[Hearts-of-GOLD] FW: [GOLD-network] Social Justice Facilitation workshop - feedback needed

Grady Dixon pgdixon at fhsu.edu
Tue Feb 2 10:07:23 MST 2021

Please see the message below from Carolyn. Note that the poll is only two question and an open place for comments.

P. Grady Dixon
Professor and Dean,
Werth College of Science, Technology, and Mathematics
Fort Hays State University
pgdixon at fhsu.edu

From: GOLD-network <gold-network-bounces at mailman.ucar.edu> On Behalf Of Carolyn Brinkworth via GOLD-network
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 10:36 AM
To: GOLD Ideas Lab Participants <gold-network at mailman.ucar.edu>
Subject: [GOLD-network] Social Justice Facilitation workshop - feedback needed

Good morning everyone. I hope you're all well and holding up in month 11 of this whole situation.

I'm working with my team here in UCAR's Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion to develop a potential week-long workshop in social justice facilitation techniques. We're seeing a lot of journal clubs, anti-racist discussion groups and book clubs pop up in departments, which is phnomenal, but in many cases the folks leading those groups have been thrown into it without support or training in effective ways to facilitate the discussions. We're looking to help fill that gap, based on the equity & inclusion training we've been doing in-house at UCAR for the past 5 years. That training has been shown by an external evaluation to change awareness, attitudes and behaviours amongst participants, and we've made all the mistakes possible in facilitation so other people don't have to.

We're looking at potentially 5 days, with two days spent on learning tools for effective facilitation of JEDI issues, 2 days for learning how to ask good questions and deal with difficult situations, and a final day to pull it all together. We're envisioning a *lot* of practice, so folks should leave confident in their ability to facilitate the most common things that come up from scientists and engineers in these discussions.

We're trying to gauge interest for this kind of workshop, so if you'd be able to answer the poll below then that would be super helpful for our planning. We'd also welcome any feedback and suggestions for things you'd like us to cover, and feel free to leave comments if you have other feelings.


If you could also forward this on to your GOLD project participants then I'd be extremely grateful.

Thank you, everyone!!


Carolyn Brinkworth (she/her) - 303-497-1670
Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

My working day may not be your working day. Please do not feel like you have to respond to this email outside of your normal working hours.

I acknowledge that the land I live and work on is the Traditional Territory of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ute<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.fairobserver.com%2fregion%2fnorth_america%2findigenous-peoples-native-american-history-us-canada-colonialism-news-16521%2f&c=E,1,u8ZqGJXawxYaXgUbBkmiAToJzgguoAyWyF-f4EyMqferRjtz__b6I3rn-ExyPEzAOFWcAIkpoawrb6z55o6nXDL3GrZryrMprDzQ7SaysXA9m6LUwQ,,&typo=1>. Colorado's Front Range<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fnative-land.ca%2f&c=E,1,jeFI6VBTrHj54aaF1P2zE66NMz1hYF7LHispRPOnl0Rn2IOqzjkLBsAcCfz8FU_cfs_MkLw2Mt80arWyykfNuaTw97dr_K-wNV8SHJ4gRmII&typo=1> is a contemporary and traditional site of trade and gathering for many Indigenous peoples.
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