[ES_JOBS_NET] Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in GIS & Environmental Planning, University of Illinois at Springfield

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Sat Sep 16 10:50:01 MDT 2017

From:    "Ting, Tih-Fen" <TTing1 at UIS.EDU>
Subject: REPOSTING: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in GIS & Environmental
Planning, University of Illinois at Springfield

Dear Colleagues,

We are approaching the closing date (October 2) for application submissions=
 via the university's HireTouch system for the tenure-track assistant profe=
ssor position in GIS & Environmental Planning at UIS.  We strongly recommen=
d interested colleagues to apply by the closing date.  Please help us circu=
late this reminder.  Thank you very much for your attention and help!

Position Description:  Environmental Studies, an interdisciplinary departme=
nt in the College of Public Affairs and Administration at University of Ill=
inois at Springfield (UIS) seeks applications at the tenure-track ASSISTANT=
 PROFESSOR level with expertise in geographic information systems (GIS) and=
 environmental planning.  The position will begin on August 16, 2018.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in environmental planning, land use planning, =
geography, or a related field.  We expect the person for the position to te=
ach Fundamentals of GIS, Advanced GIS, Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Land=
 Use and Environmental Planning, and courses in candidate's areas of expert=
ise.  The position also directs the GIS Laboratory and requires the knowled=
ge of and proficiency in the Esri ArcGIS system structure (version 10.1 or =
higher), including ArcGIS Desktop, Enterprise Geodatabase (ArcSDE on SQL Se=
rver), ArcGIS Server (Service Oriented Architecture software design), and t=
he Web APIs to create GIS Web applications and/or other GIS solutions to su=
pport teaching and research.  Teaching load (two courses per spring and fal=
l semester) will consist of a combination of on-campus and online courses a=
t both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  The position will also perfo=
rm academic advising, direct graduate research, and conduct research in her=
/his specialization.  Applicants should have a desire for excellence in tea=

At UIS there are immediate opportunities, and expectations, to develop a se=
rvice portfolio at the department, college, and campus levels.  Research op=
portunities exist not only through collaboration with other Environmental S=
tudies faculty, but with active peers in other departments that share inter=
ests in environmental issues, as well as with the resources afforded UIS du=
e to our position in the state capital.

Campus Information:  Located in the state capital, the University of Illino=
is Springfield is one of three campuses of the University of Illinois syste=
m.  The University serves approximately 5,400 students in 31 undergraduate =
and 21 graduate programs.  The academic curriculum of the campus emphasizes=
 a strong liberal arts core, an array of professional programs, extensive o=
pportunities in experiential education, and a broad engagement in public af=
fairs issues of the day.  Making the most of its location in the state capi=
tal, UIS is broadly engaged in public policy and service.  Its diverse stud=
ent body includes traditional, non-traditional, and international students.=
  Twenty-five percent of majors are in 17 undergraduate and graduate online=
 degree programs, and the campus has received several national awards for i=
ts implementation of online learning.  UIS faculty members are committed te=
achers, active scholars, and engaged professionals in service to society.  =
You are encouraged to visit the campus web page at http://www.uis.edu and t=
he department web page at uis.edu/environmentalstudies/.

Application Steps:  Applications must be submitted online at https://jobs.u=
is.edu/job-board.  Navigate to the Faculty category.  Create or update your=
 profile, complete the online application, and upload (PDF format) a letter=
 of application, statement of teaching philosophy and research interests, v=
itae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial acceptable), and t=
he names and contact information of at least three references.  Only those =
applicants who complete the online application and upload all required mate=
rials by the application deadline will be considered; incomplete applicatio=
ns will not be evaluated.  Review of applications will begin October 3, 201=
7, and continue until the position is filled.

The University of Illinois conducts background checks on all job candidates=
 upon acceptance of a contingent offer of employment.  Background checks wi=
ll be performed in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

UIS is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong insti=
tutional commitment to recruitment and retention of a diverse and inclusive=
 campus community.  Women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilit=
ies are encouraged to apply.

Tih-Fen Ting, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental Studies
University of Illinois at Springfield
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 206-7876
tting1 at uis.edu<mailto:tting1 at uis.edu>
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