[ES_JOBS_NET] Funded Ph.D. student Positions (University of Maryland)

Xin Zhang xzhang at al.umces.edu
Mon Nov 20 09:39:36 MST 2017

Two funded PhD student positions are available at University of Maryland Center for 
Environmental Science Appalachian Lab. One position focuses on the application of statistical analysis in agricultural production and food security, while the other focuses on biogeochemistry and modeling. Please find details about those positions in the following links. 

https://www.umces.edu/content/phd-level-graduate-student-environmental-statistics <https://www.umces.edu/content/phd-level-graduate-student-environmental-statistics>
https://www.umces.edu/content/phd-position-u-maryland-food-and-environment <https://www.umces.edu/content/phd-position-u-maryland-food-and-environment> 

Review of applications will start from Dec. 10, 2017 and continue until qualified candidates are found.

Thanks for sharing this information!
Best regards, 
Xin Zhang, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Appalachian Laboratory
301 Braddock Rd., Frostburg, MD 21532
Tel: 301-689-7201
E-mail: xin.zhang at umces.edu <mailto:xin.zhang at umces.edu>
Website: http://greeningxin.com/ <http://greeningxin.com/>
A recent Nature article: http://rdcu.be/p69H <http://rdcu.be/p69H>   

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