<p><b>mpetersen@lanl.gov</b> 2011-02-07 14:48:34 -0700 (Mon, 07 Feb 2011)</p><p>BRANCH COMMIT: Additions to module_spline_interpolation.F.<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/ocean_projects/vert_adv_mrp/src/operators/module_spline_interpolation.F
--- branches/ocean_projects/vert_adv_mrp/src/operators/module_spline_interpolation.F        2011-02-07 20:17:24 UTC (rev 713)
+++ branches/ocean_projects/vert_adv_mrp/src/operators/module_spline_interpolation.F        2011-02-07 21:48:34 UTC (rev 714)
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
public :: CubicSplineCoefficients, InterpolateCubicSpline, &
InterpolateColumnCubicSpline, IntegrateCubicSpline, &
- IntegrateColumnCubicSpline
+ IntegrateColumnCubicSpline, InterpolateColumnLinear, &
+ TestInterpolateColumn
@@ -340,5 +341,133 @@
end subroutine IntegrateColumnCubicSpline
+ subroutine InterpolateColumnLinear( &
+ phiIn,phiOut, &
+ zIn,zOut, &
+ kmaxIn,kmaxOut)
+! Given kmaxIn pairs (zIn,phiIn), compute the linear interpolation
+! phiOut at each zOut.
+! This subroutine assumes that both zIn and zOut are monotonically
+! increasing. This should occur naturally if the z coordinates are
+! computed from layer thicknesses in the calling routine.
+! It also assumes that all values of zOut are within the first
+! and last values of zIn.
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(kmaxIn), intent(in) :: &
+ zIn, &! layer thickness, input grid
+ phiIn ! interpolation variable, input grid
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(kmaxOut), intent(in) :: &
+ zOut ! layer thickness, output grid
+ integer, intent(in) :: &
+ KmaxIn, &! number of layers, input grid
+ KmaxOut ! number of layers, output grid
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(kmaxOut), intent(out) :: &
+ phiOut ! interpolation variable, output grid
+! local variables
+ integer :: &
+ kIn, kOut ! counters
+ kOut = 1
+ kInLoop: do kIn = 1,kmaxIn-1
+ do while(zOut(kOut) < zIn(kIn+1))
+ phiOut(kOut) = phiIn(kIn) &
+ + (phiIn(kIn+1)-phiIn(kIn)) &
+ /(zIn(kIn+1) -zIn(kIn) ) &
+ *(zOut(kOut) -zIn(kIn) )
+ kOut = kOut + 1
+ if (kOut>kmaxOut) exit kInLoop
+ enddo
+ enddo kInLoop
+ end subroutine InterpolateColumnLinear
+subroutine TestInterpolateColumn
+! Test function to show how to operate the cubic spline subroutines
+ integer, parameter :: &
+ kmaxIn = 10
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(kmaxIn) :: &
+ phiIn, zIn, phi2DerIn
+ integer, parameter :: &
+ kmaxOut = 100
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(kmaxOut) :: &
+ phiOut, zOut
+ integer :: &
+ k
+! Create zIn, PhiIn, zOut
+ do k=1,kmaxIn
+ zIn(k) = k-4
+ ! power function:
+ !phiIn(k) = zIn(k)**2
+ ! trig function:
+ phiIn(k) = sin(zIn(k)/2)
+ enddo
+ do k=1,kmaxOut
+ zOut(k) = zIn(1) + k/(kmaxOut+1.0)*(zIn(kmaxIn)-zIn(1))
+ enddo
+! Interpolate
+ ! First, compute second derivative values at each node, phi2DerIn.
+ call CubicSplineCoefficients(zIn,phiIn,kmaxIn, &
+ 2.0e30, 2.0e30, phi2DerIn)
+ ! Compute interpolated values phiOut.
+ call InterpolateColumnCubicSpline(phiIn, phiOut, &
+ phi2DerIn, zIn, zOut, kmaxIn, kmaxOut)
+! Output
+! The following output can be copied directly into Matlab
+ print '(a,10f8.4,a)', 'zIn = [',zIn,'];'
+ print '(a,10f8.4,a)', 'phiIn = [',phiIn,'];'
+ print '(a,100f8.4,a)', 'zOut = [',zOut,'];'
+ print '(a,100f8.4,a)', 'phiOut = [',phiOut,'];'
+ print *, "plot(zIn,phiIn,'-*r',zOut,phiOut,'x')"
+end subroutine TestInterpolateColumn
end module spline_interpolation