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A new position to conduct pre/post-doctoral research is open at CEMFOR
(CTFC) - CREAF Joint research unit (InFOREST JRU) for one year (with the
possibility of an extension) in the context of the new joint research
unit between the two research institutions and the <a href="https://www.blogger.com/www.newforests.cat">NEWFORESTS project</a>. </div>
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<strong>We are seeking multi-disciplinary technology hearted researchers
to investigate the possibilities of drone technology in forest health
monitoring</strong> and dynamics with a focus on boreal and Mediterranean forest contexts.</div>
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Main focus of the work will be on testing and applying state-of-the-art
methods and models in forest and biodiversity dynamics modelling at
stand and landscape scales using drone-derived images taken with a
variety of sensors. More specifically the candidates will:</div>
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<span style="color:black">- </span>Integrate drone acquired imagery into analyses of forest health and disturbance dynamics. </div>
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<span style="color:black">- </span>Translate the acquired knowledge on processes and interactions into operational tools.</div>
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<span style="color:black">- </span>Increase research capacity by efficient interaction with other related projects in this research area. </div>
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<strong>The position is for one year and will be initially based in
Montreal (Canada) for a minimum of 10 months with a shorter stay in
Solsona</strong> (Spain). </div>
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<strong>Requirements </strong></div>
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- Master degree in environmental sciences (ecology, forestry, geography or similar). </div>
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- Experience in drone technology (ie. pilot license). - Proven skills in remote sensing analyses. </div>
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- Experience in scientific publications.</div>
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- EU (European citizenship).</div>
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<strong>Institutional context and collaborations</strong> </div>
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The InFOREST JRU is a joint research venture by CTFC and CREAF. These
are two forest research centres belonging to the Catalan network CERCA. A
strength of CREAF-CTFC is that it is built on strong national, European
and global networks. Collaborating with scientists within CREAF-CTFC
and with the InForest research partners across Europe, America and
Australia will greatly expand the candidate international network. <br>
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<strong>Research context</strong> </div>
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The <a href="https://www.blogger.com/www.newforests.cat">NEWFORESTS</a>
exchange program brings together researchers from 5 research
institutions: two from public research centres in Spain, Forest Sciences
Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) and Centre for Ecological Research and
Forestry Applications (CREAF), one French institution, Bio-Archaeology
and Ecology Centre (CBAE), and two Canadian Universities (University du
Québec à Montréal, UQAM, and in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, UQAT) hosting two
of the main hubs of the Centre for Forest Research (CEF). The aim of
the NEWFORESTS project is to create a competitive platform at the
international level to analyse the responses of forest ecosystems to
global changes and integrate current knowledge in sound and innovative
forest management and planning approaches. The general objective of the
program is to determine how to effectively integrate woodland management
(including non-management options) into strategies aimed to adjust and
mitigate global change. The program is organized in 5 thematic work
packages ranging from the basic understanding of forests dynamics,
biodiversity and functioning to research on interactions between global
change drivers determining disturbances regimes and the integration of
the gathered knowledge into advanced modeling tools and sound management
guidelines at different spatial scales. A fundamental aspect of the
program is that it stresses not only the responsibility of human society
as a major driver of global change, but also recognizes that we have an
opportunity to mitigate this change through informed, proper management
decisions </div>
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<strong>Working conditions</strong> </div>
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- Salary about 1650 euros (depending on experience, taxes included).
Travel to Canada covered by the project. Other travelling costs not
included. </div>
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- Working place in <a href="http://www.uqam.ca/">Montreal (Canada</a>) and Solsona (120 km north of Barcelona, Spain), <a href="http://www.cemfor.cat/">CEMFOR-CTFC</a>.<br><br></div>
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<strong>Send CV, a motivation letter (one page maximum), via e-mail before January 15th 2016 to: <a href="mailto:lluis.brotons@ctfc.cat">lluis.brotons@ctfc.cat</a></strong> Lluís Brotons, InForest (CEMFOR-CREAF-CSIC), Solsona.<br><br><a href="http://biodiversitylandscapeecologylab.blogspot.com.es/2015/12/a-new-position-to-conduct-prepost.html?m=1">http://biodiversitylandscapeecologylab.blogspot.com.es/2015/12/a-new-position-to-conduct-prepost.html?m=1</a><br></div></div>