block % mesh % nEdgesOnEdge % array(iEdge)
- eoe = block % mesh % edgesOnEdge % array(i,iEdge)
- uPerp = uPerp + block % mesh % weightsOnEdge % array(i,iEdge) &
- * block % state % time_levs(uPerpTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(eoe) &
- * block % mesh % fEdge % array(eoe)
- end do
+ ! Compute -f*uPerp
+ uPerp = 0.0
+ do i = 1,block % mesh % nEdgesOnEdge % array(iEdge)
+ eoe = block % mesh % edgesOnEdge % array(i,iEdge)
+ uPerp = uPerp + block % mesh % weightsOnEdge % array(i,iEdge) &
+ * block % state % time_levs(uPerpTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(eoe) &
+ * block % mesh % fEdge % array(eoe)
+ end do
- sshCell1 = (1-config_btr_gam2_SSHWt1)*block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1) &
- + config_btr_gam2_SSHWt1 *block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1)
+ sshCell1 = (1-config_btr_gam2_SSHWt1)*block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1) &
+ + config_btr_gam2_SSHWt1 *block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1)
- sshCell2 = (1-config_btr_gam2_SSHWt1)*block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2) &
- + config_btr_gam2_SSHWt1 *block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2)
+ sshCell2 = (1-config_btr_gam2_SSHWt1)*block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2) &
+ + config_btr_gam2_SSHWt1 *block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2)
- block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- = (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- + dt/config_n_btr_subcycles *(uPerp - gravity *(sshCell2 - sshCell1) /block % mesh % dcEdge % array(iEdge) &
- + block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(iEdge) &
- + block % state % time_levs(1) % state % u_diffusionBtr % array(iEdge))) * block % mesh % edgeMask % array(1,iEdge)
- end do
+ block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ = (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ + dt/config_n_btr_subcycles *(uPerp - gravity *(sshCell2 - sshCell1) /block % mesh % dcEdge % array(iEdge) &
+ + block % state % time_levs(1) % state % GBtrForcing % array(iEdge) &
+ + block % state % time_levs(1) % state % u_diffusionBtr % array(iEdge))) * block % mesh % edgeMask % array(1,iEdge)
+ end do
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
+ ! boundary update on uBtrNew
+ call mpas_timer_start("se halo ubtr", .false., timer_halo_ubtr)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
+ block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(:), &
+ block % mesh % nEdges, block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
- ! boundary update on uBtrNew
- call mpas_timer_start("se halo ubtr", .false., timer_halo_ubtr)
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
- block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(:), &
- block % mesh % nEdges, block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ubtr", timer_halo_ubtr)
+ end do !do BtrCorIter=1,config_n_btr_cor_iter
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
- call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ubtr", timer_halo_ubtr)
- end do !do BtrCorIter=1,config_n_btr_cor_iter
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! Barotropic subcycle: Compute thickness flux and new SSH: CORRECTOR
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ if (config_btr_solve_SSH2) then
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Barotropic subcycle: Compute thickness flux and new SSH: CORRECTOR
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- if (config_btr_solve_SSH2) then
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ block % tend % ssh % array(:) = 0.0
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- block % tend % ssh % array(:) = 0.0
+ ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2 sets the forward weighting of velocity in the SSH computation
+ ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2= 1 flux = uBtrNew*H
+ ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2=0.5 flux = 1/2*(uBtrNew+uBtrOld)*H
+ ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2= 0 flux = uBtrOld*H
+ ! mrp 120201 efficiency: could we combine the following edge and cell loops?
+ do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
+ cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
- ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2 sets the forward weighting of velocity in the SSH computation
- ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2= 1 flux = uBtrNew*H
- ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2=0.5 flux = 1/2*(uBtrNew+uBtrOld)*H
- ! config_btr_gam3_uWt2= 0 flux = uBtrOld*H
- ! mrp 120201 efficiency: could we combine the following edge and cell loops?
- do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
- cell1 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
- cell2 = block % mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
+ sshEdge = 0.5 * (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1) &
+ + block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2))
+ hSum = sum(block % mesh % hZLevel % array (1:block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)))
- sshEdge = 0.5 * (block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell1) &
- + block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(cell2))
- hSum = sum(block % mesh % hZLevel % array (1:block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)))
+ flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam3_uWt2) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
+ + config_btr_gam3_uWt2 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
+ * (sshEdge + hSum)
- flux = ((1.0-config_btr_gam3_uWt2) * block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge) &
- + config_btr_gam3_uWt2 * block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge)) &
- * (sshEdge + hSum)
+ block % tend % ssh % array(cell1) = block % tend % ssh % array(cell1) - flux * block % mesh % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
+ block % tend % ssh % array(cell2) = block % tend % ssh % array(cell2) + flux * block % mesh % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
- block % tend % ssh % array(cell1) = block % tend % ssh % array(cell1) - flux * block % mesh % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
- block % tend % ssh % array(cell2) = block % tend % ssh % array(cell2) + flux * block % mesh % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
+ block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) + flux
+ end do
- block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) + flux
- end do
+ ! SSHnew = SSHold + dt/J*(-div(Flux))
+ do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells
+ block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) &
+ + dt/config_n_btr_subcycles * block % tend % ssh % array(iCell) / block % mesh % areaCell % array (iCell)
+ end do
- ! SSHnew = SSHold + dt/J*(-div(Flux))
- do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells
- block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) &
- = block % state % time_levs(oldBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(iCell) &
- + dt/config_n_btr_subcycles * block % tend % ssh % array(iCell) / block % mesh % areaCell % array (iCell)
- end do
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
+ ! boundary update on SSHnew
+ call mpas_timer_start("se halo ssh", .false., timer_halo_ssh)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
+ block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(:), &
+ block % mesh % nCells, block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
- ! boundary update on SSHnew
- call mpas_timer_start("se halo ssh", .false., timer_halo_ssh)
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ssh", timer_halo_ssh)
+ endif ! config_btr_solve_SSH2
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! Barotropic subcycle: Accumulate running sums, advance timestep pointers
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
block => domain % blocklist
do while (associated(block))
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
- block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % sshSubcycle % array(:), &
- block % mesh % nCells, block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
+ ! uBtrNew = uBtrNew + uBtrSubcycleNEW
+ ! This accumulates the sum.
+ ! If the Barotropic Coriolis iteration is limited to one, this could
+ ! be merged with the above code.
+ do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(iEdge) &
+ + block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge)
+ end do ! iEdge
block => block % next
end do ! block
- call mpas_timer_stop("se halo ssh", timer_halo_ssh)
- endif ! config_btr_solve_SSH2
+ ! advance time pointers
+ oldBtrSubcycleTime = mod(oldBtrSubcycleTime,2)+1
+ newBtrSubcycleTime = mod(newBtrSubcycleTime,2)+1
+ end do ! j=1,config_n_btr_subcycles
- ! Barotropic subcycle: Accumulate running sums, advance timestep pointers
+ ! END Barotropic subcycle loop
+ ! Normalize Barotropic subcycle sums: ssh, uBtr, and F
block => domain % blocklist
do while (associated(block))
- ! uBtrNew = uBtrNew + uBtrSubcycleNEW
- ! This accumulates the sum.
- ! If the Barotropic Coriolis iteration is limited to one, this could
- ! be merged with the above code.
- do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) &
+ / (config_n_btr_subcycles*config_btr_subcycle_loop_factor)
block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(iEdge) &
- + block % state % time_levs(newBtrSubcycleTime) % state % uBtrSubcycle % array(iEdge)
+ / (config_n_btr_subcycles*config_btr_subcycle_loop_factor + 1)
+ end do
- end do ! iEdge
block => block % next
end do ! block
- ! advance time pointers
- oldBtrSubcycleTime = mod(oldBtrSubcycleTime,2)+1
- newBtrSubcycleTime = mod(newBtrSubcycleTime,2)+1
- end do ! j=1,config_n_btr_subcycles
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! END Barotropic subcycle loop
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ! boundary update on F
+ call mpas_timer_start("se halo F", .false., timer_halo_f)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
+ block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(:), &
+ block % mesh % nEdges, block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se halo F", timer_halo_f)
- ! Normalize Barotropic subcycle sums: ssh, uBtr, and F
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
- block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) &
- / (config_n_btr_subcycles*config_btr_subcycle_loop_factor)
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(iEdge) = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(iEdge) &
- / (config_n_btr_subcycles*config_btr_subcycle_loop_factor + 1)
- end do
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
- ! boundary update on F
- call mpas_timer_start("se halo F", .false., timer_halo_f)
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field1d_real(domain % dminfo, &
- block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(:), &
- block % mesh % nEdges, block % parinfo % edgesToSend, block % parinfo % edgesToRecv)
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
- call mpas_timer_stop("se halo F", timer_halo_f)
+ ! Check that you can compute SSH using the total sum or the individual increments
+ ! over the barotropic subcycles.
+ ! efficiency: This next block of code is really a check for debugging, and can
+ ! be removed later.
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
- ! Check that you can compute SSH using the total sum or the individual increments
- ! over the barotropic subcycles.
- ! efficiency: This next block of code is really a check for debugging, and can
- ! be removed later.
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
+ allocate(uTemp(block % mesh % nVertLevels))
- allocate(uTemp(block % mesh % nVertLevels))
+ ! Correction velocity uCorr = (Flux - Sum(h u*))/H
+ ! or, for the full latex version:
+ !{\bf u}^{corr} = \left( {\overline {\bf F}}
+ ! - \sum_{k=1}^{N^{edge}} h_{k,*}^{edge} {\bf u}_k^{avg} \right)
+ ! \left/ \sum_{k=1}^{N^{edge}} h_{k,*}^{edge} \right.
- ! Correction velocity uCorr = (Flux - Sum(h u*))/H
- ! or, for the full latex version:
- !{\bf u}^{corr} = \left( {\overline {\bf F}}
- ! - \sum_{k=1}^{N^{edge}} h_{k,*}^{edge} {\bf u}_k^{avg} \right)
- ! \left/ \sum_{k=1}^{N^{edge}} h_{k,*}^{edge} \right.
+ if (config_u_correction) then
+ ucorr_coef = 1
+ else
+ ucorr_coef = 0
+ endif
- if (config_u_correction) then
- ucorr_coef = 1
- else
- ucorr_coef = 0
- endif
+ do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
- do iEdge=1,block % mesh % nEdges
+ ! This is u^{avg}
+ uTemp(:) = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(iEdge) &
+ + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(:,iEdge)
- ! This is u^{avg}
- uTemp(:) = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBtr % array(iEdge) &
- + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uBcl % array(:,iEdge)
+ uhSum = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(1,iEdge) * uTemp(1)
+ hSum = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(1,iEdge)
- uhSum = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(1,iEdge) * uTemp(1)
- hSum = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(1,iEdge)
+ do k=2,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
+ uhSum = uhSum + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(k,iEdge) * uTemp(k)
+ hSum = hSum + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(k,iEdge)
+ enddo
- do k=2,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
- uhSum = uhSum + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(k,iEdge) * uTemp(k)
- hSum = hSum + block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array(k,iEdge)
- enddo
+ uCorr = ucorr_coef*(( block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) - uhSum)/hSum)
- uCorr = ucorr_coef*(( block % state % time_levs(1) % state % FBtr % array(iEdge) - uhSum)/hSum)
+ ! put u^{tr}, the velocity for tracer transport, in uNew
+ ! mrp 060611 not sure if boundary enforcement is needed here.
+ if (block % mesh % boundaryEdge % array(1,iEdge).eq.1) then
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(:,iEdge) = 0.0
+ else
+ do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(k,iEdge) = uTemp(k) + uCorr
+ enddo
+ do k=block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)+1,block % mesh % nVertLevels
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(k,iEdge) = 0.0
+ enddo
+ endif
- ! put u^{tr}, the velocity for tracer transport, in uNew
- ! mrp 060611 not sure if boundary enforcement is needed here.
- if (block % mesh % boundaryEdge % array(1,iEdge).eq.1) then
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(:,iEdge) = 0.0
- else
- do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(k,iEdge) = uTemp(k) + uCorr
- enddo
- do k=block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array(iEdge)+1,block % mesh % nVertLevels
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(k,iEdge) = 0.0
- enddo
- endif
+ end do ! iEdge
- end do ! iEdge
+ deallocate(uTemp)
- deallocate(uTemp)
+ block => block % next
+ end do ! block
- block => block % next
- end do ! block
+ endif ! split_explicit
- endif ! split_explicit
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se btr vel", timer_btr_vel)
- call mpas_timer_stop("se btr vel", timer_btr_vel)
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ !
+ ! Stage 3: Tracer, density, pressure, vertical velocity prediction
+ !
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !
- ! Stage 3: Tracer, density, pressure, vertical velocity prediction
- !
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ call ocn_wtop(block % state % time_levs(1) % state,block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % mesh)
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- call ocn_wtop(block % state % time_levs(1) % state,block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % mesh)
+ call ocn_tend_h (block % tend, block % state % time_levs(2) % state , block % diagnostics, block % mesh)
+ call ocn_tend_scalar(block % tend, block % state % time_levs(2) % state , block % diagnostics, block % mesh)
- call ocn_tend_h (block % tend, block % state % time_levs(2) % state , block % diagnostics, block % mesh)
- call ocn_tend_scalar(block % tend, block % state % time_levs(2) % state , block % diagnostics, block % mesh)
+ block => block % next
+ end do
- block => block % next
- end do
+ ! update halo for thickness and tracer tendencies
+ call mpas_timer_start("se halo h", .false., timer_halo_h)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, block % tend % h % array(:,:), &
+ block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nCells, &
+ block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
- ! update halo for thickness and tracer tendencies
- call mpas_timer_start("se halo h", .false., timer_halo_h)
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field2d_real(domain % dminfo, block % tend % h % array(:,:), &
- block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nCells, &
- block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
+ call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field3d_real(domain % dminfo, block % tend % tracers % array(:,:,:), &
+ block % tend % num_tracers, block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nCells, &
+ block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
+ block => block % next
+ end do
+ call mpas_timer_stop("se halo h", timer_halo_h)
-! mrp 120131 note: need to remove halo update on tracers themselves below, but later.
- call mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field3d_real(domain % dminfo, block % tend % tracers % array(:,:,:), &
- block % tend % num_tracers, block % mesh % nVertLevels, block % mesh % nCells, &
- block % parinfo % cellsToSend, block % parinfo % cellsToRecv)
- block => block % next
- end do
- call mpas_timer_stop("se halo h", timer_halo_h)
+ block => domain % blocklist
+ do while (associated(block))
- block => domain % blocklist
- do while (associated(block))
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ !
+ ! If iterating, reset variables for next iteration
+ !
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ if (split_explicit_step < config_n_ts_iter) then
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not on last iteration: reset variables for next iteration
- if (split_explicit_step < config_n_ts_iter) then
+ ! Only need T & S for earlier iterations,
+ ! then all the tracers needed the last time through.
+ do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells
+ ! sshNew is a pointer, defined above.
+ do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelCell % array(iCell)
- ! Only need T & S for earlier iterations,
- ! then all the tracers needed the last time through.
- do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells
- ! sshNew is a pointer, defined above.
- do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelCell % array(iCell)
+ ! this is h_{n+1}
+ temp_h &
+ = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
+ + dt* block % tend % h % array(k,iCell)
- ! this is h_{n+1}
- temp_h &
- = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
- + dt* block % tend % h % array(k,iCell)
+ ! this is h_{n+1/2}
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
+ = 0.5*( block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
+ + temp_h)
- ! this is h_{n+1/2}
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
- = 0.5*( block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
- + temp_h)
+ do i=1,2
+ ! This is Phi at n+1
+ temp = ( block % state % time_levs(1) % state % tracers % array(i,k,iCell) &
+ * block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
+ + dt * block % tend % tracers % array(i,k,iCell)) &
+ / temp_h
- do i=1,2
- ! This is Phi at n+1
- temp = ( block % state % time_levs(1) % state % tracers % array(i,k,iCell) &
- * block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
- + dt * block % tend % tracers % array(i,k,iCell)) &
- / temp_h
+ ! This is Phi at n+1/2
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % tracers % array(i,k,iCell) = 0.5*( &
+ block % state % time_levs(1) % state % tracers % array(i,k,iCell) + temp )
+ enddo
+ end do
+ end do ! iCell
- ! This is Phi at n+1/2
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % tracers % array(i,k,iCell) = 0.5*( &
- block % state % time_levs(1) % state % tracers % array(i,k,iCell) + temp )
- enddo
- end do
- end do ! iCell
+ ! uBclNew is u'_{n+1/2}
+ ! uBtrNew is {\bar u}_{avg}
+ ! uNew is u^{tr}
- ! uBclNew is u'_{n+1/2}
- ! uBtrNew is {\bar u}_{avg}
- ! uNew is u^{tr}
+ ! mrp 110512 I really only need this to compute h_edge, density, pressure, and SSH
+ ! I can par this down later.
+ call ocn_diagnostic_solve(dt, block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % mesh)
- ! mrp 110512 I really only need this to compute h_edge, density, pressure, and SSH
- ! I can par this down later.
- call ocn_diagnostic_solve(dt, block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % mesh)
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ !
+ ! If large iteration complete, compute all variables at time n+1
+ !
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ elseif (split_explicit_step == config_n_ts_iter) then
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On last iteration: Compute all variables at time n+1
- elseif (split_explicit_step == config_n_ts_iter) then
+ do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells
+ do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelCell % array(iCell)
- do iCell=1,block % mesh % nCells
- do k=1,block % mesh % maxLevelCell % array(iCell)
+ ! this is h_{n+1}
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
+ = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
+ + dt* block % tend % h % array(k,iCell)
- ! this is h_{n+1}
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
- = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % h % array(k,iCell) &
- + dt* block % tend % h % array(k,iCell)
- do i=1,block % state % time_levs(1) % state % num_tracers
+ do i=1,block % state % time_levs(1) % state % num_tracers
! This is Phi at n+1
block % state % time_levs(2) % state % tracers % array(i,k,iCell) &
= (block % state % time_levs(1) % state % tracers % array(i,k,iCell) &
@@ -804,10 +814,10 @@
enddo ! iEdges
- endif ! split_explicit_step
+ endif ! split_explicit_step
- block => block % next
- end do
+ block => block % next
+ end do
end do ! split_explicit_step = 1, config_n_ts_iter
@@ -819,58 +829,54 @@
do while (associated(block))
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !
- ! Implicit vertical mixing, done after timestep is complete
- !
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ !
+ ! Implicit vertical mixing, done after timestep is complete
+ !
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- u => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array
- tracers => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % tracers % array
- h => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h % array
- h_edge => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array
- ke_edge => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % ke_edge % array
- num_tracers = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % num_tracers
- vertViscTopOfEdge => block % diagnostics % vertViscTopOfEdge % array
- vertDiffTopOfCell => block % diagnostics % vertDiffTopOfCell % array
- maxLevelCell => block % mesh % maxLevelCell % array
- maxLevelEdgeTop => block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array
+ u => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array
+ tracers => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % tracers % array
+ h => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h % array
+ h_edge => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % h_edge % array
+ ke_edge => block % state % time_levs(2) % state % ke_edge % array
+ num_tracers = block % state % time_levs(2) % state % num_tracers
+ vertViscTopOfEdge => block % diagnostics % vertViscTopOfEdge % array
+ vertDiffTopOfCell => block % diagnostics % vertDiffTopOfCell % array
+ maxLevelCell => block % mesh % maxLevelCell % array
+ maxLevelEdgeTop => block % mesh % maxLevelEdgeTop % array
- if (config_implicit_vertical_mix) then
- call ocn_vmix_coefs(block % mesh, block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % diagnostics, err)
+ if (config_implicit_vertical_mix) then
+ call ocn_vmix_coefs(block % mesh, block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % diagnostics, err)
- !
- ! Implicit vertical solve for momentum
- !
- call ocn_vel_vmix_tend_implicit(block % mesh, dt, ke_edge, vertvisctopofedge, h, h_edge, u, err)
+ ! Implicit vertical solve for momentum
+ call ocn_vel_vmix_tend_implicit(block % mesh, dt, ke_edge, vertvisctopofedge, h, h_edge, u, err)
- !
- ! Implicit vertical solve for tracers
- !
- call ocn_tracer_vmix_tend_implicit(block % mesh, dt, vertdifftopofcell, h, tracers, err)
- end if
+ ! Implicit vertical solve for tracers
+ call ocn_tracer_vmix_tend_implicit(block % mesh, dt, vertdifftopofcell, h, tracers, err)
+ end if
- if (config_test_case == 1) then ! For case 1, wind field should be fixed
- block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(:,:) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % u % array(:,:)
- end if
- call ocn_diagnostic_solve(dt, block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % mesh)
+ if (config_test_case == 1) then ! For case 1, wind field should be fixed
+ block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(:,:) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % u % array(:,:)
+ end if
+ call ocn_diagnostic_solve(dt, block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % mesh)
- call mpas_reconstruct(block % mesh, block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array, &
+ call mpas_reconstruct(block % mesh, block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array, &
block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uReconstructX % array, &
block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uReconstructY % array, &
block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uReconstructZ % array, &
block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uReconstructZonal % array, &
block % state % time_levs(2) % state % uReconstructMeridional % array)
- call ocn_time_average_accumulate(block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % state % time_levs(1) % state)
+ call ocn_time_average_accumulate(block % state % time_levs(2) % state, block % state % time_levs(1) % state)
- block => block % next
+ block => block % next
end do
call mpas_timer_stop("se timestep", timer_main)
- end subroutine ocn_time_integrator_split!}}}
+ end subroutine ocn_time_integrator_split!}}}
subroutine filter_btr_mode_tend_u(tend, s, d, grid)!{{{