[ES_JOBS_NET] Two fully-funded Ph.D. studentships in hydroclimatology at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Markonis Ioannis markonis at fzp.czu.cz
Thu Jan 3 02:23:04 MST 2019

The Hydroclimatic Variability research team of Faculty of Environmental Sciences is looking for highly-motivated students interested in the study of hydrological cycle and its extremes. Potential research specializations involve the use of remote sensing data or paleoclimatic reconstructions to quantify changes in hydroclimatic processes across multiple spatiotemporal scales.
Admitted Ph.D. students are fully supported by research and teaching assistantships during the duration of their degree.  Preference for admission is given to students with a strong undergraduate background in statistics, geosciences, and/or computing.  Students interested in the open positions are encouraged to contact Dr. Markonis with questions or to discuss potential research projects (markonis at fzp.czu.cz<mailto:markonis at fzp.czu.cz>).
Formal applications are due by April 1, 2019.  However, review of materials will begin in February and will continue until the position is filled. Further details about application and admission requirements can be found on the Faculty of Environmental Sciences’ website (https://www.fzp.czu.cz/en/r-9409-science-research/r-9533-doctoral-study).
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