[ES_JOBS_NET] conservation-centric graduate student positions at University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Monica Papes monapapes at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 21:28:48 MDT 2017

Please post this:

A cluster of faculty from Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 
at University of Tennessee, Knoxville is starting a new research 
initiative in Conservation Science, building on a number of new faculty 
hires made in the area. As part of this initiative, the department is 
looking to recruit a cohort of excellent conservation-centric graduate 
students. Fully funded studentships will be available for students 
interested in pursuing Masters or PhD study. The details about the 
opportunity are given here: http://eeb.bio.utk.edu/con-sci-grads/

Thank you,


Monica Papes, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
mail: 569 Dabney
office: 443 Hesler
Knoxville, TN 37996
tel: 865-974-2821

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