[ES_JOBS_NET] Forest Science Editor-in-Chief position

Rebecca Barnes becca.barnes at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 08:34:14 MST 2019

*The Society of American Foresters announces a search for an
Editor-in-chief for Forest Science. *

The Editor-in-chief of *Forest Science*, published by Oxford University
Press on behalf of the Society of American Foresters, serves in a visible
role focused on the editorial and strategic positioning of the journal. The
journal’s content reflects the breadth of applied research and professional
interests across the international field of forestry and related natural

The Editor-in-chief serves at the pleasure of SAF for a contract term of
three years, extendable for one additional three-year term. The
Editor-in-chief works closely with SAF’s senior managing editor,
publications staff, production and publishing vendors, Associate Editors,
and at times directly with authors, reviewers, and readers, for the benefit
of the journal and the Society. The position will report to SAF staff and

More information about the position, including detailed qualifications and
responsibilities, can be found on the Editor-in-chief position description
and application links below.

Editor-in-chief Position Description
PDF File)

*Forest Science* Editor-in-chief Application
PDF File)
Application Requirements: *Qualified applicants may express interest in
this position by submitting the following materials by May 30, 2019.*

• A letter of intent detailing your experience with publishing, reviewing,
and authoring in scientific journals
• A 500–700-word statement of vision as the Editor-in-chief of *Forest
• A completed application form and CV

Please send all materials and direct all inquiries to Morgan Fincham, SAF
Senior Managing Editor, via email at morgan at safnet.org, by the posted
deadline. Selected applicants will be interviewed by the editorial search

*Rebecca T. Barnes, PhD*
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science
Environmental Studies Program
Colorado College
14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903

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PROGRESS <https://geosciencewomen.org/> Promoting Geoscience, Education,
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<https://serc.carleton.edu/advancegeo/index.html>: Empowering
geoscientists to transform workplace climate
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