//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Default pb2nc configuration file // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Stratify the observation data in the PrepBufr files in the following // ways: // (1) by message type: supply a list of PrepBufr message types // to retain (i.e. AIRCFT) // (2) by station id: supply a list of observation stations to retain // (3) by valid time: supply starting and ending times in form // YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC // (4) by location: supply either an NCEP masking grid, a masking // lat/lon polygon or a file to a mask lat/lon polygon // (5) by elevation: supply min/max elevation values // (6) by report type (typ): supply a list of report types to retain // (7) by instrument type (itp): supply a list of instrument type to // retain // (8) by vertical level: supply min/max vertical levels // (9) by variable type: supply a list of variable types to retain // P, Q, T, Z, U, V // (11) by quality mark: supply a quality mark threshold // (12) Flag to retain values for all quality marks, or just the first // quality mark (highest) // (13) by data level category: supply a list of category types to // retain. // // 0 - Surface level (mass reports only) // 1 - Mandatory level (upper-air profile reports) // 2 - Significant temperature level (upper-air profile reports) // 2 - Significant temperature and winds-by-pressure level // (future combined mass and wind upper-air reports) // 3 - Winds-by-pressure level (upper-air profile reports) // 4 - Winds-by-height level (upper-air profile reports) // 5 - Tropopause level (upper-air profile reports) // 6 - Reports on a single level // (e.g., aircraft, satellite-wind, surface wind, // precipitable water retrievals, etc.) // 7 - Auxiliary levels generated via interpolation from spanning levels // (upper-air profile reports) // // // Specify a comma-separated list of PrepBufr message type strings to retain. // An empty list indicates that all should be retained. // List of valid message types: // ADPUPA AIRCAR AIRCFT ADPSFC ERS1DA GOESND GPSIPW // MSONET PROFLR QKSWND RASSDA SATEMP SATWND SFCBOG // SFCSHP SPSSMI SYNDAT VADWND // ANYAIR (= AIRCAR, AIRCFT) // ANYSFC (= ADPSFC, SFCSHP, ADPUPA, PROFLR) // ONLYSF (= ADPSFC, SFCSHP) // http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/prepbufr.doc/table_1.htm // // e.g. message_type[] = [ "ADPUPA", "AIRCAR" ]; // message_type[] = []; // // Specify a comma-separated list of station ID strings to retain. // An empty list indicates that all should be retained. // // e.g. station_id[] = [ "KDEN" ]; // station_id[] = []; // // Beginning and ending time offset values in seconds for observations // to retain. The valid time window for retaining observations is // defined in reference to the observation time. So observations with // a valid time falling in the window [obs_time+beg_ds, obs_time+end_ds] // will be retained. // beg_ds = -1800; end_ds = 1800; // // Specify the name of a single grid to be used in masking the data. // An empty string indicates that no grid should be used. The standard // NCEP grids are named "GNNN" where NNN indicates the three digit grid number. // // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tableb.html // // e.g. mask_grid = "G212"; // mask_grid = ""; // // Specify a single lat/lon polygon file to be used in masking the data over // which to perform scoring. An empty string indicates that no polygon mask // should be used. // // Latitude values are given in degrees north and longitude values are // given in degrees east. By default, the first and last points are // connected. // // The lat/lon polygon file should contain a name for the polygon followed // by a space-separated list of lat/lon points defining the polygon: // "name lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2... latn lonn" // // MET_BASE may be used in the path for the lat/lon polygon file. // // e.g. mask_poly = "EAST.poly"; // mask_poly = "YUMd01.poly"; // // Beginning and ending elevation values in meters for observations // to retain. // beg_elev = -1000; end_elev = 100000; // // Specify a comma-separated list of PrepBufr report type values to retain. // An empty list indicates that all should be retained. // // http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/prepbufr.doc/table_4.htm // // e.g. pb_report_type[] = [ 120, 133 ]; // pb_report_type[] = []; // // Specify a comma-separated list of input report type values to retain. // An empty list indicates that all should be retained. // // http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/prepbufr.doc/table_6.htm // // e.g. in_report_type[] = [ 11, 22, 23 ]; // in_report_type[] = []; // // Specify a comma-separated list of instrument type values to retain. // An empty list indicates that all should be retained. // // e.g. instrument_type[] = [ 52, 87 ]; // instrument_type[] = []; // // Beginning and ending vertical levels to retain. // beg_level = 1; end_level = 255; // // Specify a comma-separated list of strings containing grib codes or // corresponding grib code abbreviations to retain or be derived from // the available observations. // // Grib Codes to be RETAINED: // SPFH or 51 for Specific Humidity in kg/kg // TMP or 11 for Temperature in K // HGT or 7 for Height in meters // UGRD or 33 for the East-West component of the wind in m/s // VGRD or 34 for the North-South component of the wind in m/s // // Grib Codes to be DERIVED: // DPT or 17 for Dewpoint Temperature in K // WIND or 32 for Wind Speed in m/s // RH or 52 for Relative Humidity in % // MIXR or 53 for Humidity Mixing Ratio in kg/kg // PRMSL or 2 for Pressure Reduced to Mean Sea Level in Pa // // http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html // // e.g. obs_grib_code[] = [ "TMP", "UGRD", "VGRD", "WIND" ]; // obs_grib_code[] = [ "SPFH", "TMP", "HGT", "UGRD", "VGRD", "DPT", "WIND", "RH", "MIXR", "PRMSL" ]; // // Quality mark threshold to indicate which observations to retain. // Observations with a quality mark equal to or LESS THAN this threshold // will be retained, while observations with a quality mark GREATER THAN // this threshold will be discarded. // http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/prepbufr.doc/table_7.htm // quality_mark_threshold = 2; // // Flag to indicate whether observations should be drawn from the top // of the event stack (most quality controlled) or the bottom of the // event stack (most raw). A value of 1 indicates that the top of the // event stack should be used while a value of zero indicates that the // bottom should be used. // event_stack_flag = 1; // // Space comma-separated list of data level categorie values to retain, // where a value of: // 0 = Surface level (mass reports only) // 1 = Mandatory level (upper-air profile reports) // 2 = Significant temperature level (upper-air profile reports) // 2 = Significant temperature and winds-by-pressure level // (future combined mass and wind upper-air reports) // 3 = Winds-by-pressure level (upper-air profile reports) // 4 = Winds-by-height level (upper-air profile reports) // 5 = Tropopause level (upper-air profile reports) // 6 = Reports on a single level // (e.g., aircraft, satellite-wind, surface wind, // precipitable water retrievals, etc.) // 7 = Auxiliary levels generated via interpolation from spanning levels // (upper-air profile reports) // An empty list indicates that all should be retained. // // http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/data_processing/prepbufr.doc/table_1.htm // // e.g. level_category[] = [ 0, 1 ]; // level_category[] = []; // // Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration file. // The value should generally not be modified. // version = "V1.1";