<p><b>dwj07@fsu.edu</b> 2011-09-14 15:24:57 -0600 (Wed, 14 Sep 2011)</p><p><br>
  -- Branch Commit --<br>
  Merging the time splitting branch to performance branch to incorporate new<br>
  time keeping routines.<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">
Property changes on: branches/ocean_projects/performance
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/ocean_projects/imp_vert_mix_mrp:827-863
   + /branches/ocean_projects/imp_vert_mix_mrp:827-986

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/Makefile
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/Makefile        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
         &quot;CC = mpicc&quot; \
         &quot;SFC = pgf90&quot; \
         &quot;SCC = pgcc&quot; \
-        &quot;FFLAGS = -r8 -O3 -byteswapio&quot; \
+        &quot;FFLAGS = -r8 -O3 -byteswapio -Mfree&quot; \
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
         &quot;CC = pgcc&quot; \
         &quot;SFC = pgf90&quot; \
         &quot;SCC = pgcc&quot; \
-        &quot;FFLAGS = -r8 -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -byteswapio&quot; \
+        &quot;FFLAGS = -r8 -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr -byteswapio -Mfree&quot; \
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O0 -g&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O0 -g -Mbounds -Mchkptr&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
         &quot;CC = gcc&quot; \
         &quot;SFC = ifort&quot; \
         &quot;SCC = gcc&quot; \
-        &quot;FFLAGS = -real-size 64 -O3 -convert big_endian&quot; \
+        &quot;FFLAGS = -real-size 64 -O3 -convert big_endian -FR&quot; \
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
         &quot;CC = mpicc&quot; \
         &quot;SFC = gfortran&quot; \
         &quot;SCC = gcc&quot; \
-        &quot;FFLAGS = -O3 -m64 -ffree-line-length-none -fdefault-real-8 -fconvert=big-endian&quot; \
+        &quot;FFLAGS = -O3 -m64 -ffree-line-length-none -fdefault-real-8 -fconvert=big-endian -ffree-form&quot; \
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
         &quot;CC = gcc&quot; \
         &quot;SFC = gfortran&quot; \
         &quot;SCC = gcc&quot; \
-        &quot;FFLAGS = -O3 -m64 -ffree-line-length-none -fdefault-real-8 -fconvert=big-endian&quot; \
+        &quot;FFLAGS = -O3 -m64 -ffree-line-length-none -fdefault-real-8 -fconvert=big-endian -ffree-form&quot; \
         &quot;CFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;LDFLAGS = -O3 -m64&quot; \
         &quot;CORE = $(CORE)&quot; \

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/namelist.input.hyd_atmos
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/namelist.input.hyd_atmos        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/namelist.input.hyd_atmos        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
    config_test_case = 2
    config_time_integration = 'SRK3'
    config_dt = 3600
-   config_ntimesteps = 240
-   config_output_interval = 24
+   config_start_time = '0000-01-01_00:00:00'
+   config_run_duration = '10_00:00:00'
    config_number_of_sub_steps = 4
    config_h_mom_eddy_visc2 = 0.0
    config_h_mom_eddy_visc4 = 0.0
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@
    config_input_name = 'grid.nc'
    config_output_name = 'output.nc'
    config_restart_name = 'restart.nc'
+   config_output_interval = '1_00:00:00'
+   config_frames_per_outfile = 0
-   config_restart_interval = 3000
+   config_restart_interval = '1000_00:00:00'
    config_do_restart = .false.
-   config_restart_time = 1036800.0

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/namelist.input.ocean
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/namelist.input.ocean        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/namelist.input.ocean        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -3,19 +3,20 @@
    config_time_integration = 'higdon_unsplit'
    config_rk_filter_btr_mode = .false.
    config_dt = 10.0
-   config_ntimesteps =100 
-   config_output_interval = 100 
-   config_stats_interval = 100 
+   config_start_time = '0000-01-01_00:00:00'
+   config_run_duration = '2000_00:00:00'
+   config_stats_interval = 1920
-   config_input_name = 'ocean.nc'
+   config_input_name = 'grid.nc'
    config_output_name = 'output.nc'
    config_restart_name = 'restart.nc'
+   config_output_interval = '20_00:00:00'
+   config_frames_per_outfile = 1000000
-   config_restart_interval = 10000000 
    config_do_restart = .false.
-   config_restart_time = 1036800.0
+   config_restart_interval = '120_00:00:00'
    config_vert_grid_type = 'zlevel'
@@ -49,16 +50,16 @@
    config_mom_decay_time = 3600.0
-   config_vert_visc_type  = 'const'
-   config_vert_diff_type  = 'const'
-   config_implicit_vertical_mix = .false.
+   config_vert_visc_type  = 'rich'
+   config_vert_diff_type  = 'rich'
+   config_implicit_vertical_mix = .true.
    config_convective_visc       = 1.0
    config_convective_diff       = 1.0
    config_bottom_drag_coeff     = 1.0e-3
-   config_vert_visc  = 2.5e-5
-   config_vert_diff  = 2.5e-5 
+   config_vert_visc       = 2.5e-5
+   config_vert_diff       = 2.5e-5 
    config_bkrd_vert_visc  = 1.0e-4

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/namelist.input.sw
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/namelist.input.sw        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/namelist.input.sw        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
    config_test_case = 5
    config_time_integration = 'RK4'
    config_dt = 172.8
-   config_ntimesteps = 7500
-   config_output_interval = 500
+   config_start_time = '0000-01-01_00:00:00'
+   config_run_duration = '15_00:00:00'
    config_stats_interval = 0
+   config_h_ScaleWithMesh = .false.
    config_h_mom_eddy_visc2  = 0.0
    config_h_mom_eddy_visc4  = 0.0
    config_h_tracer_eddy_diff2  = 0.0
@@ -16,15 +17,17 @@
    config_wind_stress = .false.
    config_bottom_drag = .false.
+   config_stop_time  = '0000-01-16_00:00:00'
    config_input_name = 'grid.nc'
    config_output_name = 'output.nc'
    config_restart_name = 'restart.nc'
+   config_output_interval = '1_00:00:00'
+   config_frames_per_outfile = 0
-   config_restart_interval = 3000
+   config_restart_interval = '15_00:00:00'
    config_do_restart = .false.
-   config_restart_time = 1036800.0

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/Makefile
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/Makefile        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
 all: mpas
 mpas: reg_includes externals frame ops dycore drver
-        $(FC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(CORE)_model.exe driver/*.o -L. -ldycore -lops -lframework $(LIBS)
+        $(FC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(CORE)_model.exe driver/*.o -L. -ldycore -lops -lframework $(LIBS) -I./external/esmf_time_f90 -L./external/esmf_time_f90 -lesmf_time
         ( cd registry; make CC=&quot;$(SCC)&quot; )
         ( cd inc; ../registry/parse ../core_$(CORE)/Registry )
-        ( cd external; make FC=&quot;$(FC)&quot; SFC=&quot;$(SFC)&quot; CC=&quot;$(CC)&quot; SCC=&quot;$(SCC)&quot; FFLAGS=&quot;$(FFLAGS)&quot; CFLAGS=&quot;$(CFLAGS)&quot; CPP=&quot;$(CPP)&quot; RANLIB=&quot;$(RANLIB)&quot; NETCDF=&quot;$(NETCDF)&quot; CORE=&quot;$(CORE)&quot; )
+        ( cd external; make FC=&quot;$(FC)&quot; SFC=&quot;$(SFC)&quot; CC=&quot;$(CC)&quot; SCC=&quot;$(SCC)&quot; FFLAGS=&quot;$(FFLAGS)&quot; CFLAGS=&quot;$(CFLAGS)&quot; CPP=&quot;$(CPP)&quot; NETCDF=&quot;$(NETCDF)&quot; CORE=&quot;$(CORE)&quot; )
         ( cd framework; make all ) 

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/Makefile
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/Makefile        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
         $(RM) $@ $*.mod
         $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CPPINCLUDES) $&lt; &gt; $*.f90
-        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES) -I../framework -I../operators
+        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES) -I../framework -I../operators -I../external/esmf_time_f90

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/Registry
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/Registry        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/Registry        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
 namelist integer   sw_model config_test_case            5
 namelist character sw_model config_time_integration     SRK3
 namelist real      sw_model config_dt                   172.8
-namelist integer   sw_model config_ntimesteps           7500
-namelist integer   sw_model config_output_interval      500
+namelist integer   sw_model config_calendar_type        MPAS_360DAY
+namelist character sw_model config_start_time           0000-01-01_00:00:00
+namelist character sw_model config_stop_time            none
+namelist character sw_model config_run_duration         none
 namelist real      sw_model config_h_mom_eddy_visc2     0.0
 namelist real      sw_model config_h_mom_eddy_visc4     0.0
 namelist real      sw_model config_v_mom_eddy_visc2     0.0
@@ -23,10 +25,11 @@
 namelist character io       config_input_name           grid.nc
 namelist character io       config_output_name          output.nc
 namelist character io       config_restart_name         restart.nc
+namelist character io       config_output_interval      06:00:00
+namelist integer   io       config_frames_per_outfile   0
 namelist character io       config_decomp_file_prefix   graph.info.part.
-namelist integer   restart  config_restart_interval     0
 namelist logical   restart  config_do_restart           false
-namelist real      restart  config_restart_time         172800.0
+namelist character restart  config_restart_interval     none
 # dim  type  name_in_file  name_in_code
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@
 # var persistence type  name_in_file  ( dims )  time_levs iro-  name_in_code struct super-array array_class
-var persistent real    xtime ( Time ) 2 ro xtime state - -
+var persistent text    xtime ( Time ) 2 ro xtime state - -
 var persistent real    latCell ( nCells ) 0 iro latCell mesh - -
 var persistent real    lonCell ( nCells ) 0 iro lonCell mesh - -

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/module_mpas_core.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/module_mpas_core.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/module_mpas_core.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
 module mpas_core
    use mpas_framework
+   use mpas_timekeeping
    type (io_output_object) :: restart_obj
    integer :: restart_frame
+   integer :: current_outfile_frames
+   type (MPAS_Clock_type) :: clock
+   integer, parameter :: outputAlarmID = 1
+   integer, parameter :: restartAlarmID = 2
-     subroutine mpas_core_init(domain)
+     subroutine mpas_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp)
       use configure
       use grid_types
@@ -18,6 +25,7 @@
       implicit none
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+      character(len=*), intent(out) :: startTimeStamp
       real (kind=RKIND) :: dt
       type (block_type), pointer :: block
@@ -29,17 +37,72 @@
       ! Initialize core
       dt = config_dt
+      call simulation_clock_init(domain, dt, startTimeStamp)
       block =&gt; domain % blocklist
       do while (associated(block))
          call mpas_init_block(block, block % mesh, dt)
+         block % state % time_levs(1) % state % xtime % scalar = startTimeStamp 
          block =&gt; block % next
       end do
       restart_frame = 1
+      current_outfile_frames = 0
    end subroutine mpas_core_init

+   subroutine simulation_clock_init(domain, dt, startTimeStamp)
+      implicit none
+      type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+      real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+      character(len=*), intent(out) :: startTimeStamp
+      type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: startTime, stopTime, alarmStartTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: runDuration, timeStep, alarmTimeStep
+      integer :: ierr
+      call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=config_start_time, ierr=ierr)
+      call MPAS_setTimeInterval(timeStep, dt=dt, ierr=ierr)
+      if (trim(config_run_duration) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+         call MPAS_setTimeInterval(runDuration, timeString=config_run_duration, ierr=ierr)
+         call MPAS_createClock(clock, startTime=startTime, timeStep=timeStep, runDuration=runDuration, ierr=ierr)
+         if (trim(config_stop_time) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+            call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=stopTime, dateTimeString=config_stop_time, ierr=ierr)
+            if(startTime + runduration /= stopTime) then
+               write(0,*) 'Warning: config_run_duration and config_stop_time are inconsitent: using config_run_duration.'
+            end if
+         end if
+      else if (trim(config_stop_time) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+         call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=stopTime, dateTimeString=config_stop_time, ierr=ierr)
+         call MPAS_createClock(clock, startTime=startTime, timeStep=timeStep, stopTime=stopTime, ierr=ierr)
+      else
+          write(0,*) 'Error: Neither config_run_duration nor config_stop_time were specified.'
+          call dmpar_abort(domain % dminfo)
+      end if
+      ! set output alarm
+      call MPAS_setTimeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=config_output_interval, ierr=ierr)
+      alarmStartTime = startTime + alarmTimeStep
+      call MPAS_addClockAlarm(clock, outputAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
+      ! set restart alarm, if necessary
+      if (trim(config_restart_interval) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+         call MPAS_setTimeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=config_restart_interval, ierr=ierr)
+         alarmStartTime = startTime + alarmTimeStep
+         call MPAS_addClockAlarm(clock, restartAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
+      end if
+      call MPAS_getTime(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=startTimeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+   end subroutine simulation_clock_init
    subroutine mpas_init_block(block, mesh, dt)
       use grid_types
@@ -62,9 +125,7 @@
       call rbfInterp_initialize(mesh)
       call init_reconstruct(mesh)
       call reconstruct(block % state % time_levs(1) % state, mesh)
-      if (.not. config_do_restart) block % state % time_levs(1) % state % xtime % scalar = 0.0
    end subroutine mpas_init_block
@@ -83,34 +144,52 @@
       integer :: ntimesteps, itimestep
       real (kind=RKIND) :: dt
       type (block_type), pointer :: block_ptr
+      type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: currTime
+      character(len=32) :: timeStamp
+      integer :: ierr
       ! Eventually, dt should be domain specific
       dt = config_dt
-      ntimesteps = config_ntimesteps
+      currTime = MPAS_getClockTime(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+      call MPAS_getTime(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+      write(0,*) 'Initial time ', timeStamp
       call write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
       ! During integration, time level 1 stores the model state at the beginning of the
       !   time step, and time level 2 stores the state advanced dt in time by timestep(...)
-      do itimestep = 1,ntimesteps
-         write(0,*) 'Doing timestep ', itimestep
+      do while (.not. MPAS_isClockStopTime(clock))
+         call MPAS_advanceClock(clock)
+         currTime = MPAS_getClockTime(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+         call MPAS_getTime(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+         write(0,*) 'Doing timestep ', timeStamp
          call timer_start(&quot;time integration&quot;)
-         call mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt)
+         call mpas_timestep(domain, dt, timeStamp)
          call timer_stop(&quot;time integration&quot;)
          ! Move time level 2 fields back into time level 1 for next time step
          call shift_time_levels_state(domain % blocklist % state)
-         if (mod(itimestep, config_output_interval) == 0) then
+         if (MPAS_isAlarmRinging(clock, outputAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
+            call MPAS_resetClockAlarm(clock, outputAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
+            if(output_frame == 1) call output_state_init(output_obj, domain, &quot;OUTPUT&quot;, trim(timeStamp)) ! output_frame will always be &gt; 1 here unless it is reset after the output file is finalized
             call write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
          end if
-         if (mod(itimestep, config_restart_interval) == 0 .and. config_restart_interval &gt; 0) then
+         if (MPAS_isAlarmRinging(clock, restartAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
+            call MPAS_resetClockAlarm(clock, restartAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
             if (restart_frame == 1) call output_state_init(restart_obj, domain, &quot;RESTART&quot;)
             call output_state_for_domain(restart_obj, domain, restart_frame)
             restart_frame = restart_frame + 1
          end if
       end do
    end subroutine mpas_core_run
@@ -143,7 +222,17 @@
       call output_state_for_domain(output_obj, domain, output_frame)
       output_frame = output_frame + 1
+      ! if the maximum number of frames per outfile has been reached, finalize outfile and reset frame
+      if (config_frames_per_outfile &gt; 0) then
+         current_outfile_frames = current_outfile_frames + 1
+         if(current_outfile_frames &gt;= config_frames_per_outfile) then
+            current_outfile_frames = 0
+            call output_state_finalize(output_obj, domain % dminfo)
+            output_frame = 1
+         end if
+      end if
    end subroutine write_output_frame
@@ -170,7 +259,7 @@
    end subroutine compute_output_diagnostics
-   subroutine mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt)
+   subroutine mpas_timestep(domain, dt, timeStamp)
       use grid_types
       use time_integration
@@ -178,10 +267,10 @@
       implicit none
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain 
-      integer, intent(in) :: itimestep
       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: timeStamp
-      call timestep(domain, dt)
+      call timestep(domain, dt, timeStamp)
    end subroutine mpas_timestep
@@ -191,11 +280,15 @@
       use grid_types
       implicit none
+      integer :: ierr

       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain 
       if (restart_frame &gt; 1) call output_state_finalize(restart_obj, domain % dminfo)
+      call MPAS_destroyClock(clock, ierr)
    end subroutine mpas_core_finalize
 end module mpas_core

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/module_time_integration.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/module_time_integration.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_hyd_atmos/module_time_integration.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-   subroutine timestep(domain, dt)
+   subroutine timestep(domain, dt, timeStamp)
    ! Advance model state forward in time by the specified time step
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: timeStamp
       type (block_type), pointer :: block
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
       block =&gt; domain % blocklist
       do while (associated(block))
-         block % state % time_levs(2) % state % xtime % scalar = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % xtime % scalar + dt
+         block % state % time_levs(2) % state % xtime % scalar = timeStamp
          block =&gt; block % next
       end do

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/Makefile
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/Makefile        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@
         $(RM) $@ $*.mod
         $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CPPINCLUDES) $&lt; &gt; $*.f90
-        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES) -I../framework -I../operators
+        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES) -I../framework -I../operators -I../external/esmf_time_f90

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/Registry
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/Registry        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/Registry        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
 # namelist  type  namelist_record  name  default_value
-namelist integer   sw_model config_test_case         5
-namelist character sw_model config_time_integration  RK4
-namelist logical   sw_model config_rk_filter_btr_mode false
-namelist real      sw_model config_dt                172.8
-namelist integer   sw_model config_ntimesteps        7500
-namelist integer   sw_model config_output_interval   500
-namelist integer   sw_model config_stats_interval    100
+namelist integer   sw_model config_test_case           5
+namelist character sw_model config_time_integration    RK4
+namelist logical   sw_model config_rk_filter_btr_mode  false
+namelist real      sw_model config_dt                  172.8
+namelist integer   sw_model config_calendar_type       MPAS_360DAY
+namelist character sw_model config_start_time          0000-01-01_00:00:00
+namelist character sw_model config_stop_time           none
+namelist character sw_model config_run_duration        none
+namelist integer   sw_model config_stats_interval      100
 namelist character io       config_input_name          grid.nc
 namelist character io       config_output_name         output.nc
 namelist character io       config_restart_name        restart.nc
+namelist character io       config_output_interval     24:00:00
+namelist integer   io       config_frames_per_outfile  0
 namelist character io       config_decomp_file_prefix  graph.info.part.
-namelist integer   restart  config_restart_interval  0
-namelist logical   restart  config_do_restart        false
-namelist real      restart  config_restart_time      172800.0
-namelist character grid     config_vert_grid_type    isopycnal
-namelist real      grid     config_rho0              1028
+namelist logical   restart  config_do_restart          false
+namelist character restart  config_restart_interval    none
+namelist character grid     config_vert_grid_type      isopycnal
+namelist real      grid     config_rho0                1028
 namelist integer   timestep_higdon config_n_ts_iter     2
 namelist integer   timestep_higdon config_n_bcl_iter_beg   4
 namelist integer   timestep_higdon config_n_bcl_iter_mid   4
@@ -40,35 +43,35 @@
 namelist real      hmix     config_h_tracer_eddy_diff2  0.0
 namelist real      hmix     config_h_tracer_eddy_diff4  0.0
 namelist real      hmix     config_apvm_upwinding       0.5
-namelist logical   hmix     config_mom_decay         false 
-namelist real      hmix     config_mom_decay_time    3600.0
-namelist character vmix     config_vert_visc_type    const
-namelist character vmix     config_vert_diff_type    const
+namelist logical   hmix     config_mom_decay            false 
+namelist real      hmix     config_mom_decay_time       3600.0
+namelist character vmix     config_vert_visc_type       const
+namelist character vmix     config_vert_diff_type       const
 namelist logical   vmix     config_implicit_vertical_mix  .true.
-namelist real      vmix     config_convective_visc  1.0
-namelist real      vmix     config_convective_diff  1.0
-namelist real      vmix     config_bottom_drag_coeff  1.0e-3
-namelist real      vmix_const   config_vert_visc    2.5e-4
-namelist real      vmix_const   config_vert_diff    2.5e-5
-namelist real      vmix_rich    config_bkrd_vert_visc    1.0e-4
-namelist real      vmix_rich    config_bkrd_vert_diff    1.0e-5
-namelist real      vmix_rich    config_rich_mix          0.005
-namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_max_visc_tanh     2.5e-1
-namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_min_visc_tanh     1.0e-4
-namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_max_diff_tanh     2.5e-2
-namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_min_diff_tanh     1.0e-5
-namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_zMid_tanh         -100
-namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_zWidth_tanh       100
-namelist character eos       config_eos_type         linear
-namelist character advection config_vert_tracer_adv  stencil
+namelist real      vmix     config_convective_visc      1.0
+namelist real      vmix     config_convective_diff      1.0
+namelist real      vmix     config_bottom_drag_coeff    1.0e-3
+namelist real      vmix_const   config_vert_visc        2.5e-4
+namelist real      vmix_const   config_vert_diff        2.5e-5
+namelist real      vmix_rich    config_bkrd_vert_visc   1.0e-4
+namelist real      vmix_rich    config_bkrd_vert_diff   1.0e-5
+namelist real      vmix_rich    config_rich_mix         0.005
+namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_max_visc_tanh    2.5e-1
+namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_min_visc_tanh    1.0e-4
+namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_max_diff_tanh    2.5e-2
+namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_min_diff_tanh    1.0e-5
+namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_zMid_tanh        -100
+namelist real      vmix_tanh    config_zWidth_tanh      100
+namelist character eos       config_eos_type            linear
+namelist character advection config_vert_tracer_adv     stencil
 namelist integer   advection config_vert_tracer_adv_order 4
-namelist integer   advection config_tracer_adv_order     2
-namelist integer   advection config_thickness_adv_order  2
-namelist logical   advection config_positive_definite    false
-namelist logical   advection config_monotonic            false
-namelist logical   restore   config_restoreTS            false
-namelist real      restore   config_restoreT_timescale   90.0
-namelist real      restore   config_restoreS_timescale   90.0
+namelist integer   advection config_tracer_adv_order    2
+namelist integer   advection config_thickness_adv_order 2
+namelist logical   advection config_positive_definite   false
+namelist logical   advection config_monotonic           false
+namelist logical   restore   config_restoreTS           false
+namelist real      restore   config_restoreT_timescale  90.0
+namelist real      restore   config_restoreS_timescale  90.0
 # dim  type  name_in_file  name_in_code
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@
 # var persistence type  name_in_file  ( dims )  time_levs iro-  name_in_code struct super-array array_class
-var persistent real    xtime ( Time ) 2 ro xtime state - -
+var persistent text    xtime ( Time ) 2 ro xtime state - -
 var persistent real    latCell ( nCells ) 0 iro latCell mesh - -
 var persistent real    lonCell ( nCells ) 0 iro lonCell mesh - -
@@ -174,18 +177,18 @@
 var persistent integer boundaryEdge ( nVertLevels nEdges ) 0 iro boundaryEdge mesh - -
 var persistent integer boundaryVertex ( nVertLevels nVertices ) 0 iro boundaryVertex mesh - -
 var persistent integer boundaryCell ( nVertLevels nCells ) 0 iro boundaryCell mesh - -
-var persistent real    u_src ( nVertLevels nEdges ) 0 iro u_src mesh - -
-var persistent real    temperatureRestore ( nCells ) 0 iro temperatureRestore mesh - -
-var persistent real    salinityRestore ( nCells ) 0 iro salinityRestore mesh - -
+var persistent real    u_src ( nVertLevels nEdges ) 0 ir u_src mesh - -
+var persistent real    temperatureRestore ( nCells ) 0 ir temperatureRestore mesh - -
+var persistent real    salinityRestore ( nCells ) 0 ir salinityRestore mesh - -
 # Prognostic variables: read from input, saved in restart, and written to output
-var persistent real    u ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 iro u state - -
-var persistent real    h ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro h state - -
-var persistent real    rho ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro rho state - -
+var persistent real    u ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 ir u state - -
+var persistent real    h ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 ir h state - -
+var persistent real    rho ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 ir rho state - -
 var persistent real    temperature ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro temperature state tracers dynamics
-var persistent real    salinity ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro salinity state tracers dynamics
-var persistent real    tracer1 ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro tracer1 state tracers testing
-var persistent real    tracer2 ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 iro tracer2 state tracers testing
+var persistent real    salinity ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 ir salinity state tracers dynamics
+var persistent real    tracer1 ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 ir tracer1 state tracers testing
+var persistent real    tracer2 ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 ir tracer2 state tracers testing
 # Tendency variables: neither read nor written to any files
 var persistent real    tend_u ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 1 - u tend - -
@@ -197,13 +200,13 @@
 var persistent real    tend_tracer2 ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 1 - tracer2 tend tracers testing
 # state variables for Higdon timesplitting
-var persistent real   uBtr ( nEdges Time )         2 o  uBtr state - -
+var persistent real   uBtr ( nEdges Time )         2 -  uBtr state - -
 var persistent real   ssh ( nCells Time )          2 o  ssh state - - 
-var persistent real   uBtrSubcycle ( nEdges Time ) 2 o  uBtrSubcycle state - -
-var persistent real   sshSubcycle ( nCells Time )  2 o  sshSubcycle state - - 
-var persistent real   FBtr ( nEdges Time )         1 o  FBtr state - - 
-var persistent real   GBtrForcing ( nEdges Time )  1 o  GBtrForcing state - -
-var persistent real   uBcl ( nVertLevels nEdges Time )  2 o uBcl state - - 
+var persistent real   uBtrSubcycle ( nEdges Time ) 2 -  uBtrSubcycle state - -
+var persistent real   sshSubcycle ( nCells Time )  2 -  sshSubcycle state - - 
+var persistent real   FBtr ( nEdges Time )         1 -  FBtr state - - 
+var persistent real   GBtrForcing ( nEdges Time )  1 -  GBtrForcing state - -
+var persistent real   uBcl ( nVertLevels nEdges Time )  2 - uBcl state - - 
 var persistent real   circulationBtr ( nVertices Time ) 1 - circulationBtr state - -
 var persistent real   divergenceBtr ( nCells Time ) 1 - divergenceBtr state - -
 var persistent real   vorticityBtr ( nVertices Time ) 1 - vorticityBtr state - -
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@
 # Diagnostic fields: only written to output
 var persistent real    v ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - v state - -
-var persistent real    divergence ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o divergence state - -
+var persistent real    divergence ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - divergence state - -
 var persistent real    vorticity ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 - vorticity state - -
 var persistent real    pv_edge ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - pv_edge state - -
 var persistent real    h_edge ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - h_edge state - -
@@ -223,8 +226,8 @@
 var persistent real    uReconstructX ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - uReconstructX state - -
 var persistent real    uReconstructY ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - uReconstructY state - -
 var persistent real    uReconstructZ ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - uReconstructZ state - -
-var persistent real    uReconstructZonal ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o uReconstructZonal state - -
-var persistent real    uReconstructMeridional ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 o uReconstructMeridional state - -
+var persistent real    uReconstructZonal ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - uReconstructZonal state - -
+var persistent real    uReconstructMeridional ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - uReconstructMeridional state - -
 var persistent real    MontPot ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - MontPot state - -
 var persistent real    pressure ( nVertLevels nCells Time ) 2 - pressure state - -
 var persistent real    wTop ( nVertLevelsP1 nCells Time ) 2 - wTop state - -
@@ -250,4 +253,3 @@
 var persistent real    RiTopOfEdge ( nVertLevelsP1 nEdges Time ) 1 - RiTopOfEdge diagnostics - -
 var persistent real    vertViscTopOfEdge ( nVertLevelsP1 nEdges Time ) 1 - vertViscTopOfEdge diagnostics - -
 var persistent real    vertDiffTopOfCell ( nVertLevelsP1 nCells Time ) 1 - vertDiffTopOfCell diagnostics - -

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/module_global_diagnostics.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/module_global_diagnostics.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/module_global_diagnostics.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
             write (fileID,'(100es24.16)') averages(1:nVariables)
          close (fileID)
-            write (fileID,'(i5,100es24.16)') timeIndex, &amp;
+            write (fileID,'(i5,10x,a,100es24.16)') timeIndex, &amp;
                state % xtime % scalar, dt, &amp;
          close (fileID)

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/module_mpas_core.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/module_mpas_core.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/module_mpas_core.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,24 +1,32 @@
 module mpas_core
    use mpas_framework
+   use mpas_timekeeping
    use dmpar
-      use test_cases
+   use test_cases
    type (io_output_object) :: restart_obj
    integer :: restart_frame
+   integer :: current_outfile_frames
+   type (MPAS_Clock_type) :: clock
+   integer, parameter :: outputAlarmID = 1
+   integer, parameter :: restartAlarmID = 2
+   integer, parameter :: statsAlarmID = 3
+   subroutine mpas_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp)
-   subroutine mpas_core_init(domain)
       use configure
       use grid_types
       implicit none
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+      character(len=*), intent(out) :: startTimeStamp
       real (kind=RKIND) :: dt
       type (block_type), pointer :: block
@@ -43,9 +51,13 @@
       ! Initialize core
       dt = config_dt
+      call simulation_clock_init(domain, dt, startTimeStamp)
       block =&gt; domain % blocklist
       do while (associated(block))
          call mpas_init_block(block, block % mesh, dt)
+         block % state % time_levs(1) % state % xtime % scalar = startTimeStamp 
          block =&gt; block % next
       end do
@@ -60,10 +72,70 @@
    !   call write_output_frame(output_obj, domain)
       restart_frame = 1
+      current_outfile_frames = 0
    end subroutine mpas_core_init
+   subroutine simulation_clock_init(domain, dt, startTimeStamp)
+      implicit none
+      type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+      real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+      character(len=*), intent(out) :: startTimeStamp
+      type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: startTime, stopTime, alarmStartTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: runDuration, timeStep, alarmTimeStep
+      integer :: ierr
+      call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=config_start_time, ierr=ierr)
+      call MPAS_setTimeInterval(timeStep, dt=dt, ierr=ierr)
+      if (trim(config_run_duration) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+         call MPAS_setTimeInterval(runDuration, timeString=config_run_duration, ierr=ierr)
+         call MPAS_createClock(clock, startTime=startTime, timeStep=timeStep, runDuration=runDuration, ierr=ierr)
+         if (trim(config_stop_time) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+            call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=stopTime, dateTimeString=config_stop_time, ierr=ierr)
+            if(startTime + runduration /= stopTime) then
+               write(0,*) 'Warning: config_run_duration and config_stop_time are inconsitent: using config_run_duration.'
+            end if
+         end if
+      else if (trim(config_stop_time) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+         call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=stopTime, dateTimeString=config_stop_time, ierr=ierr)
+         call MPAS_createClock(clock, startTime=startTime, timeStep=timeStep, stopTime=stopTime, ierr=ierr)
+      else
+          write(0,*) 'Error: Neither config_run_duration nor config_stop_time were specified.'
+          call dmpar_finalize(domain % dminfo)
+      end if
+      ! set output alarm
+      call MPAS_setTimeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=config_output_interval, ierr=ierr)
+      alarmStartTime = startTime + alarmTimeStep
+      call MPAS_addClockAlarm(clock, outputAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
+      ! set restart alarm, if necessary
+      if (trim(config_restart_interval) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+         call MPAS_setTimeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=config_restart_interval, ierr=ierr)
+         alarmStartTime = startTime + alarmTimeStep
+         call MPAS_addClockAlarm(clock, restartAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
+      end if
+      !TODO: use this code if we desire to convert config_stats_interval to alarms 
+      !(must also change config_stats_interval type to character) 
+      ! set stats alarm, if necessary
+      !if (trim(config_stats_interval) /= &quot;none&quot;) then      
+      !   call MPAS_setTimeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=config_stats_interval, ierr=ierr)
+      !   alarmStartTime = startTime + alarmTimeStep
+      !   call MPAS_addClockAlarm(clock, statsAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
+      !end if
+      call MPAS_getTime(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=startTimeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+   end subroutine simulation_clock_init
    subroutine mpas_init_block(block, mesh, dt)
       use grid_types
@@ -118,7 +190,6 @@
       end do
       if (.not. config_do_restart) then 
-          block % state % time_levs(1) % state % xtime % scalar = 0.0
 ! mrp 110808 add, so that variables are copied to * variables for Higdon
           do i=2,nTimeLevs
@@ -150,39 +221,55 @@
       type (io_output_object), intent(inout) :: output_obj
       integer, intent(inout) :: output_frame
-      integer :: ntimesteps, itimestep
+      integer :: itimestep
       real (kind=RKIND) :: dt
       type (block_type), pointer :: block_ptr
+      type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: currTime
+      character(len=32) :: timeStamp
+      integer :: ierr
       ! Eventually, dt should be domain specific
       dt = config_dt
-      ntimesteps = config_ntimesteps
- ! mrp 110808 turn off initial output frame
-!      call write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
+      currTime = MPAS_getClockTime(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+      call MPAS_getTime(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+      write(0,*) 'Initial time ', timeStamp
+      call write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
       ! During integration, time level 1 stores the model state at the beginning of the
       !   time step, and time level 2 stores the state advanced dt in time by timestep(...)
-      do itimestep = 1,ntimesteps
-         write(0,*) 'Doing timestep ', itimestep
+      itimestep = 0
+      do while (.not. MPAS_isClockStopTime(clock))
+         itimestep = itimestep + 1
+         call MPAS_advanceClock(clock)
+         currTime = MPAS_getClockTime(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+         call MPAS_getTime(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+         write(0,*) 'Doing timestep ', timeStamp
          call timer_start(&quot;time integration&quot;)
-         call mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt)
+         call mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt, timeStamp)
          call timer_stop(&quot;time integration&quot;)
          ! Move time level 2 fields back into time level 1 for next time step
          call shift_time_levels_state(domain % blocklist % state)
-         if (config_output_interval &gt; 0) then
-             if (mod(itimestep, config_output_interval) == 0) then
-                 call write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
-             end if
-         endif
-         if (config_restart_interval &gt; 0) then
-             if (mod(itimestep, config_restart_interval) == 0) then
-                 if (restart_frame == 1) call output_state_init(restart_obj, domain, &quot;RESTART&quot;)
-                     call output_state_for_domain(restart_obj, domain, restart_frame)
-                     restart_frame = restart_frame + 1
-             end if
-         endif
+         if (MPAS_isAlarmRinging(clock, outputAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
+            call MPAS_resetClockAlarm(clock, outputAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
+            if(output_frame == 1) call output_state_init(output_obj, domain, &quot;OUTPUT&quot;, trim(timeStamp)) ! output_frame will always be &gt; 1 here unless it is reset after the output file is finalized
+            call write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
+         end if
+         if (MPAS_isAlarmRinging(clock, restartAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
+            call MPAS_resetClockAlarm(clock, restartAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
+            if (restart_frame == 1) call output_state_init(restart_obj, domain, &quot;RESTART&quot;)
+            call output_state_for_domain(restart_obj, domain, restart_frame)
+            restart_frame = restart_frame + 1
+         end if
       end do
    end subroutine mpas_core_run
@@ -217,6 +304,16 @@
       call output_state_for_domain(output_obj, domain, output_frame)
       output_frame = output_frame + 1
+      ! if the maximum number of frames per outfile has been reached, finalize outfile and reset frame
+      if (config_frames_per_outfile &gt; 0) then
+         current_outfile_frames = current_outfile_frames + 1            
+         if(current_outfile_frames &gt;= config_frames_per_outfile) then
+            current_outfile_frames = 0
+            call output_state_finalize(output_obj, domain % dminfo)
+            output_frame = 1
+         end if
+      end if
    end subroutine write_output_frame
@@ -244,7 +341,7 @@
    end subroutine compute_output_diagnostics
-   subroutine mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt)
+   subroutine mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt, timeStamp)
       use grid_types
       use time_integration
@@ -256,10 +353,13 @@
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain 
       integer, intent(in) :: itimestep
       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: timeStamp
       type (block_type), pointer :: block_ptr
+      integer :: ierr
-      call timestep(domain, dt)
+      call timestep(domain, dt, timeStamp)
       if (config_stats_interval &gt; 0) then
           if (mod(itimestep, config_stats_interval) == 0) then
               block_ptr =&gt; domain % blocklist
@@ -267,7 +367,7 @@
                   write(0,*) 'Error: computeGlobalDiagnostics assumes ',&amp;
                      'that there is only one block per processor.'
               end if
           call timer_start(&quot;global diagnostics&quot;)
           call computeGlobalDiagnostics(domain % dminfo, &amp;
              block_ptr % state % time_levs(2) % state, block_ptr % mesh, &amp;
@@ -275,7 +375,24 @@
           call timer_stop(&quot;global diagnostics&quot;)
           end if
       end if
+      !TODO: replace the above code block with this if we desire to convert config_stats_interval to use alarms
+      !if (MPAS_isAlarmRinging(clock, statsAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
+      !   call MPAS_resetClockAlarm(clock, statsAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
+      !   block_ptr =&gt; domain % blocklist
+      !   if (associated(block_ptr % next)) then
+      !      write(0,*) 'Error: computeGlobalDiagnostics assumes ',&amp;
+      !                 'that there is only one block per processor.'
+      !   end if
+      !   call timer_start(&quot;global diagnostics&quot;)
+      !   call computeGlobalDiagnostics(domain % dminfo, &amp;
+      !            block_ptr % state % time_levs(2) % state, block_ptr % mesh, &amp;
+      !            timeStamp, dt)
+      !   call timer_stop(&quot;global diagnostics&quot;)
+      !end if
    end subroutine mpas_timestep
@@ -573,11 +690,15 @@
       use grid_types
       implicit none
+      integer :: ierr
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain 
       if (restart_frame &gt; 1) call output_state_finalize(restart_obj, domain % dminfo)
+      call MPAS_destroyClock(clock, ierr)
    end subroutine mpas_core_finalize

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/module_time_integration.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/module_time_integration.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_ocean/module_time_integration.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-   subroutine timestep(domain, dt)
+   subroutine timestep(domain, dt, timeStamp)
    ! Advance model state forward in time by the specified time step
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: timeStamp
       type (dm_info) :: dminfo
       type (block_type), pointer :: block
@@ -42,8 +43,7 @@
       block =&gt; domain % blocklist
       do while (associated(block))
-         block % state % time_levs(2) % state % xtime % scalar &amp;
-           = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % xtime % scalar + dt
+         block % state % time_levs(2) % state % xtime % scalar = timeStamp
          if (isNaN(sum(block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array))) then
             write(0,*) 'Abort: NaN detected'
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), allocatable:: A,C,uTemp
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), allocatable:: tracersTemp
       block =&gt; domain % blocklist
       call allocate_state(provis, &amp;
                           block % mesh % nCells, block % mesh % nEdges, block % mesh % maxEdges, block % mesh % maxEdges2, &amp;
@@ -377,7 +376,6 @@
          end if
          if (config_test_case == 1) then    ! For case 1, wind field should be fixed
             block % state % time_levs(2) % state % u % array(:,:) = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % u % array(:,:)
          end if
@@ -2400,7 +2398,6 @@
       do iEdge=1,grid % nEdgesSolve
          cell1 = cellsOnEdge(1,iEdge)
          cell2 = cellsOnEdge(2,iEdge)
          do k=1,maxLevelEdgeTop(iEdge)
             u(k,iEdge) = 0.0
@@ -2982,7 +2979,6 @@
       if(config_restoreTS) then
          k = 1  ! restoring only in top layer
          do iCell=1,nCellsSolve
            tend_tr(index_temperature, k, iCell) = tend_tr(index_temperature, k, iCell)  &amp;
                 - h(k,iCell)*(tracers(index_temperature, k, iCell) - temperatureRestore(iCell)) &amp;
                 / (config_restoreT_timescale * 86400.0)

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/Makefile
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/Makefile        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@
         $(RM) $@ $*.mod
         $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CPPINCLUDES) $&lt; &gt; $*.f90
-        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES) -I../framework -I../operators
+        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES) -I../framework -I../operators -I../external/esmf_time_f90

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/Registry
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/Registry        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/Registry        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,30 +1,34 @@
 # namelist  type  namelist_record  name  default_value
-namelist integer   sw_model config_test_case         5
-namelist character sw_model config_time_integration  RK4
-namelist real      sw_model config_dt                172.8
-namelist integer   sw_model config_ntimesteps        7500
-namelist integer   sw_model config_output_interval   500
-namelist integer   sw_model config_stats_interval    100
-namelist real      sw_model config_h_mom_eddy_visc2  0.0
-namelist real      sw_model config_h_mom_eddy_visc4  0.0
-namelist real      sw_model config_h_tracer_eddy_diff2    0.0
-namelist real      sw_model config_h_tracer_eddy_diff4    0.0
-namelist integer   sw_model config_thickness_adv_order  2
-namelist integer   sw_model config_tracer_adv_order     2
-namelist logical   sw_model config_positive_definite    false
-namelist logical   sw_model config_monotonic            false
-namelist logical   sw_model config_wind_stress                        false
-namelist logical   sw_model config_bottom_drag                        false
-namelist real      sw_model config_apvm_upwinding       0.5
-namelist character io       config_input_name          grid.nc
-namelist character io       config_output_name         output.nc
-namelist character io       config_restart_name        restart.nc
-namelist character io       config_decomp_file_prefix  graph.info.part.
-namelist integer   restart  config_restart_interval  0
-namelist logical   restart  config_do_restart        false
-namelist real      restart  config_restart_time      172800.0
+namelist integer     sw_model  config_test_case             5
+namelist character   sw_model  config_time_integration      RK4
+namelist real        sw_model  config_dt                    172.8
+namelist integer     sw_model  config_calendar_type         MPAS_360DAY
+namelist character   sw_model  config_start_time            0000-01-01_00:00:00
+namelist character   sw_model  config_stop_time             none
+namelist character   sw_model  config_run_duration          none
+namelist integer     sw_model  config_stats_interval        100
+namelist logical     sw_model  config_h_ScaleWithMesh       false
+namelist real        sw_model  config_h_mom_eddy_visc2      0.0
+namelist real        sw_model  config_h_mom_eddy_visc4      0.0
+namelist real        sw_model  config_h_tracer_eddy_diff2   0.0
+namelist real        sw_model  config_h_tracer_eddy_diff4   0.0
+namelist integer     sw_model  config_thickness_adv_order   2
+namelist integer     sw_model  config_tracer_adv_order      2
+namelist logical     sw_model  config_positive_definite     false
+namelist logical     sw_model  config_monotonic             false
+namelist logical     sw_model  config_wind_stress           false
+namelist logical     sw_model  config_bottom_drag           false
+namelist real        sw_model  config_apvm_upwinding        0.5
+namelist character   io        config_input_name            grid.nc
+namelist character   io        config_output_name           output.nc
+namelist character   io        config_restart_name          restart.nc
+namelist character   io        config_output_interval       06:00:00
+namelist integer     io        config_frames_per_outfile    0
+namelist character   io        config_decomp_file_prefix    graph.info.part.
+namelist logical     restart   config_do_restart            false
+namelist character   restart   config_restart_interval      none
 # dim  type  name_in_file  name_in_code
@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@
 # var persistence type  name_in_file  ( dims )  time_levs iro-  name_in_code struct super-array array_class
-var persistent real    xtime ( Time ) 2 ro xtime state - -
+var persistent text    xtime ( Time ) 2 ro xtime state - -
 var persistent real    latCell ( nCells ) 0 iro latCell mesh - -
 var persistent real    lonCell ( nCells ) 0 iro lonCell mesh - -
@@ -68,6 +72,10 @@
 var persistent real    zVertex ( nVertices ) 0 iro zVertex mesh - -
 var persistent integer indexToVertexID ( nVertices ) 0 iro indexToVertexID mesh - -
+var persistent real    meshDensity ( nCells ) 0 iro meshDensity mesh - -
+var persistent real    meshScalingDel2 ( nEdges ) 0 ro meshScalingDel2 mesh - -
+var persistent real    meshScalingDel4 ( nEdges ) 0 ro meshScalingDel4 mesh - -
 var persistent integer cellsOnEdge ( TWO nEdges ) 0 iro cellsOnEdge mesh - -
 var persistent integer nEdgesOnCell ( nCells ) 0 iro nEdgesOnCell mesh - -
 var persistent integer nEdgesOnEdge ( nEdges ) 0 iro nEdgesOnEdge mesh - -
@@ -147,5 +155,5 @@
 var persistent real    circulation ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 - circulation state - -
 var persistent real    gradPVt ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - gradPVt state - -
 var persistent real    gradPVn ( nVertLevels nEdges Time ) 2 - gradPVn state - -
-var persistent real        h_vertex ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 - h_vertex state - -
+var persistent real    h_vertex ( nVertLevels nVertices Time ) 2 - h_vertex state - -

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/module_mpas_core.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/module_mpas_core.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/module_mpas_core.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
 module mpas_core
    use mpas_framework
+   use mpas_timekeeping
    type (io_output_object) :: restart_obj
    integer :: restart_frame
+   integer :: current_outfile_frames
+   type (MPAS_Clock_type) :: clock
+   integer, parameter :: outputAlarmID = 1
+   integer, parameter :: restartAlarmID = 2
+   !integer, parameter :: statsAlarmID = 3
-   subroutine mpas_core_init(domain)
+   subroutine mpas_core_init(domain, startTimeStamp)
       use configure
       use grid_types
@@ -18,6 +24,7 @@
       implicit none
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+      character(len=*), intent(out) :: startTimeStamp
       real (kind=RKIND) :: dt
       type (block_type), pointer :: block
@@ -29,17 +36,81 @@
       ! Initialize core
       dt = config_dt
+      call simulation_clock_init(domain, dt, startTimeStamp)
       block =&gt; domain % blocklist
       do while (associated(block))
          call mpas_init_block(block, block % mesh, dt)
+         block % state % time_levs(1) % state % xtime % scalar = startTimeStamp
          block =&gt; block % next
       end do
       restart_frame = 1
+      current_outfile_frames = 0
    end subroutine mpas_core_init
+   subroutine simulation_clock_init(domain, dt, startTimeStamp)
+      implicit none
+      type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
+      real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+      character(len=*), intent(out) :: startTimeStamp
+      type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: startTime, stopTime, alarmStartTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: runDuration, timeStep, alarmTimeStep
+      integer :: ierr
+      call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=config_start_time, ierr=ierr)
+      call MPAS_setTimeInterval(timeStep, dt=dt, ierr=ierr)
+      if (trim(config_run_duration) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+         call MPAS_setTimeInterval(runDuration, timeString=config_run_duration, ierr=ierr)
+         call MPAS_createClock(clock, startTime=startTime, timeStep=timeStep, runDuration=runDuration, ierr=ierr)
+         if (trim(config_stop_time) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+            call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=stopTime, dateTimeString=config_stop_time, ierr=ierr)
+            if(startTime + runduration /= stopTime) then
+               write(0,*) 'Warning: config_run_duration and config_stop_time are inconsitent: using config_run_duration.'
+            end if
+         end if
+      else if (trim(config_stop_time) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+         call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=stopTime, dateTimeString=config_stop_time, ierr=ierr)
+         call MPAS_createClock(clock, startTime=startTime, timeStep=timeStep, stopTime=stopTime, ierr=ierr)
+      else
+          write(0,*) 'Error: Neither config_run_duration nor config_stop_time were specified.'
+          call dmpar_abort(domain % dminfo)
+      end if
+      ! set output alarm
+      call MPAS_setTimeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=config_output_interval, ierr=ierr)
+      alarmStartTime = startTime + alarmTimeStep
+      call MPAS_addClockAlarm(clock, outputAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
+      ! set restart alarm, if necessary
+      if (trim(config_restart_interval) /= &quot;none&quot;) then
+         call MPAS_setTimeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=config_restart_interval, ierr=ierr)
+         alarmStartTime = startTime + alarmTimeStep
+         call MPAS_addClockAlarm(clock, restartAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
+      end if
+      !TODO: use this code if we desire to convert config_stats_interval to alarms 
+      !(must also change config_stats_interval type to character) 
+      ! set stats alarm, if necessary
+      !if (trim(config_stats_interval) /= &quot;none&quot;) then      
+      !   call MPAS_setTimeInterval(alarmTimeStep, timeString=config_stats_interval, ierr=ierr)
+      !   alarmStartTime = startTime + alarmTimeStep
+      !   call MPAS_addClockAlarm(clock, statsAlarmID, alarmStartTime, alarmTimeStep, ierr=ierr)
+      !end if
+      call MPAS_getTime(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=startTimeStamp, ierr=ierr)
+   end subroutine simulation_clock_init
    subroutine mpas_init_block(block, mesh, dt)
       use grid_types
@@ -53,15 +124,14 @@
       type (mesh_type), intent(inout) :: mesh
       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
       call compute_solve_diagnostics(dt, block % state % time_levs(1) % state, mesh)
+      call compute_mesh_scaling(mesh) 
       call rbfInterp_initialize(mesh)
       call init_reconstruct(mesh)
       call reconstruct(block % state % time_levs(1) % state, mesh)
-      if (.not. config_do_restart) block % state % time_levs(1) % state % xtime % scalar = 0.0
    end subroutine mpas_init_block
@@ -76,36 +146,58 @@
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
       type (io_output_object), intent(inout) :: output_obj
       integer, intent(inout) :: output_frame
-      integer :: ntimesteps, itimestep
+      integer :: itimestep
       real (kind=RKIND) :: dt
       type (block_type), pointer :: block_ptr
+      type (MPAS_Time_Type) :: currTime
+      character(len=32) :: timeStamp
+      integer :: ierr
       ! Eventually, dt should be domain specific
       dt = config_dt
-      ntimesteps = config_ntimesteps
+      currTime = MPAS_getClockTime(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+      call MPAS_getTime(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)         
+      write(0,*) 'Initial timestep ', timeStamp
       call write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
       ! During integration, time level 1 stores the model state at the beginning of the
       !   time step, and time level 2 stores the state advanced dt in time by timestep(...)
-      do itimestep = 1,ntimesteps
-         write(0,*) 'Doing timestep ', itimestep
+      itimestep = 0
+      do while (.not. MPAS_isClockStopTime(clock))
+         itimestep = itimestep + 1
+         call MPAS_advanceClock(clock)
+         currTime = MPAS_getClockTime(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+         call MPAS_getTime(curr_time=currTime, dateTimeString=timeStamp, ierr=ierr)         
+         write(0,*) 'Doing timestep ', timeStamp
          call timer_start(&quot;time integration&quot;)
-         call mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt)
+         call mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt, timeStamp)
          call timer_stop(&quot;time integration&quot;)
          ! Move time level 2 fields back into time level 1 for next time step
          call shift_time_levels_state(domain % blocklist % state)
-         if (mod(itimestep, config_output_interval) == 0) then
+         !TODO: MPAS_getClockRingingAlarms is probably faster than multiple MPAS_isAlarmRinging...
+         if (MPAS_isAlarmRinging(clock, outputAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
+            call MPAS_resetClockAlarm(clock, outputAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
+            if(output_frame == 1) call output_state_init(output_obj, domain, &quot;OUTPUT&quot;, trim(timeStamp)) ! output_frame will always be &gt; 1 here unless it is reset after the output file is finalized
             call write_output_frame(output_obj, output_frame, domain)
          end if
-         if (mod(itimestep, config_restart_interval) == 0 .and. config_restart_interval &gt; 0) then
+         if (MPAS_isAlarmRinging(clock, restartAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
+            call MPAS_resetClockAlarm(clock, restartAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
             if (restart_frame == 1) call output_state_init(restart_obj, domain, &quot;RESTART&quot;)
             call output_state_for_domain(restart_obj, domain, restart_frame)
             restart_frame = restart_frame + 1
          end if
       end do
    end subroutine mpas_core_run
@@ -123,10 +215,10 @@
       use io_output
       implicit none
+      type (io_output_object), intent(inout) :: output_obj
       integer, intent(inout) :: output_frame
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
-      type (io_output_object), intent(inout) :: output_obj
       integer :: i, j, k
       integer :: eoe
@@ -140,7 +232,17 @@
       call output_state_for_domain(output_obj, domain, output_frame)
       output_frame = output_frame + 1
+      ! if the maximum number of frames per outfile has been reached, finalize outfile and reset frame   
+      if (config_frames_per_outfile &gt; 0) then
+         current_outfile_frames = current_outfile_frames + 1            
+         if(current_outfile_frames &gt;= config_frames_per_outfile) then
+            current_outfile_frames = 0
+            call output_state_finalize(output_obj, domain % dminfo)
+            output_frame = 1
+         end if
+      end if
    end subroutine write_output_frame
@@ -167,7 +269,7 @@
    end subroutine compute_output_diagnostics
-   subroutine mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt)
+   subroutine mpas_timestep(domain, itimestep, dt, timeStamp)
       use grid_types
       use time_integration
@@ -179,9 +281,12 @@
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain 
       integer, intent(in) :: itimestep
       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: timeStamp
       type (block_type), pointer :: block_ptr
+      integer :: ierr
-      call timestep(domain, dt)
+      call timestep(domain, dt, timeStamp)
       if(config_stats_interval .gt. 0) then
           if(mod(itimestep, config_stats_interval) == 0) then
@@ -198,6 +303,23 @@
               call timer_stop(&quot;global_diagnostics&quot;)
           end if
       end if
+      !TODO: replace the above code block with this if we desire to convert config_stats_interval to use alarms
+      !if (MPAS_isAlarmRinging(clock, statsAlarmID, ierr=ierr)) then
+      !   call MPAS_resetClockAlarm(clock, statsAlarmID, ierr=ierr)
+      !   block_ptr =&gt; domain % blocklist
+      !   if(associated(block_ptr % next)) then
+      !      write(0,*) 'Error: computeGlobalDiagnostics assumes ',&amp;
+      !                 'that there is only one block per processor.'
+      !   end if
+      !   call timer_start(&quot;global_diagnostics&quot;)
+      !   call computeGlobalDiagnostics(domain % dminfo, &amp;
+      !            block_ptr % state % time_levs(2) % state, block_ptr % mesh, &amp;
+      !            timeStamp, dt)
+      !   call timer_stop(&quot;global_diagnostics&quot;)
+      !end if
    end subroutine mpas_timestep
@@ -207,11 +329,47 @@
       use grid_types
       implicit none
+      integer :: ierr
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain 
       if (restart_frame &gt; 1) call output_state_finalize(restart_obj, domain % dminfo)
+      call MPAS_destroyClock(clock, ierr)
    end subroutine mpas_core_finalize
+   subroutine compute_mesh_scaling(mesh)
+      use grid_types
+      implicit none
+      type (mesh_type), intent(inout) :: mesh
+      integer :: iEdge, cell1, cell2
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: meshDensity, meshScalingDel2, meshScalingDel4
+      meshDensity =&gt; mesh % meshDensity % array
+      meshScalingDel2 =&gt; mesh % meshScalingDel2 % array
+      meshScalingDel4 =&gt; mesh % meshScalingDel4 % array
+      !
+      ! Compute the scaling factors to be used in the del2 and del4 dissipation
+      !
+      meshScalingDel2(:) = 1.0
+      meshScalingDel4(:) = 1.0
+      if (config_h_ScaleWithMesh) then
+         do iEdge=1,mesh%nEdges
+            cell1 = mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
+            cell2 = mesh % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
+            meshScalingDel2(iEdge) = 1.0 / ( (meshDensity(cell1) + meshDensity(cell2) )/2.0)**(5.0/12.0)
+            meshScalingDel4(iEdge) = 1.0 / ( (meshDensity(cell1) + meshDensity(cell2) )/2.0)**(5.0/6.0)
+         end do
+      end if
+   end subroutine compute_mesh_scaling
 end module mpas_core

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/module_time_integration.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/module_time_integration.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/core_sw/module_time_integration.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-   subroutine timestep(domain, dt)
+   subroutine timestep(domain, dt, timeStamp)
    ! Advance model state forward in time by the specified time step
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
       type (domain_type), intent(inout) :: domain
       real (kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: dt
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: timeStamp
       type (block_type), pointer :: block
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
       block =&gt; domain % blocklist
       do while (associated(block))
-         block % state % time_levs(2) % state % xtime % scalar = block % state % time_levs(1) % state % xtime % scalar + dt
+         block % state % time_levs(2) % state % xtime % scalar = timeStamp 
          block =&gt; block % next
       end do
@@ -258,7 +259,8 @@
       real (kind=RKIND) :: flux, vorticity_abs, workpv, q, upstream_bias
       integer :: nCells, nEdges, nVertices, nVertLevels
-      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: h_s, fVertex, fEdge, dvEdge, dcEdge, areaCell, areaTriangle
+      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: h_s, fVertex, fEdge, dvEdge, dcEdge, areaCell, areaTriangle, &amp;
+                                                  meshScalingDel2, meshScalingDel4
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: vh, weightsOnEdge, kiteAreasOnVertex, h_edge, h, u, v, tend_h, tend_u, &amp;
                                                     circulation, vorticity, ke, pv_edge, divergence, h_vertex
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: cellsOnEdge, cellsOnVertex, verticesOnEdge, edgesOnCell, edgesOnEdge, edgesOnVertex
@@ -273,6 +275,7 @@
       real (kind=RKIND), parameter :: rho_ref = 1000.0
       real (kind=RKIND) :: ke_edge
       h           =&gt; s % h % array
       u           =&gt; s % u % array
       v           =&gt; s % v % array
@@ -312,6 +315,10 @@
       u_src =&gt; grid % u_src % array
+      meshScalingDel2 =&gt; grid % meshScalingDel2 % array
+      meshScalingDel4 =&gt; grid % meshScalingDel4 % array
       ! Compute height tendency for each cell
@@ -399,7 +406,7 @@
            do k=1,nVertLevels
               u_diffusion =   ( divergence(k,cell2)  -  divergence(k,cell1) ) / dcEdge(iEdge) &amp;
                    -(vorticity(k,vertex2)  - vorticity(k,vertex1) ) / dvEdge(iEdge)
-              u_diffusion = config_h_mom_eddy_visc2 * u_diffusion
+              u_diffusion = meshScalingDel2(iEdge) * config_h_mom_eddy_visc2 * u_diffusion
               tend_u(k,iEdge) = tend_u(k,iEdge) + u_diffusion
            end do
         end do
@@ -487,7 +494,7 @@
                    -(  delsq_vorticity(k,vertex2) &amp;
                    - delsq_vorticity(k,vertex1) ) / dvEdge(iEdge)
-              u_diffusion = config_h_mom_eddy_visc4 * u_diffusion
+              u_diffusion = meshScalingDel4(iEdge) * config_h_mom_eddy_visc4 * u_diffusion
               tend_u(k,iEdge) = tend_u(k,iEdge) - u_diffusion
            end do
@@ -521,7 +528,7 @@
          end do

    end subroutine compute_tend

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/driver/Makefile
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/driver/Makefile        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/driver/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
         $(RM) $@ $*.mod
         $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CPPINCLUDES) $&lt; &gt; $*.f90
-        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES) -I../framework -I../core_$(CORE)
+        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES) -I../framework -I../core_$(CORE) -I../external/esmf_time_f90

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/driver/module_mpas_subdriver.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/driver/module_mpas_subdriver.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/driver/module_mpas_subdriver.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
       implicit none
       real (kind=RKIND) :: dt
+      character(len=32) :: timeStamp
       call timer_start(&quot;total time&quot;)
       call timer_start(&quot;initialize&quot;)
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
       ! Initialize core
-      call mpas_core_init(domain)
+      call mpas_core_init(domain, timeStamp)
       call timer_stop(&quot;initialize&quot;)
@@ -43,8 +44,14 @@
       ! Set up output streams to be written to by the MPAS core
       output_frame = 1
-      call output_state_init(output_obj, domain, &quot;OUTPUT&quot;)
+      if(config_frames_per_outfile &gt; 0) then
+         call output_state_init(output_obj, domain, &quot;OUTPUT&quot;, trim(timeStamp))
+      else
+         call output_state_init(output_obj, domain, &quot;OUTPUT&quot;)         
+      end if
    end subroutine mpas_init

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/Makefile
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/Makefile        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 .SUFFIXES: .F .c .o
-all: dummy
+all: esmf_time
-        echo &quot;*** Compiling external packages ***&quot;
+        ( cd esmf_time_f90; make FC=&quot;$(FC) $(FFLAGS)&quot; CPP=&quot;$(CPP)&quot; )
-        echo &quot;*** Cleaning external packages ***&quot;
+        ( cd esmf_time_f90; make clean )

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Alarm.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Alarm.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Alarm.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,953 +0,0 @@
-! Earth System Modeling Framework
-! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-!     ESMF Alarm Module
-      module ESMF_AlarmMod
-! This file contains the Alarm class definition and all Alarm class 
-! methods.
-#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
-! !MODULE: ESMF_AlarmMod
-! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
-! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
-! C++ class {\tt ESMC\_Alarm}
-! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Alarm.h} for complete description
-! !USES:
-      ! inherit from ESMF base class
-      use ESMF_BaseMod
-      ! associated derived types
-      use ESMF_TimeIntervalMod, only : ESMF_TimeInterval, &amp;
-                                       ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue
-      use ESMF_TimeMod,         only : ESMF_Time
-      implicit none
-     private
-!     ! ESMF_Alarm
-!     ! F90 class type to match C++ Alarm class in size only;
-!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
-! internals for ESMF_Alarm
-      type ESMF_AlarmInt
-        type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: RingInterval
-        type(ESMF_Time)  :: RingTime
-        type(ESMF_Time)  :: PrevRingTime
-        type(ESMF_Time)  :: StopTime
-        integer :: ID
-        integer :: AlarmMutex
-        logical :: Ringing
-        logical :: Enabled
-        logical :: RingTimeSet
-        logical :: RingIntervalSet
-        logical :: StopTimeSet
-      end type
-! Actual public type:  this bit allows easy mimic of &quot;deep&quot; ESMF_AlarmCreate
-! in ESMF 2.1.0+.  Note that ESMF_AlarmCreate is in a separate module to avoid 
-! cyclic dependence.  
-!        shallow-copy-masquerading-as-reference-copy insanity.  
-      type ESMF_Alarm
-        type(ESMF_AlarmInt), pointer :: alarmint
-      end type
-      public ESMF_Alarm
-      public ESMF_AlarmInt   ! needed on AIX but not PGI
-      public ESMF_AlarmDestroy
-      public ESMF_AlarmSet
-      public ESMF_AlarmGet
-!      public ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval
-!      public ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval
-!      public ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime
-!      public ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime
-      public ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime
-      public ESMF_AlarmSetPrevRingTime
-!      public ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime
-!      public ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime
-      public ESMF_AlarmEnable
-      public ESMF_AlarmDisable
-      public ESMF_AlarmRingerOn
-      public ESMF_AlarmRingerOff
-      public ESMF_AlarmIsRinging
-!      public ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime
-      public operator(==)

-! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
-!      public ESMF_AlarmRead
-!      public ESMF_AlarmWrite
-      public ESMF_AlarmValidate
-      public ESMF_AlarmPrint
-      private ESMF_AlarmEQ
-      interface operator(==)
-      module procedure ESMF_AlarmEQ
-!     This interface overloads the == operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} class
-      end interface
-      contains
-! This section includes the Set methods.
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmSet - Initializes an alarm
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSet(alarm, RingTime, RingInterval, PrevRingTime, &amp;
-                               StopTime, Enabled, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RingTime, PrevRingTime
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: RingInterval
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: StopTime
-      logical, intent(in), optional :: Enabled
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Initializes an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to initialize
-!     \item[{[RingTime]}]
-!          Optional ring time for one-shot or first repeating alarm
-!     \item[{[RingInterval]}]
-!          Optional ring interval for repeating alarms
-!     \item[{[StopTime]}]
-!          Optional stop time for repeating alarms
-!     \item[Enabled]
-!          Alarm enabled/disabled
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.1, TMG4.7
-      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-        alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .FALSE.
-        alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet = .FALSE.
-        alarm%alarmint%StopTimeSet = .FALSE.
-        IF ( PRESENT( RingInterval ) ) THEN
-          ! force RingInterval to be positive
-          alarm%alarmint%RingInterval = &amp;
-            ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue( RingInterval )
-          alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-        IF ( PRESENT( PrevRingTime ) ) THEN
-          alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = PrevRingTime
-        ENDIF
-        IF ( PRESENT( RingTime ) ) THEN
-          alarm%alarmint%RingTime = RingTime
-          alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-        IF ( PRESENT( StopTime ) ) THEN
-          alarm%alarmint%StopTime = StopTime
-          alarm%alarmint%StopTimeSet = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-        alarm%alarmint%Enabled = .TRUE.
-        IF ( PRESENT( Enabled ) ) THEN
-          alarm%alarmint%Enabled = Enabled
-        ENDIF
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
-          rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-        ENDIF
-        alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
-        alarm%alarmint%Enabled = .TRUE.
-      ELSE
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSet
-! Deallocate memory for ESMF_Alarm
-      SUBROUTINE ESMF_AlarmDestroy( alarm, rc )
-         TYPE(ESMF_Alarm), INTENT(INOUT) :: alarm
-         INTEGER,          INTENT(  OUT), OPTIONAL :: rc
-         IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-           DEALLOCATE( alarm%alarmint )
-         ENDIF
-         ! TBH:  ignore deallocate errors, for now
-         IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      END SUBROUTINE ESMF_AlarmDestroy
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval - Get an alarm's ring interval
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval(alarm, RingInterval, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: RingInterval
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ring interval
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to get the ring interval
-!     \item[RingInterval]
-!          The {\tt Alarm}'s ring interval
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.7
-      RingInterval = alarm%alarmint%RingInterval
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval

-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval - Set an alarm's ring interval
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval(alarm, RingInterval, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: RingInterval
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ring interval
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to set the ring interval
-!     \item[RingInterval]
-!          The {\tt Alarm}'s ring interval
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.5.2, TMG4.7
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime - Get an alarm's time to ring
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime(alarm, RingTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: RingTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s time to ring
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to get the ring time
-!     \item[RingTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ring time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.7, TMG4.8
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime - Set an alarm's time to ring
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime(alarm, RingTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: RingTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s time to ring
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to set the ring time
-!     \item[RingTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ring time to set
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.5.1, TMG4.7, TMG4.8
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmGet - Get an alarm's parameters -- compatibility with ESMF 2.0.1
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGet(alarm, PrevRingTime, RingInterval, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: PrevRingTime
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out), optional :: RingInterval
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-      integer :: ierr
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to get the previous ring time
-!     \item[PrevRingTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.7, TMG4.8
-      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      IF ( PRESENT(PrevRingTime) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime(alarm, PrevRingTime, rc=ierr)
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT(RingInterval) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval(alarm, RingInterval, rc=ierr)
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) THEN
-        rc = ierr
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGet
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime - Get an alarm's previous ring time
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime(alarm, PrevRingTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: PrevRingTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to get the previous ring time
-!     \item[PrevRingTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.7, TMG4.8
-      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-        PrevRingTime = alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      ELSE
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmSetPrevRingTime - Set an alarm's previous ring time
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetPrevRingTime(alarm, PrevRingTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: PrevRingTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-        alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = PrevRingTime 
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      ELSE
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetPrevRingTime
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime - Get an alarm's stop time
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime(alarm, StopTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StopTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s stop time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to get the stop time
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s stop time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.5.2, TMG4.7
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime - Set an alarm's stop time
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime(alarm, StopTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s stop time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to set the stop time
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s stop time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.5.2, TMG4.7
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmEnable - Enables an alarm
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmEnable(alarm, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Enables an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to function
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to enable
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.5.3
-      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-        alarm%alarmint%Enabled = .TRUE.
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      ELSE
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmEnable
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmDisable - Disables an alarm
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmDisable(alarm, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Disables an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to disable
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.5.3
-      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-        alarm%alarmint%Enabled = .FALSE.
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      ELSE
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmDisable
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmRingerOn - Turn on an alarm
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmRingerOn(alarm, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Turn on an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}; sets ringing state
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to turn on
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.6
-      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-        IF ( alarm%alarmint%Enabled ) THEN
-          alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
-          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-        ELSE
-          alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
-          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-        ENDIF
-      ELSE
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmRingerOn
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmRingerOff - Turn off an alarm
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmRingerOff(alarm, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Turn off an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}; unsets ringing state
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to turn off   
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.6
-      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-        alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
-        IF ( alarm%alarmint%Enabled ) THEN
-          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-        ELSE
-          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-        ENDIF
-      ELSE
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmRingerOff
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmIsRinging - Check if alarm is ringing
-      function ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(alarm, rc)
-      logical :: ESMF_AlarmIsRinging
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Check if {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} is ringing.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to check for ringing state  
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.4
-      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-        IF ( alarm%alarmint%Enabled ) THEN
-          ESMF_AlarmIsRinging = alarm%alarmint%Ringing
-          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-        ELSE
-          ESMF_AlarmIsRinging = .FALSE.
-          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-        ENDIF
-      ELSE
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ENDIF
-      end function ESMF_AlarmIsRinging
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime - Method used by a clock to check whether to trigger an alarm
-      function ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime(alarm, ClockCurrTime, positive, rc)
-      logical :: ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: ClockCurrTime
-      integer, intent(in) :: positive
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Main method used by a {\tt ESMF\_Clock} to check whether to trigger
-!     the {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} 
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to check if time to ring   
-!     \item[ClockCurrTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time
-!     \item[positive]
-!          Whether to check ring time in the positive or negative direction
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.4, TMG4.6
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime not supported' )
-      ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime = .FALSE.  ! keep compilers happy
-      end function ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmEQ - Compare two alarms for equality
-      function ESMF_AlarmEQ(alarm1, alarm2)
-      logical :: ESMF_AlarmEQ
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm1
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm2
-!     Compare two alarms for equality; return true if equal, false otherwise
-!     Maps to overloaded (==) operator interface function
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm1]
-!          The first {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to compare
-!     \item[alarm2]
-!          The second {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to compare
-!     \end{description}
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmEQ not supported ' )
-      ESMF_AlarmEQ = .FALSE.       ! keep compilers happy
-      end function ESMF_AlarmEQ
-! This section defines the overridden Read, Write, Validate and Print methods
-! from the ESMF_Base class
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmRead - restores an alarm
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmRead(alarm, RingInterval, RingTime, &amp;
-                           PrevRingTime, StopTime, Ringing, &amp;
-                           Enabled, ID, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: RingInterval
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: RingTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: PrevRingTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
-      logical, intent(in) :: Ringing
-      logical, intent(in) :: Enabled
-      integer, intent(in) :: ID
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Restores an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to restore
-!     \item[RingInterval]
-!          The ring interval for repeating alarms
-!     \item[RingTime]
-!          Ring time for one-shot or first repeating alarm
-!     \item[PrevRingTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          Stop time for repeating alarms
-!     \item[Ringing]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ringing state
-!     \item[Enabled]
-!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} enabled/disabled
-!     \item[ID]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ID
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmRead not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmRead
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmWrite - saves an alarm
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmWrite(alarm, RingInterval, RingTime, &amp;
-                            PrevRingTime, StopTime, Ringing, &amp;
-                            Enabled, ID, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: RingInterval
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: RingTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: PrevRingTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StopTime
-      logical, intent(out) :: Ringing
-      logical, intent(out) :: Enabled
-      integer, intent(out) :: ID
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Saves an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          The object instance to save
-!     \item[RingInterval]
-!          Ring interval for repeating alarms
-!     \item[RingTime]
-!          Ring time for one-shot or first repeating alarm
-!     \item[PrevRingTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          Stop time for repeating alarms
-!     \item[Ringing]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ringing state
-!     \item[Enabled]
-!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} enabled/disabled
-!     \item[ID]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ID
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmWrite not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmWrite
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmValidate - Validate an Alarm's properties
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmValidate(alarm, opts, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
-      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: opts
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Perform a validation check on a {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s properties
-!     The arguments are:  
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to validate
-!     \item[{[opts]}]
-!          Validate options
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description} 
-!     TMGn.n.n
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmValidate not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmValidate
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmPrint - Print out an Alarm's properties
-      subroutine ESMF_AlarmPrint(alarm, opts, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
-      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: opts
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     To support testing/debugging, print out a {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s
-!     properties.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[alarm]
-!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to print out
-!     \item[{[opts]}]
-!          Print options
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMGn.n.n
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmPrint not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmPrint
-      end module ESMF_AlarmMod

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Alarm.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Alarm.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Alarm.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Alarm.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+! Earth System Modeling Framework
+! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+!     ESMF Alarm Module
+      module ESMF_AlarmMod
+! This file contains the Alarm class definition and all Alarm class 
+! methods.
+#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
+! !MODULE: ESMF_AlarmMod
+! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
+! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
+! C++ class {\tt ESMC\_Alarm}
+! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Alarm.h} for complete description
+! !USES:
+      ! inherit from ESMF base class
+      use ESMF_BaseMod
+      ! associated derived types
+      use ESMF_TimeIntervalMod, only : ESMF_TimeInterval, &amp;
+                                       ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue
+      use ESMF_TimeMod,         only : ESMF_Time
+      implicit none
+     private
+!     ! ESMF_Alarm
+!     ! F90 class type to match C++ Alarm class in size only;
+!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
+! internals for ESMF_Alarm
+      type ESMF_AlarmInt
+        type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: RingInterval
+        type(ESMF_Time)  :: RingTime
+        type(ESMF_Time)  :: PrevRingTime
+        type(ESMF_Time)  :: StopTime
+        integer :: ID
+        integer :: AlarmMutex
+        logical :: Ringing
+        logical :: Enabled
+        logical :: RingTimeSet
+        logical :: RingIntervalSet
+        logical :: StopTimeSet
+      end type
+! Actual public type:  this bit allows easy mimic of &quot;deep&quot; ESMF_AlarmCreate
+! in ESMF 2.1.0+.  Note that ESMF_AlarmCreate is in a separate module to avoid 
+! cyclic dependence.  
+!        shallow-copy-masquerading-as-reference-copy insanity.  
+      type ESMF_Alarm
+        type(ESMF_AlarmInt), pointer :: alarmint
+      end type
+      public ESMF_Alarm
+      public ESMF_AlarmInt   ! needed on AIX but not PGI
+      public ESMF_AlarmDestroy
+      public ESMF_AlarmSet
+      public ESMF_AlarmGet
+!      public ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval
+!      public ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval
+!      public ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime
+!      public ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime
+      public ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime
+      public ESMF_AlarmSetPrevRingTime
+!      public ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime
+!      public ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime
+      public ESMF_AlarmEnable
+      public ESMF_AlarmDisable
+      public ESMF_AlarmRingerOn
+      public ESMF_AlarmRingerOff
+      public ESMF_AlarmIsRinging
+!      public ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime
+      public operator(==)

+! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
+!      public ESMF_AlarmRead
+!      public ESMF_AlarmWrite
+      public ESMF_AlarmValidate
+      public ESMF_AlarmPrint
+      private ESMF_AlarmEQ
+      interface operator(==)
+      module procedure ESMF_AlarmEQ
+!     This interface overloads the == operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} class
+      end interface
+      contains
+! This section includes the Set methods.
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmSet - Initializes an alarm
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSet(alarm, RingTime, RingInterval, PrevRingTime, &amp;
+                               StopTime, Enabled, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RingTime, PrevRingTime
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: RingInterval
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: StopTime
+      logical, intent(in), optional :: Enabled
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Initializes an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to initialize
+!     \item[{[RingTime]}]
+!          Optional ring time for one-shot or first repeating alarm
+!     \item[{[RingInterval]}]
+!          Optional ring interval for repeating alarms
+!     \item[{[StopTime]}]
+!          Optional stop time for repeating alarms
+!     \item[Enabled]
+!          Alarm enabled/disabled
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.1, TMG4.7
+      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+        alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .FALSE.
+        alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet = .FALSE.
+        alarm%alarmint%StopTimeSet = .FALSE.
+        IF ( PRESENT( RingInterval ) ) THEN
+          ! force RingInterval to be positive
+          alarm%alarmint%RingInterval = &amp;
+            ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue( RingInterval )
+          alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+        IF ( PRESENT( PrevRingTime ) ) THEN
+          alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = PrevRingTime
+        ENDIF
+        IF ( PRESENT( RingTime ) ) THEN
+          alarm%alarmint%RingTime = RingTime
+          alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+        IF ( PRESENT( StopTime ) ) THEN
+          alarm%alarmint%StopTime = StopTime
+          alarm%alarmint%StopTimeSet = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+        alarm%alarmint%Enabled = .TRUE.
+        IF ( PRESENT( Enabled ) ) THEN
+          alarm%alarmint%Enabled = Enabled
+        ENDIF
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
+          rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+        ENDIF
+        alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
+        alarm%alarmint%Enabled = .TRUE.
+      ELSE
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSet
+! Deallocate memory for ESMF_Alarm
+      SUBROUTINE ESMF_AlarmDestroy( alarm, rc )
+         TYPE(ESMF_Alarm), INTENT(INOUT) :: alarm
+         INTEGER,          INTENT(  OUT), OPTIONAL :: rc
+         IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+           DEALLOCATE( alarm%alarmint )
+         ENDIF
+         ! TBH:  ignore deallocate errors, for now
+         IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      END SUBROUTINE ESMF_AlarmDestroy
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval - Get an alarm's ring interval
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval(alarm, RingInterval, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: RingInterval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ring interval
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to get the ring interval
+!     \item[RingInterval]
+!          The {\tt Alarm}'s ring interval
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.7
+      RingInterval = alarm%alarmint%RingInterval
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval

+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval - Set an alarm's ring interval
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval(alarm, RingInterval, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: RingInterval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ring interval
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to set the ring interval
+!     \item[RingInterval]
+!          The {\tt Alarm}'s ring interval
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.5.2, TMG4.7
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetRingInterval
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime - Get an alarm's time to ring
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime(alarm, RingTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: RingTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s time to ring
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to get the ring time
+!     \item[RingTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ring time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.7, TMG4.8
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetRingTime
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime - Set an alarm's time to ring
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime(alarm, RingTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: RingTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s time to ring
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to set the ring time
+!     \item[RingTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ring time to set
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.5.1, TMG4.7, TMG4.8
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetRingTime
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmGet - Get an alarm's parameters -- compatibility with ESMF 2.0.1
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGet(alarm, PrevRingTime, RingInterval, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: PrevRingTime
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out), optional :: RingInterval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+      integer :: ierr
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to get the previous ring time
+!     \item[PrevRingTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.7, TMG4.8
+      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      IF ( PRESENT(PrevRingTime) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime(alarm, PrevRingTime, rc=ierr)
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT(RingInterval) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_AlarmGetRingInterval(alarm, RingInterval, rc=ierr)
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) THEN
+        rc = ierr
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGet
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime - Get an alarm's previous ring time
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime(alarm, PrevRingTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: PrevRingTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to get the previous ring time
+!     \item[PrevRingTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.7, TMG4.8
+      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+        PrevRingTime = alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      ELSE
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetPrevRingTime
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmSetPrevRingTime - Set an alarm's previous ring time
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetPrevRingTime(alarm, PrevRingTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: PrevRingTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+        alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = PrevRingTime 
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      ELSE
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetPrevRingTime
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime - Get an alarm's stop time
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime(alarm, StopTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StopTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s stop time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to get the stop time
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s stop time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.5.2, TMG4.7
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmGetStopTime
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime - Set an alarm's stop time
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime(alarm, StopTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s stop time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to set the stop time
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s stop time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.5.2, TMG4.7
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmSetStopTime
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmEnable - Enables an alarm
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmEnable(alarm, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Enables an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to function
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to enable
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.5.3
+      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+        alarm%alarmint%Enabled = .TRUE.
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      ELSE
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmEnable
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmDisable - Disables an alarm
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmDisable(alarm, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Disables an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to disable
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.5.3
+      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+        alarm%alarmint%Enabled = .FALSE.
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      ELSE
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmDisable
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmRingerOn - Turn on an alarm
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmRingerOn(alarm, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Turn on an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}; sets ringing state
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to turn on
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.6
+      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+        IF ( alarm%alarmint%Enabled ) THEN
+          alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
+          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+        ELSE
+          alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
+          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+        ENDIF
+      ELSE
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmRingerOn
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmRingerOff - Turn off an alarm
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmRingerOff(alarm, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm  ! really INTENT(OUT)
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Turn off an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}; unsets ringing state
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to turn off   
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.6
+      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+        alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
+        IF ( alarm%alarmint%Enabled ) THEN
+          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+        ELSE
+          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+        ENDIF
+      ELSE
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmRingerOff
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmIsRinging - Check if alarm is ringing
+      function ESMF_AlarmIsRinging(alarm, rc)
+      logical :: ESMF_AlarmIsRinging
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Check if {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} is ringing.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to check for ringing state  
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.4
+      IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+        IF ( alarm%alarmint%Enabled ) THEN
+          ESMF_AlarmIsRinging = alarm%alarmint%Ringing
+          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+        ELSE
+          ESMF_AlarmIsRinging = .FALSE.
+          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+        ENDIF
+      ELSE
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ENDIF
+      end function ESMF_AlarmIsRinging
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime - Method used by a clock to check whether to trigger an alarm
+      function ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime(alarm, ClockCurrTime, positive, rc)
+      logical :: ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: ClockCurrTime
+      integer, intent(in) :: positive
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Main method used by a {\tt ESMF\_Clock} to check whether to trigger
+!     the {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} 
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to check if time to ring   
+!     \item[ClockCurrTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time
+!     \item[positive]
+!          Whether to check ring time in the positive or negative direction
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.4, TMG4.6
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime not supported' )
+      ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime = .FALSE.  ! keep compilers happy
+      end function ESMF_AlarmCheckRingTime
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmEQ - Compare two alarms for equality
+      function ESMF_AlarmEQ(alarm1, alarm2)
+      logical :: ESMF_AlarmEQ
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm1
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm2
+!     Compare two alarms for equality; return true if equal, false otherwise
+!     Maps to overloaded (==) operator interface function
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm1]
+!          The first {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to compare
+!     \item[alarm2]
+!          The second {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to compare
+!     \end{description}
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmEQ not supported ' )
+      ESMF_AlarmEQ = .FALSE.       ! keep compilers happy
+      end function ESMF_AlarmEQ
+! This section defines the overridden Read, Write, Validate and Print methods
+! from the ESMF_Base class
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmRead - restores an alarm
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmRead(alarm, RingInterval, RingTime, &amp;
+                           PrevRingTime, StopTime, Ringing, &amp;
+                           Enabled, ID, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(out) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: RingInterval
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: RingTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: PrevRingTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
+      logical, intent(in) :: Ringing
+      logical, intent(in) :: Enabled
+      integer, intent(in) :: ID
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Restores an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to restore
+!     \item[RingInterval]
+!          The ring interval for repeating alarms
+!     \item[RingTime]
+!          Ring time for one-shot or first repeating alarm
+!     \item[PrevRingTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          Stop time for repeating alarms
+!     \item[Ringing]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ringing state
+!     \item[Enabled]
+!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} enabled/disabled
+!     \item[ID]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ID
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmRead not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmRead
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_AlarmWrite - saves an alarm
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmWrite(alarm, RingInterval, RingTime, &amp;
+                            PrevRingTime, StopTime, Ringing, &amp;
+                            Enabled, ID, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: RingInterval
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: RingTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: PrevRingTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StopTime
+      logical, intent(out) :: Ringing
+      logical, intent(out) :: Enabled
+      integer, intent(out) :: ID
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Saves an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          The object instance to save
+!     \item[RingInterval]
+!          Ring interval for repeating alarms
+!     \item[RingTime]
+!          Ring time for one-shot or first repeating alarm
+!     \item[PrevRingTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s previous ring time
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          Stop time for repeating alarms
+!     \item[Ringing]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ringing state
+!     \item[Enabled]
+!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} enabled/disabled
+!     \item[ID]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s ID
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmWrite not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmWrite
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmValidate - Validate an Alarm's properties
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmValidate(alarm, opts, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
+      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: opts
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Perform a validation check on a {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s properties
+!     The arguments are:  
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to validate
+!     \item[{[opts]}]
+!          Validate options
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description} 
+!     TMGn.n.n
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmValidate not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmValidate
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AlarmPrint - Print out an Alarm's properties
+      subroutine ESMF_AlarmPrint(alarm, opts, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(in) :: alarm
+      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: opts
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     To support testing/debugging, print out a {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}'s
+!     properties.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[alarm]
+!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to print out
+!     \item[{[opts]}]
+!          Print options
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMGn.n.n
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_AlarmPrint not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_AlarmPrint
+      end module ESMF_AlarmMod

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_AlarmClock.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_AlarmClock.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_AlarmClock.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-! Earth System Modeling Framework
-! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-!     ESMF Alarm-Clock Module
-      module ESMF_AlarmClockMod
-! This file contains the AlarmCreate method.
-#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
-! !MODULE: ESMF_AlarmClockMod
-! Separate module that uses both ESMF_AlarmMod and ESMF_ClockMod.  
-! Separation is needed to avoid cyclic dependence.  
-! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
-! C++ class {\tt ESMC\_Alarm}
-! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Alarm.h} for complete description
-! !USES:
-      ! inherit ESMF_Alarm and ESMF_Clock
-      use ESMF_AlarmMod, only : ESMF_Alarm, ESMF_AlarmSet
-      use ESMF_ClockMod, only : ESMF_Clock, ESMF_ClockAddAlarm
-      ! associated derived types
-      use ESMF_TimeIntervalMod, only : ESMF_TimeInterval
-      use ESMF_TimeMod,         only : ESMF_Time
-      implicit none
-     private
-      public ESMF_AlarmCreate
-      contains
-! Create ESMF_Alarm using ESMF 2.1.0+ semantics
-      FUNCTION ESMF_AlarmCreate( clock, RingTime, RingInterval, &amp;
-                                 StopTime, Enabled, rc )
-        ! return value
-        type(ESMF_Alarm) :: ESMF_AlarmCreate
-        ! !ARGUMENTS:
-        type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout), optional :: clock
-        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RingTime
-        type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: RingInterval
-        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: StopTime
-        logical, intent(in), optional :: Enabled
-        integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-        ! locals
-        type(ESMF_Alarm) :: alarmtmp
-         ! TBH:  ignore allocate errors, for now
-        ALLOCATE( alarmtmp%alarmint )
-        CALL ESMF_AlarmSet( alarmtmp,                  &amp;
-                            RingTime=RingTime,         &amp;
-                            RingInterval=RingInterval, &amp;
-                            StopTime=StopTime,         &amp;
-                            Enabled=Enabled,           &amp;
-                            rc=rc )
-        IF ( PRESENT ( clock ) ) THEN
-          CALL ESMF_ClockAddAlarm( clock, alarmtmp, rc )
-        ENDIF
-        ESMF_AlarmCreate = alarmtmp
-      END FUNCTION ESMF_AlarmCreate
-      end module ESMF_AlarmClockMod

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_AlarmClock.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_AlarmClock.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_AlarmClock.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_AlarmClock.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+! Earth System Modeling Framework
+! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+!     ESMF Alarm-Clock Module
+      module ESMF_AlarmClockMod
+! This file contains the AlarmCreate method.
+#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
+! !MODULE: ESMF_AlarmClockMod
+! Separate module that uses both ESMF_AlarmMod and ESMF_ClockMod.  
+! Separation is needed to avoid cyclic dependence.  
+! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
+! C++ class {\tt ESMC\_Alarm}
+! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Alarm.h} for complete description
+! !USES:
+      ! inherit ESMF_Alarm and ESMF_Clock
+      use ESMF_AlarmMod, only : ESMF_Alarm, ESMF_AlarmSet
+      use ESMF_ClockMod, only : ESMF_Clock, ESMF_ClockAddAlarm
+      ! associated derived types
+      use ESMF_TimeIntervalMod, only : ESMF_TimeInterval
+      use ESMF_TimeMod,         only : ESMF_Time
+      implicit none
+     private
+      public ESMF_AlarmCreate
+      contains
+! Create ESMF_Alarm using ESMF 2.1.0+ semantics
+      FUNCTION ESMF_AlarmCreate( clock, RingTime, RingInterval, &amp;
+                                 StopTime, Enabled, rc )
+        ! return value
+        type(ESMF_Alarm) :: ESMF_AlarmCreate
+        ! !ARGUMENTS:
+        type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout), optional :: clock
+        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RingTime
+        type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: RingInterval
+        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: StopTime
+        logical, intent(in), optional :: Enabled
+        integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+        ! locals
+        type(ESMF_Alarm) :: alarmtmp
+         ! TBH:  ignore allocate errors, for now
+        ALLOCATE( alarmtmp%alarmint )
+        CALL ESMF_AlarmSet( alarmtmp,                  &amp;
+                            RingTime=RingTime,         &amp;
+                            RingInterval=RingInterval, &amp;
+                            StopTime=StopTime,         &amp;
+                            Enabled=Enabled,           &amp;
+                            rc=rc )
+        IF ( PRESENT ( clock ) ) THEN
+          CALL ESMF_ClockAddAlarm( clock, alarmtmp, rc )
+        ENDIF
+        ESMF_AlarmCreate = alarmtmp
+      END FUNCTION ESMF_AlarmCreate
+      end module ESMF_AlarmClockMod

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Base.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Base.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Base.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,1082 +0,0 @@
-! Earth System Modeling Framework
-! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-! ESMF Base Module
-! (all lines between the !BOP and !EOP markers will be included in the
-! automated document processing.)
-! module definition
-      module ESMF_BaseMod

-! !MODULE: ESMF_BaseMod - Base class for all ESMF classes
-! The code in this file implements the Base defined type
-!  and functions which operate on all types.  This is an
-!  interface to the actual C++ base class implementation in the ../src dir.
-! See the ESMF Developers Guide document for more details.
-! !USES:
-      implicit none
-      private
-!    Global integer parameters, used frequently
-      integer, parameter :: ESMF_SUCCESS = 0, ESMF_FAILURE = -1
-      integer, parameter :: ESMF_MAXSTR = 128
-      integer, parameter :: ESMF_MAXDIM = 7, &amp;
-                            ESMF_MAXDECOMPDIM=3, &amp;
-                            ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM=2
-      integer, parameter :: ESMF_MAJOR_VERSION = 2
-      integer, parameter :: ESMF_MINOR_VERSION = 1
-      integer, parameter :: ESMF_REVISION      = 1
-      integer, parameter :: ESMF_PATCHLEVEL    = 0
-      character(32), parameter :: ESMF_VERSION_STRING = &quot;2.1.1&quot;
-      type ESMF_Status
-      private
-          integer :: status
-      end type
-      type(ESMF_Status), parameter :: ESMF_STATE_UNINIT = ESMF_Status(1), &amp;
-                                      ESMF_STATE_READY = ESMF_Status(2), &amp;
-                                      ESMF_STATE_UNALLOCATED = ESMF_Status(3), &amp;
-                                      ESMF_STATE_ALLOCATED = ESMF_Status(4), &amp;
-                                      ESMF_STATE_BUSY = ESMF_Status(5), &amp;
-                                      ESMF_STATE_INVALID = ESMF_Status(6)

-      type ESMF_Pointer
-      private
-          integer*8 :: ptr
-      end type
-      type(ESMF_Pointer), parameter :: ESMF_NULL_POINTER = ESMF_Pointer(0), &amp;
-                                       ESMF_BAD_POINTER = ESMF_Pointer(-1)
-      !! TODO: I believe if we define an assignment(=) operator to convert
-      !!   a datatype into integer, then we could use the type and kind as
-      !!   targets in a select case() statement and make the contents private.
-      !!   (see pg 248 of the &quot;big book&quot;)
-      type ESMF_DataType
-      !!private
-          integer :: dtype
-      end type
-      type(ESMF_DataType), parameter :: ESMF_DATA_INTEGER = ESMF_DataType(1), &amp;
-                                        ESMF_DATA_REAL = ESMF_DataType(2), &amp;
-                                        ESMF_DATA_LOGICAL = ESMF_DataType(3), &amp;
-                                        ESMF_DATA_CHARACTER = ESMF_DataType(4)
-      integer, parameter :: &amp;
-                   ESMF_KIND_I1 = selected_int_kind(2), &amp;
-                   ESMF_KIND_I2 = selected_int_kind(4), &amp;
-                   ESMF_KIND_I4 = selected_int_kind(9), &amp;
-                   ESMF_KIND_I8 = selected_int_kind(18), &amp;
-                   ESMF_KIND_R4 = selected_real_kind(3,25), &amp;
-                   ESMF_KIND_R8 = selected_real_kind(6,45), &amp;
-                   ESMF_KIND_C8 = selected_real_kind(3,25), &amp;
-                   ESMF_KIND_C16 = selected_real_kind(6,45)
-      type ESMF_DataValue
-      private
-          type(ESMF_DataType) :: dt
-          integer :: rank
-          ! how do you do values of all types here ? TODO
-          ! in C++ i'd do a union w/ overloaded access funcs
-          integer :: vi
-          !integer, dimension (:), pointer :: vip
-          !real :: vr
-          !real, dimension (:), pointer :: vrp
-          !logical :: vl
-          !logical, pointer :: vlp
-          !character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: vc
-          !character, pointer :: vcp
-      end type
-      type ESMF_Attribute
-      private
-          character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: attr_name
-          type (ESMF_DataType) :: attr_type
-          type (ESMF_DataValue) :: attr_value
-      end type
-      !! TODO: this should be a shallow object, with a simple init() and
-      !!  get() function, and the contents should go back to being private.
-      type ESMF_AxisIndex
-!     !!private
-          integer :: l
-          integer :: r
-          integer :: max
-          integer :: decomp
-          integer :: gstart
-      end type
-      !! TODO: same comment as above.
-      type ESMF_MemIndex
-!     !!private
-          integer :: l
-          integer :: r
-          integer :: str
-          integer :: num
-      end type
-      type ESMF_BasePointer
-      private
-          integer*8 :: base_ptr
-      end type
-      integer :: global_count = 0
-!     ! WARNING: must match corresponding values in ../include/ESMC_Base.h
-      type ESMF_Logical
-      private
-          integer :: value
-      end type
-      type(ESMF_Logical), parameter :: ESMF_TF_UNKNOWN  = ESMF_Logical(1), &amp;
-                                       ESMF_TF_TRUE     = ESMF_Logical(2), &amp;
-                                       ESMF_TF_FALSE    = ESMF_Logical(3)
-      type ESMF_Base
-      private
-         integer :: ID
-         integer :: ref_count
-         type (ESMF_Status) :: base_status
-         character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name
-     end type
-      public ESMF_STATE_INVALID
-!             ESMF_STATE_BUSY
-      public ESMF_DATA_INTEGER, ESMF_DATA_REAL, &amp;
-      public ESMF_KIND_I1, ESMF_KIND_I2, ESMF_KIND_I4, ESMF_KIND_I8, &amp; 
-      public ESMF_MAXSTR
-      public ESMF_VERSION_STRING 
-      public ESMF_Status, ESMF_Pointer, ESMF_DataType
-      public ESMF_DataValue, ESMF_Attribute
-!      public ESMF_MemIndex
-!      public ESMF_BasePointer
-      public ESMF_Base
-      public ESMF_AxisIndex, ESMF_AxisIndexGet
-!      public ESMF_AxisIndexInit
-      public ESMF_Logical
-!      public ESMF_TF_TRUE, ESMF_TF_FALSE
-!     The following routines apply to any type in the system.  
-!     The attribute routines can be inherited as-is.  The other
-!     routines need to be specialized by the higher level objects.
-!   Base class methods
-!      public ESMF_BaseInit
-!      public ESMF_BaseGetConfig
-!      public ESMF_BaseSetConfig
-!      public ESMF_BaseGetInstCount
-!      public ESMF_BaseSetID
-!      public ESMF_BaseGetID
-!      public ESMF_BaseSetRefCount
-!      public ESMF_BaseGetRefCount
-!      public ESMF_BaseSetStatus
-!      public ESMF_BaseGetStatus
-!   Virtual methods to be defined by derived classes
-!      public ESMF_Read
-!      public ESMF_Write
-!      public ESMF_Validate
-!      public ESMF_Print
-!  Attribute methods
-      public ESMF_AttributeSet
-      public ESMF_AttributeGet
-      public ESMF_AttributeGetCount
-      public ESMF_AttributeGetbyNumber
-      public ESMF_AttributeGetNameList
-      public ESMF_AttributeSetList
-      public ESMF_AttributeGetList
-      public ESMF_AttributeSetObjectList
-      public ESMF_AttributeGetObjectList
-      public ESMF_AttributeCopy
-      public ESMF_AttributeCopyAll

-!  Misc methods
-      public ESMF_SetName
-      public ESMF_GetName
-      public ESMF_SetPointer
-      public ESMF_SetNullPointer
-      public ESMF_GetPointer
-!  Print methods for calling by higher level print functions
-!  (they have little formatting other than the actual values)
-      public ESMF_StatusString, ESMF_DataTypeString
-!  Overloaded = operator functions
-      public operator(.eq.), operator(.ne.), assignment(=)
-! overload .eq. &amp; .ne. with additional derived types so you can compare 
-!  them as if they were simple integers.

-interface operator (.eq.)
- module procedure ESMF_sfeq
- module procedure ESMF_dteq
- module procedure ESMF_pteq
- module procedure ESMF_tfeq
- module procedure ESMF_aieq
-end interface
-interface operator (.ne.)
- module procedure ESMF_sfne
- module procedure ESMF_dtne
- module procedure ESMF_ptne
- module procedure ESMF_tfne
- module procedure ESMF_aine
-end interface
-interface assignment (=)
- module procedure ESMF_dtas
- module procedure ESMF_ptas
-end interface
-      contains
-! function to compare two ESMF_Status flags to see if they're the same or not
-function ESMF_sfeq(sf1, sf2)
- logical ESMF_sfeq
- type(ESMF_Status), intent(in) :: sf1, sf2
- ESMF_sfeq = (sf1%status .eq. sf2%status)
-end function
-function ESMF_sfne(sf1, sf2)
- logical ESMF_sfne
- type(ESMF_Status), intent(in) :: sf1, sf2
- ESMF_sfne = (sf1%status .ne. sf2%status)
-end function
-! function to compare two ESMF_DataTypes to see if they're the same or not
-function ESMF_dteq(dt1, dt2)
- logical ESMF_dteq
- type(ESMF_DataType), intent(in) :: dt1, dt2
- ESMF_dteq = (dt1%dtype .eq. dt2%dtype)
-end function
-function ESMF_dtne(dt1, dt2)
- logical ESMF_dtne
- type(ESMF_DataType), intent(in) :: dt1, dt2
- ESMF_dtne = (dt1%dtype .ne. dt2%dtype)
-end function
-subroutine ESMF_dtas(intval, dtval)
- integer, intent(out) :: intval
- type(ESMF_DataType), intent(in) :: dtval
- intval = dtval%dtype
-end subroutine
-! function to compare two ESMF_Pointers to see if they're the same or not
-function ESMF_pteq(pt1, pt2)
- logical ESMF_pteq
- type(ESMF_Pointer), intent(in) :: pt1, pt2
- ESMF_pteq = (pt1%ptr .eq. pt2%ptr)
-end function
-function ESMF_ptne(pt1, pt2)
- logical ESMF_ptne
- type(ESMF_Pointer), intent(in) :: pt1, pt2
- ESMF_ptne = (pt1%ptr .ne. pt2%ptr)
-end function
-subroutine ESMF_ptas(ptval, intval)
- type(ESMF_Pointer), intent(out) :: ptval
- integer, intent(in) :: intval
- ptval%ptr = intval
-end subroutine
-! function to compare two ESMF_Logicals to see if they're the same or not
-! also need assignment to real f90 logical?
-function ESMF_tfeq(tf1, tf2)
- logical ESMF_tfeq
- type(ESMF_Logical), intent(in) :: tf1, tf2
- ESMF_tfeq = (tf1%value .eq. tf2%value)
-end function
-function ESMF_tfne(tf1, tf2)
- logical ESMF_tfne
- type(ESMF_Logical), intent(in) :: tf1, tf2
- ESMF_tfne = (tf1%value .ne. tf2%value)
-end function
-! function to compare two ESMF_AxisIndex to see if they're the same or not
-function ESMF_aieq(ai1, ai2)
- logical ESMF_aieq
- type(ESMF_AxisIndex), intent(in) :: ai1, ai2
- ESMF_aieq = ((ai1%l .eq. ai2%l) .and. &amp;
-              (ai1%r .eq. ai2%r) .and. &amp;
-              (ai1%max .eq. ai2%max) .and. &amp;
-              (ai1%decomp .eq. ai2%decomp) .and. &amp;
-              (ai1%gstart .eq. ai2%gstart))
-end function
-function ESMF_aine(ai1, ai2)
- logical ESMF_aine
- type(ESMF_AxisIndex), intent(in) :: ai1, ai2
- ESMF_aine = ((ai1%l .ne. ai2%l) .or. &amp;
-              (ai1%r .ne. ai2%r) .or. &amp;
-              (ai1%max .ne. ai2%max) .or. &amp;
-              (ai1%decomp .ne. ai2%decomp) .or. &amp;
-              (ai1%gstart .ne. ai2%gstart))
-end function
-! Base methods
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_BaseInit - initialize a Base object
-      subroutine ESMF_BaseInit(base, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base) :: base                 
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc     
-!     Set initial state on a Base object.
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item [base]
-!           In the Fortran interface, this must in fact be a {\tt Base}
-!           derived type object.  It is expected that all specialized 
-!           derived types will include a {\tt Base} object as the first
-!           entry.
-!     \item [{[rc]}]
-!           Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-      logical :: rcpresent                          ! Return code present   
-!     !Initialize return code
-      rcpresent = .FALSE.
-      if(present(rc)) then
-        rcpresent = .TRUE.
-        rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      endif
-      global_count = global_count + 1
-      base%ID = global_count
-      base%ref_count = 1
-      base%base_status = ESMF_STATE_READY
-      base%name = &quot;undefined&quot;
-      if (rcpresent) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_BaseInit
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_SetName - set the name of this object
-      subroutine ESMF_SetName(anytype, name, namespace, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base) :: anytype                 
-      character (len = *), intent(in), optional :: name   
-      character (len = *), intent(in), optional :: namespace
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc     
-!     Associate a name with any object in the system.
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item [anytype]
-!           In the Fortran interface, this must in fact be a {\tt Base}
-!           derived type object.  It is expected that all specialized 
-!           derived types will include a {\tt Base} object as the first
-!           entry.
-!     \item [[name]]
-!           Object name.  An error will be returned if a duplicate name 
-!           is specified.  If a name is not given a unique name will be
-!           generated and can be queried by the {\tt ESMF_GetName} routine.
-!     \item [[namespace]]
-!           Object namespace (e.g. &quot;Application&quot;, &quot;Component&quot;, &quot;Grid&quot;, etc).
-!           If given, the name will be checked that it is unique within
-!           this namespace.  If not given, the generated name will be 
-!           unique within this namespace.  If namespace is not specified,
-!           a default &quot;global&quot; namespace will be assumed and the same rules
-!           for names will be followed.
-!     \item [[rc]]
-!           Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-      logical :: rcpresent                          ! Return code present   
-      character (len = ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ournamespace ! Namespace if not given
-      character (len = ESMF_MAXSTR) :: defaultname  ! Name if not given
-      integer, save :: seqnum = 0       ! HACK - generate uniq names
-                                        ! but not coordinated across procs
-!     !Initialize return code
-      rcpresent = .FALSE.
-      if(present(rc)) then
-        rcpresent = .TRUE.
-        rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      endif
-!     ! TODO: this code should generate a unique name if a name
-!     !   is not given.  If a namespace is given, the name has to
-!     !   be unique within that namespace.  Example namespaces could
-!     !   be: Applications, Components, Fields/Bundles, Grids.
-!     ! Construct a default namespace if one is not given
-      if((.not. present(namespace)) .or. (namespace .eq. &quot;&quot;)) then
-          ournamespace = &quot;global&quot;
-      else
-          ournamespace = namespace
-      endif
-!     ! Construct a default name if one is not given
-      if((.not. present(name)) .or. (name .eq. &quot;&quot;)) then
-          write(defaultname, 20) trim(ournamespace), seqnum
-20        format(A,I3.3)
-          seqnum = seqnum + 1
-          anytype%name = defaultname
-      else
-          anytype%name = name
-      endif
-      if (rcpresent) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_SetName
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_GetName - get the name of this object
-      subroutine ESMF_GetName(anytype, name, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF object/type
-      character (len = *), intent(out) :: name           ! object/type name
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-!     Return the name of any type in the system.
-      name = anytype%name
-      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_GetName
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeSet - set attribute on an ESMF type
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeSet(anytype, name, value, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
-      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
-      type(ESMF_DataValue), intent(in) :: value              ! attribute value
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-!     Associate a (name,value) pair with any type in the system.
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeSet
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGet - get attribute from an ESMF type
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGet(anytype, name, type, value, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype           ! any ESMF type
-      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name          ! attribute name
-      type(ESMF_DataType), intent(out) :: type             ! all possible data types
-      type(ESMF_DataValue), intent(out) :: value           ! attribute value
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc             ! return code
-! !REQUIREMENTS:  FLD1.5.1, FLD1.5.3
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGet
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetCount - get an ESMF object's number of attributes
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetCount(anytype, count, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
-      integer, intent(out) :: count                      ! attribute count
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-! Returns number of attributes present.
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetCount
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetbyNumber - get an ESMF object's attribute by num ber
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetbyNumber(anytype, number, name, type, value, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
-      integer, intent(in) :: number                      ! attribute number
-      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
-      type(ESMF_DataType), intent(out) :: type               ! all possible data types
-      type(ESMF_DataValue), intent(out) :: value             ! attribute value
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-! Allows the caller to get attributes by number instead of by name.
-! This can be useful in iterating through all attributes in a loop.
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetbyNumber
-!IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetNameList - get an ESMF object's attribute name list
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetNameList(anytype, count, namelist, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
-      integer, intent(out) :: count                      ! attribute count
-      character (len = *), dimension (:), intent(out) :: namelist   ! attribute names
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-! Return a list of all attribute names without returning the values.
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetNameList
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeSetList - set an ESMF object's attributes 
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeSetList(anytype, namelist, valuelist, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
-      character (len = *), dimension (:), intent(in) :: namelist    ! attribute names
-      type(ESMF_DataValue), dimension (:), intent(in) :: valuelist      ! attribute values
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-! Set multiple attributes on an object in one call.  Depending on what is
-! allowed by the interface, all attributes may have to have the same type.
-! !REQUIREMENTS:  (none.  added for completeness)
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeSetList
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetList - get an ESMF object's attributes
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetList(anytype, namelist, typelist, valuelist, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
-      character (len = *), dimension (:), intent(in) :: namelist    ! attribute names
-      type(ESMF_DataType), dimension (:), intent(out) :: typelist       ! all possible data types
-      type(ESMF_DataValue), dimension (:), intent(out) :: valuelist     ! attribute values
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-! Get multiple attributes from an object in a single call.
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetList
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeSetObjectList - set an attribute on multiple ESMF objects 
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeSetObjectList(anytypelist, name, value, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), dimension (:), intent(in) :: anytypelist     ! list of any ESMF types
-      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
-      type(ESMF_DataValue), dimension (:), intent(in) :: value          ! attribute value
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-! Set the same attribute on multiple objects in one call.
-! !REQUIREMENTS:  FLD1.5.5 (pri 2)
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeSetObjectList
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetObjectList - get an attribute from multiple ESMF objects 
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetObjectList(anytypelist, name, typelist, valuelist, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), dimension (:), intent(in) :: anytypelist     ! list of any ESMF types
-      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
-      type(ESMF_DataType), dimension (:), intent(out) :: typelist       ! all possible data types
-      type(ESMF_DataValue), dimension (:), intent(out) :: valuelist     ! attribute values
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-! Get the same attribute name from multiple objects in one call.
-! !REQUIREMENTS:  FLD1.5.5 (pri 2)
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetObjectList
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeCopy - copy an attribute between two objects
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeCopy(name, source, destination, rc)
-      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: source              ! any ESMF type
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: destination         ! any ESMF type
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-! The specified attribute associated with the source object is
-! copied to the destination object.  &lt;&lt; does this assume overwriting the
-! attribute if it already exists in the output or does this require yet
-! another arg to say what to do with collisions? &gt;&gt;
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeCopy
-!IROUTINE:  ESMC_AttributeCopyAll - copy attributes between two objects
-      subroutine ESMF_AttributeCopyAll(source, destination, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: source              ! any ESMF type
-      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: destination         ! any ESMF type
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
-! All attributes associated with the source object are copied to the
-! destination object.  Some attributes will have to be considered
-! {\tt read only} and won't be updated by this call.  (e.g. an attribute
-! like {\tt name} must be unique and therefore can't be duplicated.)
-      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeCopyAll
-! Misc utility routines, perhaps belongs in a utility file?
-!IROUTINE:  ESMC_AxisIndexInit - initialize an AxisIndex object
-      subroutine ESMF_AxisIndexInit(ai, l, r, max, decomp, gstart, rc)
-      type(ESMF_AxisIndex), intent(inout) :: ai
-      integer, intent(in) :: l, r, max, decomp, gstart
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
-!   Set the contents of an AxisIndex type.
-      ai%l = l
-      ai%r = r
-      ai%max = max
-      ai%decomp = decomp
-      ai%gstart = gstart
-      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_AxisIndexInit
-!IROUTINE:  ESMC_AxisIndexInit - initialize an AxisIndex object
-      subroutine ESMF_AxisIndexGet(ai, l, r, max, decomp, gstart, rc)
-      type(ESMF_AxisIndex), intent(inout) :: ai
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: l, r, max, decomp, gstart
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
-!   Get the contents of an AxisIndex type.
-      if (present(l)) l = ai%l
-      if (present(r)) r = ai%r
-      if (present(max)) max = ai%max
-      if (present(decomp)) decomp = ai%decomp
-      if (present(gstart)) gstart = ai%gstart
-      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_AxisIndexGet
-!IROUTINE:  ESMF_SetPointer - set an opaque value
-      subroutine ESMF_SetPointer(ptype, contents, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Pointer) :: ptype 
-      integer*8, intent(in) :: contents
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
-!   Set the contents of an opaque pointer type.
-      ptype%ptr = contents
-      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_SetPointer
-!IROUTINE:  ESMF_SetNullPointer - set an opaque value
-      subroutine ESMF_SetNullPointer(ptype, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Pointer) :: ptype 
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
-!   Set the contents of an opaque pointer type.
-      integer*8, parameter :: nullp = 0
-      ptype%ptr = nullp
-      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_SetNullPointer
-!  !IROUTINE:  ESMF_GetPointer - get an opaque value 
-      function ESMF_GetPointer(ptype, rc) 
-      integer*8 :: ESMF_GetPointer
-      type(ESMF_Pointer), intent(in) :: ptype 
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
-!   Get the contents of an opaque pointer type.
-      ESMF_GetPointer = ptype%ptr
-      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end function ESMF_GetPointer
-! misc print routines
-!  !IROUTINE:  ESMF_StatusString - Return status as a string
-      subroutine ESMF_StatusString(status, string, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Status), intent(in) :: status
-      character(len=*), intent(out) :: string
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
-!   Return a status variable as a string.
-      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_UNINIT) string = &quot;Uninitialized&quot;
-      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_READY) string = &quot;Ready&quot;
-      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_UNALLOCATED) string = &quot;Unallocated&quot;
-      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_ALLOCATED) string = &quot;Allocated&quot;
-      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_BUSY) string = &quot;Busy&quot;
-      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_INVALID) string = &quot;Invalid&quot;

-      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_StatusString
-!  !IROUTINE:  ESMF_DataTypeString - Return DataType as a string
-      subroutine ESMF_DataTypeString(datatype, string, rc)
-      type(ESMF_DataType), intent(in) :: datatype
-      character(len=*), intent(out) :: string
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
-!   Return a datatype variable as a string.
-      if (datatype .eq. ESMF_DATA_INTEGER) string = &quot;Integer&quot;
-      if (datatype .eq. ESMF_DATA_REAL) string = &quot;Real&quot;
-      if (datatype .eq. ESMF_DATA_LOGICAL) string = &quot;Logical&quot;
-      if (datatype .eq. ESMF_DATA_CHARACTER) string = &quot;Character&quot;

-      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_DataTypeString
-! put Print and Validate skeletons here - but they should be
-!  overridden by higher level more specialized functions.
-      end module ESMF_BaseMod

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Base.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Base.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Base.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Base.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,1082 @@
+! Earth System Modeling Framework
+! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+! ESMF Base Module
+! (all lines between the !BOP and !EOP markers will be included in the
+! automated document processing.)
+! module definition
+      module ESMF_BaseMod

+! !MODULE: ESMF_BaseMod - Base class for all ESMF classes
+! The code in this file implements the Base defined type
+!  and functions which operate on all types.  This is an
+!  interface to the actual C++ base class implementation in the ../src dir.
+! See the ESMF Developers Guide document for more details.
+! !USES:
+      implicit none
+      private
+!    Global integer parameters, used frequently
+      integer, parameter :: ESMF_SUCCESS = 0, ESMF_FAILURE = -1
+      integer, parameter :: ESMF_MAXSTR = 128
+      integer, parameter :: ESMF_MAXDIM = 7, &amp;
+                            ESMF_MAXDECOMPDIM=3, &amp;
+                            ESMF_MAXGRIDDIM=2
+      integer, parameter :: ESMF_MAJOR_VERSION = 2
+      integer, parameter :: ESMF_MINOR_VERSION = 1
+      integer, parameter :: ESMF_REVISION      = 1
+      integer, parameter :: ESMF_PATCHLEVEL    = 0
+      character(32), parameter :: ESMF_VERSION_STRING = &quot;2.1.1&quot;
+      type ESMF_Status
+      private
+          integer :: status
+      end type
+      type(ESMF_Status), parameter :: ESMF_STATE_UNINIT = ESMF_Status(1), &amp;
+                                      ESMF_STATE_READY = ESMF_Status(2), &amp;
+                                      ESMF_STATE_UNALLOCATED = ESMF_Status(3), &amp;
+                                      ESMF_STATE_ALLOCATED = ESMF_Status(4), &amp;
+                                      ESMF_STATE_BUSY = ESMF_Status(5), &amp;
+                                      ESMF_STATE_INVALID = ESMF_Status(6)

+      type ESMF_Pointer
+      private
+          integer*8 :: ptr
+      end type
+      type(ESMF_Pointer), parameter :: ESMF_NULL_POINTER = ESMF_Pointer(0), &amp;
+                                       ESMF_BAD_POINTER = ESMF_Pointer(-1)
+      !! TODO: I believe if we define an assignment(=) operator to convert
+      !!   a datatype into integer, then we could use the type and kind as
+      !!   targets in a select case() statement and make the contents private.
+      !!   (see pg 248 of the &quot;big book&quot;)
+      type ESMF_DataType
+      !!private
+          integer :: dtype
+      end type
+      type(ESMF_DataType), parameter :: ESMF_DATA_INTEGER = ESMF_DataType(1), &amp;
+                                        ESMF_DATA_REAL = ESMF_DataType(2), &amp;
+                                        ESMF_DATA_LOGICAL = ESMF_DataType(3), &amp;
+                                        ESMF_DATA_CHARACTER = ESMF_DataType(4)
+      integer, parameter :: &amp;
+                   ESMF_KIND_I1 = selected_int_kind(2), &amp;
+                   ESMF_KIND_I2 = selected_int_kind(4), &amp;
+                   ESMF_KIND_I4 = selected_int_kind(9), &amp;
+                   ESMF_KIND_I8 = selected_int_kind(18), &amp;
+                   ESMF_KIND_R4 = selected_real_kind(3,25), &amp;
+                   ESMF_KIND_R8 = selected_real_kind(6,45), &amp;
+                   ESMF_KIND_C8 = selected_real_kind(3,25), &amp;
+                   ESMF_KIND_C16 = selected_real_kind(6,45)
+      type ESMF_DataValue
+      private
+          type(ESMF_DataType) :: dt
+          integer :: rank
+          ! how do you do values of all types here ? TODO
+          ! in C++ i'd do a union w/ overloaded access funcs
+          integer :: vi
+          !integer, dimension (:), pointer :: vip
+          !real :: vr
+          !real, dimension (:), pointer :: vrp
+          !logical :: vl
+          !logical, pointer :: vlp
+          !character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: vc
+          !character, pointer :: vcp
+      end type
+      type ESMF_Attribute
+      private
+          character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: attr_name
+          type (ESMF_DataType) :: attr_type
+          type (ESMF_DataValue) :: attr_value
+      end type
+      !! TODO: this should be a shallow object, with a simple init() and
+      !!  get() function, and the contents should go back to being private.
+      type ESMF_AxisIndex
+!     !!private
+          integer :: l
+          integer :: r
+          integer :: max
+          integer :: decomp
+          integer :: gstart
+      end type
+      !! TODO: same comment as above.
+      type ESMF_MemIndex
+!     !!private
+          integer :: l
+          integer :: r
+          integer :: str
+          integer :: num
+      end type
+      type ESMF_BasePointer
+      private
+          integer*8 :: base_ptr
+      end type
+      integer :: global_count = 0
+!     ! WARNING: must match corresponding values in ../include/ESMC_Base.h
+      type ESMF_Logical
+      private
+          integer :: value
+      end type
+      type(ESMF_Logical), parameter :: ESMF_TF_UNKNOWN  = ESMF_Logical(1), &amp;
+                                       ESMF_TF_TRUE     = ESMF_Logical(2), &amp;
+                                       ESMF_TF_FALSE    = ESMF_Logical(3)
+      type ESMF_Base
+      private
+         integer :: ID
+         integer :: ref_count
+         type (ESMF_Status) :: base_status
+         character (len=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: name
+     end type
+      public ESMF_STATE_INVALID
+!             ESMF_STATE_BUSY
+      public ESMF_DATA_INTEGER, ESMF_DATA_REAL, &amp;
+      public ESMF_KIND_I1, ESMF_KIND_I2, ESMF_KIND_I4, ESMF_KIND_I8, &amp; 
+      public ESMF_MAXSTR
+      public ESMF_VERSION_STRING 
+      public ESMF_Status, ESMF_Pointer, ESMF_DataType
+      public ESMF_DataValue, ESMF_Attribute
+!      public ESMF_MemIndex
+!      public ESMF_BasePointer
+      public ESMF_Base
+      public ESMF_AxisIndex, ESMF_AxisIndexGet
+!      public ESMF_AxisIndexInit
+      public ESMF_Logical
+!      public ESMF_TF_TRUE, ESMF_TF_FALSE
+!     The following routines apply to any type in the system.  
+!     The attribute routines can be inherited as-is.  The other
+!     routines need to be specialized by the higher level objects.
+!   Base class methods
+!      public ESMF_BaseInit
+!      public ESMF_BaseGetConfig
+!      public ESMF_BaseSetConfig
+!      public ESMF_BaseGetInstCount
+!      public ESMF_BaseSetID
+!      public ESMF_BaseGetID
+!      public ESMF_BaseSetRefCount
+!      public ESMF_BaseGetRefCount
+!      public ESMF_BaseSetStatus
+!      public ESMF_BaseGetStatus
+!   Virtual methods to be defined by derived classes
+!      public ESMF_Read
+!      public ESMF_Write
+!      public ESMF_Validate
+!      public ESMF_Print
+!  Attribute methods
+      public ESMF_AttributeSet
+      public ESMF_AttributeGet
+      public ESMF_AttributeGetCount
+      public ESMF_AttributeGetbyNumber
+      public ESMF_AttributeGetNameList
+      public ESMF_AttributeSetList
+      public ESMF_AttributeGetList
+      public ESMF_AttributeSetObjectList
+      public ESMF_AttributeGetObjectList
+      public ESMF_AttributeCopy
+      public ESMF_AttributeCopyAll

+!  Misc methods
+      public ESMF_SetName
+      public ESMF_GetName
+      public ESMF_SetPointer
+      public ESMF_SetNullPointer
+      public ESMF_GetPointer
+!  Print methods for calling by higher level print functions
+!  (they have little formatting other than the actual values)
+      public ESMF_StatusString, ESMF_DataTypeString
+!  Overloaded = operator functions
+      public operator(.eq.), operator(.ne.), assignment(=)
+! overload .eq. &amp; .ne. with additional derived types so you can compare 
+!  them as if they were simple integers.

+interface operator (.eq.)
+ module procedure ESMF_sfeq
+ module procedure ESMF_dteq
+ module procedure ESMF_pteq
+ module procedure ESMF_tfeq
+ module procedure ESMF_aieq
+end interface
+interface operator (.ne.)
+ module procedure ESMF_sfne
+ module procedure ESMF_dtne
+ module procedure ESMF_ptne
+ module procedure ESMF_tfne
+ module procedure ESMF_aine
+end interface
+interface assignment (=)
+ module procedure ESMF_dtas
+ module procedure ESMF_ptas
+end interface
+      contains
+! function to compare two ESMF_Status flags to see if they're the same or not
+function ESMF_sfeq(sf1, sf2)
+ logical ESMF_sfeq
+ type(ESMF_Status), intent(in) :: sf1, sf2
+ ESMF_sfeq = (sf1%status .eq. sf2%status)
+end function
+function ESMF_sfne(sf1, sf2)
+ logical ESMF_sfne
+ type(ESMF_Status), intent(in) :: sf1, sf2
+ ESMF_sfne = (sf1%status .ne. sf2%status)
+end function
+! function to compare two ESMF_DataTypes to see if they're the same or not
+function ESMF_dteq(dt1, dt2)
+ logical ESMF_dteq
+ type(ESMF_DataType), intent(in) :: dt1, dt2
+ ESMF_dteq = (dt1%dtype .eq. dt2%dtype)
+end function
+function ESMF_dtne(dt1, dt2)
+ logical ESMF_dtne
+ type(ESMF_DataType), intent(in) :: dt1, dt2
+ ESMF_dtne = (dt1%dtype .ne. dt2%dtype)
+end function
+subroutine ESMF_dtas(intval, dtval)
+ integer, intent(out) :: intval
+ type(ESMF_DataType), intent(in) :: dtval
+ intval = dtval%dtype
+end subroutine
+! function to compare two ESMF_Pointers to see if they're the same or not
+function ESMF_pteq(pt1, pt2)
+ logical ESMF_pteq
+ type(ESMF_Pointer), intent(in) :: pt1, pt2
+ ESMF_pteq = (pt1%ptr .eq. pt2%ptr)
+end function
+function ESMF_ptne(pt1, pt2)
+ logical ESMF_ptne
+ type(ESMF_Pointer), intent(in) :: pt1, pt2
+ ESMF_ptne = (pt1%ptr .ne. pt2%ptr)
+end function
+subroutine ESMF_ptas(ptval, intval)
+ type(ESMF_Pointer), intent(out) :: ptval
+ integer, intent(in) :: intval
+ ptval%ptr = intval
+end subroutine
+! function to compare two ESMF_Logicals to see if they're the same or not
+! also need assignment to real f90 logical?
+function ESMF_tfeq(tf1, tf2)
+ logical ESMF_tfeq
+ type(ESMF_Logical), intent(in) :: tf1, tf2
+ ESMF_tfeq = (tf1%value .eq. tf2%value)
+end function
+function ESMF_tfne(tf1, tf2)
+ logical ESMF_tfne
+ type(ESMF_Logical), intent(in) :: tf1, tf2
+ ESMF_tfne = (tf1%value .ne. tf2%value)
+end function
+! function to compare two ESMF_AxisIndex to see if they're the same or not
+function ESMF_aieq(ai1, ai2)
+ logical ESMF_aieq
+ type(ESMF_AxisIndex), intent(in) :: ai1, ai2
+ ESMF_aieq = ((ai1%l .eq. ai2%l) .and. &amp;
+              (ai1%r .eq. ai2%r) .and. &amp;
+              (ai1%max .eq. ai2%max) .and. &amp;
+              (ai1%decomp .eq. ai2%decomp) .and. &amp;
+              (ai1%gstart .eq. ai2%gstart))
+end function
+function ESMF_aine(ai1, ai2)
+ logical ESMF_aine
+ type(ESMF_AxisIndex), intent(in) :: ai1, ai2
+ ESMF_aine = ((ai1%l .ne. ai2%l) .or. &amp;
+              (ai1%r .ne. ai2%r) .or. &amp;
+              (ai1%max .ne. ai2%max) .or. &amp;
+              (ai1%decomp .ne. ai2%decomp) .or. &amp;
+              (ai1%gstart .ne. ai2%gstart))
+end function
+! Base methods
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_BaseInit - initialize a Base object
+      subroutine ESMF_BaseInit(base, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base) :: base                 
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc     
+!     Set initial state on a Base object.
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item [base]
+!           In the Fortran interface, this must in fact be a {\tt Base}
+!           derived type object.  It is expected that all specialized 
+!           derived types will include a {\tt Base} object as the first
+!           entry.
+!     \item [{[rc]}]
+!           Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+      logical :: rcpresent                          ! Return code present   
+!     !Initialize return code
+      rcpresent = .FALSE.
+      if(present(rc)) then
+        rcpresent = .TRUE.
+        rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      endif
+      global_count = global_count + 1
+      base%ID = global_count
+      base%ref_count = 1
+      base%base_status = ESMF_STATE_READY
+      base%name = &quot;undefined&quot;
+      if (rcpresent) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_BaseInit
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_SetName - set the name of this object
+      subroutine ESMF_SetName(anytype, name, namespace, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base) :: anytype                 
+      character (len = *), intent(in), optional :: name   
+      character (len = *), intent(in), optional :: namespace
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc     
+!     Associate a name with any object in the system.
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item [anytype]
+!           In the Fortran interface, this must in fact be a {\tt Base}
+!           derived type object.  It is expected that all specialized 
+!           derived types will include a {\tt Base} object as the first
+!           entry.
+!     \item [[name]]
+!           Object name.  An error will be returned if a duplicate name 
+!           is specified.  If a name is not given a unique name will be
+!           generated and can be queried by the {\tt ESMF_GetName} routine.
+!     \item [[namespace]]
+!           Object namespace (e.g. &quot;Application&quot;, &quot;Component&quot;, &quot;Grid&quot;, etc).
+!           If given, the name will be checked that it is unique within
+!           this namespace.  If not given, the generated name will be 
+!           unique within this namespace.  If namespace is not specified,
+!           a default &quot;global&quot; namespace will be assumed and the same rules
+!           for names will be followed.
+!     \item [[rc]]
+!           Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+      logical :: rcpresent                          ! Return code present   
+      character (len = ESMF_MAXSTR) :: ournamespace ! Namespace if not given
+      character (len = ESMF_MAXSTR) :: defaultname  ! Name if not given
+      integer, save :: seqnum = 0       ! HACK - generate uniq names
+                                        ! but not coordinated across procs
+!     !Initialize return code
+      rcpresent = .FALSE.
+      if(present(rc)) then
+        rcpresent = .TRUE.
+        rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      endif
+!     ! TODO: this code should generate a unique name if a name
+!     !   is not given.  If a namespace is given, the name has to
+!     !   be unique within that namespace.  Example namespaces could
+!     !   be: Applications, Components, Fields/Bundles, Grids.
+!     ! Construct a default namespace if one is not given
+      if((.not. present(namespace)) .or. (namespace .eq. &quot;&quot;)) then
+          ournamespace = &quot;global&quot;
+      else
+          ournamespace = namespace
+      endif
+!     ! Construct a default name if one is not given
+      if((.not. present(name)) .or. (name .eq. &quot;&quot;)) then
+          write(defaultname, 20) trim(ournamespace), seqnum
+20        format(A,I3.3)
+          seqnum = seqnum + 1
+          anytype%name = defaultname
+      else
+          anytype%name = name
+      endif
+      if (rcpresent) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_SetName
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_GetName - get the name of this object
+      subroutine ESMF_GetName(anytype, name, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF object/type
+      character (len = *), intent(out) :: name           ! object/type name
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+!     Return the name of any type in the system.
+      name = anytype%name
+      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_GetName
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeSet - set attribute on an ESMF type
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeSet(anytype, name, value, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
+      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
+      type(ESMF_DataValue), intent(in) :: value              ! attribute value
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+!     Associate a (name,value) pair with any type in the system.
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeSet
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGet - get attribute from an ESMF type
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGet(anytype, name, type, value, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype           ! any ESMF type
+      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name          ! attribute name
+      type(ESMF_DataType), intent(out) :: type             ! all possible data types
+      type(ESMF_DataValue), intent(out) :: value           ! attribute value
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc             ! return code
+! !REQUIREMENTS:  FLD1.5.1, FLD1.5.3
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGet
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetCount - get an ESMF object's number of attributes
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetCount(anytype, count, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
+      integer, intent(out) :: count                      ! attribute count
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+! Returns number of attributes present.
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetCount
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetbyNumber - get an ESMF object's attribute by num ber
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetbyNumber(anytype, number, name, type, value, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
+      integer, intent(in) :: number                      ! attribute number
+      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
+      type(ESMF_DataType), intent(out) :: type               ! all possible data types
+      type(ESMF_DataValue), intent(out) :: value             ! attribute value
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+! Allows the caller to get attributes by number instead of by name.
+! This can be useful in iterating through all attributes in a loop.
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetbyNumber
+!IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetNameList - get an ESMF object's attribute name list
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetNameList(anytype, count, namelist, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
+      integer, intent(out) :: count                      ! attribute count
+      character (len = *), dimension (:), intent(out) :: namelist   ! attribute names
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+! Return a list of all attribute names without returning the values.
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetNameList
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeSetList - set an ESMF object's attributes 
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeSetList(anytype, namelist, valuelist, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
+      character (len = *), dimension (:), intent(in) :: namelist    ! attribute names
+      type(ESMF_DataValue), dimension (:), intent(in) :: valuelist      ! attribute values
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+! Set multiple attributes on an object in one call.  Depending on what is
+! allowed by the interface, all attributes may have to have the same type.
+! !REQUIREMENTS:  (none.  added for completeness)
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeSetList
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetList - get an ESMF object's attributes
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetList(anytype, namelist, typelist, valuelist, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: anytype             ! any ESMF type
+      character (len = *), dimension (:), intent(in) :: namelist    ! attribute names
+      type(ESMF_DataType), dimension (:), intent(out) :: typelist       ! all possible data types
+      type(ESMF_DataValue), dimension (:), intent(out) :: valuelist     ! attribute values
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+! Get multiple attributes from an object in a single call.
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetList
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeSetObjectList - set an attribute on multiple ESMF objects 
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeSetObjectList(anytypelist, name, value, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), dimension (:), intent(in) :: anytypelist     ! list of any ESMF types
+      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
+      type(ESMF_DataValue), dimension (:), intent(in) :: value          ! attribute value
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+! Set the same attribute on multiple objects in one call.
+! !REQUIREMENTS:  FLD1.5.5 (pri 2)
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeSetObjectList
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeGetObjectList - get an attribute from multiple ESMF objects 
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetObjectList(anytypelist, name, typelist, valuelist, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), dimension (:), intent(in) :: anytypelist     ! list of any ESMF types
+      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
+      type(ESMF_DataType), dimension (:), intent(out) :: typelist       ! all possible data types
+      type(ESMF_DataValue), dimension (:), intent(out) :: valuelist     ! attribute values
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+! Get the same attribute name from multiple objects in one call.
+! !REQUIREMENTS:  FLD1.5.5 (pri 2)
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeGetObjectList
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_AttributeCopy - copy an attribute between two objects
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeCopy(name, source, destination, rc)
+      character (len = *), intent(in) :: name            ! attribute name
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: source              ! any ESMF type
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: destination         ! any ESMF type
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+! The specified attribute associated with the source object is
+! copied to the destination object.  &lt;&lt; does this assume overwriting the
+! attribute if it already exists in the output or does this require yet
+! another arg to say what to do with collisions? &gt;&gt;
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeCopy
+!IROUTINE:  ESMC_AttributeCopyAll - copy attributes between two objects
+      subroutine ESMF_AttributeCopyAll(source, destination, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: source              ! any ESMF type
+      type(ESMF_Base), intent(in) :: destination         ! any ESMF type
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc               ! return code
+! All attributes associated with the source object are copied to the
+! destination object.  Some attributes will have to be considered
+! {\tt read only} and won't be updated by this call.  (e.g. an attribute
+! like {\tt name} must be unique and therefore can't be duplicated.)
+      end subroutine ESMF_AttributeCopyAll
+! Misc utility routines, perhaps belongs in a utility file?
+!IROUTINE:  ESMC_AxisIndexInit - initialize an AxisIndex object
+      subroutine ESMF_AxisIndexInit(ai, l, r, max, decomp, gstart, rc)
+      type(ESMF_AxisIndex), intent(inout) :: ai
+      integer, intent(in) :: l, r, max, decomp, gstart
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
+!   Set the contents of an AxisIndex type.
+      ai%l = l
+      ai%r = r
+      ai%max = max
+      ai%decomp = decomp
+      ai%gstart = gstart
+      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_AxisIndexInit
+!IROUTINE:  ESMC_AxisIndexInit - initialize an AxisIndex object
+      subroutine ESMF_AxisIndexGet(ai, l, r, max, decomp, gstart, rc)
+      type(ESMF_AxisIndex), intent(inout) :: ai
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: l, r, max, decomp, gstart
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
+!   Get the contents of an AxisIndex type.
+      if (present(l)) l = ai%l
+      if (present(r)) r = ai%r
+      if (present(max)) max = ai%max
+      if (present(decomp)) decomp = ai%decomp
+      if (present(gstart)) gstart = ai%gstart
+      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_AxisIndexGet
+!IROUTINE:  ESMF_SetPointer - set an opaque value
+      subroutine ESMF_SetPointer(ptype, contents, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Pointer) :: ptype 
+      integer*8, intent(in) :: contents
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
+!   Set the contents of an opaque pointer type.
+      ptype%ptr = contents
+      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_SetPointer
+!IROUTINE:  ESMF_SetNullPointer - set an opaque value
+      subroutine ESMF_SetNullPointer(ptype, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Pointer) :: ptype 
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
+!   Set the contents of an opaque pointer type.
+      integer*8, parameter :: nullp = 0
+      ptype%ptr = nullp
+      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_SetNullPointer
+!  !IROUTINE:  ESMF_GetPointer - get an opaque value 
+      function ESMF_GetPointer(ptype, rc) 
+      integer*8 :: ESMF_GetPointer
+      type(ESMF_Pointer), intent(in) :: ptype 
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
+!   Get the contents of an opaque pointer type.
+      ESMF_GetPointer = ptype%ptr
+      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end function ESMF_GetPointer
+! misc print routines
+!  !IROUTINE:  ESMF_StatusString - Return status as a string
+      subroutine ESMF_StatusString(status, string, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Status), intent(in) :: status
+      character(len=*), intent(out) :: string
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
+!   Return a status variable as a string.
+      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_UNINIT) string = &quot;Uninitialized&quot;
+      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_READY) string = &quot;Ready&quot;
+      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_UNALLOCATED) string = &quot;Unallocated&quot;
+      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_ALLOCATED) string = &quot;Allocated&quot;
+      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_BUSY) string = &quot;Busy&quot;
+      if (status .eq. ESMF_STATE_INVALID) string = &quot;Invalid&quot;

+      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_StatusString
+!  !IROUTINE:  ESMF_DataTypeString - Return DataType as a string
+      subroutine ESMF_DataTypeString(datatype, string, rc)
+      type(ESMF_DataType), intent(in) :: datatype
+      character(len=*), intent(out) :: string
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc  
+!   Return a datatype variable as a string.
+      if (datatype .eq. ESMF_DATA_INTEGER) string = &quot;Integer&quot;
+      if (datatype .eq. ESMF_DATA_REAL) string = &quot;Real&quot;
+      if (datatype .eq. ESMF_DATA_LOGICAL) string = &quot;Logical&quot;
+      if (datatype .eq. ESMF_DATA_CHARACTER) string = &quot;Character&quot;

+      if (present(rc)) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_DataTypeString
+! put Print and Validate skeletons here - but they should be
+!  overridden by higher level more specialized functions.
+      end module ESMF_BaseMod

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_BaseTime.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_BaseTime.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_BaseTime.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-! Earth System Modeling Framework
-! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-!     ESMF BaseTime Module
-      module ESMF_BaseTimeMod
-! This file contains the BaseTime class definition and all BaseTime class
-! methods.
-#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
-! !MODULE: ESMF_BaseTimeMod - Base ESMF time definition 
-! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
-! This module serves only as the common Time definition inherited
-! by {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} and {\tt ESMF\_Time}
-! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h} for complete description
-! !USES:
-      use ESMF_BaseMod    ! ESMF Base class
-      implicit none
-      private
-!     ! ESMF_BaseTime
-!     ! Base class type to match C++ BaseTime class in size only;
-!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
-      type ESMF_BaseTime
-        integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: S   ! whole seconds
-        integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: Sn  ! fractional seconds, numerator
-        integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: Sd  ! fractional seconds, denominator
-      end type
-      public ESMF_BaseTime
-! overloaded operators
-      public operator(+)
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeSum
-      public operator(-)
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeDifference
-      public operator(/)
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8
-      public operator(.EQ.)
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeEQ
-      public operator(.NE.)
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeNE
-      public operator(.LT.)
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeLT
-      public operator(.GT.)
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeGT
-      public operator(.LE.)
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeLE
-      public operator(.GE.)
-      private ESMF_BaseTimeGE
-      interface operator(+)
-        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeSum
-      end interface
-      interface operator(-)
-        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeDifference
-      end interface
-      interface operator(/)
-        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.EQ.)
-        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeEQ
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.NE.)
-        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeNE
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.LT.)
-        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeLT
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.GT.)
-        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeGT
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.LE.)
-        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeLE
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.GE.)
-        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeGE
-      end interface
-      contains
-! Add two basetimes
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeSum( basetime1, basetime2 )
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: ESMF_BaseTimeSum
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
-        ! locals
-        INTEGER (ESMF_KIND_I8) :: Sn1, Sd1, Sn2, Sd2, lcd
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN ESMF_BaseTimeSum()'
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime1%S = ',basetime1%S
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime1%Sn = ',basetime1%Sn
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime1%Sd = ',basetime1%Sd
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime2%S = ',basetime2%S
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime2%Sn = ',basetime2%Sn
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime2%Sd = ',basetime2%Sd
-        ESMF_BaseTimeSum   = basetime1
-        ESMF_BaseTimeSum%S = ESMF_BaseTimeSum%S + basetime2%S
-        Sn1 = basetime1%Sn
-        Sd1 = basetime1%Sd
-        Sn2 = basetime2%Sn
-        Sd2 = basetime2%Sd
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  Sn1 = ',Sn1
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  Sd1 = ',Sd1
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  Sn2 = ',Sn2
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  Sd2 = ',Sd2
-        IF      ( ( Sd1 .EQ. 0 ) .AND. ( Sd2 .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  no fractions'
-          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = 0
-          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = 0
-        ELSE IF ( ( Sd1 .NE. 0 ) .AND. ( Sd2 .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN
-          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = Sn1
-          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = Sd1
-        ELSE IF ( ( Sd1 .EQ. 0 ) .AND. ( Sd2 .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
-          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = Sn2
-          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = Sd2
-        ELSE IF ( ( Sd1 .NE. 0 ) .AND. ( Sd2 .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
-          CALL compute_lcd( Sd1 , Sd2 , lcd )
-          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = lcd
-          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = (Sn1 * lcd / Sd1) + (Sn2 * lcd / Sd2)
-        ENDIF
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  ESMF_BaseTimeSum%S = ',ESMF_BaseTimeSum%S
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = ',ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = ',ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd
-        CALL normalize_basetime( ESMF_BaseTimeSum )
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  END ESMF_BaseTimeSum()'
-      END FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeSum
-! Subtract two basetimes
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeDifference( basetime1, basetime2 )
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: ESMF_BaseTimeDifference
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
-        ! locals
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: neg2
-        neg2%S  = -basetime2%S
-        neg2%Sn = -basetime2%Sn
-        neg2%Sd =  basetime2%Sd
-        ESMF_BaseTimeDifference = basetime1 + neg2
-      END FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeDifference
-! Divide basetime by 8-byte integer
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8( basetime, divisor )
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime
-        INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN) :: divisor
-        ! locals
-        INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: d, n, dinit
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() A:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!  basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() A:  divisor = ', divisor
-        IF ( divisor == 0_ESMF_KIND_I8 ) THEN
-          CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8:  divide by zero' )
-        ENDIF
-!$$$ move to default constructor
-        ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%S  = 0
-        ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sn = 0
-        ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sd = 0
-        ! convert to a fraction and divide by multipling the denonminator by 
-        ! the divisor
-        IF ( basetime%Sd == 0 ) THEN
-          dinit = 1_ESMF_KIND_I8
-        ELSE
-          dinit = basetime%Sd
-        ENDIF
-        n = basetime%S * dinit + basetime%Sn
-        d = dinit * divisor
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() B:  n,d = ',n,d
-        CALL simplify( n, d, ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sn, ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sd )
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() C:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!  ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%S,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sn,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sd
-        CALL normalize_basetime( ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8 )
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() D:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!  ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%S,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sn,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sd
-      END FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8
-! Divide basetime by integer
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI( basetime, divisor )
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime
-        INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: divisor
-        IF ( divisor == 0 ) THEN
-          CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI:  divide by zero' )
-        ENDIF
-        ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI = basetime / INT( divisor, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-      END FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI
-! .EQ. for two basetimes
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeEQ( basetime1, basetime2 )
-        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeEQ
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
-        INTEGER :: retval
-        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
-                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
-                     retval )
-        ESMF_BaseTimeEQ = ( retval .EQ. 0 )
-! .NE. for two basetimes
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeNE( basetime1, basetime2 )
-        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeNE
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
-        INTEGER :: retval
-        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
-                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
-                     retval )
-        ESMF_BaseTimeNE = ( retval .NE. 0 )
-! .LT. for two basetimes
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeLT( basetime1, basetime2 )
-        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeLT
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
-        INTEGER :: retval
-        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
-                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
-                     retval )
-        ESMF_BaseTimeLT = ( retval .LT. 0 )
-! .GT. for two basetimes
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeGT( basetime1, basetime2 )
-        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeGT
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
-        INTEGER :: retval
-        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
-                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
-                     retval )
-        ESMF_BaseTimeGT = ( retval .GT. 0 )
-! .LE. for two basetimes
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeLE( basetime1, basetime2 )
-        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeLE
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
-        INTEGER :: retval
-        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
-                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
-                     retval )
-        ESMF_BaseTimeLE = ( retval .LE. 0 )
-! .GE. for two basetimes
-      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeGE( basetime1, basetime2 )
-        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeGE
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
-        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
-        INTEGER :: retval
-        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
-                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
-                     retval )
-        ESMF_BaseTimeGE = ( retval .GE. 0 )
-      end module ESMF_BaseTimeMod

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_BaseTime.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_BaseTime.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_BaseTime.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_BaseTime.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+! Earth System Modeling Framework
+! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+!     ESMF BaseTime Module
+      module ESMF_BaseTimeMod
+! This file contains the BaseTime class definition and all BaseTime class
+! methods.
+#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
+! !MODULE: ESMF_BaseTimeMod - Base ESMF time definition 
+! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
+! This module serves only as the common Time definition inherited
+! by {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} and {\tt ESMF\_Time}
+! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h} for complete description
+! !USES:
+      use ESMF_BaseMod    ! ESMF Base class
+      implicit none
+      private
+!     ! ESMF_BaseTime
+!     ! Base class type to match C++ BaseTime class in size only;
+!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
+      type ESMF_BaseTime
+        integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: S   ! whole seconds
+        integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: Sn  ! fractional seconds, numerator
+        integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: Sd  ! fractional seconds, denominator
+      end type
+      public ESMF_BaseTime
+! overloaded operators
+      public operator(+)
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeSum
+      public operator(-)
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeDifference
+      public operator(/)
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8
+      public operator(.EQ.)
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeEQ
+      public operator(.NE.)
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeNE
+      public operator(.LT.)
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeLT
+      public operator(.GT.)
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeGT
+      public operator(.LE.)
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeLE
+      public operator(.GE.)
+      private ESMF_BaseTimeGE
+      interface operator(+)
+        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeSum
+      end interface
+      interface operator(-)
+        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeDifference
+      end interface
+      interface operator(/)
+        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.EQ.)
+        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeEQ
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.NE.)
+        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeNE
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.LT.)
+        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeLT
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.GT.)
+        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeGT
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.LE.)
+        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeLE
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.GE.)
+        module procedure ESMF_BaseTimeGE
+      end interface
+      contains
+! Add two basetimes
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeSum( basetime1, basetime2 )
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: ESMF_BaseTimeSum
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
+        ! locals
+        INTEGER (ESMF_KIND_I8) :: Sn1, Sd1, Sn2, Sd2, lcd
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN ESMF_BaseTimeSum()'
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime1%S = ',basetime1%S
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime1%Sn = ',basetime1%Sn
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime1%Sd = ',basetime1%Sd
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime2%S = ',basetime2%S
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime2%Sn = ',basetime2%Sn
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  basetime2%Sd = ',basetime2%Sd
+        ESMF_BaseTimeSum   = basetime1
+        ESMF_BaseTimeSum%S = ESMF_BaseTimeSum%S + basetime2%S
+        Sn1 = basetime1%Sn
+        Sd1 = basetime1%Sd
+        Sn2 = basetime2%Sn
+        Sd2 = basetime2%Sd
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  Sn1 = ',Sn1
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  Sd1 = ',Sd1
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  Sn2 = ',Sn2
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  Sd2 = ',Sd2
+        IF      ( ( Sd1 .EQ. 0 ) .AND. ( Sd2 .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  no fractions'
+          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = 0
+          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = 0
+        ELSE IF ( ( Sd1 .NE. 0 ) .AND. ( Sd2 .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN
+          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = Sn1
+          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = Sd1
+        ELSE IF ( ( Sd1 .EQ. 0 ) .AND. ( Sd2 .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
+          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = Sn2
+          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = Sd2
+        ELSE IF ( ( Sd1 .NE. 0 ) .AND. ( Sd2 .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
+          CALL compute_lcd( Sd1 , Sd2 , lcd )
+          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = lcd
+          ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = (Sn1 * lcd / Sd1) + (Sn2 * lcd / Sd2)
+        ENDIF
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  ESMF_BaseTimeSum%S = ',ESMF_BaseTimeSum%S
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn = ',ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sn
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_BaseTimeSum():  ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd = ',ESMF_BaseTimeSum%Sd
+        CALL normalize_basetime( ESMF_BaseTimeSum )
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  END ESMF_BaseTimeSum()'
+      END FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeSum
+! Subtract two basetimes
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeDifference( basetime1, basetime2 )
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: ESMF_BaseTimeDifference
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
+        ! locals
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: neg2
+        neg2%S  = -basetime2%S
+        neg2%Sn = -basetime2%Sn
+        neg2%Sd =  basetime2%Sd
+        ESMF_BaseTimeDifference = basetime1 + neg2
+      END FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeDifference
+! Divide basetime by 8-byte integer
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8( basetime, divisor )
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime
+        INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN) :: divisor
+        ! locals
+        INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: d, n, dinit
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() A:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!  basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() A:  divisor = ', divisor
+        IF ( divisor == 0_ESMF_KIND_I8 ) THEN
+          CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8:  divide by zero' )
+        ENDIF
+!$$$ move to default constructor
+        ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%S  = 0
+        ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sn = 0
+        ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sd = 0
+        ! convert to a fraction and divide by multipling the denonminator by 
+        ! the divisor
+        IF ( basetime%Sd == 0 ) THEN
+          dinit = 1_ESMF_KIND_I8
+        ELSE
+          dinit = basetime%Sd
+        ENDIF
+        n = basetime%S * dinit + basetime%Sn
+        d = dinit * divisor
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() B:  n,d = ',n,d
+        CALL simplify( n, d, ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sn, ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sd )
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() C:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!  ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%S,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sn,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sd
+        CALL normalize_basetime( ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8 )
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8() D:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!  ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%S,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sn,ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8%Sd
+      END FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI8
+! Divide basetime by integer
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI( basetime, divisor )
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime
+        INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: divisor
+        IF ( divisor == 0 ) THEN
+          CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI:  divide by zero' )
+        ENDIF
+        ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI = basetime / INT( divisor, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+      END FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeQuotI
+! .EQ. for two basetimes
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeEQ( basetime1, basetime2 )
+        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeEQ
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
+        INTEGER :: retval
+        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
+                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
+                     retval )
+        ESMF_BaseTimeEQ = ( retval .EQ. 0 )
+! .NE. for two basetimes
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeNE( basetime1, basetime2 )
+        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeNE
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
+        INTEGER :: retval
+        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
+                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
+                     retval )
+        ESMF_BaseTimeNE = ( retval .NE. 0 )
+! .LT. for two basetimes
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeLT( basetime1, basetime2 )
+        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeLT
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
+        INTEGER :: retval
+        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
+                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
+                     retval )
+        ESMF_BaseTimeLT = ( retval .LT. 0 )
+! .GT. for two basetimes
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeGT( basetime1, basetime2 )
+        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeGT
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
+        INTEGER :: retval
+        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
+                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
+                     retval )
+        ESMF_BaseTimeGT = ( retval .GT. 0 )
+! .LE. for two basetimes
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeLE( basetime1, basetime2 )
+        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeLE
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
+        INTEGER :: retval
+        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
+                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
+                     retval )
+        ESMF_BaseTimeLE = ( retval .LE. 0 )
+! .GE. for two basetimes
+      FUNCTION ESMF_BaseTimeGE( basetime1, basetime2 )
+        LOGICAL :: ESMF_BaseTimeGE
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime1
+        TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(IN) :: basetime2
+        INTEGER :: retval
+        CALL seccmp( basetime1%S, basetime1%Sn, basetime1%Sd, &amp;
+                     basetime2%S, basetime2%Sn, basetime2%Sd, &amp;
+                     retval )
+        ESMF_BaseTimeGE = ( retval .GE. 0 )
+      end module ESMF_BaseTimeMod

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Calendar.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Calendar.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Calendar.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-! Earth System Modeling Framework
-! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-!     ESMF Calendar Module
-      module ESMF_CalendarMod
-! This file contains the Calendar class definition and all Calendar class
-! methods.
-#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
-! !MODULE: ESMF_CalendarMod
-! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
-! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
-! C++ class { \tt ESMC\_Calendar} implementation
-! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Calendar.h} for complete description
-! !USES:
-      ! inherit from ESMF base class
-      use ESMF_BaseMod
-      ! inherit from base time class
-      use ESMF_BaseTimeMod
-      implicit none
-      private
-      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mday(MONTHS_PER_YEAR)   &amp;
-                          = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
-      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mdayleap(MONTHS_PER_YEAR) &amp;
-                          = (/31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
-      INTEGER, DIMENSION(365) :: daym
-      INTEGER, DIMENSION(366) :: daymleap
-      INTEGER :: mdaycum(0:MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
-      INTEGER :: mdayleapcum(0:MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
-      TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), TARGET :: monthbdys(0:MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
-      TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), TARGET :: monthbdysleap(0:MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
-!     ! ESMF_CalendarType
-!     ! F90 &quot;enum&quot; type to match C++ ESMC_CalendarType enum
-      type ESMF_CalendarType
-      private
-        integer :: caltype
-      end type
-      type(ESMF_CalendarType), parameter :: &amp;
-                               ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN =  ESMF_CalendarType(1), &amp;
-                               ESMF_CAL_JULIAN =     ESMF_CalendarType(2), &amp;
-                           ! like Gregorian, except Feb always has 28 days
-                               ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP =     ESMF_CalendarType(3), &amp; 
-                           ! 12 months, 30 days each
-                               ESMF_CAL_360DAY =     ESMF_CalendarType(4), &amp; 
-                           ! user defined
-                               ESMF_CAL_GENERIC =    ESMF_CalendarType(5), &amp;
-                           ! track base time seconds only
-                               ESMF_CAL_NOCALENDAR = ESMF_CalendarType(6)
-!     ! ESMF_Calendar
-!     ! F90 class type to match C++ Calendar class in size only;
-!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
-!     ! ESMF_DaysPerYear
-      type ESMF_DaysPerYear
-      private
-        integer :: D        ! whole days per year
-! Fractional days-per-year are not yet used in this implementation.  
-!        integer :: Dn       ! fractional days per year numerator
-!        integer :: Dd       ! fractional days per year denominator
-      end type              ! e.g. for Venus, D=0, Dn=926, Dd=1000
-!     ! ESMF_Calendar
-      type ESMF_Calendar
-      private
-        type(ESMF_CalendarType) :: Type
-! TBH:  When NO_DT_COMPONENT_INIT is set, code that uses F95 compile-time 
-! TBH:  initialization of components of derived types is not included.  
-! TBH:  Some older compilers, like PGI 5.x do not support this F95 feature.  
-        logical :: Set
-        logical :: Set = .false.
-        integer, dimension(MONTHS_PER_YEAR) :: DaysPerMonth
-        integer :: SecondsPerDay
-        integer :: SecondsPerYear
-        type(ESMF_DaysPerYear) :: DaysPerYear
-      end type
-   TYPE(ESMF_Calendar), public, save, pointer :: defaultCal   ! Default Calendar
-      public MONTHS_PER_YEAR
-      public mday
-      public mdayleap
-      public monthbdys
-      public monthbdysleap
-      public daym
-      public daymleap
-      public mdaycum
-      public mdayleapcum
-      public ESMF_CalendarType
-!      public ESMF_CAL_JULIAN
-!      public ESMF_CAL_GENERIC
-      public ESMF_Calendar
-      public ESMF_CalendarCreate
-! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
-      public ESMF_CalendarInitialized ! Only in this implementation, intended
-                                      ! to be private within ESMF methods
-      contains
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_CalendarCreate - Create a new ESMF Calendar of built-in type
-      ! Private name; call using ESMF_CalendarCreate()
-      function ESMF_CalendarCreate(name, calendartype, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Calendar) :: ESMF_CalendarCreate
-      character (len=*),       intent(in),  optional :: name
-      type(ESMF_CalendarType), intent(in)            :: calendartype
-      integer,                 intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Creates and sets a {\tt calendar} to the given built-in
-!     {\tt ESMF\_CalendarType}. 
-!     This is a private method; invoke via the public overloaded entry point
-!     {\tt ESMF\_CalendarCreate()}.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[{[name]}]
-!          The name for the newly created calendar.  If not specified, a
-!          default unique name will be generated: &quot;CalendarNNN&quot; where NNN
-!          is a unique sequence number from 001 to 999.
-!     \item[calendartype]
-!          The built-in {\tt ESMF\_CalendarType}.  Valid values are:
-!            {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_360DAY}, {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_GREGORIAN},
-!            {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_JULIANDAY}, {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_NOCALENDAR}, and
-!            {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_NOLEAP}.
-!          See the &quot;Time Manager Reference&quot; document for a description of
-!          each calendar type.
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMGn.n.n
-      type(ESMF_DaysPerYear) :: dayspy
-      if ( present(rc) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-! Calendar type is hard-coded.  Use ESMF library if more flexibility is 
-! needed.  
-      if ( calendartype%caltype  /= ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP%caltype ) then
-         write(6,*) 'Not a valid calendar type for this implementation'
-         write(6,*) 'This implementation only allows ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP'
-         write(6,*) 'calender type set to     = ', calendartype%caltype
-         write(6,*) 'NO_LEAP calendar type is = ', ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP%caltype
-         return
-      end if
-      ESMF_CalendarCreate%Type = ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP
-      if ( calendartype%caltype  /= ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN%caltype ) then
-         write(6,*) 'Not a valid calendar type for this implementation'
-         write(6,*) 'This implementation only allows ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN'
-         write(6,*) 'calender type set to     = ', calendartype%caltype
-         write(6,*) 'GREGORIAN calendar type is = ', ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN%caltype
-         return
-      end if
-      ESMF_CalendarCreate%Type = ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN
-! This is a bug on some systems -- need initial value set by compiler at 
-! startup.  
-! However, note that some older compilers do not support compile-time 
-! initialization of data members of Fortran derived data types.  For example, 
-! PGI 5.x compilers do not support this F95 feature.  See 
-      ESMF_CalendarCreate%Set = .true.
-      ESMF_CalendarCreate%SecondsPerDay = SECONDS_PER_DAY
-! DaysPerYear and SecondsPerYear are incorrect for Gregorian calendars...  
-      dayspy%D = size(daym)
-!TBH:  TODO:  Replace DaysPerYear and SecondsPerYear with methods 
-!TBH:  TODO:  since they only make sense for the NO_LEAP calendar!  
-      ESMF_CalendarCreate%DaysPerYear = dayspy
-      ESMF_CalendarCreate%SecondsPerYear = ESMF_CalendarCreate%SecondsPerDay &amp;
-                                       * dayspy%D
-!TBH:  TODO:  use mdayleap for leap-year calendar
-      ESMF_CalendarCreate%DaysPerMonth(:) = mday(:)
-      if ( present(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end function ESMF_CalendarCreate
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_CalendarInitialized - check if calendar was created
-      function ESMF_CalendarInitialized(calendar)
-      logical ESMF_CalendarInitialized
-      type(ESMF_Calendar), intent(in)            :: calendar
-!     TMGn.n.n
-! Note that return value from this function will be bogus for older compilers 
-! that do not support compile-time initialization of data members of Fortran 
-! derived data types.  For example, PGI 5.x compilers do not support this F95 
-! feature.  At the moment, the call to this fuction is #ifdefd out when the 
-! leap-year calendar is used so this is not an issue for WRF (see 
-        ESMF_CalendarInitialized = calendar%set
-     end function ESMF_CalendarInitialized
-      end module ESMF_CalendarMod

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Calendar.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Calendar.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Calendar.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Calendar.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+! Earth System Modeling Framework
+! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+!     ESMF Calendar Module
+      module ESMF_CalendarMod
+! This file contains the Calendar class definition and all Calendar class
+! methods.
+#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
+! !MODULE: ESMF_CalendarMod
+! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
+! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
+! C++ class { \tt ESMC\_Calendar} implementation
+! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Calendar.h} for complete description
+! !USES:
+      ! inherit from ESMF base class
+      use ESMF_BaseMod
+      ! inherit from base time class
+      use ESMF_BaseTimeMod
+      implicit none
+      private
+      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mday(MONTHS_PER_YEAR)   &amp;
+                          = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
+      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mdayleap(MONTHS_PER_YEAR) &amp;
+                          = (/31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(365) :: daym
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(366) :: daymleap
+      INTEGER :: mdaycum(0:MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
+      INTEGER :: mdayleapcum(0:MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
+      TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), TARGET :: monthbdys(0:MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
+      TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), TARGET :: monthbdysleap(0:MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
+!     ! ESMF_CalendarType
+!     ! F90 &quot;enum&quot; type to match C++ ESMC_CalendarType enum
+      type ESMF_CalendarType
+      private
+        integer :: caltype
+      end type
+      type(ESMF_CalendarType), parameter :: &amp;
+                               ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN =  ESMF_CalendarType(1), &amp;
+                               ESMF_CAL_JULIAN =     ESMF_CalendarType(2), &amp;
+                           ! like Gregorian, except Feb always has 28 days
+                               ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP =     ESMF_CalendarType(3), &amp; 
+                           ! 12 months, 30 days each
+                               ESMF_CAL_360DAY =     ESMF_CalendarType(4), &amp; 
+                           ! user defined
+                               ESMF_CAL_GENERIC =    ESMF_CalendarType(5), &amp;
+                           ! track base time seconds only
+                               ESMF_CAL_NOCALENDAR = ESMF_CalendarType(6)
+!     ! ESMF_Calendar
+!     ! F90 class type to match C++ Calendar class in size only;
+!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
+!     ! ESMF_DaysPerYear
+      type ESMF_DaysPerYear
+      private
+        integer :: D        ! whole days per year
+! Fractional days-per-year are not yet used in this implementation.  
+!        integer :: Dn       ! fractional days per year numerator
+!        integer :: Dd       ! fractional days per year denominator
+      end type              ! e.g. for Venus, D=0, Dn=926, Dd=1000
+!     ! ESMF_Calendar
+      type ESMF_Calendar
+      private
+        type(ESMF_CalendarType) :: Type
+! TBH:  When NO_DT_COMPONENT_INIT is set, code that uses F95 compile-time 
+! TBH:  initialization of components of derived types is not included.  
+! TBH:  Some older compilers, like PGI 5.x do not support this F95 feature.  
+        logical :: Set
+        logical :: Set = .false.
+        integer, dimension(MONTHS_PER_YEAR) :: DaysPerMonth
+        integer :: SecondsPerDay
+        integer :: SecondsPerYear
+        type(ESMF_DaysPerYear) :: DaysPerYear
+      end type
+   TYPE(ESMF_Calendar), public, save, pointer :: defaultCal   ! Default Calendar
+      public MONTHS_PER_YEAR
+      public mday
+      public mdayleap
+      public monthbdys
+      public monthbdysleap
+      public daym
+      public daymleap
+      public mdaycum
+      public mdayleapcum
+      public ESMF_CalendarType
+!      public ESMF_CAL_JULIAN
+!      public ESMF_CAL_GENERIC
+      public ESMF_Calendar
+      public ESMF_CalendarCreate
+! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
+      public ESMF_CalendarInitialized ! Only in this implementation, intended
+                                      ! to be private within ESMF methods
+      contains
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_CalendarCreate - Create a new ESMF Calendar of built-in type
+      ! Private name; call using ESMF_CalendarCreate()
+      function ESMF_CalendarCreate(name, calendartype, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Calendar) :: ESMF_CalendarCreate
+      character (len=*),       intent(in),  optional :: name
+      type(ESMF_CalendarType), intent(in)            :: calendartype
+      integer,                 intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Creates and sets a {\tt calendar} to the given built-in
+!     {\tt ESMF\_CalendarType}. 
+!     This is a private method; invoke via the public overloaded entry point
+!     {\tt ESMF\_CalendarCreate()}.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[{[name]}]
+!          The name for the newly created calendar.  If not specified, a
+!          default unique name will be generated: &quot;CalendarNNN&quot; where NNN
+!          is a unique sequence number from 001 to 999.
+!     \item[calendartype]
+!          The built-in {\tt ESMF\_CalendarType}.  Valid values are:
+!            {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_360DAY}, {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_GREGORIAN},
+!            {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_JULIANDAY}, {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_NOCALENDAR}, and
+!            {\tt ESMF\_CAL\_NOLEAP}.
+!          See the &quot;Time Manager Reference&quot; document for a description of
+!          each calendar type.
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMGn.n.n
+      type(ESMF_DaysPerYear) :: dayspy
+      if ( present(rc) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+! Calendar type is hard-coded.  Use ESMF library if more flexibility is 
+! needed.  
+      if ( calendartype%caltype  /= ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP%caltype ) then
+         write(6,*) 'Not a valid calendar type for this implementation'
+         write(6,*) 'This implementation only allows ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP'
+         write(6,*) 'calender type set to     = ', calendartype%caltype
+         write(6,*) 'NO_LEAP calendar type is = ', ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP%caltype
+         return
+      end if
+      ESMF_CalendarCreate%Type = ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP
+      if ( calendartype%caltype  /= ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN%caltype ) then
+         write(6,*) 'Not a valid calendar type for this implementation'
+         write(6,*) 'This implementation only allows ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN'
+         write(6,*) 'calender type set to     = ', calendartype%caltype
+         write(6,*) 'GREGORIAN calendar type is = ', ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN%caltype
+         return
+      end if
+      ESMF_CalendarCreate%Type = ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN
+! This is a bug on some systems -- need initial value set by compiler at 
+! startup.  
+! However, note that some older compilers do not support compile-time 
+! initialization of data members of Fortran derived data types.  For example, 
+! PGI 5.x compilers do not support this F95 feature.  See 
+      ESMF_CalendarCreate%Set = .true.
+      ESMF_CalendarCreate%SecondsPerDay = SECONDS_PER_DAY
+! DaysPerYear and SecondsPerYear are incorrect for Gregorian calendars...  
+      dayspy%D = size(daym)
+!TBH:  TODO:  Replace DaysPerYear and SecondsPerYear with methods 
+!TBH:  TODO:  since they only make sense for the NO_LEAP calendar!  
+      ESMF_CalendarCreate%DaysPerYear = dayspy
+      ESMF_CalendarCreate%SecondsPerYear = ESMF_CalendarCreate%SecondsPerDay &amp;
+                                       * dayspy%D
+!TBH:  TODO:  use mdayleap for leap-year calendar
+      ESMF_CalendarCreate%DaysPerMonth(:) = mday(:)
+      if ( present(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end function ESMF_CalendarCreate
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_CalendarInitialized - check if calendar was created
+      function ESMF_CalendarInitialized(calendar)
+      logical ESMF_CalendarInitialized
+      type(ESMF_Calendar), intent(in)            :: calendar
+!     TMGn.n.n
+! Note that return value from this function will be bogus for older compilers 
+! that do not support compile-time initialization of data members of Fortran 
+! derived data types.  For example, PGI 5.x compilers do not support this F95 
+! feature.  At the moment, the call to this fuction is #ifdefd out when the 
+! leap-year calendar is used so this is not an issue for WRF (see 
+        ESMF_CalendarInitialized = calendar%set
+     end function ESMF_CalendarInitialized
+      end module ESMF_CalendarMod

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Clock.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Clock.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Clock.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,1366 +0,0 @@
-! Earth System Modeling Framework
-! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-!     ESMF Clock Module
-      module ESMF_ClockMod
-! This file contains the Clock class definition and all Clock class methods.
-#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt; 
-! !MODULE: ESMF_ClockMod
-! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
-! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
-! C++ class {\tt ESMC\_Time} implementation
-! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Clock.h} for complete description
-! !USES:
-      ! inherit from ESMF base class
-      use ESMF_BaseMod
-      ! associated derived types
-      use ESMF_TimeIntervalMod   ! , only : ESMF_TimeInterval, &amp;
-                                 !          ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive
-      use ESMF_TimeMod           ! , only : ESMF_Time
-      use ESMF_AlarmMod,        only : ESMF_Alarm
-      implicit none
-      private
-!     ! ESMF_Clock
-!     ! F90 class type to match C++ Clock class in size only;
-!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
-! internals for ESMF_Clock
-      type ESMF_ClockInt
-        type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: TimeStep
-        type(ESMF_Time)  :: StartTime
-        type(ESMF_Time)  :: StopTime
-        type(ESMF_Time)  :: RefTime
-        type(ESMF_Time)  :: CurrTime
-        type(ESMF_Time)  :: PrevTime
-        integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: AdvanceCount
-        integer :: ClockMutex
-        integer :: NumAlarms
-        ! Note:  to mimic ESMF 2.1.0+, AlarmList is maintained 
-        ! within ESMF_Clock even though copies of each alarm are 
-        ! returned from ESMF_AlarmCreate() at the same time they 
-        ! are copied into the AlarmList!  This duplication is not 
-        ! as hideous as it might be because the ESMF_Alarm type 
-        ! has data members that are all POINTERs (thus the horrible 
-        ! shallow-copy-masquerading-as-reference-copy hack works).  
-        type(ESMF_Alarm), pointer, dimension(:) :: AlarmList
-      end type
-! Actual public type:  this bit allows easy mimic of &quot;deep&quot; ESMF_ClockCreate 
-! in ESMF 2.1.0+
-!        shallow-copy-masquerading-as-reference-copy.  
-      type ESMF_Clock
-        type(ESMF_ClockInt), pointer  :: clockint
-      end type
-      public ESMF_Clock
-      public ESMF_ClockInt   ! needed on AIX but not PGI
-      public ESMF_ClockCreate
-      public ESMF_ClockDestroy
-      public ESMF_ClockSet
-!      public ESMF_ClockSetOLD
-      public ESMF_ClockGet
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep
-!      public ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime
-!      public ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetStartTime
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetStopTime
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetRefTime
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime
-! This must be public for ESMF_AlarmClockMod...  
-      public ESMF_ClockAddAlarm
-      public ESMF_ClockGetAlarmList
-!      public ESMF_ClockGetNumAlarms
-!      public ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock
-      public ESMF_ClockAdvance
-      public ESMF_ClockIsStopTime
-      public ESMF_ClockStopTimeDisable
-! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
-!      public ESMF_ClockRead
-!      public ESMF_ClockWrite
-      public ESMF_ClockValidate
-      public ESMF_ClockPrint
-      contains
-! This section includes the Set methods.
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSetOLD - Initialize a clockint
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockSetOLD(clockint, TimeStep, StartTime, &amp;
-                                  StopTime, RefTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_ClockInt), intent(out) :: clockint
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: TimeStep
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StartTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RefTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-! Local
-      integer i
-!     Initialize an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clockint]
-!          The object instance to initialize
-!     \item[{[TimeStep]}]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
-!     \item[StartTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s starting time
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
-!     \item[{[RefTime]}]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.1, TMG3.4.4
-      IF ( PRESENT(TimeStep) ) clockint%TimeStep = TimeStep
-      IF ( PRESENT(RefTime) )THEN
-         clockint%RefTime = RefTime
-      ELSE
-         clockint%RefTime = StartTime
-      END IF
-      clockint%CurrTime = StartTime
-      clockint%StartTime = StartTime
-      clockint%StopTime = StopTime
-      clockint%NumAlarms = 0
-      clockint%AdvanceCount = 0
-      ALLOCATE(clockint%AlarmList(MAX_ALARMS))
-      ! TBH:  This incredible hack can be removed once ESMF_*Validate() 
-      ! TBH:  can tell if a deep ESMF_* was created or not.  
-      DO i = 1, MAX_ALARMS
-        NULLIFY( clockint%AlarmList( i )%alarmint )
-      ENDDO
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSetOLD
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSet - Set clock properties -- for compatibility with ESMF 2.0.1
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockSet(clock, TimeStep, StartTime, StopTime, &amp;
-                               RefTime, CurrTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: TimeStep
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: StartTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: StopTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RefTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: CurrTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-! Local
-      integer ierr
-!     Initialize an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to initialize
-!     \item[{[TimeStep]}]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
-!     \item[StartTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s starting time
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
-!     \item[{[RefTime]}]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.1, TMG3.4.4
-      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      IF ( PRESENT(TimeStep) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep ( clock, TimeStep, rc=ierr )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT(RefTime) ) clock%clockint%RefTime = RefTime
-      IF ( PRESENT(StartTime) ) clock%clockint%StartTime = StartTime
-      IF ( PRESENT(StopTime) ) clock%clockint%StopTime = StopTime
-      IF ( PRESENT(CurrTime) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime(clock, CurrTime, rc=ierr)
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ierr
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSet
-! Create ESMF_Clock using ESMF 2.1.0+ semantics
-      FUNCTION ESMF_ClockCreate( name, TimeStep, StartTime, StopTime, &amp;
-                                 RefTime, rc )
-        ! return value
-        type(ESMF_Clock) :: ESMF_ClockCreate
-        ! !ARGUMENTS:
-        character (len=*),       intent(in),  optional :: name
-        type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: TimeStep
-        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StartTime
-        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
-        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RefTime
-        integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-        ! locals
-        type(ESMF_Clock) :: clocktmp
-         ! TBH:  ignore allocate errors, for now
-        ALLOCATE( clocktmp%clockint )
-        CALL ESMF_ClockSetOLD( clocktmp%clockint,   &amp;
-                               TimeStep= TimeStep,  &amp;
-                               StartTime=StartTime, &amp;
-                               StopTime= StopTime,  &amp;
-                               RefTime=RefTime, rc=rc )
-        ESMF_ClockCreate = clocktmp
-      END FUNCTION ESMF_ClockCreate
-! Deallocate memory for ESMF_Clock
-      SUBROUTINE ESMF_ClockDestroy( clock, rc )
-         TYPE(ESMF_Clock), INTENT(INOUT) :: clock
-         INTEGER,          INTENT(  OUT), OPTIONAL :: rc
-         ! TBH:  ignore deallocate errors, for now
-         DEALLOCATE( clock%clockint%AlarmList )
-         DEALLOCATE( clock%clockint )
-         IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      END SUBROUTINE ESMF_ClockDestroy
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGet - Get clock properties -- for compatibility with ESMF 2.0.1 
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGet(clock, StartTime, CurrTime,       &amp;
-                               AdvanceCount, StopTime, TimeStep, &amp;
-                               PrevTime, RefTime, &amp;
-                               rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: StartTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: CurrTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: StopTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: PrevTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: RefTime
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: AdvanceCount
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out), optional :: TimeStep
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-      integer :: ierr
-!     Returns the number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
-!     (time stepped)
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the advance count from
-!     \item[StartTime]
-!          The start time
-!     \item[CurrTime]
-!          The current time
-!     \item[AdvanceCount]
-!          The number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
-!     \item[{[TimeStep]}]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
-!     \item[{[PrevTime]}]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous current time
-!     \item[{[PrevTime]}]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.1
-      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      IF ( PRESENT (StartTime) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_ClockGetStartTime( clock, StartTime=StartTime, rc=ierr )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT (CurrTime) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime( clock , CurrTime, ierr )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT (StopTime) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_ClockGetStopTime( clock , StopTime, ierr )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT (AdvanceCount) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount(clock, AdvanceCount, ierr)
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT (TimeStep) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep(clock, TimeStep, ierr)
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT (PrevTime) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime(clock, PrevTime, ierr)
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT (RefTime) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_ClockGetRefTime(clock, RefTime, ierr)
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT (rc) ) THEN
-        rc = ierr
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGet
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount - Get the clock's advance count
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount(clock, AdvanceCount, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out) :: AdvanceCount
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Returns the number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
-!     (time stepped)
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the advance count from
-!     \item[AdvanceCount]
-!          The number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.1
-      AdvanceCount = clock%clockint%AdvanceCount
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep - Get a clock's timestep interval
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep(clock, TimeStep, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: TimeStep
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s timestep interval
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the time step from
-!     \item[TimeStep]
-!          The time step
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.2
-      TimeStep = clock%clockint%TimeStep
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep - Set a clock's timestep interval
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep(clock, TimeStep, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock  ! really INTENT(OUT)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: TimeStep
-      integer, intent(out), optional      :: rc
-!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s timestep interval
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to set the time step
-!     \item[TimeStep]
-!          The time step
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.4.2
-      clock%clockint%TimeStep = TimeStep
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime - Get a clock's current time
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime(clock, CurrTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: CurrTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time     
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the current time from
-!     \item[CurrTime]
-!          The current time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.4
-      CurrTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime - Set a clock's current time
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime(clock, CurrTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock  ! really INTENT(OUT)
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: CurrTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to set the current time from
-!     \item[CurrTime]
-!          The current time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.4.3
-      clock%clockint%CurrTime = CurrTime
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetStartTime - Get a clock's start time
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetStartTime(clock, StartTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StartTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s start time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the start time from
-!     \item[StartTime]
-!          The start time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.3
-      StartTime = clock%clockint%StartTime
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetStartTime
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetStopTime - Get a clock's stop time
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetStopTime(clock, StopTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StopTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stop time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the stop time from
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          The stop time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.3
-      StopTime = clock%clockint%StopTime
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetStopTime
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetRefTime - Get a clock's reference time
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetRefTime(clock, RefTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: RefTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the reference time from
-!     \item[RefTime]
-!          The reference time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.3
-      refTime = clock%clockint%RefTime
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetRefTime
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime - Get a clock's previous current time
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime(clock, PrevTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: PrevTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous current time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the previous current time from
-!     \item[PrevTime]
-!          The previous current time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.4
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!      prevTime = Clock%clockint%CurrTime - Clock%clockint%TimeStep
-      prevTime = ESMF_TimeDec( Clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-                               Clock%clockint%TimeStep )
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime - Get a clock's current simulation time
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime(clock, CurrSimTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: CurrSimTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current simulation time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the current simulation time from
-!     \item[CurrSimTime]
-!          The current simulation time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.5
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime - Get a clock's previous simulation time
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime(clock, PrevSimTime, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: PrevSimTime
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous simulation time
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the previous simulation time from
-!     \item[PrevSimTime]
-!          The previous simulation time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.5
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockAddAlarm - Add an alarm to a clock's alarm list
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockAddAlarm(clock, Alarm, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: Alarm
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Add an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to add an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to
-!     \item[Alarm]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to add to the {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s
-!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.1, TMG4.2
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      clock%clockint%NumAlarms = clock%clockint%NumAlarms + 1
-      IF ( clock%clockint%NumAlarms &gt; SIZE (clock%clockint%AlarmList) ) THEN
-        CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'ESMF_ClockAddAlarm:  too many alarms' )
-      ELSE IF ( .NOT. ASSOCIATED( Alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-        CALL wrf_error_fatal ( &amp;
-               'ESMF_ClockAddAlarm:  alarm not created' )
-      ELSE
-        IF ( Alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet ) THEN
-           Alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = Alarm%alarmint%RingTime
-!MGD:  If the ring time is equal to the current time, the alarm should be ringing
-           IF (Alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime == clock%clockint%CurrTime) THEN
-              Alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
-           ELSE
-              Alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
-           ENDIF
-        ELSE
-!TBH:  This has the nasty side-effect of forcing us to explicitly turn on 
-!TBH:  alarms that are created with RingInterval only, if we want them to start 
-!TBH:  ringing right away.  And this is done (see 
-!TBH:  COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM).  Straighten this out...  
-           Alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
-           Alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
-        ENDIF
-        ! finally, load the alarm into the list
-! write(0,*)'ESMF_ClockAddAlarm ',clock%clockint%NumAlarms
-        clock%clockint%AlarmList(clock%clockint%NumAlarms) = Alarm
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockAddAlarm
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetAlarmList - Get a clock's alarm list
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetAlarmList(clock, AlarmList, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), pointer :: AlarmList(:)
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list     
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list from
-!     \item[AlarmList]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.3
-      AlarmList =&gt; clock%clockint%AlarmList
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetAlarmList
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetNumAlarms - Get the number of alarms in a clock's alarm list
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetNumAlarms(clock, NumAlarms, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      integer, intent(out) :: NumAlarms
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get the number of {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}s in an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s
-!       {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list     
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to get the number of {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}s from
-!     \item[NumAlarms]
-!          The number of {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}s in the {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s
-!            {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG4.3
-      NumAlarms = clock%clockint%NumAlarms
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetNumAlarms
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock - Set clock's current time to wall clock time
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock(clock, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time to wall clock time     
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to synchronize to wall clock time
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.4.5
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockAdvance - Advance a clock's current time by one time step
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockAdvance(clock, RingingAlarmList, &amp;
-                                   NumRingingAlarms, rc)
-use esmf_timemod
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), dimension(MAX_ALARMS), intent(out), optional :: &amp;
-                                        RingingAlarmList
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: NumRingingAlarms
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-! Local
-      logical pred1, pred2, pred3
-      integer i, n
-      type(ESMF_Alarm) :: alarm
-      logical :: positive_timestep
-!     Advance an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time by one time step
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to advance
-!     \item[{[RingingAlarmList]}]
-!          Return a list of any ringing alarms after the time step
-!     \item[{[NumRingingAlarms]}]
-!          The number of ringing alarms returned
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.4.1
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!      clock%clockint%CurrTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime + &amp;
-!                                clock%clockint%TimeStep
-      clock%clockint%CurrTime = ESMF_TimeInc( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-                                              clock%clockint%TimeStep )
-      positive_timestep = ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive( clock%clockint%TimeStep )
-      IF ( Present(NumRingingAlarms) ) NumRingingAlarms = 0
-      clock%clockint%AdvanceCount = clock%clockint%AdvanceCount + 1
-      DO i = 1, MAX_ALARMS
-        alarm = clock%clockint%AlarmList(i)
-        ! TBH:  This is really dangerous.  We need to be able to NULLIFY 
-        ! TBH:  alarmint at compile-time (F95 synax) to make this safe.  
-!$$$TBH:  see if F95 compile-time pointer-nullification is supported by all 
-!$$$TBH:  compilers we support
-        IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
-          IF ( alarm%alarmint%Enabled ) THEN
-            IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet ) THEN
-              pred1 = .FALSE. ; pred2 = .FALSE. ; pred3 = .FALSE.
-              ! alarm cannot ring if clock has passed the alarms stop time
-              IF ( alarm%alarmint%StopTimeSet ) THEN
-!MGD we probably want the same logic for before RingTime
-!MGD                IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!                  PRED1 = clock%clockint%CurrTime &gt; alarm%alarmint%StopTime
-                  PRED1 = ESMF_TimeGT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-                                       alarm%alarmint%StopTime )
-!MGD                ELSE
-!MGD                  ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is 
-!MGD                  ! less than start time
-!MGD!                  PRED1 = clock%clockint%CurrTime &lt; alarm%alarmint%StopTime
-!MGD                  PRED1 = ESMF_TimeLT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-!MGD                                       alarm%alarmint%StopTime )
-!MGD                ENDIF
-              ELSE IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet .AND. .NOT. PRED1) THEN
-!MGD                IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
-!MGD                   PRED1 = ESMF_TimeGT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-!MGD                                        alarm%alarmint%RingTime )
-!MGD                ELSE
-                   PRED1 = ESMF_TimeLT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-                                        alarm%alarmint%RingTime )
-!MGD                ENDIF
-              ENDIF
-              ! one-shot alarm:  check for ring time 
-! TBH:  Need to remove duplicated code.  Need to enforce only one of 
-! TBH:  alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet or alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet ever 
-! TBH:  being .TRUE. and simplify the logic.  Also, the simpler 
-! TBH:  implementation in the duplicated code below should be sufficient.  
-              IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet ) THEN
-                IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!                   PRED2 = ( alarm%alarmint%RingTime &lt;= clock%clockint%CurrTime     &amp;
-!                          .AND. clock%clockint%CurrTime &lt; alarm%alarmint%RingTime + &amp;
-!                                clock%clockint%TimeStep )
-                   PRED2 = ( ESMF_TimeLE( alarm%alarmint%RingTime,       &amp;
-                                          clock%clockint%CurrTime )      &amp;
-                             .AND. ESMF_TimeLT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-                               ESMF_TimeInc( alarm%alarmint%RingTime,    &amp;
-                                             clock%clockint%TimeStep ) ) )
-                ELSE
-                  ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is 
-                  ! less than start time
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!                   PRED2 = ( alarm%alarmint%RingTime &gt;= clock%clockint%CurrTime     &amp;
-!                          .AND. clock%clockint%CurrTime &gt; alarm%alarmint%RingTime + &amp;
-!                                clock%clockint%TimeStep )
-                   PRED2 = ( ESMF_TimeGE( alarm%alarmint%RingTime,       &amp;
-                                          clock%clockint%CurrTime )      &amp;
-                             .AND. ESMF_TimeGT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-                               ESMF_TimeInc( alarm%alarmint%RingTime,    &amp;
-                                             clock%clockint%TimeStep ) ) )
-                ENDIF
-              ENDIF
-              ! repeating alarm:  check for ring interval
-              IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet ) THEN
-                IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!                   PRED3 = ( alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime + alarm%alarmint%RingInterval &lt;= &amp;
-!                             clock%clockint%CurrTime )
-                   PRED3 = ( ESMF_TimeLE( ESMF_TimeInc(                  &amp;
-                                          alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime,   &amp;
-                                          alarm%alarmint%RingInterval ), &amp;
-                             clock%clockint%CurrTime ) )
-                ELSE
-                  ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is 
-                  ! less than start time
-                  ! ring interval must always be positive
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!                   PRED3 = ( alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime - alarm%alarmint%RingInterval &gt;= &amp;
-!                             clock%clockint%CurrTime )
-                   PRED3 = ( ESMF_TimeGE( ESMF_TimeDec(                  &amp;
-                                          alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime,   &amp;
-                                          alarm%alarmint%RingInterval ), &amp;
-                             clock%clockint%CurrTime ) )
-                ENDIF
-              ENDIF
-              IF ( (.NOT. pred1) .AND. pred2 ) THEN
-                 alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
-                 alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
-! MGD do we really want the line below?
-!                 alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .FALSE.  !it is a one time alarm, it rang, now let it resort to interval
-                 IF ( PRESENT( RingingAlarmList ) .AND. &amp;
-                      PRESENT ( NumRingingAlarms ) ) THEN
-                   NumRingingAlarms = NumRingingAlarms + 1
-                   RingingAlarmList( NumRingingAlarms ) = alarm
-                 ENDIF
-              ELSE IF ( (.NOT. pred1) .AND. pred3 ) THEN
-                 alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
-                 IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!                   IF ( PRED3) alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime + &amp;
-!                                                    alarm%alarmint%RingInterval
-                   IF ( PRED3 )                                   &amp;
-                     alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime =                &amp;
-                       ESMF_TimeInc( alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime, &amp;
-                                     alarm%alarmint%RingInterval )
-                 ELSE
-                   ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is
-                   ! less than start time
-                   ! ring interval must always be positive
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!                   IF ( PRED3) alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime - &amp;
-!                                                    alarm%alarmint%RingInterval
-                   IF ( PRED3 )                                   &amp;
-                     alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime =                &amp;
-                       ESMF_TimeDec( alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime, &amp;
-                                     alarm%alarmint%RingInterval )
-                 ENDIF
-                 IF ( PRESENT( RingingAlarmList ) .AND. &amp;
-                      PRESENT ( NumRingingAlarms ) ) THEN
-                   NumRingingAlarms = NumRingingAlarms + 1
-                   RingingAlarmList( NumRingingAlarms ) = alarm
-                 ENDIF
-              ENDIF
-            ELSE IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet ) THEN
-! TBH:  Need to remove duplicated code.  Need to enforce only one of 
-! TBH:  alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet or alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet ever 
-! TBH:  being .TRUE. and simplify the logic.  Also, the simpler 
-! TBH:  implementation in here should be sufficient.  
-              IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!                IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTime &lt;= clock%clockint%CurrTime ) THEN
-                IF ( ESMF_TimeLE( alarm%alarmint%RingTime, &amp;
-                                  clock%clockint%CurrTime ) ) THEN
-                   alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .FALSE.  !it is a one time alarm, it rang, now let it resort to interval
-                   alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
-                   alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
-                   IF ( PRESENT( RingingAlarmList ) .AND. &amp;
-                        PRESENT ( NumRingingAlarms ) ) THEN
-                     NumRingingAlarms = NumRingingAlarms + 1
-                     RingingAlarmList( NumRingingAlarms ) = alarm
-                   ENDIF
-                ENDIF
-              ELSE
-                ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is 
-                ! less than start time
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!                IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTime &gt;= clock%clockint%CurrTime ) THEN
-                IF ( ESMF_TimeGE( alarm%alarmint%RingTime, &amp;
-                                  clock%clockint%CurrTime ) ) THEN
-                   alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .FALSE.  !it is a one time alarm, it rang, now let it resort to interval
-                   alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
-                   alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
-                   IF ( PRESENT( RingingAlarmList ) .AND. &amp;
-                        PRESENT ( NumRingingAlarms ) ) THEN
-                     NumRingingAlarms = NumRingingAlarms + 1
-                     RingingAlarmList( NumRingingAlarms ) = alarm
-                   ENDIF
-                ENDIF
-              ENDIF
-            ENDIF
-            IF ( alarm%alarmint%StopTimeSet ) THEN
-! TBH:  what is this for???  
-            ENDIF
-          ENDIF
-        ENDIF
-        clock%clockint%AlarmList(i) = alarm
-      ENDDO
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockAdvance
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockStopTimeDisable - NOOP for compatibility with ESMF 2.1.0+
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockStopTimeDisable(clock, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-      rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockStopTimeDisable
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockIsStopTime - Has the clock reached its stop time ?
-      function ESMF_ClockIsStopTime(clock, rc)
-      logical :: ESMF_ClockIsStopTime
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-      logical :: positive_timestep
-!     Return true if {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has reached its stop time, false 
-!     otherwise     
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to check
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG3.5.6
-      positive_timestep = ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive( clock%clockint%TimeStep )
-      IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!        if ( clock%clockint%CurrTime .GE. clock%clockint%StopTime ) THEN
-        if ( ESMF_TimeGE( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-                          clock%clockint%StopTime ) ) THEN
-          ESMF_ClockIsStopTime = .TRUE.
-        else
-          ESMF_ClockIsStopTime = .FALSE.
-        endif
-      ELSE
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!        if ( clock%clockint%CurrTime .LE. clock%clockint%StopTime ) THEN
-        if ( ESMF_TimeLE( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
-                          clock%clockint%StopTime ) ) THEN
-          ESMF_ClockIsStopTime = .TRUE.
-        else
-          ESMF_ClockIsStopTime = .FALSE.
-        endif
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end function ESMF_ClockIsStopTime
-! This section defines the overridden Read, Write, Validate and Print methods
-! from the ESMF_Base class
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockRead - Restores a clock
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockRead(clock, TimeStep, StartTime, StopTime, &amp;
-                                RefTime, CurrTime, PrevTime, AdvanceCount, &amp;
-                                AlarmList, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(out) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: TimeStep
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StartTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: RefTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: CurrTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: PrevTime
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in) :: AdvanceCount
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), dimension(MAX_ALARMS), intent(in) :: AlarmList
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Restore an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to restore
-!     \item[TimeStep]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
-!     \item[StartTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s starting time
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
-!     \item[RefTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
-!     \item[CurrTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time
-!     \item[PrevTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous time
-!     \item[AdvanceCount]
-!          The number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
-!     \item[AlarmList]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockRead not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockRead
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockWrite - Saves a clock
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockWrite(clock, TimeStep, StartTime, StopTime, &amp;
-                            RefTime, CurrTime, PrevTime, AdvanceCount, &amp;
-                            AlarmList, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: TimeStep
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StartTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StopTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: RefTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: CurrTime
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: PrevTime
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out) :: AdvanceCount
-      type(ESMF_Alarm), dimension(MAX_ALARMS), intent(out) :: AlarmList
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Save an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          The object instance to save
-!     \item[TimeStep]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
-!     \item[StartTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s starting time
-!     \item[StopTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
-!     \item[RefTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
-!     \item[CurrTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time
-!     \item[PrevTime]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous time
-!     \item[AdvanceCount]
-!          The number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
-!     \item[AlarmList]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockWrite not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockWrite
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_ClockValidate - Validate a Clock's properties
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockValidate(clock, opts, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: opts
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Perform a validation check on an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s properties
-!     The arguments are:  
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          {\tt ESMF\_Clock} to validate
-!     \item[{[opts]}]
-!          Validate options
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description} 
-!     TMGn.n.n
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockValidate not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockValidate
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_ClockPrint - Print out a Clock's properties
-      subroutine ESMF_ClockPrint(clock, opts, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
-      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: opts
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     To support testing/debugging, print out an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s
-!     properties.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[clock]
-!          {\tt ESMF\_Clock} to print out
-!     \item[{[opts]}]
-!          Print options
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMGn.n.n
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockPrint not supported' )
-      end subroutine ESMF_ClockPrint
-      end module ESMF_ClockMod

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Clock.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Clock.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Clock.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Clock.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,1366 @@
+! Earth System Modeling Framework
+! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+!     ESMF Clock Module
+      module ESMF_ClockMod
+! This file contains the Clock class definition and all Clock class methods.
+#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt; 
+! !MODULE: ESMF_ClockMod
+! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
+! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
+! C++ class {\tt ESMC\_Time} implementation
+! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Clock.h} for complete description
+! !USES:
+      ! inherit from ESMF base class
+      use ESMF_BaseMod
+      ! associated derived types
+      use ESMF_TimeIntervalMod   ! , only : ESMF_TimeInterval, &amp;
+                                 !          ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive
+      use ESMF_TimeMod           ! , only : ESMF_Time
+      use ESMF_AlarmMod,        only : ESMF_Alarm
+      implicit none
+      private
+!     ! ESMF_Clock
+!     ! F90 class type to match C++ Clock class in size only;
+!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
+! internals for ESMF_Clock
+      type ESMF_ClockInt
+        type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: TimeStep
+        type(ESMF_Time)  :: StartTime
+        type(ESMF_Time)  :: StopTime
+        type(ESMF_Time)  :: RefTime
+        type(ESMF_Time)  :: CurrTime
+        type(ESMF_Time)  :: PrevTime
+        integer(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: AdvanceCount
+        integer :: ClockMutex
+        integer :: NumAlarms
+        ! Note:  to mimic ESMF 2.1.0+, AlarmList is maintained 
+        ! within ESMF_Clock even though copies of each alarm are 
+        ! returned from ESMF_AlarmCreate() at the same time they 
+        ! are copied into the AlarmList!  This duplication is not 
+        ! as hideous as it might be because the ESMF_Alarm type 
+        ! has data members that are all POINTERs (thus the horrible 
+        ! shallow-copy-masquerading-as-reference-copy hack works).  
+        type(ESMF_Alarm), pointer, dimension(:) :: AlarmList
+      end type
+! Actual public type:  this bit allows easy mimic of &quot;deep&quot; ESMF_ClockCreate 
+! in ESMF 2.1.0+
+!        shallow-copy-masquerading-as-reference-copy.  
+      type ESMF_Clock
+        type(ESMF_ClockInt), pointer  :: clockint
+      end type
+      public ESMF_Clock
+      public ESMF_ClockInt   ! needed on AIX but not PGI
+      public ESMF_ClockCreate
+      public ESMF_ClockDestroy
+      public ESMF_ClockSet
+!      public ESMF_ClockSetOLD
+      public ESMF_ClockGet
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep
+!      public ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime
+!      public ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetStartTime
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetStopTime
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetRefTime
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime
+! This must be public for ESMF_AlarmClockMod...  
+      public ESMF_ClockAddAlarm
+      public ESMF_ClockGetAlarmList
+!      public ESMF_ClockGetNumAlarms
+!      public ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock
+      public ESMF_ClockAdvance
+      public ESMF_ClockIsStopTime
+      public ESMF_ClockStopTimeDisable
+! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
+!      public ESMF_ClockRead
+!      public ESMF_ClockWrite
+      public ESMF_ClockValidate
+      public ESMF_ClockPrint
+      contains
+! This section includes the Set methods.
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSetOLD - Initialize a clockint
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockSetOLD(clockint, TimeStep, StartTime, &amp;
+                                  StopTime, RefTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_ClockInt), intent(out) :: clockint
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: TimeStep
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StartTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RefTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+! Local
+      integer i
+!     Initialize an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clockint]
+!          The object instance to initialize
+!     \item[{[TimeStep]}]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
+!     \item[StartTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s starting time
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
+!     \item[{[RefTime]}]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.1, TMG3.4.4
+      IF ( PRESENT(TimeStep) ) clockint%TimeStep = TimeStep
+      IF ( PRESENT(RefTime) )THEN
+         clockint%RefTime = RefTime
+      ELSE
+         clockint%RefTime = StartTime
+      END IF
+      clockint%CurrTime = StartTime
+      clockint%StartTime = StartTime
+      clockint%StopTime = StopTime
+      clockint%NumAlarms = 0
+      clockint%AdvanceCount = 0
+      ALLOCATE(clockint%AlarmList(MAX_ALARMS))
+      ! TBH:  This incredible hack can be removed once ESMF_*Validate() 
+      ! TBH:  can tell if a deep ESMF_* was created or not.  
+      DO i = 1, MAX_ALARMS
+        NULLIFY( clockint%AlarmList( i )%alarmint )
+      ENDDO
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSetOLD
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSet - Set clock properties -- for compatibility with ESMF 2.0.1
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockSet(clock, TimeStep, StartTime, StopTime, &amp;
+                               RefTime, CurrTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: TimeStep
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: StartTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: StopTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RefTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: CurrTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+! Local
+      integer ierr
+!     Initialize an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to initialize
+!     \item[{[TimeStep]}]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
+!     \item[StartTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s starting time
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
+!     \item[{[RefTime]}]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.1, TMG3.4.4
+      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      IF ( PRESENT(TimeStep) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep ( clock, TimeStep, rc=ierr )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT(RefTime) ) clock%clockint%RefTime = RefTime
+      IF ( PRESENT(StartTime) ) clock%clockint%StartTime = StartTime
+      IF ( PRESENT(StopTime) ) clock%clockint%StopTime = StopTime
+      IF ( PRESENT(CurrTime) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime(clock, CurrTime, rc=ierr)
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ierr
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSet
+! Create ESMF_Clock using ESMF 2.1.0+ semantics
+      FUNCTION ESMF_ClockCreate( name, TimeStep, StartTime, StopTime, &amp;
+                                 RefTime, rc )
+        ! return value
+        type(ESMF_Clock) :: ESMF_ClockCreate
+        ! !ARGUMENTS:
+        character (len=*),       intent(in),  optional :: name
+        type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in), optional :: TimeStep
+        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StartTime
+        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
+        type(ESMF_Time), intent(in), optional :: RefTime
+        integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+        ! locals
+        type(ESMF_Clock) :: clocktmp
+         ! TBH:  ignore allocate errors, for now
+        ALLOCATE( clocktmp%clockint )
+        CALL ESMF_ClockSetOLD( clocktmp%clockint,   &amp;
+                               TimeStep= TimeStep,  &amp;
+                               StartTime=StartTime, &amp;
+                               StopTime= StopTime,  &amp;
+                               RefTime=RefTime, rc=rc )
+        ESMF_ClockCreate = clocktmp
+      END FUNCTION ESMF_ClockCreate
+! Deallocate memory for ESMF_Clock
+      SUBROUTINE ESMF_ClockDestroy( clock, rc )
+         TYPE(ESMF_Clock), INTENT(INOUT) :: clock
+         INTEGER,          INTENT(  OUT), OPTIONAL :: rc
+         ! TBH:  ignore deallocate errors, for now
+         DEALLOCATE( clock%clockint%AlarmList )
+         DEALLOCATE( clock%clockint )
+         IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      END SUBROUTINE ESMF_ClockDestroy
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGet - Get clock properties -- for compatibility with ESMF 2.0.1 
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGet(clock, StartTime, CurrTime,       &amp;
+                               AdvanceCount, StopTime, TimeStep, &amp;
+                               PrevTime, RefTime, &amp;
+                               rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: StartTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: CurrTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: StopTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: PrevTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out), optional :: RefTime
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: AdvanceCount
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out), optional :: TimeStep
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+      integer :: ierr
+!     Returns the number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
+!     (time stepped)
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the advance count from
+!     \item[StartTime]
+!          The start time
+!     \item[CurrTime]
+!          The current time
+!     \item[AdvanceCount]
+!          The number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
+!     \item[{[TimeStep]}]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
+!     \item[{[PrevTime]}]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous current time
+!     \item[{[PrevTime]}]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.1
+      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      IF ( PRESENT (StartTime) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_ClockGetStartTime( clock, StartTime=StartTime, rc=ierr )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT (CurrTime) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime( clock , CurrTime, ierr )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT (StopTime) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_ClockGetStopTime( clock , StopTime, ierr )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT (AdvanceCount) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount(clock, AdvanceCount, ierr)
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT (TimeStep) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep(clock, TimeStep, ierr)
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT (PrevTime) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime(clock, PrevTime, ierr)
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT (RefTime) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_ClockGetRefTime(clock, RefTime, ierr)
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT (rc) ) THEN
+        rc = ierr
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGet
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount - Get the clock's advance count
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount(clock, AdvanceCount, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out) :: AdvanceCount
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Returns the number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
+!     (time stepped)
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the advance count from
+!     \item[AdvanceCount]
+!          The number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.1
+      AdvanceCount = clock%clockint%AdvanceCount
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetAdvanceCount
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep - Get a clock's timestep interval
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep(clock, TimeStep, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: TimeStep
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s timestep interval
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the time step from
+!     \item[TimeStep]
+!          The time step
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.2
+      TimeStep = clock%clockint%TimeStep
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetTimeStep
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep - Set a clock's timestep interval
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep(clock, TimeStep, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock  ! really INTENT(OUT)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: TimeStep
+      integer, intent(out), optional      :: rc
+!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s timestep interval
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to set the time step
+!     \item[TimeStep]
+!          The time step
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.4.2
+      clock%clockint%TimeStep = TimeStep
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSetTimeStep
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime - Get a clock's current time
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime(clock, CurrTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: CurrTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time     
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the current time from
+!     \item[CurrTime]
+!          The current time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.4
+      CurrTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetCurrTime
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime - Set a clock's current time
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime(clock, CurrTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock  ! really INTENT(OUT)
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: CurrTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to set the current time from
+!     \item[CurrTime]
+!          The current time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.4.3
+      clock%clockint%CurrTime = CurrTime
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSetCurrTime
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetStartTime - Get a clock's start time
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetStartTime(clock, StartTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StartTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s start time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the start time from
+!     \item[StartTime]
+!          The start time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.3
+      StartTime = clock%clockint%StartTime
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetStartTime
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetStopTime - Get a clock's stop time
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetStopTime(clock, StopTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StopTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stop time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the stop time from
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          The stop time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.3
+      StopTime = clock%clockint%StopTime
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetStopTime
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetRefTime - Get a clock's reference time
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetRefTime(clock, RefTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: RefTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the reference time from
+!     \item[RefTime]
+!          The reference time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.3
+      refTime = clock%clockint%RefTime
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetRefTime
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime - Get a clock's previous current time
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime(clock, PrevTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: PrevTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous current time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the previous current time from
+!     \item[PrevTime]
+!          The previous current time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.4
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!      prevTime = Clock%clockint%CurrTime - Clock%clockint%TimeStep
+      prevTime = ESMF_TimeDec( Clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+                               Clock%clockint%TimeStep )
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetPrevTime
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime - Get a clock's current simulation time
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime(clock, CurrSimTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: CurrSimTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current simulation time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the current simulation time from
+!     \item[CurrSimTime]
+!          The current simulation time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.5
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetCurrSimTime
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime - Get a clock's previous simulation time
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime(clock, PrevSimTime, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: PrevSimTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous simulation time
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the previous simulation time from
+!     \item[PrevSimTime]
+!          The previous simulation time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.5
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetPrevSimTime
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockAddAlarm - Add an alarm to a clock's alarm list
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockAddAlarm(clock, Alarm, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), intent(inout) :: Alarm
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Add an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to add an {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to
+!     \item[Alarm]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} to add to the {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s
+!          {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.1, TMG4.2
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      clock%clockint%NumAlarms = clock%clockint%NumAlarms + 1
+      IF ( clock%clockint%NumAlarms &gt; SIZE (clock%clockint%AlarmList) ) THEN
+        CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'ESMF_ClockAddAlarm:  too many alarms' )
+      ELSE IF ( .NOT. ASSOCIATED( Alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+        CALL wrf_error_fatal ( &amp;
+               'ESMF_ClockAddAlarm:  alarm not created' )
+      ELSE
+        IF ( Alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet ) THEN
+           Alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = Alarm%alarmint%RingTime
+!MGD:  If the ring time is equal to the current time, the alarm should be ringing
+           IF (Alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime == clock%clockint%CurrTime) THEN
+              Alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
+           ELSE
+              Alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
+           ENDIF
+        ELSE
+!TBH:  This has the nasty side-effect of forcing us to explicitly turn on 
+!TBH:  alarms that are created with RingInterval only, if we want them to start 
+!TBH:  ringing right away.  And this is done (see 
+!TBH:  COMPUTE_VORTEX_CENTER_ALARM).  Straighten this out...  
+           Alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
+           Alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .FALSE.
+        ENDIF
+        ! finally, load the alarm into the list
+! write(0,*)'ESMF_ClockAddAlarm ',clock%clockint%NumAlarms
+        clock%clockint%AlarmList(clock%clockint%NumAlarms) = Alarm
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockAddAlarm
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetAlarmList - Get a clock's alarm list
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetAlarmList(clock, AlarmList, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), pointer :: AlarmList(:)
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list     
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list from
+!     \item[AlarmList]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.3
+      AlarmList =&gt; clock%clockint%AlarmList
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetAlarmList
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockGetNumAlarms - Get the number of alarms in a clock's alarm list
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockGetNumAlarms(clock, NumAlarms, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out) :: NumAlarms
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get the number of {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}s in an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s
+!       {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list     
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to get the number of {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}s from
+!     \item[NumAlarms]
+!          The number of {\tt ESMF\_Alarm}s in the {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s
+!            {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG4.3
+      NumAlarms = clock%clockint%NumAlarms
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockGetNumAlarms
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock - Set clock's current time to wall clock time
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock(clock, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Set an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time to wall clock time     
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to synchronize to wall clock time
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.4.5
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockSyncToWallClock
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockAdvance - Advance a clock's current time by one time step
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockAdvance(clock, RingingAlarmList, &amp;
+                                   NumRingingAlarms, rc)
+use esmf_timemod
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), dimension(MAX_ALARMS), intent(out), optional :: &amp;
+                                        RingingAlarmList
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: NumRingingAlarms
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+! Local
+      logical pred1, pred2, pred3
+      integer i, n
+      type(ESMF_Alarm) :: alarm
+      logical :: positive_timestep
+!     Advance an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time by one time step
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to advance
+!     \item[{[RingingAlarmList]}]
+!          Return a list of any ringing alarms after the time step
+!     \item[{[NumRingingAlarms]}]
+!          The number of ringing alarms returned
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.4.1
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!      clock%clockint%CurrTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime + &amp;
+!                                clock%clockint%TimeStep
+      clock%clockint%CurrTime = ESMF_TimeInc( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+                                              clock%clockint%TimeStep )
+      positive_timestep = ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive( clock%clockint%TimeStep )
+      IF ( Present(NumRingingAlarms) ) NumRingingAlarms = 0
+      clock%clockint%AdvanceCount = clock%clockint%AdvanceCount + 1
+      DO i = 1, MAX_ALARMS
+        alarm = clock%clockint%AlarmList(i)
+        ! TBH:  This is really dangerous.  We need to be able to NULLIFY 
+        ! TBH:  alarmint at compile-time (F95 synax) to make this safe.  
+!$$$TBH:  see if F95 compile-time pointer-nullification is supported by all 
+!$$$TBH:  compilers we support
+        IF ( ASSOCIATED( alarm%alarmint ) ) THEN
+          IF ( alarm%alarmint%Enabled ) THEN
+            IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet ) THEN
+              pred1 = .FALSE. ; pred2 = .FALSE. ; pred3 = .FALSE.
+              ! alarm cannot ring if clock has passed the alarms stop time
+              IF ( alarm%alarmint%StopTimeSet ) THEN
+!MGD we probably want the same logic for before RingTime
+!MGD                IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!                  PRED1 = clock%clockint%CurrTime &gt; alarm%alarmint%StopTime
+                  PRED1 = ESMF_TimeGT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+                                       alarm%alarmint%StopTime )
+!MGD                ELSE
+!MGD                  ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is 
+!MGD                  ! less than start time
+!MGD!                  PRED1 = clock%clockint%CurrTime &lt; alarm%alarmint%StopTime
+!MGD                  PRED1 = ESMF_TimeLT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+!MGD                                       alarm%alarmint%StopTime )
+!MGD                ENDIF
+              ELSE IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet .AND. .NOT. PRED1) THEN
+!MGD                IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
+!MGD                   PRED1 = ESMF_TimeGT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+!MGD                                        alarm%alarmint%RingTime )
+!MGD                ELSE
+                   PRED1 = ESMF_TimeLT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+                                        alarm%alarmint%RingTime )
+!MGD                ENDIF
+              ENDIF
+              ! one-shot alarm:  check for ring time 
+! TBH:  Need to remove duplicated code.  Need to enforce only one of 
+! TBH:  alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet or alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet ever 
+! TBH:  being .TRUE. and simplify the logic.  Also, the simpler 
+! TBH:  implementation in the duplicated code below should be sufficient.  
+              IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet ) THEN
+                IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!                   PRED2 = ( alarm%alarmint%RingTime &lt;= clock%clockint%CurrTime     &amp;
+!                          .AND. clock%clockint%CurrTime &lt; alarm%alarmint%RingTime + &amp;
+!                                clock%clockint%TimeStep )
+                   PRED2 = ( ESMF_TimeLE( alarm%alarmint%RingTime,       &amp;
+                                          clock%clockint%CurrTime )      &amp;
+                             .AND. ESMF_TimeLT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+                               ESMF_TimeInc( alarm%alarmint%RingTime,    &amp;
+                                             clock%clockint%TimeStep ) ) )
+                ELSE
+                  ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is 
+                  ! less than start time
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!                   PRED2 = ( alarm%alarmint%RingTime &gt;= clock%clockint%CurrTime     &amp;
+!                          .AND. clock%clockint%CurrTime &gt; alarm%alarmint%RingTime + &amp;
+!                                clock%clockint%TimeStep )
+                   PRED2 = ( ESMF_TimeGE( alarm%alarmint%RingTime,       &amp;
+                                          clock%clockint%CurrTime )      &amp;
+                             .AND. ESMF_TimeGT( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+                               ESMF_TimeInc( alarm%alarmint%RingTime,    &amp;
+                                             clock%clockint%TimeStep ) ) )
+                ENDIF
+              ENDIF
+              ! repeating alarm:  check for ring interval
+              IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet ) THEN
+                IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!                   PRED3 = ( alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime + alarm%alarmint%RingInterval &lt;= &amp;
+!                             clock%clockint%CurrTime )
+                   PRED3 = ( ESMF_TimeLE( ESMF_TimeInc(                  &amp;
+                                          alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime,   &amp;
+                                          alarm%alarmint%RingInterval ), &amp;
+                             clock%clockint%CurrTime ) )
+                ELSE
+                  ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is 
+                  ! less than start time
+                  ! ring interval must always be positive
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!                   PRED3 = ( alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime - alarm%alarmint%RingInterval &gt;= &amp;
+!                             clock%clockint%CurrTime )
+                   PRED3 = ( ESMF_TimeGE( ESMF_TimeDec(                  &amp;
+                                          alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime,   &amp;
+                                          alarm%alarmint%RingInterval ), &amp;
+                             clock%clockint%CurrTime ) )
+                ENDIF
+              ENDIF
+              IF ( (.NOT. pred1) .AND. pred2 ) THEN
+                 alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
+                 alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
+! MGD do we really want the line below?
+!                 alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .FALSE.  !it is a one time alarm, it rang, now let it resort to interval
+                 IF ( PRESENT( RingingAlarmList ) .AND. &amp;
+                      PRESENT ( NumRingingAlarms ) ) THEN
+                   NumRingingAlarms = NumRingingAlarms + 1
+                   RingingAlarmList( NumRingingAlarms ) = alarm
+                 ENDIF
+              ELSE IF ( (.NOT. pred1) .AND. pred3 ) THEN
+                 alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
+                 IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!                   IF ( PRED3) alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime + &amp;
+!                                                    alarm%alarmint%RingInterval
+                   IF ( PRED3 )                                   &amp;
+                     alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime =                &amp;
+                       ESMF_TimeInc( alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime, &amp;
+                                     alarm%alarmint%RingInterval )
+                 ELSE
+                   ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is
+                   ! less than start time
+                   ! ring interval must always be positive
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!                   IF ( PRED3) alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime - &amp;
+!                                                    alarm%alarmint%RingInterval
+                   IF ( PRED3 )                                   &amp;
+                     alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime =                &amp;
+                       ESMF_TimeDec( alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime, &amp;
+                                     alarm%alarmint%RingInterval )
+                 ENDIF
+                 IF ( PRESENT( RingingAlarmList ) .AND. &amp;
+                      PRESENT ( NumRingingAlarms ) ) THEN
+                   NumRingingAlarms = NumRingingAlarms + 1
+                   RingingAlarmList( NumRingingAlarms ) = alarm
+                 ENDIF
+              ENDIF
+            ELSE IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet ) THEN
+! TBH:  Need to remove duplicated code.  Need to enforce only one of 
+! TBH:  alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet or alarm%alarmint%RingIntervalSet ever 
+! TBH:  being .TRUE. and simplify the logic.  Also, the simpler 
+! TBH:  implementation in here should be sufficient.  
+              IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!                IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTime &lt;= clock%clockint%CurrTime ) THEN
+                IF ( ESMF_TimeLE( alarm%alarmint%RingTime, &amp;
+                                  clock%clockint%CurrTime ) ) THEN
+                   alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .FALSE.  !it is a one time alarm, it rang, now let it resort to interval
+                   alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
+                   alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
+                   IF ( PRESENT( RingingAlarmList ) .AND. &amp;
+                        PRESENT ( NumRingingAlarms ) ) THEN
+                     NumRingingAlarms = NumRingingAlarms + 1
+                     RingingAlarmList( NumRingingAlarms ) = alarm
+                   ENDIF
+                ENDIF
+              ELSE
+                ! in this case time step is negative and stop time is 
+                ! less than start time
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!                IF ( alarm%alarmint%RingTime &gt;= clock%clockint%CurrTime ) THEN
+                IF ( ESMF_TimeGE( alarm%alarmint%RingTime, &amp;
+                                  clock%clockint%CurrTime ) ) THEN
+                   alarm%alarmint%RingTimeSet = .FALSE.  !it is a one time alarm, it rang, now let it resort to interval
+                   alarm%alarmint%Ringing = .TRUE.
+                   alarm%alarmint%PrevRingTime = clock%clockint%CurrTime
+                   IF ( PRESENT( RingingAlarmList ) .AND. &amp;
+                        PRESENT ( NumRingingAlarms ) ) THEN
+                     NumRingingAlarms = NumRingingAlarms + 1
+                     RingingAlarmList( NumRingingAlarms ) = alarm
+                   ENDIF
+                ENDIF
+              ENDIF
+            ENDIF
+            IF ( alarm%alarmint%StopTimeSet ) THEN
+! TBH:  what is this for???  
+            ENDIF
+          ENDIF
+        ENDIF
+        clock%clockint%AlarmList(i) = alarm
+      ENDDO
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockAdvance
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockStopTimeDisable - NOOP for compatibility with ESMF 2.1.0+
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockStopTimeDisable(clock, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+      rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockStopTimeDisable
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockIsStopTime - Has the clock reached its stop time ?
+      function ESMF_ClockIsStopTime(clock, rc)
+      logical :: ESMF_ClockIsStopTime
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+      logical :: positive_timestep
+!     Return true if {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has reached its stop time, false 
+!     otherwise     
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to check
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG3.5.6
+      positive_timestep = ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive( clock%clockint%TimeStep )
+      IF ( positive_timestep ) THEN
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!        if ( clock%clockint%CurrTime .GE. clock%clockint%StopTime ) THEN
+        if ( ESMF_TimeGE( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+                          clock%clockint%StopTime ) ) THEN
+          ESMF_ClockIsStopTime = .TRUE.
+        else
+          ESMF_ClockIsStopTime = .FALSE.
+        endif
+      ELSE
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!        if ( clock%clockint%CurrTime .LE. clock%clockint%StopTime ) THEN
+        if ( ESMF_TimeLE( clock%clockint%CurrTime, &amp;
+                          clock%clockint%StopTime ) ) THEN
+          ESMF_ClockIsStopTime = .TRUE.
+        else
+          ESMF_ClockIsStopTime = .FALSE.
+        endif
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end function ESMF_ClockIsStopTime
+! This section defines the overridden Read, Write, Validate and Print methods
+! from the ESMF_Base class
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockRead - Restores a clock
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockRead(clock, TimeStep, StartTime, StopTime, &amp;
+                                RefTime, CurrTime, PrevTime, AdvanceCount, &amp;
+                                AlarmList, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(out) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: TimeStep
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StartTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: StopTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: RefTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: CurrTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: PrevTime
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in) :: AdvanceCount
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), dimension(MAX_ALARMS), intent(in) :: AlarmList
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Restore an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to restore
+!     \item[TimeStep]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
+!     \item[StartTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s starting time
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
+!     \item[RefTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
+!     \item[CurrTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time
+!     \item[PrevTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous time
+!     \item[AdvanceCount]
+!          The number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
+!     \item[AlarmList]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockRead not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockRead
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_ClockWrite - Saves a clock
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockWrite(clock, TimeStep, StartTime, StopTime, &amp;
+                            RefTime, CurrTime, PrevTime, AdvanceCount, &amp;
+                            AlarmList, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: TimeStep
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StartTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: StopTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: RefTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: CurrTime
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: PrevTime
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out) :: AdvanceCount
+      type(ESMF_Alarm), dimension(MAX_ALARMS), intent(out) :: AlarmList
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Save an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          The object instance to save
+!     \item[TimeStep]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s time step interval
+!     \item[StartTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s starting time
+!     \item[StopTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s stopping time
+!     \item[RefTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s reference time
+!     \item[CurrTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s current time
+!     \item[PrevTime]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s previous time
+!     \item[AdvanceCount]
+!          The number of times the {\tt ESMF\_Clock} has been advanced
+!     \item[AlarmList]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s {\tt ESMF\_Alarm} list
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockWrite not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockWrite
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_ClockValidate - Validate a Clock's properties
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockValidate(clock, opts, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: opts
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Perform a validation check on an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s properties
+!     The arguments are:  
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          {\tt ESMF\_Clock} to validate
+!     \item[{[opts]}]
+!          Validate options
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description} 
+!     TMGn.n.n
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockValidate not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockValidate
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_ClockPrint - Print out a Clock's properties
+      subroutine ESMF_ClockPrint(clock, opts, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Clock), intent(in) :: clock
+      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: opts
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     To support testing/debugging, print out an {\tt ESMF\_Clock}'s
+!     properties.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[clock]
+!          {\tt ESMF\_Clock} to print out
+!     \item[{[opts]}]
+!          Print options
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMGn.n.n
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_ClockPrint not supported' )
+      end subroutine ESMF_ClockPrint
+      end module ESMF_ClockMod

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Fraction.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Fraction.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Fraction.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-! Earth System Modeling Framework
-! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-! ESMF Fraction Module
-!     ESMF Fraction Module
-      module ESMF_FractionMod
-! This file contains the Fraction class definition and all Fraction
-! class methods.
-! !MODULE: ESMF_FractionMod
-! Part of ESMF F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
-! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
-! C++ implementaion of class {\tt ESMC\_Fraction}
-! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Fraction.h} for complete description
-! !USES:
-      implicit none
-      private
-!     ! ESMF_Fraction
-      type ESMF_Fraction
-      private
-        integer :: n    ! Integer fraction (exact) n/d; numerator
-        integer :: d    ! Integer fraction (exact) n/d; denominator
-      end type
-      public ESMF_Fraction
-!      contains
-! Wrappers to C++ fraction routines
-      end module ESMF_FractionMod

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Fraction.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Fraction.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Fraction.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Fraction.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+! Earth System Modeling Framework
+! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+! ESMF Fraction Module
+!     ESMF Fraction Module
+      module ESMF_FractionMod
+! This file contains the Fraction class definition and all Fraction
+! class methods.
+! !MODULE: ESMF_FractionMod
+! Part of ESMF F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
+! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
+! C++ implementaion of class {\tt ESMC\_Fraction}
+! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Fraction.h} for complete description
+! !USES:
+      implicit none
+      private
+!     ! ESMF_Fraction
+      type ESMF_Fraction
+      private
+        integer :: n    ! Integer fraction (exact) n/d; numerator
+        integer :: d    ! Integer fraction (exact) n/d; denominator
+      end type
+      public ESMF_Fraction
+!      contains
+! Wrappers to C++ fraction routines
+      end module ESMF_FractionMod

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Macros.inc
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Macros.inc        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Macros.inc        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#if 0
-Earth System Modeling Framework
-Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-Do not have C++ or F90 style comments in here because this file is processed
-by both C++ and F90 compilers.
-These lines prevent this file from being read more than once if it
-ends up being included multiple times.
-#if 0
-former file contents moved to ESMF_BaseMod
-so user code can be compiled without requiring
-the preprocessor.
-#if 0
-i left the following macro here in case it is needed for our internal use.
-#define ESMF_SRCLINE __FILE__, __LINE__

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Macros.inc (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Macros.inc)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Macros.inc                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Macros.inc        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#if 0
+Earth System Modeling Framework
+Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+Do not have C++ or F90 style comments in here because this file is processed
+by both C++ and F90 compilers.
+These lines prevent this file from being read more than once if it
+ends up being included multiple times.
+#if 0
+former file contents moved to ESMF_BaseMod
+so user code can be compiled without requiring
+the preprocessor.
+#if 0
+i left the following macro here in case it is needed for our internal use.
+#define ESMF_SRCLINE __FILE__, __LINE__

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Mod.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Mod.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Mod.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-! TBH:  This version is for use with the ESMF library embedded in the WRF 
-! TBH:  distribution.  
-   USE esmf_alarmmod
-   USE esmf_basemod
-   USE esmf_basetimemod
-   USE esmf_calendarmod
-   USE esmf_clockmod
-   USE esmf_fractionmod
-   USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-   USE esmf_timemod
-   USE esmf_alarmclockmod
-   USE esmf_stubs   ! add new dummy interfaces and typedefs here as needed
-#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Mod.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Mod.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Mod.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Mod.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+! TBH:  This version is for use with the ESMF library embedded in the WRF 
+! TBH:  distribution.  
+   USE esmf_alarmmod
+   USE esmf_basemod
+   USE esmf_basetimemod
+   USE esmf_calendarmod
+   USE esmf_clockmod
+   USE esmf_fractionmod
+   USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+   USE esmf_timemod
+   USE esmf_alarmclockmod
+   USE esmf_stubs   ! add new dummy interfaces and typedefs here as needed
+#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Stubs.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Stubs.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Stubs.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-! Various dummy type definitions and routines for the sole purpose of 
-! mimicking newer ESMF interface features without necessarily implementing 
-! them.  
-! Bogus typedefs
-   TYPE ESMF_Grid
-      INTEGER :: dummy
-   TYPE ESMF_GridComp
-      INTEGER :: dummy
-   TYPE ESMF_State
-      INTEGER :: dummy
-      INTEGER :: dummy
-   TYPE ESMF_MsgType
-      INTEGER :: mtype
-   TYPE(ESMF_MsgType), PARAMETER  ::      &amp;
-      ESMF_LOG_INFO  =   ESMF_MsgType(1), &amp;
-      ESMF_LOG_WARNING = ESMF_MsgType(2), &amp;
-      ESMF_LOG_ERROR =   ESMF_MsgType(3)
-      INTEGER :: dummy
-   LOGICAL, private, save :: initialized = .false.
-   PUBLIC ESMF_Grid, ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_State, ESMF_VM
-   PUBLIC ESMF_Initialize, ESMF_Finalize, ESMF_IsInitialized
-   SUBROUTINE ESMF_Initialize( vm, defaultCalendar, rc )
-      USE esmf_basemod
-      USE esmf_calendarmod
-      TYPE(ESMF_VM),           INTENT(IN   ), OPTIONAL :: vm
-      TYPE(ESMF_CalendarType), INTENT(IN   ), OPTIONAL :: defaultCalendar
-      INTEGER,                 INTENT(  OUT), OPTIONAL :: rc
-      TYPE(ESMF_CalendarType) :: defaultCalType
-      INTEGER :: status
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ! Initialize the default time manager calendar
-      IF ( PRESENT(defaultCalendar) )THEN
-         defaultCalType = defaultCalendar
-      ELSE
-         defaultCalType = ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP
-      END IF
-      allocate( defaultCal )
-      defaultCal = ESMF_CalendarCreate( calendarType=defaultCalType, &amp;
-                        rc=status)
-      ! initialize tables in time manager
-      CALL initdaym
-      IF (status .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) THEN
-          PRINT *, &quot;Error initializing the default time manager calendar&quot;
-          RETURN
-      END IF
-      initialized = .true.
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-   FUNCTION ESMF_IsInitialized()
-      LOGICAL ESMF_IsInitialized
-      ESMF_IsInitialized = initialized
-   END FUNCTION ESMF_IsInitialized
-   SUBROUTINE ESMF_Finalize( rc )
-      USE esmf_basemod
-#if (defined SPMD) || (defined COUP_CSM)
-#include &lt;mpif.h&gt;
-      LOGICAL :: flag
-      INTEGER :: ier
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-#if (defined SPMD) || (defined COUP_CSM)
-      CALL MPI_Finalized( flag, ier )
-      IF ( ier .ne. mpi_success )THEN
-        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      END IF
-      IF ( .NOT. flag ) THEN
-        CALL MPI_Finalize( ier ) 
-        IF ( ier .ne. mpi_success )THEN
-          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-        END IF
-      END IF
-   SUBROUTINE ESMF_LogWrite( msg, MsgType, line, file, method, log, rc )
-      USE esmf_basemod
-      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: msg
-      TYPE(ESMF_MsgType), INTENT(IN) :: msgtype
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Stubs.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Stubs.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Stubs.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Stubs.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+! Various dummy type definitions and routines for the sole purpose of 
+! mimicking newer ESMF interface features without necessarily implementing 
+! them.  
+! Bogus typedefs
+   TYPE ESMF_Grid
+      INTEGER :: dummy
+   TYPE ESMF_GridComp
+      INTEGER :: dummy
+   TYPE ESMF_State
+      INTEGER :: dummy
+      INTEGER :: dummy
+   TYPE ESMF_MsgType
+      INTEGER :: mtype
+   TYPE(ESMF_MsgType), PARAMETER  ::      &amp;
+      ESMF_LOG_INFO  =   ESMF_MsgType(1), &amp;
+      ESMF_LOG_WARNING = ESMF_MsgType(2), &amp;
+      ESMF_LOG_ERROR =   ESMF_MsgType(3)
+      INTEGER :: dummy
+   LOGICAL, private, save :: initialized = .false.
+   PUBLIC ESMF_Grid, ESMF_GridComp, ESMF_State, ESMF_VM
+   PUBLIC ESMF_Initialize, ESMF_Finalize, ESMF_IsInitialized
+   SUBROUTINE ESMF_Initialize( vm, defaultCalendar, rc )
+      USE esmf_basemod
+      USE esmf_calendarmod
+      TYPE(ESMF_VM),           INTENT(IN   ), OPTIONAL :: vm
+      TYPE(ESMF_CalendarType), INTENT(IN   ), OPTIONAL :: defaultCalendar
+      INTEGER,                 INTENT(  OUT), OPTIONAL :: rc
+      TYPE(ESMF_CalendarType) :: defaultCalType
+      INTEGER :: status
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ! Initialize the default time manager calendar
+      IF ( PRESENT(defaultCalendar) )THEN
+         defaultCalType = defaultCalendar
+      ELSE
+         defaultCalType = ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP
+      END IF
+      allocate( defaultCal )
+      defaultCal = ESMF_CalendarCreate( calendarType=defaultCalType, &amp;
+                        rc=status)
+      ! initialize tables in time manager
+      CALL initdaym
+      IF (status .ne. ESMF_SUCCESS) THEN
+          PRINT *, &quot;Error initializing the default time manager calendar&quot;
+          RETURN
+      END IF
+      initialized = .true.
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+   FUNCTION ESMF_IsInitialized()
+      LOGICAL ESMF_IsInitialized
+      ESMF_IsInitialized = initialized
+   END FUNCTION ESMF_IsInitialized
+   SUBROUTINE ESMF_Finalize( rc )
+      USE esmf_basemod
+#if (defined SPMD) || (defined COUP_CSM)
+#include &lt;mpif.h&gt;
+      LOGICAL :: flag
+      INTEGER :: ier
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+#if (defined SPMD) || (defined COUP_CSM)
+      CALL MPI_Finalized( flag, ier )
+      IF ( ier .ne. mpi_success )THEN
+        IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      END IF
+      IF ( .NOT. flag ) THEN
+        CALL MPI_Finalize( ier ) 
+        IF ( ier .ne. mpi_success )THEN
+          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+        END IF
+      END IF
+   SUBROUTINE ESMF_LogWrite( msg, MsgType, line, file, method, log, rc )
+      USE esmf_basemod
+      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: msg
+      TYPE(ESMF_MsgType), INTENT(IN) :: msgtype
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Time.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Time.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Time.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,1188 +0,0 @@
-! Earth System Modeling Framework
-! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-!     ESMF Time Module
-      module ESMF_TimeMod
-! This file contains the Time class definition and all Time class methods.
-#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
-! !MODULE: ESMF_TimeMod
-! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
-! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
-! C++ class {\tt ESMC\_Time} implementation
-! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Time.h} for complete description
-! !USES:
-      ! inherit from ESMF base class
-      use ESMF_BaseMod
-      ! inherit from base time class
-      use ESMF_BaseTimeMod
-      ! associated derived types
-      use ESMF_TimeIntervalMod
-      use ESMF_CalendarMod
-      use ESMF_Stubs
-      implicit none
-      private
-!     ! ESMF_Time
-!     ! F90 class type to match C++ Time class in size only;
-!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
-     type ESMF_Time
-       type(ESMF_BaseTime) :: basetime           ! inherit base class
-       ! time instant is expressed as year + basetime
-       integer :: YR
-       type(ESMF_Calendar), pointer :: calendar  ! associated calendar
-     end type
-      public ESMF_Time
-      public ESMF_TimeGet
-      public ESMF_TimeSet
-! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
-      public ESMF_TimeCopy
-      private ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYear
-      private ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger
-! Inherited and overloaded from ESMF_BaseTime
-      ! NOTE:  ESMF_TimeInc, ESMF_TimeDec, ESMF_TimeDiff, ESMF_TimeEQ, 
-      !        ESMF_TimeNE, ESMF_TimeLT, ESMF_TimeGT, ESMF_TimeLE, and 
-      !        ESMF_TimeGE are PUBLIC only to work around bugs in the 
-      !        PGI 5.1-x compilers.  They should all be PRIVATE.  
-      public operator(+)
-      public ESMF_TimeInc
-      public operator(-)
-      public ESMF_TimeDec
-      public ESMF_TimeDec2
-      public ESMF_TimeDiff
-      public operator(.EQ.)
-      public ESMF_TimeEQ
-      public operator(.NE.)
-      public ESMF_TimeNE
-      public operator(.LT.)
-      public ESMF_TimeLT
-      public operator(.GT.)
-      public ESMF_TimeGT
-      public operator(.LE.)
-      public ESMF_TimeLE
-      public operator(.GE.)
-      public ESMF_TimeGE
-      interface ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYear
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger
-!     This interface overloads the {\tt ESMF\_GetDayOfYear} method
-!     for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(+)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeInc, ESMF_TimeInc2
-!     This interface overloads the + operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface assignment (=)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeCopy
-!     This interface overloads the = operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(-)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeDec, ESMF_TimeDec2
-!     This interface overloads the - operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(-)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeDiff
-!     This interface overloads the - operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.EQ.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeEQ
-!     This interface overloads the .EQ. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.NE.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeNE
-!     This interface overloads the .NE. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.LT.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeLT
-!     This interface overloads the .LT. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.GT.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeGT
-!     This interface overloads the .GT. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.LE.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeLE
-!     This interface overloads the .LE. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.GE.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeGE
-!     This interface overloads the .GE. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
-      end interface
-      contains
-! Generic Get/Set routines which use F90 optional arguments
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGet - Get value in user-specified units
-      subroutine ESMF_TimeGet(time, YY, YRl, MM, DD, D, Dl, H, M, S, Sl, MS, &amp;
-                              US, NS, d_, h_, m_, s_, ms_, us_, ns_, Sn, Sd, &amp;
-                              dayOfYear, dayOfYear_r8, dayOfYear_intvl,      &amp;
-                              timeString, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: YY
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: YRl
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: MM
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: DD
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: D
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: Dl
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: H
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: M
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: S
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: Sl
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: MS
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: US
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: NS
-      double precision, intent(out), optional :: d_
-      double precision, intent(out), optional :: h_
-      double precision, intent(out), optional :: m_
-      double precision, intent(out), optional :: s_
-      double precision, intent(out), optional :: ms_
-      double precision, intent(out), optional :: us_
-      double precision, intent(out), optional :: ns_
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: Sn
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: Sd
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: dayOfYear
-      ! dayOfYear_r8 = 1.0 at 0Z on 1 January, 1.5 at 12Z on
-      ! 1 January, etc.
-      real(ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(out), optional :: dayOfYear_r8
-      character (len=*), intent(out), optional :: timeString
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out), optional :: dayOfYear_intvl
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: day_step
-      integer :: ierr
-!     Get the value of the {\tt ESMF\_Time} in units specified by the user
-!     via F90 optional arguments.
-!     Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers
-!     to maintain precision. Hence, user-specified floating point values are
-!     converted internally from integers.
-!     See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h and ../include/ESMC\_Time.h} for
-!     complete description.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time]
-!          The object instance to query
-!     \item[{[YY]}]
-!          Integer year CCYR (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[YRl]}]
-!          Integer year CCYR (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[MM]}]
-!          Integer month 1-12
-!     \item[{[DD]}]
-!          Integer day of the month 1-31
-!     \item[{[D]}]
-!          Integer Julian days (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[Dl]}]
-!          Integer Julian days (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[H]}]
-!          Integer hours
-!     \item[{[M]}]
-!          Integer minutes
-!     \item[{[S]}]
-!          Integer seconds (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[Sl]}]
-!          Integer seconds (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[MS]}]
-!          Integer milliseconds
-!     \item[{[US]}]
-!          Integer microseconds
-!     \item[{[NS]}]
-!          Integer nanoseconds
-!     \item[{[d\_]}]
-!          Double precision days
-!     \item[{[h\_]}]
-!          Double precision hours
-!     \item[{[m\_]}]
-!          Double precision minutes
-!     \item[{[s\_]}]
-!          Double precision seconds
-!     \item[{[ms\_]}]
-!          Double precision milliseconds
-!     \item[{[us\_]}]
-!          Double precision microseconds
-!     \item[{[ns\_]}]
-!          Double precision nanoseconds
-!     \item[{[Sn]}]
-!          Integer fractional seconds - numerator
-!     \item[{[Sd]}]
-!          Integer fractional seconds - denominator
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG2.1, TMG2.5.1, TMG2.5.6
-      TYPE(ESMF_Time) :: begofyear
-      INTEGER :: year, month, dayofmonth, hour, minute, second
-      REAL(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: rsec
-      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      IF ( PRESENT( YY ) ) THEN
-        YY = time%YR
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( MM ) ) THEN
-        CALL timegetmonth( time, MM )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( DD ) ) THEN
-        CALL timegetdayofmonth( time, DD )
-      ENDIF
-!$$$ Push HMS down into ESMF_BaseTime from EVERYWHERE
-!$$$ and THEN add ESMF scaling behavior when other args are present...  
-      IF ( PRESENT( H ) ) THEN
-        H = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_DAY ) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( M ) ) THEN
-        M = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_HOUR) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( S ) ) THEN
-        S = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE )
-      ENDIF
-      ! TBH:  HACK to allow DD and S to behave as in ESMF 2.1.0+ when 
-      ! TBH:  both are present and H and M are not.  
-        IF ( ( .NOT. PRESENT( H ) ) .AND. ( .NOT. PRESENT( M ) ) ) THEN
-          S = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-        ENDIF
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
-        IF ( time%basetime%Sd /= 0 ) THEN
-          MS = NINT( ( time%basetime%Sn*1.0D0 / time%basetime%Sd*1.0D0 ) * 1000.0D0 )
-        ELSE
-          MS = 0
-        ENDIF
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) .AND. PRESENT( Sn ) ) THEN
-        Sd = time%basetime%Sd
-        Sn = time%basetime%Sn
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( dayOfYear ) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYear( time, dayOfYear, rc=ierr )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( dayOfYear_r8 ) ) THEN
-        ! 64-bit IEEE 754 has 52-bit mantisssa -- only need 25 bits to hold 
-        ! number of seconds in a year...  
-        rsec = REAL( time%basetime%S, ESMF_KIND_R8 )
-        IF ( time%basetime%Sd /= 0 ) THEN
-          rsec = rsec + ( REAL( time%basetime%Sn, ESMF_KIND_R8 ) / &amp;
-                          REAL( time%basetime%Sd, ESMF_KIND_R8 ) )
-        ENDIF
-        dayOfYear_r8 = rsec / REAL( SECONDS_PER_DAY, ESMF_KIND_R8 )
-        ! start at 1
-        dayOfYear_r8 = dayOfYear_r8 + 1.0_ESMF_KIND_R8
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( timeString ) ) THEN
-        ! This duplication for YMD is an optimization that avoids calling 
-        ! timegetmonth() and timegetdayofmonth() when it is not needed.  
-        year = time%YR
-        CALL timegetmonth( time, month )
-        CALL timegetdayofmonth( time, dayofmonth )
-!$$$ push HMS down into ESMF_BaseTime
-        hour = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_DAY ) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR
-        minute = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_HOUR) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
-        second = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE )
-        CALL ESMFold_TimeGetString( year, month, dayofmonth, &amp;
-                                    hour, minute, second, timeString )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( dayOfYear_intvl ) ) THEN
-        year = time%YR
-        CALL ESMF_TimeSet( begofyear, yy=year, mm=1, dd=1, s=0, &amp;
-                           calendar=time%calendar, rc=ierr )
-        IF ( ierr == ESMF_FAILURE)THEN
-           rc = ierr
-           RETURN
-        END IF
-        CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( day_step, d=1, s=0, rc=ierr )
-        dayOfYear_intvl = time - begofyear + day_step
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
-        rc = ierr
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_TimeGet
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeSet - Initialize via user-specified unit set
-      subroutine ESMF_TimeSet(time, YY, YRl, MM, DD, D, Dl, H, M, S, Sl, &amp;
-                              MS, US, NS, d_, h_, m_, s_, ms_, us_, ns_, &amp;
-                              Sn, Sd, calendar, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(inout) :: time
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: YY
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: YRl
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: MM
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: DD
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: D
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Dl
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: H
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: M
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: S
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Sl
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: MS
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: US
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: NS
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: d_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: h_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: m_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: s_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: ms_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: us_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: ns_
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: Sn
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: Sd
-      type(ESMF_Calendar), intent(in), target, optional :: calendar
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-      ! locals
-      INTEGER :: ierr
-!     Initializes a {\tt ESMF\_Time} with a set of user-specified units
-!     via F90 optional arguments.
-!     Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers
-!     to maintain precision. Hence, user-specified floating point values are
-!     converted internally to integers.
-!     See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h and ../include/ESMC\_Time.h} for
-!     complete description.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time]
-!          The object instance to initialize
-!     \item[{[YY]}]
-!          Integer year CCYR (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[YRl]}]
-!          Integer year CCYR (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[MM]}]
-!          Integer month 1-12
-!     \item[{[DD]}]
-!          Integer day of the month 1-31
-!     \item[{[D]}]
-!          Integer Julian days (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[Dl]}]
-!          Integer Julian days (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[H]}]
-!          Integer hours
-!     \item[{[M]}]
-!          Integer minutes
-!     \item[{[S]}]
-!          Integer seconds (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[Sl]}]
-!          Integer seconds (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[MS]}]
-!          Integer milliseconds
-!     \item[{[US]}]
-!          Integer microseconds
-!     \item[{[NS]}]
-!          Integer nanoseconds
-!     \item[{[d\_]}]
-!          Double precision days
-!     \item[{[h\_]}]
-!          Double precision hours
-!     \item[{[m\_]}]
-!          Double precision minutes
-!     \item[{[s\_]}]
-!          Double precision seconds
-!     \item[{[ms\_]}]
-!          Double precision milliseconds
-!     \item[{[us\_]}]
-!          Double precision microseconds
-!     \item[{[ns\_]}]
-!          Double precision nanoseconds
-!     \item[{[Sn]}]
-!          Integer fractional seconds - numerator
-!     \item[{[Sd]}]
-!          Integer fractional seconds - denominator
-!     \item[{[cal]}]
-!          Associated {\tt Calendar}
-!     \item[{[tz]}]
-!          Associated timezone (hours offset from GMT, e.g. EST = -5)
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMGn.n.n
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN ESMF_TimeSet()'
-!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
-      time%basetime%S  = 0
-      time%basetime%Sn = 0
-      time%basetime%Sd = 0
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      time%YR = 0
-      IF ( PRESENT( YY ) ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  YY = ',YY
-        time%YR = YY
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( MM ) ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  MM = ',MM
-        CALL timeaddmonths( time, MM, ierr )
-        IF ( ierr == ESMF_FAILURE ) THEN
-          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
-            rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-            RETURN
-          ENDIF
-        ENDIF
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  back from timeaddmonths'
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( DD ) ) THEN
-!$$$ no check for DD in range of days of month MM yet
-!$$$ Must separate D and DD for correct interface!
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  DD = ',DD
-        time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
-          ( SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( (DD-1), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
-      ENDIF
-!$$$ push H,M,S,Sn,Sd,MS down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
-      IF ( PRESENT( H ) ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  H = ',H
-        time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
-          ( SECONDS_PER_HOUR * INT( H, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( M ) ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  M = ',M
-        time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
-          ( SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * INT( M, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( S ) ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  S = ',S
-        time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
-          INT( S, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) .AND. ( .NOT. PRESENT( Sd ) ) ) THEN
-        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
-          &quot;ESMF_TimeSet:  Must specify Sd if Sn is specified&quot;)
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) .AND. PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
-        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
-          &quot;ESMF_TimeSet:  Must not specify both Sd and MS&quot;)
-      ENDIF
-      time%basetime%Sn = 0
-      time%basetime%Sd = 0
-      IF ( PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  MS = ',MS
-        time%basetime%Sn = MS
-        time%basetime%Sd = 1000_ESMF_KIND_I8
-      ELSE IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  Sd = ',Sd
-        time%basetime%Sd = Sd
-        IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  Sn = ',Sn
-          time%basetime%Sn = Sn
-        ENDIF
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT(calendar) )THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  using passed-in calendar'
-! Note that the ugly hack of wrapping the call to ESMF_CalendarInitialized() 
-! inside this #ifdef is due to lack of support for compile-time initialization 
-! of components of Fortran derived types.  Some older compilers like PGI 5.1-x 
-! do not support this F95 feature.  In this case we only lose a safety check.  
-        IF ( .not. ESMF_CalendarInitialized( calendar ) )THEN
-           call wrf_error_fatal( &quot;Error:: ESMF_CalendarCreate not &quot;// &amp;
-                                 &quot;called on input Calendar&quot;)
-        END IF
-        time%Calendar =&gt; calendar
-      ELSE
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  using default calendar'
-        IF ( .not. ESMF_IsInitialized() )THEN
-           call wrf_error_fatal( &quot;Error:: ESMF_Initialize not called&quot;)
-        END IF
-        time%Calendar =&gt; defaultCal
-      END IF
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  calling normalize_time()'
-!IF ( time%basetime%Sd &gt; 0 ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeSet() before normalize:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!    time%basetime%S, time%basetime%Sn, time%basetime%Sd
-      CALL normalize_time( time )
-!IF ( time%basetime%Sd &gt; 0 ) THEN
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeSet() after normalize:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!    time%basetime%S, time%basetime%Sn, time%basetime%Sd
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  back from normalize_time()'
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
-        rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      ENDIF
-      end subroutine ESMF_TimeSet
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMFold_TimeGetString - Get time instant value in string format
-      subroutine ESMFold_TimeGetString( year, month, dayofmonth, &amp;
-                                        hour, minute, second, TimeString )
-      integer, intent(in) :: year
-      integer, intent(in) :: month
-      integer, intent(in) :: dayofmonth
-      integer, intent(in) :: hour
-      integer, intent(in) :: minute
-      integer, intent(in) :: second
-      character*(*), intent(out) :: TimeString
-!     Convert {\tt ESMF\_Time}'s value into ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time]
-!          The object instance to convert
-!     \item[TimeString]
-!          The string to return
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG2.4.7
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  YR,S,Sn,Sd = ',time%YR,time%basetime%S,time%basetime%Sn,time%basetime%Sd
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  year = ',year
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  month, dayofmonth = ',month,dayofmonth
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  hour = ',hour
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  minute = ',minute
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  second = ',second
-!$$$here...  add negative sign for YR&lt;0
-!$$$here...  add Sn, Sd ??
-#ifdef PLANET
-      write(TimeString,FMT=&quot;(I4.4,'-',I5.5,'_',I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2)&quot;) &amp;
-             year,dayofmonth,hour,minute,second
-      write(TimeString,FMT=&quot;(I4.4,'-',I2.2,'-',I2.2,'_',I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2)&quot;) &amp;
-             year,month,dayofmonth,hour,minute,second
-      end subroutine ESMFold_TimeGetString
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger - Get time instant's day of the year as an integer value
-      subroutine ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger(time, DayOfYear, rc)
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
-      integer, intent(out) :: DayOfYear
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get the day of the year the given {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant falls on
-!     (1-365).  Returned as an integer value
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time]
-!          The object instance to query
-!     \item[DayOfYear]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant's day of the year (1-365)
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-      ! requires that time be normalized
-!$$$ bug when Sn&gt;0?  test
-!$$$ add tests
-      DayOfYear = ( time%basetime%S / SECONDS_PER_DAY ) + 1
-      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeInc - Increment time instant with a time interval
-      function ESMF_TimeInc(time, timeinterval)
-      type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeInc
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-! !LOCAL:
-      integer   :: rc
-!     Increment {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant with a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval},
-!     return resulting {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
-!     Maps overloaded (+) operator interface function to
-!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time]
-!          The given {\tt ESMF\_Time} to increment
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} to add to the given {\tt ESMF\_Time}
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
-      ! copy ESMF_Time specific properties (e.g. calendar, timezone) 
-      ESMF_TimeInc = time
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeSum(time, timeinterval, ESMF_TimeInc)
-      end function ESMF_TimeInc
-! this is added for certain compilers that don't deal with commutativity
-      function ESMF_TimeInc2(timeinterval, time)
-      type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeInc2
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-      ESMF_TimeInc2 = ESMF_TimeInc( time, timeinterval )
-      end function ESMF_TimeInc2
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeDec - Decrement time instant with a time interval
-      function ESMF_TimeDec(time, timeinterval)
-      type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeDec
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-! !LOCAL:
-      integer   :: rc
-!     Decrement {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant with a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval},
-!     return resulting {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
-!     Maps overloaded (-) operator interface function to
-!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time]
-!          The given {\tt ESMF\_Time} to decrement
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          The {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} to subtract from the given
-!          {\tt ESMF\_Time}
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
-      ! copy ESMF_Time specific properties (e.g. calendar, timezone) 
-      ESMF_TimeDec = time
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-       call c_ESMC_BaseTimeDec(time, timeinterval, ESMF_TimeDec)
-      end function ESMF_TimeDec
-! this is added for certain compilers that don't deal with commutativity
-      function ESMF_TimeDec2(timeinterval, time)
-      type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeDec2
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-      ESMF_TimeDec2 = ESMF_TimeDec( time, timeinterval )
-      end function ESMF_TimeDec2
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeDiff - Return the difference between two time instants
-      function ESMF_TimeDiff(time1, time2)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeDiff
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-! !LOCAL:
-      integer :: rc
-!     Return the {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} difference between two
-!     {\tt ESMF\_Time} instants
-!     Maps overloaded (-) operator interface function to
-!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time1]
-!          The first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
-!     \item[time2]
-!          The second {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( ESMF_TimeDiff, rc=rc )
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeDiff(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeDiff)
-      end function ESMF_TimeDiff
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeEQ - Compare two times for equality
-      function ESMF_TimeEQ(time1, time2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeEQ
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-!     Return true if both given {\tt ESMF\_Time} instants are equal, false
-!     otherwise.  Maps overloaded (==) operator interface function to
-!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time1]
-!          First time instant to compare
-!     \item[time2]
-!          Second time instant to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      ! invoke C to C++ entry point for ESMF_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeEQ(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeEQ)
-      end function ESMF_TimeEQ
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeNE - Compare two times for non-equality
-      function ESMF_TimeNE(time1, time2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeNE
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-!     Return true if both given {\tt ESMF\_Time} instants are not equal, false
-!     otherwise.  Maps overloaded (/=) operator interface function to
-!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time1]
-!          First time instant to compare
-!     \item[time2]
-!          Second time instant to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeNE(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeNE)
-      end function ESMF_TimeNE
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeLT - Time instant 1 less than time instant 2 ?
-      function ESMF_TimeLT(time1, time2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeLT
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-!     Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is less than second
-!     {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&lt;)
-!     operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time1]
-!          First time instant to compare
-!     \item[time2]
-!          Second time instant to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeLT(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeLT)
-      end function ESMF_TimeLT
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGT - Time instant 1 greater than time instant 2 ?
-      function ESMF_TimeGT(time1, time2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeGT
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-!     Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is greater than second
-!     {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&gt;) operator
-!     interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time1]
-!          First time instant to compare
-!     \item[time2]
-!          Second time instant to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeGT(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeGT)
-      end function ESMF_TimeGT
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeLE - Time instant 1 less than or equal to time instant 2 ?
-      function ESMF_TimeLE(time1, time2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeLE
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-!     Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is less than or equal to
-!     second {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&lt;=)
-!     operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time1]
-!          First time instant to compare
-!     \item[time2]
-!          Second time instant to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeLE(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeLE)
-      end function ESMF_TimeLE
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGE - Time instant 1 greater than or equal to time instant 2 ?
-      function ESMF_TimeGE(time1, time2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeGE
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-!     Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is greater than or equal to
-!     second {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&gt;=)
-!     operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[time1]
-!          First time instant to compare
-!     \item[time2]
-!          Second time instant to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeGE(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeGE)
-      end function ESMF_TimeGE
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeCopy - Copy a time-instance
-      subroutine ESMF_TimeCopy(timeout, timein)
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: timeout
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: timein
-!     Copy a time-instance to a new instance.
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMGn.n.n
-      timeout%basetime = timein%basetime
-      timeout%YR       = timein%YR
-      timeout%Calendar =&gt; timein%Calendar
-      end subroutine ESMF_TimeCopy
-      end module ESMF_TimeMod

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Time.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Time.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Time.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_Time.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,1188 @@
+! Earth System Modeling Framework
+! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+!     ESMF Time Module
+      module ESMF_TimeMod
+! This file contains the Time class definition and all Time class methods.
+#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
+! !MODULE: ESMF_TimeMod
+! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
+! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
+! C++ class {\tt ESMC\_Time} implementation
+! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_Time.h} for complete description
+! !USES:
+      ! inherit from ESMF base class
+      use ESMF_BaseMod
+      ! inherit from base time class
+      use ESMF_BaseTimeMod
+      ! associated derived types
+      use ESMF_TimeIntervalMod
+      use ESMF_CalendarMod
+      use ESMF_Stubs
+      implicit none
+      private
+!     ! ESMF_Time
+!     ! F90 class type to match C++ Time class in size only;
+!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
+     type ESMF_Time
+       type(ESMF_BaseTime) :: basetime           ! inherit base class
+       ! time instant is expressed as year + basetime
+       integer :: YR
+       type(ESMF_Calendar), pointer :: calendar  ! associated calendar
+     end type
+      public ESMF_Time
+      public ESMF_TimeGet
+      public ESMF_TimeSet
+! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
+      public ESMF_TimeCopy
+      private ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYear
+      private ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger
+! Inherited and overloaded from ESMF_BaseTime
+      ! NOTE:  ESMF_TimeInc, ESMF_TimeDec, ESMF_TimeDiff, ESMF_TimeEQ, 
+      !        ESMF_TimeNE, ESMF_TimeLT, ESMF_TimeGT, ESMF_TimeLE, and 
+      !        ESMF_TimeGE are PUBLIC only to work around bugs in the 
+      !        PGI 5.1-x compilers.  They should all be PRIVATE.  
+      public operator(+)
+      public ESMF_TimeInc
+      public operator(-)
+      public ESMF_TimeDec
+      public ESMF_TimeDec2
+      public ESMF_TimeDiff
+      public operator(.EQ.)
+      public ESMF_TimeEQ
+      public operator(.NE.)
+      public ESMF_TimeNE
+      public operator(.LT.)
+      public ESMF_TimeLT
+      public operator(.GT.)
+      public ESMF_TimeGT
+      public operator(.LE.)
+      public ESMF_TimeLE
+      public operator(.GE.)
+      public ESMF_TimeGE
+      interface ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYear
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger
+!     This interface overloads the {\tt ESMF\_GetDayOfYear} method
+!     for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(+)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeInc, ESMF_TimeInc2
+!     This interface overloads the + operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface assignment (=)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeCopy
+!     This interface overloads the = operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(-)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeDec, ESMF_TimeDec2
+!     This interface overloads the - operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(-)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeDiff
+!     This interface overloads the - operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.EQ.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeEQ
+!     This interface overloads the .EQ. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.NE.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeNE
+!     This interface overloads the .NE. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.LT.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeLT
+!     This interface overloads the .LT. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.GT.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeGT
+!     This interface overloads the .GT. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.LE.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeLE
+!     This interface overloads the .LE. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.GE.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeGE
+!     This interface overloads the .GE. operator for the {\tt ESMF\_Time} class
+      end interface
+      contains
+! Generic Get/Set routines which use F90 optional arguments
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGet - Get value in user-specified units
+      subroutine ESMF_TimeGet(time, YY, YRl, MM, DD, D, Dl, H, M, S, Sl, MS, &amp;
+                              US, NS, d_, h_, m_, s_, ms_, us_, ns_, Sn, Sd, &amp;
+                              dayOfYear, dayOfYear_r8, dayOfYear_intvl,      &amp;
+                              timeString, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: YY
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: YRl
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: MM
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: DD
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: D
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: Dl
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: H
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: M
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: S
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(out), optional :: Sl
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: MS
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: US
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: NS
+      double precision, intent(out), optional :: d_
+      double precision, intent(out), optional :: h_
+      double precision, intent(out), optional :: m_
+      double precision, intent(out), optional :: s_
+      double precision, intent(out), optional :: ms_
+      double precision, intent(out), optional :: us_
+      double precision, intent(out), optional :: ns_
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: Sn
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: Sd
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: dayOfYear
+      ! dayOfYear_r8 = 1.0 at 0Z on 1 January, 1.5 at 12Z on
+      ! 1 January, etc.
+      real(ESMF_KIND_R8), intent(out), optional :: dayOfYear_r8
+      character (len=*), intent(out), optional :: timeString
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out), optional :: dayOfYear_intvl
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: day_step
+      integer :: ierr
+!     Get the value of the {\tt ESMF\_Time} in units specified by the user
+!     via F90 optional arguments.
+!     Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers
+!     to maintain precision. Hence, user-specified floating point values are
+!     converted internally from integers.
+!     See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h and ../include/ESMC\_Time.h} for
+!     complete description.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time]
+!          The object instance to query
+!     \item[{[YY]}]
+!          Integer year CCYR (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[YRl]}]
+!          Integer year CCYR (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[MM]}]
+!          Integer month 1-12
+!     \item[{[DD]}]
+!          Integer day of the month 1-31
+!     \item[{[D]}]
+!          Integer Julian days (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[Dl]}]
+!          Integer Julian days (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[H]}]
+!          Integer hours
+!     \item[{[M]}]
+!          Integer minutes
+!     \item[{[S]}]
+!          Integer seconds (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[Sl]}]
+!          Integer seconds (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[MS]}]
+!          Integer milliseconds
+!     \item[{[US]}]
+!          Integer microseconds
+!     \item[{[NS]}]
+!          Integer nanoseconds
+!     \item[{[d\_]}]
+!          Double precision days
+!     \item[{[h\_]}]
+!          Double precision hours
+!     \item[{[m\_]}]
+!          Double precision minutes
+!     \item[{[s\_]}]
+!          Double precision seconds
+!     \item[{[ms\_]}]
+!          Double precision milliseconds
+!     \item[{[us\_]}]
+!          Double precision microseconds
+!     \item[{[ns\_]}]
+!          Double precision nanoseconds
+!     \item[{[Sn]}]
+!          Integer fractional seconds - numerator
+!     \item[{[Sd]}]
+!          Integer fractional seconds - denominator
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG2.1, TMG2.5.1, TMG2.5.6
+      TYPE(ESMF_Time) :: begofyear
+      INTEGER :: year, month, dayofmonth, hour, minute, second
+      REAL(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: rsec
+      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      IF ( PRESENT( YY ) ) THEN
+        YY = time%YR
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( MM ) ) THEN
+        CALL timegetmonth( time, MM )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( DD ) ) THEN
+        CALL timegetdayofmonth( time, DD )
+      ENDIF
+!$$$ Push HMS down into ESMF_BaseTime from EVERYWHERE
+!$$$ and THEN add ESMF scaling behavior when other args are present...  
+      IF ( PRESENT( H ) ) THEN
+        H = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_DAY ) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( M ) ) THEN
+        M = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_HOUR) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( S ) ) THEN
+        S = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE )
+      ENDIF
+      ! TBH:  HACK to allow DD and S to behave as in ESMF 2.1.0+ when 
+      ! TBH:  both are present and H and M are not.  
+        IF ( ( .NOT. PRESENT( H ) ) .AND. ( .NOT. PRESENT( M ) ) ) THEN
+          S = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
+        IF ( time%basetime%Sd /= 0 ) THEN
+          MS = NINT( ( time%basetime%Sn*1.0D0 / time%basetime%Sd*1.0D0 ) * 1000.0D0 )
+        ELSE
+          MS = 0
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) .AND. PRESENT( Sn ) ) THEN
+        Sd = time%basetime%Sd
+        Sn = time%basetime%Sn
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( dayOfYear ) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYear( time, dayOfYear, rc=ierr )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( dayOfYear_r8 ) ) THEN
+        ! 64-bit IEEE 754 has 52-bit mantisssa -- only need 25 bits to hold 
+        ! number of seconds in a year...  
+        rsec = REAL( time%basetime%S, ESMF_KIND_R8 )
+        IF ( time%basetime%Sd /= 0 ) THEN
+          rsec = rsec + ( REAL( time%basetime%Sn, ESMF_KIND_R8 ) / &amp;
+                          REAL( time%basetime%Sd, ESMF_KIND_R8 ) )
+        ENDIF
+        dayOfYear_r8 = rsec / REAL( SECONDS_PER_DAY, ESMF_KIND_R8 )
+        ! start at 1
+        dayOfYear_r8 = dayOfYear_r8 + 1.0_ESMF_KIND_R8
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( timeString ) ) THEN
+        ! This duplication for YMD is an optimization that avoids calling 
+        ! timegetmonth() and timegetdayofmonth() when it is not needed.  
+        year = time%YR
+        CALL timegetmonth( time, month )
+        CALL timegetdayofmonth( time, dayofmonth )
+!$$$ push HMS down into ESMF_BaseTime
+        hour = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_DAY ) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR
+        minute = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_HOUR) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
+        second = mod( time%basetime%S, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE )
+        CALL ESMFold_TimeGetString( year, month, dayofmonth, &amp;
+                                    hour, minute, second, timeString )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( dayOfYear_intvl ) ) THEN
+        year = time%YR
+        CALL ESMF_TimeSet( begofyear, yy=year, mm=1, dd=1, s=0, &amp;
+                           calendar=time%calendar, rc=ierr )
+        IF ( ierr == ESMF_FAILURE)THEN
+           rc = ierr
+           RETURN
+        END IF
+        CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( day_step, d=1, s=0, rc=ierr )
+        dayOfYear_intvl = time - begofyear + day_step
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
+        rc = ierr
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_TimeGet
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeSet - Initialize via user-specified unit set
+      subroutine ESMF_TimeSet(time, YY, YRl, MM, DD, D, Dl, H, M, S, Sl, &amp;
+                              MS, US, NS, d_, h_, m_, s_, ms_, us_, ns_, &amp;
+                              Sn, Sd, calendar, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(inout) :: time
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: YY
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: YRl
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: MM
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: DD
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: D
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Dl
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: H
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: M
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: S
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Sl
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: MS
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: US
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: NS
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: d_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: h_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: m_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: s_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: ms_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: us_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: ns_
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: Sn
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: Sd
+      type(ESMF_Calendar), intent(in), target, optional :: calendar
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+      ! locals
+      INTEGER :: ierr
+!     Initializes a {\tt ESMF\_Time} with a set of user-specified units
+!     via F90 optional arguments.
+!     Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers
+!     to maintain precision. Hence, user-specified floating point values are
+!     converted internally to integers.
+!     See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h and ../include/ESMC\_Time.h} for
+!     complete description.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time]
+!          The object instance to initialize
+!     \item[{[YY]}]
+!          Integer year CCYR (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[YRl]}]
+!          Integer year CCYR (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[MM]}]
+!          Integer month 1-12
+!     \item[{[DD]}]
+!          Integer day of the month 1-31
+!     \item[{[D]}]
+!          Integer Julian days (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[Dl]}]
+!          Integer Julian days (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[H]}]
+!          Integer hours
+!     \item[{[M]}]
+!          Integer minutes
+!     \item[{[S]}]
+!          Integer seconds (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[Sl]}]
+!          Integer seconds (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[MS]}]
+!          Integer milliseconds
+!     \item[{[US]}]
+!          Integer microseconds
+!     \item[{[NS]}]
+!          Integer nanoseconds
+!     \item[{[d\_]}]
+!          Double precision days
+!     \item[{[h\_]}]
+!          Double precision hours
+!     \item[{[m\_]}]
+!          Double precision minutes
+!     \item[{[s\_]}]
+!          Double precision seconds
+!     \item[{[ms\_]}]
+!          Double precision milliseconds
+!     \item[{[us\_]}]
+!          Double precision microseconds
+!     \item[{[ns\_]}]
+!          Double precision nanoseconds
+!     \item[{[Sn]}]
+!          Integer fractional seconds - numerator
+!     \item[{[Sd]}]
+!          Integer fractional seconds - denominator
+!     \item[{[cal]}]
+!          Associated {\tt Calendar}
+!     \item[{[tz]}]
+!          Associated timezone (hours offset from GMT, e.g. EST = -5)
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMGn.n.n
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN ESMF_TimeSet()'
+!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
+      time%basetime%S  = 0
+      time%basetime%Sn = 0
+      time%basetime%Sd = 0
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      time%YR = 0
+      IF ( PRESENT( YY ) ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  YY = ',YY
+        time%YR = YY
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( MM ) ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  MM = ',MM
+        CALL timeaddmonths( time, MM, ierr )
+        IF ( ierr == ESMF_FAILURE ) THEN
+          IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
+            rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+            RETURN
+          ENDIF
+        ENDIF
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  back from timeaddmonths'
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( DD ) ) THEN
+!$$$ no check for DD in range of days of month MM yet
+!$$$ Must separate D and DD for correct interface!
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  DD = ',DD
+        time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
+          ( SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( (DD-1), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
+      ENDIF
+!$$$ push H,M,S,Sn,Sd,MS down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
+      IF ( PRESENT( H ) ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  H = ',H
+        time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
+          ( SECONDS_PER_HOUR * INT( H, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( M ) ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  M = ',M
+        time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
+          ( SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * INT( M, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( S ) ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  S = ',S
+        time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
+          INT( S, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) .AND. ( .NOT. PRESENT( Sd ) ) ) THEN
+        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
+          &quot;ESMF_TimeSet:  Must specify Sd if Sn is specified&quot;)
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) .AND. PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
+        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
+          &quot;ESMF_TimeSet:  Must not specify both Sd and MS&quot;)
+      ENDIF
+      time%basetime%Sn = 0
+      time%basetime%Sd = 0
+      IF ( PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  MS = ',MS
+        time%basetime%Sn = MS
+        time%basetime%Sd = 1000_ESMF_KIND_I8
+      ELSE IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  Sd = ',Sd
+        time%basetime%Sd = Sd
+        IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  Sn = ',Sn
+          time%basetime%Sn = Sn
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT(calendar) )THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  using passed-in calendar'
+! Note that the ugly hack of wrapping the call to ESMF_CalendarInitialized() 
+! inside this #ifdef is due to lack of support for compile-time initialization 
+! of components of Fortran derived types.  Some older compilers like PGI 5.1-x 
+! do not support this F95 feature.  In this case we only lose a safety check.  
+        IF ( .not. ESMF_CalendarInitialized( calendar ) )THEN
+           call wrf_error_fatal( &quot;Error:: ESMF_CalendarCreate not &quot;// &amp;
+                                 &quot;called on input Calendar&quot;)
+        END IF
+        time%Calendar =&gt; calendar
+      ELSE
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  using default calendar'
+        IF ( .not. ESMF_IsInitialized() )THEN
+           call wrf_error_fatal( &quot;Error:: ESMF_Initialize not called&quot;)
+        END IF
+        time%Calendar =&gt; defaultCal
+      END IF
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  calling normalize_time()'
+!IF ( time%basetime%Sd &gt; 0 ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeSet() before normalize:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!    time%basetime%S, time%basetime%Sn, time%basetime%Sd
+      CALL normalize_time( time )
+!IF ( time%basetime%Sd &gt; 0 ) THEN
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeSet() after normalize:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!    time%basetime%S, time%basetime%Sn, time%basetime%Sd
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimeSet():  back from normalize_time()'
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) THEN
+        rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      ENDIF
+      end subroutine ESMF_TimeSet
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMFold_TimeGetString - Get time instant value in string format
+      subroutine ESMFold_TimeGetString( year, month, dayofmonth, &amp;
+                                        hour, minute, second, TimeString )
+      integer, intent(in) :: year
+      integer, intent(in) :: month
+      integer, intent(in) :: dayofmonth
+      integer, intent(in) :: hour
+      integer, intent(in) :: minute
+      integer, intent(in) :: second
+      character*(*), intent(out) :: TimeString
+!     Convert {\tt ESMF\_Time}'s value into ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time]
+!          The object instance to convert
+!     \item[TimeString]
+!          The string to return
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG2.4.7
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  YR,S,Sn,Sd = ',time%YR,time%basetime%S,time%basetime%Sn,time%basetime%Sd
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  year = ',year
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  month, dayofmonth = ',month,dayofmonth
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  hour = ',hour
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  minute = ',minute
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  ESMF_TimePrint():  second = ',second
+!$$$here...  add negative sign for YR&lt;0
+!$$$here...  add Sn, Sd ??
+#ifdef PLANET
+      write(TimeString,FMT=&quot;(I4.4,'-',I5.5,'_',I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2)&quot;) &amp;
+             year,dayofmonth,hour,minute,second
+      write(TimeString,FMT=&quot;(I4.4,'-',I2.2,'-',I2.2,'_',I2.2,':',I2.2,':',I2.2)&quot;) &amp;
+             year,month,dayofmonth,hour,minute,second
+      end subroutine ESMFold_TimeGetString
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger - Get time instant's day of the year as an integer value
+      subroutine ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger(time, DayOfYear, rc)
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
+      integer, intent(out) :: DayOfYear
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get the day of the year the given {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant falls on
+!     (1-365).  Returned as an integer value
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time]
+!          The object instance to query
+!     \item[DayOfYear]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant's day of the year (1-365)
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+      ! requires that time be normalized
+!$$$ bug when Sn&gt;0?  test
+!$$$ add tests
+      DayOfYear = ( time%basetime%S / SECONDS_PER_DAY ) + 1
+      IF ( PRESENT( rc ) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_TimeGetDayOfYearInteger
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeInc - Increment time instant with a time interval
+      function ESMF_TimeInc(time, timeinterval)
+      type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeInc
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+! !LOCAL:
+      integer   :: rc
+!     Increment {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant with a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval},
+!     return resulting {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
+!     Maps overloaded (+) operator interface function to
+!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time]
+!          The given {\tt ESMF\_Time} to increment
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} to add to the given {\tt ESMF\_Time}
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
+      ! copy ESMF_Time specific properties (e.g. calendar, timezone) 
+      ESMF_TimeInc = time
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeSum(time, timeinterval, ESMF_TimeInc)
+      end function ESMF_TimeInc
+! this is added for certain compilers that don't deal with commutativity
+      function ESMF_TimeInc2(timeinterval, time)
+      type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeInc2
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+      ESMF_TimeInc2 = ESMF_TimeInc( time, timeinterval )
+      end function ESMF_TimeInc2
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeDec - Decrement time instant with a time interval
+      function ESMF_TimeDec(time, timeinterval)
+      type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeDec
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+! !LOCAL:
+      integer   :: rc
+!     Decrement {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant with a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval},
+!     return resulting {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
+!     Maps overloaded (-) operator interface function to
+!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time]
+!          The given {\tt ESMF\_Time} to decrement
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          The {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} to subtract from the given
+!          {\tt ESMF\_Time}
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
+      ! copy ESMF_Time specific properties (e.g. calendar, timezone) 
+      ESMF_TimeDec = time
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+       call c_ESMC_BaseTimeDec(time, timeinterval, ESMF_TimeDec)
+      end function ESMF_TimeDec
+! this is added for certain compilers that don't deal with commutativity
+      function ESMF_TimeDec2(timeinterval, time)
+      type(ESMF_Time) :: ESMF_TimeDec2
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+      ESMF_TimeDec2 = ESMF_TimeDec( time, timeinterval )
+      end function ESMF_TimeDec2
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeDiff - Return the difference between two time instants
+      function ESMF_TimeDiff(time1, time2)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeDiff
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+! !LOCAL:
+      integer :: rc
+!     Return the {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} difference between two
+!     {\tt ESMF\_Time} instants
+!     Maps overloaded (-) operator interface function to
+!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time1]
+!          The first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
+!     \item[time2]
+!          The second {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( ESMF_TimeDiff, rc=rc )
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeDiff(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeDiff)
+      end function ESMF_TimeDiff
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeEQ - Compare two times for equality
+      function ESMF_TimeEQ(time1, time2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeEQ
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+!     Return true if both given {\tt ESMF\_Time} instants are equal, false
+!     otherwise.  Maps overloaded (==) operator interface function to
+!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time1]
+!          First time instant to compare
+!     \item[time2]
+!          Second time instant to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      ! invoke C to C++ entry point for ESMF_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeEQ(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeEQ)
+      end function ESMF_TimeEQ
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeNE - Compare two times for non-equality
+      function ESMF_TimeNE(time1, time2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeNE
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+!     Return true if both given {\tt ESMF\_Time} instants are not equal, false
+!     otherwise.  Maps overloaded (/=) operator interface function to
+!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time1]
+!          First time instant to compare
+!     \item[time2]
+!          Second time instant to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeNE(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeNE)
+      end function ESMF_TimeNE
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeLT - Time instant 1 less than time instant 2 ?
+      function ESMF_TimeLT(time1, time2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeLT
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+!     Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is less than second
+!     {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&lt;)
+!     operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time1]
+!          First time instant to compare
+!     \item[time2]
+!          Second time instant to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeLT(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeLT)
+      end function ESMF_TimeLT
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGT - Time instant 1 greater than time instant 2 ?
+      function ESMF_TimeGT(time1, time2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeGT
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+!     Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is greater than second
+!     {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&gt;) operator
+!     interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time1]
+!          First time instant to compare
+!     \item[time2]
+!          Second time instant to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeGT(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeGT)
+      end function ESMF_TimeGT
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeLE - Time instant 1 less than or equal to time instant 2 ?
+      function ESMF_TimeLE(time1, time2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeLE
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+!     Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is less than or equal to
+!     second {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&lt;=)
+!     operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time1]
+!          First time instant to compare
+!     \item[time2]
+!          Second time instant to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeLE(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeLE)
+      end function ESMF_TimeLE
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeGE - Time instant 1 greater than or equal to time instant 2 ?
+      function ESMF_TimeGE(time1, time2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeGE
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+!     Return true if first {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant is greater than or equal to
+!     second {\tt ESMF\_Time} instant, false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&gt;=)
+!     operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[time1]
+!          First time instant to compare
+!     \item[time2]
+!          Second time instant to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeGE(time1, time2, ESMF_TimeGE)
+      end function ESMF_TimeGE
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeCopy - Copy a time-instance
+      subroutine ESMF_TimeCopy(timeout, timein)
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(out) :: timeout
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: timein
+!     Copy a time-instance to a new instance.
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMGn.n.n
+      timeout%basetime = timein%basetime
+      timeout%YR       = timein%YR
+      timeout%Calendar =&gt; timein%Calendar
+      end subroutine ESMF_TimeCopy
+      end module ESMF_TimeMod

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeInterval.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeInterval.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeInterval.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,1268 +0,0 @@
-! Earth System Modeling Framework
-! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-!     ESMF TimeInterval Module
-      module ESMF_TimeIntervalMod
-! This file contains the TimeInterval class definition and all TimeInterval
-! class methods.
-#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
-! !MODULE: ESMF_TimeIntervalMod
-! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
-! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
-! C++ implementaion of class {\tt ESMC\_TimeInterval}
-! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_TimeInterval.h} for complete description
-! !USES:
-      ! inherit from ESMF base class
-      use ESMF_BaseMod
-      ! inherit from base time class
-      use ESMF_BaseTimeMod
-      ! associated derived types
-      use ESMF_FractionMod, only : ESMF_Fraction
-      use ESMF_CalendarMod
-      implicit none
-      private
-!     ! ESMF_TimeInterval
-!     ! F90 class type to match C++ TimeInterval class in size only;
-!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
-      type ESMF_TimeInterval
-        ! time interval is expressed as basetime
-        type(ESMF_BaseTime) :: basetime  ! inherit base class
-        ! Relative year and month fields support monthly or yearly time 
-        ! intervals.  Many operations are undefined when these fields are 
-        ! non-zero!  
-        INTEGER :: YR                    ! relative year
-   !jm Month has no meaning for an interval; get rid of it, 20100319
-   !     INTEGER :: MM                    ! relative month
-      end type
-      public ESMF_TimeInterval
-      public ESMF_TimeIntervalGet
-      public ESMF_TimeIntervalSet
-      public ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString
-      public ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue
-      public ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue
-! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
-!!!!!!!!! added 20051012, JM
-!      public WRFADDITION_TimeIntervalDIVQuot 
-!!!!!!!!! renamed to simplify testing 20060320, TH
-      public ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot 
-      ! This convenience routine is only used by other modules in 
-      ! esmf_time_f90.  
-      public ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive

-! overloaded operator functions

-      public operator(/)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI
-      public operator(*)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI
-! Inherited and overloaded from ESMF_BaseTime
-      public operator(+)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalSum
-      public operator(-)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff
-      public operator(.EQ.)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ
-      public operator(.NE.)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalNE
-      public operator(.LT.)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalLT
-      public operator(.GT.)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalGT
-      public operator(.LE.)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalLE
-      public operator(.GE.)
-      private ESMF_TimeIntervalGE
-      interface operator(*)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI
-!     This interface overloads the * operator for the {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}
-!     class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(/)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI
-!     This interface overloads the / operator for the
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(+)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalSum
-!     This interface overloads the + operator for the
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(-)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff
-!     This interface overloads the - operator for the
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.EQ.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ
-!     This interface overloads the .EQ. operator for the
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.NE.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalNE
-!     This interface overloads the .NE. operator for the
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.LT.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalLT
-!     This interface overloads the .LT. operator for the
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.GT.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalGT
-!     This interface overloads the .GT. operator for the
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.LE.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalLE
-!     This interface overloads the .LE. operator for the
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
-      end interface
-      interface operator(.GE.)
-      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalGE
-!     This interface overloads the .GE. operator for the
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
-      end interface
-      contains
-! Generic Get/Set routines which use F90 optional arguments
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeIntervalGet - Get value in user-specified units
-      subroutine ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(timeinterval, D, d_r8, S, S_i8, Sn, Sd, &amp;
-                                      TimeString, rc )
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: D
-      real(ESMF_KIND_R8),     intent(out), optional :: d_r8
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8),  intent(out), optional :: S_i8
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: S
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: Sn
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: Sd
-      character*(*), optional, intent(out) :: TimeString
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-!     Get the value of the {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} in units specified by the
-!     user via F90 optional arguments.
-!     Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers 
-!     to maintain precision.  Hence, user-specified floating point values are
-!     converted internally from integers.
-!     See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h} and
-!     {\tt ../include/ESMC\_TimeInterval.h} for complete description.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          The object instance to query
-!     \item[{[YY]}]
-!          Integer years (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[YYl]}]
-!          Integer years (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[MO]}]
-!          Integer months (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[MOl]}]
-!          Integer months (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[D]}]
-!          Integer days (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[Dl]}]
-!          Integer days (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[H]}]
-!          Integer hours
-!     \item[{[M]}]
-!          Integer minutes
-!     \item[{[S]}]
-!          Integer seconds (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[Sl]}]
-!          Integer seconds (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[MS]}]
-!          Integer milliseconds
-!     \item[{[US]}]
-!          Integer microseconds
-!     \item[{[NS]}]
-!          Integer nanoseconds
-!     \item[{[d\_]}]
-!          Double precision days
-!     \item[{[h\_]}]
-!          Double precision hours
-!     \item[{[m\_]}]
-!          Double precision minutes
-!     \item[{[s\_]}]
-!          Double precision seconds
-!     \item[{[ms\_]}]
-!          Double precision milliseconds
-!     \item[{[us\_]}]
-!          Double precision microseconds
-!     \item[{[ns\_]}]
-!          Double precision nanoseconds
-!     \item[{[Sn]}]
-!          Integer fractional seconds - numerator
-!     \item[{[Sd]}]
-!          Integer fractional seconds - denominator
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.1
-! Added argument to output double precision seconds, S_i8
-! William.Gustafson@pnl.gov; 9-May-2008
-      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: seconds
-      INTEGER :: ierr
-      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      seconds = timeinterval%basetime%S
-      ! note that S is overwritten below (if present) if other args are also 
-      ! present
-      IF ( PRESENT(S) ) S = seconds
-      IF ( PRESENT(S_i8) ) S_i8 = seconds
-      IF ( PRESENT( D ) ) THEN
-        D = seconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY
-        IF ( PRESENT(S) )    S    = MOD( seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-        IF ( PRESENT(S_i8) ) S_i8 = MOD( seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( d_r8 ) ) THEN
-        D_r8 = REAL( seconds, ESMF_KIND_R8 ) / &amp;
-               REAL( SECONDS_PER_DAY, ESMF_KIND_R8 )
-        IF ( PRESENT(S) )    S    = MOD( seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-        IF ( PRESENT(S_i8) ) S_i8 = MOD( seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT(Sn) ) THEN
-        Sn = timeinterval%basetime%Sn
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT(Sd) ) THEN
-        Sd = timeinterval%basetime%Sd
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( timeString ) ) THEN
-        CALL ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString( timeinterval, timeString, rc=ierr )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ierr
-      end subroutine ESMF_TimeIntervalGet
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeIntervalSet - Initialize via user-specified unit set
-      subroutine ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(timeinterval, YY, YYl, MM, MOl, D, Dl, &amp;
-                                      H, M, S, Sl, MS, US, NS, &amp;
-                                      d_, h_, m_, s_, ms_, us_, ns_, &amp;
-                                      Sn, Sd, rc)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: timeinterval
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: YY
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: YYl
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: MM
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: MOl
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: D
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Dl
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: H
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: M
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: S
-      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Sl
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: MS
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: US
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: NS
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: d_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: h_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: m_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: s_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: ms_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: us_
-      double precision, intent(in), optional :: ns_
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: Sn
-      integer, intent(in), optional :: Sd
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-      ! locals
-      INTEGER :: nfeb
-!     Set the value of the {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} in units specified by
-!     the user via F90 optional arguments
-!     Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers 
-!     to maintain precision.  Hence, user-specified floating point values are
-!     converted internally to integers.
-!     See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h} and
-!     {\tt ../include/ESMC\_TimeInterval.h} for complete description.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          The object instance to initialize
-!     \item[{[YY]}]
-!          Integer number of interval years (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[YYl]}]
-!          Integer number of interval years (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[MM]}]
-!          Integer number of interval months (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[MOl]}]
-!          Integer number of interval months (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[D]}]
-!          Integer number of interval days (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[Dl]}]
-!          Integer number of interval days (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[H]}]
-!          Integer hours
-!     \item[{[M]}]
-!          Integer minutes
-!     \item[{[S]}]
-!          Integer seconds (&gt;= 32-bit)
-!     \item[{[Sl]}]
-!          Integer seconds (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
-!     \item[{[MS]}]
-!          Integer milliseconds
-!     \item[{[US]}]
-!          Integer microseconds
-!     \item[{[NS]}]
-!          Integer nanoseconds
-!     \item[{[d\_]}]
-!          Double precision days
-!     \item[{[h\_]}]
-!          Double precision hours
-!     \item[{[m\_]}]
-!          Double precision minutes
-!     \item[{[s\_]}]
-!          Double precision seconds
-!     \item[{[ms\_]}]
-!          Double precision milliseconds
-!     \item[{[us\_]}]
-!          Double precision microseconds
-!     \item[{[ns\_]}]
-!          Double precision nanoseconds
-!     \item[{[Sn]}]
-!          Integer fractional seconds - numerator
-!     \item[{[Sd]}]
-!          Integer fractional seconds - denominator
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMGn.n.n
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
-      ! note that YR and MM are relative
-      timeinterval%YR = 0
-      IF ( PRESENT( YY ) ) THEN
-        timeinterval%YR = YY
-      ENDIF
-!jm      timeinterval%MM = 0
-!jm      IF ( PRESENT( MM ) ) THEN
-!jm        timeinterval%MM = MM
-!jm      ENDIF
-!jm      ! Rollover months to years
-!jm      IF      ( abs(timeinterval%MM) .GE. MONTHS_PER_YEAR ) THEN
-!jm        timeinterval%YR = timeinterval%YR + timeinterval%MM/MONTHS_PER_YEAR
-!jm        timeinterval%MM = mod(timeinterval%MM,MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
-!jm      ENDIF
-      timeinterval%basetime%S = 0
-      ! For 365-day calendar, immediately convert years to days since we know 
-      ! how to do it in this case.  
-!$$$ replace this hack with something saner...
-      IF ( nfeb( 2004 ) == 28 ) THEN
-        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
-          ( 365_ESMF_KIND_I8 * &amp;
-            INT( timeinterval%YR, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-        timeinterval%YR = 0
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( D ) ) THEN
-        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
-          ( SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( D, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
-      ENDIF
-!$$$ Push H,M,S,Sn,Sd,MS down into BaseTime constructor from EVERYWHERE
-!$$$ and THEN add ESMF scaling behavior when other args are present...  
-      IF ( PRESENT( H ) ) THEN
-        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
-          ( SECONDS_PER_HOUR * INT( H, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( M ) ) THEN
-        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
-          ( SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * INT( M, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( S ) ) THEN
-        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
-          INT( S, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) .AND. ( .NOT. PRESENT( Sd ) ) ) THEN
-        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
-          &quot;ESMF_TimeIntervalSet:  Must specify Sd if Sn is specified&quot;)
-      ENDIF
-      IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) .AND. PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
-        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
-          &quot;ESMF_TimeIntervalSet:  Must not specify both Sd and MS&quot;)
-      ENDIF
-      timeinterval%basetime%Sn = 0
-      timeinterval%basetime%Sd = 0
-      IF ( PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
-        timeinterval%basetime%Sn = MS
-        timeinterval%basetime%Sd = 1000_ESMF_KIND_I8
-      ELSE IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) ) THEN
-        timeinterval%basetime%Sd = Sd
-        IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) ) THEN
-          timeinterval%basetime%Sn = Sn
-        ENDIF
-      ENDIF
-      CALL normalize_timeint( timeinterval )
-      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMF_TimeIntervalSet
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString - Get time interval value in string format
-      subroutine ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString(timeinterval, TimeString, rc)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-      character*(*),  intent(out) :: TimeString
-      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
-      ! locals
-      integer :: signnormtimeint
-      LOGICAL :: negative
-      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: iS, iSn, iSd, H, M, S
-      character (len=1) :: signstr
-!     Convert {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}'s value into string format
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          The object instance to convert
-!     \item[TimeString]
-!          The string to return
-!     \item[{[rc]}]
-!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.9
-! NOTE:  YR, MM, Sn, and Sd are not yet included in the returned string...  
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString():  YR,MM,S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!        timeinterval%YR, &amp;
-!        timeinterval%MM, &amp;
-!        timeinterval%basetime%S, &amp;
-!        timeinterval%basetime%Sn, &amp;
-!        timeinterval%basetime%Sd
-      negative = ( signnormtimeint( timeInterval ) == -1 )
-      IF ( negative ) THEN
-        iS = -timeinterval%basetime%S
-        iSn = -timeinterval%basetime%Sn
-        signstr = '-'
-      ELSE
-        iS = timeinterval%basetime%S
-        iSn = timeinterval%basetime%Sn
-        signstr = ''
-      ENDIF 
-      iSd = timeinterval%basetime%Sd
-      S = mod( iS, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE )
-!$$$here...  need to print Sn and Sd when they are used ???
-      write(TimeString,FMT=&quot;(A,I10.10,'_',I3.3,':',I3.3,':',I3.3)&quot;) &amp;
-        TRIM(signstr), ( iS / SECONDS_PER_DAY ), H, M, S
-!write(0,*)'TimeIntervalGetString Sn ',timeinterval%basetime%Sn,' Sd ',timeinterval%basetime%Sd
-      rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
-      end subroutine ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue - Get the absolute value of a time interval
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue(timeinterval)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-! !LOCAL:
-      integer    :: rc
-!     Return a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}'s absolute value.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          The object instance to take the absolute value of.
-!          Absolute value returned as value of function.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.8
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue arg1' )
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue = timeinterval
-!$$$here...  move implementation into BaseTime
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue%basetime%S  = &amp;
-        abs(ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue%basetime%S)
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue%basetime%Sn = &amp;
-        abs(ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue%basetime%Sn )
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue - Get the negative absolute value of a time interval
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue(timeinterval)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-! !LOCAL:
-      integer    :: rc
-!     Return a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}'s negative absolute value.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          The object instance to take the negative absolute value of.
-!          Negative absolute value returned as value of function.
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.8
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue arg1' )
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue = timeinterval
-!$$$here...  move implementation into BaseTime
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue%basetime%S  = &amp;
-        -abs(ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue%basetime%S)
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue%basetime%Sn = &amp;
-        -abs(ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue%basetime%Sn )
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue
-! This section includes overloaded operators defined only for TimeInterval
-! (not inherited from BaseTime)
-! Note:  these functions do not have a return code, since F90 forbids more
-! than 2 arguments for arithmetic overloaded operators
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! added jm 20051012
-! new WRF-specific function, Divide two time intervals and return the whole integer, without remainder
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
-      INTEGER :: ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot 
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
-      INTEGER :: retval, isgn, rc
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: zero, i1,i2
-!     Returns timeinterval1 divided by timeinterval2 as a fraction quotient.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval1]
-!          The dividend
-!     \item[timeinterval2]
-!          The divisor
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.5
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot arg1' )
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot arg2' )
-      call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( zero, rc=rc )
-      i1 = timeinterval1
-      i2 = timeinterval2
-      isgn = 1
-      if ( i1 .LT. zero ) then
-        i1 = ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI(i1, -1)
-        isgn = -isgn
-      endif
-      if ( i2 .LT. zero ) then
-        i2 = ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI(i2, -1)
-        isgn = -isgn
-      endif
-! repeated subtraction
-      retval = 0
-      DO WHILE (  i1 .GE. i2 )
-        i1 = i1 - i2
-        retval = retval + 1
-      ENDDO
-      retval = retval * isgn
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot = retval
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI - Divide time interval by an integer, return time interval result 
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI(timeinterval, divisor)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-      integer, intent(in) :: divisor
-!     Divides a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} by an integer divisor, returns
-!     quotient as a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          The dividend
-!     \item[divisor]
-!          Integer divisor
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.6, TMG5.3, TMG7.2
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() A:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!  timeinterval%basetime%S,timeinterval%basetime%Sn,timeinterval%basetime%Sd
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() A:  divisor = ', divisor
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI arg1' )
-      IF ( divisor == 0 ) THEN
-        CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI:  divide by zero' )
-      ENDIF
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI = timeinterval
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() B:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!  ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%S,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sn,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sd
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime = &amp;
-        timeinterval%basetime / divisor
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() C:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!  ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%S,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sn,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sd
-      CALL normalize_timeint( ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI )
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() D:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
-!  ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%S,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sn,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sd
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI
-! !IROUTINE:   ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI - Multiply a time interval by an integer
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI(timeinterval, multiplier)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-      integer, intent(in) :: multiplier
-! !LOCAL:
-      integer    :: rc
-!     Multiply a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} by an integer, return product as a
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          The multiplicand
-!     \item[mutliplier]
-!          Integer multiplier
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.7, TMG7.2
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI arg1' )
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI, rc=rc )
-!$$$move this into overloaded operator(*) in BaseTime
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI%basetime%S  = &amp;
-        timeinterval%basetime%S * INT( multiplier, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI%basetime%Sn = &amp;
-        timeinterval%basetime%Sn * INT( multiplier, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-      ! Don't multiply Sd
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI%basetime%Sd = timeinterval%basetime%Sd
-      CALL normalize_timeint( ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI )
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI
-! This section includes the inherited ESMF_BaseTime class overloaded operators
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalSum - Add two time intervals together
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalSum(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalSum
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
-! !LOCAL:
-      integer                             :: rc
-!     Add two {\tt ESMF\_TimeIntervals}, return sum as a
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}.  Maps overloaded (+) operator interface
-!     function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval1]
-!          The augend 
-!     \item[timeinterval2]
-!          The addend
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, 
-!                 TMG7.2
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalSum arg1' )
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalSum arg2' )
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalSum = timeinterval1
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalSum%basetime = ESMF_TimeIntervalSum%basetime + &amp;
-                                      timeinterval2%basetime
-      CALL normalize_timeint( ESMF_TimeIntervalSum )
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalSum
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff - Subtract one time interval from another
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
-! !LOCAL:
-      integer                             :: rc
-!     Subtract timeinterval2 from timeinterval1, return remainder as a 
-!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}.
-!     Map overloaded (-) operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime}
-!     base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval1]
-!          The minuend 
-!     \item[timeinterval2]
-!          The subtrahend
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff arg1' )
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff arg2' )
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff = timeinterval1
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff%basetime = ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff%basetime - &amp;
-                                       timeinterval2%basetime
-      CALL normalize_timeint( ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff )
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff
-! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ - Compare two time intervals for equality
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
-!     Return true if both given time intervals are equal, false otherwise.
-!     Maps overloaded (==) operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime}
-!     base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval1]
-!          First time interval to compare
-!     \item[timeinterval2]
-!          Second time interval to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ arg1' )
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ arg2' )
-!$$$here...  move all this out of Meat.F90 ?  
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntEQ(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ)
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalNE - Compare two time intervals for inequality
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalNE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalNE
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
-!     Return true if both given time intervals are not equal, false otherwise.
-!     Maps overloaded (/=) operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime}
-!     base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval1]
-!          First time interval to compare
-!     \item[timeinterval2]
-!          Second time interval to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalNE arg1' )
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalNE arg2' )
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntNE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalNE)
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalNE
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalLT - Time interval 1 less than time interval 2 ?
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalLT(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalLT
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
-!     Return true if first time interval is less than second time interval,
-!     false otherwise. Maps overloaded (&lt;) operator interface function to
-!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval1]
-!          First time interval to compare
-!     \item[timeinterval2]
-!          Second time interval to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalLT arg1' )
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalLT arg2' )
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntLT(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalLT)
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalLT
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalGT - Time interval 1 greater than time interval 2?
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalGT(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalGT
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
-!     Return true if first time interval is greater than second time interval,
-!     false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&gt;) operator interface function to
-!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval1]
-!          First time interval to compare
-!     \item[timeinterval2]
-!          Second time interval to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalGT arg1' )
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalGT arg2' )
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntGT(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalGT)
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalGT
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalLE - Time interval 1 less than or equal to time interval 2 ?
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalLE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalLE
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
-!     Return true if first time interval is less than or equal to second time
-!     interval, false otherwise.
-!     Maps overloaded (&lt;=) operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime}
-!     base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval1]
-!          First time interval to compare
-!     \item[timeinterval2]
-!          Second time interval to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalLE arg1' )
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalLE arg2' )
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntLE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalLE)
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalLE
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalGE - Time interval 1 greater than or equal to time interval 2 ?
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalGE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalGE
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
-!     Return true if first time interval is greater than or equal to second
-!     time interval, false otherwise. Maps overloaded (&gt;=) operator interface
-!     function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval1]
-!          First time interval to compare
-!     \item[timeinterval2]
-!          Second time interval to compare
-!     \end{description}
-!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalGE arg1' )
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalGE arg2' )
-      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
-      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntGE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalGE)
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalGE
-! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive - Time interval greater than zero?
-      function ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive(timeinterval)
-      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
-      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: zerotimeint
-      integer :: rcint
-!     Return true if time interval is greater than zero,  
-!     false otherwise. 
-!     The arguments are:
-!     \begin{description}
-!     \item[timeinterval]
-!          Time interval to compare
-!     \end{description}
-      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, &amp;
-                                   'ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive arg' )
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet ( zerotimeint, rc=rcint )
-      IF ( rcint /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN
-        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
-          'ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive:  ESMF_TimeIntervalSet failed' )
-      ENDIF
-! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
-!      ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive = timeinterval &gt; zerotimeint
-      ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive = ESMF_TimeIntervalGT( timeinterval, &amp;
-                                                         zerotimeint )
-      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive
-      end module ESMF_TimeIntervalMod

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeInterval.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeInterval.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeInterval.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeInterval.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@
+! Earth System Modeling Framework
+! Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+! Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+! Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+! Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+! NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+! Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+!     ESMF TimeInterval Module
+      module ESMF_TimeIntervalMod
+! This file contains the TimeInterval class definition and all TimeInterval
+! class methods.
+#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
+! !MODULE: ESMF_TimeIntervalMod
+! Part of Time Manager F90 API wrapper of C++ implemenation
+! Defines F90 wrapper entry points for corresponding
+! C++ implementaion of class {\tt ESMC\_TimeInterval}
+! See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_TimeInterval.h} for complete description
+! !USES:
+      ! inherit from ESMF base class
+      use ESMF_BaseMod
+      ! inherit from base time class
+      use ESMF_BaseTimeMod
+      ! associated derived types
+      use ESMF_FractionMod, only : ESMF_Fraction
+      use ESMF_CalendarMod
+      implicit none
+      private
+!     ! ESMF_TimeInterval
+!     ! F90 class type to match C++ TimeInterval class in size only;
+!     !  all dereferencing within class is performed by C++ implementation
+      type ESMF_TimeInterval
+        ! time interval is expressed as basetime
+        type(ESMF_BaseTime) :: basetime  ! inherit base class
+        ! Relative year and month fields support monthly or yearly time 
+        ! intervals.  Many operations are undefined when these fields are 
+        ! non-zero!  
+        INTEGER :: YR                    ! relative year
+   !jm Month has no meaning for an interval; get rid of it, 20100319
+   !     INTEGER :: MM                    ! relative month
+      end type
+      public ESMF_TimeInterval
+      public ESMF_TimeIntervalGet
+      public ESMF_TimeIntervalSet
+      public ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString
+      public ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue
+      public ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue
+! Required inherited and overridden ESMF_Base class methods
+!!!!!!!!! added 20051012, JM
+!      public WRFADDITION_TimeIntervalDIVQuot 
+!!!!!!!!! renamed to simplify testing 20060320, TH
+      public ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot 
+      ! This convenience routine is only used by other modules in 
+      ! esmf_time_f90.  
+      public ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive

+! overloaded operator functions

+      public operator(/)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI
+      public operator(*)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI
+! Inherited and overloaded from ESMF_BaseTime
+      public operator(+)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalSum
+      public operator(-)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff
+      public operator(.EQ.)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ
+      public operator(.NE.)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalNE
+      public operator(.LT.)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalLT
+      public operator(.GT.)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalGT
+      public operator(.LE.)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalLE
+      public operator(.GE.)
+      private ESMF_TimeIntervalGE
+      interface operator(*)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI
+!     This interface overloads the * operator for the {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}
+!     class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(/)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI
+!     This interface overloads the / operator for the
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(+)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalSum
+!     This interface overloads the + operator for the
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(-)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff
+!     This interface overloads the - operator for the
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.EQ.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ
+!     This interface overloads the .EQ. operator for the
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.NE.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalNE
+!     This interface overloads the .NE. operator for the
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.LT.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalLT
+!     This interface overloads the .LT. operator for the
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.GT.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalGT
+!     This interface overloads the .GT. operator for the
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.LE.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalLE
+!     This interface overloads the .LE. operator for the
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
+      end interface
+      interface operator(.GE.)
+      module procedure ESMF_TimeIntervalGE
+!     This interface overloads the .GE. operator for the
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} class
+      end interface
+      contains
+! Generic Get/Set routines which use F90 optional arguments
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeIntervalGet - Get value in user-specified units
+      subroutine ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(timeinterval, D, d_r8, S, S_i8, Sn, Sd, &amp;
+                                      TimeString, rc )
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: D
+      real(ESMF_KIND_R8),     intent(out), optional :: d_r8
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8),  intent(out), optional :: S_i8
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: S
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: Sn
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: Sd
+      character*(*), optional, intent(out) :: TimeString
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+!     Get the value of the {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} in units specified by the
+!     user via F90 optional arguments.
+!     Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers 
+!     to maintain precision.  Hence, user-specified floating point values are
+!     converted internally from integers.
+!     See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h} and
+!     {\tt ../include/ESMC\_TimeInterval.h} for complete description.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          The object instance to query
+!     \item[{[YY]}]
+!          Integer years (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[YYl]}]
+!          Integer years (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[MO]}]
+!          Integer months (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[MOl]}]
+!          Integer months (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[D]}]
+!          Integer days (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[Dl]}]
+!          Integer days (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[H]}]
+!          Integer hours
+!     \item[{[M]}]
+!          Integer minutes
+!     \item[{[S]}]
+!          Integer seconds (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[Sl]}]
+!          Integer seconds (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[MS]}]
+!          Integer milliseconds
+!     \item[{[US]}]
+!          Integer microseconds
+!     \item[{[NS]}]
+!          Integer nanoseconds
+!     \item[{[d\_]}]
+!          Double precision days
+!     \item[{[h\_]}]
+!          Double precision hours
+!     \item[{[m\_]}]
+!          Double precision minutes
+!     \item[{[s\_]}]
+!          Double precision seconds
+!     \item[{[ms\_]}]
+!          Double precision milliseconds
+!     \item[{[us\_]}]
+!          Double precision microseconds
+!     \item[{[ns\_]}]
+!          Double precision nanoseconds
+!     \item[{[Sn]}]
+!          Integer fractional seconds - numerator
+!     \item[{[Sd]}]
+!          Integer fractional seconds - denominator
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.1
+! Added argument to output double precision seconds, S_i8
+! William.Gustafson@pnl.gov; 9-May-2008
+      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: seconds
+      INTEGER :: ierr
+      ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      seconds = timeinterval%basetime%S
+      ! note that S is overwritten below (if present) if other args are also 
+      ! present
+      IF ( PRESENT(S) ) S = seconds
+      IF ( PRESENT(S_i8) ) S_i8 = seconds
+      IF ( PRESENT( D ) ) THEN
+        D = seconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY
+        IF ( PRESENT(S) )    S    = MOD( seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+        IF ( PRESENT(S_i8) ) S_i8 = MOD( seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( d_r8 ) ) THEN
+        D_r8 = REAL( seconds, ESMF_KIND_R8 ) / &amp;
+               REAL( SECONDS_PER_DAY, ESMF_KIND_R8 )
+        IF ( PRESENT(S) )    S    = MOD( seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+        IF ( PRESENT(S_i8) ) S_i8 = MOD( seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT(Sn) ) THEN
+        Sn = timeinterval%basetime%Sn
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT(Sd) ) THEN
+        Sd = timeinterval%basetime%Sd
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( timeString ) ) THEN
+        CALL ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString( timeinterval, timeString, rc=ierr )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ierr
+      end subroutine ESMF_TimeIntervalGet
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeIntervalSet - Initialize via user-specified unit set
+      subroutine ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(timeinterval, YY, YYl, MM, MOl, D, Dl, &amp;
+                                      H, M, S, Sl, MS, US, NS, &amp;
+                                      d_, h_, m_, s_, ms_, us_, ns_, &amp;
+                                      Sn, Sd, rc)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(out) :: timeinterval
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: YY
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: YYl
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: MM
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: MOl
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: D
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Dl
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: H
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: M
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: S
+      integer(ESMF_KIND_I8), intent(in), optional :: Sl
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: MS
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: US
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: NS
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: d_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: h_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: m_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: s_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: ms_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: us_
+      double precision, intent(in), optional :: ns_
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: Sn
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: Sd
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+      ! locals
+      INTEGER :: nfeb
+!     Set the value of the {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} in units specified by
+!     the user via F90 optional arguments
+!     Time manager represents and manipulates time internally with integers 
+!     to maintain precision.  Hence, user-specified floating point values are
+!     converted internally to integers.
+!     See {\tt ../include/ESMC\_BaseTime.h} and
+!     {\tt ../include/ESMC\_TimeInterval.h} for complete description.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          The object instance to initialize
+!     \item[{[YY]}]
+!          Integer number of interval years (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[YYl]}]
+!          Integer number of interval years (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[MM]}]
+!          Integer number of interval months (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[MOl]}]
+!          Integer number of interval months (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[D]}]
+!          Integer number of interval days (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[Dl]}]
+!          Integer number of interval days (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[H]}]
+!          Integer hours
+!     \item[{[M]}]
+!          Integer minutes
+!     \item[{[S]}]
+!          Integer seconds (&gt;= 32-bit)
+!     \item[{[Sl]}]
+!          Integer seconds (large, &gt;= 64-bit)
+!     \item[{[MS]}]
+!          Integer milliseconds
+!     \item[{[US]}]
+!          Integer microseconds
+!     \item[{[NS]}]
+!          Integer nanoseconds
+!     \item[{[d\_]}]
+!          Double precision days
+!     \item[{[h\_]}]
+!          Double precision hours
+!     \item[{[m\_]}]
+!          Double precision minutes
+!     \item[{[s\_]}]
+!          Double precision seconds
+!     \item[{[ms\_]}]
+!          Double precision milliseconds
+!     \item[{[us\_]}]
+!          Double precision microseconds
+!     \item[{[ns\_]}]
+!          Double precision nanoseconds
+!     \item[{[Sn]}]
+!          Integer fractional seconds - numerator
+!     \item[{[Sd]}]
+!          Integer fractional seconds - denominator
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMGn.n.n
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_FAILURE
+      ! note that YR and MM are relative
+      timeinterval%YR = 0
+      IF ( PRESENT( YY ) ) THEN
+        timeinterval%YR = YY
+      ENDIF
+!jm      timeinterval%MM = 0
+!jm      IF ( PRESENT( MM ) ) THEN
+!jm        timeinterval%MM = MM
+!jm      ENDIF
+!jm      ! Rollover months to years
+!jm      IF      ( abs(timeinterval%MM) .GE. MONTHS_PER_YEAR ) THEN
+!jm        timeinterval%YR = timeinterval%YR + timeinterval%MM/MONTHS_PER_YEAR
+!jm        timeinterval%MM = mod(timeinterval%MM,MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
+!jm      ENDIF
+      timeinterval%basetime%S = 0
+      ! For 365-day calendar, immediately convert years to days since we know 
+      ! how to do it in this case.  
+!$$$ replace this hack with something saner...
+      IF ( nfeb( 2004 ) == 28 ) THEN
+        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
+          ( 365_ESMF_KIND_I8 * &amp;
+            INT( timeinterval%YR, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+        timeinterval%YR = 0
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( D ) ) THEN
+        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
+          ( SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( D, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
+      ENDIF
+!$$$ Push H,M,S,Sn,Sd,MS down into BaseTime constructor from EVERYWHERE
+!$$$ and THEN add ESMF scaling behavior when other args are present...  
+      IF ( PRESENT( H ) ) THEN
+        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
+          ( SECONDS_PER_HOUR * INT( H, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( M ) ) THEN
+        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
+          ( SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * INT( M, ESMF_KIND_I8 ) )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( S ) ) THEN
+        timeinterval%basetime%S = timeinterval%basetime%S + &amp;
+          INT( S, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) .AND. ( .NOT. PRESENT( Sd ) ) ) THEN
+        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
+          &quot;ESMF_TimeIntervalSet:  Must specify Sd if Sn is specified&quot;)
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) .AND. PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
+        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
+          &quot;ESMF_TimeIntervalSet:  Must not specify both Sd and MS&quot;)
+      ENDIF
+      timeinterval%basetime%Sn = 0
+      timeinterval%basetime%Sd = 0
+      IF ( PRESENT( MS ) ) THEN
+        timeinterval%basetime%Sn = MS
+        timeinterval%basetime%Sd = 1000_ESMF_KIND_I8
+      ELSE IF ( PRESENT( Sd ) ) THEN
+        timeinterval%basetime%Sd = Sd
+        IF ( PRESENT( Sn ) ) THEN
+          timeinterval%basetime%Sn = Sn
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      CALL normalize_timeint( timeinterval )
+      IF ( PRESENT(rc) ) rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMF_TimeIntervalSet
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString - Get time interval value in string format
+      subroutine ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString(timeinterval, TimeString, rc)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+      character*(*),  intent(out) :: TimeString
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: rc
+      ! locals
+      integer :: signnormtimeint
+      LOGICAL :: negative
+      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: iS, iSn, iSd, H, M, S
+      character (len=1) :: signstr
+!     Convert {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}'s value into string format
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          The object instance to convert
+!     \item[TimeString]
+!          The string to return
+!     \item[{[rc]}]
+!          Return code; equals {\tt ESMF\_SUCCESS} if there are no errors.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.9
+! NOTE:  YR, MM, Sn, and Sd are not yet included in the returned string...  
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString():  YR,MM,S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!        timeinterval%YR, &amp;
+!        timeinterval%MM, &amp;
+!        timeinterval%basetime%S, &amp;
+!        timeinterval%basetime%Sn, &amp;
+!        timeinterval%basetime%Sd
+      negative = ( signnormtimeint( timeInterval ) == -1 )
+      IF ( negative ) THEN
+        iS = -timeinterval%basetime%S
+        iSn = -timeinterval%basetime%Sn
+        signstr = '-'
+      ELSE
+        iS = timeinterval%basetime%S
+        iSn = timeinterval%basetime%Sn
+        signstr = ''
+      ENDIF 
+      iSd = timeinterval%basetime%Sd
+      S = mod( iS, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE )
+!$$$here...  need to print Sn and Sd when they are used ???
+      write(TimeString,FMT=&quot;(A,I10.10,'_',I3.3,':',I3.3,':',I3.3)&quot;) &amp;
+        TRIM(signstr), ( iS / SECONDS_PER_DAY ), H, M, S
+!write(0,*)'TimeIntervalGetString Sn ',timeinterval%basetime%Sn,' Sd ',timeinterval%basetime%Sd
+      rc = ESMF_SUCCESS
+      end subroutine ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue - Get the absolute value of a time interval
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue(timeinterval)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+! !LOCAL:
+      integer    :: rc
+!     Return a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}'s absolute value.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          The object instance to take the absolute value of.
+!          Absolute value returned as value of function.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.8
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue arg1' )
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue = timeinterval
+!$$$here...  move implementation into BaseTime
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue%basetime%S  = &amp;
+        abs(ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue%basetime%S)
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue%basetime%Sn = &amp;
+        abs(ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue%basetime%Sn )
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalAbsValue
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue - Get the negative absolute value of a time interval
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue(timeinterval)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+! !LOCAL:
+      integer    :: rc
+!     Return a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}'s negative absolute value.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          The object instance to take the negative absolute value of.
+!          Negative absolute value returned as value of function.
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.8
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue arg1' )
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue = timeinterval
+!$$$here...  move implementation into BaseTime
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue%basetime%S  = &amp;
+        -abs(ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue%basetime%S)
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue%basetime%Sn = &amp;
+        -abs(ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue%basetime%Sn )
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalNegAbsValue
+! This section includes overloaded operators defined only for TimeInterval
+! (not inherited from BaseTime)
+! Note:  these functions do not have a return code, since F90 forbids more
+! than 2 arguments for arithmetic overloaded operators
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! added jm 20051012
+! new WRF-specific function, Divide two time intervals and return the whole integer, without remainder
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
+      INTEGER :: ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot 
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
+      INTEGER :: retval, isgn, rc
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: zero, i1,i2
+!     Returns timeinterval1 divided by timeinterval2 as a fraction quotient.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval1]
+!          The dividend
+!     \item[timeinterval2]
+!          The divisor
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.5
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot arg1' )
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot arg2' )
+      call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( zero, rc=rc )
+      i1 = timeinterval1
+      i2 = timeinterval2
+      isgn = 1
+      if ( i1 .LT. zero ) then
+        i1 = ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI(i1, -1)
+        isgn = -isgn
+      endif
+      if ( i2 .LT. zero ) then
+        i2 = ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI(i2, -1)
+        isgn = -isgn
+      endif
+! repeated subtraction
+      retval = 0
+      DO WHILE (  i1 .GE. i2 )
+        i1 = i1 - i2
+        retval = retval + 1
+      ENDDO
+      retval = retval * isgn
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot = retval
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI - Divide time interval by an integer, return time interval result 
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI(timeinterval, divisor)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+      integer, intent(in) :: divisor
+!     Divides a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} by an integer divisor, returns
+!     quotient as a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          The dividend
+!     \item[divisor]
+!          Integer divisor
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.6, TMG5.3, TMG7.2
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() A:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!  timeinterval%basetime%S,timeinterval%basetime%Sn,timeinterval%basetime%Sd
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() A:  divisor = ', divisor
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI arg1' )
+      IF ( divisor == 0 ) THEN
+        CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI:  divide by zero' )
+      ENDIF
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI = timeinterval
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() B:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!  ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%S,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sn,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sd
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime = &amp;
+        timeinterval%basetime / divisor
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() C:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!  ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%S,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sn,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sd
+      CALL normalize_timeint( ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI )
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI() D:  S,Sn,Sd = ', &amp;
+!  ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%S,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sn,ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI%basetime%Sd
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalQuotI
+! !IROUTINE:   ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI - Multiply a time interval by an integer
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI(timeinterval, multiplier)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+      integer, intent(in) :: multiplier
+! !LOCAL:
+      integer    :: rc
+!     Multiply a {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval} by an integer, return product as a
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          The multiplicand
+!     \item[mutliplier]
+!          Integer multiplier
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.7, TMG7.2
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI arg1' )
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI, rc=rc )
+!$$$move this into overloaded operator(*) in BaseTime
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI%basetime%S  = &amp;
+        timeinterval%basetime%S * INT( multiplier, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI%basetime%Sn = &amp;
+        timeinterval%basetime%Sn * INT( multiplier, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+      ! Don't multiply Sd
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI%basetime%Sd = timeinterval%basetime%Sd
+      CALL normalize_timeint( ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI )
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalProdI
+! This section includes the inherited ESMF_BaseTime class overloaded operators
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalSum - Add two time intervals together
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalSum(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalSum
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
+! !LOCAL:
+      integer                             :: rc
+!     Add two {\tt ESMF\_TimeIntervals}, return sum as a
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}.  Maps overloaded (+) operator interface
+!     function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval1]
+!          The augend 
+!     \item[timeinterval2]
+!          The addend
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, 
+!                 TMG7.2
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalSum arg1' )
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalSum arg2' )
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalSum = timeinterval1
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalSum%basetime = ESMF_TimeIntervalSum%basetime + &amp;
+                                      timeinterval2%basetime
+      CALL normalize_timeint( ESMF_TimeIntervalSum )
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalSum
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff - Subtract one time interval from another
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
+! !LOCAL:
+      integer                             :: rc
+!     Subtract timeinterval2 from timeinterval1, return remainder as a 
+!     {\tt ESMF\_TimeInterval}.
+!     Map overloaded (-) operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime}
+!     base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval1]
+!          The minuend 
+!     \item[timeinterval2]
+!          The subtrahend
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.4, TMG2.4.4, TMG2.4.5, TMG2.4.6, TMG5.1, TMG5.2, TMG7.2
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff arg1' )
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff arg2' )
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff = timeinterval1
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff%basetime = ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff%basetime - &amp;
+                                       timeinterval2%basetime
+      CALL normalize_timeint( ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff )
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalDiff
+! !IROUTINE: ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ - Compare two time intervals for equality
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
+!     Return true if both given time intervals are equal, false otherwise.
+!     Maps overloaded (==) operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime}
+!     base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval1]
+!          First time interval to compare
+!     \item[timeinterval2]
+!          Second time interval to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ arg1' )
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ arg2' )
+!$$$here...  move all this out of Meat.F90 ?  
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntEQ(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ)
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalEQ
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalNE - Compare two time intervals for inequality
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalNE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalNE
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
+!     Return true if both given time intervals are not equal, false otherwise.
+!     Maps overloaded (/=) operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime}
+!     base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval1]
+!          First time interval to compare
+!     \item[timeinterval2]
+!          Second time interval to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalNE arg1' )
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalNE arg2' )
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntNE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalNE)
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalNE
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalLT - Time interval 1 less than time interval 2 ?
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalLT(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalLT
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
+!     Return true if first time interval is less than second time interval,
+!     false otherwise. Maps overloaded (&lt;) operator interface function to
+!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval1]
+!          First time interval to compare
+!     \item[timeinterval2]
+!          Second time interval to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalLT arg1' )
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalLT arg2' )
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntLT(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalLT)
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalLT
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalGT - Time interval 1 greater than time interval 2?
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalGT(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalGT
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
+!     Return true if first time interval is greater than second time interval,
+!     false otherwise.  Maps overloaded (&gt;) operator interface function to
+!     {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval1]
+!          First time interval to compare
+!     \item[timeinterval2]
+!          Second time interval to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalGT arg1' )
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalGT arg2' )
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntGT(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalGT)
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalGT
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalLE - Time interval 1 less than or equal to time interval 2 ?
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalLE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalLE
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
+!     Return true if first time interval is less than or equal to second time
+!     interval, false otherwise.
+!     Maps overloaded (&lt;=) operator interface function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime}
+!     base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval1]
+!          First time interval to compare
+!     \item[timeinterval2]
+!          Second time interval to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalLE arg1' )
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalLE arg2' )
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntLE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalLE)
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalLE
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalGE - Time interval 1 greater than or equal to time interval 2 ?
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalGE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalGE
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval1
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval2
+!     Return true if first time interval is greater than or equal to second
+!     time interval, false otherwise. Maps overloaded (&gt;=) operator interface
+!     function to {\tt ESMF\_BaseTime} base class.
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval1]
+!          First time interval to compare
+!     \item[timeinterval2]
+!          Second time interval to compare
+!     \end{description}
+!     TMG1.5.3, TMG2.4.3, TMG7.2
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval1, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalGE arg1' )
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval2, 'ESMF_TimeIntervalGE arg2' )
+      ! call ESMC_BaseTime base class function
+      call c_ESMC_BaseTimeIntGE(timeinterval1, timeinterval2, ESMF_TimeIntervalGE)
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalGE
+! !IROUTINE:  ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive - Time interval greater than zero?
+      function ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive(timeinterval)
+      logical :: ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval), intent(in) :: timeinterval
+      type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: zerotimeint
+      integer :: rcint
+!     Return true if time interval is greater than zero,  
+!     false otherwise. 
+!     The arguments are:
+!     \begin{description}
+!     \item[timeinterval]
+!          Time interval to compare
+!     \end{description}
+      CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeinterval, &amp;
+                                   'ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive arg' )
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet ( zerotimeint, rc=rcint )
+      IF ( rcint /= ESMF_SUCCESS ) THEN
+        CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
+          'ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive:  ESMF_TimeIntervalSet failed' )
+      ENDIF
+! hack for bug in PGI 5.1-x
+!      ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive = timeinterval &gt; zerotimeint
+      ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive = ESMF_TimeIntervalGT( timeinterval, &amp;
+                                                         zerotimeint )
+      end function ESMF_TimeIntervalIsPositive
+      end module ESMF_TimeIntervalMod

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeMgr.inc
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeMgr.inc        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeMgr.inc        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#if 0

-Earth System Modeling Framework
-Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
-Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
-Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
-Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
-NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
-Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
-Do not have C++ or F90 style comments in here because this file is processed
-by both C++ and F90 compilers.
-#ifndef ESMF_TimeMgr_INC
-#define ESMF_TimeMgr_INC
-#if 0
- ESMF TimeMgr include file for F90
- The code in this file implements constants and macros for the TimeMgr...
-#include &lt;ESMF_Macros.inc&gt;
-! Note that MAX_ALARMS must match MAX_WRF_ALARMS defined in 
-! ../../frame/module_domain.F !!!  Eliminate this dependence with 
-! grow-as-you-go AlarmList in ESMF_Clock...  
-#define MAX_HISTORY 10
-#define MAX_ALARMS (2*(MAX_HISTORY)+10)
-! TBH:  TODO:  Hook this into the WRF build so WRF can use either &quot;no-leap&quot; or 
-! TBH:         Gregorian calendar.  Now WRF is hard-wired to use Gregorian.  
-!#ifdef COUP_CSM
-! TBH:  When NO_DT_COMPONENT_INIT is set, code that uses F95 compile-time 
-! TBH:  initialization of components of derived types is not included.  
-! TBH:  Some older compilers like PGI 5.x do not support this F95 
-! TBH:  feature.

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeMgr.inc (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeMgr.inc)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeMgr.inc                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/ESMF_TimeMgr.inc        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#if 0

+Earth System Modeling Framework
+Copyright 2002-2003, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research,
+Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
+Laboratory, University of Michigan, National Centers for Environmental
+Prediction, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory,
+NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
+Licensed under the University of Illinois-NCSA license.
+Do not have C++ or F90 style comments in here because this file is processed
+by both C++ and F90 compilers.
+#ifndef ESMF_TimeMgr_INC
+#define ESMF_TimeMgr_INC
+#if 0
+ ESMF TimeMgr include file for F90
+ The code in this file implements constants and macros for the TimeMgr...
+#include &lt;ESMF_Macros.inc&gt;
+! Note that MAX_ALARMS must match MAX_WRF_ALARMS defined in 
+! ../../frame/module_domain.F !!!  Eliminate this dependence with 
+! grow-as-you-go AlarmList in ESMF_Clock...  
+#define MAX_HISTORY 10
+#define MAX_ALARMS (2*(MAX_HISTORY)+10)
+! TBH:  TODO:  Hook this into the WRF build so WRF can use either &quot;no-leap&quot; or 
+! TBH:         Gregorian calendar.  Now WRF is hard-wired to use Gregorian.  
+!#ifdef COUP_CSM
+! TBH:  When NO_DT_COMPONENT_INIT is set, code that uses F95 compile-time 
+! TBH:  initialization of components of derived types is not included.  
+! TBH:  Some older compilers like PGI 5.x do not support this F95 
+! TBH:  feature.

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Makefile
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Makefile        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# To build this by itself, use the make target esmf_time_f90_only 
-# from the top-level WRF Makefile.  
-# &gt; cd ../..
-# configure
-# make esmf_time_f90_only
-.SUFFIXES: .F90 .o .f
-# get rid of single quotes after comments
-# WARNING:  This will break if a quoted string is followed by a comment that has
-#           a single quote.
-SED_FTN = sed -e &quot;/\!.*'/s/'//g&quot;
-RM = /bin/rm -f
-AR = ar
-RANLIB = ranlib
-FGREP = fgrep -iq
-OBJS = ESMF_Alarm.o ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Clock.o ESMF_Time.o \
-        Meat.o ESMF_Base.o ESMF_Calendar.o ESMF_Fraction.o   \
-        ESMF_TimeInterval.o ESMF_Stubs.o ESMF_Mod.o \
-        module_symbols_util.o \
-        module_utility.o ESMF_AlarmClock.o
-default: libesmf_time.a
-tests: Test1_ESMF.exe Test1_WRFU.exe
-libesmf_time.a : $(OBJS)
-        $(RM) libesmf_time.a
-        if [ &quot;$(AR)&quot; != &quot;lib.exe&quot; ] ; then \
-          $(AR) ru libesmf_time.a $(OBJS) ; \
-        else \
-          $(AR) /out:libesmf_time.a $(OBJS) ; \
-        fi
-        $(RANLIB) libesmf_time.a
-Test1_ESMF.f : Test1.F90
-        $(RM) Test1_ESMF.b Test1_ESMF.f
-        cp Test1.F90 Test1_ESMF.b
-        $(CPP) -C -P -I. Test1_ESMF.b &gt; Test1_ESMF.f
-Test1_ESMF.exe : libesmf_time.a Test1_ESMF.o
-        $(FC) -o Test1_ESMF.exe Test1_ESMF.o libesmf_time.a
-Test1_WRFU.f : Test1.F90
-        $(RM) Test1_WRFU.b Test1_WRFU.f
-        sed -e &quot;s/ESMF_Mod/module_utility/g&quot; -e &quot;s/ESMF_/WRFU_/g&quot; Test1.F90 &gt; Test1_WRFU.b
-        $(CPP) -C -P -I. Test1_WRFU.b &gt; Test1_WRFU.f
-Test1_WRFU.exe : libesmf_time.a Test1_WRFU.o
-        $(FC) -o Test1_WRFU.exe Test1_WRFU.o libesmf_time.a
-.F90.o :
-        $(RM) $@
-        $(SED_FTN) $*.F90 &gt; $*.b
-        $(CPP) -C -P -I. $*.b &gt; $*.f
-        $(RM) $*.b
-        $(FC) -o $@ -c $*.f
-.F90.f :
-        $(RM) $@
-        $(SED_FTN) $*.F90 &gt; $*.b
-        $(CPP) -C -P -I. $*.b &gt; $*.f
-        $(RM) $*.b
-.f.o :
-        $(RM) $@
-        $(RM) $*.b
-        $(FC) -c $*.f
-clean : testclean
-        $(RM) *.b *.f *.o *.obj *.i libesmf_time.a *.mod Test1*.exe
-superclean: testclean
-        $(RM) Test1*.out make_tests.out
-# DEPENDENCIES : only dependencies after this line 
-#$$$ update dependencies!  
-ESMF_Alarm.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Time.o ESMF_TimeInterval.o
-ESMF_BaseTime.o : ESMF_Base.o
-ESMF_Clock.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Time.o ESMF_TimeInterval.o
-ESMF_AlarmClock.o : ESMF_Alarm.o ESMF_Clock.o
-ESMF_Time.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_TimeInterval.o ESMF_Calendar.o \
-              ESMF_Stubs.o
-ESMF_Base.o :
-ESMF_Calendar.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o
-ESMF_Fraction.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o
-ESMF_TimeInterval.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Calendar.o ESMF_Fraction.o
-ESMF_Mod.o : ESMF_Alarm.o ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Clock.o ESMF_Time.o \
-        ESMF_Base.o ESMF_Calendar.o ESMF_Fraction.o    \
-        ESMF_TimeInterval.o Meat.o ESMF_Stubs.o ESMF_AlarmClock.o
-Meat.o : ESMF_Alarm.o ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Clock.o ESMF_Time.o \
-        ESMF_Base.o ESMF_Calendar.o ESMF_Fraction.o    \
-        ESMF_TimeInterval.o
-ESMF_Stubs.o : ESMF_Base.o ESMF_Calendar.o
-module_utility.o :  ESMF_Mod.o module_symbols_util.o
-module_symbols_util.o :  ESMF_Mod.o
-Test1.o :  module_utility.o

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Makefile (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Makefile)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Makefile                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# To build this by itself, use the make target esmf_time_f90_only 
+# from the top-level WRF Makefile.  
+# &gt; cd ../..
+# configure
+# make esmf_time_f90_only
+.SUFFIXES: .F90 .o .f
+# get rid of single quotes after comments
+# WARNING:  This will break if a quoted string is followed by a comment that has
+#           a single quote.
+SED_FTN = sed -e &quot;/\!.*'/s/'//g&quot;
+RM = /bin/rm -f
+AR = ar
+RANLIB = ranlib
+FGREP = fgrep -iq
+OBJS = ESMF_Alarm.o ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Clock.o ESMF_Time.o \
+        Meat.o ESMF_Base.o ESMF_Calendar.o ESMF_Fraction.o   \
+        ESMF_TimeInterval.o ESMF_Stubs.o ESMF_Mod.o \
+        module_symbols_util.o \
+        module_utility.o ESMF_AlarmClock.o
+default: libesmf_time.a
+tests: Test1_ESMF.exe Test1_WRFU.exe
+libesmf_time.a : $(OBJS)
+        $(RM) libesmf_time.a
+        if [ &quot;$(AR)&quot; != &quot;lib.exe&quot; ] ; then \
+          $(AR) ru libesmf_time.a $(OBJS) ; \
+        else \
+          $(AR) /out:libesmf_time.a $(OBJS) ; \
+        fi
+        $(RANLIB) libesmf_time.a
+Test1_ESMF.f : Test1.F90
+        $(RM) Test1_ESMF.b Test1_ESMF.f
+        cp Test1.F90 Test1_ESMF.b
+        $(CPP) -C -P -I. Test1_ESMF.b &gt; Test1_ESMF.f
+Test1_ESMF.exe : libesmf_time.a Test1_ESMF.o
+        $(FC) -o Test1_ESMF.exe Test1_ESMF.o libesmf_time.a
+Test1_WRFU.f : Test1.F90
+        $(RM) Test1_WRFU.b Test1_WRFU.f
+        sed -e &quot;s/ESMF_Mod/module_utility/g&quot; -e &quot;s/ESMF_/WRFU_/g&quot; Test1.F90 &gt; Test1_WRFU.b
+        $(CPP) -C -P -I. Test1_WRFU.b &gt; Test1_WRFU.f
+Test1_WRFU.exe : libesmf_time.a Test1_WRFU.o
+        $(FC) -o Test1_WRFU.exe Test1_WRFU.o libesmf_time.a
+.F90.o :
+        $(RM) $@
+        $(SED_FTN) $*.F90 &gt; $*.b
+        $(CPP) -C -P -I. $*.b &gt; $*.f
+        $(RM) $*.b
+        $(FC) -o $@ -c $*.f
+.F90.f :
+        $(RM) $@
+        $(SED_FTN) $*.F90 &gt; $*.b
+        $(CPP) -C -P -I. $*.b &gt; $*.f
+        $(RM) $*.b
+.f.o :
+        $(RM) $@
+        $(RM) $*.b
+        $(FC) -c $*.f
+clean : testclean
+        $(RM) *.b *.f *.o *.obj *.i libesmf_time.a *.mod Test1*.exe
+superclean: testclean
+        $(RM) Test1*.out make_tests.out
+# DEPENDENCIES : only dependencies after this line 
+#$$$ update dependencies!  
+ESMF_Alarm.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Time.o ESMF_TimeInterval.o
+ESMF_BaseTime.o : ESMF_Base.o
+ESMF_Clock.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Time.o ESMF_TimeInterval.o
+ESMF_AlarmClock.o : ESMF_Alarm.o ESMF_Clock.o
+ESMF_Time.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_TimeInterval.o ESMF_Calendar.o \
+              ESMF_Stubs.o
+ESMF_Base.o :
+ESMF_Calendar.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o
+ESMF_Fraction.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o
+ESMF_TimeInterval.o : ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Calendar.o ESMF_Fraction.o
+ESMF_Mod.o : ESMF_Alarm.o ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Clock.o ESMF_Time.o \
+        ESMF_Base.o ESMF_Calendar.o ESMF_Fraction.o    \
+        ESMF_TimeInterval.o Meat.o ESMF_Stubs.o ESMF_AlarmClock.o
+Meat.o : ESMF_Alarm.o ESMF_BaseTime.o ESMF_Clock.o ESMF_Time.o \
+        ESMF_Base.o ESMF_Calendar.o ESMF_Fraction.o    \
+        ESMF_TimeInterval.o
+ESMF_Stubs.o : ESMF_Base.o ESMF_Calendar.o
+module_utility.o :  ESMF_Mod.o module_symbols_util.o
+module_symbols_util.o :  ESMF_Mod.o
+Test1.o :  module_utility.o

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Meat.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Meat.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Meat.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,918 +0,0 @@
-#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
-! Factor so abs(Sn) &lt; Sd and ensure that signs of S and Sn match.  
-! Also, enforce consistency.  
-! YR and MM fields are ignored.  
-SUBROUTINE normalize_basetime( basetime )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(INOUT) :: basetime
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN normalize_basetime()'
-  ! Consistency check...  
-  IF ( basetime%Sd &lt; 0 ) THEN
-    CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
-      'normalize_basetime:  denominator of seconds cannot be negative' )
-  IF ( ( basetime%Sd == 0 ) .AND. ( basetime%Sn .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
-    CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
-      'normalize_basetime:  denominator of seconds cannot be zero when numerator is non-zero' )
-  ! factor so abs(Sn) &lt; Sd
-  IF ( basetime%Sd &gt; 0 ) THEN
-    IF ( ABS( basetime%Sn ) .GE. basetime%Sd ) THEN
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() A1:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
-      basetime%S = basetime%S + ( basetime%Sn / basetime%Sd )
-      basetime%Sn = mod( basetime%Sn, basetime%Sd )
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() A2:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
-    ENDIF
-    ! change sign of Sn if it does not match S
-    IF ( ( basetime%S &gt; 0 ) .AND. ( basetime%Sn &lt; 0 ) ) THEN
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() B1:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
-      basetime%S = basetime%S - 1_ESMF_KIND_I8
-      basetime%Sn = basetime%Sn + basetime%Sd
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() B2:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
-    ENDIF
-    IF ( ( basetime%S &lt; 0 ) .AND. ( basetime%Sn &gt; 0 ) ) THEN
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() C1:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
-      basetime%S = basetime%S + 1_ESMF_KIND_I8
-      basetime%Sn = basetime%Sn - basetime%Sd
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() C2:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
-    ENDIF
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  END normalize_basetime()'
-END SUBROUTINE normalize_basetime
-! A normalized time has time%basetime &gt;= 0, time%basetime less than the current 
-! year expressed as a timeInterval, and time%YR can take any value
-SUBROUTINE normalize_time( time )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: time
-  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: nsecondsinyear
-  ! locals
-  TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: cmptime, zerotime
-  INTEGER :: rc
-  LOGICAL :: done
-  ! first, normalize basetime
-  ! this will force abs(Sn) &lt; Sd and ensure that signs of S and Sn match
-  CALL normalize_basetime( time%basetime )
-!$$$ add tests for these edge cases
-  ! next, underflow negative seconds into YEARS
-  ! time%basetime must end up non-negative
-!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
-  zerotime%S  = 0
-  zerotime%Sn = 0
-  zerotime%Sd = 0
-  DO WHILE ( time%basetime &lt; zerotime )
-    time%YR = time%YR - 1 
-!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
-    cmptime%S  = nsecondsinyear( time%YR )
-    cmptime%Sn = 0
-    cmptime%Sd = 0
-    time%basetime = time%basetime + cmptime
-  ! next, overflow seconds into YEARS
-  done = .FALSE.
-  DO WHILE ( .NOT. done )
-!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
-    cmptime%S  = nsecondsinyear( time%YR )
-    cmptime%Sn = 0
-    cmptime%Sd = 0
-    IF ( time%basetime &gt;= cmptime ) THEN
-      time%basetime = time%basetime - cmptime
-      time%YR = time%YR + 1 
-    ELSE
-      done = .TRUE.
-    ENDIF
-END SUBROUTINE normalize_time
-SUBROUTINE normalize_timeint( timeInt )
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(INOUT) :: timeInt
-  ! normalize basetime
-  ! this will force abs(Sn) &lt; Sd and ensure that signs of S and Sn match
-  ! YR and MM are ignored
-  CALL normalize_basetime( timeInt%basetime )
-END SUBROUTINE normalize_timeint
-FUNCTION signnormtimeint ( timeInt )
-  ! Compute the sign of a time interval.  
-  ! YR and MM fields are *IGNORED*.  
-  ! returns 1, 0, or -1 or exits if timeInt fields have inconsistent signs.
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeInt
-  INTEGER :: signnormtimeint
-  LOGICAL :: positive, negative
-  positive = .FALSE.
-  negative = .FALSE.
-  signnormtimeint = 0
-  ! Note that Sd is required to be non-negative.  This is enforced in 
-  ! normalize_timeint().  
-  ! Note that Sn is required to be zero when Sd is zero.  This is enforced 
-  ! in normalize_timeint().  
-  IF ( ( timeInt%basetime%S &gt; 0 ) .OR. &amp;
-       ( timeInt%basetime%Sn &gt; 0 ) ) THEN
-    positive = .TRUE.
-  IF ( ( timeInt%basetime%S &lt; 0 ) .OR. &amp;
-       ( timeInt%basetime%Sn &lt; 0 ) ) THEN
-    negative = .TRUE.
-  IF ( positive .AND. negative ) THEN
-    CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
-      'signnormtimeint:  signs of fields cannot be mixed' )
-  ELSE IF ( positive ) THEN
-    signnormtimeint = 1
-  ELSE IF ( negative ) THEN
-    signnormtimeint = -1
-END FUNCTION signnormtimeint
-! Exits with error message if timeInt is not normalized.  
-SUBROUTINE timeintchecknormalized( timeInt, msgstr )
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeInt
-  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: msgstr
-  ! locals
-  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: outstr
-  IF ( ( timeInt%YR /= 0 ) ) THEN
-    outstr = 'un-normalized TimeInterval not allowed:  '//TRIM(msgstr)
-    CALL wrf_error_fatal( outstr )
-END SUBROUTINE timeintchecknormalized
-! added from share/module_date_time in WRF.
-FUNCTION nfeb ( year ) RESULT (num_days)
-      ! Compute the number of days in February for the given year
-      INTEGER :: year
-      INTEGER :: num_days
-! TBH:  TODO:  Replace this hack with run-time decision based on 
-! TBH:  TODO:  passed-in calendar.  
-      num_days = 28 ! By default, February has 28 days ...
-      num_days = 28 ! By default, February has 28 days ...
-      IF (MOD(year,4).eq.0) THEN
-         num_days = 29  ! But every four years, it has 29 days ...
-         IF (MOD(year,100).eq.0) THEN
-            num_days = 28  ! Except every 100 years, when it has 28 days ...
-            IF (MOD(year,400).eq.0) THEN
-               num_days = 29  ! Except every 400 years, when it has 29 days.
-            END IF
-         END IF
-      END IF
-FUNCTION ndaysinyear ( year ) RESULT (num_diy)
-  ! Compute the number of days in the given year
-  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: year
-  INTEGER :: num_diy
-  INTEGER :: nfeb
-#if defined MARS
-  num_diy = 669
-#elif defined TITAN
-  num_diy = 686
-  IF ( nfeb( year ) .EQ. 29 ) THEN
-    num_diy = 366
-    num_diy = 365
-END FUNCTION ndaysinyear
-FUNCTION nsecondsinyear ( year ) RESULT (numseconds)
-  ! Compute the number of seconds in the given year
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: year
-  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: numseconds
-  INTEGER :: ndaysinyear
-  numseconds = SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( ndaysinyear(year) , ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-END FUNCTION nsecondsinyear
-SUBROUTINE initdaym 
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE ESMF_CalendarMod, only : months_per_year, mday, daym, mdaycum, monthbdys, &amp;
-                               mdayleap, mdayleapcum, monthbdysleap, daymleap
-  INTEGER i,j,m
-  m = 1
-  mdaycum(0) = 0
-!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
-  monthbdys(0)%S  = 0
-  monthbdys(0)%Sn = 0
-  monthbdys(0)%Sd = 0
-    DO j = 1,mday(i)
-      daym(m) = i
-      m = m + 1
-    ENDDO
-    mdaycum(i) = mdaycum(i-1) + mday(i)
-!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
-    monthbdys(i)%S  = SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( mdaycum(i), ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-    monthbdys(i)%Sn = 0
-    monthbdys(i)%Sd = 0
-  m = 1
-  mdayleapcum(0) = 0
-!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
-  monthbdysleap(0)%S  = 0
-  monthbdysleap(0)%Sn = 0
-  monthbdysleap(0)%Sd = 0
-    DO j = 1,mdayleap(i)
-      daymleap(m) = i
-      m = m + 1
-    ENDDO
-    mdayleapcum(i) = mdayleapcum(i-1) + mdayleap(i)
-!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
-    monthbdysleap(i)%S  = SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( mdayleapcum(i), ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-    monthbdysleap(i)%Sn = 0
-    monthbdysleap(i)%Sd = 0
-!$$$ useful, but not used at the moment...  
-SUBROUTINE compute_dayinyear(YR,MM,DD,dayinyear)
-  use ESMF_CalendarMod, only : mday
-      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: YR,MM,DD   ! DD is day of month
-      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: dayinyear
-      INTEGER i
-      integer nfeb
-#ifdef PLANET
-      dayinyear = DD
-      dayinyear = 0
-      DO i = 1,MM-1
-        if (i.eq.2) then
-          dayinyear = dayinyear + nfeb(YR)
-        else
-          dayinyear = dayinyear + mday(i)
-        endif
-      ENDDO
-      dayinyear = dayinyear + DD
-END SUBROUTINE compute_dayinyear
-SUBROUTINE timegetmonth( time, MM )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  USE ESMF_CalendarMod, only : MONTHS_PER_YEAR, monthbdys, monthbdysleap
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time
-  ! locals
-  INTEGER :: nfeb
-  INTEGER :: i
-#if defined PLANET
-  MM = 0
-  MM = -1
-  IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
-      IF ( ( time%basetime &gt;= monthbdysleap(i-1) ) .AND. ( time%basetime &lt; monthbdysleap(i) ) ) THEN
-        MM = i
-        EXIT
-      ENDIF
-    ENDDO
-      IF ( ( time%basetime &gt;= monthbdys(i-1) ) .AND. ( time%basetime &lt; monthbdys(i) ) ) THEN
-        MM = i
-        EXIT
-      ENDIF
-    ENDDO
-  IF ( MM == -1 ) THEN
-    CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'timegetmonth:  could not extract month of year from time' )
-END SUBROUTINE timegetmonth
-!$$$ may need to change dependencies in Makefile...  
-SUBROUTINE timegetdayofmonth( time, DD )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod, only : monthbdys, monthbdysleap
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time
-  ! locals
-  INTEGER :: nfeb
-  TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: tmpbasetime
-#if defined PLANET
-  tmpbasetime = time%basetime
-  CALL timegetmonth( time, MM )
-  IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
-    tmpbasetime = time%basetime - monthbdysleap(MM-1)
-    tmpbasetime = time%basetime - monthbdys(MM-1)
-  DD = ( tmpbasetime%S / SECONDS_PER_DAY ) + 1
-END SUBROUTINE timegetdayofmonth
-! Increment Time by number of seconds between start of year and start 
-! of month MM.  
-! 1 &lt;= MM &lt;= 12
-! Time is NOT normalized.  
-SUBROUTINE timeaddmonths( time, MM, ierr )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod, only : MONTHS_PER_YEAR, monthbdys, monthbdysleap
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: time
-  ! locals
-  INTEGER :: nfeb
-  ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN timeaddmonths()'
-#if defined PLANET
-!  time%basetime = time%basetime
-  IF ( ( MM &lt; 1 ) .OR. ( MM &gt; MONTHS_PER_YEAR ) ) THEN
-    ierr = ESMF_FAILURE
-    IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
-      time%basetime = time%basetime + monthbdysleap(MM-1)
-    ELSE
-      time%basetime = time%basetime + monthbdys(MM-1)
-    ENDIF
-END SUBROUTINE timeaddmonths
-! Increment Time by number of seconds in the current month.  
-! Time is NOT normalized.  
-SUBROUTINE timeincmonth( time )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod, only : mday, mdayleap
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: time
-  ! locals
-  INTEGER :: nfeb
-#if defined PLANET
-!    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S
-  CALL timegetmonth( time, MM )
-  IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
-    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
-      ( INT( mdayleap(MM), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
-      ( INT( mday(MM), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-END SUBROUTINE timeincmonth
-! Decrement Time by number of seconds in the previous month.  
-! Time is NOT normalized.  
-SUBROUTINE timedecmonth( time )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod, only : mday, months_per_year, mdayleap
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: time
-  ! locals
-  INTEGER :: nfeb
-#if defined PLANET
-!    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S
-  CALL timegetmonth( time, MM )  ! current month, 1-12
-  ! find previous month
-  MM = MM - 1
-  IF ( MM == 0 ) THEN
-    ! wrap around Jan -&gt; Dec
-  IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
-    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S - &amp;
-      ( INT( mdayleap(MM), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S - &amp;
-      ( INT( mday(MM), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
-END SUBROUTINE timedecmonth
-! spaceship operator for Times
-SUBROUTINE timecmp(time1, time2, retval )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: retval
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time1
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time2
-  IF ( time1%YR .GT. time2%YR ) THEN ; retval = 1 ; RETURN ; ENDIF
-  IF ( time1%YR .LT. time2%YR ) THEN ; retval = -1 ; RETURN ; ENDIF
-  CALL seccmp( time1%basetime%S, time1%basetime%Sn, time1%basetime%Sd, &amp;
-               time2%basetime%S, time2%basetime%Sn, time2%basetime%Sd, &amp;
-               retval )
-! spaceship operator for TimeIntervals
-SUBROUTINE timeintcmp(timeint1, timeint2, retval )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: retval
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
-  CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeint1, 'timeintcmp arg1' )
-  CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeint2, 'timeintcmp arg2' )
-  CALL seccmp( timeint1%basetime%S, timeint1%basetime%Sn, &amp;
-               timeint1%basetime%Sd,                      &amp;
-               timeint2%basetime%S, timeint2%basetime%Sn, &amp;
-               timeint2%basetime%Sd, retval )
-END SUBROUTINE timeintcmp
-! spaceship operator for seconds + Sn/Sd
-SUBROUTINE seccmp(S1, Sn1, Sd1, S2, Sn2, Sd2, retval )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: retval
-! local
-  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: lcd, n1, n2
-  n1 = Sn1
-  n2 = Sn2
-  if ( ( n1 .ne. 0 ) .or. ( n2 .ne. 0 ) ) then
-    CALL compute_lcd( Sd1, Sd2, lcd )
-    if ( Sd1 .ne. 0 ) n1 = n1 * ( lcd / Sd1 )
-    if ( Sd2 .ne. 0 ) n2 = n2 * ( lcd / Sd2 )
-  endif
-  if ( S1 .GT. S2 ) retval = 1
-  if ( S1 .LT. S2 ) retval = -1
-  IF ( S1 .EQ. S2 ) THEN
-    IF (n1 .GT. n2) retval = 1
-    IF (n1 .LT. n2) retval = -1
-    IF (n1 .EQ. n2) retval = 0
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeeq (time1, time2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_alarmmod
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod
-  USE esmf_clockmod
-  USE esmf_fractionmod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-      integer res 
-      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
-      outflag = (res .EQ. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeeq
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimege(time1, time2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_alarmmod
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod
-  USE esmf_clockmod
-  USE esmf_fractionmod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-      integer res 
-      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
-      outflag = (res .EQ. 1 .OR. res .EQ. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimege
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimegt(time1, time2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_alarmmod
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod
-  USE esmf_clockmod
-  USE esmf_fractionmod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-      integer res 
-      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
-      outflag = (res .EQ. 1)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimegt
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimele(time1, time2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_alarmmod
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod
-  USE esmf_clockmod
-  USE esmf_fractionmod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-      integer res 
-      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
-      outflag = (res .EQ. -1 .OR. res .EQ. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimele
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimelt(time1, time2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_alarmmod
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod
-  USE esmf_clockmod
-  USE esmf_fractionmod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-      integer res 
-      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
-      outflag = (res .EQ. -1)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimelt
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimene(time1, time2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_alarmmod
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_calendarmod
-  USE esmf_clockmod
-  USE esmf_fractionmod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
-      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
-      integer res 
-      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
-      outflag = (res .NE. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimene
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeinteq(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
-  INTEGER :: res 
-  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
-  outflag = (res .EQ. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeinteq
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintne(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
-  INTEGER :: res 
-  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
-  outflag = (res .NE. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintne
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintlt(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
-  INTEGER :: res 
-  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
-  outflag = (res .LT. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintlt
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintgt(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
-  INTEGER :: res 
-  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
-  outflag = (res .GT. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintgt
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintle(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
-  INTEGER :: res 
-  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
-  outflag = (res .LE. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintle
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintge(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
-  INTEGER :: res 
-  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
-  outflag = (res .GE. 0)
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintge
-SUBROUTINE compute_lcd( e1, e2, lcd )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN) :: e1, e2
-      INTEGER, PARAMETER ::  nprimes = 9
-      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), DIMENSION(nprimes), PARAMETER :: primes = (/2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23/)
-      INTEGER i
-      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) d1, d2, p
-      d1 = e1 ; d2 = e2
-      IF ( d1 .EQ. 0 .AND. d2 .EQ. 0 ) THEN ; lcd = 1 ; RETURN ; ENDIF
-      IF ( d1 .EQ. 0 ) d1 = d2 
-      IF ( d2 .EQ. 0 ) d2 = d1 
-      IF ( d1 .EQ. d2 ) THEN ; lcd = d1 ; RETURN ; ENDIF
-      lcd = d1 * d2
-      DO i = 1, nprimes
-        p = primes(i)
-        DO WHILE (lcd/p .NE. 0 .AND. &amp;
-          mod(lcd/p,d1) .EQ. 0 .AND. mod(lcd/p,d2) .EQ. 0) 
-          lcd = lcd / p 
-        END DO
-      ENDDO
-END SUBROUTINE compute_lcd
-SUBROUTINE simplify( ni, di, no, do ) 
-  USE esmf_basemod
-    INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN)  :: ni, di
-    INTEGER, PARAMETER ::  nprimes = 9
-    INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), DIMENSION(nprimes), PARAMETER :: primes = (/2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23/)
-    INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: pr, d, n
-    INTEGER :: np
-    LOGICAL keepgoing
-    IF ( ni .EQ. 0 ) THEN
-      do = 1
-      no = 0
-      RETURN
-    ENDIF
-    IF ( mod( di , ni ) .EQ. 0 ) THEN
-      do = di / ni
-      no = 1
-      RETURN
-    ENDIF
-    d = di
-    n = ni
-    DO np = 1, nprimes
-      pr = primes(np)
-      keepgoing = .TRUE.
-      DO WHILE ( keepgoing )
-        keepgoing = .FALSE.
-        IF ( d/pr .NE. 0 .AND. n/pr .NE. 0 .AND. MOD(d,pr) .EQ. 0 .AND. MOD(n,pr) .EQ. 0 ) THEN
-          d = d / pr
-          n = n / pr
-          keepgoing = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-      ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-    do = d
-    no = n
-!$$$ this should be named &quot;c_esmc_timesum&quot; or something less misleading
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimesum( time1, timeinterval, timeOut )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time1
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeinterval
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: timeOut
-  ! locals
-  INTEGER :: m
-  timeOut = time1
-  timeOut%basetime = timeOut%basetime + timeinterval%basetime
-#if 0
-!jm Month has no meaning for a timeinterval; removed 20100319
-#if defined PLANET
-  ! Do nothing...
- DO m = 1, abs(timeinterval%MM)
-    IF ( timeinterval%MM &gt; 0 ) THEN
-      CALL timeincmonth( timeOut )
-    ELSE
-      CALL timedecmonth( timeOut )
-    ENDIF
-  timeOut%YR = timeOut%YR + timeinterval%YR
-  CALL normalize_time( timeOut )
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimesum
-!$$$ this should be named &quot;c_esmc_timedec&quot; or something less misleading
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimedec( time1, timeinterval, timeOut )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time1
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeinterval
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(OUT) :: timeOut
-  ! locals
-  TYPE (ESMF_TimeInterval)  :: neginterval 
-  neginterval = timeinterval
-!$$$push this down into a unary negation operator on TimeInterval
-  neginterval%basetime%S = -neginterval%basetime%S
-  neginterval%basetime%Sn = -neginterval%basetime%Sn
-  neginterval%YR = -neginterval%YR
-#if 0
-!jm month has no meaning for an interval; removed 20100319
-#ifndef PLANET
-  neginterval%MM = -neginterval%MM
-  timeOut = time1 + neginterval
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimedec
-!$$$ this should be named &quot;c_esmc_timediff&quot; or something less misleading
-SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimediff( time1, time2, timeIntOut )
-  USE esmf_basemod
-  USE esmf_basetimemod
-  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
-  USE esmf_timemod
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time1
-  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time2
-  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(OUT) :: timeIntOut
-  ! locals
-  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: nsecondsinyear
-  INTEGER :: yr
-  CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( timeIntOut )
-  timeIntOut%basetime = time1%basetime - time2%basetime
-  ! convert difference in years to basetime...  
-  IF ( time1%YR &gt; time2%YR ) THEN
-    DO yr = time2%YR, ( time1%YR - 1 )
-      timeIntOut%basetime%S = timeIntOut%basetime%S + nsecondsinyear( yr )
-    ENDDO
-  ELSE IF ( time2%YR &gt; time1%YR ) THEN
-    DO yr = time1%YR, ( time2%YR - 1 )
-      timeIntOut%basetime%S = timeIntOut%basetime%S - nsecondsinyear( yr )
-    ENDDO
-!$$$ add tests for multi-year differences
-  CALL normalize_timeint( timeIntOut )
-END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimediff
-! some extra wrf stuff
-! Convert fraction to string with leading sign.
-! If fraction simplifies to a whole number or if
-! denominator is zero, return empty string.
-! INTEGER*8 interface.  
-SUBROUTINE fraction_to_stringi8( numerator, denominator, frac_str )
-  USE ESMF_basemod
-  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN) :: numerator
-  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN) :: denominator
-  CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: frac_str
-  IF ( denominator &gt; 0 ) THEN
-    IF ( mod( numerator, denominator ) /= 0 ) THEN
-      IF ( numerator &gt; 0 ) THEN
-        WRITE(frac_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I2.2,'/',I2.2)&quot;) abs(numerator), denominator
-      ELSE   ! numerator &lt; 0
-        WRITE(frac_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I2.2,'/',I2.2)&quot;) abs(numerator), denominator
-      ENDIF
-    ELSE   ! includes numerator == 0 case
-      frac_str = ''
-    ENDIF
-  ELSE   ! no-fraction case
-    frac_str = ''
-END SUBROUTINE fraction_to_stringi8
-! Convert fraction to string with leading sign.
-! If fraction simplifies to a whole number or if
-! denominator is zero, return empty string.
-! INTEGER interface.  
-SUBROUTINE fraction_to_string( numerator, denominator, frac_str )
-  USE ESMF_basemod
-  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: numerator
-  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: denominator
-  CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: frac_str
-  ! locals
-  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: numerator_i8, denominator_i8
-  numerator_i8 = INT( numerator, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-  denominator_i8 = INT( denominator, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
-  CALL fraction_to_stringi8( numerator_i8, denominator_i8, frac_str )
-END SUBROUTINE fraction_to_string
-SUBROUTINE print_a_time( time )
-   use ESMF_basemod
-   use ESMF_Timemod
-   type(ESMF_Time) time
-   character*128 :: s
-   integer rc
-   CALL ESMF_TimeGet( time, timeString=s, rc=rc )
-   print *,'Print a time|',TRIM(s),'|'
-   return
-END SUBROUTINE print_a_time
-SUBROUTINE print_a_timeinterval( time )
-   use ESMF_basemod
-   use ESMF_TimeIntervalmod
-   type(ESMF_TimeInterval) time
-   character*128 :: s
-   integer rc
-   CALL ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString( time, s, rc )
-   print *,'Print a time interval|',TRIM(s),'|'
-   return
-END SUBROUTINE print_a_timeinterval

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Meat.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Meat.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Meat.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Meat.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+#include &lt;ESMF_TimeMgr.inc&gt;
+! Factor so abs(Sn) &lt; Sd and ensure that signs of S and Sn match.  
+! Also, enforce consistency.  
+! YR and MM fields are ignored.  
+SUBROUTINE normalize_basetime( basetime )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime), INTENT(INOUT) :: basetime
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN normalize_basetime()'
+  ! Consistency check...  
+  IF ( basetime%Sd &lt; 0 ) THEN
+    CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
+      'normalize_basetime:  denominator of seconds cannot be negative' )
+  IF ( ( basetime%Sd == 0 ) .AND. ( basetime%Sn .NE. 0 ) ) THEN
+    CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
+      'normalize_basetime:  denominator of seconds cannot be zero when numerator is non-zero' )
+  ! factor so abs(Sn) &lt; Sd
+  IF ( basetime%Sd &gt; 0 ) THEN
+    IF ( ABS( basetime%Sn ) .GE. basetime%Sd ) THEN
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() A1:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
+      basetime%S = basetime%S + ( basetime%Sn / basetime%Sd )
+      basetime%Sn = mod( basetime%Sn, basetime%Sd )
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() A2:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
+    ENDIF
+    ! change sign of Sn if it does not match S
+    IF ( ( basetime%S &gt; 0 ) .AND. ( basetime%Sn &lt; 0 ) ) THEN
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() B1:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
+      basetime%S = basetime%S - 1_ESMF_KIND_I8
+      basetime%Sn = basetime%Sn + basetime%Sd
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() B2:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
+    ENDIF
+    IF ( ( basetime%S &lt; 0 ) .AND. ( basetime%Sn &gt; 0 ) ) THEN
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() C1:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
+      basetime%S = basetime%S + 1_ESMF_KIND_I8
+      basetime%Sn = basetime%Sn - basetime%Sd
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  normalize_basetime() C2:  S,Sn,Sd = ',basetime%S,basetime%Sn,basetime%Sd
+    ENDIF
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  END normalize_basetime()'
+END SUBROUTINE normalize_basetime
+! A normalized time has time%basetime &gt;= 0, time%basetime less than the current 
+! year expressed as a timeInterval, and time%YR can take any value
+SUBROUTINE normalize_time( time )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: time
+  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: nsecondsinyear
+  ! locals
+  TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: cmptime, zerotime
+  INTEGER :: rc
+  LOGICAL :: done
+  ! first, normalize basetime
+  ! this will force abs(Sn) &lt; Sd and ensure that signs of S and Sn match
+  CALL normalize_basetime( time%basetime )
+!$$$ add tests for these edge cases
+  ! next, underflow negative seconds into YEARS
+  ! time%basetime must end up non-negative
+!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
+  zerotime%S  = 0
+  zerotime%Sn = 0
+  zerotime%Sd = 0
+  DO WHILE ( time%basetime &lt; zerotime )
+    time%YR = time%YR - 1 
+!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
+    cmptime%S  = nsecondsinyear( time%YR )
+    cmptime%Sn = 0
+    cmptime%Sd = 0
+    time%basetime = time%basetime + cmptime
+  ! next, overflow seconds into YEARS
+  done = .FALSE.
+  DO WHILE ( .NOT. done )
+!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
+    cmptime%S  = nsecondsinyear( time%YR )
+    cmptime%Sn = 0
+    cmptime%Sd = 0
+    IF ( time%basetime &gt;= cmptime ) THEN
+      time%basetime = time%basetime - cmptime
+      time%YR = time%YR + 1 
+    ELSE
+      done = .TRUE.
+    ENDIF
+END SUBROUTINE normalize_time
+SUBROUTINE normalize_timeint( timeInt )
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(INOUT) :: timeInt
+  ! normalize basetime
+  ! this will force abs(Sn) &lt; Sd and ensure that signs of S and Sn match
+  ! YR and MM are ignored
+  CALL normalize_basetime( timeInt%basetime )
+END SUBROUTINE normalize_timeint
+FUNCTION signnormtimeint ( timeInt )
+  ! Compute the sign of a time interval.  
+  ! YR and MM fields are *IGNORED*.  
+  ! returns 1, 0, or -1 or exits if timeInt fields have inconsistent signs.
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeInt
+  INTEGER :: signnormtimeint
+  LOGICAL :: positive, negative
+  positive = .FALSE.
+  negative = .FALSE.
+  signnormtimeint = 0
+  ! Note that Sd is required to be non-negative.  This is enforced in 
+  ! normalize_timeint().  
+  ! Note that Sn is required to be zero when Sd is zero.  This is enforced 
+  ! in normalize_timeint().  
+  IF ( ( timeInt%basetime%S &gt; 0 ) .OR. &amp;
+       ( timeInt%basetime%Sn &gt; 0 ) ) THEN
+    positive = .TRUE.
+  IF ( ( timeInt%basetime%S &lt; 0 ) .OR. &amp;
+       ( timeInt%basetime%Sn &lt; 0 ) ) THEN
+    negative = .TRUE.
+  IF ( positive .AND. negative ) THEN
+    CALL wrf_error_fatal( &amp;
+      'signnormtimeint:  signs of fields cannot be mixed' )
+  ELSE IF ( positive ) THEN
+    signnormtimeint = 1
+  ELSE IF ( negative ) THEN
+    signnormtimeint = -1
+END FUNCTION signnormtimeint
+! Exits with error message if timeInt is not normalized.  
+SUBROUTINE timeintchecknormalized( timeInt, msgstr )
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeInt
+  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: msgstr
+  ! locals
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: outstr
+  IF ( ( timeInt%YR /= 0 ) ) THEN
+    outstr = 'un-normalized TimeInterval not allowed:  '//TRIM(msgstr)
+    CALL wrf_error_fatal( outstr )
+END SUBROUTINE timeintchecknormalized
+! added from share/module_date_time in WRF.
+FUNCTION nfeb ( year ) RESULT (num_days)
+      ! Compute the number of days in February for the given year
+      INTEGER :: year
+      INTEGER :: num_days
+! TBH:  TODO:  Replace this hack with run-time decision based on 
+! TBH:  TODO:  passed-in calendar.  
+      num_days = 28 ! By default, February has 28 days ...
+      num_days = 28 ! By default, February has 28 days ...
+      IF (MOD(year,4).eq.0) THEN
+         num_days = 29  ! But every four years, it has 29 days ...
+         IF (MOD(year,100).eq.0) THEN
+            num_days = 28  ! Except every 100 years, when it has 28 days ...
+            IF (MOD(year,400).eq.0) THEN
+               num_days = 29  ! Except every 400 years, when it has 29 days.
+            END IF
+         END IF
+      END IF
+FUNCTION ndaysinyear ( year ) RESULT (num_diy)
+  ! Compute the number of days in the given year
+  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: year
+  INTEGER :: num_diy
+  INTEGER :: nfeb
+#if defined MARS
+  num_diy = 669
+#elif defined TITAN
+  num_diy = 686
+  IF ( nfeb( year ) .EQ. 29 ) THEN
+    num_diy = 366
+    num_diy = 365
+END FUNCTION ndaysinyear
+FUNCTION nsecondsinyear ( year ) RESULT (numseconds)
+  ! Compute the number of seconds in the given year
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: year
+  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: numseconds
+  INTEGER :: ndaysinyear
+  numseconds = SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( ndaysinyear(year) , ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+END FUNCTION nsecondsinyear
+SUBROUTINE initdaym 
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE ESMF_CalendarMod, only : months_per_year, mday, daym, mdaycum, monthbdys, &amp;
+                               mdayleap, mdayleapcum, monthbdysleap, daymleap
+  INTEGER i,j,m
+  m = 1
+  mdaycum(0) = 0
+!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
+  monthbdys(0)%S  = 0
+  monthbdys(0)%Sn = 0
+  monthbdys(0)%Sd = 0
+    DO j = 1,mday(i)
+      daym(m) = i
+      m = m + 1
+    ENDDO
+    mdaycum(i) = mdaycum(i-1) + mday(i)
+!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
+    monthbdys(i)%S  = SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( mdaycum(i), ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+    monthbdys(i)%Sn = 0
+    monthbdys(i)%Sd = 0
+  m = 1
+  mdayleapcum(0) = 0
+!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
+  monthbdysleap(0)%S  = 0
+  monthbdysleap(0)%Sn = 0
+  monthbdysleap(0)%Sd = 0
+    DO j = 1,mdayleap(i)
+      daymleap(m) = i
+      m = m + 1
+    ENDDO
+    mdayleapcum(i) = mdayleapcum(i-1) + mdayleap(i)
+!$$$ push this down into ESMF_BaseTime constructor
+    monthbdysleap(i)%S  = SECONDS_PER_DAY * INT( mdayleapcum(i), ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+    monthbdysleap(i)%Sn = 0
+    monthbdysleap(i)%Sd = 0
+!$$$ useful, but not used at the moment...  
+SUBROUTINE compute_dayinyear(YR,MM,DD,dayinyear)
+  use ESMF_CalendarMod, only : mday
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: YR,MM,DD   ! DD is day of month
+      INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: dayinyear
+      INTEGER i
+      integer nfeb
+#ifdef PLANET
+      dayinyear = DD
+      dayinyear = 0
+      DO i = 1,MM-1
+        if (i.eq.2) then
+          dayinyear = dayinyear + nfeb(YR)
+        else
+          dayinyear = dayinyear + mday(i)
+        endif
+      ENDDO
+      dayinyear = dayinyear + DD
+END SUBROUTINE compute_dayinyear
+SUBROUTINE timegetmonth( time, MM )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  USE ESMF_CalendarMod, only : MONTHS_PER_YEAR, monthbdys, monthbdysleap
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time
+  ! locals
+  INTEGER :: nfeb
+  INTEGER :: i
+#if defined PLANET
+  MM = 0
+  MM = -1
+  IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
+      IF ( ( time%basetime &gt;= monthbdysleap(i-1) ) .AND. ( time%basetime &lt; monthbdysleap(i) ) ) THEN
+        MM = i
+        EXIT
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+      IF ( ( time%basetime &gt;= monthbdys(i-1) ) .AND. ( time%basetime &lt; monthbdys(i) ) ) THEN
+        MM = i
+        EXIT
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+  IF ( MM == -1 ) THEN
+    CALL wrf_error_fatal( 'timegetmonth:  could not extract month of year from time' )
+END SUBROUTINE timegetmonth
+!$$$ may need to change dependencies in Makefile...  
+SUBROUTINE timegetdayofmonth( time, DD )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod, only : monthbdys, monthbdysleap
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time
+  ! locals
+  INTEGER :: nfeb
+  TYPE(ESMF_BaseTime) :: tmpbasetime
+#if defined PLANET
+  tmpbasetime = time%basetime
+  CALL timegetmonth( time, MM )
+  IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
+    tmpbasetime = time%basetime - monthbdysleap(MM-1)
+    tmpbasetime = time%basetime - monthbdys(MM-1)
+  DD = ( tmpbasetime%S / SECONDS_PER_DAY ) + 1
+END SUBROUTINE timegetdayofmonth
+! Increment Time by number of seconds between start of year and start 
+! of month MM.  
+! 1 &lt;= MM &lt;= 12
+! Time is NOT normalized.  
+SUBROUTINE timeaddmonths( time, MM, ierr )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod, only : MONTHS_PER_YEAR, monthbdys, monthbdysleap
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: time
+  ! locals
+  INTEGER :: nfeb
+  ierr = ESMF_SUCCESS
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN timeaddmonths()'
+#if defined PLANET
+!  time%basetime = time%basetime
+  IF ( ( MM &lt; 1 ) .OR. ( MM &gt; MONTHS_PER_YEAR ) ) THEN
+    ierr = ESMF_FAILURE
+    IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
+      time%basetime = time%basetime + monthbdysleap(MM-1)
+    ELSE
+      time%basetime = time%basetime + monthbdys(MM-1)
+    ENDIF
+END SUBROUTINE timeaddmonths
+! Increment Time by number of seconds in the current month.  
+! Time is NOT normalized.  
+SUBROUTINE timeincmonth( time )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod, only : mday, mdayleap
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: time
+  ! locals
+  INTEGER :: nfeb
+#if defined PLANET
+!    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S
+  CALL timegetmonth( time, MM )
+  IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
+    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
+      ( INT( mdayleap(MM), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S + &amp;
+      ( INT( mday(MM), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+END SUBROUTINE timeincmonth
+! Decrement Time by number of seconds in the previous month.  
+! Time is NOT normalized.  
+SUBROUTINE timedecmonth( time )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod, only : mday, months_per_year, mdayleap
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: time
+  ! locals
+  INTEGER :: nfeb
+#if defined PLANET
+!    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S
+  CALL timegetmonth( time, MM )  ! current month, 1-12
+  ! find previous month
+  MM = MM - 1
+  IF ( MM == 0 ) THEN
+    ! wrap around Jan -&gt; Dec
+  IF ( nfeb(time%YR) == 29 ) THEN
+    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S - &amp;
+      ( INT( mdayleap(MM), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+    time%basetime%S = time%basetime%S - &amp;
+      ( INT( mday(MM), ESMF_KIND_I8 ) * SECONDS_PER_DAY )
+END SUBROUTINE timedecmonth
+! spaceship operator for Times
+SUBROUTINE timecmp(time1, time2, retval )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: retval
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time1
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time2
+  IF ( time1%YR .GT. time2%YR ) THEN ; retval = 1 ; RETURN ; ENDIF
+  IF ( time1%YR .LT. time2%YR ) THEN ; retval = -1 ; RETURN ; ENDIF
+  CALL seccmp( time1%basetime%S, time1%basetime%Sn, time1%basetime%Sd, &amp;
+               time2%basetime%S, time2%basetime%Sn, time2%basetime%Sd, &amp;
+               retval )
+! spaceship operator for TimeIntervals
+SUBROUTINE timeintcmp(timeint1, timeint2, retval )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: retval
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
+  CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeint1, 'timeintcmp arg1' )
+  CALL timeintchecknormalized( timeint2, 'timeintcmp arg2' )
+  CALL seccmp( timeint1%basetime%S, timeint1%basetime%Sn, &amp;
+               timeint1%basetime%Sd,                      &amp;
+               timeint2%basetime%S, timeint2%basetime%Sn, &amp;
+               timeint2%basetime%Sd, retval )
+END SUBROUTINE timeintcmp
+! spaceship operator for seconds + Sn/Sd
+SUBROUTINE seccmp(S1, Sn1, Sd1, S2, Sn2, Sd2, retval )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: retval
+! local
+  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: lcd, n1, n2
+  n1 = Sn1
+  n2 = Sn2
+  if ( ( n1 .ne. 0 ) .or. ( n2 .ne. 0 ) ) then
+    CALL compute_lcd( Sd1, Sd2, lcd )
+    if ( Sd1 .ne. 0 ) n1 = n1 * ( lcd / Sd1 )
+    if ( Sd2 .ne. 0 ) n2 = n2 * ( lcd / Sd2 )
+  endif
+  if ( S1 .GT. S2 ) retval = 1
+  if ( S1 .LT. S2 ) retval = -1
+  IF ( S1 .EQ. S2 ) THEN
+    IF (n1 .GT. n2) retval = 1
+    IF (n1 .LT. n2) retval = -1
+    IF (n1 .EQ. n2) retval = 0
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeeq (time1, time2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_alarmmod
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod
+  USE esmf_clockmod
+  USE esmf_fractionmod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+      integer res 
+      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
+      outflag = (res .EQ. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeeq
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimege(time1, time2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_alarmmod
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod
+  USE esmf_clockmod
+  USE esmf_fractionmod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+      integer res 
+      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
+      outflag = (res .EQ. 1 .OR. res .EQ. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimege
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimegt(time1, time2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_alarmmod
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod
+  USE esmf_clockmod
+  USE esmf_fractionmod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+      integer res 
+      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
+      outflag = (res .EQ. 1)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimegt
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimele(time1, time2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_alarmmod
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod
+  USE esmf_clockmod
+  USE esmf_fractionmod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+      integer res 
+      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
+      outflag = (res .EQ. -1 .OR. res .EQ. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimele
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimelt(time1, time2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_alarmmod
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod
+  USE esmf_clockmod
+  USE esmf_fractionmod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+      integer res 
+      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
+      outflag = (res .EQ. -1)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimelt
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimene(time1, time2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_alarmmod
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_calendarmod
+  USE esmf_clockmod
+  USE esmf_fractionmod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+      logical, intent(OUT) :: outflag
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time1
+      type(ESMF_Time), intent(in) :: time2
+      integer res 
+      CALL timecmp(time1,time2,res)
+      outflag = (res .NE. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimene
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeinteq(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
+  INTEGER :: res 
+  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
+  outflag = (res .EQ. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeinteq
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintne(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
+  INTEGER :: res 
+  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
+  outflag = (res .NE. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintne
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintlt(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
+  INTEGER :: res 
+  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
+  outflag = (res .LT. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintlt
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintgt(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
+  INTEGER :: res 
+  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
+  outflag = (res .GT. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintgt
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintle(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
+  INTEGER :: res 
+  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
+  outflag = (res .LE. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintle
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintge(timeint1, timeint2, outflag)
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: outflag
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint1
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeint2
+  INTEGER :: res 
+  CALL timeintcmp(timeint1,timeint2,res)
+  outflag = (res .GE. 0)
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimeintge
+SUBROUTINE compute_lcd( e1, e2, lcd )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN) :: e1, e2
+      INTEGER, PARAMETER ::  nprimes = 9
+      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), DIMENSION(nprimes), PARAMETER :: primes = (/2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23/)
+      INTEGER i
+      INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) d1, d2, p
+      d1 = e1 ; d2 = e2
+      IF ( d1 .EQ. 0 .AND. d2 .EQ. 0 ) THEN ; lcd = 1 ; RETURN ; ENDIF
+      IF ( d1 .EQ. 0 ) d1 = d2 
+      IF ( d2 .EQ. 0 ) d2 = d1 
+      IF ( d1 .EQ. d2 ) THEN ; lcd = d1 ; RETURN ; ENDIF
+      lcd = d1 * d2
+      DO i = 1, nprimes
+        p = primes(i)
+        DO WHILE (lcd/p .NE. 0 .AND. &amp;
+          mod(lcd/p,d1) .EQ. 0 .AND. mod(lcd/p,d2) .EQ. 0) 
+          lcd = lcd / p 
+        END DO
+      ENDDO
+END SUBROUTINE compute_lcd
+SUBROUTINE simplify( ni, di, no, do ) 
+  USE esmf_basemod
+    INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN)  :: ni, di
+    INTEGER, PARAMETER ::  nprimes = 9
+    INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), DIMENSION(nprimes), PARAMETER :: primes = (/2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23/)
+    INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: pr, d, n
+    INTEGER :: np
+    LOGICAL keepgoing
+    IF ( ni .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+      do = 1
+      no = 0
+      RETURN
+    ENDIF
+    IF ( mod( di , ni ) .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+      do = di / ni
+      no = 1
+      RETURN
+    ENDIF
+    d = di
+    n = ni
+    DO np = 1, nprimes
+      pr = primes(np)
+      keepgoing = .TRUE.
+      DO WHILE ( keepgoing )
+        keepgoing = .FALSE.
+        IF ( d/pr .NE. 0 .AND. n/pr .NE. 0 .AND. MOD(d,pr) .EQ. 0 .AND. MOD(n,pr) .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+          d = d / pr
+          n = n / pr
+          keepgoing = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+      ENDDO
+    ENDDO
+    do = d
+    no = n
+!$$$ this should be named &quot;c_esmc_timesum&quot; or something less misleading
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimesum( time1, timeinterval, timeOut )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time1
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeinterval
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(INOUT) :: timeOut
+  ! locals
+  INTEGER :: m
+  timeOut = time1
+  timeOut%basetime = timeOut%basetime + timeinterval%basetime
+#if 0
+!jm Month has no meaning for a timeinterval; removed 20100319
+#if defined PLANET
+  ! Do nothing...
+ DO m = 1, abs(timeinterval%MM)
+    IF ( timeinterval%MM &gt; 0 ) THEN
+      CALL timeincmonth( timeOut )
+    ELSE
+      CALL timedecmonth( timeOut )
+    ENDIF
+  timeOut%YR = timeOut%YR + timeinterval%YR
+  CALL normalize_time( timeOut )
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimesum
+!$$$ this should be named &quot;c_esmc_timedec&quot; or something less misleading
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimedec( time1, timeinterval, timeOut )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time1
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: timeinterval
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(OUT) :: timeOut
+  ! locals
+  TYPE (ESMF_TimeInterval)  :: neginterval 
+  neginterval = timeinterval
+!$$$push this down into a unary negation operator on TimeInterval
+  neginterval%basetime%S = -neginterval%basetime%S
+  neginterval%basetime%Sn = -neginterval%basetime%Sn
+  neginterval%YR = -neginterval%YR
+#if 0
+!jm month has no meaning for an interval; removed 20100319
+#ifndef PLANET
+  neginterval%MM = -neginterval%MM
+  timeOut = time1 + neginterval
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimedec
+!$$$ this should be named &quot;c_esmc_timediff&quot; or something less misleading
+SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimediff( time1, time2, timeIntOut )
+  USE esmf_basemod
+  USE esmf_basetimemod
+  USE esmf_timeintervalmod
+  USE esmf_timemod
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time1
+  TYPE(ESMF_Time), INTENT(IN) :: time2
+  TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval), INTENT(OUT) :: timeIntOut
+  ! locals
+  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: nsecondsinyear
+  INTEGER :: yr
+  CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( timeIntOut )
+  timeIntOut%basetime = time1%basetime - time2%basetime
+  ! convert difference in years to basetime...  
+  IF ( time1%YR &gt; time2%YR ) THEN
+    DO yr = time2%YR, ( time1%YR - 1 )
+      timeIntOut%basetime%S = timeIntOut%basetime%S + nsecondsinyear( yr )
+    ENDDO
+  ELSE IF ( time2%YR &gt; time1%YR ) THEN
+    DO yr = time1%YR, ( time2%YR - 1 )
+      timeIntOut%basetime%S = timeIntOut%basetime%S - nsecondsinyear( yr )
+    ENDDO
+!$$$ add tests for multi-year differences
+  CALL normalize_timeint( timeIntOut )
+END SUBROUTINE c_esmc_basetimediff
+! some extra wrf stuff
+! Convert fraction to string with leading sign.
+! If fraction simplifies to a whole number or if
+! denominator is zero, return empty string.
+! INTEGER*8 interface.  
+SUBROUTINE fraction_to_stringi8( numerator, denominator, frac_str )
+  USE ESMF_basemod
+  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN) :: numerator
+  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8), INTENT(IN) :: denominator
+  CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: frac_str
+  IF ( denominator &gt; 0 ) THEN
+    IF ( mod( numerator, denominator ) /= 0 ) THEN
+      IF ( numerator &gt; 0 ) THEN
+        WRITE(frac_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I2.2,'/',I2.2)&quot;) abs(numerator), denominator
+      ELSE   ! numerator &lt; 0
+        WRITE(frac_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I2.2,'/',I2.2)&quot;) abs(numerator), denominator
+      ENDIF
+    ELSE   ! includes numerator == 0 case
+      frac_str = ''
+    ENDIF
+  ELSE   ! no-fraction case
+    frac_str = ''
+END SUBROUTINE fraction_to_stringi8
+! Convert fraction to string with leading sign.
+! If fraction simplifies to a whole number or if
+! denominator is zero, return empty string.
+! INTEGER interface.  
+SUBROUTINE fraction_to_string( numerator, denominator, frac_str )
+  USE ESMF_basemod
+  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: numerator
+  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: denominator
+  CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: frac_str
+  ! locals
+  INTEGER(ESMF_KIND_I8) :: numerator_i8, denominator_i8
+  numerator_i8 = INT( numerator, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+  denominator_i8 = INT( denominator, ESMF_KIND_I8 )
+  CALL fraction_to_stringi8( numerator_i8, denominator_i8, frac_str )
+END SUBROUTINE fraction_to_string
+SUBROUTINE print_a_time( time )
+   use ESMF_basemod
+   use ESMF_Timemod
+   type(ESMF_Time) time
+   character*128 :: s
+   integer rc
+   CALL ESMF_TimeGet( time, timeString=s, rc=rc )
+   print *,'Print a time|',TRIM(s),'|'
+   return
+END SUBROUTINE print_a_time
+SUBROUTINE print_a_timeinterval( time )
+   use ESMF_basemod
+   use ESMF_TimeIntervalmod
+   type(ESMF_TimeInterval) time
+   character*128 :: s
+   integer rc
+   CALL ESMFold_TimeIntervalGetString( time, s, rc )
+   print *,'Print a time interval|',TRIM(s),'|'
+   return
+END SUBROUTINE print_a_timeinterval

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,1718 +0,0 @@
-! Sub-system tests for esmf_time_f90
-! Someday, switch over to funit!  
-MODULE my_tests
-  ! Set this to .TRUE. to make wrf_error_fatal3() print a message on failure 
-  ! instead of stopping the program.  Use for testing only (since we cannot 
-  ! catch exceptions in Fortran90!!)  
-  ! Test printing of an ESMF_Time or ESMF_TimeInterval object.  
-  !
-  ! Correct results are also passed in through this interface and compared 
-  ! with computed results.  PASS/FAIL messages are printed.  
-  !
-  SUBROUTINE test_print(  t_yy,  t_mm,  t_dd,  t_h,  t_m,  t_s, t_sn, t_sd, &amp;
-                         ti_yy, ti_mm, ti_dd, ti_h, ti_m, ti_s, ti_sn, ti_sd, &amp;
-                         res_str, testname, expect_error )
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: t_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: t_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: ti_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: ti_DD  ! day of month
-    CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: res_str
-    CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: testname
-    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: expect_error
-    ! locals
-    INTEGER :: it_YY
-    INTEGER :: it_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: it_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: it_H
-    INTEGER :: it_M
-    INTEGER :: it_S
-    INTEGER :: it_Sn
-    INTEGER :: it_Sd
-    INTEGER :: iti_YY
-    INTEGER :: iti_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: iti_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: iti_H
-    INTEGER :: iti_M
-    INTEGER :: iti_S
-    INTEGER :: iti_Sn
-    INTEGER :: iti_Sd
-    LOGICAL :: is_t 
-    LOGICAL :: is_ti
-    CHARACTER (LEN=512) :: itestname
-    LOGICAL :: iexpect_error
-    INTEGER rc
-    TYPE(ESMF_Time)           :: t
-    TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval)   :: ti
-    CHARACTER(LEN=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: str, computed_str, frac_str
-    CHARACTER(LEN=17) :: type_str
-    INTEGER :: res_len, computed_len, Sn, Sd
-    LOGICAL :: test_passed
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN test_print()'
-    it_YY = 0
-    it_MM = 1
-    it_DD = 1
-    it_H = 0
-    it_M = 0
-    it_S = 0
-    it_Sn = 0
-    it_Sd = 0
-    iti_YY = 0
-    iti_MM = 0
-    iti_DD = 0
-    iti_H = 0
-    iti_M = 0
-    iti_S = 0
-    iti_Sn = 0
-    iti_Sd = 0
-    itestname = ''
-    iexpect_error = .FALSE.
-    IF ( PRESENT( t_YY ) ) it_YY = t_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( t_MM ) ) it_MM = t_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( t_DD ) ) it_DD = t_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( t_H ) ) it_H = t_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( t_M ) ) it_M = t_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( t_S ) ) it_S = t_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( t_Sn ) ) it_Sn = t_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( t_Sd ) ) it_Sd = t_Sd
-    IF ( PRESENT( ti_YY ) ) iti_YY = ti_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( ti_MM ) ) iti_MM = ti_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( ti_DD ) ) iti_DD = ti_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( ti_H ) ) iti_H = ti_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( ti_M ) ) iti_M = ti_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( ti_S ) ) iti_S = ti_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( ti_Sn ) ) iti_Sn = ti_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( ti_Sd ) ) iti_Sd = ti_Sd
-    IF ( PRESENT( testname ) ) itestname = TRIM(testname)
-    IF ( PRESENT( expect_error ) ) iexpect_error = expect_error
-    ! Ensure that optional arguments are consistent...
-    is_t = ( PRESENT( t_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( t_MM ) .OR. &amp;
-             PRESENT( t_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( t_H ) .OR.  &amp;
-             PRESENT( t_M )  .OR. PRESENT( t_S ) .OR.  &amp;
-             PRESENT( t_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( t_Sd ) )
-    is_ti = ( PRESENT( ti_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( ti_MM ) .OR. &amp;
-              PRESENT( ti_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( ti_H ) .OR.  &amp;
-              PRESENT( ti_M )  .OR. PRESENT( ti_S ) .OR.  &amp;
-              PRESENT( ti_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( ti_Sd ) )
-    IF ( is_t .EQV. is_ti ) THEN
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
-        'ERROR test_print:  inconsistent args' )
-    ENDIF
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  init objects'
-    ! Initialize object to be tested
-    ! modify behavior of wrf_error_fatal3 for tests expected to fail
-    IF ( iexpect_error ) WRF_ERROR_FATAL_PRINT = .TRUE.
-    Sn = 0
-    Sd = 0
-    IF ( is_t ) THEN
-      type_str = 'ESMF_Time'
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  calling ESMF_TimeSet()'
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  YY,MM,DD,H,M,S,Sn,Sd = ', it_YY,it_MM,it_DD,it_H,it_M,it_S,it_Sn,it_Sd
-      CALL ESMF_TimeSet( t, YY=it_YY, MM=it_MM, DD=it_DD , &amp;
-                             H=it_H, M=it_M, S=it_S, Sn=it_Sn, Sd=it_Sd, rc=rc )
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  back from ESMF_TimeSet()'
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
-                             __FILE__ , &amp;
-                             __LINE__  )
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  calling ESMF_TimeGet()'
-      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( t, timeString=computed_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  back from ESMF_TimeGet(), computed_str = ',TRIM(computed_str)
-    ELSE
-      type_str = 'ESMF_TimeInterval'
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  calling ESMF_TimeIntervalSet()'
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( ti, YY=iti_YY, MM=iti_MM, &amp;
-                                      D=iti_DD ,           &amp;
-                                      H=iti_H, M=iti_M,    &amp;
-                                      S=iti_S, Sn=iti_Sn, Sd=iti_Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
-                             __FILE__ , &amp;
-                             __LINE__  )
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  calling ESMF_TimeIntervalGet()'
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( ti, timeString=computed_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-    ENDIF
-    ! handle fractions
-    IF ( Sd &gt; 0 ) THEN
-      IF ( Sn &gt; 0 ) THEN
-        WRITE(frac_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I2.2,'/',I2.2)&quot;) abs(Sn), Sd
-      ELSE IF ( Sn &lt; 0 ) THEN
-        WRITE(frac_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I2.2,'/',I2.2)&quot;) abs(Sn), Sd
-      ELSE
-        frac_str = ''
-      ENDIF
-      computed_str = TRIM(computed_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    ENDIF
-    ! restore default behavior of wrf_error_fatal3
-    IF ( iexpect_error ) WRF_ERROR_FATAL_PRINT = .FALSE.
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  done init objects'
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  check result'
-    ! check result
-    test_passed = .FALSE.
-    res_len = LEN_TRIM(res_str)
-    computed_len = LEN_TRIM(computed_str)
-    IF ( res_len == computed_len ) THEN
-      IF ( computed_str(1:computed_len) == res_str(1:res_len) ) THEN
-        test_passed = .TRUE.
-      ENDIF
-    ENDIF
-    IF ( test_passed ) THEN
-      WRITE(*,FMT='(A)') 'PASS:  '//TRIM(itestname)
-    ELSE
-      WRITE(*,'(9A)') 'FAIL:  ',TRIM(itestname),':  printing ',TRIM(type_str), &amp;
-        '  expected &lt;', TRIM(res_str),'&gt;  but computed &lt;',TRIM(computed_str),'&gt;'
-    ENDIF
-!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  END test_print()'
-  END SUBROUTINE test_print
-  ! Test the following arithmetic operations on ESMF_Time and 
-  ! ESMF_TimeInterval objects:
-  !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_Time         + ESMF_TimeInterval
-  !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_Time
-  !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_Time         - ESMF_TimeInterval
-  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_Time         - ESMF_Time        
-  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_TimeInterval
-  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
-  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval * INTEGER
-  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval / INTEGER
-  !
-  ! Correct results are also passed in through this interface and compared 
-  ! with computed results.  PASS/FAIL messages are printed.  
-  !
-  ! Operations are expressed as res = op1 +|- op2
-  !
-  SUBROUTINE test_arithmetic( add_op, multiply_op,                                       &amp;
-     op1_t_yy,  op1_t_mm,  op1_t_dd,  op1_t_h,  op1_t_m,  op1_t_s,  op1_t_sn,  op1_t_sd, &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy, op1_ti_mm, op1_ti_dd, op1_ti_h, op1_ti_m, op1_ti_s, op1_ti_sn, op1_ti_sd, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy,  op2_t_mm,  op2_t_dd,  op2_t_h,  op2_t_m,  op2_t_s,  op2_t_sn,  op2_t_sd, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy, op2_ti_mm, op2_ti_dd, op2_ti_h, op2_ti_m, op2_ti_s, op2_ti_sn, op2_ti_sd, &amp;
-    op2_int,                                                                             &amp;
-     res_t_yy,  res_t_mm,  res_t_dd,  res_t_h,  res_t_m,  res_t_s,  res_t_sn,  res_t_sd, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy, res_ti_mm, res_ti_dd, res_ti_h, res_ti_m, res_ti_s, res_ti_sn, res_ti_sd, &amp;
-    res_int, testname, expect_error )
-    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: add_op      ! .TRUE.=add, .FALSE.=subtract
-    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: multiply_op ! .TRUE.=multiply, .FALSE.=divide
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op1_t_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op1_t_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op1_ti_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op1_ti_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op2_t_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op2_t_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op2_ti_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op2_ti_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: res_t_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: res_t_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: res_ti_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: res_ti_DD  ! day of month
-    CHARACTER (LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: testname
-    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: expect_error
-    ! locals
-    LOGICAL :: iadd_op
-    LOGICAL :: isubtract_op
-    LOGICAL :: imultiply_op
-    LOGICAL :: idivide_op
-    INTEGER :: iop1_t_YY
-    INTEGER :: iop1_t_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: iop1_t_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: iop1_t_H
-    INTEGER :: iop1_t_M
-    INTEGER :: iop1_t_S
-    INTEGER :: iop1_t_Sn
-    INTEGER :: iop1_t_Sd
-    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_YY
-    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_H
-    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_M
-    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_S
-    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_Sn
-    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_Sd
-    INTEGER :: iop2_t_YY
-    INTEGER :: iop2_t_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: iop2_t_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: iop2_t_H
-    INTEGER :: iop2_t_M
-    INTEGER :: iop2_t_S
-    INTEGER :: iop2_t_Sn
-    INTEGER :: iop2_t_Sd
-    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_YY
-    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_H
-    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_M
-    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_S
-    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_Sn
-    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_Sd
-    INTEGER :: ires_t_YY
-    INTEGER :: ires_t_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: ires_t_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: ires_t_H
-    INTEGER :: ires_t_M
-    INTEGER :: ires_t_S
-    INTEGER :: ires_t_Sn
-    INTEGER :: ires_t_Sd
-    INTEGER :: ires_ti_YY
-    INTEGER :: ires_ti_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: ires_ti_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: ires_ti_H
-    INTEGER :: ires_ti_M
-    INTEGER :: ires_ti_S
-    INTEGER :: ires_ti_Sn
-    INTEGER :: ires_ti_Sd
-    LOGICAL :: op1_is_t , op2_is_t , res_is_t
-    LOGICAL :: op1_is_ti, op2_is_ti, res_is_ti, op2_is_int
-    LOGICAL :: res_is_int
-    INTEGER :: num_ops, num_op1, num_op2, num_res
-    LOGICAL :: unsupported_op, test_passed
-    CHARACTER (LEN=512) :: itestname
-    LOGICAL :: iexpect_error
-    INTEGER :: rc
-    INTEGER :: computed_int, Sn, Sd
-    TYPE(ESMF_Time)           :: op1_t , op2_t , res_t, computed_t
-    TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval)   :: op1_ti, op2_ti, res_ti, computed_ti
-    CHARACTER(LEN=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: str, op1_str, op2_str, res_str, computed_str, frac_str
-    CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: op_str
-    CHARACTER(LEN=17) :: op1_type_str, op2_type_str, res_type_str
-    iadd_op = .FALSE.
-    isubtract_op = .FALSE.
-    imultiply_op = .FALSE.
-    idivide_op = .FALSE.
-    iop1_t_YY = 0
-    iop1_t_MM = 1
-    iop1_t_DD = 1
-    iop1_t_H = 0
-    iop1_t_M = 0
-    iop1_t_S = 0
-    iop1_t_Sn = 0
-    iop1_t_Sd = 0
-    iop1_ti_YY = 0
-    iop1_ti_MM = 0
-    iop1_ti_DD = 0
-    iop1_ti_H = 0
-    iop1_ti_M = 0
-    iop1_ti_S = 0
-    iop1_ti_Sn = 0
-    iop1_ti_Sd = 0
-    iop2_t_YY = 0
-    iop2_t_MM = 1
-    iop2_t_DD = 1
-    iop2_t_H = 0
-    iop2_t_M = 0
-    iop2_t_S = 0
-    iop2_t_Sn = 0
-    iop2_t_Sd = 0
-    iop2_ti_YY = 0
-    iop2_ti_MM = 0
-    iop2_ti_DD = 0
-    iop2_ti_H = 0
-    iop2_ti_M = 0
-    iop2_ti_S = 0
-    iop2_ti_Sn = 0
-    iop2_ti_Sd = 0
-    ires_t_YY = 0
-    ires_t_MM = 1
-    ires_t_DD = 1
-    ires_t_H = 0
-    ires_t_M = 0
-    ires_t_S = 0
-    ires_t_Sn = 0
-    ires_t_Sd = 0
-    ires_ti_YY = 0
-    ires_ti_MM = 0
-    ires_ti_DD = 0
-    ires_ti_H = 0
-    ires_ti_M = 0
-    ires_ti_S = 0
-    ires_ti_Sn = 0
-    ires_ti_Sd = 0
-    itestname = ''
-    iexpect_error = .FALSE.
-    IF ( PRESENT( add_op ) ) THEN
-      iadd_op = add_op
-      isubtract_op = ( .NOT. add_op )
-    ENDIF
-    IF ( PRESENT( multiply_op ) ) THEN
-      imultiply_op = multiply_op
-      idivide_op = ( .NOT. multiply_op )
-    ENDIF
-    num_ops = 0
-    IF ( iadd_op )      num_ops = num_ops + 1
-    IF ( isubtract_op ) num_ops = num_ops + 1
-    IF ( imultiply_op ) num_ops = num_ops + 1
-    IF ( idivide_op )   num_ops = num_ops + 1
-    IF ( num_ops /= 1 ) THEN
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
-        'ERROR test_arithmetic:  inconsistent operation' )
-    ENDIF
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_YY ) ) iop1_t_YY = op1_t_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_MM ) ) iop1_t_MM = op1_t_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_DD ) ) iop1_t_DD = op1_t_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_H ) ) iop1_t_H = op1_t_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_M ) ) iop1_t_M = op1_t_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_S ) ) iop1_t_S = op1_t_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_Sn ) ) iop1_t_Sn = op1_t_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_Sd ) ) iop1_t_Sd = op1_t_Sd
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_YY ) ) iop1_ti_YY = op1_ti_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_MM ) ) iop1_ti_MM = op1_ti_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_DD ) ) iop1_ti_DD = op1_ti_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_H ) ) iop1_ti_H = op1_ti_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_M ) ) iop1_ti_M = op1_ti_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_S ) ) iop1_ti_S = op1_ti_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_Sn ) ) iop1_ti_Sn = op1_ti_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_Sd ) ) iop1_ti_Sd = op1_ti_Sd
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_YY ) ) iop2_t_YY = op2_t_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_MM ) ) iop2_t_MM = op2_t_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_DD ) ) iop2_t_DD = op2_t_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_H ) ) iop2_t_H = op2_t_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_M ) ) iop2_t_M = op2_t_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_S ) ) iop2_t_S = op2_t_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_Sn ) ) iop2_t_Sn = op2_t_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_Sd ) ) iop2_t_Sd = op2_t_Sd
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_YY ) ) iop2_ti_YY = op2_ti_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_MM ) ) iop2_ti_MM = op2_ti_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_DD ) ) iop2_ti_DD = op2_ti_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_H ) ) iop2_ti_H = op2_ti_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_M ) ) iop2_ti_M = op2_ti_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_S ) ) iop2_ti_S = op2_ti_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_Sn ) ) iop2_ti_Sn = op2_ti_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_Sd ) ) iop2_ti_Sd = op2_ti_Sd
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_YY ) ) ires_t_YY = res_t_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_MM ) ) ires_t_MM = res_t_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_DD ) ) ires_t_DD = res_t_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_H ) ) ires_t_H = res_t_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_M ) ) ires_t_M = res_t_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_S ) ) ires_t_S = res_t_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_Sn ) ) ires_t_Sn = res_t_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_Sd ) ) ires_t_Sd = res_t_Sd
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_YY ) ) ires_ti_YY = res_ti_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_MM ) ) ires_ti_MM = res_ti_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_DD ) ) ires_ti_DD = res_ti_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_H ) ) ires_ti_H = res_ti_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_M ) ) ires_ti_M = res_ti_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_S ) ) ires_ti_S = res_ti_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_Sn ) ) ires_ti_Sn = res_ti_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_Sd ) ) ires_ti_Sd = res_ti_Sd
-    IF ( PRESENT( testname ) ) itestname = TRIM(testname)
-    IF ( PRESENT( expect_error ) ) iexpect_error = expect_error
-    ! Ensure that optional arguments are consistent...
-    op1_is_t = ( PRESENT( op1_t_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( op1_t_MM ) .OR. &amp;
-                 PRESENT( op1_t_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( op1_t_H ) .OR.  &amp;
-                 PRESENT( op1_t_M )  .OR. PRESENT( op1_t_S ) .OR.  &amp;
-                 PRESENT( op1_t_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( op1_t_Sd ) )
-    op1_is_ti = ( PRESENT( op1_ti_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( op1_ti_MM ) .OR. &amp;
-                  PRESENT( op1_ti_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( op1_ti_H ) .OR.  &amp;
-                  PRESENT( op1_ti_M )  .OR. PRESENT( op1_ti_S ) .OR.  &amp;
-                  PRESENT( op1_ti_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( op1_ti_Sd ) )
-    op2_is_t = ( PRESENT( op2_t_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( op2_t_MM ) .OR. &amp;
-                 PRESENT( op2_t_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( op2_t_H ) .OR.  &amp;
-                 PRESENT( op2_t_M )  .OR. PRESENT( op2_t_S ) .OR.  &amp;
-                 PRESENT( op2_t_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( op2_t_Sd ) )
-    op2_is_ti = ( PRESENT( op2_ti_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( op2_ti_MM ) .OR. &amp;
-                  PRESENT( op2_ti_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( op2_ti_H ) .OR.  &amp;
-                  PRESENT( op2_ti_M )  .OR. PRESENT( op2_ti_S ) .OR.  &amp;
-                  PRESENT( op2_ti_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( op2_ti_Sd ) )
-    op2_is_int = ( PRESENT( op2_int ) )
-    res_is_t = ( PRESENT( res_t_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( res_t_MM ) .OR. &amp;
-                 PRESENT( res_t_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( res_t_H ) .OR.  &amp;
-                 PRESENT( res_t_M )  .OR. PRESENT( res_t_S ) .OR.  &amp;
-                 PRESENT( res_t_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( res_t_Sd ) )
-    res_is_ti = ( PRESENT( res_ti_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( res_ti_MM ) .OR. &amp;
-                  PRESENT( res_ti_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( res_ti_H ) .OR.  &amp;
-                  PRESENT( res_ti_M )  .OR. PRESENT( res_ti_S ) .OR.  &amp;
-                  PRESENT( res_ti_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( res_ti_Sd ) )
-    res_is_int = ( PRESENT( res_int ) )
-    num_op1 = 0
-    IF ( op1_is_t   ) num_op1 = num_op1 + 1
-    IF ( op1_is_ti  ) num_op1 = num_op1 + 1
-    IF ( num_op1 /= 1 ) THEN
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
-        'ERROR test_arithmetic:  inconsistent args for op1' )
-    ENDIF
-    num_op2 = 0
-    IF ( op2_is_t   ) num_op2 = num_op2 + 1
-    IF ( op2_is_ti  ) num_op2 = num_op2 + 1
-    IF ( op2_is_int ) num_op2 = num_op2 + 1
-    IF ( num_op2 /= 1 ) THEN
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
-        'ERROR test_arithmetic:  inconsistent args for op2' )
-    ENDIF
-    num_res = 0
-    IF ( res_is_t   ) num_res = num_res + 1
-    IF ( res_is_ti  ) num_res = num_res + 1
-    IF ( res_is_int ) num_res = num_res + 1
-    IF ( num_res /= 1 ) THEN
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
-        'ERROR test_arithmetic:  inconsistent args for result' )
-    ENDIF
-    ! Initialize op1
-    IF ( op1_is_t ) THEN
-      op1_type_str = 'ESMF_Time'
-      CALL ESMF_TimeSet( op1_t, YY=iop1_t_YY, MM=iop1_t_MM, DD=iop1_t_DD , &amp;
-                                 H=iop1_t_H, M=iop1_t_M, S=iop1_t_S, Sn=iop1_t_Sn, Sd=iop1_t_Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
-                             __FILE__ , &amp;
-                             __LINE__  )
-      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( op1_t, timeString=op1_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      ! handle fractions
-      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-      op1_str = TRIM(op1_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    ELSE
-      op1_type_str = 'ESMF_TimeInterval'
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( op1_ti, YY=iop1_ti_YY, MM=iop1_ti_MM, &amp;
-                                          D=iop1_ti_DD ,               &amp;
-                                          H=iop1_ti_H, M=iop1_ti_M,    &amp;
-                                          S=iop1_ti_S, Sn=iop1_ti_Sn, Sd=iop1_ti_Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
-                             __FILE__ , &amp;
-                             __LINE__  )
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( op1_ti, timeString=op1_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      ! handle fractions
-      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-      op1_str = TRIM(op1_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    ENDIF
-    ! Initialize op2
-    IF ( op2_is_t ) THEN
-      op2_type_str = 'ESMF_Time'
-      CALL ESMF_TimeSet( op2_t, YY=iop2_t_YY, MM=iop2_t_MM, DD=iop2_t_DD , &amp;
-                                 H=iop2_t_H, M=iop2_t_M, S=iop2_t_S, Sn=iop2_t_Sn, Sd=iop2_t_Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
-                             __FILE__ , &amp;
-                             __LINE__  )
-      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( op2_t, timeString=op2_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      ! handle fractions
-      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-      op2_str = TRIM(op2_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    ELSE IF ( op2_is_ti ) THEN
-      op2_type_str = 'ESMF_TimeInterval'
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( op2_ti, YY=iop2_ti_YY, MM=iop2_ti_MM, &amp;
-                                          D=iop2_ti_DD ,               &amp;
-                                          H=iop2_ti_H, M=iop2_ti_M,    &amp;
-                                          S=iop2_ti_S, Sn=iop2_ti_Sn, Sd=iop2_ti_Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
-                             __FILE__ , &amp;
-                             __LINE__  )
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( op2_ti, timeString=op2_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      ! handle fractions
-      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-      op2_str = TRIM(op2_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    ELSE
-      op2_type_str = 'INTEGER'
-      IF ( op2_int &gt; 0 ) THEN
-        WRITE(op2_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(op2_int)
-      ELSE
-        WRITE(op2_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(op2_int)
-      ENDIF
-    ENDIF
-    ! Initialize res
-    IF ( res_is_t ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_Time
-      res_type_str = 'ESMF_Time'
-      CALL ESMF_TimeSet( res_t, YY=ires_t_YY, MM=ires_t_MM, DD=ires_t_DD , &amp;
-                                 H=ires_t_H, M=ires_t_M, S=ires_t_S, Sn=ires_t_Sn, Sd=ires_t_Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
-                             __FILE__ , &amp;
-                             __LINE__  )
-      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( res_t, timeString=res_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      ! handle fractions
-      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-      res_str = TRIM(res_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    ELSE IF ( res_is_ti ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
-      res_type_str = 'ESMF_TimeInterval'
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( res_ti, YY=ires_ti_YY, MM=ires_ti_MM, &amp;
-                                          D=ires_ti_DD ,               &amp;
-                                          H=ires_ti_H, M=ires_ti_M,    &amp;
-                                          S=ires_ti_S, Sn=ires_ti_Sn, Sd=ires_ti_Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
-                             __FILE__ , &amp;
-                             __LINE__  )
-      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( res_ti, timeString=res_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      ! handle fractions
-      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-      res_str = TRIM(res_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    ELSE  ! result is INTEGER
-      res_type_str = 'INTEGER'
-      IF ( res_int &gt; 0 ) THEN
-        WRITE(res_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(res_int)
-      ELSE
-        WRITE(res_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(res_int)
-      ENDIF
-    ENDIF
-    ! perform requested operation
-    unsupported_op = .FALSE.
-    ! modify behavior of wrf_error_fatal3 for operator being tested
-    IF ( iexpect_error ) WRF_ERROR_FATAL_PRINT = .TRUE.
-    ! add
-    IF ( iadd_op ) THEN
-      op_str = '+'
-      IF ( res_is_t ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_Time
-        IF ( op1_is_t .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
-          !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_Time         + ESMF_TimeInterval
-          computed_t = op1_t + op2_ti
-        ELSE IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_t ) THEN
-          !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_Time
-          computed_t = op1_ti + op2_t
-        ELSE
-          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-      ELSE  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
-        IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
-          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_TimeInterval
-          computed_ti = op1_ti + op2_ti
-        ELSE
-          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-      ENDIF
-    ! subtract
-    ELSE  IF ( isubtract_op ) THEN
-      op_str = '-'
-      IF ( res_is_t ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_Time
-        IF ( op1_is_t .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
-          !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_Time         - ESMF_TimeInterval
-          computed_t = op1_t - op2_ti
-        ELSE
-          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-      ELSE  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
-        IF ( op1_is_t .AND. op2_is_t ) THEN
-          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_Time         - ESMF_Time        
-          computed_ti = op1_t - op2_t
-        ELSE IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
-          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
-          computed_ti = op1_ti - op2_ti
-        ELSE
-          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-      ENDIF
-    ELSE  IF ( imultiply_op ) THEN
-      op_str = '*'
-      IF ( res_is_ti ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
-        IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_int ) THEN
-          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval * INTEGER
-          computed_ti = op1_ti * op2_int
-        ELSE
-          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-      ENDIF
-    ELSE  IF ( idivide_op ) THEN
-      op_str = '/'
-      IF ( res_is_ti ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
-        IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_int ) THEN
-          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval / INTEGER
-          computed_ti = op1_ti / op2_int
-        ELSE
-          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-      ELSE IF ( res_is_int ) THEN  ! result is INTEGER
-        IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
-          !  INTEGER = ESMF_TimeInterval / ESMF_TimeInterval
-          ! number of whole time intervals
-          computed_int = ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot( op1_ti , op2_ti )
-        ELSE
-          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
-        ENDIF
-      ENDIF
-    ENDIF
-    ! restore default behavior of wrf_error_fatal3
-    IF ( iexpect_error ) WRF_ERROR_FATAL_PRINT = .FALSE.
-    IF ( unsupported_op ) THEN
-      WRITE(str,*) 'ERROR test_arithmetic ',TRIM(itestname), &amp;
-        ':  unsupported operation (',                           &amp;
-        TRIM(res_type_str),' = ',TRIM(op1_type_str),' ',TRIM(op_str),' ', &amp;
-        TRIM(op2_type_str),')'
-      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , str )
-    ENDIF
-    ! check result
-    test_passed = .FALSE.
-    IF ( res_is_t ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_Time
-      IF ( computed_t == res_t ) THEN
-        test_passed = .TRUE.
-      ELSE
-        CALL ESMF_TimeGet( computed_t, timeString=computed_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-        CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                              TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                              __FILE__ , &amp;
-                              __LINE__  )
-        ! handle fractions
-        CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-        computed_str = TRIM(computed_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-      ENDIF
-    ELSE IF ( res_is_ti ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
-      IF ( computed_ti == res_ti ) THEN
-        test_passed = .TRUE.
-      ELSE
-        CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( computed_ti, timeString=computed_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-        CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                              TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                              __FILE__ , &amp;
-                              __LINE__  )
-        ! handle fractions
-        CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-        computed_str = TRIM(computed_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-      ENDIF
-    ELSE  ! result is INTEGER
-      IF ( computed_int == res_int ) THEN
-        test_passed = .TRUE.
-      ELSE
-        IF ( computed_int &gt; 0 ) THEN
-          WRITE(computed_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(computed_int)
-        ELSE
-          WRITE(computed_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(computed_int)
-        ENDIF
-      ENDIF
-    ENDIF
-    IF ( test_passed ) THEN
-      WRITE(*,FMT='(A)') 'PASS:  '//TRIM(itestname)
-    ELSE
-      WRITE(*,*) 'FAIL:  ',TRIM(itestname),':  (',                        &amp;
-        TRIM(res_type_str),' = ',TRIM(op1_type_str),' ',TRIM(op_str),' ', &amp;
-        TRIM(op2_type_str),')  expected ',                                &amp;
-        TRIM(res_str),' = ',TRIM(op1_str),' ',TRIM(op_str),' ',           &amp;
-        TRIM(op2_str),'  but computed ',TRIM(computed_str)
-    ENDIF
-  END SUBROUTINE test_arithmetic
-  ! simple clock creation and advance with add-subtract tests thrown in
-  ! no self checks (yet)
-  SUBROUTINE test_clock_advance(                                              &amp;
-    start_yy, start_mm, start_dd, start_h, start_m, start_s,                  &amp;
-     stop_yy,  stop_mm,  stop_dd,  stop_h,  stop_m,  stop_s,                  &amp;
-    timestep_d, timestep_h, timestep_m, timestep_s, timestep_sn, timestep_sd, &amp;
-    testname, increment_S, increment_Sn, increment_Sd )
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: start_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: start_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: stop_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: stop_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_D  ! day
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_H
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_M
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_S
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_Sn
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_Sd
-    CHARACTER (LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: testname
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: increment_S  ! add and subtract this 
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: increment_Sn ! value each time step
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: increment_Sd
-    ! locals
-    INTEGER :: istart_YY
-    INTEGER :: istart_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: istart_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: istart_H
-    INTEGER :: istart_M
-    INTEGER :: istart_S
-    INTEGER :: istop_YY
-    INTEGER :: istop_MM  ! month
-    INTEGER :: istop_DD  ! day of month
-    INTEGER :: istop_H
-    INTEGER :: istop_M
-    INTEGER :: istop_S
-    INTEGER :: itimestep_D  ! day
-    INTEGER :: itimestep_H
-    INTEGER :: itimestep_M
-    INTEGER :: itimestep_S
-    INTEGER :: itimestep_Sn
-    INTEGER :: itimestep_Sd
-    CHARACTER (LEN=512) :: itestname, itestfullname
-    INTEGER :: iincrement_S
-    INTEGER :: iincrement_Sn
-    INTEGER :: iincrement_Sd
-    INTEGER :: Sn, Sd
-    INTEGER rc
-    TYPE(ESMF_Time)           :: start_time, stop_time, current_time
-    TYPE(ESMF_Clock), POINTER :: domain_clock
-    TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval)   :: timestep, increment
-    TYPE(ESMF_Time)           :: add_time, subtract_time
-    INTEGER :: itimestep
-    REAL(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: dayr8
-    CHARACTER(LEN=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: str, frac_str
-    istart_YY = 0
-    istart_MM = 1
-    istart_DD = 1
-    istart_H = 0
-    istart_M = 0
-    istart_S = 0
-    istop_YY = 0
-    istop_MM = 1
-    istop_DD = 1
-    istop_H = 0
-    istop_M = 0
-    istop_S = 0
-    itimestep_D = 0
-    itimestep_H = 0
-    itimestep_M = 0
-    itimestep_S = 0
-    itimestep_Sn = 0
-    itimestep_Sd = 0
-    itestname = ''
-    iincrement_S = 0
-    iincrement_Sn = 0
-    iincrement_Sd = 0
-    IF ( PRESENT( start_YY ) ) istart_YY = start_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( start_MM ) ) istart_MM = start_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( start_DD ) ) istart_DD = start_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( start_H ) ) istart_H = start_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( start_M ) ) istart_M = start_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( start_S ) ) istart_S = start_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( stop_YY ) ) istop_YY = stop_YY
-    IF ( PRESENT( stop_MM ) ) istop_MM = stop_MM
-    IF ( PRESENT( stop_DD ) ) istop_DD = stop_DD
-    IF ( PRESENT( stop_H ) ) istop_H = stop_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( stop_M ) ) istop_M = stop_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( stop_S ) ) istop_S = stop_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_D ) ) itimestep_D = timestep_D
-    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_H ) ) itimestep_H = timestep_H
-    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_M ) ) itimestep_M = timestep_M
-    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_S ) ) itimestep_S = timestep_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_Sn ) ) itimestep_Sn = timestep_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_Sd ) ) itimestep_Sd = timestep_Sd
-    IF ( PRESENT( testname ) ) itestname = TRIM(testname)//'_'
-    IF ( PRESENT( increment_S ) ) iincrement_S = increment_S
-    IF ( PRESENT( increment_Sn ) ) iincrement_Sn = increment_Sn
-    IF ( PRESENT( increment_Sd ) ) iincrement_Sd = increment_Sd
-    ! Initialize start time, stop time, time step, clock for simple case. 
-    itestfullname = TRIM(itestname)//'SETUP'
-    CALL ESMF_TimeSet( start_time, YY=istart_YY, MM=istart_MM, DD=istart_DD , &amp;
-                                   H=istart_H, M=istart_M, S=istart_S, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( start_time, timeString=str, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  start_time = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-    CALL ESMF_TimeSet( stop_time, YY=istop_YY, MM=istop_MM, DD=istop_DD , &amp;
-                                   H=istop_H, M=istop_M, S=istop_S, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( stop_time, timeString=str, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  stop_time = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-    CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( timestep, D=itimestep_D, H=itimestep_H, &amp;
-                                         M=itimestep_M, S=itimestep_S, &amp;
-                                         Sn=itimestep_Sn, Sd=itimestep_Sd, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( timestep, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalGet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    ! handle fractions
-    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  timestep = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-    CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( increment, S=iincrement_S, &amp;
-                               Sn=iincrement_Sn, Sd=iincrement_Sd, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( increment, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalGet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    ! handle fractions
-    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-    ALLOCATE( domain_clock )
-    domain_clock = ESMF_ClockCreate( TimeStep= timestep,  &amp;
-                                     StartTime=start_time, &amp;
-                                     StopTime= stop_time,  &amp;
-                                     rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockCreate() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    CALL ESMF_ClockGet( domain_clock, CurrTime=current_time, &amp;
-                        rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockGet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( current_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  clock current_time = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( current_time, dayOfYear_r8=dayr8, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,F10.6,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; ',dayr8,' &gt;'
-    subtract_time = current_time - increment
-    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( subtract_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time-increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-    add_time = current_time + increment
-    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( add_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                          __FILE__ , &amp;
-                          __LINE__  )
-    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time+increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-    ! Advance clock.  
-    itestfullname = TRIM(itestname)//'ADVANCE'
-    itimestep = 0
-    DO WHILE ( .NOT. ESMF_ClockIsStopTime(domain_clock ,rc=rc) )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockIsStopTime() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      itimestep = itimestep + 1
-      CALL ESMF_ClockAdvance( domain_clock, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockAdvance() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      CALL ESMF_ClockGet( domain_clock, CurrTime=current_time, &amp;
-                          rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( current_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-      str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-      WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,I6.6,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  count = ', &amp;
-        itimestep,'  current_time = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-      subtract_time = current_time - increment
-      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( subtract_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-      str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-      WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time-increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-      add_time = current_time + increment
-      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( add_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
-      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
-                            __FILE__ , &amp;
-                            __LINE__  )
-      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
-      str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
-      WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time+increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
-    ENDDO
-    DEALLOCATE( domain_clock )
-  END SUBROUTINE test_clock_advance
-END MODULE my_tests
-#if defined( TIME_F90_ONLY ) 
-! TBH:  Improve the build of Test1.exe to use WRF versions of these 
-! TBH:  routines and remove these hacked-in duplicates!!  
-SUBROUTINE wrf_abort
-#if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) &amp;&amp; ! defined( STUBMPI )
-  INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
-  INTEGER ierr
-  CALL mpi_abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,1,ierr)
-SUBROUTINE wrf_message( str )
-  CHARACTER*(*) str
-#if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) &amp;&amp; ! defined( STUBMPI)
-  write(0,*) str
-  print*, str
-END SUBROUTINE wrf_message
-! intentionally write to stderr only
-SUBROUTINE wrf_message2( str )
-  CHARACTER*(*) str
-  write(0,*) str
-END SUBROUTINE wrf_message2
-SUBROUTINE wrf_error_fatal3( file_str, line, str )
-  USE my_tests
-  CHARACTER*(*) file_str
-  INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: line  ! only print file and line if line &gt; 0
-  CHARACTER*(*) str
-  CHARACTER*256 :: line_str
-  write(line_str,'(i6)') line
-  ! special behavior for testing since Fortran cannot catch exceptions
-  ! just print message and continue
-  CALL wrf_message( 'ERROR IN FILE:  '//TRIM(file_str)//'  LINE:  '//TRIM(line_str) )
-  ! normal behavior
-#if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) &amp;&amp; ! defined( STUBMPI )
-  CALL wrf_message( '-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------' )
-  ! only print file and line if line is positive
-  IF ( line &gt; 0 ) THEN
-    CALL wrf_message( 'FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  '//file_str//'  LINE:  '//TRIM(line_str) )
-  CALL wrf_message( str )
-  CALL wrf_message( '-------------------------------------------' )
-  CALL wrf_message2( '-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------' )
-  ! only print file and line if line is positive
-  IF ( line &gt; 0 ) THEN
-    CALL wrf_message( 'FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  '//file_str//'  LINE:  '//TRIM(line_str) )
-  CALL wrf_message2( str )
-  CALL wrf_message2( '-------------------------------------------' )
-  CALL wrf_abort
-END SUBROUTINE wrf_error_fatal3
-SUBROUTINE wrf_error_fatal( str )
-  CHARACTER*(*) str
-  CALL wrf_error_fatal3 ( ' ', 0, str )
-END SUBROUTINE wrf_error_fatal
-! Check to see if expected value == actual value
-! If not, print message and exit.
-SUBROUTINE test_check_error( expected, actual, str, file_str, line )
-  INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: expected
-  INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: actual
-  CHARACTER*(*) str
-  CHARACTER*(*) file_str
-  INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: line
-  CHARACTER (LEN=512)   :: rc_str
-  CHARACTER (LEN=512)   :: str_with_rc
-  IF ( expected .ne. actual ) THEN
-    WRITE (rc_str,*) '  Routine returned error code = ',actual
-    str_with_rc = 'FAIL:  '//TRIM(str)//TRIM(rc_str)
-    CALL wrf_error_fatal3( file_str, line, str_with_rc )
-END SUBROUTINE test_check_error
-PROGRAM time_manager_test
-  USE my_tests
-  INTEGER :: rc
-  CALL ESMF_Initialize( defaultCalendar=ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN, rc=rc )
-  CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                        'ESMF_Initialize() ', &amp;
-                        __FILE__ , &amp;
-                        __LINE__  )
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  back from ESMF_Initialize(), rc = ',rc
-!  CALL test_print(  t_yy,  t_mm,  t_dd,  t_h,  t_m,  t_s, &amp;
-!                   ti_yy, ti_mm, ti_dd, ti_h, ti_m, ti_s, &amp;
-!                   res_str, testname )
-  ! Print times
-  ! &quot;vanilla&quot; tests
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  calling 1st test_print()'
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
-    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:10', testname='printT_1' )
-!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  back from 1st test_print()'
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=0,  t_mm=1,  t_dd=1,  t_h=0,  t_m=0,  t_s=0, &amp;
-    res_str='0000-01-01_00:00:00', testname='printT_2' )
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=2003,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=30,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
-    res_str='2003-12-30_23:59:50', testname='printT_3' )
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=2003,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=31,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
-    res_str='2003-12-31_23:59:50', testname='printT_4' )
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=2004,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=30,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
-    res_str='2004-12-30_23:59:50', testname='printT_5' )
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=2004,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=31,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
-    res_str='2004-12-31_23:59:50', testname='printT_6' )
-!$$$  NOTE that this fails -- need to fix up output string for negative year
-!  CALL test_print( t_yy=-2004,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=31,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
-!    res_str='-2004-12-31_23:59:50', testname='printT_6' )
-  ! these test default behavior of test harness
-  CALL test_print( t_s=0, &amp;
-    res_str='0000-01-01_00:00:00', testname='printT_D1' )
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=0, &amp;
-    res_str='0000-01-01_00:00:00', testname='printT_D2' )
-  ! fractions
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
-    t_sn=1, t_sd=3, &amp;
-    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:10+01/03', testname='printT_F1' )
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
-    t_sn=4, t_sd=3, &amp;
-    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:11+01/03', testname='printT_F2' )
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
-    t_sn=12, t_sd=3, &amp;
-    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:14', testname='printT_F3' )
-  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
-    t_sn=-1, t_sd=3, &amp;
-    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:09+02/03', testname='printT_F4' )
-  ! ERROR, MM out of range
-!$$$here...  fix so this just prints &quot;ERROR:  &lt;testname&gt;&quot; in failure case
-!$$$here...  also need &quot;expect_fail&quot; to reverse sense of PASS/FAIL message for 
-!$$$here...  tests that should fail
-!  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=13,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
-!    res_str='2002-01-03_01:20:10', testname='printT_E1', expect_error=.TRUE. )
-  ! Print time intervals
-  ! &quot;vanilla&quot; tests
-  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=0,  ti_h=0,  ti_m=0,  ti_s=0, &amp;
-    res_str='0000000000_000:000:000', testname='printTI_1' )
-  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=500,  ti_h=0,  ti_m=0,  ti_s=7270, &amp;
-    res_str='0000000500_002:001:010', testname='printTI_2' )
-  ! these test default behavior of test harness
-  CALL test_print( ti_s=0, &amp;
-    res_str='0000000000_000:000:000', testname='printTI_D1' )
-  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0, &amp;
-    res_str='0000000000_000:000:000', testname='printTI_D2' )
-  ! these test negative values
-  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=-3,  ti_h=-1,  ti_m=-20,  ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    res_str='-0000000003_001:020:010', testname='printTI_N1' )
-  ! these test mixed values
-  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=-3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
-    res_str='-0000000002_022:039:050', testname='printTI_M1' )
-  ! fractions
-  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
-    ti_sn=1, ti_sd=3, &amp;
-    res_str='0000000003_001:020:010+01/03', testname='printTI_F1' )
-  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
-    ti_sn=5, ti_sd=3, &amp;
-    res_str='0000000003_001:020:011+02/03', testname='printTI_F2' )
-  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=-3,  ti_h=-1,  ti_m=-20,  ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    ti_sn=-1, ti_sd=3, &amp;
-    res_str='-0000000003_001:020:010-01/03', testname='printTI_F3' )
-  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=-3,  ti_h=-1,  ti_m=-20,  ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    ti_sn=1, ti_sd=3, &amp;
-    res_str='-0000000003_001:020:009-02/03', testname='printTI_F4' )
-  ! these test non-normalized values
-!  CALL test_print( ti_yy=2001,  ti_mm=1,  ti_dd=3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
-!    res_str='02001-001-003_001:020:010', testname='printTI_NN1', expect_error=.TRUE. )
-!  CALL test_print( ti_yy=2001,  ti_mm=12,  ti_dd=3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
-!    res_str='02002-000-003_001:020:010', testname='printTI_NN2', expect_error=.TRUE. )
-!  CALL test_print( ti_yy=2002,  ti_mm=5,  ti_dd=500,  ti_h=0,  ti_m=0,  ti_s=7270, &amp;
-!    res_str='02002-005-500_002:001:010', testname='printTI_NN3', expect_error=.TRUE. )
-  ! Addition tests
-  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_Time + ESMF_TimeInterval
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=3,  op1_t_h=1,  op1_t_m=20,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=3, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2001,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=3,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=20, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2002,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI3' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI4' )
-  ! this case hung after the CCSM contribution
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI5' )
-! NOTE:  CCSM folks need to decide what it means to add &quot;1 month&quot; to Feb. 29.  And all the 
-!        other very similar cases.  Then, write this unit test!  
-!  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-!     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-!    op2_ti_yy=   2, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-!     res_t_yy=2007,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-!    testname='AddT_T_TI6' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=365, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI7' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=367, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2006,  res_t_mm=01,  res_t_dd=01,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI8' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=365, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=29,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI9' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=366, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI10' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=367, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI11' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=368, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=01,  res_t_dd=01,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI12' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=365, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=03,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI13' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=365, op2_ti_h=22, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=03,  res_t_dd=31,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI14' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=366, op2_ti_h=22, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=04,  res_t_dd=01,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI15' )
-  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_Time + ESMF_TimeInterval with fractions
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op1_t_sn=01,  op1_t_sd=03, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_sn=01, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_sn=02,  res_t_sd=03, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_T_TI_F1' )
-  ! this should fail (and does)
-!  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-!     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-!     op1_t_sn=01,  op1_t_sd=03, &amp;
-!    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-!    op2_ti_sn=01, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
-!     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-!     res_t_sn=01,  res_t_sd=03, &amp;
-!    testname='AddT_T_TI_F2' )
-  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_Time
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=   0, op1_ti_mm= 0, op1_ti_dd=0, op1_ti_h=3, op1_ti_m=10, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2001,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=3,  op2_t_h=1,  op2_t_m=20,  op2_t_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2001,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=3,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=20, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_TI_T1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=   0, op1_ti_mm= 0, op1_ti_dd=0, op1_ti_h=4, op1_ti_m=10, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2001,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=31,  op2_t_h=22,  op2_t_m=30,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2002,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='AddT_TI_T2' )
-  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_TimeInterval
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=3, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=20, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=1, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=4, res_ti_h=2, res_ti_m=30, res_ti_s=20, &amp;
-    testname='AddTI_TI_TI1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=-3, op1_ti_h=-1, op1_ti_m=-20, op1_ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=1, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=-10, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='AddTI_TI_TI2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=-3, op1_ti_h=-1, op1_ti_m=-20, op1_ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=-1, op2_ti_h=-1, op2_ti_m=-10, op2_ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-4, res_ti_h=-2, res_ti_m=-30, res_ti_s=-20, &amp;
-    testname='AddTI_TI_TI3' )
-  ! Subtraction tests
-  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_Time - ESMF_TimeInterval
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=3,  op1_t_h=1,  op1_t_m=20,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=3, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2001,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=2,  res_t_h=22, res_t_m=10,  res_t_s=0,  &amp;
-    testname='SubtractT_T_TI1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=0,  &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=0, op2_ti_m=00, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31, res_t_h=23, res_t_m=59,  res_t_s=50, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractT_T_TI2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=0,  &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=0, op2_ti_m=00, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2003,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31, res_t_h=23, res_t_m=59,  res_t_s=50, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractT_T_TI3' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=0,  &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=0, op2_ti_m=00, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2002,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31, res_t_h=23, res_t_m=59,  res_t_s=50, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractT_T_TI4' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=04,  op1_t_dd=01,  op1_t_h=2,  op1_t_m=40,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=366, op2_ti_h=22, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=03,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractT_T_TI5' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2006,  op1_t_mm=01,  op1_t_dd=01,  op1_t_h=8,  op1_t_m=40,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=367, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractT_T_TI6' )
-  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_Time - ESMF_TimeInterval with fractions
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                             &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=01,  op1_t_dd=01,  op1_t_h=00,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op1_t_sn=00,  op1_t_sd=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=0, op2_ti_m=00, op2_ti_s=01, &amp;
-    op2_ti_sn=01, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
-     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31,  res_t_h=23,  res_t_m=59,  res_t_s=58, &amp;
-     res_t_sn=02,  res_t_sd=03, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractT_T_TI_F1' )
-  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_Time - ESMF_Time
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=3,  op1_t_h=1,  op1_t_m=20,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2001,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=1,  op2_t_h=1,  op2_t_m=10,  op2_t_s=10, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=10, res_ti_s=0,  &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2002,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2001,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=31, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=31, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T3' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2003,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T4' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=1, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T5' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2002,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2002,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T6' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2002,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=365, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T7' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2003,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=365, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T8' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=366, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T9' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2002,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=366, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T10' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=367, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T11' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=366, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T12' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=23, op1_t_m=59,  op1_t_s=50, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=2005,  op2_t_mm=03,  op2_t_dd=01, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-366, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T13' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-     op1_t_yy=-2002,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
-     op2_t_yy=-2002,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_T_T14' )
-  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=3, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=20, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=1, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=10, res_ti_s=0,  &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TI1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=3, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=20, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=-1, op2_ti_h=-1, op2_ti_m=-10, op2_ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=4, res_ti_h=2, res_ti_m=30, res_ti_s=20,  &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TI2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=-1, op1_ti_h=-1, op1_ti_m=-10, op1_ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=-3, op2_ti_h=-1, op2_ti_m=-20, op2_ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=10, res_ti_s=00,  &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TI3' )
-  ! Negative result ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=1, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=10, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=3, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=20, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=-10, res_ti_s=0,  &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TIN1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=-1, op1_ti_h=-1, op1_ti_m=-10, op1_ti_s=-10, &amp;
-    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=3, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=20, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-4, res_ti_h=-2, res_ti_m=-30, res_ti_s=-20,  &amp;
-    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TIN2' )
-  ! Un-normalized ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
-  ! this is an error
-!  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
-!    op1_ti_yy=2001, op1_ti_mm=11, op1_ti_dd=3, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=20, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
-!    op2_ti_yy=2001, op2_ti_mm=11, op2_ti_dd=1, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-!    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=10, res_ti_s=0,  &amp;
-!    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TIU1', expect_error=.TRUE. )
-  ! this one should FAIL, and does
-!  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
-!     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=3,  op1_t_h=1,  op1_t_m=20,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
-!    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=3, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
-!     res_t_yy=2002,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=3,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=20, &amp;
-!    testname='AddTT1' )
-  ! Multiplication tests
-  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval * INTEGER
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.TRUE.,                &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=3,  op1_ti_h=12,  op1_ti_m=18,  op1_ti_s=33, &amp;
-    op2_int=2,                                             &amp;
-    res_ti_dd=6,  res_ti_h=24, res_ti_m=37,  res_ti_s=06,  &amp;
-    testname='MultiplyTI_TI_INT1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.TRUE.,                &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=350,  op1_ti_h=23,  op1_ti_m=50,  op1_ti_s=50, &amp;
-    op2_int=2,                                             &amp;
-    res_ti_dd=701,  res_ti_h=23, res_ti_m=41,  res_ti_s=40,&amp;
-    testname='MultiplyTI_TI_INT2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.TRUE.,                &amp;
-    op1_ti_s=01, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04,               &amp;
-    op2_int=8,                                             &amp;
-    res_ti_s=14,                                           &amp;
-    testname='MultiplyTI_TI_INT3' )
-  ! Division tests
-  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval / INTEGER
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=3,  op1_ti_h=12,  op1_ti_m=18,  op1_ti_s=33, &amp;
-    op2_int=3,                                             &amp;
-    res_ti_dd=1,  res_ti_h=04, res_ti_m=06,  res_ti_s=11,  &amp;
-    testname='DivideTI_TI_INT1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=3,  op1_ti_h=12,  op1_ti_m=18,  op1_ti_s=33, &amp;
-    op2_int=4,                                             &amp;
-    res_ti_dd=0,  res_ti_h=21, res_ti_m=04,  res_ti_s=38,  &amp;
-    res_ti_sn=1,  res_ti_sd=4,                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideTI_TI_INT2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_s=01, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04,               &amp;
-    op2_int=5,                                             &amp;
-    res_ti_s=0, res_ti_sn=7,  res_ti_sd=20,                &amp;
-    testname='DivideTI_TI_INT3' )
-  ! INTEGER = ESMF_TimeInterval / ESMF_TimeInterval
-  ! this operator truncates to whole integers
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=3,  op1_ti_h=12,  op1_ti_m=18,  op1_ti_s=33, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=3,  op2_ti_h=12,  op2_ti_m=18,  op2_ti_s=33, &amp;
-    res_int=1,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=6,  op1_ti_h=24,  op1_ti_m=36,  op1_ti_s=66, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=3,  op2_ti_h=12,  op2_ti_m=18,  op2_ti_s=33, &amp;
-    res_int=2,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=0,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=3,  op2_ti_h=12,  op2_ti_m=18,  op2_ti_s=33, &amp;
-    res_int=0,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI3' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=1,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=0,  op2_ti_h=01,  op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    res_int=24,                                            &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI4' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=1,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=0,  op2_ti_h=00,  op2_ti_m=01,  op2_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    res_int=1440,                                          &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI5' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=1,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=0,  op2_ti_h=00,  op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=01, &amp;
-    res_int=86400,                                         &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI6' )
-  ! rounding
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=0,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=03, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=0,  op2_ti_h=00,  op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=02, &amp;
-    res_int=1,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIR1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=1,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=02, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=1,  op2_ti_h=00,  op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=03, &amp;
-    res_int=0,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIR2' )
-  ! fractional operands
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04, &amp;
-    op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=00, op2_ti_sn=03, op2_ti_sd=04, &amp;
-    res_int=1,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIF1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, op1_ti_sn=06, op1_ti_sd=08, &amp;
-    op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=00, op2_ti_sn=03, op2_ti_sd=04, &amp;
-    res_int=1,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIF2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04, &amp;
-    op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=00, op2_ti_sn=04, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
-    res_int=0,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIF3' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=02, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04, &amp;
-    op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=01, op2_ti_sn=01, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
-    res_int=2,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIF4' )
-  ! negative operands
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=-6,  op1_ti_h=-24,  op1_ti_m=-36,  op1_ti_s=-66, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=3,  op2_ti_h=12,  op2_ti_m=18,  op2_ti_s=33, &amp;
-    res_int=-2,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIN1' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=6,  op1_ti_h=24,  op1_ti_m=36,  op1_ti_s=66, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=-3,  op2_ti_h=-12,  op2_ti_m=-18,  op2_ti_s=-33, &amp;
-    res_int=-2,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIN2' )
-  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
-    op1_ti_dd=-6,  op1_ti_h=-24,  op1_ti_m=-36,  op1_ti_s=-66, &amp;
-    op2_ti_dd=-3,  op2_ti_h=-12,  op2_ti_m=-18,  op2_ti_s=-33, &amp;
-    res_int=2,                                             &amp;
-    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIN3' )
-!$$$here...  modify these to add self-test PASS/FAIL output
-  CALL test_clock_advance(                                                    &amp;
-    start_yy=2002, start_mm=12, start_dd=27, start_h=3, start_m=0, start_s=0, &amp;
-     stop_yy=2002,  stop_mm=12,  stop_dd=28,  stop_h=8,  stop_m=0,  stop_s=0, &amp;
-    timestep_d=0, timestep_h=0, timestep_m=0, timestep_s=600,                 &amp;
-    testname=&quot;SimpleClockAdvance&quot; )
-  CALL test_clock_advance(                                                    &amp;
-    start_yy=2003, start_mm=12, start_dd=29, start_h=9, start_m=0, start_s=0, &amp;
-     stop_yy=2004,  stop_mm=1,   stop_dd=2,   stop_h=9,  stop_m=0,  stop_s=0, &amp;
-    timestep_d=0, timestep_h=0, timestep_m=0, timestep_s=3600,                &amp;
-    testname=&quot;StdYearClockAdvance&quot;, increment_S=10 )
-  CALL test_clock_advance(                                                    &amp;
-    start_yy=2004, start_mm=12, start_dd=29, start_h=9, start_m=0, start_s=0, &amp;
-     stop_yy=2005,  stop_mm=1,   stop_dd=2,   stop_h=9,  stop_m=0,  stop_s=0, &amp;
-    timestep_d=0, timestep_h=0, timestep_m=0, timestep_s=3600,                &amp;
-    testname=&quot;LeapYearClockAdvance&quot;, increment_S=10 )
-  ! NRCM domain 3 case:  120 seconds / 9 
-  ! 18 timesteps through end of leap year
-  CALL test_clock_advance(                                                    &amp;
-    start_yy=2004, start_mm=12, start_dd=31, start_h=23, start_m=58, start_s=0,&amp;
-     stop_yy=2005,  stop_mm=1,   stop_dd=1,   stop_h=0,  stop_m=2,  stop_s=0, &amp;
-    timestep_d=0, timestep_h=0, timestep_m=0, timestep_s=13,                  &amp;
-    timestep_sn=1, timestep_sd=3,                                             &amp;
-    testname=&quot;LeapYearFractionClockAdvance&quot;,                                  &amp;
-    increment_S=1, increment_Sn=1, increment_Sd=3 )
-  CALL ESMF_Finalize( rc=rc )
-  CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
-                        'ESMF_Finalize() ', &amp;
-                        __FILE__ , &amp;
-                        __LINE__  )
-END PROGRAM time_manager_test

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,1718 @@
+! Sub-system tests for esmf_time_f90
+! Someday, switch over to funit!  
+MODULE my_tests
+  ! Set this to .TRUE. to make wrf_error_fatal3() print a message on failure 
+  ! instead of stopping the program.  Use for testing only (since we cannot 
+  ! catch exceptions in Fortran90!!)  
+  ! Test printing of an ESMF_Time or ESMF_TimeInterval object.  
+  !
+  ! Correct results are also passed in through this interface and compared 
+  ! with computed results.  PASS/FAIL messages are printed.  
+  !
+  SUBROUTINE test_print(  t_yy,  t_mm,  t_dd,  t_h,  t_m,  t_s, t_sn, t_sd, &amp;
+                         ti_yy, ti_mm, ti_dd, ti_h, ti_m, ti_s, ti_sn, ti_sd, &amp;
+                         res_str, testname, expect_error )
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: t_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: t_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: ti_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: ti_DD  ! day of month
+    CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: res_str
+    CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: testname
+    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: expect_error
+    ! locals
+    INTEGER :: it_YY
+    INTEGER :: it_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: it_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: it_H
+    INTEGER :: it_M
+    INTEGER :: it_S
+    INTEGER :: it_Sn
+    INTEGER :: it_Sd
+    INTEGER :: iti_YY
+    INTEGER :: iti_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: iti_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: iti_H
+    INTEGER :: iti_M
+    INTEGER :: iti_S
+    INTEGER :: iti_Sn
+    INTEGER :: iti_Sd
+    LOGICAL :: is_t 
+    LOGICAL :: is_ti
+    CHARACTER (LEN=512) :: itestname
+    LOGICAL :: iexpect_error
+    INTEGER rc
+    TYPE(ESMF_Time)           :: t
+    TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval)   :: ti
+    CHARACTER(LEN=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: str, computed_str, frac_str
+    CHARACTER(LEN=17) :: type_str
+    INTEGER :: res_len, computed_len, Sn, Sd
+    LOGICAL :: test_passed
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  BEGIN test_print()'
+    it_YY = 0
+    it_MM = 1
+    it_DD = 1
+    it_H = 0
+    it_M = 0
+    it_S = 0
+    it_Sn = 0
+    it_Sd = 0
+    iti_YY = 0
+    iti_MM = 0
+    iti_DD = 0
+    iti_H = 0
+    iti_M = 0
+    iti_S = 0
+    iti_Sn = 0
+    iti_Sd = 0
+    itestname = ''
+    iexpect_error = .FALSE.
+    IF ( PRESENT( t_YY ) ) it_YY = t_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( t_MM ) ) it_MM = t_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( t_DD ) ) it_DD = t_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( t_H ) ) it_H = t_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( t_M ) ) it_M = t_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( t_S ) ) it_S = t_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( t_Sn ) ) it_Sn = t_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( t_Sd ) ) it_Sd = t_Sd
+    IF ( PRESENT( ti_YY ) ) iti_YY = ti_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( ti_MM ) ) iti_MM = ti_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( ti_DD ) ) iti_DD = ti_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( ti_H ) ) iti_H = ti_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( ti_M ) ) iti_M = ti_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( ti_S ) ) iti_S = ti_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( ti_Sn ) ) iti_Sn = ti_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( ti_Sd ) ) iti_Sd = ti_Sd
+    IF ( PRESENT( testname ) ) itestname = TRIM(testname)
+    IF ( PRESENT( expect_error ) ) iexpect_error = expect_error
+    ! Ensure that optional arguments are consistent...
+    is_t = ( PRESENT( t_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( t_MM ) .OR. &amp;
+             PRESENT( t_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( t_H ) .OR.  &amp;
+             PRESENT( t_M )  .OR. PRESENT( t_S ) .OR.  &amp;
+             PRESENT( t_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( t_Sd ) )
+    is_ti = ( PRESENT( ti_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( ti_MM ) .OR. &amp;
+              PRESENT( ti_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( ti_H ) .OR.  &amp;
+              PRESENT( ti_M )  .OR. PRESENT( ti_S ) .OR.  &amp;
+              PRESENT( ti_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( ti_Sd ) )
+    IF ( is_t .EQV. is_ti ) THEN
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
+        'ERROR test_print:  inconsistent args' )
+    ENDIF
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  init objects'
+    ! Initialize object to be tested
+    ! modify behavior of wrf_error_fatal3 for tests expected to fail
+    IF ( iexpect_error ) WRF_ERROR_FATAL_PRINT = .TRUE.
+    Sn = 0
+    Sd = 0
+    IF ( is_t ) THEN
+      type_str = 'ESMF_Time'
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  calling ESMF_TimeSet()'
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  YY,MM,DD,H,M,S,Sn,Sd = ', it_YY,it_MM,it_DD,it_H,it_M,it_S,it_Sn,it_Sd
+      CALL ESMF_TimeSet( t, YY=it_YY, MM=it_MM, DD=it_DD , &amp;
+                             H=it_H, M=it_M, S=it_S, Sn=it_Sn, Sd=it_Sd, rc=rc )
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  back from ESMF_TimeSet()'
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
+                             __FILE__ , &amp;
+                             __LINE__  )
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  calling ESMF_TimeGet()'
+      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( t, timeString=computed_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  back from ESMF_TimeGet(), computed_str = ',TRIM(computed_str)
+    ELSE
+      type_str = 'ESMF_TimeInterval'
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  calling ESMF_TimeIntervalSet()'
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( ti, YY=iti_YY, MM=iti_MM, &amp;
+                                      D=iti_DD ,           &amp;
+                                      H=iti_H, M=iti_M,    &amp;
+                                      S=iti_S, Sn=iti_Sn, Sd=iti_Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
+                             __FILE__ , &amp;
+                             __LINE__  )
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  calling ESMF_TimeIntervalGet()'
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( ti, timeString=computed_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+    ENDIF
+    ! handle fractions
+    IF ( Sd &gt; 0 ) THEN
+      IF ( Sn &gt; 0 ) THEN
+        WRITE(frac_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I2.2,'/',I2.2)&quot;) abs(Sn), Sd
+      ELSE IF ( Sn &lt; 0 ) THEN
+        WRITE(frac_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I2.2,'/',I2.2)&quot;) abs(Sn), Sd
+      ELSE
+        frac_str = ''
+      ENDIF
+      computed_str = TRIM(computed_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    ENDIF
+    ! restore default behavior of wrf_error_fatal3
+    IF ( iexpect_error ) WRF_ERROR_FATAL_PRINT = .FALSE.
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  done init objects'
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  test_print():  check result'
+    ! check result
+    test_passed = .FALSE.
+    res_len = LEN_TRIM(res_str)
+    computed_len = LEN_TRIM(computed_str)
+    IF ( res_len == computed_len ) THEN
+      IF ( computed_str(1:computed_len) == res_str(1:res_len) ) THEN
+        test_passed = .TRUE.
+      ENDIF
+    ENDIF
+    IF ( test_passed ) THEN
+      WRITE(*,FMT='(A)') 'PASS:  '//TRIM(itestname)
+    ELSE
+      WRITE(*,'(9A)') 'FAIL:  ',TRIM(itestname),':  printing ',TRIM(type_str), &amp;
+        '  expected &lt;', TRIM(res_str),'&gt;  but computed &lt;',TRIM(computed_str),'&gt;'
+    ENDIF
+!PRINT *,'DEBUG:  END test_print()'
+  END SUBROUTINE test_print
+  ! Test the following arithmetic operations on ESMF_Time and 
+  ! ESMF_TimeInterval objects:
+  !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_Time         + ESMF_TimeInterval
+  !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_Time
+  !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_Time         - ESMF_TimeInterval
+  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_Time         - ESMF_Time        
+  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_TimeInterval
+  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
+  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval * INTEGER
+  !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval / INTEGER
+  !
+  ! Correct results are also passed in through this interface and compared 
+  ! with computed results.  PASS/FAIL messages are printed.  
+  !
+  ! Operations are expressed as res = op1 +|- op2
+  !
+  SUBROUTINE test_arithmetic( add_op, multiply_op,                                       &amp;
+     op1_t_yy,  op1_t_mm,  op1_t_dd,  op1_t_h,  op1_t_m,  op1_t_s,  op1_t_sn,  op1_t_sd, &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy, op1_ti_mm, op1_ti_dd, op1_ti_h, op1_ti_m, op1_ti_s, op1_ti_sn, op1_ti_sd, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy,  op2_t_mm,  op2_t_dd,  op2_t_h,  op2_t_m,  op2_t_s,  op2_t_sn,  op2_t_sd, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy, op2_ti_mm, op2_ti_dd, op2_ti_h, op2_ti_m, op2_ti_s, op2_ti_sn, op2_ti_sd, &amp;
+    op2_int,                                                                             &amp;
+     res_t_yy,  res_t_mm,  res_t_dd,  res_t_h,  res_t_m,  res_t_s,  res_t_sn,  res_t_sd, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy, res_ti_mm, res_ti_dd, res_ti_h, res_ti_m, res_ti_s, res_ti_sn, res_ti_sd, &amp;
+    res_int, testname, expect_error )
+    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: add_op      ! .TRUE.=add, .FALSE.=subtract
+    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: multiply_op ! .TRUE.=multiply, .FALSE.=divide
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op1_t_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op1_t_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op1_ti_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op1_ti_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op2_t_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op2_t_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op2_ti_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: op2_ti_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: res_t_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: res_t_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: res_ti_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: res_ti_DD  ! day of month
+    CHARACTER (LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: testname
+    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: expect_error
+    ! locals
+    LOGICAL :: iadd_op
+    LOGICAL :: isubtract_op
+    LOGICAL :: imultiply_op
+    LOGICAL :: idivide_op
+    INTEGER :: iop1_t_YY
+    INTEGER :: iop1_t_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: iop1_t_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: iop1_t_H
+    INTEGER :: iop1_t_M
+    INTEGER :: iop1_t_S
+    INTEGER :: iop1_t_Sn
+    INTEGER :: iop1_t_Sd
+    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_YY
+    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_H
+    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_M
+    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_S
+    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_Sn
+    INTEGER :: iop1_ti_Sd
+    INTEGER :: iop2_t_YY
+    INTEGER :: iop2_t_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: iop2_t_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: iop2_t_H
+    INTEGER :: iop2_t_M
+    INTEGER :: iop2_t_S
+    INTEGER :: iop2_t_Sn
+    INTEGER :: iop2_t_Sd
+    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_YY
+    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_H
+    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_M
+    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_S
+    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_Sn
+    INTEGER :: iop2_ti_Sd
+    INTEGER :: ires_t_YY
+    INTEGER :: ires_t_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: ires_t_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: ires_t_H
+    INTEGER :: ires_t_M
+    INTEGER :: ires_t_S
+    INTEGER :: ires_t_Sn
+    INTEGER :: ires_t_Sd
+    INTEGER :: ires_ti_YY
+    INTEGER :: ires_ti_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: ires_ti_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: ires_ti_H
+    INTEGER :: ires_ti_M
+    INTEGER :: ires_ti_S
+    INTEGER :: ires_ti_Sn
+    INTEGER :: ires_ti_Sd
+    LOGICAL :: op1_is_t , op2_is_t , res_is_t
+    LOGICAL :: op1_is_ti, op2_is_ti, res_is_ti, op2_is_int
+    LOGICAL :: res_is_int
+    INTEGER :: num_ops, num_op1, num_op2, num_res
+    LOGICAL :: unsupported_op, test_passed
+    CHARACTER (LEN=512) :: itestname
+    LOGICAL :: iexpect_error
+    INTEGER :: rc
+    INTEGER :: computed_int, Sn, Sd
+    TYPE(ESMF_Time)           :: op1_t , op2_t , res_t, computed_t
+    TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval)   :: op1_ti, op2_ti, res_ti, computed_ti
+    CHARACTER(LEN=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: str, op1_str, op2_str, res_str, computed_str, frac_str
+    CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: op_str
+    CHARACTER(LEN=17) :: op1_type_str, op2_type_str, res_type_str
+    iadd_op = .FALSE.
+    isubtract_op = .FALSE.
+    imultiply_op = .FALSE.
+    idivide_op = .FALSE.
+    iop1_t_YY = 0
+    iop1_t_MM = 1
+    iop1_t_DD = 1
+    iop1_t_H = 0
+    iop1_t_M = 0
+    iop1_t_S = 0
+    iop1_t_Sn = 0
+    iop1_t_Sd = 0
+    iop1_ti_YY = 0
+    iop1_ti_MM = 0
+    iop1_ti_DD = 0
+    iop1_ti_H = 0
+    iop1_ti_M = 0
+    iop1_ti_S = 0
+    iop1_ti_Sn = 0
+    iop1_ti_Sd = 0
+    iop2_t_YY = 0
+    iop2_t_MM = 1
+    iop2_t_DD = 1
+    iop2_t_H = 0
+    iop2_t_M = 0
+    iop2_t_S = 0
+    iop2_t_Sn = 0
+    iop2_t_Sd = 0
+    iop2_ti_YY = 0
+    iop2_ti_MM = 0
+    iop2_ti_DD = 0
+    iop2_ti_H = 0
+    iop2_ti_M = 0
+    iop2_ti_S = 0
+    iop2_ti_Sn = 0
+    iop2_ti_Sd = 0
+    ires_t_YY = 0
+    ires_t_MM = 1
+    ires_t_DD = 1
+    ires_t_H = 0
+    ires_t_M = 0
+    ires_t_S = 0
+    ires_t_Sn = 0
+    ires_t_Sd = 0
+    ires_ti_YY = 0
+    ires_ti_MM = 0
+    ires_ti_DD = 0
+    ires_ti_H = 0
+    ires_ti_M = 0
+    ires_ti_S = 0
+    ires_ti_Sn = 0
+    ires_ti_Sd = 0
+    itestname = ''
+    iexpect_error = .FALSE.
+    IF ( PRESENT( add_op ) ) THEN
+      iadd_op = add_op
+      isubtract_op = ( .NOT. add_op )
+    ENDIF
+    IF ( PRESENT( multiply_op ) ) THEN
+      imultiply_op = multiply_op
+      idivide_op = ( .NOT. multiply_op )
+    ENDIF
+    num_ops = 0
+    IF ( iadd_op )      num_ops = num_ops + 1
+    IF ( isubtract_op ) num_ops = num_ops + 1
+    IF ( imultiply_op ) num_ops = num_ops + 1
+    IF ( idivide_op )   num_ops = num_ops + 1
+    IF ( num_ops /= 1 ) THEN
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
+        'ERROR test_arithmetic:  inconsistent operation' )
+    ENDIF
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_YY ) ) iop1_t_YY = op1_t_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_MM ) ) iop1_t_MM = op1_t_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_DD ) ) iop1_t_DD = op1_t_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_H ) ) iop1_t_H = op1_t_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_M ) ) iop1_t_M = op1_t_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_S ) ) iop1_t_S = op1_t_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_Sn ) ) iop1_t_Sn = op1_t_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_t_Sd ) ) iop1_t_Sd = op1_t_Sd
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_YY ) ) iop1_ti_YY = op1_ti_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_MM ) ) iop1_ti_MM = op1_ti_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_DD ) ) iop1_ti_DD = op1_ti_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_H ) ) iop1_ti_H = op1_ti_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_M ) ) iop1_ti_M = op1_ti_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_S ) ) iop1_ti_S = op1_ti_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_Sn ) ) iop1_ti_Sn = op1_ti_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( op1_ti_Sd ) ) iop1_ti_Sd = op1_ti_Sd
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_YY ) ) iop2_t_YY = op2_t_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_MM ) ) iop2_t_MM = op2_t_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_DD ) ) iop2_t_DD = op2_t_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_H ) ) iop2_t_H = op2_t_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_M ) ) iop2_t_M = op2_t_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_S ) ) iop2_t_S = op2_t_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_Sn ) ) iop2_t_Sn = op2_t_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_t_Sd ) ) iop2_t_Sd = op2_t_Sd
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_YY ) ) iop2_ti_YY = op2_ti_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_MM ) ) iop2_ti_MM = op2_ti_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_DD ) ) iop2_ti_DD = op2_ti_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_H ) ) iop2_ti_H = op2_ti_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_M ) ) iop2_ti_M = op2_ti_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_S ) ) iop2_ti_S = op2_ti_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_Sn ) ) iop2_ti_Sn = op2_ti_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( op2_ti_Sd ) ) iop2_ti_Sd = op2_ti_Sd
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_YY ) ) ires_t_YY = res_t_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_MM ) ) ires_t_MM = res_t_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_DD ) ) ires_t_DD = res_t_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_H ) ) ires_t_H = res_t_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_M ) ) ires_t_M = res_t_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_S ) ) ires_t_S = res_t_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_Sn ) ) ires_t_Sn = res_t_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_t_Sd ) ) ires_t_Sd = res_t_Sd
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_YY ) ) ires_ti_YY = res_ti_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_MM ) ) ires_ti_MM = res_ti_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_DD ) ) ires_ti_DD = res_ti_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_H ) ) ires_ti_H = res_ti_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_M ) ) ires_ti_M = res_ti_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_S ) ) ires_ti_S = res_ti_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_Sn ) ) ires_ti_Sn = res_ti_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( res_ti_Sd ) ) ires_ti_Sd = res_ti_Sd
+    IF ( PRESENT( testname ) ) itestname = TRIM(testname)
+    IF ( PRESENT( expect_error ) ) iexpect_error = expect_error
+    ! Ensure that optional arguments are consistent...
+    op1_is_t = ( PRESENT( op1_t_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( op1_t_MM ) .OR. &amp;
+                 PRESENT( op1_t_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( op1_t_H ) .OR.  &amp;
+                 PRESENT( op1_t_M )  .OR. PRESENT( op1_t_S ) .OR.  &amp;
+                 PRESENT( op1_t_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( op1_t_Sd ) )
+    op1_is_ti = ( PRESENT( op1_ti_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( op1_ti_MM ) .OR. &amp;
+                  PRESENT( op1_ti_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( op1_ti_H ) .OR.  &amp;
+                  PRESENT( op1_ti_M )  .OR. PRESENT( op1_ti_S ) .OR.  &amp;
+                  PRESENT( op1_ti_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( op1_ti_Sd ) )
+    op2_is_t = ( PRESENT( op2_t_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( op2_t_MM ) .OR. &amp;
+                 PRESENT( op2_t_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( op2_t_H ) .OR.  &amp;
+                 PRESENT( op2_t_M )  .OR. PRESENT( op2_t_S ) .OR.  &amp;
+                 PRESENT( op2_t_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( op2_t_Sd ) )
+    op2_is_ti = ( PRESENT( op2_ti_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( op2_ti_MM ) .OR. &amp;
+                  PRESENT( op2_ti_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( op2_ti_H ) .OR.  &amp;
+                  PRESENT( op2_ti_M )  .OR. PRESENT( op2_ti_S ) .OR.  &amp;
+                  PRESENT( op2_ti_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( op2_ti_Sd ) )
+    op2_is_int = ( PRESENT( op2_int ) )
+    res_is_t = ( PRESENT( res_t_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( res_t_MM ) .OR. &amp;
+                 PRESENT( res_t_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( res_t_H ) .OR.  &amp;
+                 PRESENT( res_t_M )  .OR. PRESENT( res_t_S ) .OR.  &amp;
+                 PRESENT( res_t_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( res_t_Sd ) )
+    res_is_ti = ( PRESENT( res_ti_YY ) .OR. PRESENT( res_ti_MM ) .OR. &amp;
+                  PRESENT( res_ti_DD ) .OR. PRESENT( res_ti_H ) .OR.  &amp;
+                  PRESENT( res_ti_M )  .OR. PRESENT( res_ti_S ) .OR.  &amp;
+                  PRESENT( res_ti_Sn )  .OR. PRESENT( res_ti_Sd ) )
+    res_is_int = ( PRESENT( res_int ) )
+    num_op1 = 0
+    IF ( op1_is_t   ) num_op1 = num_op1 + 1
+    IF ( op1_is_ti  ) num_op1 = num_op1 + 1
+    IF ( num_op1 /= 1 ) THEN
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
+        'ERROR test_arithmetic:  inconsistent args for op1' )
+    ENDIF
+    num_op2 = 0
+    IF ( op2_is_t   ) num_op2 = num_op2 + 1
+    IF ( op2_is_ti  ) num_op2 = num_op2 + 1
+    IF ( op2_is_int ) num_op2 = num_op2 + 1
+    IF ( num_op2 /= 1 ) THEN
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
+        'ERROR test_arithmetic:  inconsistent args for op2' )
+    ENDIF
+    num_res = 0
+    IF ( res_is_t   ) num_res = num_res + 1
+    IF ( res_is_ti  ) num_res = num_res + 1
+    IF ( res_is_int ) num_res = num_res + 1
+    IF ( num_res /= 1 ) THEN
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , &amp;
+        'ERROR test_arithmetic:  inconsistent args for result' )
+    ENDIF
+    ! Initialize op1
+    IF ( op1_is_t ) THEN
+      op1_type_str = 'ESMF_Time'
+      CALL ESMF_TimeSet( op1_t, YY=iop1_t_YY, MM=iop1_t_MM, DD=iop1_t_DD , &amp;
+                                 H=iop1_t_H, M=iop1_t_M, S=iop1_t_S, Sn=iop1_t_Sn, Sd=iop1_t_Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
+                             __FILE__ , &amp;
+                             __LINE__  )
+      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( op1_t, timeString=op1_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      ! handle fractions
+      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+      op1_str = TRIM(op1_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    ELSE
+      op1_type_str = 'ESMF_TimeInterval'
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( op1_ti, YY=iop1_ti_YY, MM=iop1_ti_MM, &amp;
+                                          D=iop1_ti_DD ,               &amp;
+                                          H=iop1_ti_H, M=iop1_ti_M,    &amp;
+                                          S=iop1_ti_S, Sn=iop1_ti_Sn, Sd=iop1_ti_Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
+                             __FILE__ , &amp;
+                             __LINE__  )
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( op1_ti, timeString=op1_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      ! handle fractions
+      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+      op1_str = TRIM(op1_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    ENDIF
+    ! Initialize op2
+    IF ( op2_is_t ) THEN
+      op2_type_str = 'ESMF_Time'
+      CALL ESMF_TimeSet( op2_t, YY=iop2_t_YY, MM=iop2_t_MM, DD=iop2_t_DD , &amp;
+                                 H=iop2_t_H, M=iop2_t_M, S=iop2_t_S, Sn=iop2_t_Sn, Sd=iop2_t_Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
+                             __FILE__ , &amp;
+                             __LINE__  )
+      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( op2_t, timeString=op2_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      ! handle fractions
+      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+      op2_str = TRIM(op2_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    ELSE IF ( op2_is_ti ) THEN
+      op2_type_str = 'ESMF_TimeInterval'
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( op2_ti, YY=iop2_ti_YY, MM=iop2_ti_MM, &amp;
+                                          D=iop2_ti_DD ,               &amp;
+                                          H=iop2_ti_H, M=iop2_ti_M,    &amp;
+                                          S=iop2_ti_S, Sn=iop2_ti_Sn, Sd=iop2_ti_Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
+                             __FILE__ , &amp;
+                             __LINE__  )
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( op2_ti, timeString=op2_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      ! handle fractions
+      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+      op2_str = TRIM(op2_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    ELSE
+      op2_type_str = 'INTEGER'
+      IF ( op2_int &gt; 0 ) THEN
+        WRITE(op2_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(op2_int)
+      ELSE
+        WRITE(op2_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(op2_int)
+      ENDIF
+    ENDIF
+    ! Initialize res
+    IF ( res_is_t ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_Time
+      res_type_str = 'ESMF_Time'
+      CALL ESMF_TimeSet( res_t, YY=ires_t_YY, MM=ires_t_MM, DD=ires_t_DD , &amp;
+                                 H=ires_t_H, M=ires_t_M, S=ires_t_S, Sn=ires_t_Sn, Sd=ires_t_Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
+                             __FILE__ , &amp;
+                             __LINE__  )
+      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( res_t, timeString=res_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      ! handle fractions
+      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+      res_str = TRIM(res_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    ELSE IF ( res_is_ti ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
+      res_type_str = 'ESMF_TimeInterval'
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( res_ti, YY=ires_ti_YY, MM=ires_ti_MM, &amp;
+                                          D=ires_ti_DD ,               &amp;
+                                          H=ires_ti_H, M=ires_ti_M,    &amp;
+                                          S=ires_ti_S, Sn=ires_ti_Sn, Sd=ires_ti_Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                             TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
+                             __FILE__ , &amp;
+                             __LINE__  )
+      CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( res_ti, timeString=res_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      ! handle fractions
+      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+      res_str = TRIM(res_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    ELSE  ! result is INTEGER
+      res_type_str = 'INTEGER'
+      IF ( res_int &gt; 0 ) THEN
+        WRITE(res_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(res_int)
+      ELSE
+        WRITE(res_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(res_int)
+      ENDIF
+    ENDIF
+    ! perform requested operation
+    unsupported_op = .FALSE.
+    ! modify behavior of wrf_error_fatal3 for operator being tested
+    IF ( iexpect_error ) WRF_ERROR_FATAL_PRINT = .TRUE.
+    ! add
+    IF ( iadd_op ) THEN
+      op_str = '+'
+      IF ( res_is_t ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_Time
+        IF ( op1_is_t .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
+          !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_Time         + ESMF_TimeInterval
+          computed_t = op1_t + op2_ti
+        ELSE IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_t ) THEN
+          !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_Time
+          computed_t = op1_ti + op2_t
+        ELSE
+          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+      ELSE  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
+        IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
+          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_TimeInterval
+          computed_ti = op1_ti + op2_ti
+        ELSE
+          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+    ! subtract
+    ELSE  IF ( isubtract_op ) THEN
+      op_str = '-'
+      IF ( res_is_t ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_Time
+        IF ( op1_is_t .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
+          !  ESMF_Time         = ESMF_Time         - ESMF_TimeInterval
+          computed_t = op1_t - op2_ti
+        ELSE
+          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+      ELSE  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
+        IF ( op1_is_t .AND. op2_is_t ) THEN
+          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_Time         - ESMF_Time        
+          computed_ti = op1_t - op2_t
+        ELSE IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
+          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
+          computed_ti = op1_ti - op2_ti
+        ELSE
+          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+    ELSE  IF ( imultiply_op ) THEN
+      op_str = '*'
+      IF ( res_is_ti ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
+        IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_int ) THEN
+          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval * INTEGER
+          computed_ti = op1_ti * op2_int
+        ELSE
+          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+    ELSE  IF ( idivide_op ) THEN
+      op_str = '/'
+      IF ( res_is_ti ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
+        IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_int ) THEN
+          !  ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval / INTEGER
+          computed_ti = op1_ti / op2_int
+        ELSE
+          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+      ELSE IF ( res_is_int ) THEN  ! result is INTEGER
+        IF ( op1_is_ti .AND. op2_is_ti ) THEN
+          !  INTEGER = ESMF_TimeInterval / ESMF_TimeInterval
+          ! number of whole time intervals
+          computed_int = ESMF_TimeIntervalDIVQuot( op1_ti , op2_ti )
+        ELSE
+          unsupported_op = .TRUE.
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+    ENDIF
+    ! restore default behavior of wrf_error_fatal3
+    IF ( iexpect_error ) WRF_ERROR_FATAL_PRINT = .FALSE.
+    IF ( unsupported_op ) THEN
+      WRITE(str,*) 'ERROR test_arithmetic ',TRIM(itestname), &amp;
+        ':  unsupported operation (',                           &amp;
+        TRIM(res_type_str),' = ',TRIM(op1_type_str),' ',TRIM(op_str),' ', &amp;
+        TRIM(op2_type_str),')'
+      CALL wrf_error_fatal3( __FILE__ , __LINE__ , str )
+    ENDIF
+    ! check result
+    test_passed = .FALSE.
+    IF ( res_is_t ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_Time
+      IF ( computed_t == res_t ) THEN
+        test_passed = .TRUE.
+      ELSE
+        CALL ESMF_TimeGet( computed_t, timeString=computed_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+        CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                              TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                              __FILE__ , &amp;
+                              __LINE__  )
+        ! handle fractions
+        CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+        computed_str = TRIM(computed_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+      ENDIF
+    ELSE IF ( res_is_ti ) THEN  ! result is ESMF_TimeInterval
+      IF ( computed_ti == res_ti ) THEN
+        test_passed = .TRUE.
+      ELSE
+        CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( computed_ti, timeString=computed_str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+        CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                              TRIM(itestname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                              __FILE__ , &amp;
+                              __LINE__  )
+        ! handle fractions
+        CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+        computed_str = TRIM(computed_str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+      ENDIF
+    ELSE  ! result is INTEGER
+      IF ( computed_int == res_int ) THEN
+        test_passed = .TRUE.
+      ELSE
+        IF ( computed_int &gt; 0 ) THEN
+          WRITE(computed_str,FMT=&quot;('+',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(computed_int)
+        ELSE
+          WRITE(computed_str,FMT=&quot;('-',I8.8)&quot;) ABS(computed_int)
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+    ENDIF
+    IF ( test_passed ) THEN
+      WRITE(*,FMT='(A)') 'PASS:  '//TRIM(itestname)
+    ELSE
+      WRITE(*,*) 'FAIL:  ',TRIM(itestname),':  (',                        &amp;
+        TRIM(res_type_str),' = ',TRIM(op1_type_str),' ',TRIM(op_str),' ', &amp;
+        TRIM(op2_type_str),')  expected ',                                &amp;
+        TRIM(res_str),' = ',TRIM(op1_str),' ',TRIM(op_str),' ',           &amp;
+        TRIM(op2_str),'  but computed ',TRIM(computed_str)
+    ENDIF
+  END SUBROUTINE test_arithmetic
+  ! simple clock creation and advance with add-subtract tests thrown in
+  ! no self checks (yet)
+  SUBROUTINE test_clock_advance(                                              &amp;
+    start_yy, start_mm, start_dd, start_h, start_m, start_s,                  &amp;
+     stop_yy,  stop_mm,  stop_dd,  stop_h,  stop_m,  stop_s,                  &amp;
+    timestep_d, timestep_h, timestep_m, timestep_s, timestep_sn, timestep_sd, &amp;
+    testname, increment_S, increment_Sn, increment_Sd )
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: start_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: start_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: stop_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: stop_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_D  ! day
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_H
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_M
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_S
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_Sn
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: timestep_Sd
+    CHARACTER (LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: testname
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: increment_S  ! add and subtract this 
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: increment_Sn ! value each time step
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: increment_Sd
+    ! locals
+    INTEGER :: istart_YY
+    INTEGER :: istart_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: istart_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: istart_H
+    INTEGER :: istart_M
+    INTEGER :: istart_S
+    INTEGER :: istop_YY
+    INTEGER :: istop_MM  ! month
+    INTEGER :: istop_DD  ! day of month
+    INTEGER :: istop_H
+    INTEGER :: istop_M
+    INTEGER :: istop_S
+    INTEGER :: itimestep_D  ! day
+    INTEGER :: itimestep_H
+    INTEGER :: itimestep_M
+    INTEGER :: itimestep_S
+    INTEGER :: itimestep_Sn
+    INTEGER :: itimestep_Sd
+    CHARACTER (LEN=512) :: itestname, itestfullname
+    INTEGER :: iincrement_S
+    INTEGER :: iincrement_Sn
+    INTEGER :: iincrement_Sd
+    INTEGER :: Sn, Sd
+    INTEGER rc
+    TYPE(ESMF_Time)           :: start_time, stop_time, current_time
+    TYPE(ESMF_Clock), POINTER :: domain_clock
+    TYPE(ESMF_TimeInterval)   :: timestep, increment
+    TYPE(ESMF_Time)           :: add_time, subtract_time
+    INTEGER :: itimestep
+    REAL(ESMF_KIND_R8) :: dayr8
+    CHARACTER(LEN=ESMF_MAXSTR) :: str, frac_str
+    istart_YY = 0
+    istart_MM = 1
+    istart_DD = 1
+    istart_H = 0
+    istart_M = 0
+    istart_S = 0
+    istop_YY = 0
+    istop_MM = 1
+    istop_DD = 1
+    istop_H = 0
+    istop_M = 0
+    istop_S = 0
+    itimestep_D = 0
+    itimestep_H = 0
+    itimestep_M = 0
+    itimestep_S = 0
+    itimestep_Sn = 0
+    itimestep_Sd = 0
+    itestname = ''
+    iincrement_S = 0
+    iincrement_Sn = 0
+    iincrement_Sd = 0
+    IF ( PRESENT( start_YY ) ) istart_YY = start_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( start_MM ) ) istart_MM = start_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( start_DD ) ) istart_DD = start_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( start_H ) ) istart_H = start_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( start_M ) ) istart_M = start_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( start_S ) ) istart_S = start_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( stop_YY ) ) istop_YY = stop_YY
+    IF ( PRESENT( stop_MM ) ) istop_MM = stop_MM
+    IF ( PRESENT( stop_DD ) ) istop_DD = stop_DD
+    IF ( PRESENT( stop_H ) ) istop_H = stop_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( stop_M ) ) istop_M = stop_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( stop_S ) ) istop_S = stop_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_D ) ) itimestep_D = timestep_D
+    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_H ) ) itimestep_H = timestep_H
+    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_M ) ) itimestep_M = timestep_M
+    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_S ) ) itimestep_S = timestep_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_Sn ) ) itimestep_Sn = timestep_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( timestep_Sd ) ) itimestep_Sd = timestep_Sd
+    IF ( PRESENT( testname ) ) itestname = TRIM(testname)//'_'
+    IF ( PRESENT( increment_S ) ) iincrement_S = increment_S
+    IF ( PRESENT( increment_Sn ) ) iincrement_Sn = increment_Sn
+    IF ( PRESENT( increment_Sd ) ) iincrement_Sd = increment_Sd
+    ! Initialize start time, stop time, time step, clock for simple case. 
+    itestfullname = TRIM(itestname)//'SETUP'
+    CALL ESMF_TimeSet( start_time, YY=istart_YY, MM=istart_MM, DD=istart_DD , &amp;
+                                   H=istart_H, M=istart_M, S=istart_S, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( start_time, timeString=str, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  start_time = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+    CALL ESMF_TimeSet( stop_time, YY=istop_YY, MM=istop_MM, DD=istop_DD , &amp;
+                                   H=istop_H, M=istop_M, S=istop_S, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeSet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( stop_time, timeString=str, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  stop_time = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+    CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( timestep, D=itimestep_D, H=itimestep_H, &amp;
+                                         M=itimestep_M, S=itimestep_S, &amp;
+                                         Sn=itimestep_Sn, Sd=itimestep_Sd, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( timestep, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalGet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    ! handle fractions
+    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  timestep = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+    CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalSet( increment, S=iincrement_S, &amp;
+                               Sn=iincrement_Sn, Sd=iincrement_Sd, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalSet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    CALL ESMF_TimeIntervalGet( increment, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeIntervalGet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    ! handle fractions
+    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+    ALLOCATE( domain_clock )
+    domain_clock = ESMF_ClockCreate( TimeStep= timestep,  &amp;
+                                     StartTime=start_time, &amp;
+                                     StopTime= stop_time,  &amp;
+                                     rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockCreate() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    CALL ESMF_ClockGet( domain_clock, CurrTime=current_time, &amp;
+                        rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockGet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( current_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  clock current_time = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( current_time, dayOfYear_r8=dayr8, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,F10.6,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; ',dayr8,' &gt;'
+    subtract_time = current_time - increment
+    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( subtract_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time-increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+    add_time = current_time + increment
+    CALL ESMF_TimeGet( add_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+    CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                          TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                          __FILE__ , &amp;
+                          __LINE__  )
+    CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+    str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+    WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time+increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+    ! Advance clock.  
+    itestfullname = TRIM(itestname)//'ADVANCE'
+    itimestep = 0
+    DO WHILE ( .NOT. ESMF_ClockIsStopTime(domain_clock ,rc=rc) )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockIsStopTime() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      itimestep = itimestep + 1
+      CALL ESMF_ClockAdvance( domain_clock, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockAdvance() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      CALL ESMF_ClockGet( domain_clock, CurrTime=current_time, &amp;
+                          rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_ClockGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( current_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+      str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+      WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,I6.6,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  count = ', &amp;
+        itimestep,'  current_time = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+      subtract_time = current_time - increment
+      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( subtract_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+      str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+      WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time-increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+      add_time = current_time + increment
+      CALL ESMF_TimeGet( add_time, timeString=str, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc )
+      CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                            TRIM(itestfullname)//'ESMF_TimeGet() ', &amp;
+                            __FILE__ , &amp;
+                            __LINE__  )
+      CALL fraction_to_string( Sn, Sd, frac_str )
+      str = TRIM(str)//TRIM(frac_str)
+      WRITE(*,FMT='(A,A,A,A)') TRIM(itestfullname),':  current_time+increment = &lt;',TRIM(str),'&gt;'
+    ENDDO
+    DEALLOCATE( domain_clock )
+  END SUBROUTINE test_clock_advance
+END MODULE my_tests
+#if defined( TIME_F90_ONLY ) 
+! TBH:  Improve the build of Test1.exe to use WRF versions of these 
+! TBH:  routines and remove these hacked-in duplicates!!  
+SUBROUTINE wrf_abort
+#if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) &amp;&amp; ! defined( STUBMPI )
+  INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
+  INTEGER ierr
+  CALL mpi_abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,1,ierr)
+SUBROUTINE wrf_message( str )
+  CHARACTER*(*) str
+#if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) &amp;&amp; ! defined( STUBMPI)
+  write(0,*) str
+  print*, str
+END SUBROUTINE wrf_message
+! intentionally write to stderr only
+SUBROUTINE wrf_message2( str )
+  CHARACTER*(*) str
+  write(0,*) str
+END SUBROUTINE wrf_message2
+SUBROUTINE wrf_error_fatal3( file_str, line, str )
+  USE my_tests
+  CHARACTER*(*) file_str
+  INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: line  ! only print file and line if line &gt; 0
+  CHARACTER*(*) str
+  CHARACTER*256 :: line_str
+  write(line_str,'(i6)') line
+  ! special behavior for testing since Fortran cannot catch exceptions
+  ! just print message and continue
+  CALL wrf_message( 'ERROR IN FILE:  '//TRIM(file_str)//'  LINE:  '//TRIM(line_str) )
+  ! normal behavior
+#if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) &amp;&amp; ! defined( STUBMPI )
+  CALL wrf_message( '-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------' )
+  ! only print file and line if line is positive
+  IF ( line &gt; 0 ) THEN
+    CALL wrf_message( 'FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  '//file_str//'  LINE:  '//TRIM(line_str) )
+  CALL wrf_message( str )
+  CALL wrf_message( '-------------------------------------------' )
+  CALL wrf_message2( '-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------' )
+  ! only print file and line if line is positive
+  IF ( line &gt; 0 ) THEN
+    CALL wrf_message( 'FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  '//file_str//'  LINE:  '//TRIM(line_str) )
+  CALL wrf_message2( str )
+  CALL wrf_message2( '-------------------------------------------' )
+  CALL wrf_abort
+END SUBROUTINE wrf_error_fatal3
+SUBROUTINE wrf_error_fatal( str )
+  CHARACTER*(*) str
+  CALL wrf_error_fatal3 ( ' ', 0, str )
+END SUBROUTINE wrf_error_fatal
+! Check to see if expected value == actual value
+! If not, print message and exit.
+SUBROUTINE test_check_error( expected, actual, str, file_str, line )
+  INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: expected
+  INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: actual
+  CHARACTER*(*) str
+  CHARACTER*(*) file_str
+  INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: line
+  CHARACTER (LEN=512)   :: rc_str
+  CHARACTER (LEN=512)   :: str_with_rc
+  IF ( expected .ne. actual ) THEN
+    WRITE (rc_str,*) '  Routine returned error code = ',actual
+    str_with_rc = 'FAIL:  '//TRIM(str)//TRIM(rc_str)
+    CALL wrf_error_fatal3( file_str, line, str_with_rc )
+END SUBROUTINE test_check_error
+PROGRAM time_manager_test
+  USE my_tests
+  INTEGER :: rc
+  CALL ESMF_Initialize( defaultCalendar=ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN, rc=rc )
+  CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                        'ESMF_Initialize() ', &amp;
+                        __FILE__ , &amp;
+                        __LINE__  )
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  back from ESMF_Initialize(), rc = ',rc
+!  CALL test_print(  t_yy,  t_mm,  t_dd,  t_h,  t_m,  t_s, &amp;
+!                   ti_yy, ti_mm, ti_dd, ti_h, ti_m, ti_s, &amp;
+!                   res_str, testname )
+  ! Print times
+  ! &quot;vanilla&quot; tests
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  calling 1st test_print()'
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
+    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:10', testname='printT_1' )
+!  PRINT *,'DEBUG:  back from 1st test_print()'
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=0,  t_mm=1,  t_dd=1,  t_h=0,  t_m=0,  t_s=0, &amp;
+    res_str='0000-01-01_00:00:00', testname='printT_2' )
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=2003,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=30,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
+    res_str='2003-12-30_23:59:50', testname='printT_3' )
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=2003,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=31,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
+    res_str='2003-12-31_23:59:50', testname='printT_4' )
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=2004,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=30,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
+    res_str='2004-12-30_23:59:50', testname='printT_5' )
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=2004,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=31,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
+    res_str='2004-12-31_23:59:50', testname='printT_6' )
+!$$$  NOTE that this fails -- need to fix up output string for negative year
+!  CALL test_print( t_yy=-2004,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=31,  t_h=23,  t_m=59,  t_s=50, &amp;
+!    res_str='-2004-12-31_23:59:50', testname='printT_6' )
+  ! these test default behavior of test harness
+  CALL test_print( t_s=0, &amp;
+    res_str='0000-01-01_00:00:00', testname='printT_D1' )
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=0, &amp;
+    res_str='0000-01-01_00:00:00', testname='printT_D2' )
+  ! fractions
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
+    t_sn=1, t_sd=3, &amp;
+    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:10+01/03', testname='printT_F1' )
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
+    t_sn=4, t_sd=3, &amp;
+    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:11+01/03', testname='printT_F2' )
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
+    t_sn=12, t_sd=3, &amp;
+    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:14', testname='printT_F3' )
+  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=12,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
+    t_sn=-1, t_sd=3, &amp;
+    res_str='2001-12-03_01:20:09+02/03', testname='printT_F4' )
+  ! ERROR, MM out of range
+!$$$here...  fix so this just prints &quot;ERROR:  &lt;testname&gt;&quot; in failure case
+!$$$here...  also need &quot;expect_fail&quot; to reverse sense of PASS/FAIL message for 
+!$$$here...  tests that should fail
+!  CALL test_print( t_yy=2001,  t_mm=13,  t_dd=3,  t_h=1,  t_m=20,  t_s=10, &amp;
+!    res_str='2002-01-03_01:20:10', testname='printT_E1', expect_error=.TRUE. )
+  ! Print time intervals
+  ! &quot;vanilla&quot; tests
+  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=0,  ti_h=0,  ti_m=0,  ti_s=0, &amp;
+    res_str='0000000000_000:000:000', testname='printTI_1' )
+  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=500,  ti_h=0,  ti_m=0,  ti_s=7270, &amp;
+    res_str='0000000500_002:001:010', testname='printTI_2' )
+  ! these test default behavior of test harness
+  CALL test_print( ti_s=0, &amp;
+    res_str='0000000000_000:000:000', testname='printTI_D1' )
+  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0, &amp;
+    res_str='0000000000_000:000:000', testname='printTI_D2' )
+  ! these test negative values
+  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=-3,  ti_h=-1,  ti_m=-20,  ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    res_str='-0000000003_001:020:010', testname='printTI_N1' )
+  ! these test mixed values
+  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=-3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
+    res_str='-0000000002_022:039:050', testname='printTI_M1' )
+  ! fractions
+  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
+    ti_sn=1, ti_sd=3, &amp;
+    res_str='0000000003_001:020:010+01/03', testname='printTI_F1' )
+  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
+    ti_sn=5, ti_sd=3, &amp;
+    res_str='0000000003_001:020:011+02/03', testname='printTI_F2' )
+  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=-3,  ti_h=-1,  ti_m=-20,  ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    ti_sn=-1, ti_sd=3, &amp;
+    res_str='-0000000003_001:020:010-01/03', testname='printTI_F3' )
+  CALL test_print( ti_yy=0000,  ti_mm=0,  ti_dd=-3,  ti_h=-1,  ti_m=-20,  ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    ti_sn=1, ti_sd=3, &amp;
+    res_str='-0000000003_001:020:009-02/03', testname='printTI_F4' )
+  ! these test non-normalized values
+!  CALL test_print( ti_yy=2001,  ti_mm=1,  ti_dd=3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
+!    res_str='02001-001-003_001:020:010', testname='printTI_NN1', expect_error=.TRUE. )
+!  CALL test_print( ti_yy=2001,  ti_mm=12,  ti_dd=3,  ti_h=1,  ti_m=20,  ti_s=10, &amp;
+!    res_str='02002-000-003_001:020:010', testname='printTI_NN2', expect_error=.TRUE. )
+!  CALL test_print( ti_yy=2002,  ti_mm=5,  ti_dd=500,  ti_h=0,  ti_m=0,  ti_s=7270, &amp;
+!    res_str='02002-005-500_002:001:010', testname='printTI_NN3', expect_error=.TRUE. )
+  ! Addition tests
+  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_Time + ESMF_TimeInterval
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=3,  op1_t_h=1,  op1_t_m=20,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=3, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2001,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=3,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=20, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2002,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI3' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI4' )
+  ! this case hung after the CCSM contribution
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI5' )
+! NOTE:  CCSM folks need to decide what it means to add &quot;1 month&quot; to Feb. 29.  And all the 
+!        other very similar cases.  Then, write this unit test!  
+!  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+!     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+!    op2_ti_yy=   2, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+!     res_t_yy=2007,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+!    testname='AddT_T_TI6' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=365, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI7' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=367, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2006,  res_t_mm=01,  res_t_dd=01,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI8' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=365, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=29,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI9' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=366, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI10' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=367, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI11' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=368, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=01,  res_t_dd=01,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI12' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=365, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=03,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=8,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI13' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=365, op2_ti_h=22, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=03,  res_t_dd=31,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI14' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=30,  op1_t_h=4,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=366, op2_ti_h=22, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm=04,  res_t_dd=01,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI15' )
+  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_Time + ESMF_TimeInterval with fractions
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op1_t_sn=01,  op1_t_sd=03, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_sn=01, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_sn=02,  res_t_sd=03, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_T_TI_F1' )
+  ! this should fail (and does)
+!  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+!     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=31,  op1_t_h=22,  op1_t_m=30,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+!     op1_t_sn=01,  op1_t_sd=03, &amp;
+!    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+!    op2_ti_sn=01, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
+!     res_t_yy=2005,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+!     res_t_sn=01,  res_t_sd=03, &amp;
+!    testname='AddT_T_TI_F2' )
+  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_Time
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=   0, op1_ti_mm= 0, op1_ti_dd=0, op1_ti_h=3, op1_ti_m=10, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2001,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=3,  op2_t_h=1,  op2_t_m=20,  op2_t_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2001,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=3,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=20, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_TI_T1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=   0, op1_ti_mm= 0, op1_ti_dd=0, op1_ti_h=4, op1_ti_m=10, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2001,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=31,  op2_t_h=22,  op2_t_m=30,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2002,  res_t_mm= 1,  res_t_dd=1,  res_t_h=2,  res_t_m=40,  res_t_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='AddT_TI_T2' )
+  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval + ESMF_TimeInterval
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=3, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=20, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=1, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=4, res_ti_h=2, res_ti_m=30, res_ti_s=20, &amp;
+    testname='AddTI_TI_TI1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=-3, op1_ti_h=-1, op1_ti_m=-20, op1_ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=1, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=-10, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='AddTI_TI_TI2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=-3, op1_ti_h=-1, op1_ti_m=-20, op1_ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=-1, op2_ti_h=-1, op2_ti_m=-10, op2_ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-4, res_ti_h=-2, res_ti_m=-30, res_ti_s=-20, &amp;
+    testname='AddTI_TI_TI3' )
+  ! Subtraction tests
+  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_Time - ESMF_TimeInterval
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=3,  op1_t_h=1,  op1_t_m=20,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=3, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2001,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=2,  res_t_h=22, res_t_m=10,  res_t_s=0,  &amp;
+    testname='SubtractT_T_TI1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=0,  &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=0, op2_ti_m=00, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31, res_t_h=23, res_t_m=59,  res_t_s=50, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractT_T_TI2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=0,  &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=0, op2_ti_m=00, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2003,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31, res_t_h=23, res_t_m=59,  res_t_s=50, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractT_T_TI3' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=0,  &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=0, op2_ti_m=00, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2002,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31, res_t_h=23, res_t_m=59,  res_t_s=50, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractT_T_TI4' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=04,  op1_t_dd=01,  op1_t_h=2,  op1_t_m=40,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=366, op2_ti_h=22, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=03,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractT_T_TI5' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2006,  op1_t_mm=01,  op1_t_dd=01,  op1_t_h=8,  op1_t_m=40,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=367, op2_ti_h=4, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=30,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractT_T_TI6' )
+  ! ESMF_Time = ESMF_Time - ESMF_TimeInterval with fractions
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                             &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=01,  op1_t_dd=01,  op1_t_h=00,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op1_t_sn=00,  op1_t_sd=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=0, op2_ti_m=00, op2_ti_s=01, &amp;
+    op2_ti_sn=01, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
+     res_t_yy=2004,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=31,  res_t_h=23,  res_t_m=59,  res_t_s=58, &amp;
+     res_t_sn=02,  res_t_sd=03, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractT_T_TI_F1' )
+  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_Time - ESMF_Time
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=3,  op1_t_h=1,  op1_t_m=20,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2001,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=1,  op2_t_h=1,  op2_t_m=10,  op2_t_s=10, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=10, res_ti_s=0,  &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2002,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2001,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=31, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=1,   op1_t_dd=1,  op1_t_h=0,  op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=12,  op2_t_dd=31, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T3' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2003,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T4' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=1, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T5' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2002,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2002,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T6' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2002,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=365, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T7' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2003,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=365, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T8' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=366, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T9' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2003,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2002,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=366, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T10' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=367, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T11' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2005,  op1_t_mm=03,  op1_t_dd=01, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2004,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=23, op2_t_m=59,  op2_t_s=50, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=366, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T12' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=2004,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=23, op1_t_m=59,  op1_t_s=50, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=2005,  op2_t_mm=03,  op2_t_dd=01, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-366, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T13' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+     op1_t_yy=-2002,  op1_t_mm=02,  op1_t_dd=28, op1_t_h=00, op1_t_m=00,  op1_t_s=00, &amp;
+     op2_t_yy=-2002,  op2_t_mm=02,  op2_t_dd=28, op2_t_h=00, op2_t_m=00,  op2_t_s=00, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=0, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=00, res_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_T_T14' )
+  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=3, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=20, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=1, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=10, res_ti_s=0,  &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TI1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=3, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=20, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=-1, op2_ti_h=-1, op2_ti_m=-10, op2_ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=4, res_ti_h=2, res_ti_m=30, res_ti_s=20,  &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TI2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=-1, op1_ti_h=-1, op1_ti_m=-10, op1_ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=-3, op2_ti_h=-1, op2_ti_m=-20, op2_ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=10, res_ti_s=00,  &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TI3' )
+  ! Negative result ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=1, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=10, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=3, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=20, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=-10, res_ti_s=0,  &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TIN1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+    op1_ti_yy=0000, op1_ti_mm=00, op1_ti_dd=-1, op1_ti_h=-1, op1_ti_m=-10, op1_ti_s=-10, &amp;
+    op2_ti_yy=0000, op2_ti_mm=00, op2_ti_dd=3, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=20, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=-4, res_ti_h=-2, res_ti_m=-30, res_ti_s=-20,  &amp;
+    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TIN2' )
+  ! Un-normalized ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval - ESMF_TimeInterval
+  ! this is an error
+!  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.FALSE.,                                            &amp;
+!    op1_ti_yy=2001, op1_ti_mm=11, op1_ti_dd=3, op1_ti_h=1, op1_ti_m=20, op1_ti_s=10, &amp;
+!    op2_ti_yy=2001, op2_ti_mm=11, op2_ti_dd=1, op2_ti_h=1, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+!    res_ti_yy=0000, res_ti_mm=00, res_ti_dd=2, res_ti_h=0, res_ti_m=10, res_ti_s=0,  &amp;
+!    testname='SubtractTI_TI_TIU1', expect_error=.TRUE. )
+  ! this one should FAIL, and does
+!  CALL test_arithmetic( add_op=.TRUE.,                                             &amp;
+!     op1_t_yy=2001,  op1_t_mm=12,  op1_t_dd=3,  op1_t_h=1,  op1_t_m=20,  op1_t_s=10, &amp;
+!    op2_ti_yy=   0, op2_ti_mm= 0, op2_ti_dd=0, op2_ti_h=3, op2_ti_m=10, op2_ti_s=10, &amp;
+!     res_t_yy=2002,  res_t_mm=12,  res_t_dd=3,  res_t_h=4,  res_t_m=30,  res_t_s=20, &amp;
+!    testname='AddTT1' )
+  ! Multiplication tests
+  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval * INTEGER
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.TRUE.,                &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=3,  op1_ti_h=12,  op1_ti_m=18,  op1_ti_s=33, &amp;
+    op2_int=2,                                             &amp;
+    res_ti_dd=6,  res_ti_h=24, res_ti_m=37,  res_ti_s=06,  &amp;
+    testname='MultiplyTI_TI_INT1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.TRUE.,                &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=350,  op1_ti_h=23,  op1_ti_m=50,  op1_ti_s=50, &amp;
+    op2_int=2,                                             &amp;
+    res_ti_dd=701,  res_ti_h=23, res_ti_m=41,  res_ti_s=40,&amp;
+    testname='MultiplyTI_TI_INT2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.TRUE.,                &amp;
+    op1_ti_s=01, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04,               &amp;
+    op2_int=8,                                             &amp;
+    res_ti_s=14,                                           &amp;
+    testname='MultiplyTI_TI_INT3' )
+  ! Division tests
+  ! ESMF_TimeInterval = ESMF_TimeInterval / INTEGER
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=3,  op1_ti_h=12,  op1_ti_m=18,  op1_ti_s=33, &amp;
+    op2_int=3,                                             &amp;
+    res_ti_dd=1,  res_ti_h=04, res_ti_m=06,  res_ti_s=11,  &amp;
+    testname='DivideTI_TI_INT1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=3,  op1_ti_h=12,  op1_ti_m=18,  op1_ti_s=33, &amp;
+    op2_int=4,                                             &amp;
+    res_ti_dd=0,  res_ti_h=21, res_ti_m=04,  res_ti_s=38,  &amp;
+    res_ti_sn=1,  res_ti_sd=4,                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideTI_TI_INT2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_s=01, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04,               &amp;
+    op2_int=5,                                             &amp;
+    res_ti_s=0, res_ti_sn=7,  res_ti_sd=20,                &amp;
+    testname='DivideTI_TI_INT3' )
+  ! INTEGER = ESMF_TimeInterval / ESMF_TimeInterval
+  ! this operator truncates to whole integers
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=3,  op1_ti_h=12,  op1_ti_m=18,  op1_ti_s=33, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=3,  op2_ti_h=12,  op2_ti_m=18,  op2_ti_s=33, &amp;
+    res_int=1,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=6,  op1_ti_h=24,  op1_ti_m=36,  op1_ti_s=66, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=3,  op2_ti_h=12,  op2_ti_m=18,  op2_ti_s=33, &amp;
+    res_int=2,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=0,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=3,  op2_ti_h=12,  op2_ti_m=18,  op2_ti_s=33, &amp;
+    res_int=0,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI3' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=1,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=0,  op2_ti_h=01,  op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    res_int=24,                                            &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI4' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=1,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=0,  op2_ti_h=00,  op2_ti_m=01,  op2_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    res_int=1440,                                          &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI5' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=1,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=0,  op2_ti_h=00,  op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=01, &amp;
+    res_int=86400,                                         &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TI6' )
+  ! rounding
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=0,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=03, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=0,  op2_ti_h=00,  op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=02, &amp;
+    res_int=1,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIR1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=1,  op1_ti_h=00,  op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=02, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=1,  op2_ti_h=00,  op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=03, &amp;
+    res_int=0,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIR2' )
+  ! fractional operands
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04, &amp;
+    op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=00, op2_ti_sn=03, op2_ti_sd=04, &amp;
+    res_int=1,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIF1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, op1_ti_sn=06, op1_ti_sd=08, &amp;
+    op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=00, op2_ti_sn=03, op2_ti_sd=04, &amp;
+    res_int=1,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIF2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=00, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04, &amp;
+    op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=00, op2_ti_sn=04, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
+    res_int=0,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIF3' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_m=00,  op1_ti_s=02, op1_ti_sn=03, op1_ti_sd=04, &amp;
+    op2_ti_m=00,  op2_ti_s=01, op2_ti_sn=01, op2_ti_sd=03, &amp;
+    res_int=2,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIF4' )
+  ! negative operands
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=-6,  op1_ti_h=-24,  op1_ti_m=-36,  op1_ti_s=-66, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=3,  op2_ti_h=12,  op2_ti_m=18,  op2_ti_s=33, &amp;
+    res_int=-2,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIN1' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=6,  op1_ti_h=24,  op1_ti_m=36,  op1_ti_s=66, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=-3,  op2_ti_h=-12,  op2_ti_m=-18,  op2_ti_s=-33, &amp;
+    res_int=-2,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIN2' )
+  CALL test_arithmetic( multiply_op=.FALSE.,               &amp;
+    op1_ti_dd=-6,  op1_ti_h=-24,  op1_ti_m=-36,  op1_ti_s=-66, &amp;
+    op2_ti_dd=-3,  op2_ti_h=-12,  op2_ti_m=-18,  op2_ti_s=-33, &amp;
+    res_int=2,                                             &amp;
+    testname='DivideINT_TI_TIN3' )
+!$$$here...  modify these to add self-test PASS/FAIL output
+  CALL test_clock_advance(                                                    &amp;
+    start_yy=2002, start_mm=12, start_dd=27, start_h=3, start_m=0, start_s=0, &amp;
+     stop_yy=2002,  stop_mm=12,  stop_dd=28,  stop_h=8,  stop_m=0,  stop_s=0, &amp;
+    timestep_d=0, timestep_h=0, timestep_m=0, timestep_s=600,                 &amp;
+    testname=&quot;SimpleClockAdvance&quot; )
+  CALL test_clock_advance(                                                    &amp;
+    start_yy=2003, start_mm=12, start_dd=29, start_h=9, start_m=0, start_s=0, &amp;
+     stop_yy=2004,  stop_mm=1,   stop_dd=2,   stop_h=9,  stop_m=0,  stop_s=0, &amp;
+    timestep_d=0, timestep_h=0, timestep_m=0, timestep_s=3600,                &amp;
+    testname=&quot;StdYearClockAdvance&quot;, increment_S=10 )
+  CALL test_clock_advance(                                                    &amp;
+    start_yy=2004, start_mm=12, start_dd=29, start_h=9, start_m=0, start_s=0, &amp;
+     stop_yy=2005,  stop_mm=1,   stop_dd=2,   stop_h=9,  stop_m=0,  stop_s=0, &amp;
+    timestep_d=0, timestep_h=0, timestep_m=0, timestep_s=3600,                &amp;
+    testname=&quot;LeapYearClockAdvance&quot;, increment_S=10 )
+  ! NRCM domain 3 case:  120 seconds / 9 
+  ! 18 timesteps through end of leap year
+  CALL test_clock_advance(                                                    &amp;
+    start_yy=2004, start_mm=12, start_dd=31, start_h=23, start_m=58, start_s=0,&amp;
+     stop_yy=2005,  stop_mm=1,   stop_dd=1,   stop_h=0,  stop_m=2,  stop_s=0, &amp;
+    timestep_d=0, timestep_h=0, timestep_m=0, timestep_s=13,                  &amp;
+    timestep_sn=1, timestep_sd=3,                                             &amp;
+    testname=&quot;LeapYearFractionClockAdvance&quot;,                                  &amp;
+    increment_S=1, increment_Sn=1, increment_Sd=3 )
+  CALL ESMF_Finalize( rc=rc )
+  CALL test_check_error( ESMF_SUCCESS, rc, &amp;
+                        'ESMF_Finalize() ', &amp;
+                        __FILE__ , &amp;
+                        __LINE__  )
+END PROGRAM time_manager_test

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.out.correct
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.out.correct        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.out.correct        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,1275 +0,0 @@
-PASS:  printT_1
-PASS:  printT_2
-PASS:  printT_3
-PASS:  printT_4
-PASS:  printT_5
-PASS:  printT_6
-PASS:  printT_D1
-PASS:  printT_D2
-PASS:  printT_F1
-PASS:  printT_F2
-PASS:  printT_F3
-PASS:  printT_F4
-PASS:  printTI_1
-PASS:  printTI_2
-PASS:  printTI_D1
-PASS:  printTI_D2
-PASS:  printTI_N1
-PASS:  printTI_M1
-PASS:  printTI_F1
-PASS:  printTI_F2
-PASS:  printTI_F3
-PASS:  printTI_F4
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI1
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI2
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI3
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI4
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI5
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI7
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI8
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI9
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI10
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI11
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI12
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI13
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI14
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI15
-PASS:  AddT_T_TI_F1
-PASS:  AddT_TI_T1
-PASS:  AddT_TI_T2
-PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI1
-PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI2
-PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI3
-PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI4
-PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI5
-PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI6
-PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI_F1
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T1
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T2
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T3
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T4
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T5
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T6
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T7
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T8
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T9
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T10
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T11
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T12
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T13
-PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T14
-PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TI1
-PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TI2
-PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TI3
-PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TIN1
-PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TIN2
-PASS:  MultiplyTI_TI_INT1
-PASS:  MultiplyTI_TI_INT2
-PASS:  MultiplyTI_TI_INT3
-PASS:  DivideTI_TI_INT1
-PASS:  DivideTI_TI_INT2
-PASS:  DivideTI_TI_INT3
-PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI1
-PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI2
-PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI3
-PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI4
-PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI5
-PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI6
-SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  start_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  stop_time = &lt;2002-12-28_08:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  timestep = &lt;0000000000_000:010:000&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  increment = &lt;0000000000_000:000:000&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  clock current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; 361.125000 &gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000001  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000002  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000003  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000004  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000005  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000006  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000007  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000008  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000009  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000010  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000011  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000012  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000013  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000014  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000015  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000016  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000017  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000018  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000019  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000020  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000021  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000022  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000023  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000024  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000025  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000026  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000027  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000028  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000029  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000030  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000031  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000032  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000033  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000034  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000035  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000036  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000037  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000038  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000039  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000040  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000041  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000042  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000043  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000044  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000045  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000046  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000047  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000048  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000049  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000050  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000051  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000052  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000053  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000054  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000055  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000056  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000057  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000058  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000059  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000060  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000061  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000062  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000063  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000064  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000065  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000066  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000067  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000068  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000069  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000070  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000071  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000072  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000073  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000074  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000075  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000076  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000077  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000078  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000079  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000080  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000081  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000082  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000083  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000084  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000085  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000086  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000087  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000088  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000089  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000090  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000091  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000092  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000093  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000094  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000095  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000096  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000097  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000098  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000099  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000100  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000101  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000102  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000103  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000104  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000105  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000106  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000107  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000108  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000109  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000110  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000111  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000112  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000113  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000114  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000115  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000116  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000117  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000118  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000119  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000120  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000121  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000122  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000123  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000124  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000125  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000126  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000127  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000128  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000129  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000130  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000131  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000132  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000133  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000134  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000135  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000136  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000137  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000138  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000139  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000140  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000141  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000142  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000143  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000144  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000145  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000146  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000147  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000148  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000149  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000150  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000151  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000152  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000153  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000154  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000155  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000156  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000157  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000158  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000159  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000160  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000161  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000162  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000163  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000164  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000165  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000166  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000167  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000168  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000169  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:10:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000170  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:20:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000171  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:30:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000172  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:40:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000173  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:50:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000174  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_08:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_08:00:00&gt;
-SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_08:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  start_time = &lt;2003-12-29_09:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  stop_time = &lt;2004-01-02_09:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  timestep = &lt;0000000000_001:000:000&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  increment = &lt;0000000000_000:000:010&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  clock current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_09:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; 363.375000 &gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_08:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_09:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000001  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_10:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_09:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_10:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000002  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_11:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_10:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_11:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000003  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_12:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_11:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_12:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000004  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_13:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_12:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_13:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000005  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_14:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_13:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_14:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000006  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_15:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_14:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_15:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000007  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_16:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_15:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_16:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000008  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_17:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_16:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_17:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000009  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_18:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_17:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_18:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000010  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_19:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_18:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_19:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000011  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_20:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_19:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_20:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000012  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_21:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_20:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_21:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000013  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_22:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_21:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_22:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000014  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_23:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_22:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_23:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000015  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_00:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_23:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_00:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000016  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_01:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_00:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_01:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000017  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_02:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_01:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_02:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000018  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_03:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_02:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_03:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000019  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_04:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_03:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_04:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000020  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_05:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_04:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_05:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000021  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_06:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_05:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_06:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000022  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_07:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_06:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_07:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000023  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_08:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_07:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_08:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000024  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_09:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_08:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_09:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000025  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_10:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_09:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_10:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000026  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_11:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_10:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_11:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000027  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_12:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_11:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_12:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000028  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_13:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_12:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_13:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000029  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_14:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_13:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_14:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000030  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_15:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_14:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_15:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000031  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_16:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_15:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_16:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000032  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_17:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_16:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_17:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000033  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_18:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_17:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_18:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000034  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_19:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_18:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_19:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000035  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_20:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_19:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_20:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000036  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_21:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_20:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_21:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000037  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_22:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_21:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_22:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000038  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_23:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_22:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_23:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000039  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_00:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_23:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_00:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000040  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_01:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_00:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_01:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000041  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_02:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_01:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_02:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000042  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_03:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_02:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_03:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000043  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_04:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_03:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_04:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000044  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_05:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_04:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_05:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000045  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_06:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_05:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_06:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000046  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_07:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_06:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_07:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000047  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_08:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_07:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_08:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000048  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_09:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_08:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_09:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000049  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_10:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_09:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_10:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000050  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_11:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_10:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_11:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000051  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_12:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_11:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_12:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000052  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_13:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_12:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_13:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000053  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_14:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_13:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_14:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000054  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_15:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_14:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_15:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000055  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_16:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_15:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_16:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000056  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_17:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_16:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_17:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000057  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_18:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_17:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_18:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000058  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_19:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_18:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_19:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000059  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_20:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_19:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_20:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000060  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_21:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_20:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_21:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000061  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_22:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_21:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_22:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000062  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_23:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_22:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_23:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000063  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_00:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_23:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_00:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000064  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_01:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_00:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_01:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000065  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_02:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_01:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_02:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000066  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_03:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_02:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_03:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000067  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_04:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_03:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_04:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000068  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_05:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_04:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_05:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000069  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_06:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_05:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_06:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000070  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_07:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_06:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_07:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000071  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_08:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_07:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_08:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000072  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_09:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_08:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_09:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000073  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_10:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_09:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_10:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000074  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_11:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_10:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_11:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000075  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_12:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_11:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_12:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000076  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_13:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_12:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_13:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000077  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_14:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_13:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_14:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000078  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_15:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_14:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_15:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000079  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_16:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_15:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_16:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000080  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_17:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_16:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_17:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000081  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_18:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_17:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_18:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000082  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_19:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_18:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_19:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000083  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_20:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_19:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_20:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000084  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_21:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_20:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_21:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000085  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_22:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_21:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_22:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000086  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_23:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_22:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_23:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000087  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_00:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_23:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_00:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000088  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_01:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_00:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_01:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000089  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_02:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_01:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_02:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000090  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_03:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_02:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_03:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000091  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_04:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_03:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_04:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000092  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_05:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_04:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_05:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000093  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_06:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_05:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_06:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000094  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_07:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_06:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_07:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000095  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_08:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_07:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_08:00:10&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000096  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_09:00:00&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_08:59:50&gt;
-StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_09:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  start_time = &lt;2004-12-29_09:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  stop_time = &lt;2005-01-02_09:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  timestep = &lt;0000000000_001:000:000&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  increment = &lt;0000000000_000:000:010&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  clock current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_09:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; 364.375000 &gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_08:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_09:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000001  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_10:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_09:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_10:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000002  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_11:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_10:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_11:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000003  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_12:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_11:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_12:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000004  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_13:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_12:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_13:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000005  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_14:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_13:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_14:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000006  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_15:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_14:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_15:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000007  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_16:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_15:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_16:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000008  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_17:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_16:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_17:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000009  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_18:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_17:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_18:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000010  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_19:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_18:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_19:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000011  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_20:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_19:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_20:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000012  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_21:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_20:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_21:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000013  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_22:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_21:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_22:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000014  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_23:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_22:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_23:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000015  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_00:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_23:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_00:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000016  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_01:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_00:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_01:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000017  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_02:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_01:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_02:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000018  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_03:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_02:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_03:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000019  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_04:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_03:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_04:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000020  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_05:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_04:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_05:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000021  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_06:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_05:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_06:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000022  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_07:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_06:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_07:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000023  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_08:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_07:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_08:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000024  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_09:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_08:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_09:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000025  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_10:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_09:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_10:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000026  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_11:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_10:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_11:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000027  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_12:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_11:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_12:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000028  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_13:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_12:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_13:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000029  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_14:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_13:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_14:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000030  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_15:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_14:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_15:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000031  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_16:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_15:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_16:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000032  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_17:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_16:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_17:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000033  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_18:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_17:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_18:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000034  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_19:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_18:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_19:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000035  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_20:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_19:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_20:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000036  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_21:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_20:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_21:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000037  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_22:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_21:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_22:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000038  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_23:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_22:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_23:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000039  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_00:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_23:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_00:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000040  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_01:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_00:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_01:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000041  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_02:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_01:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_02:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000042  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_03:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_02:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_03:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000043  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_04:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_03:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_04:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000044  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_05:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_04:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_05:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000045  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_06:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_05:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_06:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000046  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_07:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_06:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_07:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000047  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_08:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_07:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_08:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000048  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_09:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_08:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_09:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000049  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_10:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_09:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_10:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000050  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_11:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_10:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_11:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000051  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_12:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_11:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_12:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000052  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_13:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_12:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_13:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000053  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_14:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_13:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_14:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000054  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_15:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_14:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_15:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000055  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_16:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_15:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_16:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000056  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_17:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_16:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_17:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000057  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_18:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_17:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_18:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000058  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_19:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_18:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_19:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000059  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_20:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_19:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_20:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000060  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_21:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_20:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_21:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000061  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_22:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_21:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_22:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000062  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_22:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000063  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000064  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_01:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_01:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000065  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_02:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_01:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_02:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000066  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_03:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_02:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_03:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000067  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_04:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_03:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_04:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000068  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_05:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_04:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_05:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000069  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_06:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_05:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_06:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000070  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_07:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_06:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_07:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000071  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_08:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_07:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_08:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000072  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_09:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_08:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_09:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000073  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_10:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_09:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_10:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000074  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_11:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_10:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_11:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000075  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_12:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_11:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_12:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000076  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_13:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_12:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_13:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000077  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_14:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_13:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_14:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000078  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_15:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_14:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_15:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000079  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_16:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_15:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_16:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000080  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_17:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_16:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_17:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000081  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_18:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_17:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_18:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000082  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_19:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_18:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_19:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000083  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_20:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_19:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_20:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000084  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_21:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_20:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_21:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000085  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_22:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_21:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_22:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000086  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_23:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_22:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_23:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000087  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_00:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_23:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_00:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000088  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_01:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_00:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_01:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000089  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_02:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_01:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_02:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000090  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_03:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_02:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_03:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000091  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_04:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_03:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_04:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000092  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_05:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_04:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_05:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000093  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_06:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_05:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_06:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000094  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_07:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_06:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_07:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000095  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_08:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_07:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_08:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000096  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_09:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_08:59:50&gt;
-LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_09:00:10&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  start_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:00&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  stop_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:02:00&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  timestep = &lt;0000000000_000:000:013+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  increment = &lt;0000000000_000:000:001+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  clock current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:00&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; 366.998611 &gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:57:58+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:01+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000001  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:13+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:12&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:14+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000002  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:26+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:25+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:28&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000003  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:40&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:38+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:41+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000004  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:53+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:52&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:54+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000005  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:06+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:05+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:08&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000006  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:20&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:18+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:21+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000007  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:33+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:32&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:34+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000008  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:46+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:45+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:48&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000009  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:00&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:58+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:01+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000010  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:13+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:12&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:14+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000011  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:26+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:25+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:28&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000012  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:40&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:38+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:41+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000013  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:53+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:52&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:54+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000014  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:06+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:05+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:08&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000015  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:20&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:18+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:21+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000016  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:33+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:32&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:34+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000017  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:46+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:45+01/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:48&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000018  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:02:00&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:58+02/03&gt;
-LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:02:01+01/03&gt;

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.out.correct (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.out.correct)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.out.correct                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/Test1.out.correct        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,1275 @@
+PASS:  printT_1
+PASS:  printT_2
+PASS:  printT_3
+PASS:  printT_4
+PASS:  printT_5
+PASS:  printT_6
+PASS:  printT_D1
+PASS:  printT_D2
+PASS:  printT_F1
+PASS:  printT_F2
+PASS:  printT_F3
+PASS:  printT_F4
+PASS:  printTI_1
+PASS:  printTI_2
+PASS:  printTI_D1
+PASS:  printTI_D2
+PASS:  printTI_N1
+PASS:  printTI_M1
+PASS:  printTI_F1
+PASS:  printTI_F2
+PASS:  printTI_F3
+PASS:  printTI_F4
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI1
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI2
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI3
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI4
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI5
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI7
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI8
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI9
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI10
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI11
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI12
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI13
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI14
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI15
+PASS:  AddT_T_TI_F1
+PASS:  AddT_TI_T1
+PASS:  AddT_TI_T2
+PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI1
+PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI2
+PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI3
+PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI4
+PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI5
+PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI6
+PASS:  SubtractT_T_TI_F1
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T1
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T2
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T3
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T4
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T5
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T6
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T7
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T8
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T9
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T10
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T11
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T12
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T13
+PASS:  SubtractTI_T_T14
+PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TI1
+PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TI2
+PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TI3
+PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TIN1
+PASS:  SubtractTI_TI_TIN2
+PASS:  MultiplyTI_TI_INT1
+PASS:  MultiplyTI_TI_INT2
+PASS:  MultiplyTI_TI_INT3
+PASS:  DivideTI_TI_INT1
+PASS:  DivideTI_TI_INT2
+PASS:  DivideTI_TI_INT3
+PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI1
+PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI2
+PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI3
+PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI4
+PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI5
+PASS:  DivideINT_TI_TI6
+SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  start_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  stop_time = &lt;2002-12-28_08:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  timestep = &lt;0000000000_000:010:000&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  increment = &lt;0000000000_000:000:000&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  clock current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; 361.125000 &gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000001  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000002  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000003  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000004  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000005  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_03:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_03:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000006  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000007  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000008  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000009  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000010  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000011  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_04:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_04:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000012  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000013  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000014  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000015  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000016  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000017  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_05:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_05:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000018  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000019  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000020  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000021  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000022  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000023  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_06:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_06:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000024  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000025  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000026  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000027  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000028  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000029  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_07:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_07:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000030  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000031  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000032  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000033  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000034  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000035  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_08:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_08:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000036  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000037  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000038  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000039  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000040  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000041  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_09:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_09:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000042  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000043  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000044  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000045  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000046  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000047  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_10:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_10:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000048  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000049  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000050  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000051  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000052  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000053  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_11:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_11:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000054  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000055  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000056  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000057  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000058  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000059  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_12:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_12:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000060  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000061  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000062  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000063  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000064  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000065  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_13:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_13:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000066  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000067  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000068  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000069  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000070  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000071  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_14:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_14:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000072  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000073  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000074  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000075  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000076  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000077  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_15:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_15:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000078  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000079  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000080  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000081  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000082  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000083  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_16:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_16:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000084  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000085  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000086  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000087  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000088  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000089  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_17:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_17:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000090  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000091  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000092  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000093  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000094  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000095  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_18:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_18:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000096  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000097  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000098  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000099  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000100  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000101  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_19:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_19:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000102  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000103  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000104  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000105  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000106  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000107  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_20:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_20:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000108  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000109  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000110  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000111  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000112  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000113  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_21:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_21:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000114  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000115  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000116  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000117  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000118  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000119  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_22:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_22:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000120  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000121  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000122  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000123  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000124  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000125  current_time = &lt;2002-12-27_23:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-27_23:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000126  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000127  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000128  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000129  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000130  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000131  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_00:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_00:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000132  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000133  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000134  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000135  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000136  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000137  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_01:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_01:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000138  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000139  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000140  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000141  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000142  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000143  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_02:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_02:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000144  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000145  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000146  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000147  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000148  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000149  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_03:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_03:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000150  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000151  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000152  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000153  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000154  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000155  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_04:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_04:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000156  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000157  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000158  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000159  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000160  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000161  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_05:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_05:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000162  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000163  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000164  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000165  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000166  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000167  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_06:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_06:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000168  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000169  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:10:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000170  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:20:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000171  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:30:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000172  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:40:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000173  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_07:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_07:50:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000174  current_time = &lt;2002-12-28_08:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2002-12-28_08:00:00&gt;
+SimpleClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2002-12-28_08:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  start_time = &lt;2003-12-29_09:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  stop_time = &lt;2004-01-02_09:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  timestep = &lt;0000000000_001:000:000&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  increment = &lt;0000000000_000:000:010&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  clock current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_09:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; 363.375000 &gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_08:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_09:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000001  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_10:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_09:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_10:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000002  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_11:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_10:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_11:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000003  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_12:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_11:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_12:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000004  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_13:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_12:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_13:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000005  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_14:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_13:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_14:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000006  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_15:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_14:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_15:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000007  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_16:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_15:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_16:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000008  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_17:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_16:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_17:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000009  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_18:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_17:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_18:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000010  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_19:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_18:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_19:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000011  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_20:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_19:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_20:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000012  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_21:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_20:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_21:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000013  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_22:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_21:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_22:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000014  current_time = &lt;2003-12-29_23:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_22:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-29_23:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000015  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_00:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-29_23:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_00:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000016  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_01:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_00:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_01:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000017  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_02:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_01:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_02:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000018  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_03:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_02:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_03:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000019  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_04:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_03:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_04:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000020  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_05:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_04:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_05:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000021  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_06:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_05:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_06:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000022  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_07:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_06:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_07:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000023  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_08:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_07:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_08:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000024  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_09:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_08:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_09:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000025  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_10:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_09:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_10:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000026  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_11:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_10:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_11:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000027  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_12:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_11:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_12:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000028  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_13:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_12:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_13:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000029  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_14:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_13:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_14:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000030  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_15:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_14:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_15:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000031  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_16:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_15:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_16:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000032  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_17:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_16:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_17:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000033  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_18:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_17:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_18:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000034  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_19:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_18:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_19:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000035  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_20:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_19:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_20:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000036  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_21:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_20:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_21:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000037  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_22:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_21:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_22:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000038  current_time = &lt;2003-12-30_23:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_22:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-30_23:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000039  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_00:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-30_23:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_00:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000040  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_01:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_00:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_01:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000041  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_02:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_01:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_02:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000042  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_03:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_02:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_03:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000043  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_04:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_03:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_04:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000044  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_05:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_04:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_05:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000045  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_06:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_05:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_06:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000046  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_07:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_06:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_07:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000047  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_08:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_07:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_08:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000048  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_09:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_08:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_09:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000049  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_10:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_09:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_10:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000050  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_11:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_10:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_11:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000051  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_12:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_11:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_12:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000052  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_13:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_12:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_13:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000053  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_14:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_13:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_14:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000054  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_15:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_14:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_15:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000055  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_16:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_15:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_16:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000056  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_17:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_16:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_17:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000057  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_18:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_17:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_18:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000058  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_19:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_18:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_19:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000059  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_20:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_19:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_20:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000060  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_21:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_20:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_21:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000061  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_22:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_21:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_22:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000062  current_time = &lt;2003-12-31_23:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_22:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2003-12-31_23:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000063  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_00:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2003-12-31_23:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_00:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000064  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_01:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_00:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_01:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000065  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_02:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_01:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_02:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000066  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_03:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_02:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_03:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000067  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_04:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_03:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_04:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000068  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_05:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_04:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_05:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000069  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_06:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_05:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_06:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000070  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_07:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_06:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_07:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000071  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_08:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_07:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_08:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000072  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_09:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_08:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_09:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000073  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_10:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_09:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_10:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000074  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_11:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_10:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_11:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000075  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_12:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_11:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_12:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000076  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_13:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_12:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_13:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000077  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_14:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_13:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_14:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000078  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_15:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_14:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_15:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000079  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_16:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_15:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_16:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000080  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_17:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_16:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_17:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000081  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_18:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_17:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_18:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000082  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_19:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_18:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_19:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000083  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_20:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_19:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_20:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000084  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_21:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_20:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_21:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000085  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_22:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_21:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_22:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000086  current_time = &lt;2004-01-01_23:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_22:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-01_23:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000087  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_00:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-01_23:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_00:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000088  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_01:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_00:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_01:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000089  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_02:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_01:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_02:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000090  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_03:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_02:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_03:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000091  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_04:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_03:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_04:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000092  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_05:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_04:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_05:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000093  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_06:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_05:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_06:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000094  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_07:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_06:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_07:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000095  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_08:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_07:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_08:00:10&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000096  current_time = &lt;2004-01-02_09:00:00&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-01-02_08:59:50&gt;
+StdYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-01-02_09:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  start_time = &lt;2004-12-29_09:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  stop_time = &lt;2005-01-02_09:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  timestep = &lt;0000000000_001:000:000&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  increment = &lt;0000000000_000:000:010&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  clock current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_09:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; 364.375000 &gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_08:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_09:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000001  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_10:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_09:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_10:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000002  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_11:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_10:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_11:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000003  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_12:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_11:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_12:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000004  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_13:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_12:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_13:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000005  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_14:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_13:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_14:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000006  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_15:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_14:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_15:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000007  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_16:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_15:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_16:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000008  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_17:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_16:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_17:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000009  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_18:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_17:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_18:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000010  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_19:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_18:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_19:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000011  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_20:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_19:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_20:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000012  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_21:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_20:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_21:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000013  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_22:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_21:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_22:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000014  current_time = &lt;2004-12-29_23:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_22:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-29_23:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000015  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_00:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-29_23:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_00:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000016  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_01:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_00:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_01:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000017  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_02:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_01:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_02:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000018  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_03:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_02:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_03:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000019  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_04:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_03:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_04:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000020  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_05:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_04:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_05:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000021  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_06:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_05:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_06:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000022  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_07:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_06:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_07:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000023  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_08:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_07:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_08:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000024  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_09:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_08:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_09:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000025  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_10:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_09:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_10:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000026  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_11:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_10:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_11:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000027  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_12:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_11:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_12:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000028  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_13:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_12:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_13:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000029  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_14:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_13:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_14:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000030  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_15:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_14:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_15:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000031  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_16:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_15:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_16:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000032  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_17:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_16:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_17:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000033  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_18:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_17:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_18:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000034  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_19:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_18:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_19:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000035  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_20:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_19:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_20:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000036  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_21:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_20:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_21:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000037  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_22:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_21:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_22:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000038  current_time = &lt;2004-12-30_23:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_22:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-30_23:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000039  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_00:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-30_23:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_00:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000040  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_01:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_00:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_01:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000041  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_02:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_01:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_02:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000042  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_03:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_02:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_03:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000043  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_04:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_03:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_04:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000044  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_05:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_04:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_05:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000045  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_06:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_05:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_06:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000046  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_07:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_06:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_07:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000047  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_08:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_07:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_08:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000048  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_09:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_08:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_09:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000049  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_10:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_09:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_10:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000050  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_11:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_10:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_11:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000051  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_12:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_11:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_12:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000052  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_13:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_12:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_13:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000053  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_14:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_13:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_14:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000054  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_15:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_14:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_15:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000055  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_16:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_15:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_16:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000056  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_17:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_16:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_17:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000057  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_18:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_17:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_18:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000058  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_19:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_18:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_19:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000059  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_20:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_19:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_20:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000060  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_21:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_20:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_21:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000061  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_22:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_21:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_22:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000062  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_22:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000063  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000064  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_01:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_01:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000065  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_02:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_01:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_02:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000066  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_03:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_02:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_03:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000067  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_04:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_03:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_04:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000068  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_05:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_04:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_05:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000069  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_06:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_05:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_06:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000070  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_07:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_06:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_07:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000071  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_08:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_07:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_08:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000072  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_09:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_08:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_09:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000073  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_10:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_09:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_10:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000074  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_11:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_10:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_11:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000075  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_12:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_11:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_12:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000076  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_13:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_12:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_13:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000077  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_14:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_13:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_14:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000078  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_15:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_14:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_15:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000079  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_16:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_15:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_16:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000080  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_17:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_16:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_17:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000081  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_18:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_17:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_18:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000082  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_19:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_18:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_19:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000083  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_20:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_19:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_20:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000084  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_21:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_20:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_21:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000085  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_22:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_21:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_22:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000086  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_23:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_22:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_23:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000087  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_00:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_23:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_00:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000088  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_01:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_00:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_01:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000089  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_02:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_01:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_02:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000090  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_03:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_02:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_03:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000091  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_04:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_03:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_04:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000092  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_05:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_04:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_05:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000093  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_06:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_05:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_06:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000094  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_07:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_06:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_07:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000095  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_08:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_07:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_08:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000096  current_time = &lt;2005-01-02_09:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-02_08:59:50&gt;
+LeapYearClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-02_09:00:10&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  start_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:00&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  stop_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:02:00&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  timestep = &lt;0000000000_000:000:013+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  increment = &lt;0000000000_000:000:001+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  clock current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:00&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time dayOfYear_r8 = &lt; 366.998611 &gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:57:58+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_SETUP:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:01+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000001  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:13+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:12&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:14+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000002  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:26+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:25+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:28&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000003  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:40&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:38+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:41+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000004  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:53+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:52&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:58:54+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000005  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:06+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:05+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:08&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000006  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:20&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:18+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:21+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000007  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:33+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:32&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:34+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000008  current_time = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:46+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:45+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:48&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000009  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:00&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2004-12-31_23:59:58+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:01+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000010  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:13+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:12&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:14+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000011  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:26+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:25+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:28&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000012  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:40&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:38+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:41+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000013  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:53+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:52&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:00:54+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000014  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:06+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:05+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:08&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000015  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:20&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:18+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:21+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000016  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:33+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:32&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:34+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000017  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:46+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:45+01/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:48&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  count = 000018  current_time = &lt;2005-01-01_00:02:00&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time-increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:01:58+02/03&gt;
+LeapYearFractionClockAdvance_ADVANCE:  current_time+increment = &lt;2005-01-01_00:02:01+01/03&gt;

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_symbols_util.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_symbols_util.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_symbols_util.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-! NOTE:  This file will be removed once encapsulation of bare ESMF 
-!        calls is complete within WRF non-external source code.  
-! NOTE:  This file was automatically generated by the findsymbol script 
-!        based on WRFV2_20050512_1410.  Recipe follows:  
-! 1) Run the findsymbol script on a machine that has Ruby installed to 
-!    generate this file.  Type &quot;findsymbol -h&quot; for help using findsymbol.  
-!    For example:  
-! &gt;&gt; hender IN loquat:/loquat2/hender/Ruby/FortranTools/ &gt;&gt; findsymbol -d /users/hender/Tasks/WRF_ESMF/WRFV2_20050512_1410_WORK/WRFV2/external/esmf_time_f90 -S ESMF_ -p -g WRFU_ -o ESMF_Mod -n module_symbols_util &gt; &amp; ! module_symbols_util.F90
-! 2) Added this comment block by hand.
-      MODULE module_symbols_util
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_BASE =&gt; ESMF_BASE
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_CAL_360DAY =&gt; ESMF_CAL_360DAY
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_GRID =&gt; ESMF_GRID
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_C16 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_C16
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_C8 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_C8
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_I1 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_I1
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_I2 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_I2
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_I4 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_I4
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_I8 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_I8
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_R4 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_R4
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_R8 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_R8
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_LOG =&gt; ESMF_LOG
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_TIME =&gt; ESMF_TIME
-        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_VM =&gt; ESMF_VM
-      END MODULE module_symbols_util

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_symbols_util.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_symbols_util.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_symbols_util.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_symbols_util.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+! NOTE:  This file will be removed once encapsulation of bare ESMF 
+!        calls is complete within WRF non-external source code.  
+! NOTE:  This file was automatically generated by the findsymbol script 
+!        based on WRFV2_20050512_1410.  Recipe follows:  
+! 1) Run the findsymbol script on a machine that has Ruby installed to 
+!    generate this file.  Type &quot;findsymbol -h&quot; for help using findsymbol.  
+!    For example:  
+! &gt;&gt; hender IN loquat:/loquat2/hender/Ruby/FortranTools/ &gt;&gt; findsymbol -d /users/hender/Tasks/WRF_ESMF/WRFV2_20050512_1410_WORK/WRFV2/external/esmf_time_f90 -S ESMF_ -p -g WRFU_ -o ESMF_Mod -n module_symbols_util &gt; &amp; ! module_symbols_util.F90
+! 2) Added this comment block by hand.
+      MODULE module_symbols_util
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_BASE =&gt; ESMF_BASE
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_CAL_360DAY =&gt; ESMF_CAL_360DAY
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_GRID =&gt; ESMF_GRID
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_C16 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_C16
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_C8 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_C8
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_I1 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_I1
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_I2 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_I2
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_I4 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_I4
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_I8 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_I8
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_R4 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_R4
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_KIND_R8 =&gt; ESMF_KIND_R8
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_LOG =&gt; ESMF_LOG
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_TIME =&gt; ESMF_TIME
+        USE ESMF_Mod, WRFU_VM =&gt; ESMF_VM
+      END MODULE module_symbols_util

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_utility.F90
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_utility.F90        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_utility.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-      MODULE module_utility
-        USE module_symbols_util
-      END MODULE module_utility

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_utility.F90 (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_utility.F90)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_utility.F90                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/module_utility.F90        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+      MODULE module_utility
+        USE module_symbols_util
+      END MODULE module_utility

Deleted: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/testall.csh
--- branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/testall.csh        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/testall.csh        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Build and run Test1.exe and compare results with known-good output
-set selflong = $0
-set self = $selflong:t
-if ( ! -f ../../configure.wrf ) then
-  echo &quot;ERROR:  must run ../../configure before building esmf_time_f90 unit tests&quot;
-  exit -1
-# build
-set allpass = &quot;true&quot;
-make superclean &gt;&amp; /dev/null
-cd ../.. ; make esmf_time_f90_only &gt;&amp;! external/esmf_time_f90/make_tests.out ; cd external/esmf_time_f90
-# run tests for both ESMF_ and WRFU_ interfaces...  
-set testoutok = &quot;Test1.out.correct&quot;
-foreach tst ( &quot;ESMF&quot; &quot;WRFU&quot; )
-  set testname = &quot;Test1_${tst}&quot;
-  ./${testname}.exe &gt;&amp;! ${testname}.out || echo &quot;ERROR ${testname}:  failed to execute ./${testname}.exe, see make_tests.out&quot; &amp;&amp; exit 20
-  # evaluate test results
-  diff ${testoutok} ${testname}.out &gt;&amp; /dev/null
-  set ok = $status
-  if ( $ok == 0 ) then
-    echo &quot;PASS ${testname}&quot;
-  else
-    set allpass = &quot;false&quot;
-    echo
-    echo &quot;FAIL ${testname}&quot;
-    echo
-    which xxdiff &gt;&amp; /dev/null
-    set ok = $status
-    if ( $ok == 0 ) then
-      xxdiff ${testoutok} ${testname}.out
-    else
-      diff ${testoutok} ${testname}.out
-    endif
-  endif
-# clean up if all tests passed
-if ( $allpass == &quot;true&quot; ) then
-#  make testclean &gt;&amp; /dev/null
-  make superclean &gt;&amp; /dev/null

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/testall.csh (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/external/esmf_time_f90/testall.csh)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/testall.csh                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/external/esmf_time_f90/testall.csh        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Build and run Test1.exe and compare results with known-good output
+set selflong = $0
+set self = $selflong:t
+if ( ! -f ../../configure.wrf ) then
+  echo &quot;ERROR:  must run ../../configure before building esmf_time_f90 unit tests&quot;
+  exit -1
+# build
+set allpass = &quot;true&quot;
+make superclean &gt;&amp; /dev/null
+cd ../.. ; make esmf_time_f90_only &gt;&amp;! external/esmf_time_f90/make_tests.out ; cd external/esmf_time_f90
+# run tests for both ESMF_ and WRFU_ interfaces...  
+set testoutok = &quot;Test1.out.correct&quot;
+foreach tst ( &quot;ESMF&quot; &quot;WRFU&quot; )
+  set testname = &quot;Test1_${tst}&quot;
+  ./${testname}.exe &gt;&amp;! ${testname}.out || echo &quot;ERROR ${testname}:  failed to execute ./${testname}.exe, see make_tests.out&quot; &amp;&amp; exit 20
+  # evaluate test results
+  diff ${testoutok} ${testname}.out &gt;&amp; /dev/null
+  set ok = $status
+  if ( $ok == 0 ) then
+    echo &quot;PASS ${testname}&quot;
+  else
+    set allpass = &quot;false&quot;
+    echo
+    echo &quot;FAIL ${testname}&quot;
+    echo
+    which xxdiff &gt;&amp; /dev/null
+    set ok = $status
+    if ( $ok == 0 ) then
+      xxdiff ${testoutok} ${testname}.out
+    else
+      diff ${testoutok} ${testname}.out
+    endif
+  endif
+# clean up if all tests passed
+if ( $allpass == &quot;true&quot; ) then
+#  make testclean &gt;&amp; /dev/null
+  make superclean &gt;&amp; /dev/null

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/Makefile
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/Makefile        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/Makefile        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 OBJS = module_mpas_framework.o \
        module_timer.o \
+       module_mpas_timekeeping.o \
        module_configure.o \
        module_constants.o \
        module_grid_types.o \
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
 module_block_decomp.o: module_grid_types.o module_hash.o module_configure.o
-module_io_input.o: module_grid_types.o module_dmpar.o module_block_decomp.o module_sort.o module_configure.o $(ZOLTANOBJ)
+module_io_input.o: module_grid_types.o module_dmpar.o module_block_decomp.o module_sort.o module_configure.o module_mpas_timekeeping.o $(ZOLTANOBJ)
 module_io_output.o: module_grid_types.o module_dmpar.o module_sort.o module_configure.o
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
         $(RM) $@ $*.mod
         $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CPPINCLUDES) $&lt; &gt; $*.f90
-        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES)
+        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $*.f90 $(FCINCLUDES) -I../external/esmf_time_f90
         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CPPINCLUDES) -c $&lt;

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_grid_types.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_grid_types.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_grid_types.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -64,6 +64,22 @@
    end type field1DInteger
+   ! Derived type for storing fields
+   type field1DChar
+      type (block_type), pointer :: block
+      character (len=64), dimension(:), pointer :: array
+      type (io_info), pointer :: ioinfo
+   end type field1DChar
+   ! Derived type for storing fields
+   type field0DChar
+      type (block_type), pointer :: block
+      character (len=64) :: scalar
+      type (io_info), pointer :: ioinfo
+   end type field0DChar
    ! Derived type for storing grid meta-data
    type mesh_type

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_io_input.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_io_input.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_io_input.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
    use block_decomp
    use sort
    use configure
+   use mpas_timekeeping
    use zoltan_interface
@@ -27,6 +29,8 @@
       module procedure io_input_field3dReal
       module procedure io_input_field1dInteger
       module procedure io_input_field2dInteger
+      module procedure io_input_field0dChar
+      module procedure io_input_field1dChar
    end interface io_input_field
    interface io_input_field_time
@@ -34,6 +38,8 @@
       module procedure io_input_field1dReal_time
       module procedure io_input_field2dReal_time
       module procedure io_input_field3dReal_time
+      module procedure io_input_field0dChar_time
+      module procedure io_input_field1dChar_time
    end interface io_input_field_time
@@ -76,7 +82,7 @@
-      type (field1dReal) :: xtime
+      type (field1DChar) :: xtime
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: indexToCellID_0Halo
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: nEdgesOnCell_0Halo
@@ -113,8 +119,11 @@
       type (graph) :: block_graph_0Halo, block_graph_1Halo, block_graph_2Halo
       integer :: ghostEdgeStart, ghostVertexStart
-      real (kind=RKIND) :: tdiff
-      integer :: idxTdiff
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: startTime
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: sliceTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: timeDiff
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: minTimeDiff
+      character(len=32) :: timeStamp
       if (config_do_restart) then
          input_obj % filename = trim(config_restart_name)
@@ -766,25 +775,29 @@
             xtime % ioinfo % fieldName = 'xtime'
             call io_input_field(input_obj, xtime)
-            tdiff = 1.E20
+            call MPAS_setTimeInterval(interval=minTimeDiff, DD=10000)
+            call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=startTime, dateTimeString=config_start_time)
             do i=1,input_obj % rdLocalTime
-               if (abs(xtime % array(i) - config_restart_time) &lt; tdiff) then
+               call MPAS_setTime(curr_time=sliceTime, dateTimeString=xtime % array(i))
+               timeDiff = abs(sliceTime - startTime)
+               if (timeDiff &lt; minTimeDiff) then
+                  minTimeDiff = timeDiff
                   input_obj % time = i
-                  tdiff = abs(xtime % array(i) - config_restart_time)
                end if
             end do
-            tdiff = xtime % array(input_obj % time)
+            timeStamp = xtime % array(input_obj % time)
             deallocate(xtime % ioinfo)
             deallocate(xtime % array)
          end if
          call dmpar_bcast_int(domain % dminfo, input_obj % time)
-         call dmpar_bcast_real(domain % dminfo, tdiff)
+         call dmpar_bcast_char(domain % dminfo, timeStamp)
-         write(0,*) 'Restarting model from time ', tdiff
+         write(0,*) 'Restarting model from time ', timeStamp
       end if
@@ -1036,6 +1049,8 @@
       type (field1dReal) :: real1d
       type (field2dReal) :: real2d
       type (field3dReal) :: real3d
+      type (field0dChar) :: char0d
+      type (field1dChar) :: char1d
       integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4
@@ -1045,6 +1060,8 @@
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: super_real1d
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: super_real2d
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: super_real3d
+      character (len=64) :: super_char0d
+      character (len=64), dimension(:), pointer :: super_char1d
       integer :: k
@@ -1054,6 +1071,8 @@
       allocate(real1d % ioinfo)
       allocate(real2d % ioinfo)
       allocate(real3d % ioinfo)
+      allocate(char0d % ioinfo)
+      allocate(char1d % ioinfo)
 #include &quot;io_input_fields.inc&quot;
@@ -1453,6 +1472,116 @@
    end subroutine io_input_field2dInteger
+   subroutine io_input_field0dChar_time(input_obj, field)

+      implicit none
+      type (io_input_object), intent(in) :: input_obj      
+      type (field0dChar), intent(inout) :: field

+      include 'netcdf.inc'

+      integer :: nferr
+      integer :: varID
+      integer, dimension(2) :: start1, count1

+      start1(1) = 1
+      count1(1) = 64
+      start1(2) = input_obj % time
+      count1(2) = 1

+#include &quot;input_field0dchar_time.inc&quot;
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_text(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)
+   end subroutine io_input_field0dChar_time
+   subroutine io_input_field1dChar_time(input_obj, field)

+      implicit none
+      type (io_input_object), intent(in) :: input_obj      
+      type (field1dChar), intent(inout) :: field

+      include 'netcdf.inc'

+      integer :: nferr
+      integer :: varID
+      integer, dimension(3) :: start2, count2

+      start2(1) = 1
+      start2(2) = field % ioinfo % start(1)
+      start2(3) = input_obj % time
+      count2(1) = 64
+      count2(2) = field % ioinfo % count(1)
+      count2(3) = 1

+#include &quot;input_field1dchar_time.inc&quot;
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_text(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)
+   end subroutine io_input_field1dChar_time
+   subroutine io_input_field0dChar(input_obj, field)

+      implicit none
+      type (io_input_object), intent(in) :: input_obj      
+      type (field0dChar), intent(inout) :: field

+      include 'netcdf.inc'

+      integer :: nferr
+      integer :: varID
+      integer, dimension(2) :: start1, count1

+      start1(1) = 1
+      count1(1) = 64
+      start1(2) = 1
+      count1(2) = 1
+#include &quot;input_field0dchar.inc&quot;
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_text(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)

+   end subroutine io_input_field0dChar
+   subroutine io_input_field1dChar(input_obj, field)

+      implicit none
+      type (io_input_object), intent(in) :: input_obj      
+      type (field1dChar), intent(inout) :: field

+      include 'netcdf.inc'

+      integer :: nferr
+      integer :: varID
+      integer, dimension(2) :: start1, count1

+      start1(1) = 1
+      count1(1) = 64
+      start1(2) = field % ioinfo % start(1)
+      count1(2) = field % ioinfo % count(1)
+      !
+      ! Special case: we may want to read the xtime variable across the
+      !   time dimension as a 1d array.
+      !
+      if (trim(field % ioinfo % fieldName) == 'xtime') then
+         varID = input_obj % rdVarIDxtime
+      end if

+#include &quot;input_field1dchar.inc&quot;
+      nferr = nf_get_vara_text(input_obj % rd_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % array)

+   end subroutine io_input_field1dChar
    subroutine io_input_finalize(input_obj, dminfo)
       implicit none

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_io_output.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_io_output.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_io_output.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
       integer :: stream
+      integer :: wrDimIDStrLen
 #include &quot;io_output_obj_decls.inc&quot;
       logical :: validExchangeLists
@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@
       module procedure io_output_field3dReal
       module procedure io_output_field1dInteger
       module procedure io_output_field2dInteger
+      module procedure io_output_field0dChar
+      module procedure io_output_field1dChar
    end interface io_output_field
    interface io_output_field_time
@@ -41,20 +44,25 @@
       module procedure io_output_field1dReal_time
       module procedure io_output_field2dReal_time
       module procedure io_output_field3dReal_time
+      module procedure io_output_field0dChar_time
+      module procedure io_output_field1dChar_time
    end interface io_output_field_time
-   subroutine output_state_init(output_obj, domain, stream)
+   subroutine output_state_init(output_obj, domain, stream, outputSuffix)
       implicit none
       type (io_output_object), intent(inout) :: output_obj
       type (domain_type), intent(in) :: domain
       character (len=*) :: stream
+      character (len=*), optional :: outputSuffix
+      character (len=128) :: tempfilename
       type (block_type), pointer :: block_ptr
 #include &quot;output_dim_actual_decls.inc&quot;
@@ -79,7 +87,12 @@
       nVertLevelsGlobal = block_ptr % mesh % nVertLevels
       if (trim(stream) == 'OUTPUT') then
-         output_obj % filename = trim(config_output_name)
+         if(present(outputSuffix)) then
+            call insert_string_suffix(config_output_name, outputSuffix, tempfilename)
+         else
+            tempfilename = config_output_name
+         end if
+         output_obj % filename = trim(tempfilename)
          output_obj % stream = OUTPUT
       else if (trim(stream) == 'RESTART') then
          output_obj % filename = trim(config_restart_name)
@@ -93,10 +106,32 @@
                           block_ptr % mesh, &amp;
 #include &quot;output_dim_actual_args.inc&quot;
    end subroutine output_state_init
+   subroutine insert_string_suffix(stream, suffix, filename)
+      implicit none
+      character (len=*), intent(in) :: stream
+      character (len=*), intent(in) :: suffix
+      character (len=*), intent(out) :: filename
+      integer :: length, i
+      filename = trim(stream) // '.' // trim(suffix)
+      length = len_trim(stream)
+      do i=length-1,1,-1
+         if(stream(i:i) == '.') then
+            filename = trim(stream(:i)) // trim(suffix) // trim(stream(i:))
+            exit
+         end if
+      end do
+   end subroutine  insert_string_suffix
    subroutine output_state_for_domain(output_obj, domain, itime)
       implicit none
@@ -126,15 +161,19 @@
       type (field1dReal) :: real1d
       type (field2dReal) :: real2d
       type (field3dReal) :: real3d
+      type (field0dChar) :: char0d
+      type (field1dChar) :: char1d
       integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4
       integer, dimension(:), pointer :: super_int1d
       integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: super_int2d
-      real :: super_real0d
+      real (kind=RKIND) :: super_real0d
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: super_real1d
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:), pointer :: super_real2d
       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: super_real3d
+      character (len=64) :: super_char0d
+      character (len=64), dimension(:), pointer :: super_char1d
       output_obj % time = itime
@@ -144,6 +183,8 @@
       allocate(real1d % ioinfo)
       allocate(real2d % ioinfo)
       allocate(real3d % ioinfo)
+      allocate(char0d % ioinfo)
+      allocate(char1d % ioinfo)
       call dmpar_sum_int(domain % dminfo, domain % blocklist % mesh % nCellsSolve, nCellsGlobal)
       call dmpar_sum_int(domain % dminfo, domain % blocklist % mesh % nEdgesSolve, nEdgesGlobal)
@@ -350,6 +391,7 @@
       nferr = nf_create(trim(output_obj % filename), NF_CLOBBER, output_obj % wr_ncid)
+      nferr = nf_def_dim(output_obj % wr_ncid, 'StrLen', 64, output_obj % wrDimIDStrLen)
 #include &quot;netcdf_def_dims_vars.inc&quot;
       if (mesh % on_a_sphere) then
@@ -671,6 +713,116 @@
    end subroutine io_output_field2dInteger
+   subroutine io_output_field0dChar_time(output_obj, field)
+      implicit none
+      type (io_output_object), intent(in) :: output_obj
+      type (field0dChar), intent(inout) :: field
+      include 'netcdf.inc'
+      integer :: nferr
+      integer :: varID
+      integer, dimension(2) :: start1, count1
+      start1(1) = 1
+      count1(1) = 64
+      start1(2) = output_obj % time
+      count1(2) = 1
+#include &quot;output_field0dchar_time.inc&quot;
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_text(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)

+      nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
+   end subroutine io_output_field0dChar_time
+   subroutine io_output_field1dChar_time(output_obj, field)
+      implicit none
+      type (io_output_object), intent(in) :: output_obj
+      type (field1dChar), intent(inout) :: field
+      include 'netcdf.inc'
+      integer :: nferr
+      integer :: varID
+      integer, dimension(3) :: start2, count2
+      start2(1) = 1
+      start2(2) = field % ioinfo % start(1)
+      start2(3) = output_obj % time
+      count2(1) = 64
+      count2(2) = field % ioinfo % count(1)
+      count2(3) = 1
+#include &quot;output_field1dchar_time.inc&quot;
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_text(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start2, count2, field % array)

+      nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
+   end subroutine io_output_field1dChar_time
+   subroutine io_output_field0dChar(output_obj, field)
+      implicit none
+      type (io_output_object), intent(in) :: output_obj
+      type (field0dChar), intent(inout) :: field
+      include 'netcdf.inc'
+      integer :: nferr
+      integer :: varID
+      integer, dimension(2) :: start1, count1
+      start1(1) = 1
+      count1(1) = 64
+      start1(2) = 1
+      count1(2) = 1
+#include &quot;output_field0dchar.inc&quot;
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_text(output_obj % wr_ncid, varID, start1, count1, field % scalar)

+      nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
+   end subroutine io_output_field0dChar
+   subroutine io_output_field1dChar(output_obj, field)
+      implicit none
+      type (io_output_object), intent(in) :: output_obj
+      type (field1dChar), intent(inout) :: field
+      include 'netcdf.inc'
+      integer :: nferr
+      integer :: varID
+      integer, dimension(2) :: start1, count1
+      start1(1) = 1
+      count1(1) = 64
+      start1(2) = field % ioinfo % start(1)
+      count1(2) = field % ioinfo % count(1)
+#include &quot;output_field1dchar.inc&quot;
+      nferr = nf_put_vara_text(output_obj % wr_ncid, VarID, start1, count1, field % array)

+      nferr = nf_sync(output_obj % wr_ncid)
+   end subroutine io_output_field1dChar
    subroutine io_output_finalize(output_obj, dminfo)
       implicit none

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_mpas_framework.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_mpas_framework.F        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_mpas_framework.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
    use io_output
    use configure
    use timer
+   use mpas_timekeeping
@@ -24,6 +25,8 @@
       call read_namelist(dminfo)
       call allocate_domain(domain, dminfo)
+      call mpas_timekeeping_init(config_calendar_type)
    end subroutine mpas_framework_init
@@ -39,6 +42,8 @@
       call dmpar_finalize(dminfo)
+      call mpas_timekeeping_finalize()
    end subroutine mpas_framework_finalize
 end module mpas_framework

Copied: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_mpas_timekeeping.F (from rev 993, branches/ocean_projects/timesplitting_mrp/src/framework/module_mpas_timekeeping.F)
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_mpas_timekeeping.F                                (rev 0)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/framework/module_mpas_timekeeping.F        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -0,0 +1,1625 @@
+module mpas_timekeeping
+   use ESMF_BaseMod
+   use ESMF_Stubs
+   use ESMF_CalendarMod
+   use ESMF_ClockMod
+   use ESMF_TimeMod
+   use ESMF_TimeIntervalMod
+   private :: MPAS_CalibrateAlarms
+   private :: MPAS_inRingingEnvelope
+   integer, parameter :: MPAS_MAX_ALARMS = 20
+   integer, parameter :: MPAS_NOW = 0, &amp;
+                         MPAS_START_TIME = 1, &amp;
+                         MPAS_STOP_TIME = 2
+   integer, parameter :: MPAS_FORWARD = 1, &amp;
+                         MPAS_BACKWARD = -1
+   integer, parameter :: MPAS_GREGORIAN = 0, &amp;
+                         MPAS_GREGORIAN_NOLEAP = 1, &amp;
+                         MPAS_360DAY = 2
+   integer :: TheCalendar 
+   integer, dimension(12), parameter :: daysInMonth     = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
+   integer, dimension(12), parameter :: daysInMonthLeap = (/31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
+   type MPAS_Time_type
+      type (ESMF_Time) :: t
+   end type
+   type MPAS_TimeInterval_type
+      type (ESMF_TimeInterval) :: ti
+   end type
+   type MPAS_Alarm_type
+      integer :: alarmID
+      logical :: isRecurring
+      logical :: isSet
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: ringTime
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: prevRingTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: ringTimeInterval
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: next
+   end type
+   type MPAS_Clock_type
+      integer :: direction
+      integer :: nAlarms
+      type (ESMF_Clock) :: c
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmListHead
+   end type
+   interface operator (+)
+      module procedure add_t_ti
+      module procedure add_ti_ti
+   end interface
+   interface operator (-)
+      module procedure sub_t_t
+      module procedure sub_t_ti
+      module procedure sub_ti_ti
+      module procedure neg_ti
+   end interface
+   interface operator (*)
+      module procedure mul_ti_n
+   end interface
+   interface operator (/)
+      module procedure div_ti_n
+   end interface
+   interface operator (.EQ.)
+      module procedure eq_t_t
+      module procedure eq_ti_ti
+   end interface
+   interface operator (.NE.)
+      module procedure ne_t_t
+      module procedure ne_ti_ti
+   end interface
+   interface operator (.LT.)
+      module procedure lt_t_t
+      module procedure lt_ti_ti
+   end interface
+   interface operator (.GT.)
+      module procedure gt_t_t
+      module procedure gt_ti_ti
+   end interface
+   interface operator (.LE.)
+      module procedure le_t_t
+      module procedure le_ti_ti
+   end interface
+   interface operator (.GE.)
+      module procedure ge_t_t
+      module procedure ge_ti_ti
+   end interface
+   interface abs
+      module procedure abs_ti
+   end interface
+   contains
+   subroutine mpas_timekeeping_init(calendar)
+      implicit none
+      integer, intent(in) :: calendar 
+      TheCalendar = calendar
+      if (TheCalendar == MPAS_GREGORIAN) then
+         call ESMF_Initialize(defaultCalendar=ESMF_CAL_GREGORIAN)
+      else if (TheCalendar == MPAS_GREGORIAN_NOLEAP) then
+         call ESMF_Initialize(defaultCalendar=ESMF_CAL_NOLEAP)
+      else if (TheCalendar == MPAS_360DAY) then
+         call ESMF_Initialize(defaultCalendar=ESMF_CAL_360DAY)
+      else
+         write(0,*) 'ERROR: mpas_timekeeping_init: Invalid calendar type'
+      end if
+   end subroutine mpas_timekeeping_init
+   subroutine mpas_timekeeping_finalize()
+      implicit none
+      call ESMF_Finalize()
+   end subroutine mpas_timekeeping_finalize
+   subroutine MPAS_createClock(clock, startTime, timeStep, stopTime, runDuration, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(out) :: clock
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: startTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: timeStep
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in), optional :: stopTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in), optional :: runDuration
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: stop_time
+      if (present(runDuration)) then
+         stop_time = startTime + runDuration
+         if (present(stopTime)) then
+            if (stopTime /= stop_time) then
+               if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1   ! stopTime and runDuration are inconsistent
+               write(0,*) 'ERROR: MPAS_createClock: stopTime and runDuration are inconsistent'
+               return
+            end if
+         end if
+      else if (present(stopTime)) then 
+         stop_time = stopTime
+      else
+         if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1   ! neither stopTime nor runDuration are specified
+         write(0,*) 'ERROR: MPAS_createClock: neither stopTime nor runDuration are specified'
+         return
+      end if
+      clock % c = ESMF_ClockCreate(TimeStep=timeStep%ti, StartTime=startTime%t, StopTime=stop_time%t, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+      clock % direction = MPAS_FORWARD
+      clock % nAlarms = 0
+      nullify(clock % alarmListHead)
+   end subroutine MPAS_createClock
+   subroutine MPAS_destroyClock(clock, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(inout) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmPtr
+      alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+      do while (associated(alarmPtr))
+         clock % alarmListHead =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+         deallocate(alarmPtr)
+         alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+      end do
+      call ESMF_ClockDestroy(clock % c, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_destroyClock
+   logical function MPAS_isClockStartTime(clock, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (ESMF_Time) :: currTime, startTime, stopTime
+      call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, CurrTime=currTime, rc=ierr)
+      call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, StartTime=startTime, rc=ierr)
+      call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, StopTime=stopTime, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+      if (startTime &lt;= stopTime) then
+         MPAS_isClockStartTime = (currTime &lt;= startTime)
+      else
+         MPAS_isClockStartTime = (currTime &gt;= startTime)
+      end if
+   end function MPAS_isClockStartTime
+   logical function MPAS_isClockStopTime(clock, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (ESMF_Time) :: currTime, startTime, stopTime
+      call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, CurrTime=currTime, rc=ierr)
+      call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, StartTime=startTime, rc=ierr)
+      call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, StopTime=stopTime, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+      if (startTime &lt;= stopTime) then
+         MPAS_isClockStopTime = (currTime &gt;= stopTime)
+      else
+         MPAS_isClockStopTime = (currTime &lt;= stopTime)
+      end if
+   end function MPAS_isClockStopTime
+   subroutine MPAS_setClockDirection(clock, direction, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(inout) :: clock
+      integer, intent(in) :: direction
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: timeStep
+      if (direction == MPAS_FORWARD .and. clock % direction == MPAS_FORWARD) return
+      if (direction == MPAS_BACKWARD .and. clock % direction == MPAS_BACKWARD) return
+      clock % direction = direction
+      call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, TimeStep=timeStep%ti, rc=ierr)
+      timeStep = neg_ti(timeStep)
+      call ESMF_ClockSet(clock % c, TimeStep=timeStep%ti, rc=ierr)
+      ! specify a valid previousRingTime for each alarm
+      call MPAS_CalibrateAlarms(clock, ierr);
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_setClockDirection
+   integer function MPAS_getClockDirection(clock, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      if (present(ierr)) ierr = 0
+      MPAS_getClockDirection = clock % direction
+   end function MPAS_getClockDirection
+   subroutine MPAS_setClockTimeStep(clock, timeStep, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(inout) :: clock
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: timeStep
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      call ESMF_ClockSet(clock % c, TimeStep=timeStep%ti, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_setClockTimeStep
+   type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) function MPAS_getClockTimeStep(clock, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: timeStep
+      call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, TimeStep=timeStep%ti, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+      MPAS_getClockTimeStep = timeStep
+   end function MPAS_getClockTimeStep
+   subroutine MPAS_advanceClock(clock, timeStep, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(inout) :: clock
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in), optional :: timeStep
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (ESMF_TimeInterval) :: time_step
+      if (present(timeStep)) then
+         call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, TimeStep=time_step, rc=ierr)
+         call ESMF_ClockSet(clock % c, TimeStep=timeStep % ti, rc=ierr)
+         call ESMF_ClockAdvance(clock % c, rc=ierr)
+         call ESMF_ClockSet(clock % c, TimeStep=time_step, rc=ierr)
+      else
+         call ESMF_ClockAdvance(clock % c, rc=ierr)
+      end if
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_advanceClock
+   subroutine MPAS_setClockTime(clock, clock_time, whichTime, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(inout) :: clock
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: clock_time
+      integer, intent(in) :: whichTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      if (whichTime == MPAS_NOW) then
+         call ESMF_ClockSet(clock % c, CurrTime=clock_time%t, rc=ierr)
+         call MPAS_CalibrateAlarms(clock, ierr);
+      else if (whichTime == MPAS_START_TIME) then
+         call ESMF_ClockSet(clock % c, StartTime=clock_time%t, rc=ierr)
+      else if (whichTime == MPAS_STOP_TIME) then
+         call ESMF_ClockSet(clock % c, StopTime=clock_time%t, rc=ierr)
+      else if (present(ierr)) then
+         ierr = 1
+      end if
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_setClockTime
+   type (MPAS_Time_type) function MPAS_getClockTime(clock, whichTime, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(in) :: whichTime
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: clock_time
+      if (whichTime == MPAS_NOW) then
+         call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, CurrTime=clock_time%t, rc=ierr)
+      else if (whichTime == MPAS_START_TIME) then
+         call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, StartTime=clock_time%t, rc=ierr)
+      else if (whichTime == MPAS_STOP_TIME) then
+         call ESMF_ClockGet(clock % c, StopTime=clock_time%t, rc=ierr)
+      else if (present(ierr)) then
+         ierr = 1
+      end if
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+      MPAS_getClockTime = clock_time
+   end function MPAS_getClockTime
+   subroutine MPAS_addClockAlarm(clock, alarmID, alarmTime, alarmTimeInterval, ierr)
+! TODO: possibly add a stop time for recurring alarms
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(inout) :: clock
+      integer, intent(in) :: alarmID
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: alarmTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in), optional :: alarmTimeInterval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmPtr
+      ! Add a new entry to the linked list of alarms for this clock
+      if (.not. associated(clock % alarmListHead)) then
+         allocate(clock % alarmListHead)
+         nullify(clock % alarmListHead % next)
+         alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+      else
+         alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+         do while (associated(alarmPtr % next))
+            if (alarmPtr % alarmID == alarmID) then
+               write(0,*) 'OOPS -- we have a duplicate alarmID', alarmID
+               if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+               return
+            end if
+            alarmPtr =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+         end do
+            if (alarmPtr % alarmID == alarmID) then
+               write(0,*) 'OOPS -- we have a duplicate alarmID', alarmID
+               if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+               return
+            end if
+         allocate(alarmPtr % next)
+         alarmPtr =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+         nullify(alarmPtr % next)
+      end if
+      alarmPtr % alarmID = alarmID
+      clock % nAlarms = clock % nAlarms + 1
+      alarmPtr % isSet = .true.
+      alarmPtr % ringTime = alarmTime
+      if (present(alarmTimeInterval)) then
+         alarmPtr % isRecurring = .true.
+         alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval = alarmTimeInterval
+         if(clock % direction == MPAS_FORWARD) then
+            alarmPtr % prevRingTime = alarmTime - alarmTimeInterval
+         else
+            alarmPtr % prevRingTime = alarmTime + alarmTimeInterval         
+         end if
+      else
+         alarmPtr % isRecurring = .false.
+         alarmPtr % prevRingTime = alarmTime
+      end if
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_addClockAlarm
+   subroutine MPAS_removeClockAlarm(clock, alarmID, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(inout) :: clock
+      integer, intent(in) :: alarmID
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmPtr
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmParentPtr
+      if (present(ierr)) ierr = 0
+      alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+      alarmParentPtr = alarmPtr
+      do while (associated(alarmPtr))
+         if (alarmPtr % alarmID == alarmID) then
+            alarmParentPtr % next =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+            deallocate(alarmPtr)
+            exit
+         end if
+         alarmParentPtr = alarmPtr
+         alarmPtr =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+      end do
+   end subroutine MPAS_removeClockAlarm
+   subroutine MPAS_printAlarm(clock, alarmID, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(in) :: alarmID
+      integer, intent(out) :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmPtr
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: alarmTimeInterval
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: alarmTime
+      character (len=32) :: printString
+      ierr = 0
+      alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+      do while (associated(alarmPtr))
+         if (alarmPtr % alarmID == alarmID) then
+            write(0,*) 'ALARM ', alarmID
+            write(0,*) 'isRecurring', alarmPtr % isRecurring
+            write(0,*) 'isSet', alarmPtr % isSet
+            call MPAS_getTime(alarmPtr % ringTime, dateTimeString=printString, ierr=ierr)
+            write(0,*) 'ringTime', printString
+            call MPAS_getTime(alarmPtr % prevRingTime, dateTimeString=printString, ierr=ierr)
+            write(0,*) 'prevRingTime', printString
+            call MPAS_getTimeInterval(alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval, timeString=printString, ierr=ierr)
+            write(0,*) 'ringTimeInterval', printString
+            exit
+         end if
+         alarmPtr =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+      end do
+   end subroutine MPAS_printAlarm
+   logical function MPAS_isAlarmRinging(clock, alarmID, interval, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(in) :: alarmID
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in), optional :: interval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmPtr
+      if (present(ierr)) ierr = 0
+      MPAS_isAlarmRinging = .false.
+      alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+      do while (associated(alarmPtr))
+         if (alarmPtr % alarmID == alarmID) then
+            if (alarmPtr % isSet) then
+               if (MPAS_inRingingEnvelope(clock, alarmPtr, interval, ierr)) then
+                  MPAS_isAlarmRinging = .true.
+               end if
+            end if
+            exit
+         end if
+         alarmPtr =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+      end do
+   end function MPAS_isAlarmRinging
+   subroutine MPAS_getClockRingingAlarms(clock, nAlarms, alarmList, interval, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out) :: nAlarms
+      integer, dimension(MPAS_MAX_ALARMS), intent(out) :: alarmList
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in), optional :: interval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmPtr
+      if (present(ierr)) ierr = 0
+      nAlarms = 0
+      alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+      do while (associated(alarmPtr))
+         if (alarmPtr % isSet) then
+            if (MPAS_inRingingEnvelope(clock, alarmPtr, interval, ierr)) then
+               nAlarms = nAlarms + 1
+               alarmList(nAlarms) = alarmPtr % alarmID
+            end if
+         end if
+         alarmPtr =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+      end do
+   end subroutine MPAS_getClockRingingAlarms
+   logical function MPAS_inRingingEnvelope(clock, alarmPtr, interval, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer, intent(in) :: alarmPtr
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in), optional :: interval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: alarmNow
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: alarmThreshold
+      alarmNow = MPAS_getClockTime(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+      alarmThreshold = alarmPtr % ringTime 
+      MPAS_inRingingEnvelope = .false.      
+      if(clock % direction == MPAS_FORWARD) then
+         if (present(interval)) then
+            alarmNow = alarmNow + interval; 
+         end if
+         if (alarmPtr % isRecurring) then
+            alarmThreshold = alarmPtr % prevRingTime + alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+         end if
+         if (alarmThreshold &lt;= alarmNow) then
+            MPAS_inRingingEnvelope = .true.
+         end if
+      else
+         if (present(interval)) then
+            alarmNow = alarmNow - interval; 
+         end if
+         if (alarmPtr % isRecurring) then
+            alarmThreshold = alarmPtr % prevRingTime - alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+         end if
+         if (alarmThreshold &gt;= alarmNow) then
+            MPAS_inRingingEnvelope = .true.
+         end if
+      end if
+   end function MPAS_inRingingEnvelope
+   subroutine MPAS_resetClockAlarm(clock, alarmID, interval, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(inout) :: clock
+      integer, intent(in) :: alarmID
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in), optional :: interval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: alarmNow
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmPtr
+      if (present(ierr)) ierr = 0
+      alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+      do while (associated(alarmPtr))
+         if (alarmPtr % alarmID == alarmID) then
+            if (MPAS_inRingingEnvelope(clock, alarmPtr, interval, ierr)) then
+               if (.not. alarmPtr % isRecurring) then
+                  alarmPtr % isSet = .false. 
+               else
+                  alarmNow = MPAS_getClockTime(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+                  if(clock % direction == MPAS_FORWARD) then
+                     if (present(interval)) then
+                        alarmNow = alarmNow + interval
+                     end if
+                     do while(alarmPtr % prevRingTime &lt;= alarmNow)
+                        alarmPtr % prevRingTime = alarmPtr % prevRingTime + alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+                     end do
+                     alarmPtr % prevRingTime =  alarmPtr % prevRingTime - alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+                  else
+                     if (present(interval)) then
+                        alarmNow = alarmNow - interval
+                     end if
+                     do while(alarmPtr % prevRingTime &gt;= alarmNow)
+                        alarmPtr % prevRingTime = alarmPtr % prevRingTime - alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+                     end do
+                     alarmPtr % prevRingTime = alarmPtr % prevRingTime + alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+                  end if
+               end if
+            end if
+            exit
+         end if
+         alarmPtr =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+      end do
+   end subroutine MPAS_resetClockAlarm
+   ! specify a valid previousRingTime for each alarm
+   subroutine MPAS_CalibrateAlarms(clock, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Clock_type), intent(in) :: clock
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: now
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: previousRingTime
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: negativeNeighborRingTime
+      type (MPAS_Time_type) :: positiveNeighborRingTime
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: ringTimeInterval 
+      type (MPAS_Alarm_type), pointer :: alarmPtr
+      now = MPAS_getClockTime(clock, MPAS_NOW, ierr)
+      alarmPtr =&gt; clock % alarmListHead
+      do while (associated(alarmPtr))
+         if (.not. alarmPtr % isRecurring) then
+            alarmPtr % isSet = .true.            
+         else
+            previousRingTime = alarmPtr % prevRingTime
+            if (previousRingTime &lt;= now) then
+               do while(previousRingTime &lt;= now)
+                  previousRingTime = previousRingTime + alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+               end do
+               positiveNeighborRingTime = previousRingTime
+               do while(previousRingTime &gt;= now)
+                  previousRingTime = previousRingTime - alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+               end do
+               negativeNeighborRingTime = previousRingTime
+            else
+               do while(previousRingTime &gt;= now)
+                  previousRingTime = previousRingTime - alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+               end do
+               negativeNeighborRingTime = previousRingTime
+               do while(previousRingTime &lt;= now)
+                  previousRingTime = previousRingTime + alarmPtr % ringTimeInterval
+               end do
+               positiveNeighborRingTime = previousRingTime
+            end if
+            if (clock % direction == MPAS_FORWARD) then
+               alarmPtr % prevRingTime = negativeNeighborRingTime
+            else
+               alarmPtr % prevRingTime = positiveNeighborRingTime
+            end if
+         end if
+         alarmPtr =&gt; alarmPtr % next
+      end do
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_CalibrateAlarms
+   subroutine MPAS_setTime(curr_time, YYYY, MM, DD, DoY, H, M, S, S_n, S_d, dateTimeString, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(out) :: curr_time
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: YYYY
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: MM
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: DD
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: DoY
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: H
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: M
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: S
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: S_n
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: S_d
+      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: dateTimeString
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      integer, parameter :: integerMaxDigits = 8
+      integer :: year, month, day, hour, min, sec
+      integer :: numerator, denominator, denominatorPower
+      character (len=50) :: dateTimeString_
+      character (len=50) :: dateSubString
+      character (len=50) :: timeSubString
+      character (len=50) :: secDecSubString
+      character(len=50), pointer, dimension(:) :: subStrings
+      if (present(dateTimeString)) then
+         dateTimeString_ = dateTimeString
+         numerator = 0
+         denominator = 1
+         call SplitString(dateTimeString_, &quot;.&quot;, subStrings)
+         if (size(subStrings) == 2) then ! contains second decimals
+            dateTimeString_ = subStrings(1)
+            secDecSubString = subStrings(2)(:integerMaxDigits)
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            denominatorPower = len_trim(secDecSubString)
+            if(denominatorPower &gt; 0) then
+               read(secDecSubString,*) numerator 
+               if(numerator &gt; 0) then
+                  denominator = 10**denominatorPower
+               end if
+            end if
+         else if (size(subStrings) /= 1) then
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+            write(0,*) 'ERROR: Invalid DateTime string', dateTimeString
+            return
+         end if
+         call SplitString(dateTimeString_, &quot;_&quot;, subStrings)
+         if(size(subStrings) == 2) then   ! contains a date and time
+            dateSubString = subStrings(1)
+            timeSubString = subStrings(2)
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            call SplitString(timeSubString, &quot;:&quot;, subStrings)
+            if (size(subStrings) == 3) then
+               read(subStrings(1),*) hour 
+               read(subStrings(2),*) min 
+               read(subStrings(3),*) sec 
+               deallocate(subStrings)
+            else
+               deallocate(subStrings)
+               if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+               write(0,*) 'ERROR: Invalid DateTime string (invalid time substring)', dateTimeString
+               return
+            end if
+         else if(size(subStrings) == 1) then   ! contains only a date- assume all time values are 0 
+            dateSubString = subStrings(1)
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            hour = 0
+            min = 0
+            sec = 0
+         else
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+            write(0,*) 'ERROR: Invalid DateTime string', dateTimeString
+            return
+         end if
+         call SplitString(dateSubString, &quot;-&quot;, subStrings)
+         if (size(subStrings) == 3) then
+            read(subStrings(1),*) year 
+            read(subStrings(2),*) month
+            read(subStrings(3),*) day
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+         else
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+            write(0,*) 'ERROR: Invalid DateTime string (invalid date substring)', dateTimeString
+            return
+         end if
+         call ESMF_TimeSet(curr_time % t, YY=year, MM=month, DD=day, H=hour, M=min, S=sec, Sn=numerator, Sd=denominator, rc=ierr)
+      else
+         if (present(DoY)) then
+            call getMonthDay(YYYY, DoY, month, day)
+            ! consistency check
+            if (present(MM)) then
+               if (MM /= month) then
+                  if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+                  write(0,*) 'ERROR: MPAS_setTime : DoY and MM are inconsistent - using DoY'
+               end if
+            end if
+            if (present(DD)) then
+               if (DD /= day) then
+                  if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+                  write(0,*) 'ERROR: MPAS_setTime : DoY and DD are inconsistent - using DoY'
+               end if
+            end if
+         else
+            if (present(MM)) then
+               month = MM
+            else
+               if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+               write(0,*) 'ERROR: MPAS_setTime : Neither DoY nor MM are specified'
+               return
+            end if
+            if (present(DD)) then
+               day = DD
+            else
+               if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+               write(0,*) 'ERROR: MPAS_setTime : Neither DoY nor DD are specified'
+               return
+            end if
+         end if
+         if (.not. isValidDate(YYYY,month,day)) then
+            write(0,*) 'ERROR: MPAS_setTime : Invalid date'
+            return
+         end if
+         call ESMF_TimeSet(curr_time % t, YY=YYYY, MM=month, DD=day, H=H, M=M, S=S, Sn=S_n, Sd=S_d, rc=ierr)
+      end if
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_setTime
+   subroutine MPAS_getTime(curr_time, YYYY, MM, DD, DoY, H, M, S, S_n, S_d, dateTimeString, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: curr_time
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: YYYY
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: MM
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: DD
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: DoY
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: H
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: M
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: S
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: S_n
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: S_d
+      character (len=32), intent(out), optional :: dateTimeString
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      call ESMF_TimeGet(curr_time % t, YY=YYYY, MM=MM, DD=DD, H=H, M=M, S=S, Sn=S_n, Sd=S_d, rc=ierr)
+      call ESMF_TimeGet(curr_time % t, dayOfYear=DoY, rc=ierr)
+      call ESMF_TimeGet(curr_time % t, timeString=dateTimeString, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_getTime
+   subroutine MPAS_setTimeInterval(interval, DD, H, M, S, S_n, S_d, timeString, dt, ierr)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(out) :: interval
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: DD
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: H
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: M
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: S
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: S_n
+      integer, intent(in), optional :: S_d
+      character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: timeString
+      real (kind=RKIND), intent(in), optional :: dt
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      integer, parameter :: integerMaxDigits = 8
+      integer :: days, hours, minutes, seconds
+      integer :: numerator, denominator, denominatorPower
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: zeroInterval
+      integer :: day, hour, min, sec
+      character (len=50) :: timeString_
+      character (len=50) :: daySubString
+      character (len=50) :: timeSubString
+      character (len=50) :: secDecSubString
+      character(len=50), pointer, dimension(:) :: subStrings
+!      if (present(DD)) then
+!         days = DD
+!      else
+!         days = 0
+!      end if
+!      if (present(H)) then
+!         hours = H
+!      else
+!         hours = 0
+!      end if
+!      if (present(M)) then
+!         minutes = M
+!      else
+!         minutes = 0
+!      end if
+!      if (present(S)) then
+!         seconds = S
+!      else
+!         seconds = 0
+!      end if
+      !
+      ! Reduce minute count to something less than one hour
+      !
+!      do while (minutes &gt; 1440)
+!         days = days + 1
+!         minutes = minutes - 1440
+!      end do
+!      do while (minutes &gt; 60)
+!         hours = hours + 1
+!         minutes = minutes - 60
+!      end do
+!      do while (minutes &lt; -1440)
+!         days = days - 1
+!         minutes = minutes + 1440
+!      end do
+!      do while (minutes &lt; -60)
+!         hours = hours - 1
+!         minutes = minutes + 60
+!      end do
+      !
+      ! Reduce hour count to something less than one day
+      !
+!      do while (hours &gt; 24)
+!         days = days + 1
+!         hours = hours - 24
+!      end do
+!      do while (hours &lt; -24)
+!         days = days - 1
+!         hours = hours + 24
+!      end do
+      !
+      ! Any leftover minutes and hours are given to the second count
+      !
+!      seconds = seconds + hours*3600 + minutes*60
+!      call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(interval % ti, D=days, S=seconds, Sn=S_n, Sd=S_d, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(timeString) .or. present(dt)) then
+         if(present(dt)) then
+            write (timeString_,*) &quot;00:00:&quot;, dt         
+         else
+            timeString_ = timeString
+         end if
+         numerator = 0
+         denominator = 1
+         call SplitString(timeString_, &quot;.&quot;, subStrings)
+         if (size(subStrings) == 2) then ! contains second decimals
+            timeString_ = subStrings(1)
+            secDecSubString = subStrings(2)(:integerMaxDigits)
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            denominatorPower = len_trim(secDecSubString)
+            if(denominatorPower &gt; 0) then
+               read(secDecSubString,*) numerator 
+               if(numerator &gt; 0) then
+                  denominator = 10**denominatorPower
+               end if
+            end if
+         else if (size(subStrings) /= 1) then
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+            write(0,*) 'ERROR: Invalid TimeInterval string', timeString
+            return
+         end if
+         call SplitString(timeString_, &quot;_&quot;, subStrings)
+         if(size(subStrings) == 2) then   ! contains a day and time
+            daySubString = subStrings(1)
+            timeSubString = subStrings(2)
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            read(daySubString,*) day 
+         else if(size(subStrings) == 1) then   ! contains only a time- assume day is 0 
+            timeSubString = subStrings(1)
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            day = 0
+         else
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+            write(0,*) 'ERROR: Invalid TimeInterval string', timeString
+            return
+         end if
+         call SplitString(timeSubString, &quot;:&quot;, subStrings)
+         if (size(subStrings) == 3) then
+            read(subStrings(1),*) hour 
+            read(subStrings(2),*) min 
+            read(subStrings(3),*) sec 
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+         else
+            deallocate(subStrings)
+            if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1
+            write(0,*) 'ERROR: Invalid TimeInterval string (invalid time substring)', timeString
+            return
+         end if
+         call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(interval % ti, D=day, H=hour, M=min, S=sec, Sn=numerator, Sd=denominator, rc=ierr)
+      else
+         call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(interval % ti, D=DD, H=H, M=M, S=S, Sn=S_n, Sd=S_d, rc=ierr)
+      end if
+      ! verify that time interval is positive
+      call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(zeroInterval % ti, D=0, H=0, M=0, S=0, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+      if (interval &lt;= zeroInterval) then
+         if (present(ierr)) ierr = 1   
+         write(0,*) 'ERROR: TimeInterval must be greater than 0', timeString !'ERROR: TimeInterval cannot be negative'
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_setTimeInterval
+   subroutine MPAS_getTimeInterval(interval, DD, H, M, S, S_n, S_d, timeString, dt, ierr)
+! TODO: add double-precision seconds
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: interval
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: DD
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: H
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: M
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: S
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: S_n
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: S_d
+      character (len=32), intent(out), optional :: timeString
+      real (kind=RKIND), intent(out), optional :: dt
+      integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
+      integer :: days, seconds, sn, sd
+      call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(interval % ti, D=days, S=seconds, Sn=sn, Sd=sd, rc=ierr)
+      if (present(dt)) then
+         dt = (days * 24 * 60 * 60) + seconds + (sn / sd)
+      end if
+      if (present(DD)) then
+         DD = days
+         days = 0
+      end if
+      if (present(H)) then
+         H = (seconds - mod(seconds,3600)) / 3600
+         seconds = seconds - H*3600
+         H = H + days * 24
+         days = 0
+      end if
+      if (present(M)) then
+         M = (seconds - mod(seconds,60)) / 60
+         seconds = seconds - M*60
+         M = M + days * 1440
+         days = 0
+      end if
+      if (present(S)) then
+         S = seconds
+      end if
+      if (present(S_n)) then
+         S_n = sn
+      end if
+      if (present(S_d)) then
+         S_d = sd
+      end if
+      if (present(timeString)) then
+         call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(interval % ti, timeString=timeString, rc=ierr)
+      end if
+      if (present(ierr)) then
+         if (ierr == ESMF_SUCCESS) ierr = 0
+      end if
+   end subroutine MPAS_getTimeInterval
+   type (MPAS_Time_type) function add_t_ti(t, ti)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: t
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti
+      add_t_ti % t = t % t + ti % ti
+   end function add_t_ti
+   type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) function add_ti_ti(ti1, ti2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti1, ti2
+      add_ti_ti % ti = ti1 % ti + ti2 % ti
+   end function add_ti_ti
+   type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) function sub_t_t(t1, t2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: t1, t2
+      sub_t_t % ti = t1 % t - t2 % t
+   end function sub_t_t
+   type (MPAS_Time_type) function sub_t_ti(t, ti)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: t
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti
+      sub_t_ti % t = t % t - ti % ti
+   end function sub_t_ti
+   type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) function sub_ti_ti(ti1, ti2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti1, ti2
+      sub_ti_ti % ti = ti1 % ti - ti2 % ti
+   end function sub_ti_ti
+   type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) function mul_ti_n(ti, n)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti
+      integer, intent(in) :: n
+      mul_ti_n % ti = ti % ti * n
+   end function mul_ti_n
+   type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) function div_ti_n(ti, n)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti
+      integer, intent(in) :: n
+      div_ti_n % ti = ti % ti / n
+   end function div_ti_n
+   logical function eq_t_t(t1, t2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: t1, t2
+      eq_t_t = (t1 % t == t2 % t)
+   end function eq_t_t
+   logical function ne_t_t(t1, t2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: t1, t2
+      ne_t_t = (t1 % t /= t2 % t)
+   end function ne_t_t
+   logical function lt_t_t(t1, t2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: t1, t2
+      lt_t_t = (t1 % t &lt; t2 % t)
+   end function lt_t_t
+   logical function gt_t_t(t1, t2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: t1, t2
+      gt_t_t = (t1 % t &gt; t2 % t)
+   end function gt_t_t
+   logical function le_t_t(t1, t2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: t1, t2
+      le_t_t = (t1 % t &lt;= t2 % t)
+   end function le_t_t
+   logical function ge_t_t(t1, t2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_Time_type), intent(in) :: t1, t2
+      ge_t_t = (t1 % t &gt;= t2 % t)
+   end function ge_t_t
+   logical function eq_ti_ti(ti1, ti2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti1, ti2
+      eq_ti_ti = (ti1 % ti == ti2 % ti)
+   end function eq_ti_ti
+   logical function ne_ti_ti(ti1, ti2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti1, ti2
+      ne_ti_ti = (ti1 % ti /= ti2 % ti)
+   end function ne_ti_ti
+   logical function lt_ti_ti(ti1, ti2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti1, ti2
+      lt_ti_ti = (ti1 % ti &lt; ti2 % ti)
+   end function lt_ti_ti
+   logical function gt_ti_ti(ti1, ti2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti1, ti2
+      gt_ti_ti = (ti1 % ti &gt; ti2 % ti)
+   end function gt_ti_ti
+   logical function le_ti_ti(ti1, ti2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti1, ti2
+      le_ti_ti = (ti1 % ti &lt;= ti2 % ti)
+   end function le_ti_ti
+   logical function ge_ti_ti(ti1, ti2)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti1, ti2
+      ge_ti_ti = (ti1 % ti &gt;= ti2 % ti)
+   end function ge_ti_ti
+   type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) function neg_ti(ti)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti
+      integer :: rc
+      integer :: D, S, Sn, Sd
+      call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(ti % ti, D=D, S=S, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc)
+      D    = -D 
+      S    = -S 
+      Sn   = -Sn
+      call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(neg_ti % ti, D=D, S=S, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc)
+   end function neg_ti
+   type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) function abs_ti(ti)
+      implicit none
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti
+      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) :: zeroInterval
+      integer :: rc
+      integer :: D, S, Sn, Sd
+      call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(zeroInterval % ti, D=0, H=0, M=0, S=0, rc=rc)
+      if(ti &lt; zeroInterval) then
+         call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(ti % ti, D=D, S=S, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc)
+         D    = -D 
+         S    = -S 
+         Sn   = -Sn
+         call ESMF_TimeIntervalSet(abs_ti % ti, D=D, S=S, Sn=Sn, Sd=Sd, rc=rc)
+      else
+         abs_ti = ti
+      end if
+   end function abs_ti
+! TODO: Implement this function
+!   type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type) function mod(ti1, ti2)
+!      implicit none
+!      type (MPAS_TimeInterval_type), intent(in) :: ti1, ti2
+!      mod % ti = mod(ti1 % ti, ti2 % ti)
+!   end function mod
+   subroutine SplitString(string, delimiter, subStrings)   
+      implicit none
+      character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+      character, intent(in) :: delimiter
+      character(len=*), pointer, dimension(:) :: subStrings
+      integer :: i, start, index
+      index = 1
+      do i = 1, len(string)
+         if(string(i:i) == delimiter) then
+            index = index + 1
+         end if
+      end do
+      allocate(subStrings(1:index))
+      start = 1
+      index = 1
+      do i = 1, len(string)
+         if(string(i:i) == delimiter) then
+               subStrings(index) = string(start:i-1) 
+               index = index + 1
+               start = i + 1
+         end if
+      end do
+      subStrings(index) = string(start:len(string)) 
+   end subroutine SplitString
+    subroutine getMonthDay(YYYY, DoY, month, day)
+       implicit none
+       integer, intent(in) :: YYYY, DoY
+       integer, intent(out) :: month, day
+       integer, dimension(12) :: dpm
+       if (isLeapYear(YYYY)) then
+          dpm(:) = daysInMonthLeap
+       else
+          dpm(:) = daysInMonth
+       end if
+       month = 1
+       day = DoY
+       do while (day &gt; dpm(month))
+          day = day -  dpm(month)
+          month = month + 1       
+       end do
+    end subroutine getMonthDay
+   logical function isValidDate(YYYY, MM, DD)
+      integer, intent(in) :: YYYY, MM, DD
+      integer :: daysInMM
+      isValidDate = .true.
+      ! TODO: ???? Gregorian calendar has no year zero, but perhaps 0 = 1 BC ??? 
+      !if (YYYY == 0) then
+      !   isValidDate = .false.
+      !   return
+      !end if
+      if (MM &lt; 1 .or. MM &gt; 12) then
+         isValidDate = .false.
+         return
+      end if
+      if (DD &lt; 1) then
+         isValidDate = .false.
+         return
+      end if
+      if(TheCalendar == MPAS_360DAY) then
+         daysInMM = 30
+      else
+         if (TheCalendar == MPAS_GREGORIAN .and. isLeapYear(YYYY)) then
+            daysInMM = daysInMonthLeap(MM)
+         else
+            daysInMM = daysInMonth(MM)        
+         end if
+      end if
+      if (DD &gt; daysInMM) then
+         isValidDate = .false.
+         return
+      end if
+   end function
+    logical function isLeapYear(year)
+       implicit none
+       integer, intent(in) :: year
+       isLeapYear = .false.
+       if (mod(year,4) == 0) then
+          if (mod(year,100) == 0) then
+             if (mod(year,400) == 0) then
+                isLeapYear = .true.
+             end if
+          else
+             isLeapYear = .true.
+          end if
+       end if
+    end function isLeapYear
+end module mpas_timekeeping
+subroutine wrf_error_fatal(msg)
+   implicit none
+   character (len=*) :: msg
+   write(0,*) 'MPAS_TIMEKEEPING: '//trim(msg)
+   stop
+end subroutine wrf_error_fatal

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/registry/gen_inc.c
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/registry/gen_inc.c        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/registry/gen_inc.c        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -322,12 +322,14 @@
          while (var_list_ptr) {
             var_ptr = var_list_ptr-&gt;var;
             if (!strncmp(var_ptr-&gt;super_array, &quot;-&quot;, 1024)) {
-              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER) fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idInteger), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="red">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
-              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)    fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idReal), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER)   fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idInteger), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)      fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idReal), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER) fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idChar), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="red">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
             else {
-              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER) fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idInteger), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="red">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
-              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)    fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idReal), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER)   fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idInteger), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)      fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idReal), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER) fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idChar), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="gray">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
               while (var_list_ptr-&gt;next &amp;&amp; !strncmp(var_list_ptr-&gt;next-&gt;var-&gt;super_array, var_list_ptr-&gt;var-&gt;super_array, 1024)) var_list_ptr = var_list_ptr-&gt;next;
             var_list_ptr = var_list_ptr-&gt;next;
@@ -413,12 +415,14 @@
          while (var_list_ptr) {
             var_ptr = var_list_ptr-&gt;var;
             if (!strncmp(var_ptr-&gt;super_array, &quot;-&quot;, 1024)) {
-              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER) fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idInteger), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="red">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
-              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)    fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idReal), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER)   fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idInteger), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)      fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idReal), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER) fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idChar), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="red">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code);
             else {
-              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER) fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idInteger), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="red">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
-              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)    fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idReal), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER)   fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idInteger), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)      fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idReal), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
+              if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER) fortprintf(fd, &quot;      type (field%idChar), pointer :: %s</font>
<font color="gray">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;ndims+1, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
               while (var_list_ptr-&gt;next &amp;&amp; !strncmp(var_list_ptr-&gt;next-&gt;var-&gt;super_array, var_list_ptr-&gt;var-&gt;super_array, 1024)) var_list_ptr = var_list_ptr-&gt;next;
             var_list_ptr = var_list_ptr-&gt;next;
@@ -567,7 +571,12 @@
                dimlist_ptr = dimlist_ptr-&gt;next;
             fortprintf(fd, &quot;))</font>
<font color="red">&quot;);
-            fortprintf(fd, &quot;      %s %% %s %% array = 0</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, group_ptr-&gt;name, var_ptr2-&gt;super_array ); /* initialize field to zero */
+            if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER)
+               fortprintf(fd, &quot;      %s %% %s %% array = 0</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, group_ptr-&gt;name, var_ptr2-&gt;super_array ); /* initialize field to zero */
+            else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)
+               fortprintf(fd, &quot;      %s %% %s %% array = 0.0</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, group_ptr-&gt;name, var_ptr2-&gt;super_array ); /* initialize field to zero */
+            else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER)
+               fortprintf(fd, &quot;      %s %% %s %% array = \'\'</font>
<font color="black">&quot;, group_ptr-&gt;name, var_ptr2-&gt;super_array ); /* initialize field to zero */
             if (var_ptr2-&gt;iostreams &amp; INPUT0) 
                fortprintf(fd, &quot;      %s %% %s %% ioinfo %% input = .true.</font>
<font color="gray">&quot;, group_ptr-&gt;name, var_ptr2-&gt;super_array);
@@ -612,7 +621,12 @@
                   dimlist_ptr = dimlist_ptr-&gt;next;
                fortprintf(fd, &quot;))</font>
<font color="red">&quot;);
-               fortprintf(fd, &quot;      %s %% %s %% array = 0</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, group_ptr-&gt;name, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code ); /* initialize field to zero */
+               if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER)
+                  fortprintf(fd, &quot;      %s %% %s %% array = 0</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, group_ptr-&gt;name, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code ); /* initialize field to zero */
+               else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)
+                  fortprintf(fd, &quot;      %s %% %s %% array = 0.0</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, group_ptr-&gt;name, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code ); /* initialize field to zero */
+               else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER)
+                  fortprintf(fd, &quot;      %s %% %s %% array = \'\'</font>
<font color="gray">&quot;, group_ptr-&gt;name, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_code ); /* initialize field to zero */
             if (var_ptr-&gt;iostreams &amp; INPUT0) 
@@ -825,6 +839,7 @@
          dimlist_ptr = var_ptr-&gt;dimlist;
          if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER) sprintf(vtype, &quot;int&quot;); 
          else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL) sprintf(vtype, &quot;real&quot;); 
+         else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER) sprintf(vtype, &quot;char&quot;); 
          if (strncmp(var_ptr-&gt;super_array, &quot;-&quot;, 1024) != 0) {
             fortprintf(fd, &quot;      if ((%s %% %s %% ioinfo %% input .and. .not. config_do_restart) .or. &amp;</font>
<font color="gray">&quot;, struct_deref, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
@@ -1133,16 +1148,20 @@
     *  Generate code to read 0d, 1d, 2d, 3d time-invariant fields
-   for(j=0; j&lt;2; j++) {
+   for(j=0; j&lt;3; j++) {
       for(i=0; i&lt;=3; i++) {
          if (j == 0) {
             sprintf(fname, &quot;input_field%idinteger.inc&quot;, i);
             ivtype = INTEGER;
-         else {
+         else if (j == 1) {
             sprintf(fname, &quot;input_field%idreal.inc&quot;, i);
             ivtype = REAL;
+         else if (j == 2) {
+            sprintf(fname, &quot;input_field%idchar.inc&quot;, i);
+            ivtype = CHARACTER;
+         }
          fd = fopen(fname, &quot;w&quot;);
          var_ptr = vars;
@@ -1192,6 +1211,33 @@
+   /*
+    *  Generate code to read 0d and 1d time-varying character fields
+    */
+   for(i=0; i&lt;=1; i++) { 
+      sprintf(fname, &quot;input_field%idchar_time.inc&quot;, i);
+      fd = fopen(fname, &quot;w&quot;);
+      var_ptr = vars;
+      while (var_ptr &amp;&amp; (var_ptr-&gt;ndims != i || var_ptr-&gt;vtype != CHARACTER || !var_ptr-&gt;timedim)) var_ptr = var_ptr-&gt;next;
+      if (var_ptr) {
+         fortprintf(fd, &quot;      if (trim(field %% ioinfo %% fieldName) == \'%s\') then</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
+         fortprintf(fd, &quot;         varID = input_obj %% rdVarID%s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
+         var_ptr = var_ptr-&gt;next;
+         while (var_ptr) {
+            if (var_ptr-&gt;ndims == i &amp;&amp; var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER &amp;&amp; var_ptr-&gt;timedim) {
+               fortprintf(fd, &quot;      else if (trim(field %% ioinfo %% fieldName) == \'%s\') then</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
+               fortprintf(fd, &quot;         varID = input_obj %% rdVarID%s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
+            }
+            var_ptr = var_ptr-&gt;next;
+         }
+         fortprintf(fd, &quot;      end if</font>
<font color="gray">&quot;);
+      }
+      fclose(fd);
+   } 
@@ -1308,6 +1354,8 @@
       fortprintf(fd, &quot;      ) then</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;);
       dimlist_ptr = var_ptr-&gt;dimlist;
       i = 1;
+      if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER)
+         fortprintf(fd, &quot;      dimlist(%i) = output_obj %% wrDimIDStrLen</font>
<font color="black">&quot;, i++);
       while(dimlist_ptr) {
          fortprintf(fd, &quot;      dimlist(%i) = output_obj %% wrDimID%s</font>
<font color="gray">&quot;, i++, dimlist_ptr-&gt;dim-&gt;name_in_file);
          dimlist_ptr = dimlist_ptr-&gt;next;
@@ -1317,6 +1365,8 @@
          fortprintf(fd, &quot;      nferr = nf_def_var(output_obj %% wr_ncid, \'%s\', NF_INT, %i, dimlist, output_obj %% wrVarID%s)</font>
<font color="black">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file, var_ptr-&gt;ndims + var_ptr-&gt;timedim, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
       else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL)
          fortprintf(fd, &quot;      nferr = nf_def_var(output_obj %% wr_ncid, \'%s\', NF_DOUBLE, %i, dimlist, output_obj %% wrVarID%s)</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file, var_ptr-&gt;ndims + var_ptr-&gt;timedim, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
+      else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER)
+         fortprintf(fd, &quot;      nferr = nf_def_var(output_obj %% wr_ncid, \'%s\', NF_CHAR, %i, dimlist, output_obj %% wrVarID%s)</font>
<font color="black">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file, var_ptr-&gt;ndims + var_ptr-&gt;timedim + 1, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
       fortprintf(fd, &quot;      end if</font>
<font color="black"></font>
<font color="gray">&quot;);
@@ -1369,6 +1419,7 @@
          dimlist_ptr = var_ptr-&gt;dimlist;
          if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == INTEGER) sprintf(vtype, &quot;int&quot;); 
          else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == REAL) sprintf(vtype, &quot;real&quot;); 
+         else if (var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER) sprintf(vtype, &quot;char&quot;); 
          if (strncmp(var_ptr-&gt;super_array, &quot;-&quot;, 1024) != 0) {
             fortprintf(fd, &quot;      if ((%s %% %s %% ioinfo %% output .and. output_obj %% stream == OUTPUT) .or. &amp;</font>
<font color="gray">&quot;, struct_deref, var_ptr-&gt;super_array);
@@ -1580,16 +1631,20 @@
     *  Generate code to write 0d, 1d, 2d, 3d time-invariant fields
-   for(j=0; j&lt;2; j++) {
+   for(j=0; j&lt;3; j++) {
       for(i=0; i&lt;=3; i++) {
          if (j == 0) {
             sprintf(fname, &quot;output_field%idinteger.inc&quot;, i);
             ivtype = INTEGER;
-         else {
+         else if (j == 1) {
             sprintf(fname, &quot;output_field%idreal.inc&quot;, i);
             ivtype = REAL;
+         else if (j == 2) {
+            sprintf(fname, &quot;output_field%idchar.inc&quot;, i);
+            ivtype = CHARACTER;
+         }
          fd = fopen(fname, &quot;w&quot;);
          var_ptr = vars;
@@ -1638,5 +1693,32 @@
+   /*
+    *  Generate code to write 0d and 1d character time-varying fields
+    */
+   for(i=0; i&lt;=1; i++) {
+      sprintf(fname, &quot;output_field%idchar_time.inc&quot;, i);
+      fd = fopen(fname, &quot;w&quot;);
+      var_ptr = vars;
+      while (var_ptr &amp;&amp; (var_ptr-&gt;ndims != i || var_ptr-&gt;vtype != CHARACTER || !var_ptr-&gt;timedim)) var_ptr = var_ptr-&gt;next;
+      if (var_ptr) {
+         fortprintf(fd, &quot;      if (trim(field %% ioinfo %% fieldName) == \'%s\') then</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
+         fortprintf(fd, &quot;         varID = output_obj %% wrVarID%s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
+         var_ptr = var_ptr-&gt;next;
+         while (var_ptr) {
+            if (var_ptr-&gt;ndims == i &amp;&amp; var_ptr-&gt;vtype == CHARACTER &amp;&amp; var_ptr-&gt;timedim) {
+               fortprintf(fd, &quot;      else if (trim(field %% ioinfo %% fieldName) == \'%s\') then</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
+               fortprintf(fd, &quot;         varID = output_obj %% wrVarID%s</font>
<font color="blue">&quot;, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file);
+            }
+            var_ptr = var_ptr-&gt;next;
+         }
+         fortprintf(fd, &quot;      end if</font>
<font color="gray">&quot;);
+      }
+      fclose(fd);
+   }

Modified: branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/registry/parse.c
--- branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/registry/parse.c        2011-09-14 20:38:59 UTC (rev 993)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/performance/src/registry/parse.c        2011-09-14 21:24:57 UTC (rev 994)
@@ -153,6 +153,8 @@
             var_ptr-&gt;vtype = INTEGER;
          else if (strncmp(word, &quot;logical&quot;, 1024) == 0) 
             var_ptr-&gt;vtype = LOGICAL;
+         else if (strncmp(word, &quot;text&quot;, 1024) == 0) 
+            var_ptr-&gt;vtype = CHARACTER;
          getword(regfile, var_ptr-&gt;name_in_file); 
