<p><b>mpetersen@lanl.gov</b> 2012-01-26 17:06:27 -0700 (Thu, 26 Jan 2012)</p><p>After Todd's review, I changed a few minor lines. I decided to leave the isopycnal pressure as a true Montgomery Potential, but merged in Doug's removal of branching to improve performance in mpas_ocn_vel_pressure_grad.F. Retested using isopycnal, zlevel, and zstar.<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_global_diagnostics.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_global_diagnostics.F        2012-01-26 19:44:19 UTC (rev 1427)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_global_diagnostics.F        2012-01-27 00:06:27 UTC (rev 1428)
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
write (fileID,'(100es24.14)') averages(1:nVariables)
close (fileID)
- write (fileID,'(i5,10x,a,100es24.14)') timeIndex, &
+ write (fileID,'(i10,10x,a,100es24.14)') timeIndex, &
state % xtime % scalar, dt, &
close (fileID)
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_mpas_core.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_mpas_core.F        2012-01-26 19:44:19 UTC (rev 1427)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_mpas_core.F        2012-01-27 00:06:27 UTC (rev 1428)
@@ -98,27 +98,21 @@
call ocn_compute_max_level(domain)
- if (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'isopycnal') then
- print *, ' Using isopycnal vertical coordinates'
- elseif (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'zlevel') then
- print *, ' Using z-level vertical coordinates'
- call ocn_init_z_level(domain)
- elseif (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'zstar1') then
- print *, ' Using z-star vertical coordinates,', &
- ' all convergence in top layer'
- call ocn_init_z_level(domain)
- elseif (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'zstar') then
- print *, ' Using z-star vertical coordinates'
- call ocn_init_z_level(domain)
- elseif (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'zstarWeights') then
- print *, ' Using z-star vertical coordinates with weights'
- call ocn_init_z_level(domain)
- else
- print *, ' Incorrect choice of config_vert_grid_type:',&
- config_vert_grid_type
+ print *, ' Vertical grid type is: ',config_vert_grid_type
+ if (config_vert_grid_type.ne.'isopycnal'.and. &
+ config_vert_grid_type.ne.'zlevel'.and. &
+ config_vert_grid_type.ne.'zstar1'.and. &
+ config_vert_grid_type.ne.'zstar'.and. &
+ config_vert_grid_type.ne.'zstarWeights') then
+ print *, ' Incorrect choice of config_vert_grid_type.'
call mpas_dmpar_abort(dminfo)
+ if (config_vert_grid_type.ne.'isopycnal') then
+ call ocn_init_z_level(domain)
+ endif
if (trim(config_new_btr_variables_from) == 'btr_avg' &
.and.trim(config_time_integration) == 'unsplit_explicit') then
print *, ' unsplit_explicit option must use',&
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_tendency.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_tendency.F        2012-01-26 19:44:19 UTC (rev 1427)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_tendency.F        2012-01-27 00:06:27 UTC (rev 1428)
@@ -788,8 +788,6 @@
! For zlevel, calculate in-situ density
if (config_vert_grid_type.ne.'isopycnal') then
call mpas_timer_start("equation of state", .false., diagEOSTimer)
- call mpas_timer_start("equation of state", .false., diagEOSTimer)
- call mpas_timer_start("equation of state", .false., diagEOSTimer)
call ocn_equation_of_state_rho(s, grid, 0, 'relative', err)
! mrp 110324 In order to visualize rhoDisplaced, include the following
call ocn_equation_of_state_rho(s, grid, 1, 'relative', err)
Modified: branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_pressure_grad.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_pressure_grad.F        2012-01-26 19:44:19 UTC (rev 1427)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/ale_vert_coord_new/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_pressure_grad.F        2012-01-27 00:06:27 UTC (rev 1428)
@@ -119,28 +119,20 @@
dcEdge => grid % dcEdge % array
edgeMask => grid % edgeMask % array
- if (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'isopycnal') then
- do iEdge=1,nEdgesSolve
- cell1 = cellsOnEdge(1,iEdge)
- cell2 = cellsOnEdge(2,iEdge)
- invdcEdge = 1.0 / dcEdge(iEdge)
+ ! pressure for generalized coordinates
+ ! -1/rho_0 (grad p_k + rho g grad z_k^{mid})
- do k=1,maxLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)
- tend(k,iEdge) = tend(k,iEdge) &
- - edgeMask(k,iEdge) *(pressure(k,cell2) - pressure(k,cell1))* invdcEdge
- end do
- enddo
- else
+ ! For pure isopycnal coordinates, we are still using
+ ! grad(M), the gradient of Montgomery Potential, because
+ ! we have set rho0Inv=1 and grho0Inv=0 in the init routine,
+ ! and pressure is passed in as MontPot.
- ! pressure for generalized coordinates
- ! -1/rho_0 (grad p_k + rho g grad z_k^{mid})
- grho0Inv = gravity*rho0Inv
- do iEdge=1,nEdgesSolve
- cell1 = cellsOnEdge(1,iEdge)
- cell2 = cellsOnEdge(2,iEdge)
- invdcEdge = 1.0 / dcEdge(iEdge)
+ do iEdge=1,nEdgesSolve
+ cell1 = cellsOnEdge(1,iEdge)
+ cell2 = cellsOnEdge(2,iEdge)
+ invdcEdge = 1.0 / dcEdge(iEdge)
- do k=1,maxLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)
+ do k=1,maxLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)
tend(k,iEdge) = tend(k,iEdge) &
- edgeMask(k,iEdge) * rho0Inv*( pressure(k,cell2) &
- pressure(k,cell1) )* invdcEdge &
@@ -148,13 +140,10 @@
*( zMid(k,cell2) &
- zMid(k,cell1) )* invdcEdge
- end do
+ end do
-! 120112 mrp Doug's performance branch had:
-! tend(k,iEdge) = tend(k,iEdge) - edgeMask(k,iEdge) * rho0Inv*( pressure(k,cell2) - pressure(k,cell1) ) * invdcEdge
- end do
+ end do
- endif
@@ -197,15 +186,14 @@
err = 0
- rho0Inv = 1.0/config_rho0
- grho0Inv = gravity/config_rho0
+ if (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'isopycnal') then
+ rho0Inv = 1.0
+ grho0Inv = 0.0
+ else
+ rho0Inv = 1.0/config_rho0
+ grho0Inv = gravity/config_rho0
+ end if
-! 120112 mrp Doug's performance branch had:
-! if (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'isopycnal') then
-! rho0Inv = 1.0
-! elseif (config_vert_grid_type.eq.'zlevel') then
-! rho0Inv = 1.0/config_rho0
-! end if