<p><b>xylar@lanl.gov</b> 2012-01-18 13:39:35 -0700 (Wed, 18 Jan 2012)</p><p>BRANCH COMMIT<br>
Removing outdated advection module.<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/land_ice/mpas/src/core_land_ice/Makefile
--- branches/land_ice/mpas/src/core_land_ice/Makefile        2012-01-18 17:45:33 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/land_ice/mpas/src/core_land_ice/Makefile        2012-01-18 20:39:35 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
OBJS =         mpas_land_ice_mpas_core.o \
- mpas_land_ice_test_cases.o \
-        mpas_land_ice_advection.o \
+        mpas_land_ice_test_cases.o \
        mpas_land_ice_time_integration.o \
- mpas_land_ice_vel.o \
+        mpas_land_ice_vel.o \
all: core_land_ice
@@ -14,15 +13,13 @@
mpas_land_ice_time_integration.o: mpas_land_ice_vel.o
-mpas_land_ice_mpas_core.o: mpas_land_ice_global_diagnostics.o mpas_land_ice_test_cases.o mpas_land_ice_time_integration.o mpas_land_ice_advection.o mpas_land_ice_vel.o
+mpas_land_ice_mpas_core.o: mpas_land_ice_global_diagnostics.o mpas_land_ice_test_cases.o mpas_land_ice_time_integration.o mpas_land_ice_vel.o
        $(RM) *.o *.mod *.f90 libdycore.a
Deleted: branches/land_ice/mpas/src/core_land_ice/mpas_land_ice_advection.F
--- branches/land_ice/mpas/src/core_land_ice/mpas_land_ice_advection.F        2012-01-18 17:45:33 UTC (rev 1387)
+++ branches/land_ice/mpas/src/core_land_ice/mpas_land_ice_advection.F        2012-01-18 20:39:35 UTC (rev 1388)
@@ -1,934 +0,0 @@
-module land_ice_advection
- use mpas_kind_types
- use mpas_grid_types
- use mpas_configure
- use mpas_constants
- contains
- subroutine land_ice_initialize_advection_rk( grid )
-! compute the cell coefficients for the polynomial fit.
-! this is performed during setup for model integration.
-! WCS, 31 August 2009
- implicit none
- type (mesh_type), intent(in) :: grid
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: deriv_two
- integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: advCells
-! local variables
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(2, grid % nEdges) :: thetae
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(grid % nEdges) :: xe, ye
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(grid % nCells) :: theta_abs
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(25) :: xc, yc, zc ! cell center coordinates
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(25) :: thetav, thetat, dl_sphere
- real (kind=RKIND) :: xm, ym, zm, dl, xec, yec, zec
- real (kind=RKIND) :: thetae_tmp, xe_tmp, ye_tmp
- real (kind=RKIND) :: xv1, xv2, yv1, yv2, zv1, zv2
- integer :: i, j, k, ip1, ip2, m, n, ip1a, ii
- integer :: iCell, iEdge
- real (kind=RKIND) :: pii
- real (kind=RKIND) :: x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5
- real (kind=RKIND) :: pdx1, pdx2, pdx3, pdy1, pdy2, pdy3, dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2
- real (kind=RKIND) :: angv1, angv2, dl1, dl2
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(25) :: dxe, dye, x2v, y2v, xp, yp
- real (kind=RKIND) :: amatrix(25,25), bmatrix(25,25), wmatrix(25,25)
- real (kind=RKIND) :: length_scale
- integer :: ma,na, cell_add, mw, nn
- integer, dimension(25) :: cell_list
- integer :: cell1, cell2
- integer, parameter :: polynomial_order = 2
-! logical, parameter :: debug = .true.
- logical, parameter :: debug = .false.
-! logical, parameter :: least_squares = .false.
- logical, parameter :: least_squares = .true.
- logical :: add_the_cell, do_the_cell
- logical, parameter :: reset_poly = .true.
- real (kind=RKIND) :: rcell, cos2t, costsint, sin2t
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(grid%maxEdges) :: angle_2d
- pii = 2.*asin(1.0)
- advCells => grid % advCells % array
- deriv_two => grid % deriv_two % array
- deriv_two(:,:,:) = 0.
- do iCell = 1, grid % nCells ! is this correct? - we need first halo cell also...
- cell_list(1) = iCell
- do i=2, grid % nEdgesOnCell % array(iCell)+1
- cell_list(i) = grid % CellsOnCell % array(i-1,iCell)
- end do
- n = grid % nEdgesOnCell % array(iCell) + 1
- if ( polynomial_order > 2 ) then
- do i=2,grid % nEdgesOnCell % array(iCell) + 1
- do j=1,grid % nEdgesOnCell % array ( cell_list(i) )
- cell_add = grid % CellsOnCell % array (j,cell_list(i))
- add_the_cell = .true.
- do k=1,n
- if ( cell_add == cell_list(k) ) add_the_cell = .false.
- end do
- if (add_the_cell) then
- n = n+1
- cell_list(n) = cell_add
- end if
- end do
- end do
- end if
- advCells(1,iCell) = n
-! check to see if we are reaching outside the halo
- do_the_cell = .true.
- do i=1,n
- if (cell_list(i) > grid % nCells) do_the_cell = .false.
- end do
- if ( .not. do_the_cell ) cycle
-! compute poynomial fit for this cell if all needed neighbors exist
- if ( grid % on_a_sphere ) then
- do i=1,n
- advCells(i+1,iCell) = cell_list(i)
- xc(i) = grid % xCell % array(advCells(i+1,iCell))/a
- yc(i) = grid % yCell % array(advCells(i+1,iCell))/a
- zc(i) = grid % zCell % array(advCells(i+1,iCell))/a
- end do
- theta_abs(iCell) = pii/2. - sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1), &
- xc(2), yc(2), zc(2), &
- 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND )
-! angles from cell center to neighbor centers (thetav)
- do i=1,n-1
- ip2 = i+2
- if (ip2 > n) ip2 = 2
- thetav(i) = sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1), &
- xc(i+1), yc(i+1), zc(i+1), &
- xc(ip2), yc(ip2), zc(ip2) )
- dl_sphere(i) = a*arc_length( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1), &
- xc(i+1), yc(i+1), zc(i+1) )
- end do
- length_scale = 1.
- do i=1,n-1
- dl_sphere(i) = dl_sphere(i)/length_scale
- end do
-! thetat(1) = 0. ! this defines the x direction, cell center 1 ->
- thetat(1) = theta_abs(iCell) ! this defines the x direction, longitude line
- do i=2,n-1
- thetat(i) = thetat(i-1) + thetav(i-1)
- end do
- do i=1,n-1
- xp(i) = cos(thetat(i)) * dl_sphere(i)
- yp(i) = sin(thetat(i)) * dl_sphere(i)
- end do
- else ! On an x-y plane
- do i=1,n-1
- angle_2d(i) = grid%angleEdge%array(grid % EdgesOnCell % array(i,iCell))
- iEdge = grid % EdgesOnCell % array(i,iCell)
- if ( iCell .ne. grid % CellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)) &
- angle_2d(i) = angle_2d(i) - pii
-! xp(i) = grid % xCell % array(cell_list(i)) - grid % xCell % array(iCell)
-! yp(i) = grid % yCell % array(cell_list(i)) - grid % yCell % array(iCell)
- xp(i) = grid % dcEdge % array(grid % EdgesOnCell % array(i,iCell)) * cos(angle_2d(i))
- yp(i) = grid % dcEdge % array(grid % EdgesOnCell % array(i,iCell)) * sin(angle_2d(i))
- end do
- end if
- ma = n-1
- mw = grid % nEdgesOnCell % array (iCell)
- bmatrix = 0.
- amatrix = 0.
- wmatrix = 0.
- if (polynomial_order == 2) then
- na = 6
- ma = ma+1
- amatrix(1,1) = 1.
- wmatrix(1,1) = 1.
- do i=2,ma
- amatrix(i,1) = 1.
- amatrix(i,2) = xp(i-1)
- amatrix(i,3) = yp(i-1)
- amatrix(i,4) = xp(i-1)**2
- amatrix(i,5) = xp(i-1) * yp(i-1)
- amatrix(i,6) = yp(i-1)**2
- wmatrix(i,i) = 1.
- end do
- else if (polynomial_order == 3) then
- na = 10
- ma = ma+1
- amatrix(1,1) = 1.
- wmatrix(1,1) = 1.
- do i=2,ma
- amatrix(i,1) = 1.
- amatrix(i,2) = xp(i-1)
- amatrix(i,3) = yp(i-1)
- amatrix(i,4) = xp(i-1)**2
- amatrix(i,5) = xp(i-1) * yp(i-1)
- amatrix(i,6) = yp(i-1)**2
- amatrix(i,7) = xp(i-1)**3
- amatrix(i,8) = yp(i-1) * (xp(i-1)**2)
- amatrix(i,9) = xp(i-1) * (yp(i-1)**2)
- amatrix(i,10) = yp(i-1)**3
- wmatrix(i,i) = 1.
- end do
- else
- na = 15
- ma = ma+1
- amatrix(1,1) = 1.
- wmatrix(1,1) = 1.
- do i=2,ma
- amatrix(i,1) = 1.
- amatrix(i,2) = xp(i-1)
- amatrix(i,3) = yp(i-1)
- amatrix(i,4) = xp(i-1)**2
- amatrix(i,5) = xp(i-1) * yp(i-1)
- amatrix(i,6) = yp(i-1)**2
- amatrix(i,7) = xp(i-1)**3
- amatrix(i,8) = yp(i-1) * (xp(i-1)**2)
- amatrix(i,9) = xp(i-1) * (yp(i-1)**2)
- amatrix(i,10) = yp(i-1)**3
- amatrix(i,11) = xp(i-1)**4
- amatrix(i,12) = yp(i-1) * (xp(i-1)**3)
- amatrix(i,13) = (xp(i-1)**2)*(yp(i-1)**2)
- amatrix(i,14) = xp(i-1) * (yp(i-1)**3)
- amatrix(i,15) = yp(i-1)**4
- wmatrix(i,i) = 1.
- end do
- do i=1,mw
- wmatrix(i,i) = 1.
- end do
- end if
- call land_ice_poly_fit_2( amatrix, bmatrix, wmatrix, ma, na, 25 )
- do i=1,grid % nEdgesOnCell % array (iCell)
- ip1 = i+1
- if (ip1 > n-1) ip1 = 1
- iEdge = grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)
- xv1 = grid % xVertex % array(grid % verticesOnEdge % array (1,iedge))/a
- yv1 = grid % yVertex % array(grid % verticesOnEdge % array (1,iedge))/a
- zv1 = grid % zVertex % array(grid % verticesOnEdge % array (1,iedge))/a
- xv2 = grid % xVertex % array(grid % verticesOnEdge % array (2,iedge))/a
- yv2 = grid % yVertex % array(grid % verticesOnEdge % array (2,iedge))/a
- zv2 = grid % zVertex % array(grid % verticesOnEdge % array (2,iedge))/a
- if ( grid % on_a_sphere ) then
- call land_ice_arc_bisect( xv1, yv1, zv1, &
- xv2, yv2, zv2, &
- xec, yec, zec )
- thetae_tmp = sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1), &
- xc(i+1), yc(i+1), zc(i+1), &
- xec, yec, zec )
- thetae_tmp = thetae_tmp + thetat(i)
- if (iCell == grid % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)) then
- thetae(1,grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)) = thetae_tmp
- else
- thetae(2,grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)) = thetae_tmp
- end if
-! else
-! xe(grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)) = 0.5 * (xv1 + xv2)
-! ye(grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)) = 0.5 * (yv1 + yv2)
- end if
- end do
-! fill second derivative stencil for rk advection
- do i=1, grid % nEdgesOnCell % array (iCell)
- iEdge = grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)
- if ( grid % on_a_sphere ) then
- if (iCell == grid % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)) then
- cos2t = cos(thetae(1,grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)))
- sin2t = sin(thetae(1,grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)))
- costsint = cos2t*sin2t
- cos2t = cos2t**2
- sin2t = sin2t**2
- do j=1,n
- deriv_two(j,1,iEdge) = 2.*cos2t*bmatrix(4,j) &
- + 2.*costsint*bmatrix(5,j) &
- + 2.*sin2t*bmatrix(6,j)
- end do
- else
- cos2t = cos(thetae(2,grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)))
- sin2t = sin(thetae(2,grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)))
- costsint = cos2t*sin2t
- cos2t = cos2t**2
- sin2t = sin2t**2
- do j=1,n
- deriv_two(j,2,iEdge) = 2.*cos2t*bmatrix(4,j) &
- + 2.*costsint*bmatrix(5,j) &
- + 2.*sin2t*bmatrix(6,j)
- end do
- end if
- else
- cos2t = cos(angle_2d(i))
- sin2t = sin(angle_2d(i))
- costsint = cos2t*sin2t
- cos2t = cos2t**2
- sin2t = sin2t**2
-! do j=1,n
-! deriv_two(j,1,iEdge) = 2.*xe(iEdge)*xe(iEdge)*bmatrix(4,j) &
-! + 2.*xe(iEdge)*ye(iEdge)*bmatrix(5,j) &
-! + 2.*ye(iEdge)*ye(iEdge)*bmatrix(6,j)
-! end do
- if (iCell == grid % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)) then
- do j=1,n
- deriv_two(j,1,iEdge) = 2.*cos2t*bmatrix(4,j) &
- + 2.*costsint*bmatrix(5,j) &
- + 2.*sin2t*bmatrix(6,j)
- end do
- else
- do j=1,n
- deriv_two(j,2,iEdge) = 2.*cos2t*bmatrix(4,j) &
- + 2.*costsint*bmatrix(5,j) &
- + 2.*sin2t*bmatrix(6,j)
- end do
- end if
- end if
- end do
- end do ! end of loop over cells
- if (debug) stop
-! write(0,*) ' check for deriv2 coefficients, iEdge 4 '
-! iEdge = 4
-! j = 1
-! iCell = grid % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
-! write(0,*) ' j, icell, coef ',j,iCell,deriv_two(j,1,iEdge)
-! do j=2,7
-! write(0,*) ' j, icell, coef ',j,grid % CellsOnCell % array(j-1,iCell),deriv_two(j,1,iEdge)
-! end do
-! j = 1
-! iCell = grid % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
-! write(0,*) ' j, icell, coef ',j,iCell,deriv_two(j,2,iEdge)
-! do j=2,7
-! write(0,*) ' j, icell, coef ',j,grid % CellsOnCell % array(j-1,iCell),deriv_two(j,2,iEdge)
-! end do
-! stop
- end subroutine land_ice_initialize_advection_rk
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !
- ! Computes the angle between arcs AB and AC, given points A, B, and C
- ! Equation numbers w.r.t. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalTrigonometry.html
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- real (kind=RKIND) function sphere_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
- implicit none
- real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz
- real (kind=RKIND) :: a, b, c ! Side lengths of spherical triangle ABC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: ABx, ABy, ABz ! The components of the vector AB
- real (kind=RKIND) :: mAB ! The magnitude of AB
- real (kind=RKIND) :: ACx, ACy, ACz ! The components of the vector AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: mAC ! The magnitude of AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: Dx ! The i-components of the cross product AB x AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: Dy ! The j-components of the cross product AB x AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: Dz ! The k-components of the cross product AB x AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: s ! Semiperimeter of the triangle
- real (kind=RKIND) :: sin_angle
- a = acos(max(min(bx*cx + by*cy + bz*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND)) ! Eqn. (3)
- b = acos(max(min(ax*cx + ay*cy + az*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND)) ! Eqn. (2)
- c = acos(max(min(ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND)) ! Eqn. (1)
- ABx = bx - ax
- ABy = by - ay
- ABz = bz - az
- ACx = cx - ax
- ACy = cy - ay
- ACz = cz - az
- Dx = (ABy * ACz) - (ABz * ACy)
- Dy = -((ABx * ACz) - (ABz * ACx))
- Dz = (ABx * ACy) - (ABy * ACx)
- s = 0.5*(a + b + c)
-! sin_angle = sqrt((sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c))) ! Eqn. (28)
- sin_angle = sqrt(min(1.0_RKIND,max(0.0_RKIND,(sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c))))) ! Eqn. (28)
- if ((Dx*ax + Dy*ay + Dz*az) >= 0.0) then
- sphere_angle = 2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
- else
- sphere_angle = -2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
- end if
- end function sphere_angle
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !
- ! Computes the angle between vectors AB and AC, given points A, B, and C, and
- ! a vector (u,v,w) normal to the plane.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- real (kind=RKIND) function plane_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w)
- implicit none
- real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w
- real (kind=RKIND) :: ABx, ABy, ABz ! The components of the vector AB
- real (kind=RKIND) :: mAB ! The magnitude of AB
- real (kind=RKIND) :: ACx, ACy, ACz ! The components of the vector AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: mAC ! The magnitude of AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: Dx ! The i-components of the cross product AB x AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: Dy ! The j-components of the cross product AB x AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: Dz ! The k-components of the cross product AB x AC
- real (kind=RKIND) :: cos_angle
- ABx = bx - ax
- ABy = by - ay
- ABz = bz - az
- mAB = sqrt(ABx**2.0 + ABy**2.0 + ABz**2.0)
- ACx = cx - ax
- ACy = cy - ay
- ACz = cz - az
- mAC = sqrt(ACx**2.0 + ACy**2.0 + ACz**2.0)
- Dx = (ABy * ACz) - (ABz * ACy)
- Dy = -((ABx * ACz) - (ABz * ACx))
- Dz = (ABx * ACy) - (ABy * ACx)
- cos_angle = (ABx*ACx + ABy*ACy + ABz*ACz) / (mAB * mAC)
- if ((Dx*u + Dy*v + Dz*w) >= 0.0) then
- plane_angle = acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
- else
- plane_angle = -acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
- end if
- end function plane_angle
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !
- ! Returns the length of the great circle arc from A=(ax, ay, az) to
- ! B=(bx, by, bz). It is assumed that both A and B lie on the surface of the
- ! same sphere centered at the origin.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- real (kind=RKIND) function arc_length(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
- implicit none
- real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz
- real (kind=RKIND) :: r, c
- real (kind=RKIND) :: cx, cy, cz
- cx = bx - ax
- cy = by - ay
- cz = bz - az
-! r = ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az
-! c = cx*cx + cy*cy + cz*cz
-! arc_length = sqrt(r) * acos(1.0 - c/(2.0*r))
- r = sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az)
- c = sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy + cz*cz)
-! arc_length = sqrt(r) * 2.0 * asin(c/(2.0*r))
- arc_length = r * 2.0 * asin(c/(2.0*r))
- end function arc_length
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! subroutine land_ice_arc_bisect
- !
- ! Returns the point C=(cx, cy, cz) that bisects the great circle arc from
- ! A=(ax, ay, az) to B=(bx, by, bz). It is assumed that A and B lie on the
- ! surface of a sphere centered at the origin.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- subroutine land_ice_arc_bisect(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
- implicit none
- real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz
- real (kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: cx, cy, cz
- real (kind=RKIND) :: r ! Radius of the sphere
- real (kind=RKIND) :: d
- r = sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az)
- cx = 0.5*(ax + bx)
- cy = 0.5*(ay + by)
- cz = 0.5*(az + bz)
- if (cx == 0. .and. cy == 0. .and. cz == 0.) then
- write(0,*) 'Error: arc_bisect: A and B are diametrically opposite'
- else
- d = sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy + cz*cz)
- cx = r * cx / d
- cy = r * cy / d
- cz = r * cz / d
- end if
- end subroutine land_ice_arc_bisect
- subroutine land_ice_poly_fit_2(a_in,b_out,weights_in,m,n,ne)
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in) :: m,n,ne
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(ne,ne), intent(in) :: a_in, weights_in
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(ne,ne), intent(out) :: b_out
- ! local storage
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(m,n) :: a
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(n,m) :: b
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(m,m) :: w,wt,h
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(n,m) :: at, ath
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(n,n) :: ata, ata_inv, atha, atha_inv
- integer, dimension(n) :: indx
- integer :: i,j
- if ( (ne<n) .or. (ne<m) ) then
- write(6,*) ' error in poly_fit_2 inversion ',m,n,ne
- stop
- end if
-! a(1:m,1:n) = a_in(1:n,1:m)
- a(1:m,1:n) = a_in(1:m,1:n)
- w(1:m,1:m) = weights_in(1:m,1:m)
- b_out(:,:) = 0.
- wt = transpose(w)
- h = matmul(wt,w)
- at = transpose(a)
- ath = matmul(at,h)
- atha = matmul(ath,a)
- ata = matmul(at,a)
-! if (m == n) then
-! call land_ice_migs(a,n,b,indx)
-! else
- call land_ice_migs(atha,n,atha_inv,indx)
- b = matmul(atha_inv,ath)
-! call land_ice_migs(ata,n,ata_inv,indx)
-! b = matmul(ata_inv,at)
-! end if
- b_out(1:n,1:m) = b(1:n,1:m)
-! do i=1,n
-! write(6,*) ' i, indx ',i,indx(i)
-! end do
-! write(6,*) ' '
- end subroutine land_ice_poly_fit_2
-! Updated 10/24/2001.
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Program 4.4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-! !
-! Please Note: !
-! !
-! (1) This computer program is written by Tao Pang in conjunction with !
-! his book, "An Introduction to Computational Physics," published !
-! by Cambridge University Press in 1997. !
-! !
-! (2) No warranties, express or implied, are made for this program. !
-! !
-subroutine land_ice_migs (A,N,X,INDX)
-! subroutine to invert matrix A(N,N) with the inverse stored
-! in X(N,N) in the output. Copyright (c) Tao Pang 2001.
- DO I = 1, N
- DO J = 1, N
- B(I,J) = 0.0
- DO I = 1, N
- B(I,I) = 1.0
- call land_ice_elgs (A,N,INDX)
- DO I = 1, N-1
- DO J = I+1, N
- DO K = 1, N
- DO I = 1, N
- X(N,I) = B(INDX(N),I)/A(INDX(N),N)
- DO J = N-1, 1, -1
- X(J,I) = B(INDX(J),I)
- DO K = J+1, N
- X(J,I) = X(J,I)-A(INDX(J),K)*X(K,I)
- X(J,I) = X(J,I)/A(INDX(J),J)
-end subroutine land_ice_migs
-subroutine land_ice_elgs (A,N,INDX)
-! subroutine to perform the partial-pivoting Gaussian elimination.
-! A(N,N) is the original matrix in the input and transformed matrix
-! plus the pivoting element ratios below the diagonal in the output.
-! INDX(N) records the pivoting order. Copyright (c) Tao Pang 2001.
- REAL (kind=RKIND) :: C1,PI,PI1,PJ
-! Initialize the index
- DO I = 1, N
- INDX(I) = I
-! Find the rescaling factors, one from each row
- DO I = 1, N
- C1= 0.0
- DO J = 1, N
- C1 = MAX(C1,ABS(A(I,J)))
- C(I) = C1
-! Search the pivoting (largest) element from each column
- DO J = 1, N-1
- PI1 = 0.0
- DO I = J, N
- PI1 = PI
- K = I
-! Interchange the rows via INDX(N) to record pivoting order
- DO I = J+1, N
- PJ = A(INDX(I),J)/A(INDX(J),J)
-! Record pivoting ratios below the diagonal
- A(INDX(I),J) = PJ
-! Modify other elements accordingly
- DO K = J+1, N
-end subroutine land_ice_elgs
- subroutine land_ice_initialize_deformation_weights( grid )
-! compute the cell coefficients for the deformation calculations
-! WCS, 13 July 2010
- implicit none
- type (mesh_type), intent(in) :: grid
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: defc_a, defc_b
- integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: cellsOnEdge, edgesOnCell
-! local variables
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(2, grid % nEdges) :: thetae
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(grid % nEdges) :: xe, ye
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(grid % nCells) :: theta_abs
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(25) :: xc, yc, zc ! cell center coordinates
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(25) :: thetav, thetat, dl_sphere
- real (kind=RKIND) :: xm, ym, zm, dl, xec, yec, zec
- real (kind=RKIND) :: thetae_tmp, xe_tmp, ye_tmp
- real (kind=RKIND) :: xv1, xv2, yv1, yv2, zv1, zv2
- integer :: i, j, k, ip1, ip2, m, n, ip1a, ii
- integer :: iCell, iEdge
- real (kind=RKIND) :: pii
- real (kind=RKIND) :: x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5
- real (kind=RKIND) :: pdx1, pdx2, pdx3, pdy1, pdy2, pdy3, dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2
- real (kind=RKIND) :: angv1, angv2, dl1, dl2
- real (kind=RKIND), dimension(25) :: dxe, dye, x2v, y2v, xp, yp, xpt, ypt
- real (kind=RKIND) :: length_scale
- integer :: ma,na, cell_add, mw, nn
- integer, dimension(25) :: cell_list
- integer :: cell1, cell2, iv
- logical :: do_the_cell
- real (kind=RKIND) :: area_cell, sint2, cost2, sint_cost, sumw1, sumw2, xptt, area_cellt
- logical, parameter :: debug = .false.
- if (debug) write(0,*) ' in def weight calc '
- defc_a => grid % defc_a % array
- defc_b => grid % defc_b % array
- cellsOnEdge => grid % cellsOnEdge % array
- edgesOnCell => grid % edgesOnCell % array
- defc_a(:,:) = 0.
- defc_b(:,:) = 0.
- pii = 2.*asin(1.0)
- if (debug) write(0,*) ' beginning cell loop '
- do iCell = 1, grid % nCells
- if (debug) write(0,*) ' cell loop ', iCell
- cell_list(1) = iCell
- do i=2, grid % nEdgesOnCell % array(iCell)+1
- cell_list(i) = grid % CellsOnCell % array(i-1,iCell)
- end do
- n = grid % nEdgesOnCell % array(iCell) + 1
-! check to see if we are reaching outside the halo
- if (debug) write(0,*) ' points ', n
- do_the_cell = .true.
- do i=1,n
- if (cell_list(i) > grid % nCells) do_the_cell = .false.
- end do
- if (.not. do_the_cell) cycle
-! compute poynomial fit for this cell if all needed neighbors exist
- if (grid % on_a_sphere) then
- xc(1) = grid % xCell % array(iCell)/a
- yc(1) = grid % yCell % array(iCell)/a
- zc(1) = grid % zCell % array(iCell)/a
- do i=2,n
- iv = grid % verticesOnCell % array(i-1,iCell)
- xc(i) = grid % xVertex % array(iv)/a
- yc(i) = grid % yVertex % array(iv)/a
- zc(i) = grid % zVertex % array(iv)/a
- end do
- theta_abs(iCell) = pii/2. - sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1), &
- xc(2), yc(2), zc(2), &
- 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND )
-! angles from cell center to neighbor centers (thetav)
- do i=1,n-1
- ip2 = i+2
- if (ip2 > n) ip2 = 2
- thetav(i) = sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1), &
- xc(i+1), yc(i+1), zc(i+1), &
- xc(ip2), yc(ip2), zc(ip2) )
- dl_sphere(i) = a*arc_length( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1), &
- xc(i+1), yc(i+1), zc(i+1) )
- end do
- length_scale = 1.
- do i=1,n-1
- dl_sphere(i) = dl_sphere(i)/length_scale
- end do
- thetat(1) = 0. ! this defines the x direction, cell center 1 ->
-! thetat(1) = theta_abs(iCell) ! this defines the x direction, longitude line
- do i=2,n-1
- thetat(i) = thetat(i-1) + thetav(i-1)
- end do
- do i=1,n-1
- xp(i) = cos(thetat(i)) * dl_sphere(i)
- yp(i) = sin(thetat(i)) * dl_sphere(i)
- end do
- else ! On an x-y plane
- xp(1) = grid % xCell % array(iCell)
- yp(1) = grid % yCell % array(iCell)
- do i=2,n
- iv = grid % verticesOnCell % array(i-1,iCell)
- xp(i) = grid % xVertex % array(iv)
- yp(i) = grid % yVertex % array(iv)
- end do
- end if
-! thetat(1) = 0.
- thetat(1) = theta_abs(iCell)
- do i=2,n-1
- ip1 = i+1
- if (ip1 == n) ip1 = 1
- thetat(i) = plane_angle( 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, &
- xp(i)-xp(i-1), yp(i)-yp(i-1), 0.0_RKIND, &
- xp(ip1)-xp(i), yp(ip1)-yp(i), 0.0_RKIND, &
- 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND)
- thetat(i) = thetat(i) + thetat(i-1)
- end do
- area_cell = 0.
- area_cellt = 0.
- do i=1,n-1
- ip1 = i+1
- if (ip1 == n) ip1 = 1
- dl = sqrt((xp(ip1)-xp(i))**2 + (yp(ip1)-yp(i))**2)
- area_cell = area_cell + 0.25*(xp(i)+xp(ip1))*(yp(ip1)-yp(i)) - 0.25*(yp(i)+yp(ip1))*(xp(ip1)-xp(i))
- area_cellt = area_cellt + (0.25*(xp(i)+xp(ip1))*cos(thetat(i)) + 0.25*(yp(i)+yp(ip1))*sin(thetat(i)))*dl
- end do
- if (debug) write(0,*) ' area_cell, area_cellt ',area_cell, area_cellt,area_cell-area_cellt
- do i=1,n-1
- ip1 = i+1
- if (ip1 == n) ip1 = 1
- dl = sqrt((xp(ip1)-xp(i))**2 + (yp(ip1)-yp(i))**2)
- sint2 = (sin(thetat(i)))**2
- cost2 = (cos(thetat(i)))**2
- sint_cost = sin(thetat(i))*cos(thetat(i))
- defc_a(i,iCell) = dl*(cost2 - sint2)/area_cell
- defc_b(i,iCell) = dl*2.*sint_cost/area_cell
- if (cellsOnEdge(1,EdgesOnCell(i,iCell)) /= iCell) then
- defc_a(i,iCell) = - defc_a(i,iCell)
- defc_b(i,iCell) = - defc_b(i,iCell)
- end if
- end do
- end do
- if (debug) write(0,*) ' exiting def weight calc '
- end subroutine land_ice_initialize_deformation_weights
-end module land_ice_advection