[ES_JOBS_NET] Fwd: [everyone] *** New Vacancies at ECMWF ***

Anna Ghelli anna.ghelli at ecmwf.int
Wed Aug 2 14:24:59 MDT 2017

please find the latest vacancies at ECMWF: 

The following vacancies have been published on our jobs pages today: 

Scientist - CO2 Human Emissions Project (Assimilation and Integration) 

Ref.: VN17-10 
Grade: A2 
Category: STF-PS 
Closing date: 13 September 2017 

Scientist - CO2 Human Emissions Project (Modelling and Mapping) 

Ref.: VN17-11 
Grade: A2 
Category: STF-PS 
Closing date: 13 September 2017 

Scientist - Atmospheric Composition 

Ref.: VN17-12 

Grade: A2 

Category: STF-PS 

New closing date: 15 September 2017 

Please share these within your professional networks. 

For more inform at ion and to apply on line, please visit the jobs pages on our website: 


Kind regards, 

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