Hi, <br><br>I am running into some trouble when I try to run gridstat using NARR and wrf output.<br>Essentially, I get the following error:<br><br>Forecast File: wrfout_regrid.grb<br>Observation File: narr_regrid.grb<br>Configuration File: GridStatConfig_default<br>
GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937<br>GSL_RNG_SEED=18446744072124576585<br><br>ERROR: compute_cntinfo() -> the forecast and observation arrays must have the same non-zero length!<br><br>terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'<br>
Aborted<br><br>where wrfout_regrid.grb is the WPS output regridded to the NARR grid using copygb and narr_regrid.grb is a NARR grib file<br>that has been formed by concatenating several single-time NARR files together. I think the error may have something to do<br>
with the time labeling in each file. In the wrfoutput, subsequent times are referred to as a forecast for +X hours from the initial time,<br>whereas, in the concatenated NARR data, each time has its own label. Am I doing something wrong? Any help would be<br>
greatly appreciated.<br><br><br>------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>The following config_file was used:<br><br>model = "WRF";<br>vx_grib_code[] = [ "11/P500" ];<br>
thresholds[] = [ "gt0.0 ge5.0" ];<br>mask_grids[] = [ "FULL" ];<br>mask_polys[] = [ "MET_BASE/data/poly/EAST.poly" ];<br>ci_alpha[] = [ 0.05 ];<br>boot_interval = 1;<br>boot_rep_prop = 1.0;<br>
n_boot_rep = 1000;<br>boot_rng = "mt19937";<br>boot_seed = "";<br>interp_method[] = [ "UW_MEAN" ];<br>interp_width[] = [ 1 ];<br>interp_threshold = 1.0;<br>nbr_width[] = [ 3, 5 ];<br>nbr_threshold = 1.0;<br>
nbr_frac_threshold[] = [ "ge0.5" ];<br>output_flag[] = [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 ];<br>rank_corr_flag = 1;<br>ncep_defaults = 1;<br>tmp_dir = "./tmp";<br>version = "V1.1";<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>David Andrade<br><a href="mailto:andraded@eas.slu.edu">andraded@eas.slu.edu</a><br>