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<font color="4D4F5E"><font face="ARIAL">The Department of Mechanical
Engineering in the College of Engineering and Applied Sci-<br>
ence at the University of Colorado Boulder invites applications
for a full-time instructor po-<br>
sition (posting F02997). This position will support the
Department of Mechanical Engineering <br>
and fulfillment of the department’s educational mission. <br>
The position involves teaching three engineering courses per
semester on the CU-Boulder <br>
campus beginning in the 2016 Spring to Fall semester timeframe.
Candidates must have an <br>
earned doctorate in Mechanical Engineering or a closely-related
field, and must demonstrate <br>
a strong commitment to high-quality undergraduate engineering
education and active en-<br>
gagement in the mechanical engineering field. An interest in
improving undergraduate engi-<br>
neering education is desirable. Industrial and teaching
experience is preferred. The success-<br>
ful applicant would have demonstrated strong teaching ability as
the instructor of record for <br>
one or more courses, and will be able to teach both lecture and
lab-based courses. <br>
This is a non-tenure track appointment; the successful candidate
will likely be appointed as <br>
an Instructor on the Mechanical Engineering faculty although
appointment as a Senior In-<br>
structor is possible depending on experience and
qualifications. The position will report to <br>
the Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. <br>
Applicants should apply through <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://www.jobsatcu.com">https://www.jobsatcu.com</a>
(posting F02997) and submit <br>
electronic files (PDF format) including a cover letter,
curriculum vita, a two-page statement <br>
of teaching and related research interests, and the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers <br>
of at least three references. <br>
Review of applications will begin as they are received, and will
continue until the position is <br>
filled. Additional information regarding the Department of
Mechanical Engineering search <br>
process as well as our research and academic programs can be
found at <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="http://www.colorado.edu/">www.colorado.edu/</a><br>
mechanical. The University of Colorado is an Equal Opportunity
Employer. Background <br>
checks will be conducted for all final applicants. <br>