module scvt use data_types use sphere_utilities use voronoi_utils use grid_constants use grid_params contains !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! SUBROUTINE SCVT_SOLVE ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine scvt_solve(n, lend, rlat, rlon, nvc, list, lptr, fn) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n, nvc, fn integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: lend integer, dimension(nvc), intent(inout) :: list, lptr real, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: rlat, rlon integer :: maxitr integer :: i, j, k, iter integer :: ntmax, nrow, nptri integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: listc real :: area, density, tot_mass real :: x, y, z, new_ctr_x, new_ctr_y, new_ctr_z real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: vclat, vclon real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: rlat_2, rlon_2 type (geo_point) :: p1, p2, p3, pc type (geo_point) :: p_n1, p_n2 type (geo_point), dimension(3,64) :: ptri real :: avg_movement, maxmovement, movement logical converged maxitr = n_scvt_iterations maxmovement = 100000 ntmax = 6*n nrow = 6 nptri = 64 allocate(listc(nvc)) allocate(vclat(nvc)) allocate(vclon(nvc)) allocate(rlat_2(n)) allocate(rlon_2(n)) iter = 1 converged = .false. do while (iter <= maxitr .and. .not.converged) !write(0,*) 'scvt iteration ',iter ! ! Compute Voronoi corners ! call compute_vc(rlat, rlon, n, nrow, ntmax, list, lptr, lend, listc, vclat, vclon, nvc) ! ! Loop over vertices ! Within the loop, p0 always refers to the current vertex being processed ! !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(I, J, K, NEW_CTR_X, NEW_CTR_Y, NEW_CTR_Z, TOT_MASS, P1, P2, P3, PC, AREA, DENSITY, X, Y, Z, PTRI) SHARED(RLAT, RLON, RLAT_2, RLON_2, LPTR, LEND, LISTC, VCLAT, VCLON, NPTRI) do i=1,n new_ctr_x = 0.0 new_ctr_y = 0.0 new_ctr_z = 0.0 tot_mass = 0.0 ! ! Compute center of mass of Voronoi cell ! p1%lat = rlat(i) p1%lon = rlon(i) k = lend(i) p2%lat = vclat(listc(k)) p2%lon = vclon(listc(k)) if (p1%lon - p2%lon > pii) p2%lon = p2%lon + 2.0*pii if (p1%lon - p2%lon < -pii) p2%lon = p2%lon - 2.0*pii k = lptr(lend(i)) p3%lat = vclat(listc(k)) p3%lon = vclon(listc(k)) if (p1%lon - p3%lon > pii) p3%lon = p3%lon + 2.0*pii if (p1%lon - p3%lon < -pii) p3%lon = p3%lon - 2.0*pii call divide_triangle(p1, p2, p3, nptri, ptri) do j=1,nptri area = triangle_area(ptri(1,j), ptri(2,j), ptri(3,j), 1.0) call center_of_mass(ptri(1,j), ptri(2,j), ptri(3,j), pc) if (p1%lon - pc%lon > pii) pc%lon = pc%lon + 2.0*pii if (p1%lon - pc%lon < -pii) pc%lon = pc%lon - 2.0*pii density = density_for_point(pc) tot_mass = tot_mass + area * density call convert_lx(x, y, z, 1.0, pc) new_ctr_x = new_ctr_x + x*area*density new_ctr_y = new_ctr_y + y*area*density new_ctr_z = new_ctr_z + z*area*density end do do while (k /= lend(i)) k = lptr(k) p2 = p3 p3%lat = vclat(listc(k)) p3%lon = vclon(listc(k)) if (p1%lon - p3%lon > pii) p3%lon = p3%lon + 2.0*pii if (p1%lon - p3%lon < -pii) p3%lon = p3%lon - 2.0*pii if (abs(p2%lat - p3%lat) < 0.00001 .and. abs(p2%lon - p3%lon) < 0.00001) cycle call divide_triangle(p1, p2, p3, nptri, ptri) do j=1,nptri area = triangle_area(ptri(1,j), ptri(2,j), ptri(3,j), 1.0) call center_of_mass(ptri(1,j), ptri(2,j), ptri(3,j), pc) if (p1%lon - pc%lon > pii) pc%lon = pc%lon + 2.0*pii if (p1%lon - pc%lon < -pii) pc%lon = pc%lon - 2.0*pii density = density_for_point(pc) tot_mass = tot_mass + area * density call convert_lx(x, y, z, 1.0, pc) new_ctr_x = new_ctr_x + x*area*density new_ctr_y = new_ctr_y + y*area*density new_ctr_z = new_ctr_z + z*area*density end do end do new_ctr_x = new_ctr_x / tot_mass new_ctr_y = new_ctr_y / tot_mass new_ctr_z = new_ctr_z / tot_mass call convert_xl(new_ctr_x, new_ctr_y, new_ctr_z, pc) rlat_2(i) = pc%lat rlon_2(i) = pc%lon end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !Compute movement if(mod(iter,100).eq.0) then maxmovement = 0.0 avg_movement = 0.0 do i = 1,n p_n1%lat = rlat(i) p_n1%lon = rlon(i) p_n2%lat = rlat_2(i) p_n2%lon = rlon_2(i) call convert_lx(x,y,z,1.0,p_n1) call convert_lx(new_ctr_x, new_ctr_y, new_ctr_z,1.0,p_n2) !x y z computation movement = sqrt((x - new_ctr_x)**2 + (y - new_ctr_y)**2 + (z - new_ctr_z)**2) if(movement > maxmovement) maxmovement = movement avg_movement = avg_movement + movement/n enddo if( converged=.true. if( converged=.true. write(6,*) n, iter, maxmovement, avg_movement endif rlat(:) = rlat_2(:) rlon(:) = rlon_2(:) iter = iter + 1 end do deallocate(listc) deallocate(vclat) deallocate(vclon) deallocate(rlat_2) deallocate(rlon_2) if (maxitr > 0) write(0,*) 'Finished SCVT solve' end subroutine scvt_solve !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! FUNCTION DENSITY_FOR_POINT ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! real function density_for_point(p) implicit none type (geo_point), intent(in) :: p character (len=256) :: fname real :: rx, ry, rz, prx, pry, prz type (geo_point) :: p_local real :: hgt real :: r, norm, t_cent real :: r1 real :: pi real :: width, trans_center, min_val pi = 4.0*atan(1.0) !density_for_point = 1.0 + (1.19*cos(p%lat-3.141592654/4.0))**16.0 ! Uniform Density Function !density_for_point = 1.0 !Target Density Function based on hyperbolic tangent ! p_local%lat = latitude (radians) center of high-resolution region ! p_local%lon = longitude (radians) center of high-resolution region ! width = width of transition zone ! trans_center = width (radians) of high resolution zone ! minval = minimum density value. to have grid spacing vary by a factor of 8 ! set minval = (1.0 / 8.0)**4 p_local%lat = pii/4.0 p_local%lon = 1.25*pii call convert_lx(rx, ry, rz, 1.0, p) call convert_lx(prx, pry, prz, 1.0, p_local) r = acos(rx*prx + ry*pry + rz*prz) ! hyperbolic tangent density function width = 0.15 trans_center = pi/6.0 min_val = (1.0/8.0)**4 norm = 1.0/(1.0-min_val) density_for_point = ((tanh((trans_center-r)*(1.0/width))+1.0)/2)/norm + min_val end function density_for_point end module scvt