[ES_JOBS_NET] Environmental Science Education - Asst/Assoc tenure track faculty position

kristen kaczynski kristen.kaczynski at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 21:28:36 MDT 2016

The Science Education Dept at California State University Chico is hiring
an Environmental Science Education tenure track faculty position.  Review
of applications will begin on *November 21* and will continue until the
position is filled.
For more information, please visit http://jobs.csuchico.edu/postings/3942

The Department of Science Education, in the College of Natural Sciences at
California State University is searching for a tenure track assistant or
associate professor to start August 2017. The position is contingent on

California State University, Chico is seeking faculty who are competent in
their field, collaborative with colleagues and staff, and committed to
student success. Position is contingent on funding.

*Minimum Education and Experience:*
The minimum education requirement for appointment to this position is a
Ph.D. or Ed.D. in Science Education with a Masters in Environmental
Science, or a Ph.D. in Environmental Science with an emphasis in
environmental science education research. Candidates nearing completion of
the doctorate may be considered; however, the doctorate must be complete
prior to the beginning of the academic year August 2017.

*Additional Requirements and Responsibilities for this position:*
This tenure-track position carries responsibilities in the areas of
teaching environmental science to future elementary school teachers and
middle and high school science teachers, scholarship including research
publications, conference presentations and research grants, and service
through student advising, department, college and university committee
assignments and community outreach.

*Recruitment Preferences:*
K-12 teaching experience, elementary, middle or high school teaching
credential, experience in teaching science content to pre-service teachers.

*Direct job-related questions to:*

*Dr. Julie Monet, Search Committee ChairDepartment of Science Education -
California State University, ChicoChico, CA
95929-0535530-898-4599SCED at csuchico.edu <SCED at csuchico.edu>*
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