<p><b>duda</b> 2011-12-21 15:40:19 -0700 (Wed, 21 Dec 2011)</p><p>- Add new module mpas_kind_types that defines RKIND using selected_real_kind()<br>
- Modify all code except for atmosphere physics so that we can compile<br>
  without -DRKIND=8 and without -r8, -qrealsize=8, or other such flags<br>
  (for now, keep -r8, -qrealsize=8, etc. in Makefile for physics routines from WRF)<br>
- Make possible the use of an externally-provided MPI communicator, given <br>
  as an optional argument to mpas_dmpar_init, in the dmpar module<br>
- Add a couple of #ifdef lines in test case routines to permit compilation<br>
  of the non-hydrostatic atmosphere core without physics<br>
M    src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_advection.F<br>
M    src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_test_cases.F<br>
M    src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_time_integration.F<br>
M    src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_llxy.F<br>
M    src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_hinterp.F<br>
M    src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_test_cases.F<br>
M    src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_queue.F<br>
M    src/core_sw/mpas_sw_advection.F<br>
M    src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_date_time.F<br>
M    src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_vars.F<br>
M    src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_initialize_real.F<br>
M    src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_advection.F<br>
M    src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_test_cases.F<br>
M    src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_time_integration.F<br>
M    src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_advection.F<br>
M    src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_vadv.F<br>
M    src/framework/mpas_constants.F<br>
M    src/framework/mpas_timer.F<br>
M    src/framework/mpas_io_input.F<br>
M    src/framework/mpas_io_output.F<br>
M    src/framework/mpas_sort.F<br>
M    src/framework/mpas_timekeeping.F<br>
M    src/framework/mpas_dmpar.F<br>
M    src/framework/Makefile<br>
A  + src/framework/mpas_kind_types.F<br>
M    src/operators/mpas_spline_interpolation.F<br>
M    Makefile<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">
Property changes on: trunk/mpas
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/ocean_projects/imp_vert_mix_mrp:754-986
   + /branches/cam_mpas_nh:1260-1270

Modified: trunk/mpas/Makefile
--- trunk/mpas/Makefile        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/Makefile        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -g&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -g -C&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -fast&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = &quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -fast&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = &quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O0 -g&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         &quot;PAPILIBS = -L$(PAPI)/lib -lpapi&quot; )
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         &quot;PAPILIBS = -L$(PAPI)/lib -lpapi&quot; )
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
         ( make all \
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
 CPPINCLUDES = -I../inc -I$(NETCDF)/include -I$(PAPI)/include
 FCINCLUDES = -I../inc -I$(NETCDF)/include -I$(PAPI)/include

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_date_time.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_date_time.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_date_time.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
  module mpas_atmphys_date_time
+ use mpas_kind_types
  implicit none
  public:: get_julgmt,             &amp;

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_initialize_real.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_initialize_real.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_initialize_real.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
  module mpas_atmphys_initialize_real
+ use mpas_kind_types
  use mpas_configure, only: config_met_prefix,  &amp;
                            config_frac_seaice, &amp;
                            config_input_sst,   &amp;
@@ -82,12 +83,12 @@
        if(field % iproj == PROJ_LATLON) then
           call map_set(PROJ_LATLON, proj, &amp;
-                       latinc = real(field % deltalat), &amp;
-                       loninc = real(field % deltalon), &amp;
-                       knowni = 1.0, &amp;
-                       knownj = 1.0, &amp;
-                       lat1 = real(field % startlat), &amp;
-                       lon1 = real(field % startlon))
+                       latinc = real(field % deltalat,RKIND), &amp;
+                       loninc = real(field % deltalon,RKIND), &amp;
+                       knowni = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                       knownj = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                       lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &amp;
+                       lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
        end if
        !Interpolate field to each MPAS grid cell:
@@ -110,10 +111,10 @@
           if(index(field % field,'SST') /= 0) then
              fg % sst % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x,y,1,slab_r8,1,field%nx, &amp;
-                                              1,field%ny,1,1,-1.e30,interp_list,1)
+                                              1,field%ny,1,1,-1.e30_RKIND,interp_list,1)
           elseif(index(field % field,'SEAICE') /= 0) then
              fg % xice % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x,y,1,slab_r8,1,field%nx, &amp;
-                                              1,field%ny,1,1,-1.e30,interp_list,1)
+                                              1,field%ny,1,1,-1.e30_RKIND,interp_list,1)
        end do

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_vars.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_vars.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_atmos_physics/mpas_atmphys_vars.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
  module mpas_atmphys_vars
+ use mpas_kind_types
  implicit none

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_advection.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_advection.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_advection.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 module atmh_advection
+   use mpas_kind_types
    use mpas_grid_types
    use mpas_configure
    use mpas_constants
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@
             theta_abs(iCell) =  pii/2. - sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1),  &amp;
                                                        xc(2), yc(2), zc(2),  &amp;
-                                                       0.,    0.,    1.      ) 
+                                                       0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND ) 
 ! angles from cell center to neighbor centers (thetav)
@@ -335,7 +336,7 @@
    ! Computes the angle between arcs AB and AC, given points A, B, and C
    ! Equation numbers w.r.t. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalTrigonometry.html
-   real function sphere_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function sphere_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
       implicit none
@@ -355,9 +356,9 @@
       real (kind=RKIND) :: s                ! Semiperimeter of the triangle
       real (kind=RKIND) :: sin_angle
-      a = acos(max(min(bx*cx + by*cy + bz*cz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (3)
-      b = acos(max(min(ax*cx + ay*cy + az*cz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (2)
-      c = acos(max(min(ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (1)
+      a = acos(max(min(bx*cx + by*cy + bz*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (3)
+      b = acos(max(min(ax*cx + ay*cy + az*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (2)
+      c = acos(max(min(ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (1)
       ABx = bx - ax
       ABy = by - ay
@@ -373,12 +374,12 @@
       s = 0.5*(a + b + c)
 !      sin_angle = sqrt((sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))   ! Eqn. (28)
-      sin_angle = sqrt(min(1.,max(0.,(sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))))   ! Eqn. (28)
+      sin_angle = sqrt(min(1.0_RKIND,max(0.0_RKIND,(sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))))   ! Eqn. (28)
       if ((Dx*ax + Dy*ay + Dz*az) &gt;= 0.0) then
-         sphere_angle =  2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         sphere_angle =  2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
-         sphere_angle = -2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         sphere_angle = -2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
       end if
    end function sphere_angle
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@
    ! Computes the angle between vectors AB and AC, given points A, B, and C, and
    !   a vector (u,v,w) normal to the plane.
-   real function plane_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function plane_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w)
       implicit none
@@ -425,9 +426,9 @@
       cos_angle = (ABx*ACx + ABy*ACy + ABz*ACz) / (mAB * mAC)
       if ((Dx*u + Dy*v + Dz*w) &gt;= 0.0) then
-         plane_angle =  acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         plane_angle =  acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
-         plane_angle = -acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         plane_angle = -acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
       end if
    end function plane_angle
@@ -440,7 +441,7 @@
    !    B=(bx, by, bz). It is assumed that both A and B lie on the surface of the
    !    same sphere centered at the origin.
-   real function arc_length(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function arc_length(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
       implicit none
@@ -575,7 +576,7 @@
 !                                                                       !
 ! Subroutine to invert matrix A(N,N) with the inverse stored
 ! in X(N,N) in the output.  Copyright (c) Tao Pang 2001.
@@ -617,7 +618,7 @@
       X(J,I) =  X(J,I)/A(INDX(J),J)
     END DO
@@ -646,7 +647,7 @@
   DO I = 1, N
     C1= 0.0
     DO J = 1, N
-      C1 = AMAX1(C1,ABS(A(I,J)))
+      C1 = MAX(C1,ABS(A(I,J)))
     END DO
     C(I) = C1

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_test_cases.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_test_cases.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_test_cases.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
          if (config_test_case == 2) then
             r_pert = sphere_distance( grid % latEdge % array (iEdge), grid % lonEdge % array (iEdge), &amp;
-                                      lat_pert, lon_pert, 1.)/(pert_radius)
+                                      lat_pert, lon_pert, 1.0_RKIND)/(pert_radius)
             u_pert = u_perturbation*exp(-r_pert**2)*(lat2-lat1)*a/grid % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
          else if (config_test_case == 3) then
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
    end subroutine atmh_test_case_1
-   real function sphere_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, radius)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function sphere_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, radius)
    ! Compute the great-circle distance between (lat1, lon1) and (lat2, lon2) on a
    !   sphere with given radius.
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
    end function sphere_distance
-   real function AA(theta)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function AA(theta)
    ! A, used in height field computation for Rossby-Haurwitz wave
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
    end function AA
-   real function BB(theta)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function BB(theta)
    ! B, used in height field computation for Rossby-Haurwitz wave
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@
    end function BB
-   real function CC(theta)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function CC(theta)
    ! C, used in height field computation for Rossby-Haurwitz wave

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_time_integration.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_time_integration.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_hyd_atmos/mpas_atmh_time_integration.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1652,9 +1652,9 @@
                   ! add in vertical flux to get max and min estimate
                   s_max_update(iScalar) = s_max_update(iScalar)  &amp;
-                     - rdnw(k) * (max(0.,v_flux(iScalar,iCell,km0)) - min(0.,v_flux(iScalar,iCell,km1)))
+                     - rdnw(k) * (max(0.0_RKIND,v_flux(iScalar,iCell,km0)) - min(0.0_RKIND,v_flux(iScalar,iCell,km1)))
                   s_min_update(iScalar) = s_min_update(iScalar)  &amp;
-                     - rdnw(k) * (min(0.,v_flux(iScalar,iCell,km0)) - max(0.,v_flux(iScalar,iCell,km1)))
+                     - rdnw(k) * (min(0.0_RKIND,v_flux(iScalar,iCell,km0)) - max(0.0_RKIND,v_flux(iScalar,iCell,km1)))
                end do
@@ -1671,8 +1671,8 @@
                         fdir = -1.0
                      end if
                      flux = -fdir * h_flux(iScalar,iEdge)/grid % areaCell % array(iCell)
-                     s_max_update(iScalar) = s_max_update(iScalar) + max(0.,flux)
-                     s_min_update(iScalar) = s_min_update(iScalar) + min(0.,flux)
+                     s_max_update(iScalar) = s_max_update(iScalar) + max(0.0_RKIND,flux)
+                     s_min_update(iScalar) = s_min_update(iScalar) + min(0.0_RKIND,flux)
                   end do
@@ -1687,9 +1687,9 @@
                   s_min_update (iScalar) =  s_min_update (iScalar) / h_new (k,iCell)
                   s_upwind = s_update(iScalar,iCell,km0) / h_new(k,iCell)
                   if ( s_max_update(iScalar) &gt; s_max(iScalar) .and. config_monotonic)   &amp;
-                     scale_in (iScalar,iCell,km0) = max(0.,(s_max(iScalar)-s_upwind)/(s_max_update(iScalar)-s_upwind+eps))
+                     scale_in (iScalar,iCell,km0) = max(0.0_RKIND,(s_max(iScalar)-s_upwind)/(s_max_update(iScalar)-s_upwind+eps))
                   if ( s_min_update(iScalar) &lt; s_min(iScalar) )   &amp;
-                     scale_out (iScalar,iCell,km0) = max(0.,(s_upwind-s_min(iScalar))/(s_upwind-s_min_update(iScalar)+eps))
+                     scale_out (iScalar,iCell,km0) = max(0.0_RKIND,(s_upwind-s_min(iScalar))/(s_upwind-s_min_update(iScalar)+eps))
                 end do
             end do ! end loop over cells to compute scale factor

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_hinterp.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_hinterp.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_hinterp.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -545,10 +545,10 @@
       ify = floor(yy)
       icy = ceiling(yy)
-      fxfy = max(0., 1.0 - sqrt((xx-real(ifx))**2+(yy-real(ify))**2))
-      fxcy = max(0., 1.0 - sqrt((xx-real(ifx))**2+(yy-real(icy))**2))
-      cxfy = max(0., 1.0 - sqrt((xx-real(icx))**2+(yy-real(ify))**2))
-      cxcy = max(0., 1.0 - sqrt((xx-real(icx))**2+(yy-real(icy))**2))
+      fxfy = max(0.0_RKIND, 1.0 - sqrt((xx-real(ifx))**2+(yy-real(ify))**2))
+      fxcy = max(0.0_RKIND, 1.0 - sqrt((xx-real(ifx))**2+(yy-real(icy))**2))
+      cxfy = max(0.0_RKIND, 1.0 - sqrt((xx-real(icx))**2+(yy-real(ify))**2))
+      cxcy = max(0.0_RKIND, 1.0 - sqrt((xx-real(icx))**2+(yy-real(icy))**2))
       ! First, make sure that the point is contained in the source array
       if (ifx &lt; start_x .or. icx &gt; end_x .or. &amp;
@@ -744,13 +744,13 @@
                if (array(ifx+3-i, ify+3-j, izz) == msgval .or. mask_array(ifx+3-i, ify+3-j) == maskval) then
                   weights(i,j) = 0.0
-                  weights(i,j) = max(0., 2.0 - sqrt((xx-real(ifx+3-i))**2+(yy-real(ify+3-j))**2))
+                  weights(i,j) = max(0.0_RKIND, 2.0 - sqrt((xx-real(ifx+3-i))**2+(yy-real(ify+3-j))**2))
                end if
                if (array(ifx+3-i, ify+3-j, izz) == msgval) then
                   weights(i,j) = 0.0
-                  weights(i,j) = max(0., 2.0 - sqrt((xx-real(ifx+3-i))**2+(yy-real(ify+3-j))**2))
+                  weights(i,j) = max(0.0_RKIND, 2.0 - sqrt((xx-real(ifx+3-i))**2+(yy-real(ify+3-j))**2))
                end if
             end if

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_llxy.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_llxy.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_llxy.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@
    REAL (KIND=RKIND), PARAMETER :: PI = 3.141592653589793
@@ -1154,10 +1156,10 @@
       ! intersects the Earth's surface at each of the distinctly different
       ! latitudes
       IF (ABS(truelat1-truelat2) .GT. 0.1) THEN
-         cone = ALOG10(COS(truelat1*rad_per_deg)) - &amp;
-                ALOG10(COS(truelat2*rad_per_deg))
-         cone = cone /(ALOG10(TAN((45.0 - ABS(truelat1)/2.0) * rad_per_deg)) - &amp;
-                ALOG10(TAN((45.0 - ABS(truelat2)/2.0) * rad_per_deg)))        
+         cone = LOG10(COS(truelat1*rad_per_deg)) - &amp;
+                LOG10(COS(truelat2*rad_per_deg))
+         cone = cone /(LOG10(TAN((45.0 - ABS(truelat1)/2.0) * rad_per_deg)) - &amp;
+                LOG10(TAN((45.0 - ABS(truelat2)/2.0) * rad_per_deg)))        
          cone = SIN(ABS(truelat1)*rad_per_deg )  
@@ -1220,9 +1222,9 @@
          ! Longitude
          lon = proj%stdlon + deg_per_rad * ATAN2(proj%hemi*xx,yy)/proj%cone
 # if ( defined (G95) &amp;&amp; ( DA_CORE == 1 ) )
-         lon = DMOD(lon+360., 360.)
+         lon = DMOD(lon+360., 360.0_RKIND)
 # else
-         lon = AMOD(lon+360., 360.)
+         lon = MOD(lon+360., 360.0_RKIND)
 # endif
          ! Latitude.  Latitude determined by solving an equation adapted 
@@ -1323,7 +1325,7 @@
       proj%rsw = 0.
       IF (proj%lat1 .NE. 0.) THEN
-         proj%rsw = (ALOG(TAN(0.5*((proj%lat1+90.)*rad_per_deg))))/proj%dlon
+         proj%rsw = (LOG(TAN(0.5*((proj%lat1+90.)*rad_per_deg))))/proj%dlon
@@ -1347,7 +1349,7 @@
       IF (deltalon .LT. -180.) deltalon = deltalon + 360.
       IF (deltalon .GT. 180.) deltalon = deltalon - 360.
       i = proj%knowni + (deltalon/(proj%dlon*deg_per_rad))
-      j = proj%knownj + (ALOG(TAN(0.5*((lat + 90.) * rad_per_deg)))) / &amp;
+      j = proj%knownj + (LOG(TAN(0.5*((lat + 90.) * rad_per_deg)))) / &amp;
              proj%dlon - proj%rsw
@@ -1531,7 +1533,7 @@
       ! Try to determine whether this domain has global coverage
       if (abs(proj%lat1 - proj%latinc/2. + 90.) &lt; 0.001 .and. &amp;
-          abs(mod(proj%lon1 - proj%loninc/2. - proj%stdlon,360.)) &lt; 0.001) then
+          abs(mod(proj%lon1 - proj%loninc/2. - proj%stdlon,360.0_RKIND)) &lt; 0.001) then
          global_domain = .true.
          global_domain = .false.

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_queue.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_queue.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_queue.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 module init_atm_queue
+   use mpas_kind_types
    type q_data         ! The user-defined datatype to store in the queue
       real (kind=RKIND) :: lat, lon
       integer :: x, y

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_test_cases.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_test_cases.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_init_nhyd_atmos/mpas_init_atm_test_cases.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@
       integer :: eoe, j
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: nEdgesOnEdge 
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: edgesOnEdge, CellsOnEdge
-      real, dimension(:), pointer :: dvEdge, AreaCell 
-      real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dvEdge, AreaCell 
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
       real (kind=RKIND) :: u, v, flux, fluxk, lat1, lat2, eta_v, r_pert, u_pert, lat_pert, lon_pert, r
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@
          if (config_test_case == 2) then
             r_pert = sphere_distance( grid % latEdge % array (iEdge), grid % lonEdge % array (iEdge), &amp;
-                                      lat_pert, lon_pert, 1.)/(pert_radius)
+                                      lat_pert, lon_pert, 1.0_RKIND)/(pert_radius)
             u_pert = u_perturbation*exp(-r_pert**2)*(lat2-lat1)*a/grid % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
          else if (config_test_case == 3) then
@@ -757,9 +757,9 @@
             if (config_theta_adv_order ==3) then 
                diag % rw % array(k,cell2) = diag % rw % array(k,cell2)    &amp;
-                                            - sign(1.,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
+                                            - sign(1.0_RKIND,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
                diag % rw % array(k,cell1) = diag % rw % array(k,cell1)    &amp;
-                                            + sign(1.,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
+                                            + sign(1.0_RKIND,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
             end if
          end do
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@
 !  renormalize for setting cell-face fluxes
    do k=1,nz1
-     flux_zonal(k) = sign(1.,lat2_in-lat1_in)*flux_zonal(k)*dlat*a/dvEdge/u0
+     flux_zonal(k) = sign(1.0_RKIND,lat2_in-lat1_in)*flux_zonal(k)*dlat*a/dvEdge/u0
    end do
    end subroutine init_atm_calc_flux_zonal
@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@
       integer :: eoe, j
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: nEdgesOnEdge 
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: edgesOnEdge
-      real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
       integer :: iCell, iCell1, iCell2 , iEdge, vtx1, vtx2, ivtx, i, k, nz, nz1, itr, cell1, cell2, nCellsSolve
       integer :: index_qv
@@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@
             temp     = p(k,i)*thi(k,i)
             pres     = p0*p(k,i)**(1./rcp)
             qvs      = 380.*exp(17.27*(temp-273.)/(temp-36.))/pres
-            scalars(index_qv,k,i) = amin1(0.014,rh(k,i)*qvs)
+            scalars(index_qv,k,i) = min(0.014_RKIND,rh(k,i)*qvs)
          end do
       end do
@@ -1422,8 +1422,8 @@
       integer :: eoe, j
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: nEdgesOnEdge 
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: edgesOnEdge, CellsOnEdge
-      real, dimension(:), pointer :: dvEdge, AreaCell, xCell, yCell 
-      real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dvEdge, AreaCell, xCell, yCell 
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
       integer :: iCell, iCell1, iCell2 , iEdge, vtx1, vtx2, ivtx, i, k, nz, nz1, itr, itrp, cell1, cell2, nCellsSolve
       integer :: index_qv
@@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@
 ! smoothing grid for the upper level &gt;&gt; but not propoer for parallel programing 
       do k=2,nz1
-         sm = .25*min((zc(k)-zc(k-1))/dz,1.)
+         sm = .25*min((zc(k)-zc(k-1))/dz,1.0_RKIND)
          do i=1,grid % nCells
             hx(k,i) = hx(k-1,i)
          end do
@@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@
               temp   = p(k,i)*t(k,i)
               pres   = p0*p(k,i)**(1./rcp)
               qvs    = 380.*exp(17.27*(temp-273.)/(temp-36.))/pres
-              scalars(index_qv,k,i) = amin1(0.014,rh(k,i)*qvs)
+              scalars(index_qv,k,i) = min(0.014_RKIND,rh(k,i)*qvs)
            end do
            do k=1,nz1
@@ -1949,9 +1949,9 @@
             if (config_theta_adv_order ==3) then
                diag % rw % array(k,cell2) = diag % rw % array(k,cell2)    &amp;
-                                            - sign(1.,ru(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
+                                            - sign(1.0_RKIND,ru(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
                diag % rw % array(k,cell1) = diag % rw % array(k,cell1)    &amp;
-                                            + sign(1.,ru(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
+                                            + sign(1.0_RKIND,ru(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
             end if
          end do
@@ -2520,12 +2520,12 @@
       grid % soiltemp % array(:) = 0.0
       call map_set(PROJ_LATLON, proj, &amp;
-                   latinc = 1.0, &amp;
-                   loninc = 1.0, &amp;
-                   knowni = 1.0, &amp;
-                   knownj = 1.0, &amp;
-                   lat1 = -89.5, &amp;
-                   lon1 = -179.5)
+                   latinc = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   loninc = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   knowni = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   knownj = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   lat1 = -89.5_RKIND, &amp;
+                   lon1 = -179.5_RKIND)
       write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(config_geog_data_path)//'soiltemp_1deg/',1,'-',180,'.',1,'-',180
 write(0,*) trim(fname)
@@ -2568,8 +2568,8 @@
             end if
 if (y &lt; 1.0) y = 1.0
 if (y &gt; 179.0) y = 179.0
-!            grid % soiltemp % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, soiltemp_1deg, 1, 360, 1, 180, 1, 1, -1.e30, interp_list, 1)
-            grid % soiltemp % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, soiltemp_1deg, 1, 360, 1, 180, 1, 1, 0., interp_list, 1)
+!            grid % soiltemp % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, soiltemp_1deg, 1, 360, 1, 180, 1, 1, -1.e30_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
+            grid % soiltemp % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, soiltemp_1deg, 1, 360, 1, 180, 1, 1, 0.0_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
             grid % soiltemp % array(iCell) = 0.0
          end if
@@ -2595,12 +2595,12 @@
       grid % snoalb % array(:) = 0.0
       call map_set(PROJ_LATLON, proj, &amp;
-                   latinc = 1.0, &amp;
-                   loninc = 1.0, &amp;
-                   knowni = 1.0, &amp;
-                   knownj = 1.0, &amp;
-                   lat1 = -89.5, &amp;
-                   lon1 = -179.5)
+                   latinc = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   loninc = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   knowni = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   knownj = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   lat1 = -89.5_RKIND, &amp;
+                   lon1 = -179.5_RKIND)
       write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(config_geog_data_path)//'maxsnowalb/',1,'-',180,'.',1,'-',180
 write(0,*) trim(fname)
@@ -2643,8 +2643,8 @@
             end if
 if (y &lt; 1.0) y = 1.0
 if (y &gt; 179.0) y = 179.0
-!            grid % snoalb % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, maxsnowalb, 1, 360, 1, 180, 1, 1, -1.e30, interp_list, 1)
-            grid % snoalb % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, maxsnowalb, 1, 360, 1, 180, 1, 1, 0., interp_list, 1)
+!            grid % snoalb % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, maxsnowalb, 1, 360, 1, 180, 1, 1, -1.e30_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
+            grid % snoalb % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, maxsnowalb, 1, 360, 1, 180, 1, 1, 0.0_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
             grid % snoalb % array(iCell) = 0.0
          end if
@@ -2673,12 +2673,12 @@
       grid % greenfrac % array(:,:) = 0.0
       call map_set(PROJ_LATLON, proj, &amp;
-                   latinc = 0.144, &amp;
-                   loninc = 0.144, &amp;
-                   knowni = 1.0, &amp;
-                   knownj = 1.0, &amp;
-                   lat1 = -89.928, &amp;
-                   lon1 = -179.928)
+                   latinc = 0.144_RKIND, &amp;
+                   loninc = 0.144_RKIND, &amp;
+                   knowni = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   knownj = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   lat1 = -89.928_RKIND, &amp;
+                   lon1 = -179.928_RKIND)
       write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(config_geog_data_path)//'greenfrac/',1,'-',1250,'.',1,'-',1250
 write(0,*) trim(fname)
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@
 if (y &lt; 1.0) y = 1.0
 if (y &gt; 1249.0) y = 1249.0
             do k=1,12
-               grid % greenfrac % array(k,iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, k, vegfra, 1, 2500, 1, 1250, 1, 12, -1.e30, interp_list, 1)
+               grid % greenfrac % array(k,iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, k, vegfra, 1, 2500, 1, 1250, 1, 12, -1.e30_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
             end do
             grid % greenfrac % array(:,iCell) = 0.0
@@ -2744,12 +2744,12 @@
       grid % albedo12m % array(:,:) = 0.0
       call map_set(PROJ_LATLON, proj, &amp;
-                   latinc = 0.144, &amp;
-                   loninc = 0.144, &amp;
-                   knowni = 1.0, &amp;
-                   knownj = 1.0, &amp;
-                   lat1 = -89.928, &amp;
-                   lon1 = -179.928)
+                   latinc = 0.144_RKIND, &amp;
+                   loninc = 0.144_RKIND, &amp;
+                   knowni = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   knownj = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                   lat1 = -89.928_RKIND, &amp;
+                   lon1 = -179.928_RKIND)
       write(fname,'(a,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5,a1,i5.5)') trim(config_geog_data_path)//'albedo_ncep/',1,'-',1250,'.',1,'-',1250
 write(0,*) trim(fname)
@@ -2786,7 +2786,7 @@
 if (y &lt; 1.0) y = 1.0
 if (y &gt; 1249.0) y = 1249.0
             do k=1,12
-               grid % albedo12m % array(k,iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, k, vegfra, 1, 2500, 1, 1250, 1, 12, 0.0, interp_list, 1)
+               grid % albedo12m % array(k,iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, k, vegfra, 1, 2500, 1, 1250, 1, 12, 0.0_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
             end do
             grid % albedo12m % array(:,iCell) = 8.0
@@ -2822,12 +2822,12 @@
             if (field % iproj == PROJ_LATLON) then
                call map_set(PROJ_LATLON, proj, &amp;
-                            latinc = real(field % deltalat), &amp;
-                            loninc = real(field % deltalon), &amp;
-                            knowni = 1.0, &amp;
-                            knownj = 1.0, &amp;
-                            lat1 = real(field % startlat), &amp;
-                            lon1 = real(field % startlon))
+                            latinc = real(field % deltalat,RKIND), &amp;
+                            loninc = real(field % deltalon,RKIND), &amp;
+                            knowni = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                            knownj = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                            lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &amp;
+                            lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
             end if
@@ -2848,9 +2848,9 @@
                   call latlon_to_ij(proj, lat, lon, x, y)
                end if
                if (ndims == 1) then
-                  destField1d(i) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, field % slab, 1, field % nx, 1, field % ny, 1, 1, -1.e30, interp_list, 1)
+                  destField1d(i) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, field % slab, 1, field % nx, 1, field % ny, 1, 1, -1.e30_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
                else if (ndims == 2) then
-                  destField2d(k,i) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, field % slab, 1, field % nx, 1, field % ny, 1, 1, -1.e30, interp_list, 1)
+                  destField2d(k,i) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, field % slab, 1, field % nx, 1, field % ny, 1, 1, -1.e30_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
                end if
             end do
          end if
@@ -3014,9 +3014,9 @@
             hx(k,:) = hx(k-1,:)
             dzminf = zw(k)-zw(k-1)
-!            dzmin = max(.5,1.-.5*zw(k)/hm)
+!            dzmin = max(0.5_RKIND,1.-.5*zw(k)/hm)
-            sm = .05*min(.5*zw(k)/hm,1.)
+            sm = .05*min(0.5_RKIND*zw(k)/hm,1.0_RKIND)
             do i=1,50
                do iCell=1,grid %nCells
@@ -3290,18 +3290,18 @@
             if (field % iproj == PROJ_LATLON) then
                call map_set(PROJ_LATLON, proj, &amp;
-                            latinc = real(field % deltalat), &amp;
-                            loninc = real(field % deltalon), &amp;
-                            knowni = 1.0, &amp;
-                            knownj = 1.0, &amp;
-                            lat1 = real(field % startlat), &amp;
-                            lon1 = real(field % startlon))
+                            latinc = real(field % deltalat,RKIND), &amp;
+                            loninc = real(field % deltalon,RKIND), &amp;
+                            knowni = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                            knownj = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                            lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &amp;
+                            lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
             else if (field % iproj == PROJ_GAUSS) then
                call map_set(PROJ_GAUSS, proj, &amp;
                             nlat = nint(field % deltalat), &amp;
-                            loninc = real(field % deltalon), &amp;
-                            lat1 = real(field % startlat), &amp;
-                            lon1 = real(field % startlon))
+                            loninc = real(field % deltalon,RKIND), &amp;
+                            lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &amp;
+                            lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
 !                            nxmax = nint(360.0 / field % deltalon), &amp;
             end if
@@ -3737,13 +3737,13 @@
                if (field % iproj == PROJ_PS) then
                   call map_set(PROJ_PS, proj, &amp;
-                               dx = real(field % dx * 1000.0), &amp;
-                               truelat1 = real(field % truelat1), &amp;
-                               stdlon = real(field % xlonc), &amp;
-                               knowni = real(field % nx / 2.0), &amp;
-                               knownj = real(field % ny / 2.0), &amp;
-                               lat1 = real(field % startlat), &amp;
-                               lon1 = real(field % startlon))
+                               dx = real(field % dx * 1000.0,RKIND), &amp;
+                               truelat1 = real(field % truelat1,RKIND), &amp;
+                               stdlon = real(field % xlonc,RKIND), &amp;
+                               knowni = real(field % nx / 2.0,RKIND), &amp;
+                               knownj = real(field % ny / 2.0,RKIND), &amp;
+                               lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &amp;
+                               lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
                end if
                if (index(field % field, 'SEAICE') /= 0) then
@@ -4084,9 +4084,9 @@
             if (config_theta_adv_order ==3) then 
                diag % rw % array(k,cell2) = diag % rw % array(k,cell2)    &amp;
-                                            - sign(1.,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
+                                            - sign(1.0_RKIND,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
                diag % rw % array(k,cell1) = diag % rw % array(k,cell1)    &amp;
-                                            + sign(1.,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
+                                            + sign(1.0_RKIND,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
             end if
          end do
@@ -4215,18 +4215,18 @@
                if (field % iproj == PROJ_LATLON) then
                   call map_set(PROJ_LATLON, proj, &amp;
-                               latinc = real(field % deltalat), &amp;
-                               loninc = real(field % deltalon), &amp;
-                               knowni = 1.0, &amp;
-                               knownj = 1.0, &amp;
-                               lat1 = real(field % startlat), &amp;
-                               lon1 = real(field % startlon))
+                               latinc = real(field % deltalat,RKIND), &amp;
+                               loninc = real(field % deltalon,RKIND), &amp;
+                               knowni = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                               knownj = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                               lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &amp;
+                               lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
                else if (field % iproj == PROJ_GAUSS) then
                   call map_set(PROJ_GAUSS, proj, &amp;
                                nlat = nint(field % deltalat), &amp;
-                               loninc = real(field % deltalon), &amp;
-                               lat1 = real(field % startlat), &amp;
-                               lon1 = real(field % startlon))
+                               loninc = real(field % deltalon,RKIND), &amp;
+                               lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &amp;
+                               lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
 !                               nxmax = nint(360.0 / field % deltalon), &amp;
                end if
@@ -4247,7 +4247,7 @@
                      lon = lon - 360.0
                      call latlon_to_ij(proj, lat, lon, x, y)
                   end if
-                  fg % sst % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, slab_r8, 1, field % nx, 1, field % ny, 1, 1, -1.e30, interp_list, 1)
+                  fg % sst % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, slab_r8, 1, field % nx, 1, field % ny, 1, 1, -1.e30_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
                end do
@@ -4272,18 +4272,18 @@
                if (field % iproj == PROJ_LATLON) then
                   call map_set(PROJ_LATLON, proj, &amp;
-                               latinc = real(field % deltalat), &amp;
-                               loninc = real(field % deltalon), &amp;
-                               knowni = 1.0, &amp;
-                               knownj = 1.0, &amp;
-                               lat1 = real(field % startlat), &amp;
-                               lon1 = real(field % startlon))
+                               latinc = real(field % deltalat,RKIND), &amp;
+                               loninc = real(field % deltalon,RKIND), &amp;
+                               knowni = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                               knownj = 1.0_RKIND, &amp;
+                               lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &amp;
+                               lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
                else if (field % iproj == PROJ_GAUSS) then
                   call map_set(PROJ_GAUSS, proj, &amp;
                                nlat = nint(field % deltalat), &amp;
-                               loninc = real(field % deltalon), &amp;
-                               lat1 = real(field % startlat), &amp;
-                               lon1 = real(field % startlon))
+                               loninc = real(field % deltalon,RKIND), &amp;
+                               lat1 = real(field % startlat,RKIND), &amp;
+                               lon1 = real(field % startlon,RKIND))
 !                               nxmax = nint(360.0 / field % deltalon), &amp;
                end if
@@ -4304,7 +4304,7 @@
                      lon = lon - 360.0
                      call latlon_to_ij(proj, lat, lon, x, y)
                   end if
-                  fg % xice % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, slab_r8, 1, field % nx, 1, field % ny, 1, 1, -1.e30, interp_list, 1)
+                  fg % xice % array(iCell) = interp_sequence(x, y, 1, slab_r8, 1, field % nx, 1, field % ny, 1, 1, -1.e30_RKIND, interp_list, 1)
                end do
@@ -4390,7 +4390,7 @@
-   real function sphere_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, radius)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function sphere_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, radius)
    ! Compute the great-circle distance between (lat1, lon1) and (lat2, lon2) on a
    !   sphere with given radius.
@@ -4433,12 +4433,12 @@
       do while (nearest_cell /= current_cell)
          current_cell = nearest_cell
-         current_distance = sphere_distance(latCell(current_cell), lonCell(current_cell), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0)
+         current_distance = sphere_distance(latCell(current_cell), lonCell(current_cell), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0_RKIND)
          nearest_cell = current_cell
          nearest_distance = current_distance
          do i = 1, nEdgesOnCell(current_cell)
             iCell = cellsOnCell(i,current_cell)
-            d = sphere_distance(latCell(iCell), lonCell(iCell), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0)
+            d = sphere_distance(latCell(iCell), lonCell(iCell), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0_RKIND)
             if (d &lt; nearest_distance) then
                nearest_cell = iCell
                nearest_distance = d
@@ -4476,13 +4476,13 @@
       do while (nearest_edge /= current_edge)
          current_edge = nearest_edge
-         current_distance = sphere_distance(latEdge(current_edge), lonEdge(current_edge), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0)
+         current_distance = sphere_distance(latEdge(current_edge), lonEdge(current_edge), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0_RKIND)
          nearest_edge = current_edge
          nearest_distance = current_distance
          cell1 = cellsOnEdge(1,current_edge)
          cell2 = cellsOnEdge(2,current_edge)
-         cell1_dist = sphere_distance(latCell(cell1), lonCell(cell1), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0)
-         cell2_dist = sphere_distance(latCell(cell2), lonCell(cell2), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0)
+         cell1_dist = sphere_distance(latCell(cell1), lonCell(cell1), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0_RKIND)
+         cell2_dist = sphere_distance(latCell(cell2), lonCell(cell2), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0_RKIND)
          if (cell1_dist &lt; cell2_dist) then
             iCell = cell1
@@ -4490,7 +4490,7 @@
          end if
          do i = 1, nEdgesOnCell(iCell)
             iEdge = edgesOnCell(i,iCell)
-            d = sphere_distance(latEdge(iEdge), lonEdge(iEdge), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0)
+            d = sphere_distance(latEdge(iEdge), lonEdge(iEdge), target_lat, target_lon, 1.0_RKIND)
             if (d &lt; nearest_distance) then
                nearest_edge = iEdge
                nearest_distance = d
@@ -4501,7 +4501,7 @@
    end function nearest_edge
-   real function vertical_interp(target_z, nz, zf, order, extrap, surface_val, sealev_val)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function vertical_interp(target_z, nz, zf, order, extrap, surface_val, sealev_val)
       implicit none

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_advection.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_advection.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_advection.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 module atm_advection
+   use mpas_kind_types
    use mpas_grid_types
    use mpas_configure
    use mpas_constants
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@
             theta_abs(iCell) =  pii/2. - sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1),  &amp;
                                                        xc(2), yc(2), zc(2),  &amp;
-                                                       0.,    0.,    1.      ) 
+                                                       0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND ) 
 ! angles from cell center to neighbor centers (thetav)
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@
    ! Computes the angle between arcs AB and AC, given points A, B, and C
    ! Equation numbers w.r.t. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalTrigonometry.html
-   real function sphere_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function sphere_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
       implicit none
@@ -410,9 +411,9 @@
       real (kind=RKIND) :: s                ! Semiperimeter of the triangle
       real (kind=RKIND) :: sin_angle
-      a = acos(max(min(bx*cx + by*cy + bz*cz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (3)
-      b = acos(max(min(ax*cx + ay*cy + az*cz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (2)
-      c = acos(max(min(ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (1)
+      a = acos(max(min(bx*cx + by*cy + bz*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (3)
+      b = acos(max(min(ax*cx + ay*cy + az*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (2)
+      c = acos(max(min(ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (1)
       ABx = bx - ax
       ABy = by - ay
@@ -428,12 +429,12 @@
       s = 0.5*(a + b + c)
 !      sin_angle = sqrt((sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))   ! Eqn. (28)
-      sin_angle = sqrt(min(1.,max(0.,(sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))))   ! Eqn. (28)
+      sin_angle = sqrt(min(1.0_RKIND,max(0.0_RKIND,(sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))))   ! Eqn. (28)
       if ((Dx*ax + Dy*ay + Dz*az) &gt;= 0.0) then
-         sphere_angle =  2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         sphere_angle =  2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
-         sphere_angle = -2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         sphere_angle = -2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
       end if
    end function sphere_angle
@@ -445,7 +446,7 @@
    ! Computes the angle between vectors AB and AC, given points A, B, and C, and
    !   a vector (u,v,w) normal to the plane.
-   real function plane_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function plane_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w)
       implicit none
@@ -480,9 +481,9 @@
       cos_angle = (ABx*ACx + ABy*ACy + ABz*ACz) / (mAB * mAC)
       if ((Dx*u + Dy*v + Dz*w) &gt;= 0.0) then
-         plane_angle =  acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         plane_angle =  acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
-         plane_angle = -acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         plane_angle = -acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
       end if
    end function plane_angle
@@ -495,7 +496,7 @@
    !    B=(bx, by, bz). It is assumed that both A and B lie on the surface of the
    !    same sphere centered at the origin.
-   real function arc_length(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function arc_length(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
       implicit none
@@ -701,7 +702,7 @@
   DO I = 1, N
     C1= 0.0
     DO J = 1, N
-      C1 = AMAX1(C1,ABS(A(I,J)))
+      C1 = MAX(C1,ABS(A(I,J)))
     END DO
     C(I) = C1
@@ -838,7 +839,7 @@
             theta_abs(iCell) =  pii/2. - sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1),  &amp;
                                                        xc(2), yc(2), zc(2),  &amp;
-                                                       0.,    0.,    1.      ) 
+                                                       0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND ) 
 ! angles from cell center to neighbor centers (thetav)
@@ -890,10 +891,10 @@
          do i=2,n-1
             ip1 = i+1
             if (ip1 == n) ip1 = 1
-            thetat(i) = plane_angle( 0.,0.,0.,  &amp;
-                                     xp(i)-xp(i-1), yp(i)-yp(i-1), 0.,  &amp;
-                                     xp(ip1)-xp(i), yp(ip1)-yp(i), 0.,  &amp;
-                                     0., 0., 1.)
+            thetat(i) = plane_angle( 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND,  &amp;
+                                     xp(i)-xp(i-1), yp(i)-yp(i-1), 0.0_RKIND,  &amp;
+                                     xp(ip1)-xp(i), yp(ip1)-yp(i), 0.0_RKIND,  &amp;
+                                     0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND)
             thetat(i) = thetat(i) + thetat(i-1)
          end do

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_test_cases.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_test_cases.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_test_cases.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
    use mpas_constants
    use mpas_dmpar
    use atm_advection
+#ifdef DO_PHYSICS
    use mpas_atmphys_control
@@ -94,6 +96,8 @@
       end if
+#ifdef DO_PHYSICS
       !initialization of surface input variables technically not needed to run our current set of
       !idealized test cases:
       if (config_test_case &gt; 0)  then
@@ -105,6 +109,7 @@
          end do
    end subroutine atm_setup_test_case
@@ -153,8 +158,8 @@
       integer :: eoe, j
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: nEdgesOnEdge 
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: edgesOnEdge, CellsOnEdge
-      real, dimension(:), pointer :: dvEdge, AreaCell 
-      real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dvEdge, AreaCell 
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
       real (kind=RKIND) :: u, v, flux, fluxk, lat1, lat2, eta_v, r_pert, u_pert, lat_pert, lon_pert, r
@@ -666,7 +671,7 @@
          if (config_test_case == 2) then
             r_pert = sphere_distance( grid % latEdge % array (iEdge), grid % lonEdge % array (iEdge), &amp;
-                                      lat_pert, lon_pert, 1.)/(pert_radius)
+                                      lat_pert, lon_pert, 1.0_RKIND)/(pert_radius)
             u_pert = u_perturbation*exp(-r_pert**2)*(lat2-lat1)*a/grid % dvEdge % array(iEdge)
          else if (config_test_case == 3) then
@@ -786,9 +791,9 @@
             if (config_theta_adv_order ==3) then 
                diag % rw % array(k,cell2) = diag % rw % array(k,cell2)    &amp;
-                                            - sign(1.,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
+                                            - sign(1.0_RKIND,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
                diag % rw % array(k,cell1) = diag % rw % array(k,cell1)    &amp;
-                                            + sign(1.,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
+                                            + sign(1.0_RKIND,diag % ru % array(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
             end if
          end do
@@ -881,7 +886,7 @@
 !  renormalize for setting cell-face fluxes
    do k=1,nz1
-     flux_zonal(k) = sign(1.,lat2_in-lat1_in)*flux_zonal(k)*dlat*a/dvEdge/u0
+     flux_zonal(k) = sign(1.0_RKIND,lat2_in-lat1_in)*flux_zonal(k)*dlat*a/dvEdge/u0
    end do
    end subroutine atm_calc_flux_zonal
@@ -1004,7 +1009,7 @@
       integer :: eoe, j
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: nEdgesOnEdge 
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: edgesOnEdge
-      real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
       integer :: iCell, iCell1, iCell2 , iEdge, vtx1, vtx2, ivtx, i, k, nz, nz1, itr, cell1, cell2, nCellsSolve
       integer :: index_qv
@@ -1320,7 +1325,7 @@
             temp     = p(k,i)*thi(k,i)
             pres     = p0*p(k,i)**(1./rcp)
             qvs      = 380.*exp(17.27*(temp-273.)/(temp-36.))/pres
-            scalars(index_qv,k,i) = amin1(0.014,rh(k,i)*qvs)
+            scalars(index_qv,k,i) = min(0.014_RKIND,rh(k,i)*qvs)
          end do
       end do
@@ -1542,8 +1547,8 @@
       integer :: eoe, j
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: nEdgesOnEdge 
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: edgesOnEdge, CellsOnEdge
-      real, dimension(:), pointer :: dvEdge, AreaCell, xCell, yCell 
-      real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: dvEdge, AreaCell, xCell, yCell 
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: weightsOnEdge
       integer :: iCell, iCell1, iCell2 , iEdge, vtx1, vtx2, ivtx, i, k, nz, nz1, itr, itrp, cell1, cell2, nCellsSolve
       integer :: index_qv
@@ -1769,7 +1774,7 @@
 ! smoothing grid for the upper level &gt;&gt; but not propoer for parallel programing 
       do k=2,nz1
-         sm = .25*min((zc(k)-zc(k-1))/dz,1.)
+         sm = .25*min((zc(k)-zc(k-1))/dz,1.0_RKIND)
          do i=1,grid % nCells
             hx(k,i) = hx(k-1,i)
          end do
@@ -1946,7 +1951,7 @@
               temp   = p(k,i)*t(k,i)
               pres   = p0*p(k,i)**(1./rcp)
               qvs    = 380.*exp(17.27*(temp-273.)/(temp-36.))/pres
-              scalars(index_qv,k,i) = amin1(0.014,rh(k,i)*qvs)
+              scalars(index_qv,k,i) = min(0.014_RKIND,rh(k,i)*qvs)
            end do
            do k=1,nz1
@@ -2069,9 +2074,9 @@
             if (config_theta_adv_order ==3) then
                diag % rw % array(k,cell2) = diag % rw % array(k,cell2)    &amp;
-                                            - sign(1.,ru(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
+                                            - sign(1.0_RKIND,ru(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,2,iEdge)*flux
                diag % rw % array(k,cell1) = diag % rw % array(k,cell1)    &amp;
-                                            + sign(1.,ru(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
+                                            + sign(1.0_RKIND,ru(k,iEdge))*config_coef_3rd_order*zf3(k,1,iEdge)*flux
             end if
          end do
@@ -2128,7 +2133,7 @@
-   real function sphere_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, radius)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function sphere_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, radius)
    ! Compute the great-circle distance between (lat1, lon1) and (lat2, lon2) on a
    !   sphere with given radius.
@@ -2147,10 +2152,10 @@
    end function sphere_distance
-   real function env_qv( z, temperature, pressure, rh_max )
+   real (kind=RKIND) function env_qv( z, temperature, pressure, rh_max )
       implicit none
-      real z, temperature, pressure, ztr, es, qvs, p0, rh_max
+      real (kind=RKIND) :: z, temperature, pressure, ztr, es, qvs, p0, rh_max
       p0 = 100000.

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_time_integration.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_time_integration.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_nhyd_atmos/mpas_atm_time_integration.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@
       type (mesh_type) :: grid
       integer :: iCell, iEdge, k, cell1, cell2
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: cellsOnEdge
-      real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: zf, zf3
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: zf, zf3
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: fzm, fzp, dvEdge, areaCell
       real (kind=RKIND) :: flux
@@ -718,9 +718,9 @@
             tend % w % array(k,cell1) = tend % w % array(k,cell1) - zf(k,1,iEdge)*flux
 !3rd order stencil
             if (config_theta_adv_order == 3) then
-               tend % w % array(k,cell2) = tend % w % array(k,cell2) + sign(1.,tend % u % array(k,iEdge))  &amp;
+               tend % w % array(k,cell2) = tend % w % array(k,cell2) + sign(1.0_RKIND,tend % u % array(k,iEdge))  &amp;
-               tend % w % array(k,cell1) = tend % w % array(k,cell1) - sign(1.,tend % u % array(k,iEdge))  &amp;
+               tend % w % array(k,cell1) = tend % w % array(k,cell1) - sign(1.0_RKIND,tend % u % array(k,iEdge))  &amp;
             end if
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@
                do k=2,nVertLevels
-                  kr = min(nVertLevels,k+ nint(.5-sign(.5,zx(k,iEdge)+zx(k+1,iEdge))))
+                  kr = min(nVertLevels,k+ nint(.5-sign(0.5_RKIND,zx(k,iEdge)+zx(k+1,iEdge))))
                   kl = min(nVertLevels,2*k+1-kr)
                   pr = zz(k,cell2)*rtheta_pp_old(k ,cell2)+.5*(zgrid(k   ,cell1) +zgrid(k +1,cell1)   &amp;
                                                               -zgrid(k   ,cell2) -zgrid(k +1,cell2))  &amp;
@@ -1167,16 +1167,16 @@
           flux = cf1*ru(1,iEdge) + cf2*ru(2,iEdge) + cf3*ru(3,iEdge)
-          w(1,cell2) = w(1,cell2) - (zb(1,2,iEdge) + sign(1.,flux)*coef_3rd_order*zb3(1,2,iEdge))  &amp;
+          w(1,cell2) = w(1,cell2) - (zb(1,2,iEdge) + sign(1.0_RKIND,flux)*coef_3rd_order*zb3(1,2,iEdge))  &amp;
-          w(1,cell1) = w(1,cell1) + (zb(1,1,iEdge) + sign(1.,flux)*coef_3rd_order*zb3(1,1,iEdge))  &amp;
+          w(1,cell1) = w(1,cell1) + (zb(1,1,iEdge) + sign(1.0_RKIND,flux)*coef_3rd_order*zb3(1,1,iEdge))  &amp;
           do k = 2, nVertLevels
             flux = (fzm(k)*ru(k,iEdge)+fzp(k)*ru(k-1,iEdge))
-            w(k,cell2) = w(k,cell2) - (zb(k,2,iEdge)+sign(1.,flux)*coef_3rd_order*zb3(k,2,iEdge)) &amp;
+            w(k,cell2) = w(k,cell2) - (zb(k,2,iEdge)+sign(1.0_RKIND,flux)*coef_3rd_order*zb3(k,2,iEdge)) &amp;
-            w(k,cell1) = w(k,cell1) + (zb(k,1,iEdge)+sign(1.,flux)*coef_3rd_order*zb3(k,1,iEdge)) &amp;
+            w(k,cell1) = w(k,cell1) + (zb(k,1,iEdge)+sign(1.0_RKIND,flux)*coef_3rd_order*zb3(k,1,iEdge)) &amp;
@@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@
                do i=1,nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)
                  iCell = advCellsForEdge(i,iEdge)
                  do k=1,grid % nVertLevels
-                   scalar_weight = adv_coefs(i,iEdge) + coef_3rd_order*sign(1.,uhAvg(k,iEdge))*adv_coefs_3rd(i,iEdge)
+                   scalar_weight = adv_coefs(i,iEdge) + coef_3rd_order*sign(1.0_RKIND,uhAvg(k,iEdge))*adv_coefs_3rd(i,iEdge)
                    do iScalar=1,s_old % num_scalars
                      flux_arr(iScalar,k) = flux_arr(iScalar,k) + scalar_weight* scalar_new(iScalar,k,iCell)
                    end do
@@ -1633,7 +1633,7 @@
                do i=1,nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)
                  iCell = advCellsForEdge(i,iEdge)
                  do k=1,grid % nVertLevels
-                   scalar_weight = uhAvg(k,iEdge)*(adv_coefs(i,iEdge) + coef_3rd_order*sign(1.,uhAvg(k,iEdge))*adv_coefs_3rd(i,iEdge))
+                   scalar_weight = uhAvg(k,iEdge)*(adv_coefs(i,iEdge) + coef_3rd_order*sign(1.0_RKIND,uhAvg(k,iEdge))*adv_coefs_3rd(i,iEdge))
                    flux_arr(k,iEdge) = flux_arr(k,iEdge) + scalar_weight* scalar_new(k,iCell)
                  end do
                end do
@@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@
             do k = 2, nVertLevels
               scalar_new(k,iCell) = scalar_old(k,iCell)*h_old(k,iCell)
-              flux_upwind = dt*(max(0.,wwAvg(k,iCell))*scalar_old(k-1,iCell) + min(0.,wwAvg(k,iCell))*scalar_old(k,iCell))
+              flux_upwind = dt*(max(0.0_RKIND,wwAvg(k,iCell))*scalar_old(k-1,iCell) + min(0.0_RKIND,wwAvg(k,iCell))*scalar_old(k,iCell))
               scalar_new(k-1,iCell) = scalar_new(k-1,iCell) - flux_upwind*rdnw(k-1)
               scalar_new(k  ,iCell) = scalar_new(k  ,iCell) + flux_upwind*rdnw(k)
               wdtn(k,iCell) = dt*wdtn(k,iCell) - flux_upwind
@@ -1661,8 +1661,8 @@
 ! contributions to the update:  first the vertical flux component, then the horizontal
             do k=1,nVertLevels
-              scale_in (k,iCell) = - rdnw(k)*(min(0.,wdtn(k+1,iCell))-max(0.,wdtn(k,iCell)))
-              scale_out(k,iCell) = - rdnw(k)*(max(0.,wdtn(k+1,iCell))-min(0.,wdtn(k,iCell)))
+              scale_in (k,iCell) = - rdnw(k)*(min(0.0_RKIND,wdtn(k+1,iCell))-max(0.0_RKIND,wdtn(k,iCell)))
+              scale_out(k,iCell) = - rdnw(k)*(max(0.0_RKIND,wdtn(k+1,iCell))-min(0.0_RKIND,wdtn(k,iCell)))
             end do
           end do
@@ -1677,15 +1677,15 @@
              if (cell1 &lt;= grid%nCellsSolve .or. cell2 &lt;= grid%nCellsSolve) then  ! only for owned cells
                do k=1,grid % nVertLevels
                  flux_upwind = grid % dvEdge % array(iEdge) * dt *   &amp;
-                        (max(0.,uhAvg(k,iEdge))*scalar_old(k,cell1) + min(0.,uhAvg(k,iEdge))*scalar_old(k,cell2))
+                        (max(0.0_RKIND,uhAvg(k,iEdge))*scalar_old(k,cell1) + min(0.0_RKIND,uhAvg(k,iEdge))*scalar_old(k,cell2))
                  flux_arr(k,iEdge) = dt*flux_arr(k,iEdge) - flux_upwind
                  scalar_new(k,cell1) = scalar_new(k,cell1) - flux_upwind / areaCell(cell1)
                  scalar_new(k,cell2) = scalar_new(k,cell2) + flux_upwind / areaCell(cell2)
-                 scale_out(k,cell1) = scale_out(k,cell1) - max(0.,flux_arr(k,iEdge)) / areaCell(cell1)
-                 scale_in (k,cell1) = scale_in (k,cell1) - min(0.,flux_arr(k,iEdge)) / areaCell(cell1)
-                 scale_out(k,cell2) = scale_out(k,cell2) + min(0.,flux_arr(k,iEdge)) / areaCell(cell2)
-                 scale_in (k,cell2) = scale_in (k,cell2) + max(0.,flux_arr(k,iEdge)) / areaCell(cell2)
+                 scale_out(k,cell1) = scale_out(k,cell1) - max(0.0_RKIND,flux_arr(k,iEdge)) / areaCell(cell1)
+                 scale_in (k,cell1) = scale_in (k,cell1) - min(0.0_RKIND,flux_arr(k,iEdge)) / areaCell(cell1)
+                 scale_out(k,cell2) = scale_out(k,cell2) + min(0.0_RKIND,flux_arr(k,iEdge)) / areaCell(cell2)
+                 scale_in (k,cell2) = scale_in (k,cell2) + max(0.0_RKIND,flux_arr(k,iEdge)) / areaCell(cell2)
                end do
              end if
@@ -1700,10 +1700,10 @@
                s_upwind = scalar_new(k,iCell)/h_new(k,iCell)
                scale_factor = (s_max(k,iCell)-s_upwind)/(s_max_update-s_upwind+eps)
-               scale_in(k,iCell) = min( 1.0, max( 0.0, scale_factor) )
+               scale_in(k,iCell) = min( 1.0_RKIND, max( 0.0_RKIND, scale_factor) )
                scale_factor = (s_upwind-s_min(k,iCell))/(s_upwind-s_min_update+eps)
-               scale_out(k,iCell) = min( 1.0, max( 0.0, scale_factor) )
+               scale_out(k,iCell) = min( 1.0_RKIND, max( 0.0_RKIND, scale_factor) )
             end do
           end do
@@ -1729,8 +1729,8 @@
                if (cell1 &lt;= grid%nCellsSolve .or. cell2 &lt;= grid%nCellsSolve) then
                   do k = 1, nVertLevels
                      flux = flux_arr(k,iEdge)
-                     flux = max(0.,flux) * min(scale_out(k,cell1), scale_in(k,cell2)) &amp;
-                          + min(0.,flux) * min(scale_in(k,cell1), scale_out(k,cell2))
+                     flux = max(0.0_RKIND,flux) * min(scale_out(k,cell1), scale_in(k,cell2)) &amp;
+                          + min(0.0_RKIND,flux) * min(scale_in(k,cell1), scale_out(k,cell2))
                      flux_arr(k,iEdge) = flux
                   end do
                end if
@@ -1741,8 +1741,8 @@
             do iCell=1,grid % nCells
                do k = 2, nVertLevels
                   flux =  wdtn(k,iCell)
-                  flux = max(0.,flux) * min(scale_out(k-1,iCell), scale_in(k  ,iCell)) &amp;
-                       + min(0.,flux) * min(scale_out(k  ,iCell), scale_in(k-1,iCell))
+                  flux = max(0.0_RKIND,flux) * min(scale_out(k-1,iCell), scale_in(k  ,iCell)) &amp;
+                       + min(0.0_RKIND,flux) * min(scale_out(k  ,iCell), scale_in(k-1,iCell))
                   wdtn(k,iCell) = flux
                end do
             end do
@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@
           do iCell = 1, grid%nCells
           do k=1, grid%nVertLevels
-            scalar_new_in(iScalar,k,iCell) = max(0.,scalar_new(k,iCell))
+            scalar_new_in(iScalar,k,iCell) = max(0.0_RKIND,scalar_new(k,iCell))
           end do
           end do
@@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@
             k = 2
             wduz(k) =  0.5*( rw(k,cell1)+rw(k,cell2) )*(fzm(k)*u(k,iEdge)+fzp(k)*u(k-1,iEdge))  
             do k=3,nVertLevels-1
-               wduz(k) = flux3( u(k-2,iEdge),u(k-1,iEdge),u(k,iEdge),u(k+1,iEdge),0.5*(rw(k,cell1)+rw(k,cell2)), 1. )
+               wduz(k) = flux3( u(k-2,iEdge),u(k-1,iEdge),u(k,iEdge),u(k+1,iEdge),0.5*(rw(k,cell1)+rw(k,cell2)), 1.0_RKIND )
             end do
             k = nVertLevels
             wduz(k) =  0.5*( rw(k,cell1)+rw(k,cell2) )*(fzm(k)*u(k,iEdge)+fzp(k)*u(k-1,iEdge))  
@@ -2368,7 +2368,7 @@
                do i=1,nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)
                  iCell = advCellsForEdge(i,iEdge)
                  do k=2,grid % nVertLevels
-                   scalar_weight = adv_coefs(i,iEdge) + coef_3rd_order*sign(1.,ru_edge_w(k))*adv_coefs_3rd(i,iEdge)
+                   scalar_weight = adv_coefs(i,iEdge) + coef_3rd_order*sign(1.0_RKIND,ru_edge_w(k))*adv_coefs_3rd(i,iEdge)
                    flux_arr(k) = flux_arr(k) + scalar_weight* w(k,iCell)
                  end do
                end do
@@ -2582,7 +2582,7 @@
             k = 2
             wdwz(k) =  0.25*(rw(k,icell)+rw(k-1,iCell))*(w(k,iCell)+w(k-1,iCell))
             do k=3,nVertLevels-1
-               wdwz(k) = flux3( w(k-2,iCell),w(k-1,iCell),w(k,iCell),w(k+1,iCell),0.5*(rw(k,iCell)+rw(k-1,iCell)), 1. )
+               wdwz(k) = flux3( w(k-2,iCell),w(k-1,iCell),w(k,iCell),w(k+1,iCell),0.5*(rw(k,iCell)+rw(k-1,iCell)), 1.0_RKIND )
             end do
             k = nVertLevels
             wdwz(k) =  0.25*(rw(k,icell)+rw(k-1,iCell))*(w(k,iCell)+w(k-1,iCell))
@@ -2678,7 +2678,7 @@
                do i=1,nAdvCellsForEdge(iEdge)
                  iCell = advCellsForEdge(i,iEdge)
                  do k=1,grid % nVertLevels
-                   scalar_weight = adv_coefs(i,iEdge) + coef_3rd_order*sign(1.,ru(k,iEdge))*adv_coefs_3rd(i,iEdge)
+                   scalar_weight = adv_coefs(i,iEdge) + coef_3rd_order*sign(1.0_RKIND,ru(k,iEdge))*adv_coefs_3rd(i,iEdge)
                    flux_arr(k) = flux_arr(k) + scalar_weight* theta_m(k,iCell)
                  end do
                end do
@@ -3324,10 +3324,10 @@
                           * (grid % fzp % array(k) * grid % zz % array(k-1,cell1) + grid % fzm % array(k) * grid % zz % array(k,cell1))
 !3rd order! stencil
             if (config_theta_adv_order ==3) then
-               diag % rw % array(k,cell2) = diag % rw % array(k,cell2) + sign(1.,flux)*config_coef_3rd_order    &amp;
+               diag % rw % array(k,cell2) = diag % rw % array(k,cell2) + sign(1.0_RKIND,flux)*config_coef_3rd_order    &amp;
                                         * grid % zb3 % array(k,2,iEdge)*flux                                    &amp;
                           * (grid % fzp % array(k) * grid % zz % array(k-1,cell2) + grid % fzm % array(k) * grid % zz % array(k,cell2))
-               diag % rw % array(k,cell1) = diag % rw % array(k,cell1) - sign(1.,flux)*config_coef_3rd_order    &amp;
+               diag % rw % array(k,cell1) = diag % rw % array(k,cell1) - sign(1.0_RKIND,flux)*config_coef_3rd_order    &amp;
                                         * grid % zb3 % array(k,1,iEdge)*flux                                    &amp;
                           * (grid % fzp % array(k) * grid % zz % array(k-1,cell1) + grid % fzm % array(k) * grid % zz % array(k,cell1))
             end if
@@ -3405,11 +3405,11 @@
           t(k) = state_new % theta_m % array(k,iCell)/(1. + 1.61*state_new % scalars % array(state_new % index_qv,k,iCell))
           rho(k) = grid % zz % array(k,iCell)*state_new % rho_zz % array(k,iCell)
           p(k) = diag % exner % array(k,iCell)
-          qv(k) = max(0.,state_new % scalars % array(state_new % index_qv,k,iCell))
-          qc(k) = max(0.,state_new % scalars % array(state_new % index_qc,k,iCell))
-          qr(k) = max(0.,state_new % scalars % array(state_new % index_qr,k,iCell))
-          qc1(k) = max(0.,state_old % scalars % array(state_old % index_qc,k,iCell))
-          qr1(k) = max(0.,state_old % scalars % array(state_old % index_qr,k,iCell))
+          qv(k) = max(0.0_RKIND,state_new % scalars % array(state_new % index_qv,k,iCell))
+          qc(k) = max(0.0_RKIND,state_new % scalars % array(state_new % index_qc,k,iCell))
+          qr(k) = max(0.0_RKIND,state_new % scalars % array(state_new % index_qr,k,iCell))
+          qc1(k) = max(0.0_RKIND,state_old % scalars % array(state_old % index_qc,k,iCell))
+          qr1(k) = max(0.0_RKIND,state_old % scalars % array(state_old % index_qr,k,iCell))
           dzu(k) = grid % dzu % array(k)
         end do
@@ -3486,8 +3486,8 @@
       do i=1,nx
          do k=1,nz1
             qrprod(k) = qc1t(k,i)                                  &amp;
-                      -(qc1t(k,i)-dt*amax1(ackess*(qc1(k,i)-.001), &amp;
-                           0.))/(1.+dt*ckess*qr1(k,i)**.875)       
+                      -(qc1t(k,i)-dt*max(ackess*(qc1(k,i)-.001), &amp;
+                           0.0_RKIND))/(1.+dt*ckess*qr1(k,i)**.875)       
                            velqr(k)  = (qr1(k,i)*r(k))**1.1364*rhalf(k)
             qvs(k)    = pc(k)*exp(f2x*(pk(k)*t1t(k,i)-273.)  &amp;
                                   /(pk(k)*t1t(k,i)- 36.))
@@ -3505,23 +3505,23 @@
          artemp       = 36340.*(.5*(velqr(2)+velqr(1))+veld-velu)
          artot        = artot+dt*artemp
          do k=1,nz1
-            qc1t(k,i) = amax1(qc1t(k,i)-qrprod(k),0.)
-            qr1t(k,i) = amax1(qr1t(k,i)+qrprod(k),0.)
+            qc1t(k,i) = max(qc1t(k,i)-qrprod(k),0.0_RKIND)
+            qr1t(k,i) = max(qr1t(k,i)+qrprod(k),0.0_RKIND)
             prod(k)   = (qv1t(k,i)-qvs(k))/(1.+qvs(k)*f5  &amp;
          end do
          do k=1,nz1
-            ern(k)    = amin1(dt*(((1.6+124.9*(r(k)*qr1t(k,i))**.2046)  &amp;
+            ern(k)    = min(dt*(((1.6+124.9*(r(k)*qr1t(k,i))**.2046)  &amp;
                          *(r(k)*qr1t(k,i))**.525)/(2.55e6*pc(k)         &amp;
                          /(3.8 *qvs(k))+5.4e5))*(dim(qvs(k),qv1t(k,i))  &amp;
                          /(r(k)*qvs(k))),                               &amp;
-                          amax1(-prod(k)-qc1t(k,i),0.),qr1t(k,i))
+                          max(-prod(k)-qc1t(k,i),0.0_RKIND),qr1t(k,i))
          end do
          do k=1,nz1
-            buoycy(k) = f0(k)*(amax1(prod(k),-qc1t(k,i))-ern(k))
-                                qv1t(k,i) = amax1(qv1t(k,i)    &amp;
-                         -amax1(prod(k),-qc1t(k,i))+ern(k),0.)
-            qc1t(k,i) = qc1t(k,i)+amax1(prod(k),-qc1t(k,i))
+            buoycy(k) = f0(k)*(max(prod(k),-qc1t(k,i))-ern(k))
+                                qv1t(k,i) = max(qv1t(k,i)    &amp;
+                         -max(prod(k),-qc1t(k,i))+ern(k),0.0_RKIND)
+            qc1t(k,i) = qc1t(k,i)+max(prod(k),-qc1t(k,i))
             qr1t(k,i) = qr1t(k,i)-ern(k)
             t1t (k,i) = t1t (k,i)+buoycy(k)
          end do

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_advection.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_advection.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_advection.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 module ocn_advection
+   use mpas_kind_types
    use mpas_grid_types
    use mpas_configure
    use mpas_constants
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@
             theta_abs(iCell) =  pii/2. - sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1),  &amp;
                                                        xc(2), yc(2), zc(2),  &amp;
-                                                       0.,    0.,    1.      ) 
+                                                       0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND ) 
 ! angles from cell center to neighbor centers (thetav)
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@
    ! Computes the angle between arcs AB and AC, given points A, B, and C
    ! Equation numbers w.r.t. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalTrigonometry.html
-   real function sphere_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function sphere_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
       implicit none
@@ -410,9 +411,9 @@
       real (kind=RKIND) :: s                ! Semiperimeter of the triangle
       real (kind=RKIND) :: sin_angle
-      a = acos(max(min(bx*cx + by*cy + bz*cz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (3)
-      b = acos(max(min(ax*cx + ay*cy + az*cz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (2)
-      c = acos(max(min(ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (1)
+      a = acos(max(min(bx*cx + by*cy + bz*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (3)
+      b = acos(max(min(ax*cx + ay*cy + az*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (2)
+      c = acos(max(min(ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (1)
       ABx = bx - ax
       ABy = by - ay
@@ -428,12 +429,12 @@
       s = 0.5*(a + b + c)
 !      sin_angle = sqrt((sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))   ! Eqn. (28)
-      sin_angle = sqrt(min(1.,max(0.,(sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))))   ! Eqn. (28)
+      sin_angle = sqrt(min(1.0_RKIND,max(0.0_RKIND,(sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))))   ! Eqn. (28)
       if ((Dx*ax + Dy*ay + Dz*az) &gt;= 0.0) then
-         sphere_angle =  2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         sphere_angle =  2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
-         sphere_angle = -2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         sphere_angle = -2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
       end if
    end function sphere_angle
@@ -445,7 +446,7 @@
    ! Computes the angle between vectors AB and AC, given points A, B, and C, and
    !   a vector (u,v,w) normal to the plane.
-   real function plane_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function plane_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w)
       implicit none
@@ -480,9 +481,9 @@
       cos_angle = (ABx*ACx + ABy*ACy + ABz*ACz) / (mAB * mAC)
       if ((Dx*u + Dy*v + Dz*w) &gt;= 0.0) then
-         plane_angle =  acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         plane_angle =  acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
-         plane_angle = -acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         plane_angle = -acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
       end if
    end function plane_angle
@@ -495,7 +496,7 @@
    !    B=(bx, by, bz). It is assumed that both A and B lie on the surface of the
    !    same sphere centered at the origin.
-   real function arc_length(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function arc_length(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
       implicit none
@@ -839,7 +840,7 @@
             theta_abs(iCell) =  pii/2. - sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1),  &amp;
                                                        xc(2), yc(2), zc(2),  &amp;
-                                                       0.,    0.,    1.      ) 
+                                                       0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND ) 
 ! angles from cell center to neighbor centers (thetav)
@@ -891,10 +892,10 @@
          do i=2,n-1
             ip1 = i+1
             if (ip1 == n) ip1 = 1
-            thetat(i) = plane_angle( 0.,0.,0.,  &amp;
-                                     xp(i)-xp(i-1), yp(i)-yp(i-1), 0.,  &amp;
-                                     xp(ip1)-xp(i), yp(ip1)-yp(i), 0.,  &amp;
-                                     0., 0., 1.)
+            thetat(i) = plane_angle( 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND,  &amp;
+                                     xp(i)-xp(i-1), yp(i)-yp(i-1), 0.0_RKIND,  &amp;
+                                     xp(ip1)-xp(i), yp(ip1)-yp(i), 0.0_RKIND,  &amp;
+                                     0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND)
             thetat(i) = thetat(i) + thetat(i-1)
          end do

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_vadv.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_vadv.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_ocean/mpas_ocn_vel_vadv.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: maxLevelEdgeTop
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: cellsOnEdge
-      real :: wTopEdge
-      real, dimension(:), allocatable :: w_dudzTopEdge
-      real, dimension(:), pointer :: zMidZLevel
+      real (kind=RKIND) :: wTopEdge
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), allocatable :: w_dudzTopEdge
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: zMidZLevel
       if(.not.velVadvOn) return

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_advection.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_advection.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_advection.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 module sw_advection
+   use mpas_kind_types
    use mpas_grid_types
    use mpas_configure
    use mpas_constants
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@
             theta_abs(iCell) =  pii/2. - sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1),  &amp;
                                                        xc(2), yc(2), zc(2),  &amp;
-                                                       0.,    0.,    1.      ) 
+                                                       0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND ) 
 ! angles from cell center to neighbor centers (thetav)
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@
    ! Computes the angle between arcs AB and AC, given points A, B, and C
    ! Equation numbers w.r.t. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalTrigonometry.html
-   real function sphere_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function sphere_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz)
       implicit none
@@ -410,9 +411,9 @@
       real (kind=RKIND) :: s                ! Semiperimeter of the triangle
       real (kind=RKIND) :: sin_angle
-      a = acos(max(min(bx*cx + by*cy + bz*cz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (3)
-      b = acos(max(min(ax*cx + ay*cy + az*cz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (2)
-      c = acos(max(min(ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz,1.0),-1.0))      ! Eqn. (1)
+      a = acos(max(min(bx*cx + by*cy + bz*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (3)
+      b = acos(max(min(ax*cx + ay*cy + az*cz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (2)
+      c = acos(max(min(ax*bx + ay*by + az*bz,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))      ! Eqn. (1)
       ABx = bx - ax
       ABy = by - ay
@@ -428,12 +429,12 @@
       s = 0.5*(a + b + c)
 !      sin_angle = sqrt((sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))   ! Eqn. (28)
-      sin_angle = sqrt(min(1.,max(0.,(sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))))   ! Eqn. (28)
+      sin_angle = sqrt(min(1.0_RKIND,max(0.0_RKIND,(sin(s-b)*sin(s-c))/(sin(b)*sin(c)))))   ! Eqn. (28)
       if ((Dx*ax + Dy*ay + Dz*az) &gt;= 0.0) then
-         sphere_angle =  2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         sphere_angle =  2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
-         sphere_angle = -2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         sphere_angle = -2.0 * asin(max(min(sin_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
       end if
    end function sphere_angle
@@ -445,7 +446,7 @@
    ! Computes the angle between vectors AB and AC, given points A, B, and C, and
    !   a vector (u,v,w) normal to the plane.
-   real function plane_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function plane_angle(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, u, v, w)
       implicit none
@@ -480,9 +481,9 @@
       cos_angle = (ABx*ACx + ABy*ACy + ABz*ACz) / (mAB * mAC)
       if ((Dx*u + Dy*v + Dz*w) &gt;= 0.0) then
-         plane_angle =  acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         plane_angle =  acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
-         plane_angle = -acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0),-1.0))
+         plane_angle = -acos(max(min(cos_angle,1.0_RKIND),-1.0_RKIND))
       end if
    end function plane_angle
@@ -495,7 +496,7 @@
    !    B=(bx, by, bz). It is assumed that both A and B lie on the surface of the
    !    same sphere centered at the origin.
-   real function arc_length(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
+   real (kind=RKIND) function arc_length(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz)
       implicit none
@@ -838,7 +839,7 @@
             theta_abs(iCell) =  pii/2. - sphere_angle( xc(1), yc(1), zc(1),  &amp;
                                                        xc(2), yc(2), zc(2),  &amp;
-                                                       0.,    0.,    1.      ) 
+                                                       0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND ) 
 ! angles from cell center to neighbor centers (thetav)
@@ -890,10 +891,10 @@
          do i=2,n-1
             ip1 = i+1
             if (ip1 == n) ip1 = 1
-            thetat(i) = plane_angle( 0.,0.,0.,  &amp;
-                                     xp(i)-xp(i-1), yp(i)-yp(i-1), 0.,  &amp;
-                                     xp(ip1)-xp(i), yp(ip1)-yp(i), 0.,  &amp;
-                                     0., 0., 1.)
+            thetat(i) = plane_angle( 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND,  &amp;
+                                     xp(i)-xp(i-1), yp(i)-yp(i-1), 0.0_RKIND,  &amp;
+                                     xp(ip1)-xp(i), yp(ip1)-yp(i), 0.0_RKIND,  &amp;
+                                     0.0_RKIND, 0.0_RKIND, 1.0_RKIND)
             thetat(i) = thetat(i) + thetat(i-1)
          end do

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/framework/Makefile
--- trunk/mpas/src/framework/Makefile        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/framework/Makefile        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
    ZOLTANOBJ = mpas_zoltan_interface.o
-OBJS = mpas_framework.o \
+OBJS = mpas_kind_types.o \
+       mpas_framework.o \
        mpas_timer.o \
        mpas_timekeeping.o \
        mpas_configure.o \
@@ -28,10 +29,18 @@
 mpas_configure.o: mpas_dmpar.o
+mpas_constants.o: mpas_kind_types.o
 mpas_grid_types.o: mpas_dmpar.o
-mpas_dmpar.o: mpas_sort.o streams.o
+mpas_dmpar.o: mpas_sort.o streams.o mpas_kind_types.o
+mpas_sort.o: mpas_kind_types.o
+mpas_timekeeping.o: mpas_kind_types.o
+mpas_timer.o: mpas_kind_types.o
 mpas_block_decomp.o: mpas_grid_types.o mpas_hash.o mpas_configure.o
 mpas_io_input.o: mpas_grid_types.o mpas_dmpar.o mpas_block_decomp.o mpas_sort.o mpas_configure.o mpas_timekeeping.o $(ZOLTANOBJ)

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_constants.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_constants.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_constants.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 module mpas_constants
+   use mpas_kind_types
    real (kind=RKIND), parameter :: pii     = 3.141592653589793   
    real (kind=RKIND), parameter :: a       = 6371229.0
    real (kind=RKIND), parameter :: omega   = 7.29212e-5

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_dmpar.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_dmpar.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_dmpar.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
 module mpas_dmpar
+   use mpas_kind_types
    use mpas_sort
 #ifdef _MPI
 include 'mpif.h'
    integer, parameter :: MPI_INTEGERKIND = MPI_INTEGER
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+   integer, parameter :: MPI_REALKIND = MPI_REAL
    integer, parameter :: MPI_REALKIND = MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION
-   integer, parameter :: MPI_REALKIND = MPI_REAL
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
    type dm_info
       integer :: nprocs, my_proc_id, comm, info
+      logical :: using_external_comm
    end type dm_info
@@ -45,23 +47,30 @@
-   subroutine mpas_dmpar_init(dminfo)
+   subroutine mpas_dmpar_init(dminfo, mpi_comm)
       implicit none
       type (dm_info), intent(inout) :: dminfo
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: mpi_comm     ! Optional: externally-supplied MPI communicator
 #ifdef _MPI
       integer :: mpi_rank, mpi_size
       integer :: mpi_ierr
+      if (present(mpi_comm)) then
+         dminfo % comm = mpi_comm
+         dminfo % using_external_comm = .true.
+      else
+         call MPI_Init(mpi_ierr)
+         dminfo % comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
+         dminfo % using_external_comm = .false.
+      end if
       ! Find out our rank and the total number of processors
-      call MPI_Init(mpi_ierr)
-      call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_rank, mpi_ierr)
-      call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_size, mpi_ierr)
+      call MPI_Comm_rank(dminfo % comm, mpi_rank, mpi_ierr)
+      call MPI_Comm_size(dminfo % comm, mpi_size, mpi_ierr)
-      dminfo % comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
       dminfo % nprocs = mpi_size
       dminfo % my_proc_id = mpi_rank
@@ -75,6 +84,7 @@
       dminfo % comm = 0
       dminfo % my_proc_id = IO_NODE
       dminfo % nprocs = 1
+      dminfo % using_external_comm = .false.
    end subroutine mpas_dmpar_init
@@ -89,7 +99,9 @@
 #ifdef _MPI
       integer :: mpi_ierr
-      call MPI_Finalize(mpi_ierr)
+      if (.not. dminfo % using_external_comm) then
+         call MPI_Finalize(mpi_ierr)
+      end if
    end subroutine mpas_dmpar_finalize

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_io_input.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_io_input.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_io_input.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1226,10 +1226,10 @@
 #include &quot;input_field0dreal.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
       nferr = nf_get_vara_double(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
-      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
    end subroutine mpas_io_input_field0d_real
@@ -1261,10 +1261,10 @@
 #include &quot;input_field1dreal.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % array)
       nferr = nf_get_vara_double(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % array)
    end subroutine mpas_io_input_field1d_real
@@ -1290,10 +1290,10 @@
 #include &quot;input_field2dreal.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
       nferr = nf_get_vara_double(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
    end subroutine mpas_io_input_field2d_real
@@ -1321,10 +1321,10 @@
 #include &quot;input_field3dreal.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
       nferr = nf_get_vara_double(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
    end subroutine mpas_io_input_field3d_real
@@ -1348,10 +1348,10 @@
 #include &quot;input_field0dreal_time.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
       nferr = nf_get_vara_double(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
-      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
    end subroutine mpas_io_input_field0d_real_time
@@ -1377,10 +1377,10 @@
 #include &quot;input_field1dreal_time.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
       nferr = nf_get_vara_double(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
    end subroutine mpas_io_input_field1d_real_time
@@ -1408,10 +1408,10 @@
 #include &quot;input_field2dreal_time.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
       nferr = nf_get_vara_double(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
    end subroutine mpas_io_input_field2d_real_time
@@ -1441,10 +1441,10 @@
 #include &quot;input_field3dreal_time.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start4, count4, field % array)
       nferr = nf_get_vara_double(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start4, count4, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_get_vara_real(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start4, count4, field % array)
    end subroutine mpas_io_input_field3d_real_time

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_io_output.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_io_output.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_io_output.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -429,10 +429,10 @@
 #include &quot;output_field0dreal.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
       nferr = nf_put_vara_double(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
-      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
       nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
@@ -458,10 +458,10 @@
 #include &quot;output_field1dreal.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, VarID, start1, count1, field % array)
       nferr = nf_put_vara_double(output_obj % wr_ncid, VarID, start1, count1, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, VarID, start1, count1, field % array)
       nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
@@ -489,10 +489,10 @@
 #include &quot;output_field2dreal.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
       nferr = nf_put_vara_double(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
       nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
@@ -522,10 +522,10 @@
 #include &quot;output_field3dreal.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
       nferr = nf_put_vara_double(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
       nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
@@ -551,10 +551,10 @@
 #include &quot;output_field0dreal_time.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
       nferr = nf_put_vara_double(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
-      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
       nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
@@ -582,10 +582,10 @@
 #include &quot;output_field1dreal_time.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
       nferr = nf_put_vara_double(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
       nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
@@ -615,10 +615,10 @@
 #include &quot;output_field2dreal_time.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
       nferr = nf_put_vara_double(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start3, count3, field % array)
       nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
@@ -650,10 +650,10 @@
 #include &quot;output_field3dreal_time.inc&quot;
-#if (RKIND == 8)
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start4, count4, field % array)
       nferr = nf_put_vara_double(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start4, count4, field % array)
-      nferr = nf_put_vara_real(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start4, count4, field % array)
       nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)

Copied: trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_kind_types.F (from rev 1270, branches/cam_mpas_nh/src/framework/mpas_kind_types.F)
--- trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_kind_types.F                                (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_kind_types.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+module mpas_kind_types
+   integer, parameter :: RKIND  = selected_real_kind(6)
+   integer, parameter :: RKIND  = selected_real_kind(12)
+   contains
+   subroutine dummy_kinds()
+   end subroutine dummy_kinds
+end module mpas_kind_types

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_sort.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_sort.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_sort.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 module mpas_sort
+   use mpas_kind_types
    interface quicksort
       module procedure mpas_quicksort_int
       module procedure mpas_quicksort_real

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_timekeeping.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_timekeeping.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_timekeeping.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 module mpas_timekeeping
+   use mpas_kind_types
    use ESMF_BaseMod
    use ESMF_Stubs
    use ESMF_CalendarMod

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_timer.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_timer.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/framework/mpas_timer.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
       module mpas_timer
+        use mpas_kind_types
         implicit none
 !       private

Modified: trunk/mpas/src/operators/mpas_spline_interpolation.F
--- trunk/mpas/src/operators/mpas_spline_interpolation.F        2011-12-21 22:10:22 UTC (rev 1271)
+++ trunk/mpas/src/operators/mpas_spline_interpolation.F        2011-12-21 22:40:19 UTC (rev 1272)
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 module mpas_spline_interpolation
+  use mpas_kind_types
   implicit none
