<div dir="ltr"><div id="gmail-primary" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit;color:rgb(61,61,61);font-family:"Encode Sans Compressed",sans-serif;font-size:17px"><div id="gmail-content" class="gmail-container" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;padding-left:15px;padding-right:15px;width:1170px"><div class="gmail-row gmail-show-grid" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit"><div class="gmail-span8" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit"><article id="gmail-post-15795" class="gmail-post-15795 gmail-advertisements gmail-type-advertisements gmail-status-publish gmail-hentry gmail-advertisements_job_title-assistant-professor gmail-advertisements_school-university-of-washington-bothell gmail-advertisements_department-school-of-interdisciplinary-arts-and-sciences-bothell" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit"><div class="entry-content" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit"><p style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.72222;margin:0px 0px 14.5px"><span style="font-weight:700">Two full-time positions, tenure-track (100% FTE, 9-month term appointment)</span><br></p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.72222;margin:0px 0px 14.5px">The School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (IAS) at the University of Washington Bothell (UWB) seeks dynamic scientists who can integrate teaching, research, and practice in biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, or earth systems sciences. Ph.D. or equivalent degree required at time of appointment. <b>We encourage applicants with expertise in one or more of these areas: spatial modeling and conservation; watershed/landscape ecology; or geohazard risk assessment (climatic, hydrologic or geologic), with an emphasis on GIScience</b>. Preference will be given to candidates with interest and experience in integrating local or regional field sites into their teaching and research mentoring activities, collaborating with partner organizations to address planning, policy or management challenges, and interest in teaching introductory courses in data visualization and/or statistics, as well as their area of specialty. Individuals who address social and environmental justice concerns, and/or who employ community science or indigenous knowledge in their teaching and research practice are particularly encouraged to apply.</p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.72222;margin:0px 0px 14.5px">IAS houses eighteen undergraduate and graduate programs, is located in the Seattle metropolitan area, and provides faculty members with access to the research and funding resources of the entire UW system. Part of an institution with one of the most diverse student populations in Washington State, IAS as a whole stresses connections among fields and methods of inquiry. Our school-wide <a href="https://www.uwb.edu/ias/about/mission-values-goals" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit;background:0px 0px;color:rgb(0,136,221);text-decoration-line:none">Mission, Values, and Goals</a> commit us to engaged scholarship and experiential learning relevant to the diverse student populations and communities we serve. Successful candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to innovative and effective pedagogy, and should be prepared to teach upper-division core courses that introduce students to interdisciplinary inquiry in a portfolio-based undergraduate curriculum. Candidates should also expect to teach at all levels of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum.</p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.72222;margin:0px 0px 14.5px">Diversity is a core value of IAS and UW Bothell. We recognize that we are bound together in a collective experience and that our actions impact all in our community. We believe the power of diversity enriches all of us by exposing us to a range of ways to understand and engage with the world, identify challenges, and to discover, design and deliver solutions to create conditions of equity, justice and academic excellence for all. Successful candidates will show meaningful engagement with diversity in previous teaching, mentoring, and/or service, and the potential to address questions of diversity, equity, and inclusion in their courses and scholarship. To learn more, read our campus Diversity Statement <a href="http://www.uwb.edu/diversity" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit;background:0px 0px;color:rgb(0,136,221);text-decoration-line:none">http://www.uwb.edu/diversity</a>.</p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.72222;margin:0px 0px 14.5px">The University of Washington (UW) is proud to be one of the nation’s premier educational and research institutions. Our people are the most important asset in our pursuit of achieving excellence in education, research, and community service. Our staff not only enjoys outstanding benefits and professional growth opportunities, but also an environment noted for diversity, community involvement, intellectual excitement, artistic pursuits, and natural beauty.</p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.72222;margin:0px 0px 14.5px">The University of Washington Bothell is one of the most dynamic public universities in the state of Washington. We offer a participatory student experience grounded in hands-on learning, close relationships with faculty members as teachers and mentors, and the personalized support of staff who are dedicated to student success. The academic work of the campus focuses on cross-disciplinary research and creative practice, connected learning, and community engagement. UW Bothell’s current enrollment is approximately 5,000 students. More than 90 percent of undergraduates are from Washington State, and almost half are first-generation college attendees or come from underrepresented groups. Located along riverine wetlands just north of Seattle, UW Bothell builds vibrant regional partnerships, creates and disseminates new knowledge, and prepares students for leadership throughout Washington and beyond.<br style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit"><span style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit;font-weight:700">All University of Washington faculty engage in teaching, research, and service</span>.</p><h3 style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.3;color:inherit;margin-top:29px;margin-bottom:14.5px;font-size:23px">Application Instructions</h3><p style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.72222;margin:0px 0px 14.5px">For more information about IAS and UW Bothell, go to<a href="http://www.uwb.edu/IAS/" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit;background:0px 0px;color:rgb(0,136,221);text-decoration-line:none"> http://www.uwb.edu/IAS/</a>. Questions about this search may be directed to the search committee chair, Professor Martha Groom: <a href="mailto:groom@uw.edu" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit;background:0px 0px;color:rgb(0,136,221);text-decoration-line:none">groom@uw.edu</a>. Preferred deadline: November 20, 2017. Applications should include a letter addressing the candidate’s scholarly and pedagogical qualifications for working in IAS; CV; statement of research interests and research sample; evidence of teaching success or teaching dossier, statement about demonstrated commitment to diversity (as defined in the campus Diversity Statement) in research, teaching, mentoring, and/or service. Submit applications through Interfolio via this URL: <a href="http://apply.interfolio.com/46021" style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit;background:0px 0px;color:rgb(0,136,221);text-decoration-line:none">http://apply.interfolio.com/46021</a>. Three confidential letters of recommendation will be requested of candidates who advance in the search process.</p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.72222;margin:0px 0px 14.5px"></p><p style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1.72222;margin:0px 0px 14.5px"><em style="box-sizing:border-box;line-height:inherit">University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, protected veteran or disabled status, or genetic information.</em></p></div></article></div></div></div></div><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><div> </div></div></div></div>