[ES_JOBS_NET] NCAR Scientist position: Ocean modeling

Matthew Long mclong at ucar.edu
Wed Oct 19 15:35:29 MDT 2016

An ocean modeling Scientist position with 12 month base salary support is
open in the Climate and Global Dynamics (CGD) Laboratory of the National
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. This position
comes with associated software engineering and project scientist support,
as well as a share of CGD administrative and computing resources. The
specific responsibilities associated with the position are: to conduct
original, independent and collaborative research in ocean model development
with a particular focus on computational methods and interfacing resolved
scale dynamics (ocean dynamical cores) with physical parameterizations
across a range of resolutions; to lead and facilitate collaborative
research on the incorporation of new ocean dynamical cores within the
Community Earth System Model (CESM) framework; and to communicate
scientific results through both publications in scientific journals and
presentations at national and international scientific meetings. These
activities will address high-priority technical requirements and are to be
coordinated with ocean modeling partners, the CESM Ocean Modeling Working
Group (OMWG) and university contributors. The successful candidate will
work in collaboration with newly hired Project Scientists and Software
Engineers, and existing members of the Oceanography Section of CGD to
further these partnerships.

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