<p><b>laura@ucar.edu</b> 2011-04-05 12:20:15 -0600 (Tue, 05 Apr 2011)</p><p>updated modules<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/Makefile
--- branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/Makefile        2011-04-05 18:18:19 UTC (rev 779)
+++ branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/Makefile        2011-04-05 18:20:15 UTC (rev 780)
@@ -68,8 +68,11 @@
module_driver_lsm.o: \
+        module_physics_constants.o \
+        module_physics_landuse.o \
        module_physics_lsm_noahinit.o \
-        module_physics_vars.o
+        module_physics_vars.o \
+        ./physics_wrf/module_sf_noahdrv.o
module_driver_pbl.o: \
        module_physics_constants.o \
@@ -86,7 +89,8 @@
        module_physics_aquaplanet.o \
        module_physics_constants.o \
        module_physics_rrtmg_swinit.o \
-        module_physics_vars.o
+        module_physics_vars.o \
+        ./physics_wrf/module_ra_rrtmg_sw.o
module_driver_sfclayer.o: \
        module_physics_aquaplanet.o \
@@ -98,6 +102,9 @@
        module_physics_constants.o \
+module_physics_control.o: \
+        module_physics_utilities.o
module_physics_init.o: \
        module_driver_convection_deep.o \
        module_driver_lsm.o \
@@ -108,6 +115,7 @@
module_physics_landuse.o: \
+        module_physics_aquaplanet.o \
module_physics_lsm_noahinit.o: \
@@ -151,6 +159,7 @@
module_physics_driver.o: \
        module_driver_convection_deep.o \
+        module_driver_lsm.o \
        module_driver_pbl.o \
        module_driver_sfclayer.o \
        module_physics_constants.o \
Modified: branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_control.F
--- branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_control.F        2011-04-05 18:18:19 UTC (rev 779)
+++ branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_control.F        2011-04-05 18:20:15 UTC (rev 780)
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
use configure
use grid_types
-!use module_physics_abort
+ use module_physics_constants
+ use module_physics_utilities
implicit none
@@ -32,6 +33,11 @@
subroutine physics_namelist_check
+!local variables:
+ character(len=120):: errmess
write(0,*) '--- enter subroutine physics_namelist_check:'
write(0,*) ' config_microp_scheme = ', config_microp_scheme
@@ -49,18 +55,18 @@
config_microp_scheme .eq. 'kessler' .or. &
config_microp_scheme .eq. 'thompson')) then
- write(0,*) 'illegal value for config_microp_scheme:', config_microp_scheme
- stop
-! call mpas_physics_abort('illegal value for cloud microphysics scheme')
+ write(errmess,'(A,A10)') 'illegal value for config_microp_scheme:', &
+ trim(config_microp_scheme)
+ call physics_error_fatal(errmess)
!shallow convection scheme:
if(.not. (trim(config_conv_shallow_scheme) .eq. 'off')) then
- write(0,*) 'illegal value for config_conv_shallow_scheme: ', config_conv_shallow_scheme
-! call mpas__physics_abort('illegal value for shallow convection scheme')
- stop
+ write(errmess,'(A,A10)') 'illegal value for config_conv_shallow_scheme: ', &
+ trim(config_conv_shallow_scheme)
+ call physics_error_fatal(errmess)
@@ -68,9 +74,9 @@
if(.not. (config_conv_deep_scheme .eq. 'off' .or. &
config_conv_deep_scheme .eq. 'kain_fritsch')) then
- write(0,*) 'illegal value for config_deep_conv_scheme: ', config_conv_deep_scheme
-! call mpas_physics_abort('illegal value for deep convection scheme')
- stop
+ write(errmess,'(A,A10)') 'illegal value for config_deep_conv_scheme: ', &
+ trim(config_conv_deep_scheme)
+ call physics_error_fatal(errmess)
@@ -78,18 +84,18 @@
if(.not. (config_pbl_scheme .eq. 'off' .or. &
config_pbl_scheme .eq. 'ysu')) then
- write(0,*) 'illegal value for pbl_scheme: ', config_pbl_scheme
-! call mpas_physics_abort('illegal value for pbl scheme')
- stop
+ write(errmess,'(A,A10)') 'illegal value for pbl_scheme: ', &
+ trim(config_pbl_scheme)
+ call physics_error_fatal(errmess)
!diffusion scheme:
if(.not. (config_eddy_scheme .eq. 'off')) then
- write(0,*) 'illegal value for diffusion_scheme: ', config_eddy_scheme
-! call mpas_physics_abort('illegal value for eddy scheme')
- stop
+ write(errmess,'(A,A10)') 'illegal value for diffusion_scheme: ', &
+ trim(config_eddy_scheme)
+ call physics_error_fatal(errmess)
@@ -97,9 +103,9 @@
if(.not. (config_radt_lw_scheme .eq. 'off ' .or. &
config_radt_lw_scheme .eq. 'rrtmg_lw')) then
- write(0,*) 'illegal value for radt_lw_scheme: ', config_radt_lw_scheme
-! call mpas_physics_abort('illegal value for longwave radiation scheme')
- stop
+ write(errmess,'(A,A10)') 'illegal value for longwave radiation scheme: ', &
+ trim(config_radt_lw_scheme)
+ call physics_error_fatal(errmess)
@@ -107,33 +113,38 @@
if(.not. (config_radt_sw_scheme .eq. 'off ' .or. &
config_radt_sw_scheme .eq. 'rrtmg_sw')) then
- write(0,*) 'illegal value for radt_sw_scheme: ', config_radt_sw_scheme
-! call mpas_physics_abort('illegal value for shortwave radiation scheme')
- stop
+ write(errmess,'(A,A10)') 'illegal value for shortwave radiation _scheme: ', &
+ trim(config_radt_sw_scheme)
+ call physics_error_fatal(errmess)
-!surface layer scheme:
+!surface-layer scheme:
if(.not. (config_sfclayer_scheme .eq. 'off ' .or. &
config_sfclayer_scheme .eq. 'monin_obukhov')) then
- write(0,*) 'illegal value for sfclayer_scheme: ', config_sfclayer_scheme
-! call mpas_physics_abort('illegal value for surface layer scheme')
- stop
+ write(errmess,'(A,A10)') 'illegal value for surface layer scheme: ', &
+ trim(config_sfclayer_scheme)
+ call physics_error_fatal(errmess)
-!land-surface scheme:
- if(.not. (config_lsm_scheme .eq. 'off ' .or. &
- config_lsm_scheme .eq. 'noah')) then
+!land-surface scheme: note that config_sfclayer_scheme must be defined for the land-surface
+!scheme to be called:
+ if(config_lsm_scheme .ne. 'off' .and. config_sfclayer_scheme .eq. 'off') then
- write(0,*) 'illegal value for lsm_scheme: ', config_lsm_scheme
-! call mpas_physics_abort('illegal value for land surface scheme')
- stop
+ call physics_error_fatal('land surface scheme: ' // &
+ 'set config_sfclayer_scheme different than "off"')
+ elseif(.not. (config_lsm_scheme .eq. 'off ' .or. &
+ config_lsm_scheme .eq. 'noah')) then
+ write(errmess,'(A,A10)') 'illegal value for land surface scheme: ', &
+ trim(config_lsm_scheme)
+ call physics_error_fatal(errmess)
!checks if any physics process is called. if not, return:
moist_physics = .true.
@@ -152,137 +163,130 @@
end subroutine physics_namelist_check
- subroutine physics_registry_init(config_do_restart,mesh,diag_physics,tend_physics)
+ subroutine physics_registry_init(config_do_restart,mesh,state,diag,diag_physics,sfc_input)
!input and output arguments:
logical,intent(in):: config_do_restart
type(mesh_type),intent(in):: mesh
- type(diag_physics_type),intent(inout):: diag_physics
- type(tend_physics_type),intent(inout):: tend_physics
+ type(state_type),intent(inout):: state
+ type(diag_type),intent(inout) :: diag
+ type(diag_physics_type),intent(inout) :: diag_physics
+ type(sfc_input_type),intent(inout):: sfc_input
!local variables:
- integer:: k,icell
+ integer:: k,iCell,iSoil
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:),pointer:: rdzw
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:),pointer:: sfc_pressure
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: rho,qvapor,pressure_b,pressure_p
+ integer:: iEdg,ip,maxEdges
-!initialization of non-restart variables, namely diagnostics only:
- do icell = 1, mesh % nCells
+ write(0,*) '--- enter physics_registry_init'
- diag_physics % qv_col % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % qc_col % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % qr_col % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % qi_col % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % qs_col % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % qg_col % array(icell) = 0.
+ rdzw => mesh % rdzw % array
+ rho => state % rho % array
+ qvapor => state % scalars % array(state%index_qv,:,:)
+ pressure_p => diag % pressure_p % array
+ pressure_b => diag % pressure_base % array
+ sfc_pressure => diag % surface_pressure % array
- diag_physics % sr % array(icell) = 0.
+ maxEdges = mesh % maxEdges
- enddo
!initialization of restart variables, if needed:
if(.not. config_do_restart) then
-!.. 1-d variables:
- do icell = 1, mesh % nCells
- !.. cloud microphysics:
- diag_physics % rainnc % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % rainncv % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % snownc % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % snowncv % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % graupelnc % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % graupelncv % array(icell) = 0.
+ do iCell = 1, mesh % nCells
- !.. convection:
- diag_physics % rainc % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % raincv % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % nca % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % cubot % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % cutop % array(icell) = 0.
+ !land-surface parameterization: initialize the thickness of the soil layers for the
+ !Noah scheme:
+ if(sfc_input % landmask % array(iCell) == 1) then
+ sfc_input % dzs % array(1,iCell) = 0.10
+ sfc_input % dzs % array(2,iCell) = 0.30
+ sfc_input % dzs % array(3,iCell) = 0.60
+ sfc_input % dzs % array(4,iCell) = 1.00
+ endif
- !.. pbl layer:
- diag_physics % kpbl % array(icell) = 0.
- !.. surface layer:
- diag_physics % br % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % cd % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % cda % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % chs % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % chs2 % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % cpm % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % cqs2 % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % ck % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % cka % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % gz1oz0 % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % flhc % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % flqc % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % hfx % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % lh % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % mavail % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % mol % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % pblh % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % psim % array(iCell) = 0.
- diag_physics % psih % array(iCell) = 0.
- diag_physics % q2 % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % qfx % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % qgh % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % qsfc % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % regime % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % rmol % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % t2m % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % th2m % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % u10 % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % ust % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % ustm % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % v10 % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % wspd % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % zol % array(icell) = 0.
- diag_physics % znt % array(icell) = 0.
-!2-d variables:
- do icell = 1, mesh % nCells
- do k = 1, mesh % nVertLevels
- !.. cloud fraction:
- diag_physics % cldfrac % array(k,icell) = 0.
- !.. convection:
- diag_physics % w0avg % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rthcuten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rqvcuten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rqccuten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rqrcuten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rqicuten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rqscuten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- !.. surface layer:
- diag_physics % exch_h % array(k,iCell) = 0.
- !.. pbl:
- tend_physics % rublten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rvblten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rthblten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rqvblten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rqcblten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- tend_physics % rqiblten % array(k,icell) = 0.
- !.. shortwave radiation:
- tend_physics % rthratensw % array(k,icell) = 0.
- !.. longwave radiation:
- tend_physics % rthratenlw % array(k,icell) = 0.
+ ip=min(2519,mesh%nCellsSolve)
+ do iEdg = 1, maxEdges
+ write(0,*) iEdg, mesh % CellsOnCell % array(iEdg,ip)
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,101) sfc_input%landmask%array(ip),(sfc_input%landmask%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,101) sfc_input%ivgtyp%array(ip),(sfc_input%ivgtyp%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,101) sfc_input%isltyp%array(ip),(sfc_input%isltyp%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%shdmin%array(ip),(sfc_input%shdmin%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%shdmax%array(ip),(sfc_input%shdmax%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%snoalb%array(ip),(sfc_input%snoalb%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%snow%array(ip),(sfc_input%snow%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%snowc%array(ip),(sfc_input%snowc%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%skintemp%array(ip),(sfc_input%skintemp%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%sst%array(ip),(sfc_input%sst%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%tmn%array(ip),(sfc_input%tmn%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%vegfra%array(ip),(sfc_input%vegfra%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%xice%array(ip),(sfc_input%xice%array(mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%dzs%array(1,ip),(sfc_input%dzs%array(1,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%dzs%array(2,ip),(sfc_input%dzs%array(2,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%dzs%array(3,ip),(sfc_input%dzs%array(3,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%dzs%array(4,ip),(sfc_input%dzs%array(4,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%sh2o%array(1,ip),(sfc_input%sh2o%array(1,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%sh2o%array(2,ip),(sfc_input%sh2o%array(2,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%sh2o%array(3,ip),(sfc_input%sh2o%array(3,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%sh2o%array(4,ip),(sfc_input%sh2o%array(4,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%smois%array(1,ip),(sfc_input%smois%array(1,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%smois%array(2,ip),(sfc_input%smois%array(2,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%smois%array(3,ip),(sfc_input%smois%array(3,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%smois%array(4,ip),(sfc_input%smois%array(4,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%tslb%array(1,ip),(sfc_input%tslb%array(1,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%tslb%array(2,ip),(sfc_input%tslb%array(2,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%tslb%array(3,ip),(sfc_input%tslb%array(3,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,102) sfc_input%tslb%array(4,ip),(sfc_input%tslb%array(4,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,*) 'hx:'
+ do k = 11,1,-1
+ write(0,103)k,mesh%hx%array(k,ip),(mesh%hx%array(k,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ write(0,*) 'zgrid:'
+ do k = 11,1,-1
+ write(0,103)k,mesh%zgrid%array(k,ip),(mesh%zgrid%array(k,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ enddo
+ write(0,*) 'rho:'
+ do k = 11,1,-1
+ write(0,103)k,state%rho%array(k,ip),(state%rho%array(k,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ enddo
+ write(0,*) 'theta:'
+ do k = 11,1,-1
+ write(0,103)k,state%theta%array(k,ip),(state%theta%array(k,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ enddo
+ write(0,*) 'qv:'
+ do k = 11,1,-1
+ write(0,103)k,state%scalars%array(state%index_qv,k,ip), &
+ (state%scalars%array(state%index_qv,k,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ enddo
+ write(0,*) 'w:'
+ do k = 11,1,-1
+ write(0,103)k,state%w%array(k,ip),(state%w%array(k,mesh%cellsOnCell%array(iEdg,ip)),iEdg=1,6)
+ enddo
+ 101 format(10(1x,i5))
+ 102 format(10(1x,e15.8))
+ 103 format(i2,10(1x,e15.8))
+ write(0,*) '--- exit physics_registry_init'
end subroutine physics_registry_init
Modified: branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_interface_nhyd.F
--- branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_interface_nhyd.F        2011-04-05 18:18:19 UTC (rev 779)
+++ branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_interface_nhyd.F        2011-04-05 18:20:15 UTC (rev 780)
@@ -9,13 +9,124 @@
implicit none
- public:: MPAS_to_physics, &
+ public:: allocate_forall_physics, &
+ deallocate_forall_physics, &
+ MPAS_to_physics, &
microphysics_from_MPAS, &
+ integer:: i,j,k
+ subroutine allocate_forall_physics
+ if(.not.allocated(psfc_p)) allocate(psfc_p(ims:ime,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(ptop_p)) allocate(ptop_p(ims:ime,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(u_p) ) allocate(u_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(v_p) ) allocate(v_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(zz_p) ) allocate(zz_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(pres_p) ) allocate(pres_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(pi_p) ) allocate(pi_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(z_p) ) allocate(z_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(dz_p) ) allocate(dz_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(t_p) ) allocate(t_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(th_p) ) allocate(th_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(al_p) ) allocate(al_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(rho_p) ) allocate(rho_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(rh_p) ) allocate(rh_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(w_p) ) allocate(w_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(pres2_p)) allocate(pres2_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(t2_p) ) allocate(t2_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(pres_hyd_p) ) allocate(pres_hyd_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(pres2_hyd_p)) allocate(pres2_hyd_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ do j = jms,jme
+ do i = ims,ime
+ psfc_p(i,j) = 0.
+ ptop_p(i,j) = 0.
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ do j = jms,jme
+ do k = kms,kme
+ do i = ims,ime
+ u_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ v_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ w_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ pres_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ pi_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ z_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ dz_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ t_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ th_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ al_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ rho_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ rh_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ w_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ pres2_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ t2_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ pres_hyd_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ pres2_hyd_p(i,k,j) = 0.
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+!allocate moist species (to be revisited!):
+ if(.not.allocated(qv_p) ) allocate(qv_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(qc_p) ) allocate(qc_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(qr_p) ) allocate(qr_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(qi_p) ) allocate(qi_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(qs_p) ) allocate(qs_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ if(.not.allocated(qg_p) ) allocate(qg_p(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) )
+ end subroutine allocate_forall_physics
+ subroutine deallocate_forall_physics
+!de-allocation of all physics arrays:
+ if(allocated(psfc_p) ) deallocate(psfc_p )
+ if(allocated(ptop_p) ) deallocate(ptop_p )
+ if(allocated(u_p) ) deallocate(u_p )
+ if(allocated(v_p) ) deallocate(v_p )
+ if(allocated(zz_p) ) deallocate(zz_p )
+ if(allocated(pres_p) ) deallocate(pres_p )
+ if(allocated(pi_p) ) deallocate(pi_p )
+ if(allocated(z_p) ) deallocate(z_p )
+ if(allocated(dz_p) ) deallocate(dz_p )
+ if(allocated(t_p) ) deallocate(t_p )
+ if(allocated(th_p) ) deallocate(th_p )
+ if(allocated(al_p) ) deallocate(al_p )
+ if(allocated(rho_p) ) deallocate(rho_p )
+ if(allocated(rh_p) ) deallocate(rh_p )
+ if(allocated(w_p) ) deallocate(w_p )
+ if(allocated(pres2_p) ) deallocate(pres2_p )
+ if(allocated(t2_p) ) deallocate(t2_p )
+ if(allocated(pres_hyd_p) ) deallocate(pres_hyd_p )
+ if(allocated(pres2_hyd_p)) deallocate(pres2_hyd_p )
+ if(allocated(qv_p) ) deallocate(qv_p )
+ if(allocated(qc_p) ) deallocate(qc_p )
+ if(allocated(qr_p) ) deallocate(qr_p )
+ if(allocated(qi_p) ) deallocate(qi_p )
+ if(allocated(qs_p) ) deallocate(qs_p )
+ if(allocated(qg_p) ) deallocate(qg_p )
+ end subroutine deallocate_forall_physics
subroutine MPAS_to_physics(mesh,state,diag)
@@ -28,12 +139,15 @@
integer:: i,k,j
real(kind=RKIND):: z0,z1,z2,w1,w2
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:),pointer:: latCell,lonCell
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:),pointer :: fzm,fzp,rdzw
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: zgrid
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: zz,exner,pressure_b,rtheta_p,rtheta_b
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: rho,theta,qv,pressure_p,u,v,w
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),pointer:: qvs,rh
+ integer:: ip,iEdg
@@ -47,6 +161,9 @@
write(0,*) 'kts=',kts,' kte=',kte
+ latCell => mesh % latCell % array
+ lonCell => mesh % lonCell % array
fzm => mesh % fzm % array
fzp => mesh % fzp % array
rdzw => mesh % rdzw % array
@@ -104,15 +221,26 @@
- write(0,*)
- i=its;j=jts
- do k = kte,kts,-1
- write(0,201) j,i,k,zz(k,i),rho_p(i,k,j),th_p(i,k,j),t_p(i,k,j)
+ do j = jts,jte
+ do i = its,ite
+ if(pres_p(i,1,j) .lt. pres_p(i,2,j)) then
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,*) '--- subroutine MPAS_to_phys: pres:',j,i
+ write(0,*) 'latCell=', latCell(i)
+ write(0,*) 'lonCell=', lonCell(i)
+ do k = kts,kte
+ write(0,201) j,i,k,pressure_b(k,i),pressure_p(k,i),pres_p(i,k,j),zz(k,i), &
+ rho_p(i,k,j),th_p(i,k,j),t_p(i,k,j),qv_p(i,k,j)
+ enddo
+ write(0,*)
+ do k = kts,kte
+ write(0,201) j,i,k,qv_p(i,k,j),qc_p(i,k,j),qr_p(i,k,j),qi_p(i,k,j),qs_p(i,k,j), &
+ qg_p(i,k,j)
+ enddo
+ write(0,*)
+ stop
+ endif
- write(0,*)
- i=ite;j=jte
- do k = kte,kts,-1
- write(0,201) j,i,k,zz(k,i),rho_p(i,k,j),th_p(i,k,j),t_p(i,k,j)
!interpolation of pressure and temperature from theta points to w points:
@@ -157,31 +285,34 @@
pres2_p(i,k,j) = psfc_p(i,j)
- write(0,*)
- i=its;j=jts
- write(0,*) '--- psfc_p=', psfc_p(i,j)
- do k = kte+1,kte+1
- write(0,201) j,i,k,pres2_p(i,k,j),t2_p(i,k,j)
+ do j = jts,jte
+ do i = its,ite
+ if(pres2_p(i,1,j) .lt. pres2_p(i,2,j)) then
+ write(0,*)
+ write(0,*) '--- subroutine MPAS_to_phys: pres2:',j,i
+ do k = kts,kte+1
+ write(0,201) j,i,k,pres2_p(i,k,j)
+ enddo
+ stop
+ endif
- do k = kte,kts,-1
- write(0,201) j,i,k,pres2_p(i,k,j),t2_p(i,k,j),pres_p(i,k,j),t_p(i,k,j)
- write(0,*)
- i=ite;j=jte
- write(0,*) '--- psfc_p=', psfc_p(i,j)
- do k = kte+1,kte+1
- write(0,201) j,i,k,pres2_p(i,k,j),t2_p(i,k,j)
+!calculation of the hydrostatic pressure at w points:
+ do j = jts,jte
+ do i = its,ite
+ pres2_hyd_p(i,1,j) = psfc_p(i,j)
+ do k = kts+1,kte+1
+ pres2_hyd_p(i,k,j) = pres2_hyd_p(i,k-1,j) &
+ - rho_p(i,k-1,j)*(1+qv_p(i,k-1,j))*g*dz_p(i,k-1,j)
+ enddo
- do k = kte,kts,-1
- write(0,201) j,i,k,pres2_p(i,k,j),pres_p(i,k,j),t2_p(i,k,j),t_p(i,k,j)
- enddo
+ enddo
- write(0,*) '--- end subroutine MPAS_to_phys:'
- write(0,*)
201 format(3i8,10(1x,e15.8))
202 format(2i6,10(1x,e15.8))
+ 203 format(i6,10(1x,e15.8))
end subroutine MPAS_to_physics
Modified: branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_utilities.F
--- branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_utilities.F        2011-04-05 18:18:19 UTC (rev 779)
+++ branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_utilities.F        2011-04-05 18:20:15 UTC (rev 780)
@@ -25,31 +25,19 @@
end subroutine physics_message
- subroutine physics_error_fatal(istat,str)
+ subroutine physics_error_fatal(str)
!input arguments:
character(len=*),intent(in):: str
- integer,intent(in):: istat
- write(0,*) istat
- write(0,*) ( '------------------------- FATAL CALLED -------------------------')
+ write(0,*) ( '------------------------------ FATAL CALLED ------------------------------')
write(0,*) trim(str)
- error: select case(istat)
- case(-1)
- write(0,*) 'reached end of file'
- case(1:)
- write(0,*) 'file does not exist'
- case default
- end select error
+ print*, trim(str)
stop ' MPAS core_physics abort'
- write(0,*)
end subroutine physics_error_fatal
Modified: branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_vars.F
--- branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_vars.F        2011-04-05 18:18:19 UTC (rev 779)
+++ branches/atmos_physics/src/core_physics/module_physics_vars.F        2011-04-05 18:20:15 UTC (rev 780)
@@ -23,71 +23,90 @@
!as in wrf model.
+ logical:: l_radtlw !controls call to longwave radiation parameterization.
+ logical:: l_radtsw !controls call to shortwave parameterization.
integer,public:: ids,ide,jds,jde,kds,kde
integer,public:: ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme
integer,public:: its,ite,jts,jte,kts,kte
integer,public:: itf,jtf,ktf
integer,public:: n_physics,n_microp
- real(kind=RKIND),public:: dt_dyn
- real(kind=RKIND),public:: dt_physics
- real(kind=RKIND),public:: dt_microp
+ real(kind=RKIND),public:: dt_dyn !time-step for dynamics
+ real(kind=RKIND),public:: dt_physics !time-step for physics.
+ real(kind=RKIND),public:: dt_microp !time-step for cloud microphysics parameterization.
+ real(kind=RKIND),public:: dt_radtlw !time-step for longwave radiation parameterization [mns]
+ real(kind=RKIND),public:: dt_radtsw !time-step for shortwave radiation parameterization [mns]
!... arrays related to surface:
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
- psfc_p, &!surface pressure [Pa].
- ptop_p !model-top pressure [Pa].
+ psfc_p, &!surface pressure [Pa]
+ ptop_p !model-top pressure [Pa]
!... arrays related to u- and v-velocities interpolated to theta points:
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
- u_p, &!u-velocity interpolated to theta points [m/s].
- v_p !v-velocity interpolated to theta points [m/s].
+ u_p, &!u-velocity interpolated to theta points [m/s]
+ v_p !v-velocity interpolated to theta points [m/s]
!... arrays related to vertical sounding:
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
zz_p, &!
- pres_p, &!pressure [Pa].
- pi_p, &!(p_phy/p0)**(r_d/cp) [-].
- z_p, &!height of layer [m].
- dz_p, &!layer thickness [m].
- t_p, &!temperature [K].
- th_p, &!potential temperature [K].
- al_p, &!inverse of air density [m3/kg].
- rho_p, &!air density [kg/m3].
- rh_p !relative humidity [-].
+ pres_p, &!pressure [Pa]
+ pi_p, &!(p_phy/p0)**(r_d/cp) [-]
+ z_p, &!height of layer [m]
+ dz_p, &!layer thickness [m]
+ t_p, &!temperature [K]
+ th_p, &!potential temperature [K]
+ al_p, &!inverse of air density [m3/kg]
+ rho_p, &!air density [kg/m3]
+ rh_p !relative humidity [-]
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
- qv_p, &!water vapor mixing ratio [kg/kg].
- qc_p, &!cloud water mixing ratio [kg/kg].
- qr_p, &!rain mixing ratio [kg/kg].
- qi_p, &!cloud ice mixing ratio [kg/kg].
- qs_p, &!snow mixing ratio [kg/kg].
- qg_p !graupel mixing ratio [kg/kg].
+ pres_hyd_p, &!hydrostatic pressure at theta points [Pa]
+ pres2_hyd_p !hydrostatic pressure at w points [Pa]
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
+ qv_p, &!water vapor mixing ratio [kg/kg]
+ qc_p, &!cloud water mixing ratio [kg/kg]
+ qr_p, &!rain mixing ratio [kg/kg]
+ qi_p, &!cloud ice mixing ratio [kg/kg]
+ qs_p, &!snow mixing ratio [kg/kg]
+ qg_p !graupel mixing ratio [kg/kg]
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
- qni_p, &!number concentration for cloud ice [#/kg].
- qnr_p !number concentration for rain [#/kg].
+ qni_p, &!number concentration for cloud ice [#/kg]
+ qnr_p !number concentration for rain [#/kg]
!... arrays located at w (vertical velocity) points, or at interface between layers:
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
- w_p, &!vertical velocity [m/s].
- pres2_p, &!pressure [hPa].
- t2_p !temperature [K].
+ w_p, &!vertical velocity [m/s]
+ pres2_p, &!pressure [hPa]
+ t2_p !temperature [K]
!... variables and arrays related to parameterization of cloud microphysics:
+! warm_phase: logical that determines if we want to run warm-phase cloud microphysics only.
+! If set to false, cold-phase cloud microphysics is active. In MPAS, we always assume
+! that the ice phase is included (except for the Kessler scheme which includes water
+! clouds only.
+! f_qv,f_qc,f_qr,f_qi,f_qs,f_qg: These logicals were initially defined in WRF to determine
+! which kind of hydrometeors are present. Here, we assume that all six water species
+! are present, even if their mixing ratios and number concentrations are zero.
logical,parameter:: &
warm_rain=.false. !warm-phase cloud microphysics only (used in WRF).
- logical:: &
- f_qv, &!
- f_qc, &!
- f_qr, &!
- f_qi, &!
- f_qs, &!
- f_qg !
+ logical,parameter:: &
+ f_qv = .true., &!
+ f_qc = .true., &!
+ f_qr = .true., &!
+ f_qi = .true., &!
+ f_qs = .true., &!
+ f_qg = .true. !
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
f_ice, &!fraction of cloud ice (used in WRF only).
@@ -111,9 +130,9 @@
logical,dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
- cubot_p, &!lowest convective level [-].
- cutop_p, &!highest convective level [-].
- nca_p, &!counter for cloud relaxation time [-].
+ cubot_p, &!lowest convective level [-]
+ cutop_p, &!highest convective level [-]
+ nca_p, &!counter for cloud relaxation time [-]
rainc_p, &!
raincv_p, &!
pratec_p !
@@ -134,15 +153,15 @@
integer,public:: n_pbl
integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
- kpbl_p !index of PBL top [-].
+ kpbl_p !index of PBL top [-]
real(kind=RKIND),public:: dt_pbl
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
- hpbl_p !PBL height [m].
+ hpbl_p !PBL height [m]
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
- exch_p !exchange coefficient [-].
+ exch_p !exchange coefficient [-]
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
rublten_p, &!
@@ -156,7 +175,7 @@
!... variables and arrays related to parameterization of surface layer:
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
- br_p, &!bulk richardson number [-].
+ br_p, &!bulk richardson number [-]
cd_p, &!
cda_p, &!
ck_p, &!
@@ -165,30 +184,30 @@
chs_p, &!
chs2_p, &!
cqs2_p, &!
- gz1oz0_p, &!log of z1 over z0 [-].
- flhc_p, &!exchange coefficient for heat [-].
- flqc_p, &!exchange coefficient for moisture [-].
- hfx_p, &!upward heat flux at the surface [W/m2].
- lh_p, &!latent heat flux at the surface [W/m2].
- mavail_p, &!surface moisture availability [-].
- mol_p, &!T* in similarity theory [K].
- pblh_p, &!PBL height [m].
- psih_p, &!similarity theory for heat [-].
- psim_p, &!similarity theory for momentum [-].
- q2_p, &!specific humidity at 2m [kg/kg].
- qfx_p, &!upward moisture flux at the surface [kg/m2/s].
+ gz1oz0_p, &!log of z1 over z0 [-]
+ flhc_p, &!exchange coefficient for heat [-]
+ flqc_p, &!exchange coefficient for moisture [-]
+ hfx_p, &!upward heat flux at the surface [W/m2]
+ lh_p, &!latent heat flux at the surface [W/m2]
+ mavail_p, &!surface moisture availability [-]
+ mol_p, &!T* in similarity theory [K]
+ pblh_p, &!PBL height [m]
+ psih_p, &!similarity theory for heat [-]
+ psim_p, &!similarity theory for momentum [-]
+ q2_p, &!specific humidity at 2m [kg/kg]
+ qfx_p, &!upward moisture flux at the surface [kg/m2/s]
qgh_p, &!
- qsfc_p, &!specific humidity at lower boundary [kg/kg].
- regime_p, &!flag indicating PBL regime (stable_p,unstable_p,etc...) [-].
- rmol_p, &!1 / Monin Ob length [-].
- t2m_p, &!temperature at 2m [K].
- th2m_p, &!potential temperature at 2m [K].
- u10_p, &!u at 10 m [m/s].
- ust_p, &!u* in similarity theory [m/s].
- ustm_p, &!u* in similarity theory without vconv [m/s].
- v10_p, &!v at 10 m [m/s].
- wspd_p, &!wind speed [m/s].
- znt_p, &!time-varying roughness length [m].
+ qsfc_p, &!specific humidity at lower boundary [kg/kg]
+ regime_p, &!flag indicating PBL regime (stable_p,unstable_p,etc...) [-]
+ rmol_p, &!1 / Monin Ob length [-]
+ t2m_p, &!temperature at 2m [K]
+ th2m_p, &!potential temperature at 2m [K]
+ u10_p, &!u at 10 m [m/s]
+ ust_p, &!u* in similarity theory [m/s]
+ ustm_p, &!u* in similarity theory without vconv [m/s]
+ v10_p, &!v at 10 m [m/s]
+ wspd_p, &!wind speed [m/s]
+ znt_p, &!time-varying roughness length [m]
zol_p !
@@ -196,79 +215,130 @@
real(kind=RKIND):: &
- dt_radtsw, &!time-step for shortwave radiation parameterization [mns].
- declin, &!solar declination [-].
- solcon !solar constant [W m-2].
+ declin, &!solar declination [-]
+ solcon !solar constant [W m-2]
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
- coszr_p, &!cosine of the solar zenith angle [-].
- gsw_p, &!net shortwave flux at surface [W m-2].
- swcf_p, &!shortwave cloud forcing at top-of-atmosphere [W m-2].
- swdnb_p, &!all-sky downwelling shortwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- swdnbc_p, &!clear-sky downwelling shortwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- swdnt_p, &!all-sky downwelling shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- swdntc_p, &!clear-sky downwelling shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- swupb_p, &!all-sky upwelling shortwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- swupbc_p, &!clear-sky upwelling shortwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- swupt_p, &!all-sky upwelling shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- swuptc_p, &!clear-sky upwelling shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
+ coszr_p, &!cosine of the solar zenith angle [-]
+ gsw_p, &!net shortwave flux at surface [W m-2]
+ swcf_p, &!shortwave cloud forcing at top-of-atmosphere [W m-2]
+ swdnb_p, &!all-sky downwelling shortwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ swdnbc_p, &!clear-sky downwelling shortwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ swdnt_p, &!all-sky downwelling shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ swdntc_p, &!clear-sky downwelling shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ swupb_p, &!all-sky upwelling shortwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ swupbc_p, &!clear-sky upwelling shortwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ swupt_p, &!all-sky upwelling shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ swuptc_p !clear-sky upwelling shortwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
swdnflx_p, &!
swdnflxc_p, &!
swupflx_p, &!
swupflxc_p !
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
- rthratensw_p !uncoupled theta tendency due to shortwave radiation [K s-1].
+ rthratensw_p !uncoupled theta tendency due to shortwave radiation [K s-1]
!... variables and arrays related to parameterization of long-wave radiation:
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
- glw_p, &!net longwave flux at surface [W m-2].
- lwcf_p, &!longwave cloud forcing at top-of-atmosphere [W m-2].
- lwdnb_p, &!all-sky downwelling longwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- lwdnbc_p, &!clear-sky downwelling longwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- lwdnt_p, &!all-sky downwelling longwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- lwdntc_p, &!clear-sky downwelling longwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- lwupb_p, &!all-sky upwelling longwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- lwupbc_p, &!clear-sky upwelling longwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- lwupt_p, &!all-sky upwelling longwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
- lwuptc_p, &!clear-sky upwelling longwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2].
+ glw_p, &!net longwave flux at surface [W m-2]
+ lwcf_p, &!longwave cloud forcing at top-of-atmosphere [W m-2]
+ lwdnb_p, &!all-sky downwelling longwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ lwdnbc_p, &!clear-sky downwelling longwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ lwdnt_p, &!all-sky downwelling longwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ lwdntc_p, &!clear-sky downwelling longwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ lwupb_p, &!all-sky upwelling longwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ lwupbc_p, &!clear-sky upwelling longwave flux at bottom-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ lwupt_p, &!all-sky upwelling longwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ lwuptc_p, &!clear-sky upwelling longwave flux at top-of-atmosphere [J m-2]
+ olrtoa_p !outgoing longwave radiation at top-of-the-atmosphere [W m-2]
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
lwdnflx_p, &!
lwdnflxc_p, &!
lwupflx_p, &!
- lwupflxc_p, &!
- olrtoa_p !outgoing longwave radiation at top-of-the-atmosphere [W m-2].
+ lwupflxc_p !
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
- rthratenlw_p !uncoupled theta tendency due to longwave radiation [K s-1].
+ rthratenlw_p !uncoupled theta tendency due to longwave radiation [K s-1]
!.. variables and arrays related to cloudiness:
integer,parameter:: &
- icloud= 0 !used in WRF only.
+ icloud= 1 !used in WRF only.
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
- cldfrac_p !cloud fraction [-].
+ cldfrac_p !cloud fraction [-]
+!.. variables and arrays related to land-surface parameterization:
+ integer,public:: &
+ num_soils !number of soil layers [-]
+ integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
+ isltyp_p, &!dominant soil type category [-]
+ ivgtyp_p !dominant vegetation category [-]
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:),allocatable:: &
+ dzs_p !thickness of soil layers [m]
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable:: &
+ smcrel_p, &!soil moisture threshold below which transpiration starts to stress [-]
+ sh2o_p, &!unfrozen soil moisture content [volumetric fraction]
+ smois_p, &!soil moisture [volumetric fraction]
+ tslb_p !soil temperature [K]
+ real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
+ acsnom_p, &!accumulated melted snow [kg m-2]
+ acsnow_p, &!accumulated snow [kg m-2]
+ canwat_p, &!canopy water [kg m-2]
+ chklowq_p, &!surface saturation flag [-]
+ grdflx_p, &!ground heat flux [W m-2]
+ lai_p, &!leaf area index [-]
+ noahres_p, &!residual of the noah land-surface scheme energy budget [W m-2]
+ potevp_p, &!potential evaporation [W m-2]
+ qz0_p, &!specific humidity at znt [kg kg-1]
+ rainbl_p, &!
+ rib_p, &!?
+ sfcrunoff_p, &!surface runoff [m s-1]
+ shdmin_p, &!minimum areal fractional coverage of annual green vegetation [-]
+ shdmax_p, &!maximum areal fractional coverage of annual green vegetation [-]
+ smstav_p, &!moisture availability [-]
+ smstot_p, &!total moisture [m3 m-3]
+ snopcx_p, &!snow phase change heat flux [W m-2]
+ snotime_p, &!
+ snowc_p, &!snow water equivalent [kg m-2]
+ snowh_p, &!physical snow depth [m]
+ swdown_p, &!downward shortwave flux at the surface [W m-2]
+ udrunoff_p, &!sub-surface runoff [m s-1]
+ tmn_p, &!soil temperature at lower boundary [K]
+ vegfra_p, &!vegetation fraction [-]
+ z0_p !background roughness length [m]
!.. variables and arrays related to surface characteristics:
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
- xlat_p, &!longitude, west is negative [degrees].
- xlon_p !latitude, south is negative [degrees].
+ xlat_p, &!longitude, west is negative [degrees]
+ xlon_p !latitude, south is negative [degrees]
real(kind=RKIND),dimension(:,:),allocatable:: &
- sfc_albedo_p, &!surface albedo [-].
- sfc_emiss_p, &!land surface emissivity [-].
- snow_p, &!snow water equivalent [kg m-2].
- tsk_p, &!surface-skin temperature [K].
- xice_p, &!ice mask [-].
- xland_p !land mask (1 for land; 2 for water) [-].
+ sfc_albedo_p, &!surface albedo [-]
+ sfc_albbck_p, &!surface background albedo [-]
+ sfc_emibck_p, &!land surface background emissivity [-]
+ sfc_emiss_p, &!land surface emissivity [-]
+ snoalb_p, &!annual max snow albedo [-]
+ snow_p, &!snow water equivalent [kg m-2]
+ tsk_p, &!surface-skin temperature [K]
+ xice_p, &!ice mask [-]
+ xland_p !land mask (1 for land; 2 for water) [-]
end module module_physics_vars