[GTP] GTP-HAO-MMM seminar July 7: P.K. Yeung

Silvia Gentile sgentile at ucar.edu
Fri Jul 1 15:39:26 MDT 2011

Joint GTP – MMM- HAO Special Seminar
Petascale Computing and the Study of Turbulent Mixing and Dispersion
P.K. Yeung
Georgia Tech

Because of the presence of a wide range of scales, turbulence is both a 
complex problem in science and a grand challenge problem for 
high-performance computing. At the same time, rapid advancements of 
computer capacity have made it possible to perform detailed numerical 
simulations, at increasingly high Reynolds number and with increasing 
complexity in accompanying physical processes or flow geometry. In this 
talk we first discuss some of the challenges involved in developing 
algorithms for optimal performance on current and hopefully future 
massively parallel computers, and in analyzing and maintaining huge 
volumes of data resulting from simulations of grid resolution 40963 and 
beyond. Our second major focus is the study of efficient mixing and 
dispersion, which are among the most important effects of turbulence in 
many geophysical, environmental, and engineering contexts. In 
particular, we consider dependence of passive scalar transport on the 
Schmidt number (which varies widely in applications), and the dependence 
of single- and multiparticle Lagrangian statistics on Reynolds number 
and scale size. Finally we give some thoughts to future prospects, 
including additional physical processes, and issues that require 
collective action by the turbulence research community to ensure 
continued benefits from the arrival of machines capable of sustained 
Petascale performance and beyond.

Thursday July 7, 2011
FL2-1022 Large Auditorium
Lecture at 11:00am
(Refreshments at 10:45)

Silvia Gentile
1850 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, CO 803035

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