<p><b>dwj07@fsu.edu</b> 2011-10-17 14:15:27 -0600 (Mon, 17 Oct 2011)</p><p><br>
        -- BRANCH COMMIT --<br>
        Renaming functions and subroutines that were either skipped on accident by the script or just missed completely.<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/source_renaming/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_advection.F
--- branches/source_renaming/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_advection.F        2011-10-17 20:09:04 UTC (rev 1100)
+++ branches/source_renaming/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_advection.F        2011-10-17 20:15:27 UTC (rev 1101)
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@
- ! SUBROUTine sw_arc_bisect
+ ! subroutine sw_arc_bisect
! Returns the point C=(cx, cy, cz) that bisects the great circle arc from
! A=(ax, ay, az) to B=(bx, by, bz). It is assumed that A and B lie on the
@@ -630,9 +630,9 @@
! !
-SUBROUTine sw_migs (A,N,X,INDX)
+subroutine sw_migs (A,N,X,INDX)
-! Subroutine to invert matrix A(N,N) with the inverse stored
+! subroutine to invert matrix A(N,N) with the inverse stored
! in X(N,N) in the output. Copyright (c) Tao Pang 2001.
@@ -672,12 +672,12 @@
X(J,I) = X(J,I)/A(INDX(J),J)
-END SUBROUTine sw_migs
+end subroutine sw_migs
-SUBROUTine sw_elgs (A,N,INDX)
+subroutine sw_elgs (A,N,INDX)
-! Subroutine to perform the partial-pivoting Gaussian elimination.
+! subroutine to perform the partial-pivoting Gaussian elimination.
! A(N,N) is the original matrix in the input and transformed matrix
! plus the pivoting element ratios below the diagonal in the output.
! INDX(N) records the pivoting order. Copyright (c) Tao Pang 2001.
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@
-END SUBROUTine sw_elgs
+end subroutine sw_elgs
Modified: branches/source_renaming/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_global_diagnostics.F
--- branches/source_renaming/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_global_diagnostics.F        2011-10-17 20:09:04 UTC (rev 1100)
+++ branches/source_renaming/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_global_diagnostics.F        2011-10-17 20:15:27 UTC (rev 1101)
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
! Step 6
! 6. Write out your global stat to the file
if (dminfo % my_proc_id == IO_NODE) then
- fileID = getFreeUnit()
+ fileID = sw_get_free_unit()
if (timeIndex/config_stats_interval == 1) then
open(fileID, file='GlobalIntegrals.txt',STATUS='unknown')
@@ -283,23 +283,23 @@
end subroutine sw_compute_global_diagnostics
- integer function getFreeUnit()
+ integer function sw_get_free_unit()
implicit none
integer :: index
logical :: isOpened
- getFreeUnit = 0
+ sw_get_free_unit = 0
do index = 1,99
if((index /= 5) .and. (index /= 6)) then
inquire(unit = index, opened = isOpened)
if( .not. isOpened) then
- getFreeUnit = index
+ sw_get_free_unit = index
end if
end if
end do
- end function getFreeUnit
+ end function sw_get_free_unit
subroutine sw_compute_global_sum(dminfo, nVertLevels, nElements, field, globalSum)
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
end subroutine sw_compute_global_max
- subroutine computeGlobalVertSumHorizMin(dminfo, nVertLevels, nElements, field, globalMin)
+ subroutine compute_global_vert_sum_horiz_min(dminfo, nVertLevels, nElements, field, globalMin)
implicit none
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
localMin = minval(sum(field,1))
call dmpar_min_real(dminfo, localMin, globalMin)
- end subroutine computeGlobalVertSumHorizMin
+ end subroutine compute_global_vert_sum_horiz_min
subroutine sw_compute_global_vert_sum_horiz_max(dminfo, nVertLevels, nElements, field, globalMax)
Modified: branches/source_renaming/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_test_cases.F
--- branches/source_renaming/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_test_cases.F        2011-10-17 20:09:04 UTC (rev 1100)
+++ branches/source_renaming/src/core_sw/mpas_sw_test_cases.F        2011-10-17 20:15:27 UTC (rev 1101)
@@ -442,9 +442,9 @@
! Initialize height field (actually, fluid thickness field)
do iCell=1,grid % nCells
- state % h % array(1,iCell) = (gravity * h0 + a*a*AA(grid%latCell%array(iCell)) + &
- a*a*BB(grid%latCell%array(iCell)) * cos(R*grid%lonCell%array(iCell)) + &
- a*a*CC(grid%latCell%array(iCell)) * cos(2.0*R*grid%lonCell%array(iCell)) &
+ state % h % array(1,iCell) = (gravity * h0 + a*a*aa(grid%latCell%array(iCell)) + &
+ a*a*bb(grid%latCell%array(iCell)) * cos(R*grid%lonCell%array(iCell)) + &
+ a*a*cc(grid%latCell%array(iCell)) * cos(2.0*R*grid%lonCell%array(iCell)) &
) / gravity
end do
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
end function sphere_distance
- real function AA(theta)
+ real function aa(theta)
! A, used in height field computation for Rossby-Haurwitz wave
@@ -483,13 +483,13 @@
real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: theta
- AA = 0.5 * w * (2.0 * omega + w) * cos(theta)**2.0 + &
+ aa = 0.5 * w * (2.0 * omega + w) * cos(theta)**2.0 + &
0.25 * K**2.0 * cos(theta)**(2.0*R) * ((R+1.0)*cos(theta)**2.0 + 2.0*R**2.0 - R - 2.0 - 2.0*R**2.0 * cos(theta)**(-2.0))
- end function AA
+ end function aa
- real function BB(theta)
+ real function bb(theta)
! B, used in height field computation for Rossby-Haurwitz wave
@@ -502,12 +502,12 @@
real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: theta
- BB = (2.0*(omega + w)*K / ((R+1.0)*(R+2.0))) * cos(theta)**R * ((R**2.0 + 2.0*R + 2.0) - ((R+1.0)*cos(theta))**2.0)
+ bb = (2.0*(omega + w)*K / ((R+1.0)*(R+2.0))) * cos(theta)**R * ((R**2.0 + 2.0*R + 2.0) - ((R+1.0)*cos(theta))**2.0)
- end function BB
+ end function bb
- real function CC(theta)
+ real function cc(theta)
! C, used in height field computation for Rossby-Haurwitz wave
@@ -520,8 +520,8 @@
real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: theta
- CC = 0.25 * K**2.0 * cos(theta)**(2.0*R) * ((R+1.0)*cos(theta)**2.0 - R - 2.0)
+ cc = 0.25 * K**2.0 * cos(theta)**(2.0*R) * ((R+1.0)*cos(theta)**2.0 - R - 2.0)
- end function CC
+ end function cc
end module test_cases