[ES_JOBS_NET] Funded Ph.D. position in the Hydrological Science Program at University of Nevada, Reno

Stephanie A McAfee smcafee at unr.edu
Fri Dec 15 10:57:39 MST 2017

The Graduate Program in Hydrological Sciences at the University of Nevada, Reno is inviting applications for a Ph.D. student interested in exploring links between climate change, snow, stream conditions and salmon habitat in Alaska.
The student will have the opportunity to shape their research questions within this area, while gaining experience in the application of climate data to resource-management questions, geostatistical modeling, and co-production approaches to developing useable science.
The ideal candidate would have an interest in working with managers, as well as some background in statistics and programming in R, Python, or Matlab.
Funding would be provided through a teaching assistantship, paying $19,000 per year, plus tuition waivers and health insurance.
The application deadline is January 15, 2018.
For more information, please contact Dr. Steph McAfee (smcafee at unr.edu<mailto:smcafee at unr.edu>) and check out the program webpage http://www.hydro.unr.edu/

Stephanie McAfee
Assistant Professor
Deputy State Climatologist
Dept. of Geography
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89557
smcafee at unr.edu<mailto:smcafee at unr.edu>

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