[mpas-developers] integer subroutine additions to module_dmpar.F

Mark Petersen mpetersen at lanl.gov
Tue Oct 19 08:54:59 MDT 2010

MPAS developers,

Here is another addition for the shared mpas code.  I would like to
add the subroutines:

This is really just filling out the table of subroutines, as the real
versions are already there.  I need these because I have maxLevel
integer variables that require halo updates.

I've attached the revised module_dmpar.F and a diff between the real
and integer versions, so you can see what has been modified.

I will commit this in a few days if I don't hear otherwise.


-------------- next part --------------
<    subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field1dInteger(dminfo, array, dim1, sendList, recvList)
>    subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field1dReal(dminfo, array, dim1, sendList, recvList)
<       integer, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: array
>       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(*), intent(inout) :: array
<             allocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer(recvListPtr % nlist))
<             call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % ibuffer, recvListPtr % nlist, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
>             allocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer(recvListPtr % nlist))
>             call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % rbuffer, recvListPtr % nlist, MPI_REALKIND, &
<             allocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer(sendListPtr % nlist))
<             call packSendBuf1dInteger(dim1, array, sendListPtr, 1, sendListPtr % nlist, sendListPtr % ibuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
<             call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % ibuffer, sendListPtr % nlist, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
>             allocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer(sendListPtr % nlist))
>             call packSendBuf1dReal(dim1, array, sendListPtr, 1, sendListPtr % nlist, sendListPtr % rbuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
>             call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % rbuffer, sendListPtr % nlist, MPI_REALKIND, &
<             call unpackRecvBuf1dInteger(dim1, array, recvListPtr, 1, recvListPtr % nlist, recvListPtr % ibuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
<             deallocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer)
>             call unpackRecvBuf1dReal(dim1, array, recvListPtr, 1, recvListPtr % nlist, recvListPtr % rbuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
>             deallocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer)
<             deallocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer)
>             deallocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer)
<    end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field1dInteger
>    end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field1dReal
<    subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field2dInteger(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2, sendList, recvList)
>    subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field2dReal(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2, sendList, recvList)
<       integer, dimension(dim1,*), intent(inout) :: array
>       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(dim1,*), intent(inout) :: array
<             allocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer(d2))
<             call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % ibuffer, d2, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
>             allocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer(d2))
>             call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % rbuffer, d2, MPI_REALKIND, &
<             allocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer(d2))
<             call packSendBuf2dInteger(1, dim1, dim2, array, sendListPtr, 1, d2, sendListPtr % ibuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
<             call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % ibuffer, d2, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
>             allocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer(d2))
>             call packSendBuf2dReal(1, dim1, dim2, array, sendListPtr, 1, d2, sendListPtr % rbuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
>             call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % rbuffer, d2, MPI_REALKIND, &
<             call unpackRecvBuf2dInteger(1, dim1, dim2, array, recvListPtr, 1, d2, recvListPtr % ibuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
<             deallocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer)
>             call unpackRecvBuf2dReal(1, dim1, dim2, array, recvListPtr, 1, d2, recvListPtr % rbuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
>             deallocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer)
<             deallocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer)
>             deallocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer)
<    end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field2dInteger
>    end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field2dReal
<    subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field3dInteger(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2, dim3, sendList, recvList)
>    subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field3dReal(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2, dim3, sendList, recvList)
<       integer, dimension(dim1,dim2,*), intent(inout) :: array
>       real (kind=RKIND), dimension(dim1,dim2,*), intent(inout) :: array
<             allocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer(d3))
<             call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % ibuffer, d3, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
>             allocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer(d3))
>             call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % rbuffer, d3, MPI_REALKIND, &
<             allocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer(d3))
<             call packSendBuf3dInteger(1, dim1, 1, dim2, dim3, array, sendListPtr, 1, d3, &
<                                    sendListPtr % ibuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
<             call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % ibuffer, d3, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
>             allocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer(d3))
>             call packSendBuf3dReal(1, dim1, 1, dim2, dim3, array, sendListPtr, 1, d3, &
>                                    sendListPtr % rbuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
>             call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % rbuffer, d3, MPI_REALKIND, &
<             call unpackRecvBuf3dInteger(1, dim1, 1, dim2, dim3, array, recvListPtr, 1, d3, &
<                                      recvListPtr % ibuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
<             deallocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer)
>             call unpackRecvBuf3dReal(1, dim1, 1, dim2, dim3, array, recvListPtr, 1, d3, &
>                                      recvListPtr % rbuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
>             deallocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer)
<             deallocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer)
>             deallocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer)
<    end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field3dInteger
>    end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field3dReal
-------------- next part --------------
module dmpar

   use sort

#ifdef _MPI
include 'mpif.h'
   integer, parameter :: MPI_INTEGERKIND = MPI_INTEGER

#if (RKIND == 8)
   integer, parameter :: MPI_REALKIND = MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION
   integer, parameter :: MPI_REALKIND = MPI_REAL

   integer, parameter :: IO_NODE = 0
   integer, parameter :: BUFSIZE = 6000

   type dm_info
      integer :: nprocs, my_proc_id, comm, info
   end type dm_info

   type exchange_list
      integer :: procID
      integer :: nlist
      integer, dimension(:), pointer :: list
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: next
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(:), pointer :: rbuffer
      integer, dimension(:), pointer           :: ibuffer
      integer :: reqID
   end type exchange_list

   interface dmpar_alltoall_field
      module procedure dmpar_alltoall_field1dInteger
      module procedure dmpar_alltoall_field2dInteger
      module procedure dmpar_alltoall_field1dReal
      module procedure dmpar_alltoall_field2dReal
      module procedure dmpar_alltoall_field3dReal
   end interface


   subroutine dmpar_init(dminfo)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(inout) :: dminfo

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_rank, mpi_size
      integer :: mpi_ierr

      ! Find out our rank and the total number of processors
      call MPI_Init(mpi_ierr)
      call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_rank, mpi_ierr)
      call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_size, mpi_ierr)

      dminfo % comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD

      dminfo % nprocs = mpi_size
      dminfo % my_proc_id = mpi_rank

      write(0,'(a,i5,a,i5,a)') 'task ', mpi_rank, ' of ', mpi_size, &
        ' is running'

      call open_streams(dminfo % my_proc_id)

      dminfo % info = MPI_INFO_NULL
      dminfo % comm = 0
      dminfo % my_proc_id = IO_NODE
      dminfo % nprocs = 1

   end subroutine dmpar_init

   subroutine dmpar_finalize(dminfo)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(inout) :: dminfo

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr

      call MPI_Finalize(mpi_ierr)

   end subroutine dmpar_finalize

   subroutine dmpar_abort(dminfo)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr, mpi_errcode

      call MPI_Abort(dminfo % comm, mpi_errcode, mpi_ierr)


   end subroutine dmpar_abort

   subroutine dmpar_global_abort(mesg)

      implicit none

      character (len=*), intent(in) :: mesg

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr, mpi_errcode

      write(0,*) trim(mesg)
      call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_errcode, mpi_ierr)

      write(0,*) trim(mesg)

   end subroutine dmpar_global_abort

   subroutine dmpar_bcast_int(dminfo, i)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(inout) :: i

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr

      call MPI_Bcast(i, 1, MPI_INTEGER, IO_NODE, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)

   end subroutine dmpar_bcast_int

   subroutine dmpar_bcast_ints(dminfo, n, iarray)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: n
      integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: iarray

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr

      call MPI_Bcast(iarray, n, MPI_INTEGER, IO_NODE, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)

   end subroutine dmpar_bcast_ints

   subroutine dmpar_bcast_real(dminfo, r)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      real (kind=RKIND), intent(inout) :: r

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr

      call MPI_Bcast(r, 1, MPI_REALKIND, IO_NODE, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)

   end subroutine dmpar_bcast_real

   subroutine dmpar_bcast_reals(dminfo, n, rarray)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: n
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: rarray

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr

      call MPI_Bcast(rarray, n, MPI_REALKIND, IO_NODE, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)

   end subroutine dmpar_bcast_reals

   subroutine dmpar_bcast_logical(dminfo, l)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      logical, intent(inout) :: l

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: itemp

      if (dminfo % my_proc_id == IO_NODE) then
         if (l) then
            itemp = 1
            itemp = 0
         end if
      end if

      call MPI_Bcast(itemp, 1, MPI_INTEGER, IO_NODE, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)

      if (itemp == 1) then
         l = .true.
         l = .false.
      end if

   end subroutine dmpar_bcast_logical

   subroutine dmpar_bcast_char(dminfo, c)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      character (len=*), intent(inout) :: c

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr

      call MPI_Bcast(c, len(c), MPI_CHARACTER, IO_NODE, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)

   end subroutine dmpar_bcast_char

   subroutine dmpar_sum_int(dminfo, i, isum)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: i
      integer, intent(out) :: isum

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(i, isum, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      isum = i

   end subroutine dmpar_sum_int

   subroutine dmpar_sum_real(dminfo, r, rsum)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: r
      real(kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: rsum

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(r, rsum, 1, MPI_REALKIND, MPI_SUM, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      rsum = r

   end subroutine dmpar_sum_real

   subroutine dmpar_min_int(dminfo, i, imin)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: i
      integer, intent(out) :: imin

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(i, imin, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MIN, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      imin = i

   end subroutine dmpar_min_int

   subroutine dmpar_min_real(dminfo, r, rmin)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: r
      real(kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: rmin

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(r, rmin, 1, MPI_REALKIND, MPI_MIN, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      rmin = r

   end subroutine dmpar_min_real

   subroutine dmpar_max_int(dminfo, i, imax)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: i
      integer, intent(out) :: imax
      integer :: mpi_ierr 
#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(i, imax, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MAX, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      imax = i

   end subroutine dmpar_max_int

   subroutine dmpar_max_real(dminfo, r, rmax)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      real(kind=RKIND), intent(in) :: r
      real(kind=RKIND), intent(out) :: rmax

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(r, rmax, 1, MPI_REALKIND, MPI_MAX, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      rmax = r

   end subroutine dmpar_max_real

   subroutine dmpar_sum_int_array(dminfo, nElements, inArray, outArray)

      implicit none
      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: nElements
      integer, dimension(nElements), intent(in) :: inArray
      integer, dimension(nElements), intent(out) :: outArray
      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(inArray, outArray, nElements, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      outArray = inArray

   end subroutine dmpar_sum_int_array

   subroutine dmpar_min_int_array(dminfo, nElements, inArray, outArray)
      implicit none
      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: nElements
      integer, dimension(nElements), intent(in) :: inArray
      integer, dimension(nElements), intent(out) :: outArray

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(inArray, outArray, nElements, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MIN, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      outArray = inArray

   end subroutine dmpar_min_int_array

   subroutine dmpar_max_int_array(dminfo, nElements, inArray, outArray)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: nElements
      integer, dimension(nElements), intent(in) :: inArray
      integer, dimension(nElements), intent(out) :: outArray

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(inArray, outArray, nElements, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MAX, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      outArray = inArray

   end subroutine dmpar_max_int_array

   subroutine dmpar_sum_real_array(dminfo, nElements, inArray, outArray)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: nElements
      real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nElements), intent(in) :: inArray
      real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nElements), intent(out) :: outArray

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(inArray, outArray, nElements, MPI_REALKIND, MPI_SUM, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      outArray = inArray

   end subroutine dmpar_sum_real_array

   subroutine dmpar_min_real_array(dminfo, nElements, inArray, outArray)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: nElements
      real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nElements), intent(in) :: inArray
      real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nElements), intent(out) :: outArray

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(inArray, outArray, nElements, MPI_REALKIND, MPI_MIN, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      outArray = inArray

   end subroutine dmpar_min_real_array

   subroutine dmpar_max_real_array(dminfo, nElements, inArray, outArray)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: nElements
      real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nElements), intent(in) :: inArray
      real(kind=RKIND), dimension(nElements), intent(out) :: outArray

      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI
      call MPI_Allreduce(inArray, outArray, nElements, MPI_REALKIND, MPI_MAX, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
      outArray = inArray

   end subroutine dmpar_max_real_array

   subroutine dmpar_scatter_ints(dminfo, nprocs, noutlist, displs, counts, inlist, outlist)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: nprocs, noutlist
      integer, dimension(nprocs), intent(in) :: displs, counts
      integer, dimension(:), pointer :: inlist
      integer, dimension(noutlist), intent(inout) :: outlist

#ifdef _MPI
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      call MPI_Scatterv(inlist, counts, displs, MPI_INTEGER, outlist, noutlist, MPI_INTEGER, IO_NODE, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)

   end subroutine dmpar_scatter_ints

   subroutine dmpar_get_index_range(dminfo, &
                                    global_start, global_end, &
                                    local_start, local_end)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: global_start, global_end
      integer, intent(out) :: local_start, local_end

      local_start = nint(real(dminfo % my_proc_id) * real(global_end - global_start + 1) / real(dminfo % nprocs)) + 1
      local_end   = nint(real(dminfo % my_proc_id + 1) * real(global_end - global_start + 1) / real(dminfo % nprocs)) 

   end subroutine dmpar_get_index_range

   subroutine dmpar_compute_index_range(dminfo, &
                                        local_start, local_end, &
                                        global_start, global_end)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: local_start, local_end
      integer, intent(inout) :: global_start, global_end

      integer :: n
      integer :: mpi_ierr

      n = local_end - local_start + 1

      if (dminfo % my_proc_id == 0) then
         global_start = 1
         global_end = global_start + n - 1
#ifdef _MPI
      else if (dminfo % my_proc_id == dminfo % nprocs - 1) then
         call MPI_Recv(global_start, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dminfo % my_proc_id - 1, 0, dminfo % comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
         global_end = global_start + n - 1

         call MPI_Recv(global_start, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dminfo % my_proc_id - 1, 0, dminfo % comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
         global_end = global_start + n
         call MPI_Send(global_end, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dminfo % my_proc_id + 1, 0, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)
         global_end = global_end - 1

      end if
   end subroutine dmpar_compute_index_range

   subroutine dmpar_get_owner_list(dminfo, &
                                   nOwnedList, nNeededList, &
                                   ownedList, neededList, &
                                   sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: nOwnedList, nNeededList
      integer, dimension(nOwnedList), intent(in) :: ownedList
      integer, dimension(nNeededList), intent(in) :: neededList
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: recvList

      integer :: i, j, k, kk
      integer :: totalSize, nMesgRecv, nMesgSend, recvNeighbor, sendNeighbor, currentProc
      integer :: numToSend, numToRecv
      integer, dimension(nOwnedList) :: recipientList
      integer, dimension(2,nOwnedList) :: ownedListSorted
      integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: ownerListIn, ownerListOut
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: mpi_ierr, mpi_rreq, mpi_sreq

#ifdef _MPI
      nullify(sendList % next)
      nullify(recvList % next)
      sendListPtr => sendList
      recvListPtr => recvList

      do i=1,nOwnedList
         ownedListSorted(1,i) = ownedList(i)
         ownedListSorted(2,i) = i
      end do
      call quicksort(nOwnedList, ownedListSorted)

      call MPI_Allreduce(nNeededList, totalSize, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MAX, dminfo % comm, mpi_ierr)


      nMesgRecv = nNeededList
      ownerListIn(1:nNeededList) = neededList(1:nNeededList)

      recvNeighbor = mod(dminfo % my_proc_id + dminfo % nprocs - 1, dminfo % nprocs)
      sendNeighbor = mod(dminfo % my_proc_id + 1, dminfo % nprocs)

      do i=1, dminfo % nprocs

         recipientList(:) = -1
         numToSend = 0

         currentProc = mod(dminfo % my_proc_id + dminfo % nprocs - i + 1, dminfo % nprocs)
         do j=1,nMesgRecv
            if (ownerListIn(j) > 0) then
               k = binary_search(ownedListSorted, 2, 1, nOwnedList, ownerListIn(j))
               if (k <= nOwnedList) then
                  ownerListOut(j) = -1 * dminfo % my_proc_id
                  numToSend = numToSend + 1
                  recipientList(ownedListSorted(2,k)) = numToSend
                  ownerListOut(j) = ownerListIn(j)
               end if
               ownerListOut(j) = ownerListIn(j)
            end if
         end do

         if (numToSend > 0) then
            allocate(sendListPtr % next)
            sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
            sendListPtr % procID = currentProc
            sendListPtr % nlist = numToSend
            allocate(sendListPtr % list(numToSend))
            nullify(sendListPtr % next)
            kk = 1
            do j=1,nOwnedList
               if (recipientList(j) /= -1) then
                  sendListPtr % list(recipientList(j)) = j
                  kk = kk + 1
               end if
            end do
         end if

         nMesgSend = nMesgRecv
         call MPI_Irecv(nMesgRecv, 1, MPI_INTEGER, recvNeighbor, i, dminfo % comm, mpi_rreq, mpi_ierr)
         call MPI_Isend(nMesgSend, 1, MPI_INTEGER, sendNeighbor, i, dminfo % comm, mpi_sreq, mpi_ierr)
         call MPI_Wait(mpi_rreq, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
         call MPI_Wait(mpi_sreq, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
         call MPI_Irecv(ownerListIn, nMesgRecv, MPI_INTEGER, recvNeighbor, i, dminfo % comm, mpi_rreq, mpi_ierr)
         call MPI_Isend(ownerListOut, nMesgSend, MPI_INTEGER, sendNeighbor, i, dminfo % comm, mpi_sreq, mpi_ierr)
         call MPI_Wait(mpi_rreq, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
         call MPI_Wait(mpi_sreq, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
      end do

      do i=0, dminfo % nprocs - 1

         numToRecv = 0
         do j=1,nNeededList
            if (ownerListIn(j) == -i) numToRecv = numToRecv + 1
         end do
         if (numToRecv > 0) then
            allocate(recvListPtr % next)
            recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
            recvListPtr % procID = i
            recvListPtr % nlist = numToRecv
            allocate(recvListPtr % list(numToRecv))
            nullify(recvListPtr % next)
            kk = 1
            do j=1,nNeededList
               if (ownerListIn(j) == -i) then
                  recvListPtr % list(kk) = j
                  kk = kk + 1
               end if
            end do
         end if

      end do


      sendListPtr => sendList
      sendList => sendList % next

      recvListPtr => recvList
      recvList => recvList % next

      recvList % procID = dminfo % my_proc_id
      recvList % nlist = nNeededList
      allocate(recvList % list(nNeededList))
      nullify(recvList % next)
      do j=1,nNeededList
         recvList % list(j) = j
      end do

      sendList % procID = dminfo % my_proc_id
      sendList % nlist = nOwnedList
      allocate(sendList % list(nOwnedList))
      nullify(sendList % next)
      do j=1,nOwnedList
         sendList % list(j) = j
      end do

   end subroutine dmpar_get_owner_list

   subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field1dInteger(dminfo, arrayIn, arrayOut, nOwnedList, nNeededList, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: arrayIn
      integer, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: arrayOut
      integer, intent(in) :: nOwnedList, nNeededList
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: i

#ifdef _MPI

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      if (associated(recvListPtr) .and. associated(sendListPtr)) then
         do i=1,recvListPtr % nlist
            arrayOut(recvListPtr % list(i)) = arrayIn(sendListPtr % list(i))
         end do
      end if

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            allocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer(recvListPtr % nlist))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % ibuffer, recvListPtr % nlist, MPI_INTEGER, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            allocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer(sendListPtr % nlist))
            call packSendBuf1dInteger(nOwnedList, arrayIn, sendListPtr, 1, sendListPtr % nlist, &
                                   sendListPtr % ibuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % ibuffer, sendListPtr % nlist, MPI_INTEGER, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            call unpackRecvBuf1dInteger(nNeededList, arrayOut, recvListPtr, 1, recvListPtr % nlist, &
                                     recvListPtr % ibuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      if (nOwnedList /= nNeededList) then
         write(0,*) 'Error in dmpar_alltoall_field: For non-dmpar, ', &
           'arrayIn and arrayOut dims must match.'
         call dmpar_abort(dminfo)
         arrayOut(1:nNeededList) = arrayIn(1:nOwnedList)
      end if

   end subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field1dInteger

   subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field2dInteger(dminfo, arrayIn, arrayOut, dim1, nOwnedList, nNeededList, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: dim1, nOwnedList, nNeededList
      integer, dimension(dim1,*), intent(in) :: arrayIn
      integer, dimension(dim1,*), intent(inout) :: arrayOut
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: i, d2

#ifdef _MPI

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      if (associated(recvListPtr) .and. associated(sendListPtr)) then
         do i=1,recvListPtr % nlist
            arrayOut(:,recvListPtr % list(i)) = arrayIn(:,sendListPtr % list(i))
         end do
      end if

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d2 = dim1 * recvListPtr % nlist
            allocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer(d2))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % ibuffer, d2, MPI_INTEGER, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d2 = dim1 * sendListPtr % nlist
            allocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer(d2))
            call packSendBuf2dInteger(1, dim1, nOwnedList, arrayIn, sendListPtr, 1, d2, &
                                   sendListPtr % ibuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % ibuffer, d2, MPI_INTEGER, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            d2 = dim1 * recvListPtr % nlist
            call unpackRecvBuf2dInteger(1, dim1, nNeededList, arrayOut, recvListPtr, 1, d2, &
                                     recvListPtr % ibuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      if (nOwnedList /= nNeededList) then
         write(0,*) 'Error in dmpar_alltoall_field: For non-dmpar, ', &
           'arrayIn and arrayOut dims must match.'
         call dmpar_abort(dminfo)
         arrayOut(:,1:nNeededList) = arrayIn(:,1:nOwnedList)
      end if

   end subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field2dInteger

   subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field1dReal(dminfo, arrayIn, arrayOut, nOwnedList, nNeededList, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(*), intent(in) :: arrayIn
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(*), intent(inout) :: arrayOut
      integer, intent(in) :: nOwnedList, nNeededList
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: i

#ifdef _MPI

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      if (associated(recvListPtr) .and. associated(sendListPtr)) then
         do i=1,recvListPtr % nlist
            arrayOut(recvListPtr % list(i)) = arrayIn(sendListPtr % list(i))
         end do
      end if

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            allocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer(recvListPtr % nlist))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % rbuffer, recvListPtr % nlist, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            allocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer(sendListPtr % nlist))
            call packSendBuf1dReal(nOwnedList, arrayIn, sendListPtr, 1, sendListPtr % nlist, &
                                   sendListPtr % rbuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % rbuffer, sendListPtr % nlist, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            call unpackRecvBuf1dReal(nNeededList, arrayOut, recvListPtr, 1, recvListPtr % nlist, &
                                     recvListPtr % rbuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      if (nOwnedList /= nNeededList) then
         write(0,*) 'Error in dmpar_alltoall_field: For non-dmpar, ', &
           'arrayIn and arrayOut dims must match.'
         call dmpar_abort(dminfo)
         arrayOut(1:nNeededList) = arrayIn(1:nOwnedList)
      end if

   end subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field1dReal

   subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field2dReal(dminfo, arrayIn, arrayOut, dim1, nOwnedList, nNeededList, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: dim1, nOwnedList, nNeededList
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(dim1,*), intent(in) :: arrayIn
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(dim1,*), intent(inout) :: arrayOut
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: i, d2

#ifdef _MPI

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      if (associated(recvListPtr) .and. associated(sendListPtr)) then
         do i=1,recvListPtr % nlist
            arrayOut(:,recvListPtr % list(i)) = arrayIn(:,sendListPtr % list(i))
         end do
      end if

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d2 = dim1 * recvListPtr % nlist
            allocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer(d2))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % rbuffer, d2, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d2 = dim1 * sendListPtr % nlist
            allocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer(d2))
            call packSendBuf2dReal(1, dim1, nOwnedList, arrayIn, sendListPtr, 1, d2, &
                                   sendListPtr % rbuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % rbuffer, d2, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            d2 = dim1 * recvListPtr % nlist
            call unpackRecvBuf2dReal(1, dim1, nNeededList, arrayOut, recvListPtr, 1, d2, &
                                     recvListPtr % rbuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      if (nOwnedList /= nNeededList) then
         write(0,*) 'Error in dmpar_alltoall_field: For non-dmpar, ', &
           'arrayIn and arrayOut dims must match.'
         call dmpar_abort(dminfo)
         arrayOut(:,1:nNeededList) = arrayIn(:,1:nOwnedList)
      end if

   end subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field2dReal

   subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field3dReal(dminfo, arrayIn, arrayOut, dim1, dim2, nOwnedList, nNeededList, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: dim1, dim2, nOwnedList, nNeededList
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(dim1,dim2,*), intent(in) :: arrayIn
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(dim1,dim2,*), intent(inout) :: arrayOut
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: i, d3

#ifdef _MPI

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID == dminfo % my_proc_id) exit
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      if (associated(recvListPtr) .and. associated(sendListPtr)) then
         do i=1,recvListPtr % nlist
            arrayOut(:,:,recvListPtr % list(i)) = arrayIn(:,:,sendListPtr % list(i))
         end do
      end if

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d3 = dim1 * dim2 * recvListPtr % nlist
            allocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer(d3))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % rbuffer, d3, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d3 = dim1 * dim2 * sendListPtr % nlist
            allocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer(d3))
            call packSendBuf3dReal(1, dim1, 1, dim2, nOwnedList, arrayIn, sendListPtr, 1, d3, &
                                   sendListPtr % rbuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % rbuffer, d3, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            d3 = dim1 * dim2 * recvListPtr % nlist
            call unpackRecvBuf3dReal(1, dim1, 1, dim2, nNeededList, arrayOut, recvListPtr, 1, d3, &
                                     recvListPtr % rbuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      if (nOwnedList /= nNeededList) then
         write(0,*) 'Error in dmpar_alltoall_field: For non-dmpar, ', &
           'arrayIn and arrayOut dims must match.'
         call dmpar_abort(dminfo)
         arrayOut(:,:,1:nNeededList) = arrayIn(:,:,1:nOwnedList)
      end if

   end subroutine dmpar_alltoall_field3dReal

   subroutine packSendBuf1dInteger(nField, field, sendList, startPackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nField, nBuffer, startPackIdx
      integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: sendList
      integer, dimension(nBuffer), intent(out) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nPacked, lastPackedIdx

      integer :: i

      nPacked = 0
      do i=startPackIdx, sendList % nlist
         nPacked = nPacked + 1
         if (nPacked > nBuffer) then
            nPacked = nPacked - 1
            lastPackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         buffer(nPacked) = field(sendList % list(i))
      end do
      lastPackedIdx = sendList % nlist

   end subroutine packSendBuf1dInteger

   subroutine packSendBuf2dInteger(ds, de, nField, field, sendList, startPackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: ds, de, nField, nBuffer, startPackIdx
      integer, dimension(ds:de,*), intent(in) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: sendList
      integer, dimension(nBuffer), intent(out) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nPacked, lastPackedIdx

      integer :: i, n

      n = de-ds+1

      if (n > nBuffer) then
         write(0,*) 'packSendBuf2dInteger: Not enough space in buffer', &
          ' to fit a single slice.'
      end if

      nPacked = 0
      do i=startPackIdx, sendList % nlist
         nPacked = nPacked + n
         if (nPacked > nBuffer) then
            nPacked = nPacked - n
            lastPackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         buffer(nPacked-n+1:nPacked) = field(ds:de,sendList % list(i))
      end do
      lastPackedIdx = sendList % nlist

   end subroutine packSendBuf2dInteger

   subroutine packSendBuf3dInteger(d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, nField, field, sendList, startPackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, nField, nBuffer, startPackIdx
      integer, dimension(d1s:d1e,d2s:d2e,*), intent(in) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: sendList
      integer, dimension(nBuffer), intent(out) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nPacked, lastPackedIdx

      integer :: i, j, k, n

      n = (d1e-d1s+1) * (d2e-d2s+1)

      if (n > nBuffer) then
         write(0,*) 'packSendBuf2dInteger: Not enough space in buffer', &
          ' to fit a single slice.'
      end if

      nPacked = 0
      do i=startPackIdx, sendList % nlist
         nPacked = nPacked + n
         if (nPacked > nBuffer) then
            nPacked = nPacked - n
            lastPackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         k = nPacked-n+1
         do j=d2s,d2e
            buffer(k:k+d1e-d1s) = field(d1s:d1e,j,sendList % list(i))
            k = k + d1e-d1s+1
         end do
      end do
      lastPackedIdx = sendList % nlist

   end subroutine packSendBuf3dInteger

   subroutine packSendBuf1dReal(nField, field, sendList, startPackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nField, nBuffer, startPackIdx
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(*), intent(in) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: sendList
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nBuffer), intent(out) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nPacked, lastPackedIdx

      integer :: i

      nPacked = 0
      do i=startPackIdx, sendList % nlist
         nPacked = nPacked + 1
         if (nPacked > nBuffer) then
            nPacked = nPacked - 1
            lastPackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         buffer(nPacked) = field(sendList % list(i))
      end do
      lastPackedIdx = sendList % nlist

   end subroutine packSendBuf1dReal

   subroutine packSendBuf2dReal(ds, de, nField, field, sendList, startPackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: ds, de, nField, nBuffer, startPackIdx
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(ds:de,*), intent(in) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: sendList
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nBuffer), intent(out) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nPacked, lastPackedIdx

      integer :: i, n

      n = de-ds+1

      if (n > nBuffer) then
         write(0,*) 'packSendBuf2dInteger: Not enough space in buffer', &
          ' to fit a single slice.'
      end if

      nPacked = 0
      do i=startPackIdx, sendList % nlist
         nPacked = nPacked + n
         if (nPacked > nBuffer) then
            nPacked = nPacked - n
            lastPackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         buffer(nPacked-n+1:nPacked) = field(ds:de,sendList % list(i))
      end do
      lastPackedIdx = sendList % nlist

   end subroutine packSendBuf2dReal

   subroutine packSendBuf3dReal(d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, nField, field, sendList, startPackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, nField, nBuffer, startPackIdx
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(d1s:d1e,d2s:d2e,*), intent(in) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: sendList
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nBuffer), intent(out) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nPacked, lastPackedIdx

      integer :: i, j, k, n

      n = (d1e-d1s+1) * (d2e-d2s+1)

      if (n > nBuffer) then
         write(0,*) 'packSendBuf2dInteger: Not enough space in buffer', &
          ' to fit a single slice.'
      end if

      nPacked = 0
      do i=startPackIdx, sendList % nlist
         nPacked = nPacked + n
         if (nPacked > nBuffer) then
            nPacked = nPacked - n
            lastPackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         k = nPacked-n+1
         do j=d2s,d2e
            buffer(k:k+d1e-d1s) = field(d1s:d1e,j,sendList % list(i))
            k = k + d1e-d1s+1
         end do
      end do
      lastPackedIdx = sendList % nlist

   end subroutine packSendBuf3dReal

   subroutine unpackRecvBuf1dInteger(nField, field, recvList, startUnpackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nField, nBuffer, startUnpackIdx
      integer, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: recvList
      integer, dimension(nBuffer), intent(in) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx

      integer :: i

      nUnpacked = 0
      do i=startUnpackIdx, recvList % nlist
         nUnpacked = nUnpacked + 1
         if (nUnpacked > nBuffer) then
            nUnpacked = nUnpacked - 1
            lastUnpackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         field(recvList % list(i)) = buffer(nUnpacked)
      end do
      lastUnpackedIdx = recvList % nlist

   end subroutine unpackRecvBuf1dInteger

   subroutine unpackRecvBuf2dInteger(ds, de, nField, field, recvList, startUnpackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: ds, de, nField, nBuffer, startUnpackIdx
      integer, dimension(ds:de,*), intent(inout) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: recvList
      integer, dimension(nBuffer), intent(in) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx

      integer :: i, n

      n = de-ds+1

      nUnpacked = 0
      do i=startUnpackIdx, recvList % nlist
         nUnpacked = nUnpacked + n
         if (nUnpacked > nBuffer) then
            nUnpacked = nUnpacked - n
            lastUnpackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         field(ds:de,recvList % list(i)) = buffer(nUnpacked-n+1:nUnpacked)
      end do
      lastUnpackedIdx = recvList % nlist

   end subroutine unpackRecvBuf2dInteger

   subroutine unpackRecvBuf3dInteger(d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, nField, field, recvList, startUnpackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, &
                                  nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, nField, nBuffer, startUnpackIdx
      integer, dimension(d1s:d1e,d2s:d2e,*), intent(inout) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: recvList
      integer, dimension(nBuffer), intent(in) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx

      integer :: i, j, k, n

      n = (d1e-d1s+1) * (d2e-d2s+1)

      nUnpacked = 0
      do i=startUnpackIdx, recvList % nlist
         nUnpacked = nUnpacked + n
         if (nUnpacked > nBuffer) then
            nUnpacked = nUnpacked - n
            lastUnpackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         k = nUnpacked-n+1
         do j=d2s,d2e
            field(d1s:d1e,j,recvList % list(i)) = buffer(k:k+d1e-d1s)
            k = k + d1e-d1s+1
         end do
      end do
      lastUnpackedIdx = recvList % nlist

   end subroutine unpackRecvBuf3dInteger

   subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field1dInteger(dminfo, array, dim1, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: dim1
      integer, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: array
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            allocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer(recvListPtr % nlist))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % ibuffer, recvListPtr % nlist, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do
      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            allocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer(sendListPtr % nlist))
            call packSendBuf1dInteger(dim1, array, sendListPtr, 1, sendListPtr % nlist, sendListPtr % ibuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % ibuffer, sendListPtr % nlist, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            call unpackRecvBuf1dInteger(dim1, array, recvListPtr, 1, recvListPtr % nlist, recvListPtr % ibuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do
      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do


   end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field1dInteger

   subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field2dInteger(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: dim1, dim2
      integer, dimension(dim1,*), intent(inout) :: array
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: d2

#ifdef _MPI

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d2 = dim1 * recvListPtr % nlist
            allocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer(d2))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % ibuffer, d2, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do
      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d2 = dim1 * sendListPtr % nlist
            allocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer(d2))
            call packSendBuf2dInteger(1, dim1, dim2, array, sendListPtr, 1, d2, sendListPtr % ibuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % ibuffer, d2, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            d2 = dim1 * recvListPtr % nlist
            call unpackRecvBuf2dInteger(1, dim1, dim2, array, recvListPtr, 1, d2, recvListPtr % ibuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do
      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do


   end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field2dInteger

   subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field3dInteger(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2, dim3, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: dim1, dim2, dim3
      integer, dimension(dim1,dim2,*), intent(inout) :: array
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: d3

#ifdef _MPI

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d3 = dim1 * dim2 * recvListPtr % nlist
            allocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer(d3))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % ibuffer, d3, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d3 = dim1 * dim2 * sendListPtr % nlist
            allocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer(d3))
            call packSendBuf3dInteger(1, dim1, 1, dim2, dim3, array, sendListPtr, 1, d3, &
                                   sendListPtr % ibuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % ibuffer, d3, MPI_INTEGERKIND, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            d3 = dim1 * dim2 * recvListPtr % nlist
            call unpackRecvBuf3dInteger(1, dim1, 1, dim2, dim3, array, recvListPtr, 1, d3, &
                                     recvListPtr % ibuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % ibuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do


   end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field3dInteger

   subroutine unpackRecvBuf1dReal(nField, field, recvList, startUnpackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: nField, nBuffer, startUnpackIdx
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(*), intent(inout) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: recvList
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nBuffer), intent(in) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx

      integer :: i

      nUnpacked = 0
      do i=startUnpackIdx, recvList % nlist
         nUnpacked = nUnpacked + 1
         if (nUnpacked > nBuffer) then
            nUnpacked = nUnpacked - 1
            lastUnpackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         field(recvList % list(i)) = buffer(nUnpacked)
      end do
      lastUnpackedIdx = recvList % nlist

   end subroutine unpackRecvBuf1dReal

   subroutine unpackRecvBuf2dReal(ds, de, nField, field, recvList, startUnpackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: ds, de, nField, nBuffer, startUnpackIdx
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(ds:de,*), intent(inout) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: recvList
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nBuffer), intent(in) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx

      integer :: i, n

      n = de-ds+1

      nUnpacked = 0
      do i=startUnpackIdx, recvList % nlist
         nUnpacked = nUnpacked + n
         if (nUnpacked > nBuffer) then
            nUnpacked = nUnpacked - n
            lastUnpackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         field(ds:de,recvList % list(i)) = buffer(nUnpacked-n+1:nUnpacked)
      end do
      lastUnpackedIdx = recvList % nlist

   end subroutine unpackRecvBuf2dReal

   subroutine unpackRecvBuf3dReal(d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, nField, field, recvList, startUnpackIdx, nBuffer, buffer, &
                                  nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)

      implicit none

      integer, intent(in) :: d1s, d1e, d2s, d2e, nField, nBuffer, startUnpackIdx
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(d1s:d1e,d2s:d2e,*), intent(inout) :: field
      type (exchange_list), intent(in) :: recvList
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(nBuffer), intent(in) :: buffer
      integer, intent(inout) :: nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx

      integer :: i, j, k, n

      n = (d1e-d1s+1) * (d2e-d2s+1)

      nUnpacked = 0
      do i=startUnpackIdx, recvList % nlist
         nUnpacked = nUnpacked + n
         if (nUnpacked > nBuffer) then
            nUnpacked = nUnpacked - n
            lastUnpackedIdx = i - 1
         end if
         k = nUnpacked-n+1
         do j=d2s,d2e
            field(d1s:d1e,j,recvList % list(i)) = buffer(k:k+d1e-d1s)
            k = k + d1e-d1s+1
         end do
      end do
      lastUnpackedIdx = recvList % nlist

   end subroutine unpackRecvBuf3dReal

   subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field1dReal(dminfo, array, dim1, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: dim1
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(*), intent(inout) :: array
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr

#ifdef _MPI

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            allocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer(recvListPtr % nlist))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % rbuffer, recvListPtr % nlist, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do
      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            allocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer(sendListPtr % nlist))
            call packSendBuf1dReal(dim1, array, sendListPtr, 1, sendListPtr % nlist, sendListPtr % rbuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % rbuffer, sendListPtr % nlist, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            call unpackRecvBuf1dReal(dim1, array, recvListPtr, 1, recvListPtr % nlist, recvListPtr % rbuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do
      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do


   end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field1dReal

   subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field2dReal(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: dim1, dim2
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(dim1,*), intent(inout) :: array
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: d2

#ifdef _MPI

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d2 = dim1 * recvListPtr % nlist
            allocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer(d2))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % rbuffer, d2, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do
      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d2 = dim1 * sendListPtr % nlist
            allocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer(d2))
            call packSendBuf2dReal(1, dim1, dim2, array, sendListPtr, 1, d2, sendListPtr % rbuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % rbuffer, d2, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            d2 = dim1 * recvListPtr % nlist
            call unpackRecvBuf2dReal(1, dim1, dim2, array, recvListPtr, 1, d2, recvListPtr % rbuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do
      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do


   end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field2dReal

   subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field3dReal(dminfo, array, dim1, dim2, dim3, sendList, recvList)

      implicit none

      type (dm_info), intent(in) :: dminfo
      integer, intent(in) :: dim1, dim2, dim3
      real (kind=RKIND), dimension(dim1,dim2,*), intent(inout) :: array
      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendList, recvList

      type (exchange_list), pointer :: sendListPtr, recvListPtr
      integer :: lastPackedIdx, lastUnpackedIdx, nPacked, nUnpacked
      integer :: mpi_ierr
      integer :: d3

#ifdef _MPI

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d3 = dim1 * dim2 * recvListPtr % nlist
            allocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer(d3))
            call MPI_Irecv(recvListPtr % rbuffer, d3, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           recvListPtr % procID, recvListPtr % procID, dminfo % comm, recvListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            d3 = dim1 * dim2 * sendListPtr % nlist
            allocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer(d3))
            call packSendBuf3dReal(1, dim1, 1, dim2, dim3, array, sendListPtr, 1, d3, &
                                   sendListPtr % rbuffer, nPacked, lastPackedIdx)
            call MPI_Isend(sendListPtr % rbuffer, d3, MPI_REALKIND, &
                           sendListPtr % procID, dminfo % my_proc_id, dminfo % comm, sendListPtr % reqID, mpi_ierr)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do

      recvListPtr => recvList
      do while (associated(recvListPtr))
         if (recvListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(recvListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            d3 = dim1 * dim2 * recvListPtr % nlist
            call unpackRecvBuf3dReal(1, dim1, 1, dim2, dim3, array, recvListPtr, 1, d3, &
                                     recvListPtr % rbuffer, nUnpacked, lastUnpackedIdx)
            deallocate(recvListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         recvListPtr => recvListPtr % next
      end do

      sendListPtr => sendList
      do while (associated(sendListPtr))
         if (sendListPtr % procID /= dminfo % my_proc_id) then
            call MPI_Wait(sendListPtr % reqID, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, mpi_ierr)
            deallocate(sendListPtr % rbuffer)
         end if
         sendListPtr => sendListPtr % next
      end do


   end subroutine dmpar_exch_halo_field3dReal

end module dmpar

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