<p><b>xylar@lanl.gov</b> 2012-01-13 10:59:30 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jan 2012)</p><p>BRANCH COMMIT<br>
Fixed the commenting in the Registry file -- % instead of !<br>
land_ice_model.exe still builds with these changes<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/land_ice/mpas/src/core_land_ice/Registry
--- branches/land_ice/mpas/src/core_land_ice/Registry        2012-01-12 18:57:10 UTC (rev 1357)
+++ branches/land_ice/mpas/src/core_land_ice/Registry        2012-01-13 17:59:30 UTC (rev 1358)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-!whl - This file originally created from shallow-water Registry
-!whl - Commented out fields that are not needed for land ice; delete later.
+%whl - This file originally created from shallow-water Registry
+%whl - Commented out fields that are not needed for land ice; delete later.
% namelist type namelist_record name default_value
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@
namelist character land_ice_model config_run_duration none
namelist integer land_ice_model config_stats_interval 100
namelist logical land_ice_model config_h_ScaleWithMesh false
-!!!namelist real land_ice_model config_h_mom_eddy_visc2 0.0
-!!!namelist real land_ice_model config_h_mom_eddy_visc4 0.0
-!!!namelist real land_ice_model config_h_tracer_eddy_diff2 0.0
-!!!namelist real land_ice_model config_h_tracer_eddy_diff4 0.0
+%%%namelist real land_ice_model config_h_mom_eddy_visc2 0.0
+%%%namelist real land_ice_model config_h_mom_eddy_visc4 0.0
+%%%namelist real land_ice_model config_h_tracer_eddy_diff2 0.0
+%%%namelist real land_ice_model config_h_tracer_eddy_diff4 0.0
namelist integer land_ice_model config_thickness_adv_order 2
namelist integer land_ice_model config_tracer_adv_order 2
namelist logical land_ice_model config_positive_definite false
namelist logical land_ice_model config_monotonic false
-!!!namelist logical land_ice_model config_wind_stress false
-!!!namelist logical land_ice_model config_bottom_drag false
-!!!namelist real land_ice_model config_apvm_upwinding 0.5
+%%%namelist logical land_ice_model config_wind_stress false
+%%%namelist logical land_ice_model config_bottom_drag false
+%%%namelist real land_ice_model config_apvm_upwinding 0.5
namelist character io config_input_name grid.nc
namelist character io config_output_name output.nc
namelist character io config_restart_name restart.nc
@@ -101,17 +101,17 @@
var persistent integer edgesOnVertex ( vertexDegree nVertices ) 0 iro edgesOnVertex mesh - -
var persistent integer cellsOnVertex ( vertexDegree nVertices ) 0 iro cellsOnVertex mesh - -
var persistent real kiteAreasOnVertex ( vertexDegree nVertices ) 0 iro kiteAreasOnVertex mesh - -
-!!!var persistent real fEdge ( nEdges ) 0 iro fEdge mesh - -
-!!!var persistent real fVertex ( nVertices ) 0 iro fVertex mesh - -
-!!!var persistent real fCell ( nCells ) 0 iro fCell mesh - -
-!!!var persistent real h_s ( nCells ) 0 iro h_s mesh - -
+%%%var persistent real fEdge ( nEdges ) 0 iro fEdge mesh - -
+%%%var persistent real fVertex ( nVertices ) 0 iro fVertex mesh - -
+%%%var persistent real fCell ( nCells ) 0 iro fCell mesh - -
+%%%var persistent real h_s ( nCells ) 0 iro h_s mesh - -
% Space needed for advection
var persistent real deriv_two ( FIFTEEN TWO nEdges ) 0 o deriv_two mesh - -
var persistent integer advCells ( TWENTYONE nCells ) 0 - advCells mesh - -
-% !! NOTE: the following arrays are needed to allow the use
-% !! of the module_advection.F w/o alteration
+% %% NOTE: the following arrays are needed to allow the use
+% %% of the module_advection.F w/o alteration
% Space needed for deformation calculation weights
var persistent real defc_a ( maxEdges nCells ) 0 - defc_a mesh - -
var persistent real defc_b ( maxEdges nCells ) 0 - defc_b mesh - -
@@ -124,29 +124,29 @@
var persistent integer boundaryEdge ( nVertLevels nEdges ) 0 iro boundaryEdge mesh - -
var persistent integer boundaryVertex ( nVertLevels nVertices ) 0 iro boundaryVertex mesh - -
var persistent integer boundaryCell ( nVertLevels nCells ) 0 iro boundaryCell mesh - -
-!!!var persistent real u_src ( nVertLevels nEdges ) 0 iro u_src mesh - -
+%%%var persistent real u_src ( nVertLevels nEdges ) 0 iro u_src mesh - -
% Prognostic variables: read from input, saved in restart, and written to output
-!!!var persistent real u ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 iro u state - -
-!!!var persistent real h ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro h state - -
-!!!var persistent real tracers ( nTracers nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro tracers state - -
+%%%var persistent real u ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 iro u state - -
+%%%var persistent real h ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro h state - -
+%%%var persistent real tracers ( nTracers nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro tracers state - -
% Tendency variables
-!!!var persistent real tend_u ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 1 - u tend - -
+%%%var persistent real tend_u ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 1 - u tend - -
var persistent real tend_thck_layer ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 1 - thck_layer tend - -
-!!!var persistent real tend_tracers ( nTracers nVertLevels nCells Time ) 1 - tracers tend - -
+%%%var persistent real tend_tracers ( nTracers nVertLevels nCells Time ) 1 - tracers tend - -
var persistent real tend_temperature ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 1 - temperature tend tracers dynamics
% Diagnostic fields: only written to output
-!!!var persistent real v ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 o v state - -
-!!!var persistent real divergence ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o divergence state - -
-!!!var persistent real vorticity ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 o vorticity state - -
-!!!var persistent real vorticity_cell ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o vorticity_cell state - -
-!!!var persistent real pv_edge ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 o pv_edge state - -
+%%%var persistent real v ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 o v state - -
+%%%var persistent real divergence ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o divergence state - -
+%%%var persistent real vorticity ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 o vorticity state - -
+%%%var persistent real vorticity_cell ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o vorticity_cell state - -
+%%%var persistent real pv_edge ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 o pv_edge state - -
var persistent real h_edge ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 o h_edge state - -
-!!!var persistent real ke ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o ke state - -
-!!!var persistent real pv_vertex ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 o pv_vertex state - -
-!!!var persistent real pv_cell ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o pv_cell state - -
+%%%var persistent real ke ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o ke state - -
+%%%var persistent real pv_vertex ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 o pv_vertex state - -
+%%%var persistent real pv_cell ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o pv_cell state - -
var persistent real uReconstructX ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o uReconstructX state - -
var persistent real uReconstructY ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o uReconstructY state - -
var persistent real uReconstructZ ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o uReconstructZ state - -
@@ -154,20 +154,20 @@
var persistent real uReconstructMeridional ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o uReconstructMeridional state - -
% Other diagnostic variables: neither read nor written to any files
-!!!var persistent real vh ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - vh state - -
-!!!var persistent real circulation ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 - circulation state - -
-!!!var persistent real gradPVt ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - gradPVt state - -
-!!!var persistent real gradPVn ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - gradPVn state - -
+%%%var persistent real vh ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - vh state - -
+%%%var persistent real circulation ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 - circulation state - -
+%%%var persistent real gradPVt ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - gradPVt state - -
+%%%var persistent real gradPVn ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - gradPVn state - -
var persistent real h_vertex ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 - h_vertex state - -
% Prognostic variables for land-ice model: read from input, saved in restart, and written to output
var persistent real thck ( nCells Time ) 2 iro thck state - -
var persistent real lsrf ( nCells Time ) 2 iro lsrf state - -
var persistent real beta ( nCells Time ) 2 iro beta state - -
-!!!var persistent real tracers ( nTracers nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro tracers state - -
+%%%var persistent real tracers ( nTracers nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro tracers state - -
var persistent real thck_layer ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro thck_layer state - -
var persistent real temp ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro temp state tracers dynamics
- %whl - temp should be nVertLevels + 1?
+% whl - temp should be nVertLevels + 1?
% Diagnostic fields for land-ice model: only written to output
var persistent real unorm ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 iro unorm state - -