[ES_JOBS_NET] one or more project or supporting scientist(s), GFDL

Christine Wiedinmyer christine.wiedinmyer.ucar at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 08:22:10 MDT 2017

Hi, all. At GFDL we are looking to hire one or more project or supporting
scientist(s) to support our continued development of convection-resolving
applications using the GFDL AM4 and fvGFS models, on timescales from
short-range prediction to S2S and beyond. We are looking for someone with
experience in the modeling of mesoscale and convective-scale phenomena,
which may include tropical convection, severe convective storms, orographic
and coastal phenomena, extreme precipitation events, or boundary-layer

The accepted candidate(s) will aid our group's further development of the
models, including improvement and optimization of the physics and their
coupling to the FV3 dynamical core, and to lead on the analysis,
verification, and presentation of convective-scale simulations. This role
can entail the development of prediction systems, participation in testbed
experiments (e.g. HWT and HMT), and/or basic research. A doctorate is
desirable but not necessary. 


Further details and application instructions are available at
. More information about our team is available at
https://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/fv3/ .


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