[ES_JOBS_NET] Adjunct Faculty, Natural Resources, Western Carolina University

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Mon May 21 21:20:54 MDT 2018


Classification Title:
Adjunct Faculty
Working Title:
Adjunct-Natural Resources
Western Carolina University
Job Summary:
Applications are continually invited for part time instructors in Natural Resource Conservation and Management. The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources is home to this program and commonly, but not always, has the need for part time instructors. We invite applications to be submitted for these potential openings. In general, the responsibilities are to teach lecture sections of introductory courses that are a part of the University Liberal Studies requirement. These classes typically enroll 30 to 40 students. Scheduling of classes has some flexibility. If a job position becomes open, we will contact qualified candidates about the opportunity. Applicants must have a masterâ??s degree in field of instruction; some prior teaching experience is preferred. To be considered, you must apply online. Required application materials are 1) a letter of interest, 2) a curriculum vitae, 3) graduate school transcripts (unofficial copies are okay), and 4) a list of three references (please include complete contact information).
Minimum Qualifications:
Master's degree in the teaching discipline or a master's degree with a concentration in the discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in teaching discipline).

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