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TUM is the first university in Germany to reinforce its recruitment policy by<br>
a comprehensive tenure track system. Based on best international standards<br>
and transparent performance criteria, TUM FACULTY TENURE TRACK offers<br>
quality-oriented academic career options for high-potential young scientists,<br>
from the appointment as Assistant Professor through a permanent position as<br>
Associate Professor and on to Full Professor.<br>
The TUM Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan invites applications<br>
for a<br>
Tenure Track Assistant Professorship<br>
»Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions«<br>
Initially pay-scale grade W2, to be filled as soon as possible.<br>
We are looking for an excellent junior scientist with a high potential for<br>
developing an internationally recog-nized research agenda in the field of<br>
Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions. The successful candidate is expected to<br>
conduct research and teaching in the complex biophysical, pedohydrological,<br>
and/or bio-geochemical interactions between the land surface and the lower<br>
atmosphere at micro- and mesoscales, using multivariate non-invasive direct<br>
measurement techniques and remote sensing, modelling the spatio-temporal<br>
variability of land surface properties (e.g. vegetation, soils, soil<br>
moisture, albedo) and relating processes at the catchment scale.<br>
The initial appointment will be for 6 years. After positive evaluation in the<br>
final year, the candidate is ten-ured on an Associate Professor level. In<br>
exceptional cases, the tenure evaluation may be initiated after a minimum of<br>
three years. Such cases will have to be justified by outstanding achievements<br>
of the candidate and when the candidate contributes to strategically shaping<br>
the university’s profile. The regulations accord-ing to “TUM Faculty<br>
Recruitment and Career System” (<a href="http://www.tum.de/faculty-tenure-track" target="_blank">http://www.tum.de/faculty-<u></u>tenure-track</a> [1])<br>
Eligible candidates have established a strong track record in the<br>
postdoctoral phase, and demonstrate pedagogical and personal aptitude as well<br>
as substantial international experience. Family leave will be taken into<br>
Supported by competitive start-up resources, candidates are expected to<br>
develop an independent and vig-orous research program. Furthermore,<br>
candidates should be committed to excellence in undergradu-ate/graduate<br>
teaching and in supervising PhD students. Teaching assignments include<br>
courses in the sub-ject area and the basic courses offered by the department<br>
as well as courses for other academic TUM de-partments.<br>
Prerequisites for this position are a university degree, a doctoral degree,<br>
teaching skills at university level, and additional academic achievements<br>
(according to Art. 7 and Art. 10 III BayHSchPG). The ability to teach in<br>
English is a prerequisite for TUM Professors.<br>
As part of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state<br>
governments, TUM has been pursuing the strategic goal of substantially<br>
increasing the diversity of its faculty. As an equal opportunity and<br>
affirma-tive action employer, TUM explicitly encourages nominations of and<br>
applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional<br>
diversity dimensions to the university’s research and teaching strategies.<br>
Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially the same<br>
qualifications. The TUM Munich Dual Career Office provides support for dual<br>
career couples and families.<br>
Applications accompanied by supporting documentation in English (CV,<br>
certificates, credentials, list of pub-lications, 3 selected reprints and a<br>
short statement with a max. of 1,000 characters about their novelty im-pact,<br>
presentation of research strategy, list of courses taught, statement on<br>
teaching strategy and teaching philosophy, third-party funding, as well as<br>
the names and addresses of at least 3 references) should be submitted by<br>
January 15, 2014 to:<br>
Dean, Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan<br>
Technische Universität München<br>
Alte Akademie 8<br>
D-85354 Freising (Germany)<br>
E-Mail: <a href="mailto:dekanat@wzw.tum.de" target="_blank">dekanat@wzw.tum.de</a> [2]<br>
<a href="http://portal.mytum.de/jobs/professuren/NewsArticle_20131204_101451" target="_blank">http://portal.mytum.de/jobs/<u></u>professuren/NewsArticle_<u></u>20131204_101451</a> [3]<br>
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