[ES_JOBS_NET] Permanent computational scientist/data manager in earth system modelling and climate services, NORCE, Bergen, Norway

Mats Bentsen mben at norceresearch.no
Wed Aug 28 02:57:10 MDT 2019

Dear colleague,

There is a vacancy for a permanent full-time computational scientist/data manager at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre in earth system modelling, regional downscaling and climate services. The position will actively contribute to the project Infrastructure for Norwegian Earth System modelling (INES), the WCRP-sponsored Coordinated Regional Downscaling EXperiments (CORDEX) and bespoke climate services development.

Global earth system models and regional climate models for dynamic downscaling are producing large amounts of data. The community are already facing challenges associated with data transfer, post-processing and analysis that impacts the efficiency of the scientific workflow. With expected future increase in model resolution and complexity, these challenges will amplify. Central to this position is storage resource management, model output capability and handling, model output conversion, data sharing via the Earth System Grid Federation framework, long-term archiving, monitoring of data life cycle and data discovery. There is also wide latitude within this position to pursue solutions to the challenges listed above in ways that are aligned with the candidate’s interests, competencies and career goals. NORCE also has a desire to more fully comply with the FAIR principles for scientific data management and stewardship and we wish that this position will contribute to achieve this.

Additional details can be found at:


Application deadline is 15 September 2019. All applications must be made through the job portal using the link above.

All the best,

Mats Bentsen


NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
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