<p><b>duda</b> 2010-08-05 17:38:23 -0600 (Thu, 05 Aug 2010)</p><p>BRANCH COMMIT<br>
Add corrections to high-order advection setup for periodic planar domains.<br>
M module_advection.F<br>
</p><hr noshade><pre><font color="gray">Modified: branches/atmos_nonhydrostatic/src/core_nhyd_atmos/module_advection.F
--- branches/atmos_nonhydrostatic/src/core_nhyd_atmos/module_advection.F        2010-08-05 22:57:05 UTC (rev 464)
+++ branches/atmos_nonhydrostatic/src/core_nhyd_atmos/module_advection.F        2010-08-05 23:38:23 UTC (rev 465)
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
logical, parameter :: reset_poly = .true.
real (kind=RKIND) :: rcell, cos2t, costsint, sin2t
+ real (kind=RKIND), dimension(grid%maxEdges) :: angle_2d
@@ -152,8 +153,18 @@
else ! On an x-y plane
do i=1,n-1
- xp(i) = grid % xCell % array(cell_list(i)) - grid % xCell % array(iCell)
- yp(i) = grid % yCell % array(cell_list(i)) - grid % yCell % array(iCell)
+ angle_2d(i) = grid%angleEdge%array(grid % EdgesOnCell % array(i,iCell))
+ iEdge = grid % EdgesOnCell % array(i,iCell)
+ if ( iCell .ne. grid % CellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)) &
+ angle_2d(i) = angle_2d(i) - pii
+! xp(i) = grid % xCell % array(cell_list(i)) - grid % xCell % array(iCell)
+! yp(i) = grid % yCell % array(cell_list(i)) - grid % yCell % array(iCell)
+ xp(i) = grid % dcEdge % array(grid % EdgesOnCell % array(i,iCell)) * cos(angle_2d(i))
+ yp(i) = grid % dcEdge % array(grid % EdgesOnCell % array(i,iCell)) * sin(angle_2d(i))
end do
end if
@@ -271,9 +282,11 @@
thetae(2,grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)) = thetae_tmp
end if
- else
- xe(grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)) = 0.5 * (xv1 + xv2)
- ye(grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)) = 0.5 * (yv1 + yv2)
+! else
+! xe(grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)) = 0.5 * (xv1 + xv2)
+! ye(grid % EdgesOnCell % array (i,iCell)) = 0.5 * (yv1 + yv2)
end if
end do
@@ -312,13 +325,36 @@
+ 2.*sin2t*bmatrix(6,j)
end do
end if
- do j=1,n
- deriv_two(j,1,iEdge) = 2.*xe(iEdge)*xe(iEdge)*bmatrix(4,j) &
- + 2.*xe(iEdge)*ye(iEdge)*bmatrix(5,j) &
- + 2.*ye(iEdge)*ye(iEdge)*bmatrix(6,j)
- deriv_two(j,2,iEdge) = deriv_two(j,1,iEdge)
- end do
+ cos2t = cos(angle_2d(i))
+ sin2t = sin(angle_2d(i))
+ costsint = cos2t*sin2t
+ cos2t = cos2t**2
+ sin2t = sin2t**2
+! do j=1,n
+! deriv_two(j,1,iEdge) = 2.*xe(iEdge)*xe(iEdge)*bmatrix(4,j) &
+! + 2.*xe(iEdge)*ye(iEdge)*bmatrix(5,j) &
+! + 2.*ye(iEdge)*ye(iEdge)*bmatrix(6,j)
+! end do
+ if (iCell == grid % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)) then
+ do j=1,n
+ deriv_two(j,1,iEdge) = 2.*cos2t*bmatrix(4,j) &
+ + 2.*costsint*bmatrix(5,j) &
+ + 2.*sin2t*bmatrix(6,j)
+ end do
+ else
+ do j=1,n
+ deriv_two(j,2,iEdge) = 2.*cos2t*bmatrix(4,j) &
+ + 2.*costsint*bmatrix(5,j) &
+ + 2.*sin2t*bmatrix(6,j)
+ end do
+ end if
end if
end do
@@ -326,6 +362,25 @@
if (debug) stop
+! write(0,*) ' check for deriv2 coefficients, iEdge 4 '
+! iEdge = 4
+! j = 1
+! iCell = grid % cellsOnEdge % array(1,iEdge)
+! write(0,*) ' j, icell, coef ',j,iCell,deriv_two(j,1,iEdge)
+! do j=2,7
+! write(0,*) ' j, icell, coef ',j,grid % CellsOnCell % array(j-1,iCell),deriv_two(j,1,iEdge)
+! end do
+! j = 1
+! iCell = grid % cellsOnEdge % array(2,iEdge)
+! write(0,*) ' j, icell, coef ',j,iCell,deriv_two(j,2,iEdge)
+! do j=2,7
+! write(0,*) ' j, icell, coef ',j,grid % CellsOnCell % array(j-1,iCell),deriv_two(j,2,iEdge)
+! end do
+! stop
end subroutine initialize_advection_rk
@@ -755,7 +810,7 @@
! check to see if we are reaching outside the halo
- if (debug) write(0,*) ' points ', n
+ if (debug) write(0,*) ' points ', n
do_the_cell = .true.
do i=1,n
@@ -763,11 +818,11 @@
end do
- if ( .not. do_the_cell ) cycle
+ if (.not. do_the_cell) cycle
! compute poynomial fit for this cell if all needed neighbors exist
- if ( grid % on_a_sphere ) then
+ if (grid % on_a_sphere) then
xc(1) = grid % xCell % array(iCell)/a
yc(1) = grid % yCell % array(iCell)/a