<div dir="ltr">Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 15:24:01 +0000<br>
From: "Hall, Steven [EEOBS]" <<a href="mailto:stevenjh@IASTATE.EDU">stevenjh@IASTATE.EDU</a>><br>
Subject: Two postdoc positions in soil biogeochemistry<br>
Two Postdoc positions on soil carbon and iron biogeochemistry in tropical f=<br>
Description: We invite applications for two postdoc positions across divers=<br>
e skillsets that intersect with soil biogeochemistry. The successful candid=<br>
ates will conduct research into the role of iron redox processes on soil ca=<br>
rbon mineralization in humid forests within the Luquillo Critical Zone Obse=<br>
rvatory, Puerto Rico.<br>
The candidates will combine detailed laboratory experiments on iron oxidati=<br>
on/reduction kinetics coupled to carbon mineralization, field manipulations=<br>
and observations from large sensor arrays across the Luquillo forest, and =<br>
implement numerical modeling (structural equation and reactive transport mo=<br>
deling) to scale iron-based carbon decomposition to the whole ecosystem. Th=<br>
e project is jointly led by Whendee Silver (UC-Berkeley), Aaron Thompson (U=<br>
Georgia) and Steven Hall (Iowa State U).<br>
The selected candidates will conduct fieldwork in the Luquillo Experimental=<br>
Forest, Puerto Rico, part of the NSF sponsored Long-term Ecological Resear=<br>
ch Program Critical Zone Observatory, and DOE sponsored research sites. Lab=<br>
oratory analyses and/or numerical modeling work will also take place at the=<br>
Universities of Georgia, Iowa State, or California-Berkeley. In addition, =<br>
the postdoctoral fellows will be expected to generate original research que=<br>
stions related to the project. These may include complementary experiments,=<br>
novel analytical avenues or alternative modeling schemes.<br>
Required Qualifications: The postdoctoral fellows must have earned their P=<br>
h.D. prior to Sept. 2015. Applicants should hold a Doctoral degree in ecosy=<br>
stem ecology, biogeochemistry, chemistry, microbiology, geoscience, soil sc=<br>
ience or a related discipline. Publications in peer reviewed journals as a =<br>
first author is mandatory. Candidates must demonstrate experience and exper=<br>
tise in soil carbon or iron cycling, numerical modeling, or microbial ecolo=<br>
gy, and have a broad perspective of ecosystem processes.<br>
Desired Qualifications: Candidates should exhibit a strong ability to colla=<br>
borate with an interdisciplinary team. Prior experience with a wide range o=<br>
f field and lab analytical techniques or numerical modeling is desired. Str=<br>
ong organizational and communication skills (both oral and written), and a =<br>
high level of productivity should be demonstrated. Spanish-language fluency=<br>
is helpful, but not required.<br>
Application instructions:<br>
Please send a single pdf-file including: (a) a cover letter outlining resea=<br>
rch interests; (b) a CV; and (c) the contact data of 2 referees. The pdf-fi=<br>
le should be sent via email with [Luquillo-postdoc] in the subject line to =<br>
<a href="mailto:wsilver@berkeley.edu">wsilver@berkeley.edu</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:wsilver@berkeley.edu">wsilver@berkeley.edu</a>>, <a href="mailto:AaronT@uga.edu">AaronT@uga.edu</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:Aa">Aa</a>=<br>
<a href="mailto:ronT@uga.edu">ronT@uga.edu</a>>, and <a href="mailto:stevenjh@iastate.edu">stevenjh@iastate.edu</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:stevenjh@iastate.edu">stevenjh@iastate.edu</a>>. Evalu=<br>
ation of the applications will start <span tabindex="0" class="aBn"><span class="aQJ">August 31, 2015</span></span> and continue over the =<br>
next six months until suitable candidates are hired.</div>