[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral researcher position for "Megacity Seoul - CO2 project" at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Christine Wiedinmyer christine.wiedinmyer.ucar at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 09:46:39 MST 2019

Postdoctoral researcher position for "Megacity Seoul - CO2 project" at Seoul
National University, Seoul, Korea


We are working on carbon cycle researches of various scales from urban to
the globe to understand climate change as a result of human activities (
<http://climatelab.snu.ac.kr/> climatelab.snu.ac.kr).  


In particular, to understand the carbon cycle of Asia's representative
megacity, Seoul, we have been funded by the National Research Foundation of
Korea to carry out the "Megacity Seoul - CO2" project for 5 years and we are
seeking to hire 2 postdoctoral researchers. This project focuses on
verifying anthropogenic carbon emissions from Seoul and quantifying biogenic
sources within the local sources. (Employment period 2-5 years)



1.     Operation of the Seoul ground observation network and ground
observation-satellite synergy research 

2.     Development of a high-resolution carbon tracking system using inverse


l  Candidates must have experience in carbon monitoring or inverse modeling


Postdoctoral researchers participating in our project will conduct studies
with various research institutions such as NASA/JPL, France/LSCE,
NASA/Goddard and also carry out studies related to the Global Carbon Project
and WMO/IG3IS.


Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, contact information of two
references by e-mail to Prof. Sujong Jeong ( <mailto:sujong at snu.ac.kr>
sujong at snu.ac.kr) until March 30. Inquiries regarding the position can be
made through e-mail. 



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