<p><b>duda</b> 2012-01-05 14:49:04 -0700 (Thu, 05 Jan 2012)</p><p>Add new functionality in global_scvt:<br>
- in addition to the n final generating points, write 3n-6 refinement points <br>
to the end of the locs.dat.out file, which can then be used on the next <br>
execution of global_scvt by setting np to 4n-6 in the namelist<br>
- using a new namelist parameter min_dx, which gives the targeted minimum<br>
grid distance, compute an estimate for the number of required <br>
generating points to meet that target based on the specified density function<br>
M src/module_grid_params.F<br>
M src/grid_gen.F<br>
M src/module_grid_meta.F<br>
M src/module_scvt.F<br>
M namelist.input<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/namelist.input
--- trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/namelist.input        2012-01-05 19:39:29 UTC (rev 1298)
+++ trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/namelist.input        2012-01-05 21:49:04 UTC (rev 1299)
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@
eps = 0.000000001
l2_conv = .true.
inf_conv = .false.
+ min_dx = 120000.0
Modified: trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/grid_gen.F
--- trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/grid_gen.F        2012-01-05 19:39:29 UTC (rev 1298)
+++ trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/grid_gen.F        2012-01-05 21:49:04 UTC (rev 1299)
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
integer :: if
character (len=80) :: frame_name
+ real :: pi
+ real :: area_per_sample, nhexs, sum_nhexs, hex_area
+ type (geo_point) :: p
integer :: i, j, k, nb, ier
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: rlat, rlon, vclat, vclon, x, y, z, xc, yc, zc
@@ -35,6 +39,30 @@
call read_namelist()
+ pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
+ area_per_sample = 4.0 * pi * 6370000**2.0 / 6000000.0
+ sum_nhexs = 0.0
+ write(0,'(a,f10.1)') 'Computing an estimate for the required number of cells to reach dx=', min_dx
+ do if = 1,5
+ nhexs = 0.0
+ do i=1,6000000
+ call random_point(p)
+ d1 = density_for_point(p)
+ dl = min_dx / (d1 ** 0.25)
+ hex_area = sqrt(3.0) / 2.0 * dl**2.0
+ nhexs = nhexs + area_per_sample / hex_area
+ end do
+! write(0,'(a,i2,a,i)') 'Estimate ',if,' for required # hexs:', nint(nhexs)
+ sum_nhexs = sum_nhexs + nhexs
+ write(0,'(a,i3,a)',advance='no') ' ...',if*20,'%'
+ end do
+ write(0,*) ' '
+ write(0,*) 'Estimated # hexs:', nint(sum_nhexs/5.0)
+ write(0,*) ' '
n = np
ntmax = 6*n
Modified: trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/module_grid_meta.F
--- trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/module_grid_meta.F        2012-01-05 19:39:29 UTC (rev 1298)
+++ trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/module_grid_meta.F        2012-01-05 21:49:04 UTC (rev 1299)
@@ -928,10 +928,13 @@
! of a grid using the grid_gen code
- write(22,*) n,n
- do i=1,n
+ write(22,*) nCells,nEdges
+ do i=1,nCells
write(22,'(10x,f22.10,f23.10,f23.10)') xCell(i), yCell(i), zCell(i)
end do
+ do i=1,nEdges
+ write(22,'(10x,f22.10,f23.10,f23.10)') xEdge(i), yEdge(i), zEdge(i)
+ end do
! do i=1,nCells
! write(22,'(f13.10,1x,f13.10)') latCell(i), lonCell(i)
! end do
Modified: trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/module_grid_params.F
--- trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/module_grid_params.F        2012-01-05 19:39:29 UTC (rev 1298)
+++ trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/module_grid_params.F        2012-01-05 21:49:04 UTC (rev 1299)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
logical :: l2_conv, inf_conv
integer :: n_scvt_iterations
real :: eps
+ real :: min_dx
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
integer :: funit
real :: pi
- namelist /domains/ np, locs_as_xyz, n_scvt_iterations, eps, l2_conv, inf_conv
+ namelist /domains/ np, locs_as_xyz, n_scvt_iterations, eps, l2_conv, inf_conv, min_dx
pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
eps = 0.0000000001
l2_conv = .true.
inf_conv = .false.
+ min_dx = 120000.0
Modified: trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/module_scvt.F
--- trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/module_scvt.F        2012-01-05 19:39:29 UTC (rev 1298)
+++ trunk/grid_gen/global_scvt/src/module_scvt.F        2012-01-05 21:49:04 UTC (rev 1299)
@@ -189,6 +189,43 @@
+ !
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ subroutine random_point(p)
+ type (geo_point), intent(inout) :: p
+ real :: x, y, z, m
+ real :: pi
+ pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
+ x = 0.0
+ y = 0.0
+ z = 0.0
+ m = 2.0
+ do while (m > 1.0 .or. (x == 0.0 .and. y == 0.0 .and. z == 0.0))
+ call random_number(x)
+ call random_number(y)
+ call random_number(z)
+ x = x * 2.0 - 1.0
+ y = y * 2.0 - 1.0
+ z = z * 2.0 - 1.0
+ m = x**2 + y**2 + z**2
+ end do
+ m = 1.0 / sqrt(m)
+ x = x * m
+ y = y * m
+ z = z * m
+ call convert_xl(x, y, z, p)
+ end subroutine random_point
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!