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Postdoc Position in Computational Ocean Modeling<br>
Florida State University<br>
Department of Scientific Computing<br>
A postdoctoral position is available in computational ocean
modeling. The project involves the design, implementation, and
testing of advanced algorithms for spatially-dependent time stepping
methods, for coupling climate system components, and for variable
resolution spatial mesh generation. The postdoc joining the team
would work on one or more of these research directions.<br>
Regardless of the degree obtained, desirable skills include
excellent computing capabilities with respect to algorithmic
development and implementation as well as knowledge of ocean and
climate modeling. <br>
Inquiries and applications should be addressed to<br>
Max Gunzburger<br>
<a href="mailto:gunzburg@fsu.edu" target="_blank">gunzburg@fsu.edu</a><br>
To apply, please send, to this email address, a current CV and have
2 letters of reference sent to this address as well. <br>