[GTP] minutes of meeting

pouquet at ucar.edu pouquet at ucar.edu
Fri Sep 4 21:27:03 MDT 2009

  Dear all,

Please find attached the minutes of our meeting yesterday

Thanks for your interest in GTP


OK, attachment does not seem to work ...

                           GTP Annual Meeting , Sep. 3, 2009

J. Clyne, L. Cornman, A. Fournier, R. Frehlich, J. Herring,Y. Kimura,  
D. Lenschow, R. Millif,
Chin-hoh Moeng, D. Nychka, E. Patton, A. Pouquet, M. Rast, D.  
Rosenberg, P. Smolarkiewicz,
  C. Snyder, P. Sullivan, Jielun Sun, J. Tribbia.

Notes taken by Duane

Review of FY09: 52.6k spent, with
	* 1.7 k on seminars (4 of them, plus 6 free to GTP, with mostly HAO  
	* 31.2k on visitors (7 people; 95% MMM)
	* 20.6k on equipment (100% EOL)

Committments made for F'09 that will carry over to F' 2010:
	* 6k for a GTP retreat
	* 12k for visitors (TNT)
	* 30k for workshop on rotating stratified flows;
		  Zeitlin & Chomaz in EU; CHRIS SNYDER has kindly accepted to be the  
	* 10k for workshop in the honor of Bob Kraichnan, in Beijing  
(co-organized by GTP)

Fiscal 2010: 98K to spend on top of the previous commitment

Another workshop: no proposition;
AP suggested a workshop-like small meeting to bring in J. Brasseur, A.  
Guenther, Ned Patton, etc. to consider
chemistry in turbulence. Patton agreed to lead this effort. See (5) below.

(1) Seminar speaker recommendations (3 days + 1 day travel; $ with no  

Tribbia: Eleftherios, Chorin,
Fournier: Sreenivasan
Sullivan: Riley, Feron, P.K. Yeung
Chin-hoh: Nicholas Jaron (sp?)
Herring: R. Salmon
seminars..................................$ 11K
already in the pipeline, invited by Pouquet: Bouchet (LANL) in  
October, Balbus (Paris) in November.

(2) Visitor recommendations ($ include overhead):

Host: Lenschow.  Guest: Gurarie.   Duration: 1 month.     Allocation: $4.6K
Patton, Frehlich, Sullivan, Lenschow: Niehelson, 1 month, $4.6K
Patton: Finnegan, 1 month, $4.6K
Pouquet: Dubrulle, 2 wks $2.6K
Pouquet/Patton/Sullivan: Jim Brasseur, 1 month, $4.6K
Rast: J-F Pinton, 1-2 wks, $2.6K
Rosenberg: O. Ghattas, 1 wk, $1.6K
Sullivan: Jonker, 1 month, $4.6K
Jielun Sun: Mahrt, 1 wk, 1.6K                   [LATE REQUEST]
Tribbia, J. McWilliams, 1 month, $4.6K

           Total visitors:              36K

(3) Grad. student, post-doc  recommendations ($ include overhead):

Smolarkiewicz: Cossette, 3 month, $12K
                          Petrowski, 3 mnths, $12.5K

                      Total grad students/post doc................ $  

(4) GTP retreat extras, Tribbia and Pouquet: 1.9K

(5) GTP FY 2010 workshop ($ with no overhead):

Extended round table on chemistry in turbulence, Patton, 13K

(6) Reserve for Mark and John for VAPOR enhancement (TBD)   ($  
includes overhead)             $ 4.6K

(7) Reserve  for GTP at ~ 7%             $ 7K

              Total FY2010 recommendations....................$ 98K

Note that all numbers have been decreased a bit compared to what was  
discussed in our meeting, in order to accommodate a new request and a  
remark made to me that a GTP reserve should be maintained for  

(8) Stimulus package post-doc position for 2 years, 133k each year  
(salary+ a little travel):

Pouquet: Reminded GTP of postdoc position(s)  received from stimuls  
funds on the basis of a GTP request and of Al Kellie and Eric Barron's  
support. Made clear that the appointment(s) would be for petascale  
work. Discussion ensued on whether this should be a scientific  
appointment, or a computer scientist, or a mixture of both, with  
preference for the former. Pouquet wanted comments on the selection  

Tribbia: Suggested that we don't go through ASP, but put something out  
now, not waiting for the ASP deadlines and timetables. It could give  
us an edge in getting a candidate. Also believes that it would be a  
mistake to have 2 * 1-year postdocs, instead of 1 * 2-year position.  
There was agreement on this point.

(9) Other business: Millif: wanted to discuss the TOY selection, and  
Pouquet pointed him to Nychka/IMAGe.

TO-DO: Annick writes the first version of a post-doc add, and it is  
circulated. A selection committee has to be formed.

TO-DO: Joe and Annick organize a GTP retreat in 2010    :)

TO-DO: Ned confirms his organizing a ``round-table with guests'' on  
chemical turbulence

TO-DO: Mark and John check on availability of Kenny (or some other  
person?) for VAPOR follow-up on Kenny's PhD

TO-DO: All divisional hosts of visitors (seminars, short and long  
term, grad students and post-docs) are responsible for invitations,  
for communicating dates to me with a one-line topic, for visit  
details, and for a one paragraph report (to one page at most,  
including a figure) by the end of the fiscal year, with help of GTP  
administration for travel, etc.

Please let me know your remarks.


               *************     END OF MEMO      ********************

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