<html><head></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; "><div class="" id="magicdomid2"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Present:</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid3"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Sylvia Murphy</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid4"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Bryan Lawrence</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid5"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Nate Wilhelmi</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid6"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Luca Cinquini</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid7"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Roland Schw</span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q">e</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">itzer</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid8"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Serguei Nikonov</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid9"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Dean Williams</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid10"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Eric Nienhouse</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid11"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Craig Ward</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid12"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Bob Dra</span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q">ch</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid13"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Steven Pascoe</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid14"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Martina Stockhause</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid15"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Stephan Kindermann</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid16"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Frank Toussaint</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid17"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">V. Balaji</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid18"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid19"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid20"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Hi Everyone,</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid21"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid22"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Below is a summary of the metadata pipeline call held on Tuesday 15 June, 2010.&nbsp; I have included the notes </span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q">e</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">mbedded in the published metadata pipeline that I emailed out before.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid23"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid24"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">SCHEDULES:</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid25"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid26"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Please
note that Curator's timelines are synced with those of ESG. Below is
ESG's current release schedule, which can also be viewed at </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z url"><a href="https://wiki.ucar.edu/display/esgcet/ESG+Gateway+Release+Roadmap">https://wiki.ucar.edu/display/esgcet/ESG+Gateway+Release+Roadmap</a></span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid27"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid28"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Please
note that code freezes occur TWO WEEKS before these dates. Only bug
fixes are allowed after a freeze.&nbsp; Also note that new features should
be demonstrated </span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q">AT LEAST </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">THREE</span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q"> </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">WEEKS before any release so that changes can be made before the freeze.&nbsp; I have put these dates into the list below.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid29"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid30"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">1.1 July 15th (Freeze: July 1st, Demontration Deadline: June 24th)</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid31"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">1.2 August 15th (Freeze: August 2nd, Demonstration Deadline: July 26th)</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid32"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">1.3 September 16th (Freeze: September 2nd, Demonstration Deadline: August 26th)</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid33"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid34"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Resource Constraints:&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid35"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid36"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">*
Curator's developer Julien will be on travel starting 21 August.&nbsp; He
will be gone one month. His last days to get anything done will be
August 19th, 20th, and 23rd. Because of this, Curator's primary
contributions to CMIP need to be finalized by ESG's 1.2 release (Freeze
2 August).&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid37"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid38"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">At the bottom of the email there is a draft outline of capabilities by release.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid39"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid40"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Curator
also syncs its efforts to those of METAFOR.&nbsp; Below I am quoting
Charlotte's latest questionnaire release schedule (dated 3 June).</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid41"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid42"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">"Here is the release schedule showing just the current version of the timeline – to avoid confusion.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid43"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">14th June – Beta testing starts" (Bryan indicated that the beta testing is likely to slip another week)</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid44"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">"13th-20th July – Release of the questionnaire."</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid45"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">*Middle of August: First CMIP5 files received from METAFOR (Target based upon conversations with METAFOR)</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid46"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid47"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Demonstration Schedule:</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid48"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid49"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">a)
XML Harvest demonstration.&nbsp; XML Harvest demonstrations have been
occurring on a regular basis.&nbsp;&nbsp; They are primarily for the METAFOR and
go-essp-tech communities.&nbsp; They show a sample questionnaire output
(given to us by METAFOR) and are meant to primarily QC the harvesting
process but also give folks an idea of what the questionnaire output
looks like so that changes in the questionnaire and/or the ESG display
can be identified. The next demonstration is targeted for the week of
28 June.&nbsp; This date is dependent upon receipt of an updated XML file
from Gerry and upon Julien who will need to add code to harvest the
improved inputs and conformances.&nbsp; See 4) below.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid50"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid51"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">b)
Scientist demonstration.&nbsp; The entire gateway (data browse, data search,
model search, metadata content) needs to be demonstrated to
scientists.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid52"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid53"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Sylvia
asked the group if we should go ahead and conduct this demonstration in
July prior to the 1.2 ESG release even if a complete example is not
available.&nbsp; She indicated that the consquence of waiting is that
further changes to the system will have to be made while the system is
operational.&nbsp; Both Balaji and Bryan commented that they thought it was
too early to demonstrate the system.&nbsp; Eric indicated that ESG is
anticipating having to make changes while operational anyway.&nbsp; The
group agreed to wait to conduct this demonstration until after real
data is in the system and a complete metadata example is available.&nbsp;
Target: November 2010.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid54"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid55"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid56"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">METADATA PATHS:</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid57"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid58"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">There
are three primary paths:&nbsp; the gridspec path, the netCDF path, and the
questionnaire path. Tasks to be completed are embedded under the
specific metadata pathway step they refer to.&nbsp; This is a summary that
includes portions of the ESG/CMIP5 effort outside of the Curator
project scope and may have gaps and errors.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid59"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid60"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Gridspec Path:</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid61"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid62"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;
* What is the status of Gridspec command line program? Balaji indicated
that the libCF software will be published in September 2010.&nbsp; It will
contain regrid capabilities. By July GFDL plans to publish a
native-grid data set and instructions on what you can do with it.&nbsp;
There are also other plans to get libCF into other tools like NCL.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid63"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid64"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;
* Do we anticipate getting gridspec files now? Balaji reported that it
is very unlikely that any group besides GFDL will produce gridspec
files. Additionally, he knows of no one who is planning on producing
multi-mosaic files.&nbsp; He also indicated that CMOR2 is still going to
produce a link to external gridspec files for users that want that.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid65"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid66"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp; * How do we bal</span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q">a</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">nce
gridspec metadata from the new grid info coming from the Questionnaire?
Balaji indicated we should forget about all the gridspec display that
was done before and just display the grid information that will come in
via the questionnaire.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid67"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid68"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">netCDF Path:&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid69"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid70"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">*
Is the DRS document final? Bryan indicated that the document is
finished but that there is another document being circulated that needs
to be discussed.&nbsp; This document is about the metadata that is supposed
to appear in the headers of the netCDF files.&nbsp; It really confuses
simulations, ensembles, and experiments. METAFOR has examined this
document and found inconsistencies and impossibilites.&nbsp; They will be
composing an email to Karl about this.&nbsp; It was revealed later in the
call that Karl had made changes within the last month to experiment
names, so DRS may not be final as Bryan thinks.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid71"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid72"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Action: METAFOR to email Karl and the group about this document.&nbsp; Sylvia to track that the loop gets closed on this issue.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid73"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid74"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* What is the status of CMOR2?</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid75"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Balaji
indicated that CMOR 2.0 was released yesterday.&nbsp; They expect the
software to be final even though they expect the CMOR tables to keep
evol</span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q">v</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">ing.
Eric wanted to know if there were any new attributes coming out of
CMOR2.&nbsp; Bob did not think so.&nbsp; That means that at this point ESG is
currently harvesting all the CMOR2 attributes.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid76"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid77"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* What is the status of the netCDF harvesting software?</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid78"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Bob indicated that version 2.4 is out and should be officially announced this week.&nbsp; It has numerous upgrades for CMIP5.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid79"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid80"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">*
Are there any missing pieces with respect to netCDF metadata harvesting
to ESG display? See the discussion above about CMOR2.&nbsp; At this point it
is believed that all the CMOR2 attributes are accounted for in the ESG
system.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid81"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid82"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Needed:
The netCDF path discussion resulted in the identification of a need for
a file with the official vocabularies (e.g. model, institution, DRS,
and experiment names) syntax.&nbsp; This will needed to be used by both the
ESG publisher and also the questionnaire.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid83"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid84"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Action:&nbsp; Bob Dra</span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q">ch</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z"> will produce this document (Target: 18 June) and send it to the list and also put it on the CMIP5 web site.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid85"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid86"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Action: </span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">M</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">ETAFOR</span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c"> </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">will</span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c"> take this and put </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">it </span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">into a vocabulary server, </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">which will </span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">ensure that the experiment descriptions are consistent and </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">its usage is consistent in the </span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">questionnaire.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid87"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid88"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Needed:
The discussion also resulted in the identification of a need for a
document that describes what information models are being used within
the federation.&nbsp; Bryan indicated that </span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">these </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">need to be </span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">tabulated and versioned.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid89"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid90"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Questionnaire Path:&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid91"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid92"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">1) Modelling centers fill out online questionnaire (being developed by METAFOR for 12 July release).</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid93"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid94"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">2) METAFOR converts output from the questionnaire into a CIM compliant XML file.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid95"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid96"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">3) METAFOR sends the XML output from the modelling centers to ESG via Atom.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid97"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp; *In Progress: ESG to write software to periodically query METAFOR's Atom server for new files and to download those files.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid98"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid99"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;
Luca indicated that the infrasturcture to do this is built but that it
still needs to be integrated with Julien's harvesting code. He is also
waiting on Bryan's latest changes to their feed, which won't come out
until the current questionnaire branches are merged and the beta
version of the questionnaire is released (scheduled for 23 June).&nbsp;
Bryan commented that a good target date for the completion of this task
is one week after the beta release.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid100"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid101"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Action:&nbsp; Sylvia to check with Gerry about uploading of his example into the feed, which will give Luca something to play with.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid102"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid103"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;Luca wanted to know if there was any</span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q"> </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">way
to tell if the XML had changed.&nbsp; Bryan responded that to answer that
question, one needed to know why it was updated in the first place?&nbsp; If
it was to fix the metadata then the version will be incremented in the
file but the document ID will remain constant. If, however, it is the
object that has changed there will be a new document ID in the file.
Bryan further indicated that there will be a string in the document
itself that will self-identify things.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid104"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid105"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;Luca
asked if there was a document describing all the things that METAFOR&nbsp;
planned with respect to the documents.&nbsp; Bryan indicated that everything
they were planning on doing was contained in a ticket on the METAFOR
system and that Luca could review all those tickets to figure this out.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid106"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid107"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;Eric
wanted to know whether there was support for the deletion of
documents.&nbsp; Bryan responded no, that one should never delete documents,
but only make them obsolete.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid108"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid109"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">4) ESG uses software (to be developed by ESG) to convert the XML into an OWL file for ingestation into the Sesame Triple Store.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid110"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid111"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Sylvia
reported that she and Julien have been receivng periodic XML samples
from METAFOR, but that they have not received one from the latest
version of the Questionnaire.&nbsp; The reason for this is that the latest
version contained numerous bugs that was preventing Gerry from inputing
information. Gerry reported today that those were now fixed, but that
the Questionnaire to XML software was broken.&nbsp; Rupert reported today
that he intended to work on this right away.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid112"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid113"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">The
discussion of when ESG can expect things from METAFOR prompted a
discussion about whether or not we should wait until every aspect of
the questionnaire can be displayed before uploading and displaying real
instances.&nbsp; Bryan suggested we not wait, but that we get the harvesting
program fully automated and publish the metadata even if it is only the
title and that they only way to test the system is to actually use it.&nbsp;
Dean had to leave the call before he could comment on this sugg</span><span class="author-g-x7tu98lffwvcz122zm6q">e</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">stion, so Bryan agreed continue the discussion in an offline email.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid114"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid115"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Bryan
indicated that he is no longer on the critical path for the
questionnaire and that this has been handed off to Gerry.&nbsp;
Unfortunately, Gerry is also the person who is creating the XML
example, so he can't finish the questionnaire and get us a sample at
the same time.&nbsp; Bryan was suggesting that we allow him to finish
getting the questionnaire deployed and then ask for a sample.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid116"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid117"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">For
the above reasons I have removed all of the details about the sample
XML file that ESG would like to receive until Bryan's suggestion is
clarified.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid118"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid119"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Bryan wanted to put forth some </span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">XML Handling rules</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z"> that we should&nbsp; </span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">expect</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z"> ESG's XML harvester to do:&nbsp;</span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">&nbsp; a) gracefully ignore content </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">it</span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c"> do</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">esn't</span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c"> understand, and b) gracefully ignore structure that mismatches </span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">with </span><span class="author-g-fp8k7gf8ji9vls9c">what is understood, and in both cases raise errors.</span><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z"> Sylvia indicated that Julien's program already does this.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid120"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid121"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Luca
asked how we were going to prevent people from uploading data before
the METAFOR metata was present (Quality Control Level 2).&nbsp; Bryan
indicated that first off people will be allowed to publish QC Level 1
data (passed through CMOR2) to their own data nodes immediately&nbsp; and
give access to their local users through their own mechanisms.&nbsp; At this
point, the data will begin the replication process, which will take a
while.&nbsp; During this time the METAFOR metadata can be finalized and
checked.&nbsp; Sylvia asked what will happen when a user hits submit on the
questionnaire.&nbsp; Will the results automatically be placed into the ATOM
feed?&nbsp; Bryan indicated that no, it will be farmed off and reviewed by a
human before being placed in the feed. Bryan suggested that we not put
in barriers to the information and data flow initially because if we
do, there will be no way to test the system.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid122"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid123"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">5) ESG continuity of operations</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid124"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
* Don identified the need to develop a plan to reinitialize the sesame
triple store with the CMIP5 metadata given a catastrophic failure.&nbsp;
Eric reported that what Don wanted to do was be able to recreate the
metadata (Triple Store) for many reasons including disaster recovery.&nbsp;
He said that they needed to start the discussion about this but did not
plan to get to it in the near term, so no release has been targeted.
They do expect to get to it sometime near July of 2011. Luca indicated
that he thought the feed software might actually cover most of these
needs, and that the 30 minute latency that would result between when
the portal was reinitialized and when the data would appear could be
solved by a backup copy of the Triple Store. Either way, this issue
does not need to be tracked for CMIP5.</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid125"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid126"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">6)
The XML instance is displayed on the web. The XML instances will
contain all the information about each CMIP5 model and simulation.&nbsp;
This will include information about the platform the simulation was run
on, the descriptive scientific properties of each component, etc.&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid127"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp; * Needed: Next XML Harvesting demo (Target: week of 28 June)</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid128"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;
* Needed: All of the CMIP5 experiment information needs to be
represented in the system.&nbsp; A separate XML conversion program needs to
be written to convert METAFOR's experiment XML files to OWL.&nbsp; (Target:
14 July)</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid129"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid130"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;Bryan's
suggestion that we display what we got applies to this item as well.&nbsp;
As new pieces of metadata are identified in the questionnaire output,
they will be added to the display.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid131"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid132"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid133"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">7)
Users can use the ESG search page to find model metadata. My last
conversation with Don indicated that ESG was scheduling this task for
September.&nbsp; Is that too late?</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid134"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * Needed: Community-wide consensus on the facets displayed for the search</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid135"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * Needed: ESG modify the search pages to conform to community desires&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid136"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * Needed: ESG finalize the look and feel of the search page and fix any identified bugs</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid137"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid138"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Sylvia
indicated that she has been trying to get the group to consider the
search facets without sucess and asked if this needed to be dealt with
by ESG Release 1.2 instead of ESG's current target date of September.&nbsp;
Luca thought the list should be finalized earlier than September.&nbsp;
Balaji asked how quickly the portal can be modified.&nbsp; Luca responded
that it only took minutes. Balaji then indicated he thought the facets
should not be finalized until there is more data in the system to test
the search against.&nbsp; Bryan agreed with this and the group decided to
postpone any work on the search facets for the forseeable future.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid139"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid140"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">SUMMARY OF METADATA-RELATED CAPABILITIES BY ESG RELEASE</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid141"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid142"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Note:&nbsp;&nbsp;
Here is a current list of baseline model metadata capabilities.&nbsp; Only
future capabilities&nbsp; are listed under the releases.&nbsp; Please assume that
the baseline carries forward:</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid143"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid144"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">Baseline capabilities:&nbsp;</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid145"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Component navigation</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid146"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Technical properties displayed</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid147"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Basic properties (e.g. institution, contacts etc) displayed</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid148"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Pop-up definitions of attributes</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid149"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Associated grids displayed</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid150"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Datahook</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid151"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Initial conditions/boundary conditions displayed</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid152"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Conformance displayed</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid153"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Scientific properties displayed</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid154"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Experiment information displayed</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid155"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid156"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">ESG Release 1.2 (Freeze: 2 August)</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid157"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* XML Harvest software complete and made operational</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid158"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Experiment information harvested and host files reconciled</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid159"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Trackback page display adjusted for users coming via the data browse</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid160"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Citation formatting improved</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid161"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Genealogy displayed</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid162"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Simulation to data connection and publishing process made more robust</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid163"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Ensemble information displayed</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid164"><br></div><div class="" id="magicdomid165"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">ESG Release 1.3 (Freeze: 2 September)</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid166"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Finalize search interface</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid167"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* User's changes to the component navigation retained in the session</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid168"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Link behavior throughout the site made more consistent</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid169"><span class="author-g-xwhvryte8gpg5h0z122z">* Loading of the component tree made more efficient</span></div><div class="" id="magicdomid170"><br></div><div>
<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Helvetica; "><div style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; "><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Helvetica; font-size: medium; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; "><div style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; "><div><div>***********************************</div><div>Sylvia Murphy</div><div>NESII/CIRES/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory<br>325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305</div><div>Email: <a href="mailto:sylvia.murphy@noaa.gov">sylvia.murphy@noaa.gov</a></div><div>Phone: 303-497-7753</div></div><div><br></div></div></span><br class="Apple-interchange-newline"></div></span><br class="Apple-interchange-newline"><br class="Apple-interchange-newline">