[GTP] GTP retreat

pouquet at ucar.edu pouquet at ucar.edu
Fri Jun 4 11:16:40 MDT 2010

Dear GTP members,

GTP will hold its quasi-decadal *retreat* on *Friday July 30th* 2010, at NCAR.

Please let Silvia and myself know whether you will be able to attend  
(count on the whole day, but the exact timing is not determined yet  
...), and mark it on your calendar!

A few short presentations will be given and we shall also organize  
into break-out group discussions on well-chosen themes, around lunch  
and beyond.

We shall briefly examine what we have accomplished and, more  
importantly, what we want to do in the next quasi-10 years. I will  
propose, as always, an increase in the GTP budget for our outreach  
activities, and we will aim at determining what should be our  
priorities, in view of the changing environment.

I am thinking for example of what peta and exa scale is going to give  
us, eddy resolving and cloud resolving, as well bio-chemistry resolving.

What are *you* thinking?

Do you want to present something (two-slide like)? Let me know!
DO contact me for input if you so wish, and see you there!


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