[ES_JOBS_NET] postdoctoral research scientists, Climate Modeling and Analysis Group at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University

Christine Wiedinmyer christine.wiedinmyer.ucar at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 08:52:37 MDT 2018

Dear Colleagues


The Climate Modeling and Analysis Group at the Lamont Doherty Earth
Observatory, Columbia University is looking to hire a postdoctoral research
scientists to work on a on the analysis and modeling of the mechanisms of
climate variability and change in the Mediterranean region. The
qualification sought from the candidate and other information are spelled
out in the link below: 


Candidates interested in applying to this position, may use quick link:

We would appreciate if you could help us by distributing this announcement
within your institution.


Thank you, Richard Seager and Yochanan Kushnir


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