<div dir="ltr">Position Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate<br><br>Position Location: Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, GA<br><br><br>Position Description:<br>The Harvey Lab (<a href="http://www.skio.uga.edu/people/harvey/" target="_blank">http://www.skio.uga.edu/people/harvey/</a>)
at the University of Georgia's Skidaway Institute of Oceanography in
Savannah, GA invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate
in the field of phytoplankton ecology. Research in the lab focuses on
gaining a mechanistic understanding of the linkages between planktonic
cell-cell interactions and large-scale oceanographic processes.
Particularly, the lab looks at the mechanisms of mortality in the
planktonic environment and how they influence food web structure and
biogeochemical cycling.<br><br>The applicant will be primarily
responsible for analysis of mortality rates as a function of viral
infection and/or consumption by microzooplankton predators. Duties
beyond research execution include timely dissemination of results in
peer-reviewed publications and presentations, regular contributions to
the functioning of the lab, and assistance with graduate and
undergraduate student mentoring. The successful applicant will have
opportunities for career development, including networking, outreach,
and grant proposal development.<br><br>Ph.D. in Oceanography, Marine Biology, Biology or a related field is required.<br><br> <br>Please see job posting number: 20151889 on the University of Georgia's employment website (<a href="http://www.hr.uga.edu/employment" target="_blank">http://www.hr.uga.edu/employment</a>) for more information and how to apply. Specific questions can be directed to Elizabeth Harvey (<a href="mailto:elizabeth.harvey@skio.uga.edu" target="_blank">elizabeth.harvey@skio.uga.edu</a>).</div>