<div dir="ltr"><font size="-1">Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2015 16:42:49 -0500<br>
From: =?windows-1252?Q?Jeff_Hicke?= <<a href="mailto:jhicke@UIDAHO.EDU">jhicke@UIDAHO.EDU</a>><br>
Subject: U. Idaho Open Rank Tenure-Track Position in Climate Change<br>
Dear Colleagues--<br>
Please see ad below.<br>
Jeff Hicke<br>
University of Idaho =96 Open Rank Tenure-Track Position in Human or Physi=<br>
Dimensions of Climate Change<br>
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Ph.D. required) with research focus o=<br>
quantitative approaches to either human or physical aspects of climate<br>
change. This hire will further contribute expertise to transdisciplinary<br>
research at the University of Idaho in climate change science, impacts,<br>
adaptation, and mitigation. Relevant theme areas would include (but are n=<br>
limited to) climate change impacts to water, energy and food resources, o=<br>
human health; societal adaptation to climate change impacts; mitigation o=<br>
future climate change. The position will have responsibilities in researc=<br>
teaching, service, and undergraduate and graduate advising.=20<br>
The successful candidate will join a dynamic department with GIS<br>
Certificate, B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. programs and department research<br>
expenditures over $1M per year. The new hire will is encouraged to<br>
contribute to an active community of transdisciplinary climate-related<br>
research at the University of Idaho. Our location in the small town of<br>
Moscow, Idaho, in the beautiful Inland Northwest provides for high qualit=<br>
of life and was recently ranked among the top 10 college towns in the U.S=<br>
Washington State University is eight miles away and provides additional<br>
opportunities for collaboration.<br>
Review of applications for this position will begin on January 6, 2016. =<br>
more detail on required and desired qualifications and procedures for<br>
application, please see: <a href="https://uidaho.peopleadmin.com/postings/11655" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://uidaho.peopleadmin.com/postings/11655</a><br>
Jeffrey Hicke<br>
Associate Professor<br>
Department of Geography<br>
University of Idaho<br>
McClure Hall Room 307C<br>
Mailing Address:<br>
University of Idaho<br>
875 Perimeter Drive Stop 3021<br>
Moscow ID 83844-3021<br>
Phone: 208-885-6240<br>
Fax: 208-885-2855<br>
<a href="mailto:jhicke@uidaho.edu">jhicke@uidaho.edu</a><br>
<a href="http://webpages.uidaho.edu/%7Ejhicke/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://webpages.uidaho.edu/~jhicke/</a><br>