[ES_JOBS_NET] Graduate Student Assistantship in Forest Hydrology & Biogeochemistry

Courtney Siegert courtneymichelle927 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 11:44:33 MST 2018

I am seeking a highly motivated MS student to join the Forest Hydrology and
Soils Lab in the College of Forest Resources at Mississippi State
University (Starkville, MS). The student will conduct research in the
discipline of forest hydrology to answer questions regarding the cycling of
water and nutrients in southeastern forests, how this status is affected by
climatological variability, and how anthropogenic and natural disturbances
(insects, fire, etc.) affect forest health across spatial and temporal
scales. The student will participate in extensive field research in
addition to laboratory work in the Forest Hydrology and Soils Lab on
campus. The prospective student should possess enthusiasm for field work,
strong analytical and communication skills, and attention to detail. The
anticipated start date is August 2018. Financial support is available for
two years, including a stipend, tuition waiver, and health insurance.

If interested, please contact Dr. Courtney Siegert at
courtney.siegert at msstate.edu <csiegert at cfr.msstate.edu> and provide (1) a
cover letter discussing interest in the research and applicable background
experience; (2) a CV; and (3) unofficial transcripts and/or GREs. Review of
applications will begin February 20, 2017.

Further information about the Forest Hydrology and Soils Lab can be found at
 www.siegert-hydrolab.com. Details on the full application process can be
found at *http://www.grad.msstate.edu/future-students/
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