<div dir="ltr">The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has an opening for a
Project Scientist supporting an interagency collaborative project to
investigate turbulent momentum transport processes in climate models.
This project focuses on improving the representation of these processes
in the Cloud Layers Unified by Binormals (CLUBB) subgrid turbulence and
convection framework.<br><br>The incumbent will lead and/or contribute to:<br>i)
Designing and carrying out numerical experiments with the Community
Earth System Model (CESM) to investigate momentum transport processes
and their sensitivity to various formulations and parameter choices at a
range of model resolutions;<br>ii) Coordinating with large-eddy
simulation (LES) modelers to evaluate momentum transport in LES and to
design targeted experiments where needed; and<br>iii) Formulating updated or redesigned momentum transport algorithms for CLUBB and implementing these in CESM.<br><br><div>The
project partners include researchers at Pennsylvania State University,
University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee and NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Laboratory (GFDL) as well as LES researchers in NCAR’s Mesoscale and
Microscale Meteorology Lab (MMM). This collaborative project aims to
provide improved understanding and parameterization capability to NCAR
and NOAA climate modeling efforts.</div><br>Please see the <a href="https://ucar.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/UCAR_Careers/job/Mesa-Lab-Building/Project-Scientist-I_REQ-2019-9-2" target="_blank">official announcement for further details and link to apply</a>.<br><br><div>Please feel free to contact Julio Bacmeister (juliob at <a href="http://ucar.edu" target="_blank">ucar.edu</a>) or Colin Zarzycki (czarzycki at <a href="http://psu.edu" target="_blank">psu.edu</a>) with specific questions regarding the position.</div><div><br></div><div>Apologies for any cross-posting.</div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr" style="font-family:arial"><font color="#000000">Colin M. Zarzycki</font></div><div><font face="arial" color="#000000">Assistant Professor of Meteorology and Climate Dynamics</font><br></div><div><font face="arial" color="#000000">Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science</font><br></div><div><font face="arial" color="#000000">Pennsylvania State University<br></font></div><div dir="ltr" style="font-family:arial">Web: <a href="http://www.colinzarzycki.com/" style="color:rgb(17,85,204)" target="_blank">http://www.colinzarzycki.com</a> | Office: +1 (814) 863-6888</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>