[ES_JOBS_NET] 3 Geologist Positions USGS Woods Hole Coastal & Marine Science Center

Gonneea, Meagan mgonneea at usgs.gov
Wed May 29 13:18:48 MDT 2019

The US Geological Survey Woods Holes Hole Coastal & Marine Science Center
is hiring 3 Geologists !

Please see the link for full details and to apply:


*As a Geologist within the Woods Hole Coastal & Marine Science Center, some
of your specific duties will include:*

   - Participate in the planning and executing of complex studies and
   investigations concerning geologic processes that affect coastal change and
   the resulting natural  hazards.
   - Conduct routine field experiments on geologic processes to test
   scientific hypotheses.
   - Deploy data collection and software systems.
   - Develop and maintain computer databases; and gather, analyze,
   tabulate, and summarize programmatic and budgetary data.
   - Perform data analysis and write reports to evaluate findings.
   - Collect data out on sea on boats.
   - Operate government vehicle as an incidental driver.


Meagan Eagle Gonneea, PhD
Research Scientist
USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
(508) 457-2280
m: (774) 810-0538
Office: Gosnold 25
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